Letter: P
Paid Personal Emergency Leave Now Act, 2021 (Bill 247)
- first reading
- Coteau, 11310
- second reading, 12951–12957, 12982
- first reading
Pain management
- access to
- Bisson, 5812
- OHIP coverage. see under Ontario Health Insurance Plan (OHIP)—service coverage
- access to
Palliative care
- access to
- advance care planning
- and COVID-19
- Hatfield, 9103
- data collection
- Gélinas, 10968
- definition
- Gélinas, 10968
- general remarks
- government funding
- hospice-based care
- in Indigenous communities. see under Indigenous communities - health
- in northern Ontario
- physician recruitment
- Gélinas, 10968
- providers
- Harris, 5387
- provincial framework
- public consultation
- Oosterhoff, 10965–10966
- settings
- Fraser, 10972–10973
- staff compensation
- staff training
- Gélinas, 10968
- underserved populations
- Gélinas, 10968
Palliative care beds
Palliative care facilities
- beds, new
- clinical costs
- community-based
- Oosterhoff, 6520–6521
- Durham
- Park, 6787–6788
- general remarks
- government funding
- new
- Nipissing Serenity Hospice
- Fedeli, 884
- Northumberland
- Piccini, 4719
- operational funding
- Miller, N., 7153
- Ottawa
- Fraser, 5121
- Vaughan
- Lecce, 10971
- Waterloo region
- Harris, 1187
- Windsor—Tecumseh
- Hatfield, 10228
Palliative care facilities by site
Palliative care - pediatric
Paper mills
- Kimberly-Clark
- Miller, N., 13526
- Kimberly-Clark
Paperback and Periodical Distributors Act, R.S.O. 1990, c. P.1
- repeal of
- Kusendova, 6759
- repeal of
see also Ambulance services; Emergency first responders- community paramedicine
- Bailey, 11295
- Bethlenfalvy, 12199, 12321, 12784
- Bouma, 10533, 10767, 12546
- Fullerton, 9813–9814, 10294–10295
- Harris, 11382
- Kusendova, 12287–12288
- Martow, 10294
- Miller, N., 11623
- Miller, P., 6366
- Nicholls, 12505
- Oosterhoff, 12894
- Pang, 10446
- Piccini, 11175–11176, 12827–12828
- Triantafilopoulos, 12512
- scope of practice
- Piccini, 12827–12828
- Sikh
- community paramedicine
Paris Galt moraine.
see also Oak Ridges moraineParis Galt Moraine Conservation Act, 2019 (Bill 71)
- and COVID-19
- Khanjin, 10817–10818
- government funding
- Niagara Parks Commission
- public consultation requirements
- Hunter, 11186
- Rouge National Urban Park
- Royal Botanical Gardens (Burlington)
- government funding
- McKenna, 5644
- government funding
- and COVID-19
Parliamentary Budget Officer
Parliamentary history
Parliamentary privilege
Parliamentary system
Parliamentary systems
Parya Trillium Foundation Act (Tax Relief), 2021 (Bill Pr37)
Patient and Family Advisory Council
Patient Ombudsman
Pawnbrokers Act,
R.S.O. 1990, c. P.6
Pay equity
Pay equity by industry
Pay equity - gender wage gap
Pay Transparency Act, 2018,
S.O. 2018, c. 5
- enactment
- Hunter, 7036
- enactment
Pay Transparency Act, 2018,
S.O. 2018, c. 5
Payday loans
Payday Loans Accountability Act, 2020 (Bill 234)
Peel District School Board (PDSB)
- anti-Black racism investigation
- board response
- general remarks
- members
- report
- anti-Black racism investigation
Peel region
Peel Region
- provincial transfer payments
- Singh, G., 5116
- provincial transfer payments
Pension plan administration
Pension plans
- electronic communication, impact on senior citizens
- Andrew, 5930
- electronic communication, impact on senior citizens
Persian community
- general remarks
- Ghamari, 14056–14057
- Parsa, 14053–14055
- Singh, G., 14055–14056
- general remarks
Persian Heritage Month Act, 2021 (Bill 271)
- first reading
- Parsa, 12358–12359
- second reading, 12717–12722
- referred to Standing Committee on Regulations and Private Bills, 12722
- third reading, 14053–14057
- Ghamari, 14056–14057
- Parsa, 14053–14055
- Singh, G., 14055–14056
- Royal assent, 14080
- first reading
Personal care industry - COVID-19
Personal documentation
Personal health information
Personal health information - electronic
Personal identification documents
- fees
- reduction of
- Thanigasalam, 12079
- removal of
- Berns-McGown, 12079–12080
- Monteith-Farrell, 12077–12078, 12082
- Morrison, 12081–12082
- waiver program
- Anand, 12080
- reduction of
- and gender
- Anand, 12081
- indigenous persons
- Mamakwa, 12081
- obstacles to obtaining
- Monteith-Farrell, 12078–12079
- fees
Personal information
Personal information - financial
Personal injury
- slip-and-fall injuries. see also Personal injury - slip-and-fall lawsuits
- Singh, S., 5614
- slip-and-fall injuries. see also Personal injury - slip-and-fall lawsuits
Personal injury - slip-and-fall lawsuits
- delivery of notice
- general remarks
- statute of limitations
- Burch, 10992–10994
- Crawford, 10991–10992
- Fraser, 10991
- Martow, 10995
- Miller, N., 10985–10988
- West, 10988–10989
- exceptions
- on municipally managed property
- on private property
Personal property securities
Personal protective equipment (PPE)
- accessibility
- lip-reading masks
- Cuzzetto, 10163–10164
- lip-reading masks
- and accessibility
- lip-reading masks
- Cuzzetto, 10098
- lip-reading masks
- for essential workers
- Triantafilopoulos, 10474
- expiration of
- government funding
- hand sanitizer
- manufacturing regulations
- Hatfield, 12772
- manufacturing regulations
- local manufacture of
- government funding
- McDonell, 9250
- government funding
- manufacturing regulations
- Hatfield, 12773
- for medically fragile persons
- Taylor, 8066
- Ontario Together Fund
- Ontario Together web portal
- procurement
- procurement of
- production
- Calandra, 8590, 9259
- Cho, S., 8090
- Cuzzetto, 8552
- Downey, 9895
- Elliott, 7833, 7881, 8894
- Fedeli, 8383, 9063
- Ford, 7806–7807, 8090, 8377, 8552, 8748
- French, 8031, 8802
- Gill, 8026
- Harris, 7806–7807, 8300
- Jones, 7817, 8017, 8248, 8562
- Khanjin, 7933, 8375–8376, 9762–9763
- Kramp, 8383
- McKenna, 13100
- Piccini, 7875, 11412–11413
- Roberts, 9063
- Singh, S., 7773
- Smith, D., 8295
- Thompson, 8800, 8802
- Triantafilopoulos, 7858
- in Ontario
- Ontario Together Fund
- production contracts
- Fife, 11962
- public access to
- safety of
- small business PPE grant. see under Business - main street recovery plan
- storage and delivery
- Skelly, 7826
- supply
- surgery supply requirements
- French, 8030
- tax credit for
- Smith, D., F1790
- use recommendations
- Elliott, 7661
- worker access to, also see under specific workplace
- Andrew, 7811
- Armstrong, 7959
- Blais, 7812
- Collard, 7810
- Elliott, 7660–7661, 7807, 7809–7811, 7834, 7897–7898, 7947, 8894
- Fraser, 7776–7777
- French, 8030–8031, 8802
- Gates, 7881
- Gélinas, 7660–7661, 7833–7834
- Gretzky, 8318
- Horwath, 7806–7807, 7842, 7877–7878
- Lindo, 8894
- Oosterhoff, 9267
- Sattler, 7818–7819, 7889, 7955
- Singh, S., 7897–7898
- Stiles, 7811
- Thompson, 8802
- Yarde, 7850
- not-for-profit corporations
- Sattler, 9195
- Workplace PPE Supplier Directory
- accessibility
Personal services
Personal support workers (PSWs)
- appreciation
- Elliott, 13615–13616
- Fraser, 13617
- Harden, 13616–13617
- Schreiner, 13618
- clinical integration
- Elliott, 13854
- Martin, 13142, 13244, 13888–13889
- Pang, 13174
- collective bargaining practices
- Harden, 7359
- compensation
- Schreiner, 13618
- general remarks
- increase
- pandemic pay
- Armstrong, 11446
- Calandra, 10956
- Elliott, 10641, 11342, 11851, 13615, 13767
- Ford, 11569
- Fraser, 11851
- Fullerton, 10950, 11458
- Gélinas, 10533, 10641
- Horwath, 11341–11342
- Karpoche, 11393
- Nicholls, 12506
- Piccini, 11360
- Singh, S., 11342, 11458
- Stevens, 9650
- Triantafilopoulos, 10474
- West, 10528, 10758, 10956
- Yarde, 12322
- standardized
- Fraser, 11852
- working conditions
- West, 13972–13973
- and COVID-19
- demographics
- employment models
- full-time equivalence
- general remarks
- Burch, 13230
- Gates, 13880
- Gélinas, 13165–13166
- family relations
- French, 13248
- Rasheed, 13247–13248
- general remarks
- government funding
- and homelessness
- Sattler, 13244
- occupational health and safety
- patient-staff continuity
- Gélinas, 13868
- recruitment
- Armstrong, 13288–13289
- Bethlenfalvy, 12199
- Calandra, 13534, 13662, 13848
- Elliott, 13615–13616
- Ford, 11569, 13314
- French, 12420
- Fullerton, 11458, 11682, 13203–13204
- Gates, 12436–12437, 13445
- Khanjin, 12446
- Nicholls, 12504–12505
- Parsa, 12363
- Singh, S., 11458
- Skelly, 11166
- retention rate
- role of
- shortage
- title use
- training
- unionized
- collective agreements
- complaints investigations
- Gélinas, 13867
- complaints investigations
- collective agreements
- whistleblower protection
- Andrew, 13875
- Gélinas, 13866–13867
- working conditions
- Andrew, 8444, 9805
- Armstrong, 1868, 3030, 8435, 10107
- Berns-McGown, 8447
- Bourgouin, 12305
- Elliott, 13767–13768
- Fife, 6889
- Fraser, 13617–13618
- Gates, 12436–12437
- Gélinas, 7168, 7859–7860, 8449, 8462, 9710, 9803, 11070, 12366
- Harden, 8449, 13617
- Hatfield, 10950–10951
- Horwath, 7207, 9797, 9801
- Karpoche, 8456
- Kusendova, 8447
- Martin, 8408–8409, 8462
- Mitas, 8444
- Sattler, 7879, 7953, 12341
- Schreiner, 8462, 13317, 13618
- Simard, 12138
- Stiles, 8473
- general remarks
- job security
- Singh, S., 13816
- negotiation of
- Martin, 13888
- appreciation
Personal support workers (PSWs) - compensation
- benefits and other compensation
- general remarks
- Armstrong, 7329
- Bisson, 7594
- Bourgouin, 13173
- Fife, 7326
- Fraser, 7343–7345, 12305
- French, 13244
- Gates, 7338, 7474–7476, 7589
- Gélinas, 7341, 7343, 8460
- Glover, 13213
- Harden, 7358, 8460
- Hatfield, 13235
- Karpoche, 8045
- Kernaghan, 7470, 13002
- Sattler, 13244
- Skelly, 7339
- Stevens, 7470
- Tabuns, 13241
- Taylor, 8066
- Triantafilopoulos, 7338–7339
- pandemic pay
- for travel
- wage enhancement
- extension
- general remarks
- termination date
- wage floor
- wage review commission
- West, 12385
- wages
- Bisson, 8021, 9932
- Burch, 13221
- Calandra, 14154
- Fraser, 7857, 12389–12390, 13884
- French, 13243, 13245
- Gates, 13879
- Gélinas, 12391, 13166–13167
- Glover, 13214
- Hassan, 13881
- Karpoche, 12389, 13179
- Kernaghan, 13142
- Morrison, 13247
- Rakocevic, 12387–12388
- Sattler, 7879, 7953, 12809–12810
- Schreiner, 8946, 12390, 13877
- Singh, S., 14154
- Stevens, 12390
- Vanthof, 7868
- West, 12385–12387
Personal support workers (PSWs) - education and training.
see also under Health and Supportive Care Providers Oversight Authority- accelerated training program
- Thanigasalam, 13237
- career development
- Elliott, 8946
- delivery models
- Park, 11408–11409
- general remarks
- Andrew, 13873
- government funding
- government strategy
- Piccini, 13257
- micro-credentialing
- Piccini, 11413
- professional development
- standards development. see under Health and Supportive Care Providers Oversight Authority
- training standards
- French, 13243
- tuition supports
- accelerated training program
Personal support workers (PSWs) - recruitment and retention
- attrition rates
- Gélinas, 13864
- general remarks
- Armstrong, 8412–8413
- Bisson, 7593
- Burch, 13221
- Calandra, 14154
- Elliott, 8946
- Fee, 7589
- Fife, 7589
- Fullerton, 9111
- Gates, 13880
- Gélinas, 3444–3445, 8447, 13144–13145, 13165–13166, 13864, 13866–13867
- Glover, 13214–13215
- Hassan, 13876, 13885, 13888–13889
- Hunter, 12172
- Kanapathi, 12303
- Karpoche, 13178, 13180, 13870–13871
- Kernaghan, 13142, 13184
- Kusendova, 8466
- Lindo, 7361
- Martin, 7586, 8413, 13860
- Pang, 8466
- Park, 13183–13184
- Parsa, 7586
- Rasheed, 13248
- Sattler, 12809
- Schreiner, 12306, 13877
- Skelly, 7359
- Taylor, 7467
- Triantafilopoulos, 12172
- Wai, 7359
- Yarde, 7588
- government funding
- in other jurisdictions
- retention rates
- Tabuns, 13241
- role of compensation
- role of job security
- shortage
- Bourgouin, 3597
- Elliott, 1272
- Horwath, 11402
- Vanthof, 8767
- West, 12385–12386
- attrition rates
Personal support workers (PSWs) - regulation of
- general remarks
- Crawford, 13244–13245
- Elliott, 13136, 13854
- Fraser, 13258, 13882–13884
- French, 13239–13240, 13243–13245
- Gates, 13879–13880
- Hassan, 13885–13886, 13888
- Kanapathi, 13883
- Karpoche, 13872
- Khanjin, 13881, 13888
- Kusendova, 13223–13224, 13860
- Martin, 13138, 13140, 13235, 13239, 13241, 13245, 13248, 13856–13858, 13872, 13877, 13881
- McKenna, 13231
- Park, 13182–13183, 13185
- Rasheed, 13246–13248
- Shaw, 13228
- Tangri, 13258
- Thanigasalam, 13239
- stakeholder response, 13872
- Michener Institute report
- Fraser, 13882–13883
- in other jurisdictions
- regulatory body. see Health and Supportive Care Providers Oversight Authority
- stakeholder consultation
- stakeholder response. see under Health and Supportive Care Providers Oversight Authority
- general remarks
Persons with developmental disabilities
Persons with disabilities
- accessibility. see Accessibility for persons with disabilities
- advocacy
- Harden, 5374
- community centres
- and COVID-19
- employment. see also Businesses—accessibility
- Armstrong, 5377
- Cho, R.S.J., 1689, 4260, 4287, 5276, 5375, 10519–10520, 11010
- Cuzzetto, 5376
- Fraser, 10521
- Glover, 5376
- Harden, 1690–1691, 10520–10521, 12918–12919
- Schreiner, 10521
- employment support
- episodic disabilities
- Harden, 5374
- equity
- Fraser, 10997
- government strategy
- human rights framework
- Des Rosiers, 2777
- mental health services
- Ghamari, 11382
- and minimum wage
- Fife, 1968–1969
- services
- services, funding
Persons with disabilities - children
Pesticides Act, R.S.O. 1990, c. P.11
- amendments to
- Rakocevic, 5927–5928
- amendments to
Pet ownership
- animal locator systems
- Martow, 6111
- bans on. see Animal welfare offences - penalties—prohibition orders
- breed-specific legislation
- cosmetic altering. see under Animal welfare
- dogs on food premises
- general remarks
- Crawford, 5496
- interviews for prospective owners
- social impact
- species restrictions
- veterinary care
- cost of
- Sattler, 6075
- cost of
- animal locator systems
Pet stores
- sale of pets, restrictions
- Martow, 3543
- sale of pets, restrictions
Peter Kormos Memorial Act (Trillium Gift of Life Network Amendment), 2019 (Bill 91)
- first reading
- Gélinas, 3933
- first reading
Peterborough Police Service
- Women in Policing Symposium (2019)
- Jones, 3771–3772
- Women in Policing Symposium (2019)
- Abortion images
- Kernaghan, 10043–10044, 10865, 11861
- Sattler, 11984–11985
- Abuse awareness and prevention
- Access to justice
- Access to personal health records
- Accident benefits
- Addiction services
- Adoption disclosure
- Taylor, 7622
- Affordable housing
- Anand, 13851
- Andrew, 3936, 4459, 6669, 6790, 7171–7172, 8829, 9226, 9733, 11221–11222
- Armstrong, 2645–2646, 2694, 6284–6285, 6373, 6525, 6669, 6671, 7494
- Begum, 11222
- Bell, 4630, 5526
- Berns-McGown, 6791, 10644
- Crawford, 13850
- Cuzzetto, 14000
- Fife, 3190
- French, 849
- Gates, 1285–1286
- Harden, 1091, 8335
- Hassan, 819, 1126, 3769, 4136, 4724, 4766, 4927, 6286, 8388–8389, 8672, 10304–10305
- Hatfield, 1241, 9174
- Karpoche, 3189–3190, 4088, 4412, 9124, 11582
- Lindo, 2696
- Mantha, 14204
- Martin, 13851
- Martow, 3537, 5323
- Morrison, 892–893
- Sattler, 4273, 6068, 7045–7046, 7318
- Shaw, 3188–3189
- Singh, S., 2527–2528
- Taylor, 10575
- Agri-food industry
- Air and water quality
- Gill, 5914
- Air quality
- Ghamari, 183
- Alzheimer's disease
- Animal protection
- Barrett, 2782, 2822, 3253, 3573, 3677
- Berns-McGown, 1194–1195, 3537–3538, 3935
- Bouma, 3434, 4272–4273
- Fee, 4273
- Hogarth, 1089–1090, 1496–1497, 1692, 1896, 2104–2105, 2323, 2527, 2744, 2895, 3349–3350, 3536–3537, 6230, 6475, 6524
- Hoggarth, 1285
- Hunter, 11261–11262, 14094
- Karahalios, 4674
- Karpoche, 3835
- Ke, 4274–4275
- Martow, 1645, 4136–4137
- Nicholls, 3385
- Pettapiece, 3385–3386, 3573–3574, 3770
- Piccini, 3888
- Rakocevic, 3934
- Skelly, 2894
- Stiles, 6065–6066, 11522–11523
- Tangri, 4274
- Anti-racism activities
- Anti-smoking initiatives
- Gélinas, 12099
- Anti-smoking initiatives for youth
- Armstrong, 10644–10645
- Gélinas, 141, 242, 382, 9425, 9625–9626, 11014, 11142–11143, 11220, 11691, 11985, 12361, 12612–12613, 12665, 13163–13164
- Sattler, 8335, 10140
- Anti-vaping initiatives
- Gélinas, 13044
- Anti-vaping initiatives for youth
- Arts and cultural funding
- Assistive devices
- Autism treatment
- Armstrong, 5079, 5125, 5280–5281, 13929
- Arthur, 3572–3573, 4175, 4629
- Bell, 5078
- Berns-McGown, 3135, 4045, 4316–4317
- Burch, 4874–4875
- Fife, 3433, 3575, 5227, 11144
- French, 3432, 14206
- Gélinas, 3770–3771, 4459–4460, 4504, 4819, 5126, 5474, 6790, 6941, 7673, 9226–9227, 9361, 9626, 10463
- Hassan, 3349, 3890–3891, 8827, 10688
- Hatfield, 3572, 3889–3890, 9514–9515
- Hunter, 3087–3088
- Karpoche, 3435, 3485, 3536, 3890, 9697–9698, 10573, 11581
- Kernaghan, 4044, 7672, 14001
- Lindo, 3771
- Mantha, 4272
- Rakocevic, 3434–3435, 3538
- Sattler, 9359
- Singh, S., 3536, 3936, 4726, 6231
- Stevens, 4875
- Stiles, 3254
- Taylor, 3036, 3351, 3620–3621, 3889, 4043, 6994–6995, 7172, 7439–7440, 13929–13930, 14000–14001, 14079, 14205
- West, 3483, 3889, 4460, 5526, 12664–12665, 13044
- Automated external defibrillators
- Martin, 7621–7622
- Automobile insurance
- Baitfish industry
- Beer and wine sales
- Martow, 4503–4504
- Beverage alcohol sales
- Crawford, 5475
- Broadband infrastructure
- Campus radio stations
- Caregivers
- Harden, 11736–11737, 12908, 13278–13279, 13619
- Celiac disease
- Child advocate
- Child care
- Child care workers
- Andrew, 3301, 6669–6670
- Armstrong, 3386, 3622, 4820
- Begum, 3254, 3351–3352, 3623, 3834
- Bell, 3253
- Berns-McGown, 3038, 3349, 3835
- Fife, 3255
- Harden, 3301
- Hatfield, 3482
- Karpoche, 3253, 3303, 3484, 4240
- Kernaghan, 3255
- Monteith-Farrell, 3350
- Morrison, 3252
- Sattler, 3137, 3351
- Singh, S., 3302–3303
- Stiles, 3302
- Taylor, 3386
- West, 3386, 3484, 4315
- Climate change
- Andrew, 4985
- Arthur, 5569–5570
- Bell, 1897, 3574, 5714–5715, 8560, 9172
- Collard, 9273
- Des Rosiers, 1736, 1896, 1933, 2784, 4983–4984
- Fraser, 9225
- Hassan, 5852, 6882, 10645
- Hunter, 6068
- Karpoche, 4985, 9517, 10574
- Mantha, 9470
- Miller, N., 6585–6586
- Rakocevic, 6792
- Schreiner, 1602, 4984, 9320–9321
- Tabuns, 9272–9273
- Community hub
- Barrett, 6791
- Community planning
- Babikian, 10394, 10461–10462, 10522, 10573, 10643, 10687, 10785–10786, 10865
- Barrett, 10396
- Nicholls, 10394–10395
- Pang, 10463
- Wai, 10462–10463
- Conservation authorities
- Begum, 11143
- Berns-McGown, 11101–11102
- Hatfield, 11102–11103
- Rakocevic, 11736
- Sattler, 10241, 10523, 10573, 12299, 12476
- Schreiner, 11103
- Consumer protection
- Correctional services
- French, 786–787
- COVID-19 response
- Curriculum
- Andrew, 1126
- Armstrong, 1287, 1694, 1932, 2784
- Barrett, 1532
- Burch, 2429
- Fife, 24, 343–344, 484, 1241, 1391
- Gélinas, 787, 849–850, 937, 1039–1040, 1392, 5477
- Harden, 241, 686
- Hatfield, 849
- Hillier, 1390
- Karpoche, 24, 184, 241, 344, 1089, 1125–1126, 1193, 1286–1287
- Kernaghan, 820, 2432, 4411, 5567–5568
- Lalonde, 2430
- Lindo, 787–788, 935–936, 1038, 1192, 1390–1392, 2477
- Martin, 9731
- Morrison, 304–305, 1444–1445, 2580–2581
- Natyshak, 1241–1242
- Pang, 6626
- Sattler, 23, 140
- Schreiner, 848, 935, 1089, 1240, 1848–1849
- Singh, S., 5567
- Smith, D., 9730
- Stiles, 240, 304–305, 342, 417, 647, 818, 892, 2268, 5323, 5566–5567
- Taylor, 818–819, 1533
- Yarde, 419
- Dairy industry
- Monteith-Farrell, 5768
- Daylight saving time
- Martin, 9919
- Dental care
- Martow, 6285
- Diabetes treatment
- Diagnostic services
- Gélinas, 2784
- Discrimination
- Des Rosiers, 1240
- Dog ownership
- Dog park
- Piccini, 14204
- Driver education
- Driver examination centres
- Mantha, 10178–10179, 11737, 12359
- Eating disorders
- Economic recovery
- Economic reopening and recovery
- Education
- Education funding
- Andrew, 4566, 5651, 5915, 6133, 9322
- Armstrong, 7672, 9273–9274
- Arthur, 7100
- Begum, 5325, 7381
- Bell, 4819, 5280, 5914, 6791, 7725
- Berns-McGown, 3833, 4925–4926, 6229–6230, 6372, 6670, 6880, 6940–6941
- Bourgouin, 10306
- Burch, 4086, 6670, 9070–9072, 10305–10306
- Fife, 4631, 5078–5079
- French, 13720
- Gélinas, 6996, 9424, 9623, 10393, 11985
- Glover, 4566, 4983, 10306
- Gretzky, 4875–4876
- Harden, 4087, 4925
- Hassan, 4316, 4503, 4564, 6792, 7561
- Hatfield, 7045, 9322, 9359–9360
- Hunter, 4505
- Kanapathi, 9732–9733
- Karpoche, 3833, 4044, 4174, 4342, 4409, 4565, 5278–5279, 8898, 9321, 11786
- Ke, 9732
- Kernaghan, 4409, 4927–4928, 6625–6626, 7223, 9273
- Lindo, 6285
- Mamakwa, 13721
- Mantha, 12149–12150
- Miller, P., 5475–5476
- Monteith-Farrell, 4565, 6373
- Morrison, 3832–3833, 4768, 5227, 7221, 8958
- Rakocevic, 3834, 4242–4243, 4316, 4410, 4505, 4630, 4817, 4819, 5080, 5476, 6132, 6185, 6372, 6475–6476, 7558, 7622–7623, 13778
- Sattler, 7170, 9274
- Schreiner, 4504, 5526
- Singh, S., 4506, 7726
- Stevens, 7559–7560
- Stiles, 2213, 4086, 4875, 5123, 5279, 5475, 5527, 6286, 6995, 7222, 7559, 7672, 8431, 9070, 9072, 9273, 9275, 10304, 10394, 10643, 11102, 11104, 11522, 11925, 11983–11986, 12147, 12149, 12419, 12909, 13368–13369, 13720–13722
- Tabuns, 7493
- Vanthof, 5476
- West, 4926–4927, 7259, 10522, 10688
- e-Learning
- Rakocevic, 5370
- Electricity supply
- Emergency management oversight
- Emergency services
- Employment standards
- Andrew, 819, 1009–1010, 1194, 1497, 1601, 1691–1692, 1803, 1848, 2055, 2105, 2267, 2324, 2475–2476, 2643–2644
- Arthur, 1602, 2215, 2360–2361
- Begum, 1338, 1498, 2323–2324
- Bell, 305, 1445, 1647, 2150, 2431–2432
- Berns-McGown, 2431
- Burch, 2269–2270, 2325
- Gélinas, 24–25
- Ghamari, 417–418
- Glover, 306, 2697
- Harden, 1896, 2359, 2430
- Hassan, 1337, 1496, 1532, 1692, 1735–1736, 1800–1801, 1895, 2106, 2322–2323, 2526, 3537
- Karpoche, 304, 342, 382–383, 1039, 1091, 1127, 1285, 1336–1337, 1498, 1601, 1693, 1801, 1849, 1897, 1932, 2001, 2054, 2429, 3835–3836, 9122
- Lindo, 1802
- Morrison, 306, 1934
- Rakocevic, 1934, 2002–2003, 2106–2107
- Sattler, 11260–11261
- Singh, S., 647, 686–687, 747, 786, 1498–1499, 1532–1533, 1646, 1849–1850, 2528–2529, 3678
- Smith, D., 11690
- Stiles, 305–306, 785, 1010, 1390, 1497, 2053, 2104, 2215, 2361
- Vanthof, 14000
- West, 1126, 1801–1802, 2149, 2431, 12665
- Yarde, 343, 535–536, 687, 1337–1338
- Endangered species
- Wynne, 6523
- Energy policies
- Environmental protection
- Epilepsy
- Equal opportunity
- Falstaff community
- Hassan, 8956–8957
- Family law
- Firearms control
- Fish and wildlife management
- Anand, 3538
- Babikian, 7046
- Bailey, 5280
- Barrett, 3384, 3936
- Bouma, 2580, 3621, 3769, 4044–4045, 4241–4242, 4342, 6068, 6625
- Crawford, 3189
- Dunlop, 3188, 3350, 3974–3975
- Fee, 5123, 5324
- Ghamari, 4242, 6134, 6373, 7620, 8123, 9019–9020
- Harris, 2983, 3254–3255, 3349, 3536, 3935, 3975, 4243, 4505–4506, 4925–4926, 5279, 5371–5372, 6426, 6624–6625, 7838, 10088–10089, 10926–10927, 11261, 13722, 14093
- Karahalios, 4087, 4874
- Ke, 3890
- Khanjin, 13722
- Kramp, 13721
- McDonell, 5281
- Miller, N., 2946, 3036–3037, 3134, 3252–3253, 3622
- Oosterhoff, 5280, 6425, 12908
- Pettapiece, 12909
- Romano, 3482, 4676
- Skelly, 11262
- Smith, D., 2893, 2984, 3037, 3134–3135, 3253–3254, 3433, 3934, 4136, 5279, 5850, 5967–5968, 6132, 6425, 6624, 7561, 10241–10242, 11464, 11925–11926
- Food safety
- Barrett, 5715
- Bouma, 7558–7559
- Cho, S., 5801
- Coe, 6792–6793
- Gill, 7045
- Hogarth, 5800, 6668
- Karahalios, 5799–5800, 5851, 6232, 6941–6942
- Kusendova, 6231
- Martin, 5769, 5916–5917, 6231
- Nicholls, 6727
- Pang, 5968–5969
- Park, 5649–5650, 5800, 6230
- Pettapiece, 7044–7045
- Skelly, 5851
- Smith, D., 6726, 6940, 8124
- Tangri, 5915–5916, 6476, 7169–7170
- Wai, 5916
- French-language services
- Front-line workers
- Full-day kindergarten
- Gasoline prices
- GO Transit
- Government anti-racism programs
- Government documents
- Government policies
- Andrew, 14205
- Fife, 14092
- French, 14093
- Hassan, 14163
- Kernaghan, 14205–14206
- Morrison, 14093
- Singh, S., 14093
- Stevens, 14093–14094
- Stiles, 14092–14093
- Taylor, 14165
- Government regulations
- Government's agenda
- Government's record
- Great Lakes protection
- Barrett, 6790
- Guide and service animals
- Health care
- Health care funding
- Health protection legislation
- Gélinas, 12298
- Heritage conservation
- Crawford, 10924–10925
- Highway bypass
- Barrett, 6792
- Highway tolls
- Home care
- Homeopathy
- Hospital funding
- Hospital parking fees
- Taylor, 4875
- HPV vaccine
- Human trafficking
- Bouma, 11861–11862
- Smith, D., 11689, 11923
- Immigration and refugee policy
- Pang, 418
- Independent officers of the Legislature
- Indigenous affairs
- Begum, 687–688
- Fife, 1242, 5475
- French, 14203–14204
- Gélinas, 419–420
- Hatfield, 936, 1090, 2581–2582
- Karpoche, 23, 183, 240, 382, 893, 1091, 1286, 2927, 2945–2946, 3302–3303
- Lindo, 687, 847, 2324, 9981
- Mantha, 584, 1338, 1647–1648, 1737, 2269, 3190
- Morrison, 303–304, 484–485, 2360, 2783
- Rakocevic, 2644–2645
- Sattler, 6287, 7260
- Stiles, 7257
- Taylor, 647–648, 1646
- Yarde, 1192–1193
- Indigenous programs and services
- Bourgouin, 5323
- Infrastructure funding
- Ghamari, 10240
- Martin, 10139
- Pang, 5852
- Smith, D., 10089–10090
- Injured workers
- Armstrong, 2983, 4459, 4727
- Begum, 5125, 6942
- Bell, 4631–4632
- Berns-McGown, 1192, 2644, 5078
- Burch, 13369
- French, 1446, 4566–4567
- Harden, 1390, 1447, 1692–1693
- Hassan, 2358–2359, 2528, 2582, 2782
- Hunter, 2696–2697, 2744–2745, 2926–2927, 2983
- Karpoche, 892, 1038–1039, 1286, 1645, 1693–1694, 3538–3539, 5474
- Mantha, 3302, 3933, 4458–4459
- Monteith-Farrell, 1737, 1934, 2323, 3769
- Rakocevic, 1285, 4317, 4820, 4927
- Sattler, 11103–11104, 13323, 13370, 13619, 13667
- Stevens, 1533, 2002
- Taylor, 1803
- West, 2948, 10046, 10689, 10787–10788
- Yarde, 1531–1532, 2151, 2325, 2644, 2783–2784, 3485
- International baccalaureate program
- Karpoche, 6844
- International trade
- Internet access
- Andrew, 12229–12230
- Hatfield, 11861, 12098
- Karpoche, 12230
- Justices of the peace
- Land use planning
- Landfill
- Laurentian University
- West, 13852
- Legal aid
- Library services
- Life insurance
- Long-term care
- Andrew, 8897, 9320
- Armstrong, 2003, 2214, 2216, 2528, 2644, 2823–2824, 2894, 2948, 3350, 3574, 3976, 4137–4138, 4316, 4318, 4565, 4631–4632, 4725, 4818–4819, 4925, 5372, 5916, 6016, 6134, 6374, 6476–6478, 6588, 6670–6671, 6728, 7316, 7439, 8334–8335, 8389, 8430, 8494, 9019, 9124, 9173–9174, 9274–9275, 9321, 9517, 9576, 10087–10088, 10138, 10395, 10642–10643, 10645, 10689, 10866–10867, 10925, 11144, 12806
- Begum, 6942, 9793–9794, 11143–11144
- Berns-McGown, 7046, 9515–9516, 9918
- Burch, 4273–4274, 5078, 10089
- Fife, 2928, 4767, 5851, 6726–6727, 6883, 6940, 6995, 7100, 7317, 8672, 8957, 9173–9174, 9664, 11639
- French, 4632, 8268–8269, 9020, 10242
- Gélinas, 241, 344–345, 584, 849, 894, 3038, 3833–3834, 3933–3934, 4087–4088, 4344, 4565–4566, 4984, 5080, 5800, 5915, 6231–6232, 6942, 6996, 7101, 7315, 7620, 7670, 8334, 8388, 8495, 9022, 9173, 9227, 9359, 9423–9424, 9625, 9853, 9980–9981, 10045–10046, 10181, 10463, 10926, 11638–11639, 11923, 11925, 12097–12098, 12197, 12299, 12360, 12611–12612, 12664, 13044, 13162, 13427, 13930
- Ghamari, 535
- Gretzky, 8955–8956
- Hassan, 9794
- Hatfield, 482–483, 848, 1336, 2783, 8671, 9172, 9360–9361, 9577, 10925
- Karpoche, 9320, 9516–9517, 10787, 11143
- Kernaghan, 9275, 10088, 10866
- Lindo, 4411, 9515, 9795, 10644, 13619–13620, 14165
- Mantha, 6845, 6994, 8495–8496, 9071, 9469, 12148, 12360
- Monteith-Farrell, 6726, 8957–8958, 9358, 9795, 10865–10866
- Natyshak, 1240
- Rakocevic, 5079, 5178, 7380–7381, 9424, 9516, 9851, 10089, 13369
- Sattler, 8496, 9664, 10138–10139, 10866
- Shaw, 9576–9577
- Stiles, 9851
- Taylor, 6371, 6476, 6669, 9468, 10139, 10395
- West, 586, 2003, 9468–9469, 9576–9577
- Yarde, 6015, 7726
- Lupus
- Pang, 4817–4818
- Lyme disease
- Fife, 4343
- Magna Carta Day
- Manga Carta Day
- Anand, 9124–9125
- Member's comments
- Martow, 6066–6067
- Men's mental health and addiction services
- Mental health and addiction services
- Anand, 2824
- Andrew, 3088
- Armstrong, 3135–3136
- Bailey, 1445, 1601–1602
- Begum, 3089–3090
- Berns-McGown, 3088
- Coe, 1603
- Dunlop, 1447
- Fee, 1645–1646
- Gates, 2893–2894
- Karahalios, 1446
- Karpoche, 3087, 3134, 4317
- Martow, 1445–1446
- Monteith-Farrell, 4175
- Piccini, 2429–2430
- Rakocevic, 3136
- Sabawy, 1447
- Singh, S., 3136
- Stevens, 2894
- Thanigasalam, 1447–1448
- Yarde, 3483
- Mental health services
- Midwifery
- Ministry of Natural Resources and Forestry
- Mount Pleasant Group of Cemeteries
- Bell, 8123–8124
- Multiple sclerosis
- Municipal development
- Municipal elections
- Andrew, 419, 536, 1037
- Begum, 420, 747, 936, 1008
- Bell, 418, 586, 818, 1008–1009
- Berns-McGown, 419, 483, 584, 746, 819, 936
- Glover, 483–484, 1009
- Hassan, 418–419, 484, 584, 746, 936
- Hunter, 9851–9853, 9979, 10866
- Karpoche, 1037
- Morrison, 418, 483, 817
- Rakocevic, 483
- Schreiner, 1008
- Shaw, 420, 937, 1090–1091
- Stevens, 686
- Stiles, 535, 585, 937
- Wynne, 935
- Yarde, 584–585
- Municipal government
- Municipal planning
- Municipal restructuring
- Vanthof, 7620–7621
- Noise pollution
- Northern health services
- Northern Health Travel Grant
- Northern transportation
- Gravelle, 746–747
- Northern Travel Health Grant
- Mantha, 10240
- Nuclear energy
- Ontario Disability Support Program
- Ontario economy
- Ontario Food Terminal
- Ontario Northland Transportation Commission
- Bourgouin, 6477
- Optometry services
- Andrew, 14080
- Barrett, 10786
- Begum, 10688
- Bisson, 10687–10689
- Burch, 13278
- Fife, 9021, 9172, 9978, 10394, 10786, 10959, 11143, 11261, 11689, 12360, 13426–13427, 14094
- Fraser, 13668–13669
- French, 12743, 13278
- Gélinas, 10305, 10927, 11522, 13427
- Gretzky, 11013–11014
- Hatfield, 9917, 9919, 9980, 12475–12476
- Karpoche, 8672, 10179, 13851–13852
- Kernaghan, 13999–14000
- Lindo, 13666–13667
- Mantha, 12861
- Monteith-Farrell, 12475
- Morrison, 14094–14095
- Natyshak, 13929
- Sattler, 12743, 12861
- Schreiner, 10179–10180, 10866, 11464, 13779
- Simard, 10787
- Taylor, 13850–13851
- Triantafilopoulos, 10687–10688, 12147, 12359–12360
- Vanthof, 13850
- West, 10523, 13043, 13426–13427, 13852–13853
- Organ donation
- Crawford, 6586
- Palliative care
- Pension plans
- Miller, P., 10521–10522
- Personal protective equipment
- Pharmacare
- Places of religious worship
- Plasma collection
- Barrett, 6843
- Poet laureate
- Police services
- Post-stroke treatment
- Power plants
- Schreiner, 9917–9918
- Property taxation
- Kramp, 11399
- Protection for workers
- Blais, 13618
- Public health
- Public safety
- Anand, 2054, 2360, 3351, 3890
- Babikian, 1895, 2055–2056
- Crawford, 2270
- Dunlop, 1897–1898
- Fee, 4087, 4876
- Karahalios, 2269
- Ke, 2526
- Martin, 2895
- Martow, 2001–2002, 2105–2106, 2527
- Parsa, 2106
- Piccini, 1849, 2478
- Roberts, 1850, 2053–2054
- Sabawy, 1848, 2267–2268
- Smith, D., 1896–1897, 2268–2269, 2324–2325, 2476–2477, 4088, 5716
- Triantafilopoulos, 2477
- Public sector compensation
- Andrew, 7904
- Armstrong, 5915, 7839–7840
- Begum, 5801, 6625, 8098
- Berns-McGown, 5800, 6132
- Burch, 5649, 5967
- French, 7837
- Gélinas, 7839, 9020, 9072, 9224, 9359, 9469, 9623, 9731, 10306, 11523, 11641, 11689, 12100
- Gretzky, 5769
- Hatfield, 5799
- Karpoche, 7904–7905
- Kernaghan, 5767–5768, 5968
- Morrison, 5850
- Rakocevic, 5714, 5850–5851
- Sattler, 5649, 8268
- Schreiner, 7905
- Singh, S., 6187
- Stevens, 7905
- Stiles, 6624, 11737
- Taylor, 6231, 9425
- Vanthof, 5799
- West, 5800–5801, 6015–6016, 6842–6843, 7951–7952, 9470, 9576
- Yarde, 6626
- Public services
- Morrison, 6994
- Public transit
- Baber, 7494
- Bell, 2984–2985
- Ghamari, 7440
- Hogarth, 7100, 7493
- Kusendova, 7495–7496
- Martow, 1089, 1801, 2695, 3136, 4505
- McDonell, 1801, 7622
- McKenna, 7100–7101
- Nicholls, 7559
- Oosterhoff, 7671
- Pang, 383, 5768, 7671
- Piccini, 7441
- Rakocevic, 2870
- Sandhu, 7496
- Smith, D., 7102, 10090
- Tabuns, 6881, 7724, 11221
- Real estate industry
- Red tape reduction
- Bailey, 12907
- Remembrance Day
- Pang, 5769
- Restaurant industry
- Retail alcohol sales
- Martow, 6525
- Road safety
- Royal Canadian Legion halls
- School boards
- School bus safety
- School facilities
- Services for people with disabilities
- Taylor, 10573–10574
- Services for persons with disabilities
- Sex offender registry
- Smith, D., 13667–13668, 13779
- Small business
- Social assistance
- Andrew, 8826–8827, 9172–9173, 9224–9225, 9321–9322, 12147–12148, 12230, 12983
- Armstrong, 2744, 9577
- Arthur, 2645
- Berns-McGown, 2150, 4241, 12231
- Burch, 2214
- Des Rosiers, 848–849
- Gravelle, 2268
- Harden, 2947–2948
- Hassan, 4317–4318
- Hunter, 583, 688, 820, 847–848, 1008
- Karpoche, 2105, 2148, 2476, 2643, 4343, 9698, 11785
- Lindo, 785–786, 892
- Monteith-Farrell, 1009, 4768, 5224
- Morrison, 1339
- Rakocevic, 6939–6940
- Schreiner, 1037, 1193, 1446, 1897
- Taylor, 1007–1008, 7440–7441, 7672–7673
- Social services
- Gélinas, 11012
- Spine surgery
- Smith, D., 6844
- Sport martial arts
- Sri Lankan Heritage Month
- Fraser, 8188
- State of emergency
- Hillier, 8268
- Student loans
- Karpoche, 4046
- Student safety
- Sattler, 5371
- Student work experience
- Taxation
- Teachers' collective bargaining
- Teachers' professional development
- Telecommunications in correctional facilities
- Tenant protection
- Andrew, 8497, 14078–14079
- Berns-McGown, 8429, 11688–11689
- Fife, 6523
- Karpoche, 3935, 5569, 8672–8673
- Morrison, 9273
- Stiles, 11924
- Toronto Transit Commission
- Traffic control
- Transportation infrastructure
- Berns-McGown, 11104
- Treaties recognition
- West, 10240–10241
- Trucking industry
- Bourgouin, 13539–13540
- Vanthof, 14001
- Tuition
- 2021 Ontario budget
- Skelly, 12907–12908
- Veterans
- Veterans memorial
- Anand, 3678–3679
- Babikian, 3889
- Barrett, 3435, 3769, 3935, 3974, 4984
- Bouma, 3622, 5278
- Crawford, 2148–2149, 5323
- Fee, 2823, 3889, 4675, 4873–4874, 5322
- Harris, 6626
- Hatfield, 3677, 4173, 4341–4342, 4564–4565, 4983, 5226, 7046, 7258, 7494–7495, 7725
- Hogarth, 6015, 6476
- Karahalios, 3888, 6016
- Ke, 4674
- Mantha, 5968, 6477, 6996
- Martin, 5324–5325, 6134
- Martow, 3135
- Piccini, 2476, 4675
- Rakocevic, 7221–7222
- Sabawy, 2985, 3678, 6014
- Simard, 2361
- Stevens, 4768–4769
- Tangri, 6882–6883, 7725, 9468
- Volunteer service awards
- Waste reduction
- Water extraction
- Water quality
- Wearing of poppies
- West Lincoln Memorial Hospital
- Winter highway maintenance
- Women's issues
- Workplace safety
- Schreiner, 11262
- Workplace Safety and Insurance Board
- Smith, D., 11463, 11690–11691, 11861
- Abortion images
- surrendered to animal services
- Hogarth, 9650
- surrendered to animal services
see also Prescription drugsPharmaceutical industry
- distribution of opioids. see also Opioid use
- and medicinal cannabis
- Harden, 1401
- attack in (January 2019)
- Baber, 3082–3083
- attack in (January 2019)
Physician assistants
- and controlled acts
- Elliott, 13137
- Martin, 13141–13142, 13859
- Pang, 13173
- delegated actions
- Gélinas, 13868
- deployment to Afghanistan
- Gélinas, 13168
- education and training
- Martin, 13858
- general remarks
- Elliott, 13137
- Martin, 13141, 13858–13859
- regulation of
- general remarks
- Elliott, 13137, 13855
- Fraser, 13882
- Gélinas, 13168, 13867–13868
- Kanapathi, 13218, 13883
- Kusendova, 13223–13225
- Martin, 13141–13142, 13239, 13858–13859, 13877
- McKenna, 13214, 13231
- Pang, 13173–13174
- Park, 13181
- Sabawy, 13218
- Tangri, 13174
- Thanigasalam, 13238
- stakeholder consultation
- Martin, 13142
- stakeholder response
- Kusendova, 13225
- general remarks
- regulatory body. see also College of Physicians and Surgeons of Ontario (CPSO)
- regulatory framework
- implementation timeline
- Pang, 13173
- implementation timeline
- scope of practice
- Gélinas, 13168
- supervision of
- Elliott, 13855
- Gélinas, 13168
- Martin, 13141–13142, 13859
- title protection
- and controlled acts
Pikangikum First Nation
- Colonial Pipeline
- Enbridge Line 5
- aging infrastructure, environmental impact of
- closure
- Khanjin, 11582
- Walker, 11606
- Yakabuski, 11587
- economic impact
- Bailey, 11586–11587
- Barrett, 11603
- Calandra, 11763
- Harris, 11598–11599
- Khanjin, 11583–11584
- Lecce, 11593–11594
- McDonell, 11591–11592
- McNaughton, 11590–11591
- Natyshak, 11584
- Nicholls, 11595
- Park, 11599–11600
- Phillips, 11600
- Piccini, 11605
- Skelly, 11597
- Thompson, 11592–11593
- Walker, 11766
- Yakabuski, 11588
- government strategy
- Schreiner, 11588–11589
- impact on fuel transportation routes
- replacement of
- Smith, D., 11604
- statements by stakeholders
- Walker, 11607
- new tunnel, construction of
- Natyshak, 11762
- Enbridge Line 5 closure
- amicus brief
- Bailey, 13521–13522
- federal response
- government response
- Bailey, 11301–11302, 11569–11571, 11573
- Barrett, 11724
- Calandra, 11852
- Ford, 11301–11302, 11570
- Harris, 11852
- Khanjin, 13963
- Pettapiece, 11775–11776, 11978–11979
- Sattler, 11859–11860
- Walker, 11571–11574, 11775–11776, 11858–11859, 11979
- impact of
- amicus brief
Pitbull ban.
see Pet ownership—breed-specific legislationPittsburgh
Plan to Build Ontario Together Act, 2019 (Bill 138)
- first reading
- Phillips, 5962
- ministerial statement
- Phillips, 5962–5965
- second reading, 6135–6152, 6155–6165, 6249–6264, 6307–6319, 6397
- Andrew, 6256, 6259
- Armstrong, 6162, 6256
- Babikian, 6264
- Begum, 6252, 6263–6264
- Berns-McGown, 6261–6264
- Bouma, 6314
- Bourgouin, 6158
- Cho, S., 6137–6143, 6145, 6158, 6252–6253
- Crawford, 6144
- Fife, 6143–6144
- Fraser, 6308–6310
- French, 6309–6310, 6313
- Gates, 6319
- Gélinas, 6314
- Gill, 6257–6258
- Glover, 6162, 6164–6165
- Harden, 6144
- Hassan, 6252, 6264, 6310
- Hillier, 6163, 6165
- Hogarth, 6255–6256
- Kanapathi, 6260
- Kusendova, 6263, 6310
- Mamakwa, 6158
- McKenna, 6158–6159, 6318
- Monteith-Farrell, 6159–6163
- Morrison, 6314–6319
- Natyshak, 6164
- Nicholls, 6313–6314, 6318–6319
- Oosterhoff, 6163–6164
- Park, 6258–6261
- Parsa, 6309–6314
- Pettapiece, 6161–6162
- Phillips, 6135–6137
- Piccini, 6164
- Rasheed, 6249–6251, 6253
- Roberts, 6155–6157, 6159
- Sabawy, 6162, 6252, 6256
- Sarkaria, 6260
- Shaw, 6145–6151
- Skelly, 6144–6145
- Stiles, 6253–6255, 6257
- Tabuns, 6260
- Yarde, 6318
- division (carried), 6419–6420
- time allocation motion, 6345–6353, 6364–6365
- third reading, 6729–6746
- Royal assent, 6784–6785
- first reading
Planning Act,
RSO 1990, c P.13.
see also Land development- general remarks
- s. 37, increased density by-law. see Land use planning—increased density by-law
- s.50: Subdivision of land, interpretation. see also Legislative drafting—amendments to clarify intent
Planning Amendment Act, 2019 (Bill 88)
Poet Laureate
Poet Laureate of Ontario
- Hatfield, 12058
Poet Laureate of Ontario Act (In Memory of Gord Downie), 2019 (Bill 6)
Police auxiliary units
Police officers
- appreciation for
- general remarks
- mental health of. see also Ontario Ombudsman—reports—In the Line of Duty (2012)
- mental health services
- Jones, 13425
- mental health training
- Tibollo, 751
- naloxone administration
- naloxone administration by
- naloxone administration, mandatory training on
- responding to mental health crises
- support programs
- support programs in other jurisdictions
- mental health
- Yarde, 3778
- mental health
- supports for
- training
- training, performance measurement
- working conditions
Police record checks
Police service boards
Police services.
see also Justice system; specific services- Amber Alerts
- public response to
- Gill, 3213
- public response to
- animal welfare
- role in
- Jones, 5937–5938
- role in
- animal welfare, role in
- Walker, 6648
- auxiliary units
- Bouma, 3187
- budget
- carding. see Carding—use of
- changing nature of
- and the Charter. see Canadian Charter of Rights and Freedoms—and policing
- community engagement
- community relations
- BIPOC communities
- Singh, G., 8336–8337
- BIPOC communities
- community safety and well-being plans. see under Community safety
- during COVID-19
- Jones, 13424–13425
- Vanthof, 13425
- crisis intervention
- fatalities
- general remarks
- government funding
- government strategy
- gun violence
- Tibollo, 751–752
- human trafficking intelligence
- Coe, 11122
- independence of
- independence of operations
- intersectionality of
- mental health calls
- response to
- Singh, G., 11434, 11469–11470
- response to
- mental health workers
- missing persons investigations
- access to records
- Fife, 3268
- access to records
- operational decisions
- resource allocation
- Jones, 7372
- resource allocation
- outsourcing
- outsourcing, to foreign entities
- Natyshak, 3309
- and racism
- Singh, G., 9953
- reform
- general remarks
- Singh, G., 11434
- general remarks
- ridealongs, wearing of protective clothing
- Tibollo, 170–171
- surveillance
- Ontario CCTV grant
- Jones, 13425
- Ontario CCTV grant
- violence link training
- Amber Alerts
Police Services Act,
RSO 1990, c P.15
- investigations, provisions regarding
- Fife, 3397
- investigations, provisions regarding
Police services - community relations
Police services funding
Police services - government funding
Police services oversight.
see also Coroner's inquests- differentiation of roles
- Mulroney, 3774
- general remarks
- investigation compliance
- oversight bodies
- differentiation of roles
- independence
- Rasheed, 3219
- inspector general of policing. see Inspector General of Policing
- Law Enforcement Complaints Agency. see Law Enforcement Complaints Agency
- police-hospital transitions
- public complaints process. see also Law Enforcement Complaints Agency
- Singh, S., 3316
- differentiation of roles
Police services oversight - disciplinary process
- evidentiary standard
- general remarks
- hearings, adjudication of
- Mulroney, 3774
- suspension without pay
Police services oversight - reform
- carding. see Carding—use of
- consultation process
- and First Nations police services
- general remarks
- Anand, 3315
- Barrett, 3401–3402
- Berns-McGown, 8115
- Cho, S., 3218
- Coe, 3256–3257
- Crawford, 3210, 3388
- Cuzzetto, 3206
- Downey, 8115
- Dunlop, 3395
- Fee, 3124
- Ghamari, 3271, 3304–3305
- Gill, 3212–3213
- Harris, 3330
- Jones, 3074, 3124, 3192, 3200
- Khanjin, 3310
- Kusendova, 3120
- McKenna, 3204
- Mulroney, 3121, 3194, 4233
- Nicholls, 3404–3405
- Park, 3777
- Piccini, 3313, 4038
- Rasheed, 3218–3220, 3222
- Romano, 3312
- Sandhu, 3202
- Skelly, 3263–3264
- Stevens, 3329
- Tangri, 3074
- Yarde, 3780
- overlap with Safer Ontario Act, 2018
- public response to. see also Statements by stakeholders—police services oversight reform
- regulations under statutes
- public consultation on
- Ghamari, 3304
- public consultation on
- review reports
- Tulloch report (2017)
- Tulloch report (2017), recommendations
Police services - programs
- Peel-Dufferin Mobile Crisis Rapid Response Team
- Anand, 13389
- Peel-Dufferin Mobile Crisis Rapid Response Team
Police services - reform
Police services - resources
- general remarks
- re gun violence
- re mental health training
Policy development.
see also Legislative process- Canadian Charter of Rights and Freedoms, role of. see Canadian Charter of Rights and Freedoms—role in policy development
- consultation process
- diversity, consideration of
- and equity
- Lindo, 13737
- gender analysis
- gender-based budgeting
- Morrison, 4638
- general remarks
- impact on regulatory environment
- requirement to consider
- Sarkaria, 8790
- requirement to consider
- Indigenous participation
- influences on
- Nicholls, 1128
- judiciary, role of. see Judiciary—policy development, role in
- public consultation
- stakeholder consultation
- systems approach
- Andrew, 13874, 13876–13877
- eradication of
- French, 1732–1733
- eradication of
Political advertising
Political advertising - third-party
- collusion. see under Election offences
- data and vendor sharing
- defining of
- Vanthof, 11839
- financial reporting
- general remarks
- Andrew, 11815
- Armstrong, 14172
- Calandra, 11823, 14188
- Crawford, 14125–14126
- Cuzzetto, 14123
- Downey, 11714–11715, 12587–12588, 14100, 14103, 14111
- Gates, 14104
- Harris, 12648–12649
- Karpoche, 12675
- Kernaghan, 11722
- Khanjin, 11722
- Martin, 14132
- Morrison, 14172
- Natyshak, 12617
- Nicholls, 12678
- Oosterhoff, 12625
- Piccini, 11806, 11823
- Skelly, 12660
- Taylor, 12048
- Triantafilopoulos, 14150
- Walker, 14137
- impact on election outcomes
- Karahalios, 14141–14142
- Natyshak, 12617
- impact on policy development
- Rakocevic, 11812, 11824–11825, 11840–11841
- impact on public policy
- Nicholls, 14135
- information accuracy
- Hatfield, 11795
- monetary value
- municipal elections. see under Municipal elections
- offences. see Election offences
- in other jurisdictions
- Roberts, 14123
- regulation of
- general remarks
- Bell, 14137, 14140–14141
- Calandra, 14175, 14178–14180, 14182
- Horwath, 14188
- Karahalios, 14141–14144
- MacLeod, 14121
- Martin, 14130, 14132
- Piccini, 14102–14103
- Roberts, 14123
- Tangri, 14140
- Vanthof, 14147
- Walker, 14146
- in other jurisdictions
- reforms (2016)
- Downey, 14097–14098
- general remarks
- relationship to political parties
- spending limits. see also Protecting Elections and Defending Democracy Act, 2021 (Bill 307)
- annual indexing
- Downey, 12588
- application period
- Armstrong, 14172
- Barrett, 12672
- Berns-McGown, 14135–14136
- Bouma, 12672–12673
- Calandra, 14148, 14153, 14159, 14175–14176, 14179–14181, 14188–14189
- Downey, 11715, 12588, 12596, 14099–14100
- Gretzky, 14166
- Harris, 12649
- Karahalios, 14142
- Kernaghan, 14117
- Miller, N., 11789–11790, 11840, 12624
- Natyshak, 12616
- Nicholls, 11790, 12595–12596, 12679
- Park, 11805
- Schreiner, 14120
- Skelly, 11795, 12640
- Taylor, 12050
- constitutionality of. see also Protecting Ontario Elections Act, 2021 (Bill 254)
- Calandra, 14148, 14153–14154, 14159, 14176–14177, 14180, 14188, 14194
- Natyshak, 14173
- general remarks
- sponsorship donations
- annual indexing
- Vaughan Working Families
- Calandra, 11318–11319
- Fraser, 13322
- Natyshak, 7210, 12617
- Tabuns, 11318–11319, 13269
Political campaigning
- campaign finances. see under Political fundraising
- candidate certificates
- candidate diversity and demographics
- Morrison, 12644
- candidate registration
- general remarks
- Miller, N., 12647
- social media
- candidate and member accounts
- Downey, 11716, 12589, 14098–14099
- Gill, 12053
- Miller, N., 11788, 12624
- Park, 11805
- Skelly, 12640–12641
- role of
- candidate and member accounts
Political fundraising
- and candidate diversity
- cash for access
- constituency associations
- during COVID-19
- donation amounts
- general remarks
- Gates, 14105
- general remarks
- donation disclosure reporting
- donations
- emails, content of
- events
- financial audits
- general remarks
- Andrew, 11812–11813
- Fraser, 12630
- Morrison, 12647–12648
- Natyshak, 12614–12615
- Rakocevic, 11815
- Schreiner, 12669–12670
- Smith, T., 3876
- Stiles, 11811
- Yakabuski, 12028
- impact of COVID-19
- Downey, 11715–11716, 12589
- Skelly, 12640
- reform (2016)
- reform (2017)
- consultation
- Schreiner, 14121
- consultation
- regulation of
- Karahalios, 11800
- request for investigation by Elections Ontario
- union and corporate donations
- via leadership campaign
Political fundraising - campaign finances
- candidate reports
- candidate self-donations
- general remarks
- Downey, 12591
- Stevens, 12050–12051
- offences. see Election offences
- party reports
- Downey, 11717
- spot audits
- surplus
Political fundraising - personal donations
- annual contribution limits
- Arthur, 14170
- Berns-McGown, 11798, 14137
- Blais, 14115
- Bouma, 12672
- Downey, 11715, 11720, 12589, 12595–12596, 12666, 14115
- Fife, 11965
- Fraser, 12630
- Gates, 14112
- Gélinas, 12666, 12669, 12672
- Glover, 12050
- Hatfield, 11791–11792, 11803, 11807, 12053
- Karahalios, 11803
- Karpoche, 12674–12675, 14112
- Kernaghan, 12595, 14117, 14119
- McDonell, 12673
- Miller, N., 11788, 12052, 12624
- Morrison, 11817, 11819, 12644–12645
- Natyshak, 11738–11739, 11741–11746, 12613–12615, 12619–12620, 14174
- Nicholls, 12679
- Piccini, 11807
- Rakocevic, 11746, 11822
- Schreiner, 11795–11796, 12670, 14119–14121
- Shaw, 2553, 11789, 11809
- Skelly, 12640
- Stevens, 12050–12051
- Stevenswal, 12670
- Stiles, 11752
- Taylor, 12048–12050
- Vanthof, 11839–11840
- West, 11840, 12624, 12673, 12677
- Yarde, 12676
- attestation requirement
- average contribution
- Gates, 11745
- Gélinas, 12666
- Hatfield, 11791–11792
- Morrison, 12647–12648
- Schreiner, 12670
- Stevens, 12053
- employer information
- disclosure
- Fraser, 14126
- disclosure
- general remarks
- Andrew, 11813–11814
- Calandra, 11823
- Kernaghan, 12115
- Monteith-Farrell, 14121
- Morrison, 12644–12645
- Natyshak, 11742–11743
- Schreiner, 2920
- Vanthof, 11840
- multiple donations
- restrictions on
- Ghamari, 14119
- restrictions on
- in other jurisdictions
- annual contribution limits
Political fundraising - per-vote subsidy
- amount
- disbursement timeline
- extension
- Bouma, 11841, 12670
- Downey, 11716, 12589
- Fife, 12620–12621, 12627
- Karahalios, 11800–11801
- Natyshak, 12618–12619, 12621
- Nicholls, 12679
- Park, 11804–11805
- Schreiner, 12670–12671
- Skelly, 12640
- Stevens, 12051
- general remarks
- Bouma, 12647
- Calandra, 14180
- Fife, 11964–11965
- Karahalios, 14142–14143
- Natyshak, 11739–11740, 12618–12619
- Taylor, 12050
- Vanthof, 11839, 11841
- independent members
- Bailey, 11753
- Downey, 11716
- Karahalios, 11801–11802
- in other jurisdictions
- Downey, 11716
- party eligibility
- Karahalios, 11801
Political parties
- candidate nominations
- election integrity
- Karahalios, 11800
- election integrity
- financial monitoring. see Political fundraising
- leadership campaigns
- monitoring periods
- Downey, 14212
- party leaders
- self-governance
- Calandra, 6898
- candidate nominations
Political parties - internal elections
see also specific typesPope John Paul II
Population growth
Port Perry
- anniversary of
- Park, 13265
- anniversary of
Post-secondary education.
see also Colleges and universities- administrative compensation
- affordability of
- Collard, 9019
- BIPOC students
- Berns-McGown, 13519
- College of Applied Arts and Technology Task Force, cancellation
- digital learning
- economic impact
- employment model
- employment readiness
- French-language
- Collard, 12701
- Piccini, 11637–11638, 11978, 12702
- Simard, 11978
- West, 14031–14032
- enrolment
- Ford, 2730
- government funding
- general remarks
- Fullerton, 1941
- government strategy
- in-demand fields
- Calandra, 1540–1541
- international students
- Ghamari, 9862
- during COVID-19
- Piccini, 13271
- Sandhu, 13270–13271
- housing
- Singh, S., 13308
- internships and co-ops. see Internships and co-ops
- mental health supports
- government funding
- Piccini, 12816
- government funding
- micro-credentialing programs
- ministry transfer payments
- northern Ontario
- Sarkaria, 12751
- in northern Ontario
- Rickford, 2572
- online learning
- Kramp, 9868
- preparedness for
- Roberts, 2386
- program development
- labour market responsiveness
- Crawford, 7487
- labour market responsiveness
- research programs
- intellectual property and commercialization
- Romano, 9016
- intellectual property and commercialization
- scholarships
- Life Sciences Ontario Scholarship Program
- Tangri, 5172–5173
- Life Sciences Ontario Scholarship Program
- STEM programs
- student mental health
- government funding
- Parsa, 11987
- government funding
- transfer credits
- Virtual Learning Strategy
- general remarks
- Parsa, 11987
- general remarks
- work-integrated learning
- Fife, 10710
- Hassan, 12508, 13470–13471
Post-secondary Education Choice and Excellence Amendment Act, 2021 (Bill 300)
- first reading
- Lindo, 13928
- first reading
Post-secondary education - COVID-19
Post-secondary education - funding
- campus expansions. see by specific institution
- general remarks
- operating grants
- Armstrong, 3669
- over time
- tied to performance indicators
Post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD)
- and BIPOC communities
- child poverty
- cost of
- during COVID-19
- and crime
- and employment
- Berns-McGown, 5097
- general remarks
- government strategy
- Begum, 12561
- and gun violence
- impact on health
- Berns-McGown, 6023
- intersectional nature of
- Singh, G., 8640–8642
- in London
- and opioid abuse. see under Opioid abuse
- prevalence of
- rates by region
- Sudbury
- West, 4362
- Sudbury
- reports (2018)
- Poverty Hurts Children and Families (Ontario Campaign 2000)
- Berns-McGown, 2418
- Poverty Hurts Children and Families (Ontario Campaign 2000)
- senior citizens
- in Windsor West
- Gretzky, 158
Poverty reduction.
see also Income securityPower Workers' Union (PWU)
Powerline technicians
Pre-apprenticeship programs
Pre-apprenticeship training programs.
see also ApprenticeshipsPregnancy and infant loss
- awareness and education
- Karahalios, 1643
- awareness and education
Premier's Council on Equality of Opportunity
Premier's Office
Prescription drugs.
see also PharmacarePrescription drugs - funding
- for cystic fibrosis
- Exceptional Access Program
- general remarks
- Orkambi
- rare and orphan diseases
- Spinraza
- Trikafta
- Blais, 13712
- Elliott, 11308–11309, 13712
- Wilson, 11308
- Trillium Drug Program
- Elliott, 7161–7162
- Vertex pharmaceuticals
- Blais, 10956
- Cho, S., 13603
- Elliott, 10783
- Martin, 10957
- Wilson, 10782–10783
Presto fare payment system
Preventive health.
see also Public health unitsPrivate members' public business
- Accessibility for persons with disabilities, 894–901, 912, 5372–5378
- Accessible Parking and Towing Industry Review Committee Act, 2018 (Bill 39)
- Addiction services, 5807–5812
- Affordable housing, 1299–1305
- Algoma University Amendment Act, 2019 (Bill 79)
- Alternate Land Use and Services Program for Agricultural Land Act, 2018 (Bill 28)
- Anti-racism activities, 6488–6494
- Awenen Niin Act (Who Am I) Respecting Identity Documents, 2021 (Bill 256)
- second reading, 12077–12082, 12097
- Anand, 12080–12081
- Berns-McGown, 12079–12080
- Mamakwa, 12081
- Monteith-Farrell, 12077–12079, 12082
- Morrison, 12081–12082
- Thanigasalam, 12079
- division (lost), 12097
- second reading, 12077–12082, 12097
- Broadband is an Essential Service Act, 2020 (Bill 226)
- second reading, 10892–10898
- Collard, 10897
- Monteith-Farrell, 10894
- Pang, 10893–10894
- Park, 10896
- Roberts, 10895
- Schreiner, 10894–10895
- Singh, S., 10896–10897
- Stiles, 10895–10896
- Vanthof, 10892–10893, 10897
- second reading, 10892–10898
- Broadband service, 2331–2336, 2340
- Brunt and Kendall Act (Ensuring Safe Firefighter and Trainee Rescue Training), 2018 (Bill 10)
- Buy in Canada for Mass Transit Vehicles Act, 2019 (Bill 133)
- Carding, 749–754
- Cardiopulmonary resuscitation training, 6027–6034
- Caregiver Recognition Act, 2018 (Bill 59)
- Caregivers, 11827–11832
- presented
- Harden, 11827–11829
- responded to
- Bell, 11830
- Harden, 11832
- Rakocevic, 11831
- Stiles, 11831–11832
- Wai, 11829–11830
- presented
- Change of Name Amendment Act, 2020 (Bill 206)
- Charitable gaming, 9698–9704
- Charter Rights Transparency Act, 2018 (Bill 49)
- Child Care and Early Years Amendment Act (Not-for-Profit Corporations), 2018 (Bill 45)
- Christopher's Law (Sex Offender Registry) Amendment Act, 2021 (Bill 281)
- second reading, 13405–13409
- Bouma, 13407
- McKenna, 13407–13408
- Skelly, 13408
- Smith, D., 13405–13406, 13408–13409
- Vanthof, 13406–13407
- second reading, 13405–13409
- Climate change, 9523–9530, 9537
- Closing Oversight Loopholes for Home Care Clinics Act, 2019 (Bill 102)
- Combating Antisemitism Act, 2020 (Bill 168)
- Combatting Litter for the Environment and Nature Act, 2019 (Bill 130)
- Community safety, 9951–9955
- Compassionate Care Act, 2020 (Bill 3)
- Condominium legislation, 12521–12526
- presented
- Babikian, 12521–12522
- responded to
- Babikian, 12526
- Bailey, 12523–12524
- Coe, 12526
- McDonell, 12525
- Singh, G., 12522–12523
- Vanthof, 12525
- West, 12524–12525
- presented
- Consumer Protection Amendment Act (Right to Repair Electronic Products), 2019 (Bill 72)
- Convenience Store Week Act, 2021 (Bill 262)
- second reading, 12165–12171
- Cho, S., 12165–12167, 12171
- Fife, 12167
- Gélinas, 12168–12169
- Hunter, 12170
- Khanjin, 12168
- Mantha, 12167–12168
- Park, 12169
- Rasheed, 12170
- Thanigasalam, 12167
- Vanthof, 12169–12170
- second reading, 12165–12171
- COPD Awareness Day Act, 2021 (Bill 157)
- COVID-19 response, 9555–9561, 9575, 13593–13600, 13614
- presented
- Hunter, 9555–9557
- Singh, S., 13593–13595
- responded to
- Blais, 13598
- Calandra, 9557–9558, 13599
- Collard, 9560, 13599
- Elliott, 13595–13596
- Fraser, 9560–9561, 13596–13597
- Harden, 13597
- Hunter, 9561
- Karahalios, 13597
- Mantha, 13598–13599
- Sattler, 9558–9560, 13598
- Schreiner, 13598
- Shaw, 13597–13598
- Singh, S., 13599–13600
- Stiles, 13596
- division (lost), 13614
- presented
- Cutting Red Tape for Motor Vehicle Dealers Act, 2018 (Bill 50)
- Day of Remembrance and Action on Islamophobia Act, 2019 (Bill 83)
- Defibrillator Registration and Public Access Act, 2020 (Bill 141)
- Democratic Participation Act, 2019 (Bill 96)
- Ditch the Switch Act, 2020 (Bill 174)
- Eating Disorders Awareness Week Act, 2020 (Bill 61)
- Education, 9530–9537
- Education funding, 9131–9138
- Education Statute Law Amendment Act (Fetal Alcohol Spectrum Disorder), 2020 (Bill 172)
- second reading, 10267–10273
- Fraser, 10272
- Gélinas, 10272–10273
- Hunter, 10271
- Martin, 10269–10270
- Martow, 10271
- Stiles, 10270–10271
- Taylor, 10271–10272
- Wynne, 10267–10268, 10273
- second reading, 10267–10273
- Egyptian Heritage Month Act, 2019 (Bill 106)
- Employment Standards Amendment Act (Sick Notes), 2020 (Bill 200)
- End the Public Funding of Partisan Government Advertising Act, 2019 (Bill 101)
- Ending Automobile Insurance Discrimination in the Greater Toronto Area Act, 2018 (Bill 44)
- Ending Discrimination in Automobile Insurance Act, 2018 (Bill 42)
- Ensuring Transparency and Integrity in Political Party Elections Act, 2019 (Bill 150)
- Environmental protection, 11615–11621
- presented
- Kanapathi, 11615–11616
- responded to
- Barrett, 11620
- Calandra, 11617–11618
- Collard, 11617
- Kanapathi, 11620–11621
- Khanjin, 11620
- Lecce, 11618–11619
- Shaw, 11616–11617
- Stiles, 11618
- Tabuns, 11619–11620
- presented
- Equity Education for Young Ontarians Act, 2021 (Bill 287)
- second reading, 13741–13747, 13772–13773
- Blais, 13746
- Collard, 13741–13742, 13746–13747
- Coteau, 13745
- Fraser, 13744
- Harris, 13745
- Khanjin, 13744
- Lindo, 13744–13745
- Mamakwa, 13745–13746
- Rasheed, 13742–13743
- Singh, S., 13746
- Stiles, 13743–13744
- division (lost), 13772–13773
- second reading, 13741–13747, 13772–13773
- Exalting Our Veterans Act, 2020 (Bill 221)
- second reading, 10311–10316
- Crawford, 10315–10316
- Hatfield, 10313–10314
- Khanjin, 10315
- Skelly, 10311–10312, 10316
- Smith, D., 10313
- Stevens, 10312–10313
- Taylor, 10314–10315
- second reading, 10311–10316
- Fairness for Residential Superintendents, Janitors and Caretakers Act, 2020 (Bill 210)
- second reading, 10713–10718
- Bisson, 10713–10714, 10717–10718
- Gates, 10717
- Khanjin, 10715–10716
- McKenna, 10714–10715
- Sattler, 10715
- West, 10716–10717
- second reading, 10713–10718
- Fairness in Petroleum Products Pricing Act, 2018 (Bill 7)
- Family support services, 4506–4511
- Fighting Back Against Handguns Act (Handgun Ammunition Sales), 2018 (Bill 30)
- Filipino Heritage Month Act, 2021 (Bill 217)
- second reading, 12271–12277
- Begum, 12271–12272, 12277
- Berns-McGown, 12276–12277
- Hunter, 12273–12274
- Khanjin, 12276
- Martin, 12273
- Mitas, 12275
- Rakocevic, 12274–12275
- Singh, S., 12273
- Stevens, 12277
- Stiles, 12275–12276
- Thanigasalam, 12274
- second reading, 12271–12277
- Firearms control, 9642–9647
- Food Day Canada in Ontario (in Honour of Anita Stewart) Act, 2021 (Bill 163)
- Food Literacy for Students Act, 2020 (Bill 216)
- Fostering Privacy Fairness Act, 2021 (Bill 237)
- second reading, 12829–12834
- Armstrong, 12831
- Bailey, 12829–12831, 12834
- Dunlop, 12833–12834
- Skelly, 12831–12832
- Stiles, 12832–12833
- second reading, 12829–12834
- Franco-Ontarian Emblem Amendment Act, 2020 (Bill 182)
- Freeing Highways 412 and 418 Act (Toll Highway Amendments), 2020 (Bill 43)
- second reading, 10485–10490, 10519
- division (carried), 10519
- second reading, 10485–10490, 10519
- Front-line and Essential Service Worker Week Act, 2021 (Bill 230)
- second reading, 11035–11041
- Blais, 11038–11039
- Bourgouin, 11040
- Crawford, 11039
- Fraser, 11037
- Gates, 11038
- Gretzky, 11039–11040
- Martin, 11037–11038
- Rasheed, 11035–11036, 11040
- West, 11036–11037
- second reading, 11035–11041
- Garrett's Legacy Act (Requirements for Movable Soccer Goals), 2018 (Bill 11)
- Genocide Awareness, Commemoration, Prevention and Education Month Act, 2019 (Bill 97)
- GO Transit, 1293–1299, 1305, 4149–4155
- Golden Girls Act, 2019 (Bill 69)
- Great Lakes Protection Amendment Act, 2020 (Bill 166)
- Greenbelt, 12875–12881
- presented
- Triantafilopoulos, 12875–12877
- responded to
- Bailey, 12879
- Burch, 12878
- Coe, 12878
- French, 12880–12881
- Harden, 12879–12880
- Karahalios, 12878–12879
- Rasheed, 12880
- Schreiner, 12877–12878
- Shaw, 12877
- Triantafilopoulos, 12881
- presented
- Ground current, 13191–13196
- presented
- Nicholls, 13191–13193
- responded to
- Coe, 13195–13196
- Crawford, 13193–13194
- Mantha, 13194–13195
- Nicholls, 13196
- Tabuns, 13193
- presented
- Health cards, 1499–1504, 1515
- Health care, 10611–10616, 10642
- presented
- Arthur, 10611–10613
- responded to
- Arthur, 10615–10616
- Kernaghan, 10614–10615
- Monteith-Farrell, 10615
- Rasheed, 10613–10614
- division (lost), 10642
- presented
- Health care funding, 9327–9331, 9338
- Hellenic Heritage Month Act, 2019 (Bill 77)
- Highway Traffic Amendment Act (Air Brake Endorsements), 2019 (Bill 142)
- Highway Traffic Amendment Act (Electronic Logging Devices), 2020 (Bill 223)
- second reading, 10057–10062
- Baber, 10061
- Bailey, 10060–10061
- Bourgouin, 10058–10060
- Cho, S., 10061
- Khanjin, 10060
- Martow, 10060
- Thanigasalam, 10057–10058, 10062
- second reading, 10057–10062
- Highway Traffic Amendment Act (Helmet Exemption for Sikh Motorcyclists), 2018 (Bill 41)
- Homelessness, 12279–12285, 12298
- presented
- Glover, 12279–12281
- responded to
- Bourgouin, 12282
- Gill, 12281
- Glover, 12285
- Hassan, 12283
- Mamakwa, 12284
- Schreiner, 12283–12284
- Stiles, 12284
- Taylor, 12284–12285
- division (lost), 12298
- presented
- Hospital funding, 10617–10623
- presented
- Wilson, 10617–10619
- responded to
- Anand, 10621–10622
- Burch, 10622
- Gélinas, 10620–10621
- Kusendova, 10620
- Singh, S., 10619–10620
- Tangri, 10619
- Wilson, 10622
- presented
- Housing is a Human Right Act, 2021 (Bill 252)
- second reading, 11545–11551, 11578
- Berns-McGown, 11548–11549
- Blais, 11549
- Gretzky, 11550
- Hassan, 11545–11546, 11550–11551
- McDonell, 11546–11548
- Rakocevic, 11549
- Schreiner, 11549
- Singh, S., 11548
- Stiles, 11550
- division (lost), 11578
- second reading, 11545–11551, 11578
- Human Rights Code Amendment Act (Genetic Characteristics), 2018 (Bill 40)
- Human trafficking, 11118–11123
- presented
- Martin, 11118–11120
- responded to
- Andrew, 11122–11123
- Coe, 11121–11122
- Glover, 11122
- Martin, 11123
- Piccini, 11123
- Vanthof, 11120–11121
- presented
- Hydro rates, 3137–3142
- Immigrant and refugee services, 388–394
- Immunization, 11227–11233
- presented
- Fraser, 11227–11228
- responded to
- Armstrong, 11232
- Blais, 11231–11232
- Fife, 11232
- Fraser, 11232–11233
- Gélinas, 11230
- Harden, 11231
- Martin, 11228–11230
- presented
- Indigenous affairs, 7508–7514
- Inherent Right to Safe Drinking Water Act, 2021 (Bill 286)
- second reading, 13397–13403, 13422–13423
- Khanjin, 13398–13400
- Mamakwa, 13397–13398, 13402–13403
- Mantha, 13402
- Morrison, 13400
- Schreiner, 13400–13401
- Singh, S., 13402
- Smith, D., 13401–13402
- division (carried), 13422–13423
- second reading, 13397–13403, 13422–13423
- International language studies, 2534–2540, 2546
- Internet access, 11833–11838, 11856
- presented
- Mantha, 11833–11835
- responded to
- Gélinas, 11835–11836
- Mamakwa, 11835
- Mantha, 11838
- Schreiner, 11837–11838
- Smith, D., 11836–11837
- Vanthof, 11838
- West, 11835
- division (lost), 11856
- presented
- Intimate Partner Violence Disclosure Act, 2021 (Bill 274)
- second reading, 12631–12636, 12663
- Dunlop, 12632–12634
- Fife, 12634
- Gélinas, 12635–12636
- Singh, G., 12635
- Skelly, 12634–12635
- Stevens, 12631–12632, 12636
- division (lost), 12663
- second reading, 12631–12636, 12663
- Keeping Polystyrene Out of Ontario's Lakes and Rivers Act, 2021 (Bill 228)
- second reading, 11489–11496
- Collard, 11491
- Gélinas, 11491
- Ghamari, 11491–11492
- Glover, 11492–11493
- Karpoche, 11494–11495
- Khanjin, 11495
- Miller, N., 11489–11491, 11495–11496
- Schreiner, 11493
- Smith, D., 11493–11494
- second reading, 11489–11496
- Keeping Students Safe on School Buses Act (Highway Traffic Amendment), 2018 (Bill 56)
- Legal services, 10899–10906
- presented
- Martow, 10899–10901
- responded to
- Arthur, 10904
- Collard, 10901–10902
- Cuzzetto, 10904
- Hatfield, 10901
- Khanjin, 10902–10904
- Martow, 10905
- Taylor, 10904–10905
- presented
- Liability for Climate-Related Harms Act, 2018 (Bill 37)
- Life Settlements and Loans Act, 2020 (Bill 219)
- second reading, 10147–10153
- Coe, 10149–10150
- Cuzzetto, 10147–10148, 10152
- Morrison, 10151–10152
- Parsa, 10152
- Rakocevic, 10149
- Skelly, 10150–10151
- Stiles, 10150
- second reading, 10147–10153
- Long-Term Care Homes Amendment Act (Preference for Veterans), 2018 (Bill 51)
- Long-Term Care Homes Amendment (Till Death Do Us Part) Act, 2019 (Bill 153)
- Lower Automobile Insurance Rates Act, 2019 (Bill 90)
- Lupus Awareness Day Act, 2021 (Bill 112)
- Lyme disease, 5621–5627
- Magna Carta Day Act (In Memory of Julia Munro, MPP), 2020 (Bill 201)
- Making Northern Ontario Highways Safer Act, 2019 (Bill 125)
- Mandatory Police Training Act, 2019 (Bill 105)
- Maternal Mental Health Act, 2021 (Bill 176)
- second reading, 12711–12716, 12741–12742
- Begum, 12715–12716
- Karpoche, 12711–12713, 12716
- Martin, 12713–12714
- Stevens, 12715
- Taylor, 12714–12715
- division (lost), 12741–12742
- second reading, 12711–12716, 12741–12742
- Mental health and addiction services, 754–760, 2896–2902, 2913
- presented
- responded to
- division (lost), 767
- Ministry of Community and Social Services Amendment Act (Social Assistance Research Commission), 2019 (Bill 60)
- Ministry of Health and Long-Term Care Amendment Act (Advanced Glucose Monitoring Devices), 2021 (Bill 272)
- second reading, 13545–13550, 13564–13565
- Fraser, 13548–13549
- Gélinas, 13548
- Gretzky, 13549
- Martin, 13547–13548
- Natyshak, 13545–13546, 13550
- Stevens, 13549–13550
- division (lost), 13564–13565
- second reading, 13545–13550, 13564–13565
- Ministry of Health and Long-Term Care Amendment Act (Supporting Individuals in their Homes and Communities with Assistive Devices for Mental Health), 2021 (Bill 277)
- second reading, 13587–13592, 13613–13614
- Gretzky, 13590
- Kernaghan, 13587–13589, 13592
- Martin, 13589–13590
- Taylor, 13591
- Vanthof, 13591
- division (lost), 13613–13614
- second reading, 13587–13592, 13613–13614
- More Than a Visitor Act (Caregiving in Congregate Care Settings), 2020 (Bill 203)
- Municipal elections, 586–593
- Murray Whetung Community Service Award Act, 2020 (Bill 220)
- Nancy Rose Act (Paediatric Hospice Palliative Care Strategy), 2019 (Bill 114)
- Nikola Tesla Day Act, 2021 (Bill 293)
- second reading, 14036–14042
- Crawford, 14038–14039
- Fife, 14040–14041
- Gates, 14039
- Ghamari, 14041
- Rakocevic, 14036–14038, 14041–14042
- Rasheed, 14039–14040
- Taylor, 14040
- second reading, 14036–14042
- 9-1-1 Everywhere in Ontario Act, 2019 (Bill 75)
- No COVID-19 Evictions Act, 2021 (Bill 244)
- second reading, 11277–11284, 11309
- Andrew, 11281
- Bell, 11282–11283
- Berns-McGown, 11281
- Blais, 11281
- Gill, 11279–11281
- Glover, 11283
- Harden, 11282
- Karpoche, 11283
- Morrison, 11278–11279, 11283–11284
- Schreiner, 11282
- Stiles, 11282
- Tabuns, 11283
- division (lost), 11309
- second reading, 11277–11284, 11309
- No Time to Waste Act (Plan for Climate Action and Jobs), 2020 (Bill 224)
- second reading, 10934–10941, 10957–10958
- Bell, 10937
- Blais, 10940
- Gélinas, 10938–10939
- Karpoche, 10935–10936
- Khanjin, 10939–10940
- Parsa, 10937–10938
- Rasheed, 10937
- Schreiner, 10939
- Stiles, 10936–10937
- Tabuns, 10934–10935, 10940–10941
- division (lost), 10957–10958
- second reading, 10934–10941, 10957–10958
- Noah and Gregory's Law (Transition to Adult Developmental Services and Supports), 2019 (Bill 64)
- Non-Profit Sector Appreciation Week Act, 2021 (Bill 285)
- second reading, 13349–13354
- French, 13350–13351
- Glover, 13351–13352
- Pang, 13352
- Park, 13354
- Roberts, 13351
- Shaw, 13353
- Triantafilopoulos, 13353–13354
- Wai, 13349–13350, 13354
- second reading, 13349–13354
- Northern Health Travel Grant Advisory Committee Act, 2019 (Bill 144)
- "Notwithstanding" clause, 1909–1917
- Nuclear energy, 7496–7502
- Occupational Safety and Health Day Act, 2021 (Bill 152)
- Occupiers' Liability Amendment Act, 2020 (Bill 118)
- Ontario Day Act, 2021 (Bill 173)
- Organ donation, 1098–1103, 1108
- Organic Products Act, 2018 (Bill 54)
- Owner-operator truck drivers, 13185–13189
- presented
- Bourgouin, 13185–13187
- responded to
- Bourgouin, 13189
- Calandra, 13187
- Singh, G., 13187–13188
- Vanthof, 13188
- Yarde, 13188–13189
- presented
- Paid Personal Emergency Leave Now Act, 2021 (Bill 247)
- second reading, 12951–12957, 12982
- Coteau, 12951–12953, 12957
- Fraser, 12956–12957
- Hunter, 12955–12956
- McKenna, 12953–12954
- Rakocevic, 12954–12955
- Sattler, 12956
- Wynne, 12956
- division (lost), 12982
- second reading, 12951–12957, 12982
- Paris Galt Moraine Conservation Act, 2019 (Bill 71)
- Persian Heritage Month Act, 2021 (Bill 271)
- second reading, 12717–12722
- Armstrong, 12720
- Cho, S., 12721
- Harden, 12718–12719
- Lecce, 12719–12720
- Parsa, 12717–12718, 12721–12722
- Rasheed, 12720–12721
- second reading, 12717–12722
- Planning Amendment Act, 2019 (Bill 88)
- Poet Laureate of Ontario Act (In Memory of Gord Downie), 2019 (Bill 6)
- Prohibiting Hate-Promoting Demonstrations at Queen's Park Act, 2019 (Bill 84)
- Protecting Ontarians by Enhancing Gas Station Safety to Prevent Gas and Dash Act, 2020 (Bill 231)
- second reading, 10538–10544
- Anand, 10539–10540, 10543–10544
- Babikian, 10543
- Gates, 10540–10541
- Hogarth, 10542–10543
- McDonell, 10541
- Rasheed, 10543
- West, 10541–10542
- second reading, 10538–10544
- Protecting Our Pets Act, 2019 (Bill 65)
- Protecting Renters from Illegal Evictions Act, 2020 (Bill 205)
- second reading, 10369–10374, 10388
- Bell, 10369–10371, 10374
- Berns-McGown, 10372
- Gélinas, 10374
- Glover, 10372
- Hassan, 10372–10373
- McDonell, 10371–10372
- Morrison, 10373
- Singh, S., 10373
- division (lost), 10388
- second reading, 10369–10374, 10388
- Protecting Vulnerable Persons in Supportive Living Accommodation Act, 2020 (Bill 164)
- second reading, 10156–10161
- Armstrong, 10158–10159
- Burch, 10156–10157, 10161
- Coe, 10157–10158
- Gélinas, 10159–10160
- Harris, 10159
- Schreiner, 10160–10161
- Stevens, 10160
- second reading, 10156–10161
- PTSD Awareness Day Act, 2018 (Bill 9)
- Public Accountability and Lobbyist Transparency Act, 2020 (Bill 162)
- Public health, 9125–9131
- Public Health Accountability Act (In Honour of Dr. Sheela Basrur), 2020 (Bill 227)
- second reading, 10973–10980, 11009
- Bell, 10978
- Fraser, 10977
- Gélinas, 10973–10975, 10979
- Glover, 10979
- Harden, 10978–10979
- Karpoche, 10976–10977
- Martin, 10975–10976
- Sattler, 10978
- Stiles, 10978
- Taylor, 10979
- West, 10979
- division (lost), 11009
- second reading, 10973–10980, 11009
- Public Safety Related to Dogs Statute Law Amendment Act, 2019 (Bill 147)
- Public transit, 6883–6888
- Rea and Walter Act (Truss and Lightweight Construction Identification), 2018 (Bill 33)
- Recovery Month Act, 2021 (Bill 250)
- second reading, 12011–12016
- Gélinas, 12014–12015
- Gretzky, 12013–12014
- Ke, 12011–12012, 12016
- Khanjin, 12016
- McDonell, 12014
- Taylor, 12015
- Tibollo, 12012–12013
- second reading, 12011–12016
- Registered Professional Planners Act, 2019 (Bill 70)
- Reserved Parking for Electric Vehicle Charging Act, 2019 (Bill 123)
- Retirement Home Justice and Accountability Act, 2021 (Bill 296)
- second reading, 13829–13834, 13849
- Coe, 13832–13833
- Gates, 13833
- Gélinas, 13831–13832
- Schreiner, 13833–13834
- Shaw, 13829–13831, 13834
- Stevens, 13834
- Wai, 13831
- division (lost), 13849
- second reading, 13829–13834, 13849
- Right to Timely Mental Health and Addiction Care for Children and Youth Act, 2019 (Bill 63)
- Road safety, 11375–11381
- presented
- Tangri, 11375–11377
- responded to
- Blais, 11380
- French, 11377–11378
- Ghamari, 11380–11381
- Pettapiece, 11379–11380
- Smith, D., 11378
- Tangri, 11381
- West, 11378–11379
- presented
- Safeguarding our Information Act, 2018 (Bill 55)
- Safer School Buses Act, 2021 (Bill 246)
- second reading, 11754–11760
- Blais, 11757
- Bouma, 11759
- Dunlop, 11757–11758
- Harris, 11754–11756, 11760
- Lecce, 11759–11760
- Rakocevic, 11756–11757
- Stiles, 11758–11759
- second reading, 11754–11760
- Scottish Heritage Day Act, 2021 (Bill 208)
- Senior Volunteer Appreciation Week Act, 2021 (Bill 270)
- second reading, 12679–12685
- Bouma, 12681–12682
- Karpoche, 12681
- Pang, 12680–12681, 12685
- Phillips, 12683–12684
- Taylor, 12682–12683
- West, 12684
- second reading, 12679–12685
- Seniors' Advocate Act, 2020 (Bill 196)
- Services for children and youth, 11983
- presented
- Stiles, 11951–11952
- responded to
- Gélinas, 11955–11956
- Hassan, 11954
- Lindo, 11954–11955
- Roberts, 11952–11954
- Stiles, 11956
- division (lost), 11983
- presented
- Sickle Cell Disease Awareness Day and Thalassemia Awareness Day Act, 2021 (Bill 255)
- second reading, 11704–11710
- Andrew, 11705–11706
- Cuzzetto, 11705
- Gélinas, 11708
- Harden, 11709–11710
- Hunter, 11706–11707
- Khanjin, 11704–11705, 11710
- Lecce, 11708–11709
- Phillips, 11707–11708
- second reading, 11704–11710
- Sikh Genocide Awareness Week Act, 2020 (Bill 177)
- Skilled trades, 383–388, 400
- Social assistance, 1103–1109
- Stay Home If You Are Sick Act, 2021 (Bill 239)
- second reading, 11607–11614, 11638
- Begum, 11611
- Coteau, 11611–11612
- Glover, 11613
- Karpoche, 11613
- McKenna, 11609–11611
- Monteith-Farrell, 11613
- Sattler, 11608–11609, 11613–11614
- Singh, S., 11612–11613
- Stiles, 11612
- Yarde, 11612
- division (lost), 11638
- second reading, 11607–11614, 11638
- Stop Cyberbullying in Ontario Day Act, 2019 (Bill 154)
- Student assistance, 3948–3955
- Supply Chain Management Amendment Act (Provincial Diverse Vendor Strategy), 2021 (Bill 275)
- second reading, 12959–12965, 12982
- Anand, 12962–12963
- Andrew, 12961–12962
- Fife, 12959–12961, 12965
- Hunter, 12963
- Kusendova, 12961
- Natyshak, 12963
- Schreiner, 12964
- Singh, G., 12964–12965
- Smith, D., 12964
- division (lost), 12982
- second reading, 12959–12965, 12982
- Support Workers Pay Act, 2021 (Bill 266)
- second reading, 12385–12391, 12418
- Fraser, 12389–12390
- Gélinas, 12390–12391
- Karpoche, 12389
- Martin, 12387
- Monteith-Farrell, 12389
- Rakocevic, 12387–12388
- Schreiner, 12390
- Stevens, 12390
- Triantafilopoulos, 12388–12389
- West, 12385–12387, 12391
- division (lost), 12418
- second reading, 12385–12391, 12418
- Supporting Ontario's Community, Rural and Agricultural Newspapers Act, 2019 (Bill 78)
- Tamil Genocide Education Week Act, 2021 (Bill 104)
- Tax Fairness for Real Estate Professionals Act, 2018 (Bill 38)
- Teach the Reach Act, 2019 (Bill 89)
- Tenant protection, 12070–12076, 12096, 13505–13511, 13538
- presented
- Andrew, 13505–13507
- Berns-McGown, 12070–12072
- responded to
- Andrew, 13511
- Begum, 12075
- Berns-McGown, 12076, 13510–13511
- Fraser, 13510
- Ghamari, 13507–13509
- Gill, 12072–12074
- Glover, 12074
- Hassan, 13509
- Karpoche, 13510
- Morrison, 12074
- Rakocevic, 12074–12075
- Schreiner, 13509–13510
- division (lost), 12096, 13538
- presented
- Terrorist Activities Sanctions Act, 2018 (Bill 46)
- Time Amendment Act, 2020 (Bill 214)
- Time to Care Act (Long-Term Care Homes Amendment, Minimum Standard of Daily Care), 2020 (Bill 13)
- second reading, 10106–10113, 10137
- Armstrong, 10106–10108, 10112
- Coe, 10108–10109
- Cuzzetto, 10109–10110
- Fraser, 10108
- Gates, 10111
- Gélinas, 10109
- Ghamari, 10110–10111
- Gretzky, 10111
- Kernaghan, 10110
- Monteith-Farrell, 10111
- Rakocevic, 10112
- Schreiner, 10109
- Taylor, 10112
- division (carried), 10137
- second reading, 10106–10113, 10137
- Trespass to Property Amendment Act (Protecting Consumers from Package Piracy), 2021 (Bill 243)
- second reading, 11318–11324
- Crawford, 11318–11320, 11324
- Harden, 11322
- Harris, 11321–11322
- Kernaghan, 11320–11321
- Khanjin, 11323
- Skelly, 11322–11323
- second reading, 11318–11324
- United Nations Declaration on the Rights of Indigenous Peoples Act, 2019 (Bill 76)
- Veterans, 907–912
- Waste diversion, 3544–3550, 3556
- Workplace Safety and Insurance Amendment Act (Access to Mental Health Support for Essential Workers), 2021 (Bill 267)
- second reading, 12515–12520, 12542
- Begum, 12518
- Cuzzetto, 12517–12518
- Gates, 12519
- Stevens, 12518–12519
- Taylor, 12515–12517, 12519–12520
- division (lost), 12542
- second reading, 12515–12520, 12542
- Youth employment, 760–766, 3352–3357
Private security services
Pro Bono Ontario
Professional regulation
Progressive Conservative (PC) Party
- carbon pricing
- Phillips, 236–237
- caucus
- convention
- media access
- Natyshak, 7093
- media access
- dilatory motions, historically
- Bisson, 923
- economic policies
- Lecce, 920
- election platform (2018)
- employment
- Fife, 3399
- general remarks
- Fedeli, 972
- government downsizing. see also Government downsizing—municipal level, consultation
- political fundraising
- Karahalios, 11801
- university campus extensions
- Glover, 1943
- employment
- energy policy
- fiscal policies
- Hillier, Randy (Lanark–Frontenac–Kingston)
- leadership election 2018
- leadership race (2018)
- People's Guarantee platform
- carbon pricing
- Lalonde, 1981
- carbon pricing
- Pickering–Uxbridge constituency association
- policy convention (2018)
- transportation
- Fife, 4153–4154
- carbon pricing
Prohibiting Hate-Promoting Demonstrations at Queen's Park Act, 2019 (Bill 84)
- definition of
- Shaw, 5141
- definition of
- as energy source
- in transportation
- Miller, N., 2834
- in transportation
- as energy source
- seizure under Civil Remedies Act, 2001. see Civil forfeiture of property
- trespass to. see Trespass to property
Property tax
- determination of
- Calandra, 5092
- regional differences in
- Calandra, 5253
- as source of municipal revenue. see under Municipalities
- determination of
Prostate cancer
Protect, Support and Recover from COVID-19 Act (Budget Measures), 2020 (Bill 229)
- first reading
- Phillips, 10368
- second reading, 10435–10445, 10464–10483, 10495–10505, 10524–10538, 10662
- Armstrong, 10499
- Arthur, 10525
- Bell, 10444–10445
- Berns-McGown, 10495–10496, 10504
- Bisson, 10499–10500
- Bouma, 10495, 10500, 10505, 10526, 10533, 10535
- Calandra, 10496
- Cho, S., 10439–10445, 10471–10473, 10480
- Coe, 10444–10445, 10476, 10538
- Gélinas, 10473, 10476, 10481, 10529–10533
- Glover, 10504
- Gretzky, 10534–10535, 10538
- Harden, 10444
- Hogarth, 10481, 10529
- Hunter, 10481–10483, 10495–10496
- Karahalios, 10533–10535
- Lecce, 10533
- Lindo, 10477–10481
- Mantha, 10529, 10532
- Mitas, 10503
- Monteith-Farrell, 10495, 10500
- Park, 10496–10500
- Phillips, 10435–10439
- Rasheed, 10496, 10526–10529
- Roberts, 10472, 10480–10481, 10535–10538
- Sabawy, 10534
- Sandhu, 10499, 10504, 10528–10529
- Sarkaria, 10444
- Sattler, 10472, 10476
- Schreiner, 10525–10526
- Shaw, 10464–10473, 10477, 10480
- Singh, S., 10501–10505
- Triantafilopoulos, 10473–10477
- Vanthof, 10472
- Wai, 10532
- West, 10443, 10526, 10528–10529, 10533
- division (carried), 10662
- time allocation motion, 10575–10586, 10641–10642
- presented
- Khanjin, 10575–10577
- responded to
- Hunter, 10580–10581
- Sattler, 10577–10580
- Schreiner, 10583
- Tabuns, 10581–10583
- Taylor, 10583–10586
- division (carried), 10641–10642
- presented
- third reading, 11145–11183, 11185–11198, 11211–11212
- Armstrong, 11196
- Begum, 11155
- Bourgouin, 11192–11195
- Calandra, 11196–11198
- Cho, S., 11149–11155, 11187
- Coe, 11165
- Crawford, 11172–11173
- Cuzzetto, 11182, 11191
- Fife, 11154, 11164, 11170–11174
- Gates, 11165, 11169, 11173, 11183
- Gélinas, 11154–11155
- Harris, 11154, 11173
- Hassan, 11177, 11182
- Hunter, 11169, 11174, 11185–11188
- Kanapathi, 11168, 11187
- Ke, 11178
- Kramp, 11169, 11194
- Kusendova, 11188–11189
- Mamakwa, 11195
- McNaughton, 11183
- Parsa, 11155, 11165, 11186, 11191–11192, 11195
- Phillips, 11145–11149
- Piccini, 11174–11179
- Schreiner, 11195–11196
- Shaw, 11155–11165
- Skelly, 11164–11169, 11178, 11183, 11196
- Tabuns, 11178
- Taylor, 11179–11183
- West, 11165, 11173, 11186–11187, 11190
- Yarde, 11168, 11179, 11182, 11187, 11191, 11194
- division (carried), 11211–11212
- Royal assent, 11212
- first reading
Protecting a Sustainable Public Sector for Future Generations Act, 2019 (Bill 124)
- first reading
- second reading, 5652–5687, 5717–5736
- Anand, 5727
- Andrew, 5719–5720
- Armstrong, 5686
- Bell, 5727
- Berns-McGown, 5723, 5735
- Bethlenfalvy, 5652–5656
- Coe, 5724–5727
- Crawford, 5670, 5682–5687
- Cuzzetto, 5661, 5671–5675, 5719, 5731
- Fife, 5660, 5727–5732
- Gates, 5674, 5680
- Gélinas, 5681, 5686–5687, 5717–5720
- Ghamari, 5720
- Gill, 5686, 5730
- Harris, 5732–5736
- Hassan, 5670
- Hunter, 5720–5724
- Karahalios, 5674–5675
- Khanjin, 5675
- Mamakwa, 5679
- Martow, 5681, 5685–5686, 5726–5727
- McDonell, 5723
- McKenna, 5679
- Mitas, 5679–5680
- Monteith-Farrell, 5671, 5682
- Nicholls, 5681–5682
- Parsa, 5656–5661, 5670–5671, 5722, 5735
- Rakocevic, 5720
- Sattler, 5660–5661
- Schreiner, 5680–5682
- Shaw, 5661–5671
- Singh, G., 5722–5723, 5726, 5731, 5734–5735
- Tangri, 5735
- Taylor, 5730–5731
- Triantafilopoulos, 5660
- West, 5676–5680, 5685
- Yarde, 5675
- division (carried), 5819–5820
- time allocation motion, 5739–5749, 5770–5773, 5795–5796
- third reading, 6035–6044
- Royal assent, 6047
Protecting a Sustainable Public Sector for Future Generations Act, 2020 (Bill 124)
- general remarks
- Gretzky, 9079
- general remarks
Protecting Elections and Defending Democracy Act, 2021 (Bill 307)
- first reading
- consultation
- second reading, 14097–14150, 14207
- Andrew, 14111, 14115, 14127–14131
- Bailey, 14126
- Bell, 14137–14141, 14143–14144
- Berns-McGown, 14133–14137, 14143
- Blais, 14113–14115
- Bourgouin, 14133
- Calandra, 14102, 14148–14150
- Coteau, 14112–14116, 14125, 14130
- Crawford, 14125–14126
- Cuzzetto, 14123, 14130–14131
- Downey, 14097–14103, 14111–14112, 14114–14116
- Dunlop, 14118
- Fraser, 14102, 14112, 14115, 14123–14126, 14132–14133, 14136, 14140, 14143–14144, 14146–14147
- Gates, 14104–14105, 14112, 14114, 14125
- Ghamari, 14119
- Glover, 14141, 14147
- Hassan, 14108–14109, 14123
- Hogarth, 14136
- Kanapathi, 14129
- Karahalios, 14141–14144
- Karpoche, 14112, 14121–14123
- Kernaghan, 14116–14120
- MacLeod, 14121
- Mamakwa, 14102, 14115, 14131–14133
- Mantha, 14132
- Martin, 14119, 14122, 14130, 14132
- McKenna, 14133, 14139–14140
- Monteith-Farrell, 14106–14108, 14121
- Nicholls, 14135
- Piccini, 14102–14103
- Rakocevic, 14130, 14143–14148
- Roberts, 14123
- Romano, 14144
- Sattler, 14103–14104, 14118
- Schreiner, 14119–14121
- Singh, S., 14105–14106, 14111–14112
- Stevens, 14136, 14140, 14146
- Stiles, 14103, 14109–14112, 14122
- Tangri, 14140, 14147
- Vanthof, 14101, 14126, 14147
- Walker, 14137, 14146
- Yarde, 14136
- division (carried), 14207
- general remarks
- Andrew, 14127
- Begum, 14168
- Berns-McGown, 14134
- Calandra, 14189
- Downey, 14097, 14101–14102, 14112, 14208–14213
- Gates, 14105
- Hassan, 14109
- Hogarth, 14136
- Karahalios, 14142
- Karpoche, 14122
- Kernaghan, 14117–14118
- McKenna, 14133
- Nicholls, 14135
- Rakocevic, 14147
- Sattler, 14104
- Stiles, 14109–14112
- notwithstanding clause, use of
- general remarks
- Andrew, 14127
- Armstrong, 14171
- Arthur, 14170
- Baber, 14168–14169
- Bailey, 14126
- Bell, 14137, 14140–14141
- Berns-McGown, 14134–14135
- Blais, 14114–14115, 14159
- Calandra, 14175–14176, 14194
- Collard, 14194
- Coteau, 14113
- Downey, 14100–14102
- Fraser, 14123–14124, 14144, 14192
- Gates, 14104
- Glover, 14186
- Hassan, 14108–14109
- Horwath, 14188, 14214
- Hunter, 14167
- Morrison, 14172–14173
- Schreiner, 14120–14121
- Stiles, 14110–14112
- Taylor, 14174
- government communications
- Calandra, 14180
- Fraser, 14146–14147
- Karahalios, 14143
- Singh, S., 14153
- general remarks
- stakeholder response
- Begum, 14168
- Cuzzetto, 14130–14131
- Horwath, 14214
- Karpoche, 14123
- Lindo, 14170–14171
- Monteith-Farrell, 14106–14108
- Schreiner, 14120
- Singh, S., 14105–14106, 14195–14196
- Stiles, 14110–14111
- time allocation motion, 14166–14183, 14202
- presented
- Khanjin, 14166
- responded to
- Armstrong, 14171–14172
- Arthur, 14169–14170
- Baber, 14168–14169
- Begum, 14167–14168
- Calandra, 14174–14182
- Gretzky, 14166–14167
- Harden, 14172
- Hunter, 14167
- Lindo, 14170–14171
- Morrison, 14172–14173
- Natyshak, 14173–14174
- Taylor, 14174
- division (carried), 14202
- division (lost), 14183
- presented
- third reading, 14208–14214
- Downey, 14208–14214
- Horwath, 14214
- division (carried), 14214
- division (lost), 14213
Protecting Ontarians by Enhancing Gas Station Safety to Prevent Gas and Dash Act, 2020 (Bill 231)
- first reading
- Anand, 10389
- second reading, 10538–10544
- referred to Standing Committee on Justice Policy, 10544
- first reading
Protecting Ontario Elections Act, 2021 (Bill 254)
- first reading
- Downey, 11578
- consultation
- Collard, 11751–11752
- Downey, 14098
- McDonell, 11752
- Skelly, 12643
- second reading, 11711–11722, 11737–11754, 11786–11825, 11839–11842, 11892–11895, 12047–12054, 12095–12096
- Andrew, 11812–11816
- Arthur, 11840–11841
- Bailey, 11749, 11753, 11840
- Barrett, 11745
- Bell, 11812, 11815–11816, 11820
- Berns-McGown, 11794, 11796–11800
- Bouma, 11721, 11841, 11894
- Calandra, 11819–11824, 12050
- Coe, 11794
- Collard, 11751–11753
- Downey, 11711–11722
- Fife, 11893
- Fraser, 11753
- Gates, 11745, 11753, 11893
- Ghamari, 11746, 11749–11750
- Gill, 12053–12054
- Glover, 12050, 12052
- Gretzky, 11749
- Harden, 11720, 11750
- Harris, 11750, 11893, 12051
- Hatfield, 11790–11795, 11802–11803, 11807, 12053
- Karahalios, 11800–11804
- Karpoche, 11796, 11798, 11807
- Kernaghan, 11722
- Khanjin, 11721–11722, 12049, 12052
- McDonell, 11752
- Miller, N., 11745, 11786–11791, 11795, 11802–11803, 11811, 11815, 11820, 11840, 11892, 12049, 12052
- Morrison, 11721, 11816–11820
- Natyshak, 11737–11746
- Nicholls, 11790, 11798
- Park, 11804–11805, 11815–11816
- Pettapiece, 11803–11804, 11808, 11811
- Piccini, 11789–11790, 11805–11808, 11812, 11823
- Rakocevic, 11746, 11750, 11812, 11815, 11822, 11824–11825
- Roberts, 11794, 11807
- Sattler, 12049
- Schreiner, 11795–11796
- Shaw, 11789, 11796, 11799, 11808–11812
- Singh, G., 11794, 11799, 11808, 11823
- Singh, S., 11790, 11803
- Skelly, 11795, 11799
- Smith, D., 11822
- Stevens, 12050–12053
- Stiles, 11746–11752, 11811, 11819, 11823
- Tabuns, 12049
- Taylor, 12048–12050
- Vanthof, 11839–11841
- West, 11840
- Yarde, 12052
- division (carried), 12095–12096
- general remarks
- Andrew, 11812–11816
- Bell, 11812, 11815–11816
- Berns-McGown, 11799
- Bouma, 11721, 12671
- Calandra, 11822, 11824, 14178–14179
- Collard, 11753
- Downey, 11711–11712, 11719–11722, 12585–12586, 12594, 14098
- Fife, 11965
- Gill, 12053
- Glover, 14185–14186
- Hunter, 14167
- Karahalios, 11800, 11803–11804
- Kernaghan, 11722
- Miller, N., 11789, 11892, 12621
- Morrison, 11816–11817
- Natyshak, 11738, 11742, 11745, 12617–12618, 14173
- Nicholls, 12677–12678
- Park, 11804
- Piccini, 11805–11807
- Rakocevic, 11824, 14146
- Sattler, 12049
- Schreiner, 11796
- Shaw, 11809, 11811
- Skelly, 11799, 12639
- Stiles, 11747–11748
- Tabuns, 12049
- Taylor, 12048–12049
- judicial review
- appeal of
- general remarks
- government response to. see Protecting Elections and Defending Democracy Act, 2021 (Bill 307)
- as omnibus legislation
- Karpoche, 12676
- stakeholder response
- third reading, 12585–12596, 12613–12630, 12639–12649, 12666–12679, 12704
- Bailey, 12668
- Barrett, 12672
- Bouma, 12647, 12670–12674
- Bourgouin, 12646
- Calandra, 12677
- Downey, 12585–12596, 12669
- Fife, 12620–12621, 12626–12630
- Fraser, 12630
- Gélinas, 12621, 12625, 12629, 12666–12669, 12672
- Harris, 12642, 12648–12649
- Hassan, 12642, 12647
- Karpoche, 12674–12677
- Kernaghan, 12595, 12642
- McDonell, 12643, 12673
- Miller, N., 12621–12626, 12628, 12642, 12647, 12669, 12676
- Morrison, 12643–12648
- Natyshak, 12613–12621, 12630
- Nicholls, 12595–12596, 12677–12679
- Oosterhoff, 12625
- Pettapiece, 12596
- Piccini, 12620–12621, 12629
- Schreiner, 12669–12671
- Singh, G., 12620, 12625
- Skelly, 12639–12643, 12646
- Smith, D., 12595, 12626, 12629–12630
- Stevens, 12643
- Taylor, 12670
- Walker, 12670
- West, 12595, 12624, 12629, 12669, 12673, 12677
- Yarde, 12668, 12673, 12676
- division (carried), 12704
- Royal assent, 12752
- first reading
Protecting Our Pets Act, 2019 (Bill 65)
Protecting Passenger Safety Act, 2019 (Bill 170)
- first reading
- Fraser, 6880
- first reading
Protecting Renters from Illegal Evictions Act, 2020 (Bill 205)
- first reading
- Bell, 9220
- second reading, 10369–10374, 10388
- first reading
Protecting Seniors' Rights in Care Homes Act, 2021 (Bill 280)
- first reading
- Bell, 12742
- first reading
Protecting Small Business Act, 2020 (Bill 192)
Protecting Tenants and Strengthening Community Housing Act, 2020 (Bill 184)
- first reading
- Clark, 7722
- ministerial statement
- Clark, 7722–7723
- second reading, 7909–7927
- Andrew, 7921–7922, 7926
- Armstrong, 7926
- Bell, 7922–7924
- Clark, 7909–7913, 7916–7918
- Fife, 7916, 7924–7925
- Gill, 7913–7916
- Karpoche, 7917, 7926
- Kramp, 7917
- Monteith-Farrell, 7917
- Nicholls, 7917–7918
- Sattler, 7918–7919, 7926
- Singh, S., 7919–7921
- Stevens, 7925–7926
- Tangri, 7916
- division (carried), 7951
- general remarks
- time allocation motion, 8073–8084, 8098–8107, 8122
- third reading, 8647–8656, 8731–8742, 8845–8878, 8881–8882
- Anand, 8858, 8862
- Andrew, 8860–8863, 8865–8867
- Baber, 8873–8874
- Begum, 8862, 8868, 8873
- Bell, 8849–8850
- Berns-McGown, 8863–8866
- Blais, 8854, 8858
- Bouma, 8865, 8877–8878
- Clark, 8647–8651, 8655–8656
- Collard, 8855
- Crawford, 8846–8850, 8867
- Fraser, 8856–8857
- French, 8741
- Gates, 8853–8854
- Ghamari, 8655
- Gill, 8651–8654, 8740, 8849, 8852, 8856–8857
- Glover, 8852–8853, 8857, 8861, 8874–8878
- Hassan, 8850–8854, 8873, 8877
- Hogarth, 8656
- Hunter, 8855–8857
- Khanjin, 8849, 8861, 8868, 8878, 8881
- Lindo, 8865–8866
- Martin, 8866–8867
- Martow, 8858–8862, 8876
- McDonell, 8654–8655, 8850, 8861, 8864–8865
- Morrison, 8655–8656, 8731–8742
- Parsa, 8853, 8873
- Piccini, 8742
- Rakocevic, 8853, 8869–8874
- Rasheed, 8741
- Schreiner, 8866–8868
- Shaw, 8849, 8877
- Smith, D., 8853, 8857, 8872
- Stiles, 8741
- division (carried), 8895–8896
- Royal assent, 8933
- first reading
Protecting the People of Ontario Act (Budget Measures), 2021 (Bill 269)
- first reading
- Bethlenfalvy, 12204
- second reading, 12316–12344, 12362–12383, 12419–12423, 12430–12454
- Anand, 12447–12449
- Babikian, 12434
- Begum, 12423
- Bethlenfalvy, 12320–12322
- Bourgouin, 12422
- Burch, 12434, 12437, 12444–12446, 12448–12449
- Calandra, 12316, 12453
- Cho, S., 12316–12320, 12323–12324, 12332–12333, 12373, 12381, 12436–12437, 12439–12440
- Coe, 12341, 12422, 12446
- Crawford, 12448
- Fife, 12324–12334, 12365, 12372–12373, 12377
- Fraser, 12438–12440
- French, 12419–12423, 12439, 12453
- Gates, 12333, 12434–12438, 12446
- Gélinas, 12323, 12366–12370, 12373, 12378, 12382
- Gill, 12323, 12422–12423
- Glover, 12342
- Gretzky, 12436
- Hassan, 12338, 12342
- Hogarth, 12433, 12437, 12443
- Hunter, 12342–12344
- Kanapathi, 12449
- Khanjin, 12323, 12338, 12370, 12445–12446, 12452–12453
- Kusendova, 12423, 12441–12443
- Mantha, 12373–12374, 12381
- Martin, 12333, 12430–12434, 12440, 12442
- Monteith-Farrell, 12324, 12332
- Natyshak, 12452
- Nicholls, 12365, 12369
- Pang, 12342, 12374
- Park, 12370–12374
- Parsa, 12339, 12362–12366
- Rasheed, 12379–12382
- Sabawy, 12378
- Sandhu, 12368–12369, 12373, 12377–12378, 12382
- Sattler, 12339–12343
- Singh, G., 12364, 12374–12379, 12433
- Stevens, 12369, 12381–12383
- Stiles, 12445, 12448
- Tangri, 12335–12339, 12365, 12452
- Taylor, 12339
- Vanthof, 12449–12453
- West, 12333, 12338, 12366, 12369
- Yarde, 12322
- division (carried), 12450, 12474
- third reading, 12783–12792, 12807–12828, 12835–12845, 12883–12893, 12910–12913, 12981–12982
- Armstrong, 12825, 12838, 12886
- Bailey, 12842
- Bell, 12791
- Bethlenfalvy, 12783–12785
- Burch, 12838, 12841
- Calandra, 12825, 12911–12913
- Cho, S., 12785–12791, 12812–12813, 12815, 12826, 12839, 12841–12842
- Coe, 12790, 12824, 12843–12845
- Coteau, 12912
- Dunlop, 12838
- Fedeli, 12888–12890
- Fraser, 12817–12820
- French, 12789, 12813, 12820–12824
- Glover, 12790
- Harden, 12812, 12815, 12823, 12883–12890, 12911–12912
- Harris, 12841
- Hatfield, 12887, 12889, 12911
- Karahalios, 12790, 12839–12843
- Mamakwa, 12813–12817, 12842
- Mantha, 12816, 12842–12843, 12890–12893, 12910–12912
- McDonell, 12838
- Miller, N., 12845
- Oosterhoff, 12791, 12812, 12820, 12886
- Piccini, 12816, 12819, 12823–12824, 12826–12828, 12886, 12890
- Sattler, 12791–12792, 12807–12813
- Schreiner, 12824–12826
- Shaw, 12845
- Skelly, 12818, 12887, 12889, 12911
- Smith, D., 12823
- Stiles, 12816, 12824, 12835–12839, 12887
- division (carried), 12981–12982
- Royal assent, 13041
- first reading
Protecting Vulnerable Persons in Supportive Living Accommodation Act, 2020 (Bill 164)
- first reading
- Burch, 6789
- second reading, 10156–10161
- referred to Standing Committee on General Government, 10161
- first reading
Protecting Vulnerable Road Users Act, 2018 (Bill 62)
- first reading
- Bell, 2473
- first reading
Protecting Waterways from Zebra Mussels Act, 2018 (Bill 29)
Protecting What Matters Most Act (Budget Measures), 2019 (Bill 100)
- first reading
- Fedeli, 4325
- second reading, 4462–4482, 4524–4545, 4585–4601, 4695
- Anand, 4531
- Andrew, 4471
- Baber, 4471, 4601
- Barrett, 4597–4599, 4601
- Bell, 4526, 4530–4531, 4538–4539, 4542
- Bouma, 4475, 4539, 4594
- Burch, 4472–4476
- Calandra, 4475, 4535, 4596–4597
- Cuzzetto, 4530, 4593–4594
- Des Rosiers, 4597
- Downey, 4466–4470
- Dunlop, 4600
- Fedeli, 4462–4465, 4471–4472
- Fee, 4479
- Gates, 4600–4601
- Gélinas, 4594
- Gill, 4596
- Glover, 4531–4534, 4536
- Karpoche, 4535–4536, 4543
- Ke, 4538
- Khanjin, 4480
- Lecce, 4527–4531
- Lindo, 4600
- Mantha, 4470, 4476, 4479–4480
- Martin, 4476–4480
- Martow, 4543–4545
- Morrison, 4526, 4530
- Pang, 4599–4600
- Pettapiece, 4526
- Sabawy, 4542
- Sarkaria, 4470
- Sattler, 4594
- Schreiner, 4595–4597
- Shaw, 4585–4593, 4595
- Singh, G., 4480–4482, 4524–4525, 4527
- Smith, D., 4534–4539
- Stiles, 4475, 4479, 4539–4543
- Tabuns, 4535
- Vanthof, 4538
- West, 4596
- division (carried), 4716–4717
- time allocation motion, 4603–4614, 4649–4654, 4667
- third reading, 5126–5144, 5247–5255, 5281–5299, 5301–5304
- Andrew, 5144
- Arthur, 5282, 5297–5299, 5301–5304
- Bell, 5291
- Berns-McGown, 5296, 5302–5303
- Bouma, 5287, 5294–5295
- Burch, 5133
- Calandra, 5133, 5249, 5252–5255
- Des Rosiers, 5247–5248
- Downey, 5304
- Fedeli, 5126–5134
- Fee, 5143–5144
- Fife, 5288–5292, 5295–5296
- Fraser, 5248–5249
- Gates, 5255–5258
- Gélinas, 5249
- Ghamari, 5250–5252
- Harden, 5150–5151, 5254
- Harris, 5285–5288, 5291–5292
- Hunter, 5156–5157, 5250
- Karahalios, 5143
- Ke, 5154
- Kernaghan, 5150, 5155, 5287, 5292
- Kramp, 5296
- Lecce, 5134, 5249–5250
- Lindo, 5253
- Martow, 5303
- McDonell, 5283–5284
- Miller, N., 5282
- Miller, P., 5286
- Natyshak, 5303
- Oosterhoff, 5253–5254
- Parsa, 5151
- Rakocevic, 5282–5283
- Sabawy, 5149–5151
- Sarkaria, 5302
- Schreiner, 5281–5283
- Shaw, 5134–5144
- Singh, S., 5133–5134
- Skelly, 5254, 5292–5294, 5296–5297
- Smith, D., 5150, 5286–5287, 5291
- Stevens, 5155
- Stiles, 5143
- Surma, 5147–5149
- Tangri, 5155
- Thanigasalam, 5282
- Wai, 5296
- West, 5151–5156
- Yarde, 5250
- division (carried), 5316–5317
- amendments
- Shaw, 5140–5141
- Royal assent, 5317
- first reading
Protectionist policies.
see also International tradeProtest
- in agri-food sector. see Agri-food facilities - security from trespass—vs. right to protest
- right to
Provincial Advocate for Children and Youth.
see also Ontario Ombudsman; Statements by stakeholders-re independent officers of the legislature- advocacy role
- creation, history of
- general remarks
- Fife, 10043
- independence of
- Shaw, 2552
- open investigations, status of
- Arthur, 2521
- reports
- HairStory: Rooted: A Firm Foundation for the Future of Black Youth in Ontario’s Systems of Care (2019)
- Lindo, 3781
- HairStory: Rooted: A Firm Foundation for the Future of Black Youth in Ontario’s Systems of Care (2019)
- role of
- Fraser, 2662
- scope of role
- Mamakwa, 2602
- Thunder Bay office, closure
- Monteith-Farrell, 3180–3181
- transfer of oversight role
- Arthur, 2521–2522, 5298
- Coteau, 2348
- Fraser, 2322, 2515
- Lindo, 4389
- MacLeod, 2348, 3968
- Shaw, 2552–2553, 2556
- Singh, S., 2345, 2533
- Taylor, 2346, 2428–2429, 2919–2920
- Vanthof, 2344
- Wynne, 2422
- general remarks
- impact on children and youth
- Taylor, 2734
- impact on employment
- Mamakwa, 3566
- impact on Indigenous communities
- transfer of oversight role, consultation
Provincial agencies, boards and commissions
- review of
- Cho, S., 7455
- review of
Provincial Animal Welfare Services Act, 2019 (Bill 136)
- first reading
- Jones, 5713–5714
- second reading, 5937–5946, 5987–5996, 6068–6113, 6374–6375
- Armstrong, 6102
- Arthur, 6071, 6076
- Begum, 6099–6102
- Coe, 6078–6082
- Crawford, 6106–6107
- Dunlop, 6075–6076
- French, 6091–6095, 6098
- Gates, 6085–6086, 6089–6090, 6094, 6098–6099
- Ghamari, 6108
- Harris, 5995–5996, 6069–6072
- Hassan, 6086
- Hogarth, 5940–5945, 5993–5994, 6071, 6082, 6094–6095
- Jones, 5937–5940
- Karahalios, 5994
- Kernaghan, 5994–5995
- Lindo, 6090
- Mamakwa, 6095
- Mantha, 6106
- Martow, 6077–6078, 6094, 6110–6111
- McKenna, 5944, 6077, 6090–6091
- Monteith-Farrell, 5944, 6071–6072, 6078
- Morrison, 6082–6087
- Natyshak, 5944–5945
- Nicholls, 6081, 6090, 6099
- Oosterhoff, 5945
- Parsa, 6095–6099
- Pettapiece, 6102
- Piccini, 6087–6089, 6091, 6109, 6112
- Roberts, 6103–6105, 6107, 6111–6112
- Sattler, 6075, 6081, 6107–6110
- Schreiner, 6076–6078
- Singh, S., 6081–6082
- Skelly, 6075, 6106
- Smith, D., 6086, 6101–6102
- Stevens, 6111
- Stiles, 6072–6077
- Taylor, 6108–6109
- Thanigasalam, 6072, 6098
- West, 5994
- Yarde, 5945–5946, 5987–5993, 5995, 6109, 6112
- division (carried), 6418–6419
- time allocation motion, 6203–6213, 6303–6307
- third reading, 6627–6645, 6647–6651
- Royal assent, 6688
- first reading
Provincial bonds.
see also Government financesProvincial branding
- general remarks
- Burch, 4474
- licence plates redesign. see Licence plates
- Trillium logo redesign
- Bethlenfalvy, 4399
- Fedeli, 4323
- West, 4358
- general remarks
Provincial credit rating
Provincial Framework and Action Plan concerning Emerging Vector-Borne Diseases Act, 2015,
SO 2015, c 13
- Barrett, 5624–5625
Provincial Land and Development Facilitator
Provincial offences
- court administration. see under Court administration
- general remarks
- Park, 8925
Provincial parks
Provincial-federal relations
Provincial-municipal relations
PTSD Awareness Day Act, 2018 (Bill 9)
Public Accountability and Lobbyist Transparency Act, 2020 (Bill 162)
Public accountants
- accounting standards
- Public Accountants Council
- dissolution and transfer. see also Chartered Professional Accountants of Ontario
- Bouma, 11642–11643
- Downey, 11426, 12125–12126
- McDonell, 11504–11505
- Parsa, 12255
- Tangri, 12237–12238
- dissolution and transfer. see also Chartered Professional Accountants of Ontario
Public accounts 2017-2018
Public accounts 2018-2019
- transparency
- Shaw, 5696–5697
- transparency
Public assets
Public assets - sale/lease of
public education campaigns
- days of remembrance
- Des Rosiers, 4142–4143
- days of remembrance
Public education campaigns - accessibility
- Autism Awareness and Acceptance Month
- Community Living Day
- Down Syndrome Awareness Week
- Karahalios, 2099
- Fetal Alcohol Syndrome Awareness Day
- Wynne, 7092
- International Day of Persons with Disabilities
- Cho, R.S.J., 2779–2780, 6583–6584, 11010
- Collard, 11011–11012, 11083
- Des Rosiers, 2781
- Fraser, 6585, 10997
- Harden, 2780–2781, 6584–6585, 11010–11011, 11080, 11082–11083
- National AccessAbility Week
- National Disability Employment Awareness Month
- Ontario Down Syndrome Day
- MacLeod, 3673–3674
- Phone It Forward
- Downey, 2264
- Special Hockey Day
- World Autism Awareness Day
- World Down Syndrome Day
Public education campaigns - agriculture
Public education campaigns - arts
Public education campaigns - arts and culture
- Poetry Month
- Hatfield, 12249
- Poetry Month
Public education campaigns - business
Public education campaigns - children
- Adoption Awareness Month
- Child Abuse Prevention Month
- Children and Youth in Care Day
- Dress Purple Day
- Dunlop, 10041–10042
- Fife, 10042
- Schreiner, 10043
- International Day of the Girl
- National Child Day
Public education campaigns - community
- Food Day Ontario
- Ontario Day
- Ontario Heritage Week
- MacLeod, 7053
Public education campaigns - community development
- Bullying Awareness and Prevention Week
- Collard, 10392–10393
- Lecce, 6056, 6183, 10389–10391
- Schreiner, 10393
- Skelly, 6056
- Stiles, 6184, 10391–10392
- Taylor, 6127
- Convenience Store Week
- Cho, S., 13577–13580
- Vanthof, 13580–13581
- Democracy Week
- Fife, 1058
- Front-line and Essential Service Worker Week
- Gates, 13980–13981
- Gretzky, 13976–13978
- Hassan, 13978
- Rasheed, 13975–13976
- Taylor, 13978–13980
- Yarde, 13981
- Highway of Heroes Tree Campaign
- Kindness Week
- Fraser, 6979
- Local Government Week
- National Coaches Week
- National Housing Day
- National Seniors Day
- Non-Profit Sector Appreciation Week
- French, 13350–13351
- Glover, 13351–13352
- Pang, 13352
- Park, 13354
- Roberts, 13351
- Shaw, 13353
- Wai, 13349–13350, 13354
- Ontario Day
- Gates, 13007
- Harden, 12724
- MacLeod, 13002, 13004
- Mantha, 12723–12724
- Parsa, 12722–12723
- Stevens, 13006
- Taylor, 12998
- Yarde, 13016
- Pink Shirt Day
- Pride month
- Pride Month
- Senior Volunteer Appreciation Week
- Fife, 14046–14047
- Pang, 13031, 14045–14046
- Seniors' Month
- Stop Cyberbullying in Ontario Day
- Trans Day of Visibility
- Kernaghan, 3931
- United Nations International Day of Older Persons
- Cho, R.S.J., 1335
- World Tourism Day
- Bullying Awareness and Prevention Week
Public education campaigns - cultural
- Anti-Asian Racism Education Month
- Khanjin, 14202
- Singh, G., 14199–14201
- Black History Month
- Chuseok
- Cho, S., 9411
- Egyptian Heritage Month
- Sabawy, 8415
- Filipino Heritage Month
- Babikian, 13584–13585
- Begum, 13581–13582
- Cho, S., 8110–8111, 13586
- Ghamari, 13582–13583
- Hassan, 13583–13584
- Khanjin, 13585–13586
- Taylor, 13585
- Franco-Ontarian Day
- Kusendova, 9307
- Hellenic Heritage Month
- International Mother Language Day. see also under Bangladeshi community
- Islamic Heritage Month
- Hassan, 1331
- National Indigenous History Month
- Ontario Heritage Week
- Persian Heritage Month
- Ghamari, 14056–14057
- Parsa, 14053–14055
- Singh, G., 14055–14056
- Scottish Heritage Day
- Fife, 14050
- McDonell, 14047–14048
- Singh, G., 14050
- Smith, D., 14050
- Walker, 14049–14050
- West, 14048–14049
- Sikh Heritage Month
- Somali Heritage Week
- Tartan Day
- Smith, D., 4132
- Treaties Awareness Week
- Smith, D., 7511
- Anti-Asian Racism Education Month
Public education campaigns - culture
- Asian Heritage Month
- Black History Month
- Egyptian Heritage Month
- Filipino Heritage Month
- Begum, 12271–12272, 12277
- Berns-McGown, 12276–12277
- Des Rosiers, 5472
- Fraser, 13915
- Hunter, 12273–12274
- Khanjin, 12276
- Martin, 12273
- Mitas, 12275
- Rakocevic, 12274–12275
- Stevens, 12277
- Stiles, 12275–12276
- Global Coptic Day
- Hellenic Heritage Month
- Phillips, 6007
- Triantafilopoulos, 6007, 12215–12216
- Hindu Heritage Month
- Triantafilopoulos, 10674
- Hispanic Heritage Month
- Kanapathi, 9963
- International Day of la Francophonie
- Martow, 3658
- International Mother Language Day
- Begum, 7086
- Islamic Heritage Month
- Italian Heritage Month
- Fraser, 14077
- Hassan, 14077
- Martin, 5318
- Schreiner, 14078
- Tibollo, 14074–14076
- Jewish Heritage Month
- Martin, 13311–13312
- Museum Month
- National Poetry Month
- Hatfield, 12893
- Ontario Heritage Week
- MacLeod, 6991–6993
- Persian Heritage Month
- Armstrong, 12720
- Cho, S., 12721
- Harden, 12718–12719
- Lecce, 12719–12720
- Parsa, 12717–12718, 12721–12722
- Rasheed, 12720–12721
- Portugal Day
- Armstrong, 5601
- Scottish Heritage Day
- Sikh Heritage Month
- Somali Heritage Month
- Tamil Heritage Month
- Thanigasalam, 6722
- Tibetan Heritage Month
Public education campaigns - education
Public education campaigns - environment
Public education campaigns - health
- ALS Awareness Month
- Be a Donor Month
- Brain Cancer Awareness Day
- Elliott, 9903
- Bridges to Hope
- Fife, 1732
- Caregiver Recognition Day
- Childhood and Adolescent Cancer Awareness Month
- Walker, 1280
- Childhood Cancer Awareness Month
- COPD Awareness Day
- Crohn's and Colitis Awareness Month
- Gates, 2315–2316
- Cystic Fibrosis Awareness Month
- Cho, S., 13602–13603
- Diabetes Awareness Month
- Eating Disorders Awareness Week
- Andrew, 2902–2903, 2907, 11077–11079
- Armstrong, 2906
- Berns-McGown, 2905
- Harden, 2904–2905, 11080
- Sabawy, 2905
- Thanigasalam, 2903–2904
- Tibollo, 11079–11080
- Eczema Awareness Month
- Karahalios, 2353
- Food Allergy Awareness Month
- Kusendova, 5073–5074
- Green Shirt Day
- Heart Month
- Khanjin, 11564–11565
- Lupus Awareness Day
- Lyme Disease Awareness Month
- Mantha, 4717
- Menstrual Hygiene Day
- Karpoche, 5217
- Mental Health Week
- Movember
- National Advance Care Planning Day
- National Day of Action on the Overdose Crisis
- National Day of Observance
- Ford, 12035
- Organ and Tissue Donation Awareness Month
- Walker, 4171–4172
- PTSD Awareness Day
- Recovery Day
- Des Rosiers, 933–934
- Recovery Month
- Anand, 13388–13389
- Hatfield, 13389–13390
- Hunter, 9121–9122
- Karpoche, 9120–9121
- Ke, 13378–13380
- Mantha, 13380–13382
- Sattler, 13386–13387
- Schreiner, 9121
- Tibollo, 9118–9120, 13383
- Respiratory Therapy Week
- Elliott, 9965
- Rowan's Law Day
- Scleroderma Awareness Month
- Parsa, 8176
- Sickle Cell Disease Awareness Day
- Cuzzetto, 11705
- Gélinas, 11708
- Hunter, 11706
- Khanjin, 11704, 13824–13825
- Lecce, 11708–11709
- Lindo, 13825–13827
- Phillips, 12032–12033
- Thalassemia Awareness Day
- Cuzzetto, 11705
- Gélinas, 11708
- Hunter, 11706
- Khanjin, 11704, 13824–13825
- Lecce, 11708–11709
- Lindo, 13825–13827
- Phillips, 12032–12033
- Vision Health Month
- Bouma, 4980
- World AIDS Day
- Gélinas, 2778
- World Blood Donor Day
- Anand, 14185
- World Diabetes Day
- World Eating Disorders Action Day
- World Polio Day
- French, 1732–1733
- World Sickle Cell Day
- Andrew, 5598
- World Suicide Prevention Day
- Cho, S., 8938
Public education campaigns - historical/national
- Armenian Independence Day
- Babikian, 9257
- Decoration Day
- Gélinas, 5458
- Egyptian Heritage Month
- Fête de la Saint-Jean-Baptiste
- Holodomor Memorial Day
- Magna Carta Day
- National Day of the People's Republic of China
- Wai, 1282
- National Holodomor Awareness Week
- Oxi Day
- Mitas, 2101
- Polish Independence Day
- Remembrance Day
- Smith, T., 2091–2092
- Remembrance Week
- Rwandan genocide, anniversary of
- Sikh Genocide Awareness Week
- Tamil Genocide Education Week
- Babikian, 13375–13376
- Begum, 5196, 13374–13375
- Horwath, 13377
- Kanapathi, 13373–13374
- Kusendova, 5195
- Rakocevic, 13376–13377
- Rasheed, 5195
- Singh, G., 5193, 13372–13373
- Stiles, 13377–13378
- Thanigasalam, 5192–5193, 13371–13372
- Tamil Genocide Remembrance Day
- Treaties Recognition Week
- Rickford, 2206
- Vimy Ridge Day
- Warsaw Uprising anniversary
- Kusendova, 534
- Armenian Independence Day
Public education campaigns - Indigenous
Public education campaigns - innovation and technology
- Nikola Tesla Day
- Bailey, 14051–14052
- Crawford, 14038–14039
- Fife, 14040–14041
- Gates, 14039
- Ghamari, 14041
- Rakocevic, 14036–14038, 14041–14042, 14050–14051
- Rasheed, 14039–14040
- Taylor, 14040
- Walker, 14051
- Nikola Tesla Day
Public education campaigns - justice
Public education campaigns - labour
- Injured Workers' Day
- Gates, 13925
- Injured Workers' Day
Public education campaigns - mental health
Public education campaigns - national/historical
- Bells of Peace
- Coe, 1388
- Chinese Canadian Head Tax Redress Day
- Ke, 5603–5604
- Decoration Day
- Mantha, 5451
- Genocide Awareness, Commemoration, Prevention and Education Month
- Magna Carta Day
- Armstrong, 10843–10845
- Khanjin, 10845–10847
- McKenna, 10841–10843
- Thompson, 10848
- Nanjing Massacre Commemorative Day
- Ke, 6879
- Ontario Day
- Parsa, 13916
- Sikh Genocide Awareness Week
- Singh, G., 7245
- Yom ha-Shoah
- Bells of Peace
Public education campaigns - occupations
- Correctional Services Staff Recognition Week
- Developmental Service Worker Appreciation Day
- Gretzky, 8318
- Doctors' Day
- Elliott, 13159
- Gélinas, 13159–13160
- Kusendova, 4628
- Schreiner, 13160–13161
- First Responders Day
- Crawford, 13199
- Front-line and Essential Service Worker Week
- Bourgouin, 11040
- Crawford, 11039
- Fraser, 11037
- Gates, 11038
- Gretzky, 11039
- Martin, 11037–11038
- Rasheed, 11035–11036
- West, 11036
- Global Entrepreneurship Week
- Parsa, 2146
- International Firefighters' Day
- Bouma, 13411
- International Nurses' Day
- International Workers' Day
- Harden, 4668
- National Nursing Week
- National Physicians' Day
- Elliott, 13159
- Gélinas, 13159–13160
- Schreiner, 13160–13161
- Personal Support Worker Day
- Police Week
- Professional Engineers Day
- Anand, 7245
- Cho, S., 7245, 11509–11510
- Ke, 3345
- World Social Work Day
Public education campaigns - racism and discrimination
- Anti-Asian Racism Education Month
- Ke, 13835
- Day of Remembrance and Action on Islamophobia
- Emancipation Day
- International Day Against Homophobia, Transphobia and Biphobia
- International Day for the Elimination of Racial Discrimination
- International Day of Pink
- Trans Day of Remembrance
- Transgender Awareness Week
- Kernaghan, 2263
- Zero Discrimination Day
- Sandhu, 7243
- Anti-Asian Racism Education Month
Public education campaigns - safety
- Carbon Monoxide Awareness Week
- Simard, 2096
- Crime Prevention Week
- Cyber Security Awareness Month
- Day of Mourning
- Emergency Preparedness Week
- National Day of Mourning
- Occupational Safety and Health Day
- Coe, 6582
- Gates, 6485, 6809, 12995–12996
- Martin, 6486
- McKenna, 6484–6485, 6809, 11540–11541, 12983–12984, 13097, 13197
- Natyshak, 12985–12986
- Stevens, 12992–12993
- Taylor, 12987
- Vanthof, 12989–12990
- Rail Safety Week
- Triantafilopoulos, 1280
- Carbon Monoxide Awareness Week
Public education campaigns - violence, sexual violence, and harassment
- Bullying Awareness and Prevention Week
- Day of Activism Against Gender-Based Violence
- MacLeod, 2356
- Human Trafficking Awareness Day
- Human Trafficking Awareness Week
- Kusendova, 473
- National Day of Remembrance and Action on Violence against Women
- Sexual Assault Prevention Month
- Des Rosiers, 5223
- Dunlop, 13717–13719
- Lindo, 13719
- MacLeod, 5221
- Sexual Harassment Awareness Week
- MacLeod, 5221–5222
- Shine the Light
- Kernaghan, 2316
- Transgender Day of Remembrance
- Kernaghan, 2263
- Victims and Survivors of Crime Week
- Woman Abuse Prevention Month
- Women Abuse Prevention Month
Public education campaigns - women
- Equal Pay Day
- Gender Equality Week
- MacLeod, 1282
- International Day of Rural Women
- Dunlop, 9976
- International Day of the Girl
- International Women's Day
- Andrew, 7555, 11842
- Cho, S., 11842
- Collard, 11860
- Crawford, 3382
- Dunlop, 7553–7555, 11848, 11857
- French, 11843
- Ghamari, 3298, 11623, 11844
- Harris, 11848
- Hunter, 3535–3536
- Lindo, 11859
- MacLeod, 3532
- McKenna, 11845
- Morrison, 3534–3535
- Phillips, 11908–11909
- Schreiner, 7556, 11860
- Simard, 7555–7556
- Singh, G., 3546
- Tangri, 3531, 7478
- Wynne, 3430–3431, 7540
- Persons Day
- Pregnancy and Infant Loss Awareness Day
- Karahalios, 1643
- White Ribbon Campaign
- Women's History Month
- World Thinking Day
- Andrew, 3126–3127
Public health
- data collection
- race-based data
- Lindo, 4779
- race-based data
- government funding
- historical events
- infection control
- mandatory blood testing. see also Mandatory Blood Testing Act, 2006, SO 2006, c 26
- infectious disease
- prevention and control
- Barrett, 5624–5625
- prevention and control
- policy development
- Burch, 13220–13221
- and sick days
- tuberculosis outbreak (Thunder Bay)
- Monteith-Farrell, 2095
- data collection
Public Health Accountability Act (In Honour of Dr. Sheela Basrur), 2020 (Bill 227)
- first reading
- Gélinas, 10300
- second reading, 10973–10980, 11009
- first reading
Public health - Far North
Public health laboratories.
see also Medical laboratory servicesPublic Health Ontario
- COVID-19 response
- Martin, 13909–13910
- Rakocevic, 10821
- mandate
- Gélinas, 13913
- COVID-19 response
Public health services
- harm reduction
- Burch, 4339
- mandate
- Elliott, 4802, 13906
- Gélinas, 13931–13932
- return on investment
- Stiles, 4871
- structure of
- Elliott, 13906–13907
- harm reduction
Public Health Sudbury and Districts
- services
- West, 4781
- services
Public health units.
see also Preventive health- advocacy departments
- Gélinas, 4614
- appreciation
- Lindo, 13939
- boards
- enabling statute. see Health Protection and Promotion Act, 1990
- funding jurisdiction
- general remarks
- governance
- government funding
- and hospital overcrowding
- mandate
- Elliott, 13907
- Natyshak, 13936–13937
- program funding allocation
- Fraser, 7548
- public policy departments
- Gélinas, 4777
- restructuring
- West, 5808
- services
- staff recruitment
- Triantafilopoulos, 4774
- Toronto Public Health. see Toronto Public Health
- vision programs. see under Vision care
- voluntary mergers
- Thompson, 4771
- advocacy departments
Public health units - COVID-19
- government funding
- Armstrong, 11518–11519
- Burch, 10825–10826
- Elliott, 10858, 11001–11002
- Gretzky, 11001–11002
- Hatfield, 11001
- Horwath, 7246–7247
- Hunter, 10383, 10495, 10858
- Martin, 13909
- Phillips, 10436
- Yarde, 10747
- mandate
- Martin, 13908–13909
- government funding
Public health units - restructuring
- amalgamation
- Armstrong, 4418
- Arthur, 5117
- Barrett, 10974
- Bourgouin, 12540
- Burch, 4474, 10826
- Elliott, 4335, 5060–5061, 5117, 5164–5165, 5845–5846
- Fife, 4427–4428, 5164
- French, 4372
- Gélinas, 4594, 4614, 4777, 10721, 12368, 13933
- Gill, 4782
- Harden, 5117
- Horwath, 4329–4330, 4770, 4787, 5060–5061
- Kernaghan, 4785
- Monteith-Farrell, 4783
- Sattler, 4392
- Shaw, 4348, 5135–5136
- Singh, S., 4335
- Stiles, 4540–4541
- Triantafilopoulos, 4774
- West, 4360, 4596, 4781, 5151, 10756
- consultation
- consultation process
- cost
- Burch, 4775
- and COVID-19. see COVID-19—and public health funding
- funding formula
- Armstrong, 4418
- Bell, 4539, 4542
- Bisson, 4605
- Bouma, 4776
- Burch, 4775
- Elliott, 7548
- Fife, 4428
- Fraser, 7548
- Gill, 4782
- Horwath, 4770, 4787
- Kernaghan, 4785
- Schreiner, 4595
- Shaw, 4348
- Stiles, 4540–4541
- Triantafilopoulos, 4774
- West, 4360
- and epidemic diseases
- Horwath, 7246–7247
- general remarks
- impact on municipalities
- Gélinas, 6834
- impact on services
- Elliott, 6833
- funding formula, retroactive application
- general remarks
- implementation timeline
- Gill, 4782
- layoffs
- Fife, 10974
- public response to
- reports
- Public Health within an Integrated Health System (Minister's Expert Panel on Public Health, 2017)
- Triantafilopoulos, 4774
- Public Health within an Integrated Health System (Minister's Expert Panel on Public Health, 2017)
- amalgamation
Public inquiries
Public institutions
- public perception of
- Sattler, 7050
- public perception of
Public library boards
- permanent residents permitted to sit on
- Andrew, 5930
- permanent residents permitted to sit on
Public policy research
Public safety
- 2018 Public Report on the Terrorism Threat to Canada
- Community Safety and Policing Grant
- government strategy
- Jones, 3874
- Ontario Safer and Vital Communities Grant
- release of offender into community
- Sarkaria, 3882
- role of Environmental Commissioner
- Tabuns, 2562
- Scarborough–Agincourt
- Babikian, 3431–3432
- Thunder Bay
- Monteith-Farrell, 5797
- Toronto
- Yarde, 1181
Public Safety Related to Dogs Statute Law Amendment Act, 2019 (Bill 147)
Public sector
Public sector compensation
Public sector compensation increase - cap on
- general remarks
- impact on women
- Gretzky, 13977–13978
- Shaw, 7676
- Stiles, 7684–7685
- vs. inflation rate
- legal challenge
Public sector compensation increases - cap on
- and collective bargaining rights
- general remarks
- impact on health and social services sector
- Indigenous organizations, exemption for
- Parsa, 5658
- ministerial authority over
Public servants
Public transit.
see TransitPulitzer Prize
- awarded to Kendrick Lamar
- Lindo, 719
- awarded to Kendrick Lamar
Putting Students First Act, 2012,
SO 2012, c 11