Letter: L
La Loche, Saskatchewan
- shooting in
- Cho, S., F394
- shooting in
Laboratory services
- private delivery
- cost of
- Shaw, F856
- cost of
- result retrieval systems
- Smith, D., F2385–F2386
- private delivery
Labour market
Labour relations.
see also Ministry of Labour; Ontario Labour Relations Board (OLRB); Union certification; Union representation- collective agreements
- collective bargaining
- reform (2018)
- strikes and lockouts
Labour Relations Act, 1995,
SO 1995, c 1, Sched. A
- Fife, F89
Lake Erie
Lake Simcoe
- remediation funding
- Khanjin, G434
- remediation funding
Lake Simcoe Protection Plan
Lakehead University
Land claims.
see Indigenous relations - land claimsLand expropriations
Land use planning.
see also Housing development; Rental housing - development- administration
- agricultural impact
- French, G1146
- and community relations
- consultation process
- developer-community relations
- Arthur, G425
- development restrictions
- flood risk areas
- Yakabuski, E414
- flood risk areas
- economic impact
- Arthur, F847
- employment lands
- environmental assessments
- and environmental policy
- Arthur, F3090
- French, G1146
- Shaw, F3138–F3139
- federal lands, unused
- general remarks
- impact on property taxation
- French, G1137
- municipal capital cost recovery
- via development charges. see Land use planning - development charges
- via property taxes
- Morrison, JP132, JP136–JP137, JP145
- pedestrian zones
- Bailey, F2557
- pre-zoning
- Blais, F2098
- Schreiner, F2096–F2097
- Skelly, F2094–F2095
- provincial policy statement
- consultation process
- general remarks
- French, G1137, G1187–G1188
- Schreiner, G1135, G1144, G1189
- land subject to
- Schreiner, G1126
- and ministerial zoning orders. see under Land use planning - ministerial zoning orders
- regulatory environment
- revenue generation
- for affordable housing
- Arthur, F1018–F1019
- for affordable housing
- subdivision control
- Glover, G1331
- Piccini, G1327, G1410–G1411
- transit planning. see also Transit systems—public transportation program
- tribunal appearances
- waterfront development
- economic impact
- Martow, F2034
- economic impact
Land use planning by region
- Niagara
- Hilton Niagara Falls development
- Gates, F2327
- Hilton Niagara Falls development
- Niagara
Land use planning - development charges
Land use planning - environmental assessments
Land use planning - ministerial zoning orders
- amendment process
- Clark, G1125–G1126
- Smith, D., G1125
- as economic development tool
- Clark, G1122
- environmental protection
- evaluation process
- expansion of
- Clark, F2001
- general remarks
- heritage properties
- Indigenous consultation
- Crawford, G1190
- Schreiner, G1160–G1161, G1163, G1166
- Shaw, G1159–G1160
- legal challenges to
- Shaw, F3061
- minister responsible for
- Shaw, F3168–F3169, F3176
- municipal consultation
- Clark, G1122–G1123, G1126–G1127
- French, G1134
- Scott, G1123
- Vanthof, G1191
- Wai, G1167
- Walker, G1145, G1154–G1155
- provincial policy statement, exemption from
- general remarks
- Fraser, G1190–G1192
- French, G1122–G1123, G1125–G1126, G1134, G1137, G1146, G1152, G1187–G1188, G1190–G1192
- Glover, G1126, G1143
- Schreiner, G1124, G1126, G1137, G1141, G1188–G1191
- Shaw, G1160, G1176
- and Indigenous relations
- and judicial review
- retrospective application
- general remarks
- restrictions on
- use of
- Clark, G1122–G1123, G1128
- Crawford, G1142, G1151–G1152, G1158, G1167, G1190
- Cuzzetto, G1127–G1128
- French, G1190–G1191
- Schreiner, G1191
- use on treaty lands
- Mamakwa, F3055, F3107–F3108
- amendment process
Landlord and Tenant Board
- hearings
- advance notice requirement
- Burch, SP685
- Gill, SP678–SP679, SP768, SP780, SP853
- Martin, SP704
- Morrison, SP769, SP853–SP854
- Tabuns, SP844, SP854
- case backlog
- Gates, A453
- equity of
- former tenants
- interpretation services
- Stiles, A385–A386
- for landlord out-of-pocket costs
- for landlord out-of-pocket costs, trailer parks
- Martin, SP765
- online
- tenant right to
- tenants, service notices
- Morrison, SP696
- wait times
- advance notice requirement
- legal representation
- no-fault eviction applications, registry of
- hearings
- protections for
- role of
- public education
- Morrison, SP791–SP792
- public education
- tenant disputes
see also Pesticides- naturalized
- cost effectiveness
- Arthur, G454
- cost effectiveness
- naturalized
Language learning programs
Laurentian University
- financial management
- Stiles, A368–A370
- financial management
Law Commission of Ontario
- reports
- Legal Capacity, Decision-making and Guardianship, Final Report (2017)
- Natyshak, A171
- Legal Capacity, Decision-making and Guardianship, Final Report (2017)
- reports
Law firms
Law Society of Ontario
- code of conduct
- and freedom of expression
- Gates, A468–A469
- and freedom of expression
- code of conduct
Learning disabilities
- school supports
- Lecce, E80
- school supports
Legal Aid Ontario (LAO).
see Legal aid servicesLegal aid services
- access to
- Shaw, F1046
- and access to justice
- Gates, A453
- accessibility of
- audit by Auditor General (2018)
- Rasheed, F1045–F1046
- community clinics, definition and role of
- community legal clinics
- cost of
- delivery model, reform of
- delivery model, service selection
- delivery models
- virtual delivery
- Rasheed, F1178
- virtual delivery
- french-language
- government funding
- Babikian, JP591
- Bouma, JP365, JP386, JP406
- Collard, JP591
- Downey, F773–F774, JP458
- Gill, JP367
- Morrison, JP389, JP484, JP490–JP491, JP508, SP676, SP698, SP716
- Nicholls, JP379
- Sabawy, JP590–JP591
- Shaw, F749, F793
- Singh, G., JP387, JP415, JP458, JP589, M364–M365
- Stiles, F246
- Taylor, JP556–JP557
- Yarde, JP797, JP806
- allocation
- Rasheed, F1045–F1046
- general remarks
- Lindo, F1178
- Piccini, F1105
- Rasheed, F1105, F1177–F1178
- Shaw, F1046–F1047, F1106, G379
- use of
- indigenous legal services organizations
- Bouma, JP533
- Collard, JP532–JP533
- Park, JP532–JP533
- Legal Aid Ontario
- board of directors, appointment and composition of
- Collard, JP523–JP524
- Morrison, JP370, JP372, JP375
- Singh, G., JP372–JP373, JP403, JP523
- Yarde, JP373–JP374
- board of directors, role of
- Collard, JP492
- board of directors, appointment and composition of
- and legal education
- local program innovation
- Piccini, F1105–F1106
- mandate of
- Collard, JP526, JP528–JP529, JP533
- Morrison, JP364, JP379, JP485
- Nicholls, JP378
- Park, JP526, JP529, JP532–JP534
- Park ., JP527–JP528
- Singh, G., JP364, JP370, JP377, JP387, JP526–JP529, JP531–JP532
- Tangri, JP363
- Yarde, JP486, JP492
- for persons with mental health care and addictions issues
- Martow, F248
- populations served
- Shaw, F1046
- reform
- role of
- Coe, JP502–JP503
- McDonell, JP501
- Tangri, JP363
- and tenant law
- Morrison, JP503–JP504
- for tenants
- Morrison, SP817
- access to
Legal proceedings
- class actions
- reform of
- and alternatives to
- Coe, JP485
- awards, notice of
- Nicholls, JP398
- certification
- Bouma, JP493–JP494
- Collard, JP386, JP396, JP404, JP483, JP500, JP513–JP514, JP516
- Gill, JP389–JP390
- Morrison, JP405, JP491
- Pang, JP403–JP404
- Park, JP408, JP513–JP514, JP516
- Singh, G., JP377–JP379, JP381, JP397, JP414–JP415, JP482–JP483, JP494, JP500, JP513–JP515
- Yarde, JP379, JP403, JP415
- and crown liability
- Collard, JP519
- Park, JP520–JP521
- Singh, G., JP521
- cy-près awards
- Park, JP377
- dismissal, due to delay
- general remarks
- and alternatives to
- reform of
- class actions
Legal proceedings, against government
Legislative Assembly
- Hansard services
- accessibility
- Gates, A418
- accessibility
- Hansard services
Legislative chamber
- use of technology in
- Harris, M26
- use of technology in
Legislative drafting
- constitutional review
- Glover, G709–G710
- general remarks
- language and terminology
- preambles
- Fraser, M160, M170, M178, SP388–SP389, SP512
- Gélinas, SP388–SP389
- Harden, M172
- Martin, M170
- prescribed entities
- French, JP244
- principle-based vs. prescriptive
- Cho, S., F839, F3279–F3280
- Shaw, F838
- purpose clauses
- regulations
- regulations, deferred drafting
- statutory authority
- Des Rosiers, JP166
- "the crown in right of Ontario," definition of
- Gélinas, SP439
- constitutional review
Legislative grounds
- AED locations
- Hogarth, SP509
- AED locations
Legislative procedure
Legislative procedure - COVID-19
- general remarks
- Miller, P., M234
- general remarks
Legislative proceedings - televised
- accessibility, persons with disabilities
- archiving of
- live streaming of
- policies re
- Berns-McGown, M30
- system upgrades
Legislative process
- bills
- general remarks
- government bills
- legislative timelines
- Shaw, F3174
- private members' public business
LGBTQ+ communities
- economic development
- government funding
- Andrew, E1138
- government funding
- government strategy
- general remarks
- Dunlop, E1138
- general remarks
- marriage ceremonies
- Fife, G1054–G1055
- support organizations
- government funding
- MacLeod, E469–E470
- government funding
- economic development
see also Arts and culture industry- 3D printing, usage rates
- access to
- Roberts, F268
- administrative models
- Oosterhoff, F1283
- board meetings
- board membership
- Schreiner, G479
- broadband expansion
- MacLeod, E489
- circulation rates
- digital content
- Skelly, F1127
- digital content
- and COVID-19
- digital services
- government funding
- operating budgets
- Mamakwa, F1126
- public
- residency requirements
- Skelly, F1127
- role in reconciliation
- Mamakwa, F1127
- as service delivery hubs
- Martow, F2021
- as social service
- user demographics
- Mamakwa, F1126
Licence Appeal Tribunal (LAT)
- hearings
- cost of
- Rakocevic, JP330–JP331
- cost of
- new home warranties. see Tarion Warranty Corp. - warranty administration—dispute resolution process
- hearings
Life insurance
- investment accounts
- consultation
- Hunter, F3191–F3192
- Shaw, F3192
- general remarks
- Hunter, F3191
- re-sale of, restrictions on
- Hunter, F3192
- termination of
- Hunter, F3034–F3035, F3151, F3154, F3191–F3192
- Shaw, F3148, F3192
- consultation
- lending limits
- Fife, G555–G556
- regulatory authority
- Fife, G555–G556
- investment accounts
Light rail transit (LRT)
- Eglinton East LRT (Toronto)
- Eglinton West LRT extension
- Finch West LRT (Toronto)
- Hamilton LRT
- Hurontario LRT (Mississauga-Brampton)
- London rapid transit project
- Sattler, F2095–F2096
- Ottawa LRT
- weather resistance
- Park, E193
Light rail transit (LRT) - Confederation Line (Ottawa)
Light rail transit (LRT) - Eglinton Crosstown
Light rail transit (LRT) - Ottawa
- and affordable housing
- and cold weather
- Harden, SP934
- occupational health and safety
- Harden, SP928–SP929
- public-private partnerships
- Harden, SP939–SP940
Limitation periods.
see Statutes of limitationLiquor Control Board of Ontario (LCBO)
- board of directors
- domestic product
- staff training
see under Waste diversionLivestock transport
- interference with
- Glover, G655
- interference with
Lobbyists Registration Act, 1998, SO 1998, c27, sched.
Loblaws Inc.
- refrigeration retrofits
- Harden, F2563
- refrigeration retrofits
Local health integration networks (LHINs).
see also Health care - administrationLocal Planning Appeal Support Centre
Local Planning Appeal Tribunal (LPAT)
- adjudicators
- appeal process
- appeal process reform
- general remarks
- impact on municipal autonomy
- case backlog
- Hogarth, JP144
- McDonell, JP106
- Morrison, JP129–JP130
- Nicholls, A201
- de novo hearings
- Burch, JP126
- decisions
- delivery timelines
- Nicholls, A201
- delivery timelines
- general remarks
- tribunal membership
- heritage expertise
- Andrew, F1912
- Babikian, JP156
- Des Rosiers, JP130, JP158
- Romano, JP156–JP157
- heritage expertise
London, Ontario
- attack in (June 6, 2021)
- Armstrong, E1103
- attack in (June 6, 2021)
Long-term care.
see also Home and community care; Retirement homes- culturally-appropriate
- Morrison, F1981
- Rasheed, F1978–F1979
- economic impact
- Lindo, F1212–F1213
- French-language services
- Crawford, G1324
- general remarks
- government funding
- government relations
- Piccini, F998
- government strategy
- Anand, SP249
- Cho, S., E53
- Fullerton, E54
- Kusendova, SP1042–SP1043
- Triantafilopoulos, SP256
- and home and community care
- Fraser, M118
- minimum standards
- Fife, F601
- ownership models
- operation vs. construction
- Fullerton, E796
- private vs. public. see Long-term care - public vs. private
- operation vs. construction
- palliative care. see under Palliative care
- patient transport
- spousal separation
- Fife, F1169
- transition support
- wait-lists
- Armstrong, SP249
- culturally-appropriate
Long-term care - administration
- complaints reporting
- financial reporting
- annual expenditure reports
- Fullerton, E332
- annual expenditure reports
- licence renewal
- licence revocation. see also Long-term care - standards of care
- licensing applications
- medication management systems
- regulatory environment
Long-term care - funding
- allocation process
- annual increase
- facility amenities
- facility development and redevelopment
- funding sources
- Fullerton, E58–E59
- general remarks
- government funding
- innovation and technology
- Medication Safety Technology Program
- Fullerton, E746
- Medication Safety Technology Program
- level-of-care funding
- minor capital program
- resident copayment
- structural compliance premium
- surplus funds
- return to ministry
- Fullerton, E336
- return to ministry
- Treasury Board request
- use of
- by private facilities. see under Long-term care - public vs. private
Long-Term Care Homes Public Inquiry (Wettlaufer Inquiry)
Long-term care - public
- contracts, disclosure of
- Harden, SP1041–SP1042
- facility design
- general remarks
- government funding
- operational comparisons
- and personal support workers (PSWs)
- Harden, SP1025
- revenue
- use of
- Gates, E336
- use of
- staff compensation
- Singh, S., E791
- contracts, disclosure of
Long-term care - reform
- consultation process
- general remarks
- implementation timeline
- Fullerton, E787
- Hunter, F3015
- Phillips, F3016–F3017
- medical expertise
- models of care. see under Long-term care - service delivery
- resident experience
- resident-centred approach
- Thanigasalam, F3032
Long-term care - residents
- abuse and neglect
- case complexity
- critical incidents
- mandatory reporting
- Fullerton, E264
- mandatory reporting
- demographics
- Gélinas, M207
- fees and billing
- in-unit air conditioning
- resident copayment. see under Long-term care - funding
- health and safety
- Armstrong, E40
- involuntary detention
- role of substitute decision-makers
- Natyshak, A171
- role of substitute decision-makers
- medical care
Long-term care - service delivery.
see also Long-term care - standards of careLong-term care - staff
- alternate staffing options
- Skelly, F997
- compensation
- general remarks
- high wage transition fund
- PSW wage increase
- registered practical nurses (RPNs)
- Gélinas, E329
- full-time equivalency
- mental health supports
- Fee, F3037–F3038
- occupational mix
- part-time
- patient and family relations
- Hogarth, E325
- professional development
- recruitment and retention
- certification of foreign credentials
- Armstrong, E260
- committed service incentives
- consultation process
- Fullerton, E310
- general remarks
- government funding
- government strategy
- human resources advisory council
- nurse practitioners
- in other jurisdictions
- Personal Support Worker Return of Service Initiative
- Fullerton, E260
- personal support workers. see Personal support workers (PSWs) - recruitment and retention
- use of temp agencies
- certification of foreign credentials
- registered practical nurses (RPNs)
- supply
- Fullerton, E329
- supply
- safety
- Armstrong, E40
- shortage
- shortage of
- Sattler, SP1017
- sick days
- Gélinas, E324
- staff mix
- staffing levels
- Shaw, F997
- training and education
- Fullerton, E54
- working conditions
- workplace culture
- alternate staffing options
Long-term care - standards of care.
see also Long-term care - service delivery- average hours of care
- design standards
- new builds
- Scott, E902
- new builds
- enforcement
- facility environment. see Long-term-care facilities—design standards
- levels of care
- minimum hours of care
- nurse practitioner-to-patient ratio
- Gélinas, E801
Long-term-care beds
- direct access pilot project. see under Alternate-level-of-care (ALC)
- expiring
- high-priority access beds
- Fullerton, E54
- and hospital capacity
- new
- Crawford, G1142, G1152, G1190
- Piccini, F998, F1006
- Shaw, F1257
- allocation
- Armstrong, E39
- application timeline
- development timeline
- general remarks
- geographic allocation
- government funding
- impact on staffing levels
- Armstrong, E39–E40
- number of
- operational
- Shaw, F1116
- public vs. private
- vs. spaces
- staffing requirements
- number per capita
- redevelopment
- sector capacity
- service capacity by region
- and staff capacity
- Fullerton, E280
Long-term-care facilities
- civil liability
- negligence
- Downey, JP623
- negligence
- conditions in
- general remarks
- Gates, E291
- general remarks
- design standards
- environment regulation
- executive compensation, disclosure
- facility upgrading
- Fullerton, E786
- infection control
- licences, public consultation
- living conditions
- Shaw, F766
- management orders
- during COVID-19. see under Long-term-care facilities - COVID-19—emergency orders
- criteria
- and Ontario Health teams
- Skelly, F936
- patient demographics
- private
- public notification
- shortage
- Downey, F617
- staffing levels
- Shaw, F1010
- structural compliance fund. see Long-term care—government funding
- civil liability
Long-term-care facilities - by site
- Camilla Care Community, Trillium report on
- Gélinas, M117
- Cedarwood Lodge (Sault Ste. Marie)
- Armstrong, E40
- Gilmore Lodge (Fort Erie)
- Gates, F2105
- Glebe Centre
- Harden, M209
- Golden Plough (Cobourg)
- Hillside Manor (Stratford)
- Pettapiece, E792
- Tsiionkwanonhso:te Adult Care
- McDonell, M141
- Wellington Park Care Centre (Burlington)
- Triantafilopoulos, E759
- Camilla Care Community, Trillium report on
Long-term-care facilities - construction
Long-term-care facilities - COVID review commission
Long-term-care facilities - COVID-19
- communications
- with families
- Barrett, E781
- with families
- conditions in
- Rakocevic, EM11
- COVID vaccinations
- Jones, EM162–EM163
- Triantafilopoulos, EM162
- facility preparedness plans
- fatalities
- Armstrong, JP627–JP628, JP641
- Gélinas, M200
- Harden, M112
- Hunter, JP643, JP690–JP691
- classification of. see Coroners—and COVID-19—excess death tracking
- general remarks
- profit vs. nonprofit operators
- Gates, E336
- flu vaccinations
- Fullerton, E270
- general remarks
- hospital partnerships
- inspections
- legal cases
- military support
- and Ontario Health teams
- Elliott, E506
- program and activity resumption
- Red Cross support
- resident mental health
- resident transfers
- staffing
- visitors during
- communications
Long-term-care facilities - COVID-19, emergency orders
- general remarks
- staff placement restrictions
- staff redeployment
- temporary management orders
Long-term-care facilities - COVID-19, facility access
- essential caregivers
- general remarks
- infection control. see Long-term-care facilities - COVID-19, infection control
- outdoor visits
- and resident well-being
- Fullerton, E339
- restrictions
Long-term-care facilities - COVID-19, government funding
Long-term-care facilities - COVID-19, government response
- general remarks
- ministerial consultation and briefings
- in other jurisdictions
- second-wave planning
- timeline
- transparency
- Fullerton, E292
Long-term-care facilities - COVID-19, infection control
Long-term-care facilities - COVID-19, outbreaks
Long-term-care facilities - COVID-19, staff
- costs
- Gates, F2105
- health and safety
- Fee, E765
- staff compensation
- staff supply
- WSIB claims
- costs
Long-term-care facilities - inspections
Long-term-care facilities - new
- Elliott, E14–E15
- Fullerton, E55, E57
- Triantafilopoulos, E34
- Accelerated Build Pilot Program
- application process
- design standards. see under Long-term care - standards of care
- development timeline
- funding formula
- general remarks
- Scott, E936
- in Indigenous communities
- Mamakwa, F1005, F3240–F3241
- Piccini, F1006
- Skelly, F1006
- licensing. see under Long-term care - administration
- redevelopment
- by region
- surplus lands program
Lumber and sawmills.
see MillsLung diseases
L'Université de Hearst
Lyme disease
- general remarks
- Mantha, A218
- general remarks