Letter: V
Vanthof, J. (NDP, Timiskaming—Cochrane)
- Affordable Energy Act, 2024 (Bill 214)
- second reading, 10059
- legislative process, motions
- time allocation, 10243–10245
- time allocation motion
- responded to, 10238–10245
- Affordable housing
- fourplexes, 8675
- Affordable housing - non-market housing
- government role in, 5910
- Agricultural industry
- northern Ontario, 3243
- Agricultural land
- Agricultural land - conservation
- Agricultural land - development on
- Agricultural land - residential lots
- Agricultural land - zoning
- Agricultural Research Institute of Ontario Amendment Act, 2024 (Bill 155)
- Agriculture industry
- Agriculture industry - food processing
- Agriculture industry - support programs
- risk management programs, cap on, 3446, 10136–10137
- Agriculture industry - temporary foreign workers
- Agri-food facilities
- biosecurity, 2648
- Agri-food industry
- Alcohol retail
- taxation
- federal, increase, 7706
- taxation
- Alternate-level-of-care (ALC) patients - transfer to long-term care facilities
- consent, 579–580
- Animal welfare
- Animal welfare inspectors
- education and training, 3934
- Animal welfare - livestock
- Animal welfare offences
- appeal process, 3930
- Appreciation
- Automotive industry - manufacturing
- decline and recovery, 2335–2336
- Bail program reform
- general remarks, 3341–3342
- Better Municipal Governance Act, 2022 (Bill 39)
- Board of Internal Economy
- Budget speech 2023 (March 23, 2023)
- Building a Strong Ontario Act (Budget Measures), 2023 (Bill 85)
- third reading, 4320
- Building a Strong Ontario Together Act (Budget Measures), 2023 (Bill 146)
- Building Infrastructure Safely Act, 2024 (Bill 153)
- Building More Mines Act, 2023 (Bill 71)
- Building Ontario For You Act (Budget Measures), 2024 (Bill 216)
- second reading, 10136–10137
- time allocation motion
- responded to, 10238–10245
- Cap-and-trade program
- Cap-and-trade program - cancellation
- Carbon capture, utilization and storage (CCUS)
- and no-till agriculture, 10696
- Carbon pricing programs, provincial
- Carbon tax
- Climate change
- Climate change - cost of
- general remarks, 7342
- Committee procedure
- membership
- selection process, 264–265
- membership
- Committee procedure - standing committees of the Legislature
- members
- selection of, 7423–7424
- members
- Committee process
- and public consultation, 4584
- Convenient Care at Home Act, 2023 (Bill 135)
- second reading, 5636–5637
- Correctional facilities
- tours of, by members, 4754
- Correctional facilities - inmates
- Correctional services
- religious and spiritual supports, access, 4754–4755
- Cost of living
- COVID-19
- societal impact, 3444
- Crime
- Cutting Red Tape, Building Ontario Act, 2024 (Bill 227)
- second reading, 10510–10515
- Dairy industry
- Dogs
- hunting skills, training and trialing facilities
- licensing, 4630–4631
- hunting skills, training and trialing facilities
- Douglas, Tommy
- Driver education
- winter conditions, 5223
- Driver's licences
- commerical licence
- training and testing, 11105
- commerical licence
- Duffins Rouge Agricultural Preserve Act, 2005, SO 2005, c 30
- repeal of
- statements by stakeholders, 2121
- repeal of
- Education funding
- government strategy, 9069
- Election Finances Amendment Act (Quarterly Allowances), 2024 (Bill 220)
- second reading, 10295–10296
- Elections
- funding
- large donors, 10295
- public, 10295–10296
- voter demographics
- impact on policy, 10296
- funding
- Employment standards
- disclosure
- AI, use during recruitment process, 6586
- disclosure
- Enbridge Gas
- connection cost recovery
- revenue horizon for, 7341
- connection cost recovery
- Enbridge gas - natural gas rate application denial
- OEB decision, 9137–9138
- End the Public Funding of Partisan Government Advertising Act, 2024 (Bill 176)
- first reading, 7840
- Enhancing Professional Care for Animals Act, 2024 (Bill 171)
- Fire safety
- smoke detectors, 5064–5065
- Fire Safety
- smoke detectors
- Test Your Smoke Alarm Day, 8510
- smoke detectors
- Flooding
- Food banks - usage
- general remarks, 7077
- Food prices
- French-language debates
- Fuel prices - taxation
- rate reduction, 8766
- Get It Done Act, 2024 (Bill 162)
- Government accountability and transparency
- Government advertising
- Government expenditures
- rebate, 10244
- Government finances
- contingency funds
- use of, 6081
- contingency funds
- Government notices of motion
- Government orders
- Taxation
- responded to, 6185–6187
- Taxation
- Government record - Liberal (2003-2018)
- Government record - PC (2018-present)
- greenbelt, 1687
- Greenbelt
- boundary adjustments, reversal, 5908
- Greenbelt - boundary adjustments, process
- Greenbelt - development on
- Greenbelt Statute Law Amendment Act, 2023 (Bill 136)
- Greenbelt Statute Law Amendment Act, 2023 (Bill 136)
- legislative process, motions
- time allocation, 6927
- legislative process, motions
- Growing Agritourism Act, 2024 (Bill 186)
- third reading, 11133–11134
- Hazel McCallion Act (Peel Dissolution), 2023 (Bill 112)
- Health care
- Health care - Northern Health Travel Grant
- reimbursement rates, 7490
- Health care - primary care
- Health care services
- availability of
- northern Ontario, 3242
- availability of
- Heart disease
- education and awareness, 3535–3536
- Helping Homebuyers, Protecting Tenants Act, 2023 (Bill 97)
- Highway 11
- Highway 407 ETR
- tolls, 8766
- Highway 413
- agricultural impact, 718
- Highway safety
- northern Ontario
- winter driving, 10938
- northern Ontario
- Highways
- classification of, 1399
- Highways and roads
- municipal
- uploading to province, 8763–8764
- municipal
- Highways and roads - infrastructure
- Highway 11/17
- closures
- effect on agri-business, 8275
- closures
- Highway 11/17
- Highways and roads - maintenance and repair
- jurisdiction, 6873, 10118–10119
- northern Ontario, 6689
- jurisdiction, 6873, 10118–10119
- Highways and roads safety
- Highways and roads - snow clearance
- Home and community care
- patients
- hygiene and personal care, 443
- patients
- Home heating
- Honouring Our Veterans Act, 2023 (Bill 65)
- third reading, 5676
- Hospitals - funding
- Housing Affordability Task Force
- recommendations
- land availability, 5911
- recommendations
- Housing development - approvals and permits
- timelines, 148
- Housing development - construction
- Housing development - municipal charges
- Human trafficking - labour trafficking
- government response, 3146
- Improving Real Estate Management Act, 2024 (Bill 151)
- second reading, 6380
- Infrastructure Ontario (IO)
- real estate services
- management of, 2586
- real estate services
- Judicial education
- Justice system
- pretrial detention
- inmate acquittal supports, 4755
- pretrial detention
- Keeping Energy Costs Down Act, 2024 (Bill 165)
- Keeping Students in Class Act, 2022 (Bill 28)
- time allocation motion
- responded to, 1164–1165
- time allocation motion
- Land use planning
- Land use planning - environmental assessments
- consultation process, 2584–2585
- Land use planning - environmental assessments, class environment assessments
- Land use planning - municipal official plans
- Legislative Assembly
- Legislative Assembly Amendment Act, 2022 (Bill 51)
- second reading, 1930–1935
- Legislative Assembly - facility
- social significance, 4157
- Legislative Assembly - facility rehabilitation
- Legislative Assembly - facility rehabilitation, project planning process
- Legislative precinct
- members' office space, availability of, 1935
- Legislative procedure
- Legislative procedure - bills
- omnibus bills, 3443
- Legislative procedure - committees
- legislative timelines, 2459
- Legislative procedure - motions
- Legislative procedure - order and decorum
- allegations against member, 2804–2805
- Legislative procedure - Standing Orders
- Legislature - staff
- Less Red Tape, Stronger Economy Act, 2023 (Bill 91)
- Less Red Tape, Stronger Ontario Act, 2023 (Bill 46)
- Locates
- Manufacturing industry - facility development
- Members' statements
- Agri-food industry, 8977
- Connell, Craig, 7546
- Flooding, 4698, 8473
- Government accountability, 5583
- Highway improvement, 3424
- Highway safety, 3791, 4158, 4321–4322, 6430–6431
- Hospital funding, 7999
- Lei, Victor, 3134
- Member's wedding anniversary, 9420–9421
- Modeste, Kevin, 2153
- Northern health services, 2660
- Ontario Agriculture Week, 5314
- Township of Armstrong sewage lagoon, 282, 1366, 1704
- Trucking industry, 10429
- Visit to West Flanders, 9985–9986
- Winter highway safety, 10938
- Members'/ministers' conduct
- conflict of interest
- appearance of, 4204–4205
- conflict of interest
- Members'/ministers' personal narratives, 4874–4875
- Members/ministers quoting
- other members
- government advertising, partisan, 7946
- time allocation, 10238–10242
- other members
- Mental health and addictions services
- Mining industry
- Mining industry - Indigenous consultation and consent, 8764
- Mining infrastructure
- environmental assessment
- Adams Mine Landfill, 3841–3842
- environmental assessment
- Mining sites - closure plans
- Mining sites - development
- Ministerial statements
- More Beds, Better Care Act, 2022 (Bill 7)
- third reading, 579–580
- More Convenient Care Act, 2024 (Bill 231)
- second reading, 10920–10921
- third reading, 10857
- More Homes Built Faster Act, 2022 (Bill 23)
- Motions
- Municipal by-laws
- Municipal finances
- taxes
- Ontario Provincial Police
- Cobalt, 10273
- Ontario Provincial Police
- taxes
- Municipal finances - reserve fund
- Municipal governance
- reform, 1686
- Municipal governance - structure
- type
- roles and responsibilities, 4585
- type
- Municipal restructuring - Peel Region
- public consultation, 4583–4584
- Natural gas
- New Deal for Toronto Act, 2023 (Bill 154)
- New Deal for Toronto Act, 2023 (Bill 154)
- legislative process, motions
- time allocation, 6927–6928
- legislative process, motions
- 911 services
- availability of, 8510
- Nurses - temporary agencies
- 1204755 Ontario Limited Act, 2022 (Bill Pr3)
- 1753461 Ontario Ltd. Act, 2023 (Bill Pr14)
- Ontario Disability Support Program (ODSP)
- access, barriers, 3470
- Ontario Energy Board
- role, 9136–9137
- Ontario English Catholic Teachers Assoc. v His Majesty, 2022, ONSC 6658
- judgment, Superior Court of Justice (ONSC)
- government appeal, 3266
- judgment, Superior Court of Justice (ONSC)
- Ontario Health atHome
- regional organizations, consolidation into
- and regional diversity, 5636–5637
- regional organizations, consolidation into
- Ontario Infrastructure Bank
- general remarks, 6079–6080
- Ontario Place - redevelopment
- liability protections, 6927–6928
- Opposition day motions
- Parliamentary privilege
- waiving of, 872
- Petitions
- Plan to Build Act (Budget Measures), 2022 (Bill 2)
- second reading, 245
- Planning Statute Law Amendment Act, 2023 (Bill 150)
- Planning Statute Law Amendment Act, 2023 (Bill 150)
- legislative process, motions
- time allocation, 6927
- legislative process, motions
- Police officers
- Police officers - employment
- Police officers - fatalities
- Mueller, Eric (Ontario Provincial Police), 4269
- Police officers - occupational health and safety
- Police services
- Police services - community relations
- crisis intervention, alternatives, 4684
- Policy development
- stakeholder responses, 4877
- Post-secondary education
- policies and reporting
- ministerial authority, 8895–8896
- policies and reporting
- Private members' motions
- Taxation
- responded to, 6185–6187
- Taxation
- Private members' public business
- Agricultural labour policy
- responded to, 5568–5570
- Agri-food industry
- responded to, 912–913
- Change of Name Amendment Act, 2023 (Bill 138)
- second reading, 6039
- Day of Reflection for Indian Residential Schools Act, 2024 (Bill 221)
- second reading, 10760
- Farmland and Arable Land Strategy Act, 2023 (Bill 62)
- second reading, 2776–2778
- general remarks, 8019
- Growing Agritourism Act, 2024 (Bill 186)
- second reading, 8898–8899
- Harvest Season Road Safety Week Act, 2023 (Bill 143)
- second reading, 7087
- Heart Valve Disease Awareness Act, 2024 (Bill 66)
- second reading, 3535–3536
- Highway construction
- responded to, 718–719
- Making Northern Ontario Highways Safer Act, 2022 (Bill 43)
- second reading, 2145
- No Time to Waste Act (Plan for Climate Action and Jobs), 2022 (Bill 14)
- second reading, 1513
- Orthodox Christian Week Act, 2024 (Bill 167)
- second reading, 7813
- Police funding
- responded to, 4683–4684
- Protecting Agricultural Land Act, 2022 (Bill 27)
- Religious and spiritual services in correctional facilities
- responded to, 4754–4755
- Strengthening Members' Integrity Act, 2023 (Bill 100)
- second reading, 4204–4205
- Taxation
- Test Your Smoke Alarm Day Act, 2024 (Bill 177)
- second reading, 8510–8511
- Winter highway maintenance
- responded to, 1399–1400
- Agricultural labour policy
- Protecting Agricultural Land Act, 2022 (Bill 27)
- Public assets
- centralization, entities, 3843
- Public libraries
- government funding, 2448
- Public Order Emergency Commission
- appearance before
- Premier and Solicitor General, 872
- appearance before
- Public sector compensation - increase cap, health care workers
- impact on retention, 3242–3243
- Queen's Park Restoration Act, 2023 (Bill 75)
- Question period
- Consumer protection
- presented, 9172
- Government policies
- presented, 2121
- Health care
- presented, 7920–7921
- Health care funding
- presented, 10445
- Highway safety
- Home care
- presented, 443
- Land use planning
- Library services
- presented, 2447–2448
- Municipal finances
- presented, 4328
- Municipal funding
- presented, 10273
- Municipal planning
- presented, 5115
- Northern Health Travel Grant
- presented, 7490
- Northern municipal infrastructure
- presented, 10118–10119
- Nutrient management
- presented, 5820
- Ontario farmers
- presented, 4478
- Protection for workers
- presented, 3146
- Public Order Emergency Commission
- presented, 872
- Township of Armstrong sewage lagoon
- presented, 641
- Trucking safety
- presented, 11105
- Winter highway maintenance
- presented, 6873
- Consumer protection
- Reducing Gridlock, Saving You Time Act, 2024 (Bill 212)
- second reading, 10024–10025
- legislative process, motions
- time allocation, 10242–10243
- time allocation motion
- responded to, 10238–10245
- Reducing Inefficiencies Act (Infrastructure Statute Law Amendments), 2023 (Bill 69)
- Regulatory policy
- general remarks, 3442
- Resource Management and Safety Act, 2024 (Bill 228)
- second reading, 10693–10696, 10964–10965, 10971–10972
- Ring of Fire development
- Road safety
- Road workers
- occupational health and safety, 10904
- Rouge National Urban Park
- government obligations, Parks Canada, 2121
- Safer Roads and Communities Act, 2024 (Bill 197)
- Schools - violence in
- prevalence, 9069
- Sergeant-at-Arms
- appointment, removal and suspension, 1932
- Sewage and wastewater management
- Speaker
- election of, 1929–1930
- St. Thomas - Central Elgin Boundary Adjustment Act, 2023 (Bill 63)
- Standing Orders
- definition, 8017
- reforms (2019)
- reforms (2024)
- Strengthening Accountability and Student Supports Act, 2024 (Bill 166)
- third reading, 8894–8896
- Strengthening Cyber Security and Building Trust in the Public Sector Act, 2024 (Bill 194)
- Strengthening Safety and Modernizing Justice Act, 2023 (Bill 102)
- Strong Mayors, Building Homes Act, 2022
- scope of, 148–149
- Strong Mayors, Building Homes Act, 2022 (Bill 3)
- Surgical procedures
- operating rooms, service capacity
- funding, 2396
- operating rooms, service capacity
- Tax credits
- Ontario Focused Flow-Through Share Tax Credit, 6036
- Time allocation motions
- Affordable Energy Act, 2024 (Bill 214)
- responded to, 10238–10245
- Building Ontario For You Act (Budget Measures), 2024 (Bill 216)
- responded to, 10238–10245
- Greenbelt Statute Law Amendment Act, 2023 (Bill 136)
- Hazel McCallion Act (Peel Dissolution), 2023 (Bill 112)
- responded to, 4583–4585
- Keeping Students in Class Act, 2022 (Bill 28)
- responded to, 1164–1165
- New Deal for Toronto Act, 2023 (Bill 154)
- Planning Statute Law Amendment Act, 2023 (Bill 150)
- Reducing Gridlock, Saving You Time Act, 2024 (Bill 212)
- responded to, 10238–10245
- Safer Roads and Communities Act, 2024 (Bill 197)
- responded to, 9946–9951
- Strengthening Cyber Security and Building Trust in the Public Sector Act, 2024 (Bill 194)
- responded to, 9946–9951
- Working for Workers Six Act, 2024 (Bill 229)
- responded to, 11005–11010
- Affordable Energy Act, 2024 (Bill 214)
- Tourism - agritourism
- education and awareness, 11133–11134
- Tourism industry
- agri-tourism
- liability protections, 8898
- agri-tourism
- Tributes
- Allison, Shane, 2145
- Connell, Craig, 7546
- Fox, Gary (former member for Prince Edward—Lennox-South—Hastings), 2218
- Lei, Victor, 3134
- Makarchuk, Mitro (former member for Brantford), 585–586
- McClelland, Carman (former member for Brampton North), 587
- Miller, Gordon Irvin (former member for Norfolk), 832–833
- Murdoch, Bill (Bruce–Grey–Owen Sound), 4236
- Pollock, James (former member for Hastings-Peterborough), 626
- Pope, Alan William (former member for Cochrane South), 1567–1568
- Riddell, John Keith (former member of Huron), 7117
- Wiseman, Douglas Jack (former member for Lanark–Renfrew), 834
- Trucking industry
- Trucks - commercial
- safety inspections
- results of, 7148
- safety inspections
- Unhoused persons
- University of Guelph
- debt and deficit, 8895
- Unorganized land
- Veterans
- notable people, 5676
- Veterinarians
- Veterinarians and veterinary technicians
- Veterinary services
- Veterinary technicians
- Wildland fire management
- and air quality, 10696
- government strategy, 10693
- municipal fire plans, 10694–10696
- Wilmot township
- Working for Workers Four Act, 2024 (Bill 149)
- second reading, 6586
- Working for Workers Six Act, 2024 (Bill 229)
- second reading, 10904
- legislative process, motions
- time allocation, 11005, 11007–11010
- time allocation motion
- responded to, 11005–11010
- Affordable Energy Act, 2024 (Bill 214)
Vaugeois, L. (NDP, Thunder Bay—Superior North)
- Accessibility
- government strategy, 10551
- in schools, 10551–10552
- Accessibility for Ontarians with Disabilities Act, 2005, SO 2005, c 11
- compliance with
- independent reviews and recommendations, 2961
- compliance with
- Accessibility standards
- legislated targets
- Independent 4th Review of the Accessibility for Ontarians with Disabilities Act (AODA), Final Report (2023), 7103
- legislated targets
- Advocate for Older Adults Act, 2023 (Bill 101)
- first reading, 3676
- Affordable Energy Act, 2024 (Bill 214)
- second reading, 10071
- Affordable Homes and Good Jobs Act, 2023 (Bill 134)
- Affordable housing
- Affordable housing - access
- general remarks, 174
- Affordable housing - by region
- Affordable housing - development of
- Agricultural land - conservation
- Agricultural land - development on
- general remarks, 1659
- Agricultural Research Institute of Ontario Amendment Act, 2024 (Bill 155)
- Agri-food industry
- Alternate-level-of-care (ALC) patients
- impact on hospital resources, 404
- Alternate-level-of-care (ALC) patients - transfer to long-term care facilities
- Alternate-level-of-care (ALC) patients - transfer to long-term care facilities, non-preferred home
- Animal welfare
- Appreciation
- Suomi Koti of Thunder Bay, 629
- Arts and culture industry - government funding
- Autism services
- service capacity
- regional availability
- northern Ontario, 3196
- regional availability
- service capacity
- Automated external defibrillators (AEDs)
- in long-term care homes, 4422
- Better for Consumers, Better for Businesses Act, 2023 (Bill 142)
- Better Municipal Governance Act, 2022 (Bill 39)
- second reading, 1542
- Better Schools and Student Outcomes Act, 2023 (Bill 98)
- Bridges
- maintenance and repair
- Ginoogaming First Nation, 10336
- maintenance and repair
- Broadband infrastructure development - funding
- general remarks, 3474
- Budget 2022/2023
- Budget 2023/2024
- Budget 2024/2025
- arts and culture, 8000
- Budget speech 2024 (March 26, 2024)
- Building a Better Ontario Act (Budget Measures), 2024 (Bill 180)
- third reading, 9190–9194
- Building a Strong Ontario Act (Budget Measures), 2023 (Bill 85)
- Building Infrastructure Safely Act, 2024 (Bill 153)
- Building More Mines Act, 2023 (Bill 71)
- Cabinet ministers
- mandate letters, release of, 3698
- Canadian Charter of Rights and Freedoms
- rights under
- freedom of association
- collective bargaining, 1105
- freedom of association
- rights under
- Career colleges
- private career colleges
- "private," removal, 3472
- private career colleges
- Child welfare
- abuse and neglect
- duty to report, 9446
- abuse and neglect
- Children and youth in care
- Children and youth in care - Indigenous
- general remarks, 9447
- Climate change
- government strategy, 5071
- Colleges and universities
- government funding
- requirements for, 6842
- government funding
- Congregate care facilities
- Conservation authorities
- Conservation officers
- Consumer protection
- Consumption and treatment services
- Consumption and treatment services - sites
- closure, 9984–9985
- Contraception
- free access
- impact on health care costs, 6827
- free access
- Convenient Care at Home Act, 2023 (Bill 135)
- Co-operative housing
- mixed-income residents, 8415
- Coroners
- postmortem examinations
- availability by region
- Thunder Bay, 6906
- availability by region
- postmortem examinations
- Cost of living
- government strategy, 9875
- Cutting Red Tape, Building Ontario Act, 2024 (Bill 227)
- time allocation motion
- responded to, 10597–10598
- time allocation motion
- Cutting Red Tape to Build More Homes Act, 2024 (Bill 185)
- second reading, 8413–8417
- Cybersecurity
- privacy commissioner
- recommendations, 9822
- privacy commissioner
- Developmental services - adult
- Doctors
- Dogs
- and Indigenous communities, 8544
- Driver examination centers
- standards and oversight, 7485–7486
- Early childhood educators (ECEs)
- Education - class sizes
- Education funding
- Education funding - special education
- Education - student outcomes
- Education system
- standardization, 3700–3701
- Education workers
- Education workers - collective bargaining
- back-to-work legislation
- impact on labour rights, 1099
- back-to-work legislation
- Education workers - role in schools
- general remarks, 1099
- Elder abuse
- Emergency service providers
- recruitment and retention, 9829
- Employment
- gig workers
- classification, 6844
- gig workers
- Employment standards
- Employment standards - wage theft
- truckers, 9873–9874
- Enhancing Access to Justice Act, 2024 (Bill 157)
- second reading, 6906
- Enhancing Professional Care for Animals Act, 2024 (Bill 171)
- second reading, 7854
- Financial Accountability Office (FAO)
- Fire rangers
- Firefighters and fire services
- recruitment and retention
- statement by stakeholders, 5070–5071
- recruitment and retention
- Food banks - usage
- rates, 5280
- Food prices
- price gouging, 5964–5965
- French-language debates
- Fuel prices
- affordability
- northern Ontario, 1675–1676
- affordability
- Gender equity
- and access to contraception, 6827
- Gender-based violence
- GO Transit
- accessibility, 3411
- GO Transit - stations
- construction
- government funding, 5164
- construction
- Government accountability and transparency
- fundraising, 10622–10623
- Government advertising
- partisan, 7945
- Government contracts
- domestic vs. international corporations, 9548
- Government expenditures
- healthcare, 403
- Government finances
- legal challenges
- cost of, 4352–4353
- legal challenges
- Government record - Liberal (2003-2018)
- advertising, 7945
- Government record - PC (1995-2003)
- post-secondary education, 4953
- Government record - PC (2018-present)
- Government services
- Greenbelt - development on
- general remarks, 4677
- Greenbelt Statute Law Amendment Act, 2023 (Bill 136)
- Group of Seven
- Hazel McCallion Act (Peel Dissolution), 2023 (Bill 112)
- Health care
- privatization, 402
- Health care - Northern Health Travel Grant
- reimbursement rates, 7218
- Health care - northern Ontario
- access
- government strategy, 550
- access
- Health care - primary care
- access
- northern Ontario, 4164
- access to
- northern Ontario, 10916–10917
- access
- Health care services
- Health care workers
- Health care workers - recruitment and retention
- Helping Homebuyers, Protecting Tenants Act, 2023 (Bill 97)
- Highway 11
- inspection station, 8293–8294
- Highway 413
- Highway safety
- northern Ontario, 2144
- Highways and roads - infrastructure
- Highways and roads - maintenance and repair
- northern Ontario, 716
- Highways and roads safety
- Highways and roads - snow clearance
- winter road closures
- impact, 2143
- winter road closures
- Home and community care
- vs. health care institutions
- standards of care, 404
- vs. health care institutions
- Home and community care - delivery models
- for-profit
- return on investment, 5644
- for-profit
- Home and community care - funding
- for-profit agencies, 5644
- Home heating
- affordability programs
- heat pump subsidies, 6288–6289
- heat pumps
- subsidizing
- regional eligibility, 10049–10050
- subsidizing
- transition from natural gas to electric, 9106
- affordability programs
- Honouring Our Veterans Act, 2023 (Bill 65)
- third reading, 5675–5676
- Hospitals
- mergers
- Northwestern Health Unit and Thunder Bay District Health Unit, 6289
- mergers
- Housing - by region
- Gogama
- public housing, surplus, 9190
- Gogama
- Housing developers
- approvals and permits, timelines
- expiry of, 8416
- approvals and permits, timelines
- Housing development
- community relations
- and environmental protection, 167
- community relations
- Housing development - by region
- Housing development - construction
- Housing development - government funding
- Housing development - municipal charges
- development charges, exemptions and discounts
- impact on municipalities, 1655
- development charges, exemptions and discounts
- Housing policy
- upzoning
- municipal authority, 8413
- upzoning
- Housing supply
- impact on housing costs, 4676
- Immigrants - access to professions and trades
- truck driving, 9002
- Indigenous communities
- government relations, 4355
- Indigenous communities - housing
- affordable housing, development of
- projects by site
- Giiwa on Court, Thunder Bay, 6841
- projects by site
- affordable housing, development of
- Infrastructure Ontario (IO)
- real estate services
- contracts, oversight, 2515
- real estate services
- Intimate partner violence
- Intimate partner violence - victims
- services
- housing supports, funding, 2726
- services
- Keeping Energy Costs Down Act, 2024 (Bill 165)
- Keeping Students in Class Act, 2022 (Bill 28)
- Kidney disease
- Land use planning
- provincial land and development facilitator
- creation of, 4676
- provincial land and development facilitator
- Land use planning - environmental assessments, class environment assessments
- 30-day review period, ministerial waiver, 3887
- Land use planning - ministerial zoning orders (MZOs)
- conflict of interest, 5407
- Land use planning - provincial policy statement
- Landlord and Tenant Board (LTB)
- Landlord and Tenant Board (LTB) - hearings
- hearings, virtual, 4678
- Legislative Assembly - facility rehabilitation
- accessibility standards, 4187
- Legislative Assembly - facility rehabilitation, project planning process
- consultation, inclusionary practices, 4182
- Less Red Tape, More Common Sense Act, 2023 (Bill 139)
- Less Red Tape, Stronger Economy Act, 2023 (Bill 91)
- Less Red Tape, Stronger Ontario Act, 2023 (Bill 46)
- Locates
- Long-term care
- care environment, 405
- Long-term care - accountability and oversight
- Long-term care - administration
- Long-term care - by region
- Thunder Bay, 4714–4715
- Long-term care - COVID-19
- fatalities
- for-profit vs. not-for-profit, 402
- fatalities
- Long-term care - operators
- for-profit vs. not-for-profit, 395
- Long-term care - public vs. private
- Long-term care - residents
- role of essential caregivers, 403
- Long-term care - staff
- Long-term care - standards of care
- general remarks, 4714
- Lydia's Law (Accountability and Transparency in the Handling of Sexual Assault Cases), 2024 (Bill 189)
- legislative process, 9191–9192
- Manufacturing industry - employment
- Alstom (Thunder Bay)
- procurement contracts
- funding, 1966–1967
- procurement contracts
- Alstom (Thunder Bay)
- Manufacturing industry - facility development
- site selection, 2455
- Members' statements
- Addiction services, 9984–9985
- Arts and cultural funding, 8000
- Employment standards, 994
- Gender-based violence, 7653
- Indigenous affairs, 4380
- Injured workers, 1666, 3792, 9470
- Long-term care, 10939
- Mental health and addiction services, 2152–2153
- Non-profit organizations, 5986
- School transportation, 10429–10430
- Seniors, 5314
- Services for persons with disabilities, 5314
- Suomi Koti, 629
- University and college funding, 8051
- Women's services, 2715
- Workers' compensation, 4697–4698
- Members'/ministers' constituencies
- Thunder Bay—Superior North, 234
- Members'/ministers' inaugural speeches, 233–236
- Members'/ministers' remarks
- Mental health and addictions
- social determinants of, 2626
- Mental health and addictions services
- community programs
- funding, 1873
- community programs
- Mental health and addictions services - funding
- Methane gas
- leaks, reporting, 8948
- Mills
- Mining industry
- Mining industry - Indigenous communities
- Mining industry - Indigenous consultation and consent
- general remarks, 9193–9194
- Mining industry - occupational health and safety
- exposure limits, diesel, 4172
- Mining sites - development
- timelines, 2765
- Ministerial statements
- Seniors' Month
- responded to, 4714–4715
- Seniors' Month
- Ministry of Children, Community and Social Services
- mail sorting service
- private contracting of, 157
- mail sorting service
- More Beds, Better Care Act, 2022 (Bill 7)
- More Convenient Care Act, 2024 (Bill 231)
- second reading, 10915–10917
- More Homes Built Faster Act, 2022 (Bill 23)
- Municipal finances
- municipal-provincial up/downloading, 10360
- New Deal for Toronto Act, 2023 (Bill 154)
- New Democratic Party (NDP)
- housing policy, 10189
- Non-profit organizations
- government funding, 5986
- Nuclear energy industry
- government strategy, 5501–5503
- Nuclear generation facilities - small modular reactors (SMRs)
- Nurse practitioner led clinics
- Nurse practitioner-led clinics
- Nurse practitioners
- Nurses
- shortage, impact of, 2803
- Nurses - employment
- Nurses - recruitment and retention
- government strategy, 8867
- Nurses - temporary agencies
- hiring of, 2394
- Occupational health and safety
- Ontario Child Advocate
- Ontario Disability Support Program (ODSP)
- Ontario Disability Support Program (ODSP) - benefit rates
- Ontario Health Insurance Plan (OHIP)
- Ontario Land Tribunal (OLT)
- third party appeals, elimination of
- statements by stakeholders, 1657
- third party appeals, elimination of
- Ontario One Call
- Ontario Place - redevelopment
- Ontario Works (OW)
- benefit rates, 235
- Opioid addiction
- fatalities by region
- Thunder Bay, 1873
- fatalities by region
- Opposition day motions
- Optometry and optometrists
- OHIP-covered services, seniors
- eye-exams, 3071
- OHIP-covered services, seniors
- Paramedics and paramedic services
- Personal support workers (PSWs)
- Persons with developmental disabilities
- social assistance system
- legal proceedings, 4392
- social assistance system
- Persons with disabilities
- Petitions
- Access to health care, 7154
- Addiction services, 9857, 9931
- Child care, 9381
- Chronic pain treatment, 2914
- Dental care, 5660
- Employment standards, 7082–7083
- French-language post-secondary education, 7155–7156
- Health care, 5786, 10316
- Hospital services, 9808–9809
- Injured workers, 6009–6010, 7082
- Long-term care, 10659
- Missing persons, 3202
- Northern Health Travel Grant, 5600, 9178
- Nuclear waste, 4579
- Road safety, 5283, 9271, 10658
- School safety, 7677
- School transportation, 10615
- Social assistance, 1085, 2045, 2134, 2383–2384, 3383, 4337–4338, 4715–4716, 5712–5713, 5947, 7675–7676, 9857
- Tenant protection, 10278–10279
- Trespass notices, 3679
- Youth system justice funding, 4871–4872
- Plan to Build Act (Budget Measures), 2022 (Bill 2)
- Post-secondary education
- Post-secondary education - faculty/staff
- Post-secondary education - funding
- impact of, 8051
- Post-secondary education - international students
- as income source, 7687
- Post-secondary education - mental health and addictions
- factors affecting, 7652
- Post-secondary education - sexual violence and harassment
- general remarks, 1229
- Preventing Unethical Puppy Sales Act, 2024 (Bill 159)
- second reading, 8541–8545
- Private members' public business
- Advocate for Older Adults Act, 2023 (Bill 101)
- Affordable housing
- responded to, 5681–5682
- Arts and cultural funding
- responded to, 10926
- Day of Reflection for Indian Residential Schools Act, 2024 (Bill 221)
- second reading, 10759–10760
- Enhancing Public Transit Accessibility Act, 2023 (Bill 82)
- second reading, 3410–3411
- First responders
- responded to, 9829
- Group of Seven Day Act, 2024 (Bill 158)
- second reading, 7638–7640
- Harvest Season Road Safety Week Act, 2023 (Bill 143)
- second reading, 7085
- Highway construction
- responded to, 716–717
- Improving Dementia Care in Ontario Act, 2024 (Bill 121)
- second reading, 5253–5254
- Injured Workers Day Act, 2024 (Bill 118)
- second reading, 9456
- Making Northern Ontario Highways Safer Act, 2022 (Bill 43)
- second reading, 2143–2144
- Northern Health Travel Grant Advisory Committee Act, 2024 (Bill 13)
- second reading, 7218
- Nuclear energy
- responded to, 5501–5503
- Planning for Your Silver Years Awareness Week Act, 2024 (Bill 137)
- second reading, 5916–5918
- Prescription contraceptives
- responded to, 6827
- Protecting Vulnerable Persons in Supportive Living Accommodation Act, 2023 (Bill 38)
- second reading, 5755
- Retiree Experience Awareness Day Act, 2024 (Bill 217)
- second reading, 10629–10630
- Seniors Month Act, 2024 (Bill 70)
- second reading, 2936–2937
- Social assistance
- responded to, 3017–3018
- Trucking safety
- responded to, 10248
- WSIB Coverage for Workers in Residential Care Facilities and Group Homes Act, 2023 (Bill 54)
- second reading, 5088–5089
- Public health
- government funding, 10915
- Public health units
- Public sector compensation - increase cap
- Public sector compensation - increase cap, health care workers
- Puppy mills
- Queen's Park Restoration Act, 2023 (Bill 75)
- Question period
- Accessibility for persons with disabilities
- presented, 2961–2962, 7103–7104, 10551–10552
- Affordable housing
- presented, 2861
- Assisted housing
- Autism treatment
- presented, 3196
- Child care
- presented, 8426–8427
- Conservation officers
- presented, 6276
- Doctor shortage
- presented, 4164
- Driver examination centres
- presented, 7485–7486
- Elder abuse
- presented, 2670–2671
- Employment standards
- presented, 4710
- Energy policies
- presented, 10049–10050
- Firefighters
- Food banks
- presented, 5280
- Forest firefighting
- presented, 7235, 7303, 10270–10271
- Forest industry
- Gasoline prices
- presented, 1675–1676
- Gender-based violence
- presented, 2726
- Government accountability
- presented, 5407
- Government contract
- presented, 1966–1967
- Health care
- presented, 6877–6878
- Health care workers
- Home and community care
- presented, 5588
- Injured workers
- presented, 4653–4654
- Labour legislation
- presented, 10827–10828
- Land use planning
- presented, 1555–1556
- Long-term care
- Making Ground River Bridge
- presented, 10336
- Mental health and addiction services
- presented, 1873–1874
- Northern economy
- presented, 9547–9548
- Northern health services
- Nurses
- Optometry services
- presented, 3071
- Paramedic services
- presented, 10650
- Road safety
- presented, 9682
- Senior citizens' housing
- presented, 9378
- Social assistance
- Social services
- presented, 878–879
- Tenant protection
- presented, 8195
- Trucking safety
- Winter highway safety
- presented, 2905
- Workplace safety
- Accessibility for persons with disabilities
- Racial Equity in the Education System Act, 2022 (Bill 16)
- first reading, 560
- Reducing Inefficiencies Act (Infrastructure Statute Law Amendments), 2023 (Bill 69)
- Rent control
- Rental housing
- air conditioning
- temperature guidelines, 4675
- air conditioning
- Rental housing - evictions
- illegal evictions
- fines and penalties, enforcement, 4675
- illegal evictions
- Rental housing - short-term
- Rental housing - tenant protections
- general remarks, 4422
- Residential schools
- day of reflection for, 10759–10760
- Resource Management and Safety Act, 2024 (Bill 228)
- second reading, 10675–10680
- Retirees
- education and awareness
- Retiree Experience Awareness Day, 10629–10630
- education and awareness
- Retirement homes
- Retirement homes - by site
- Ring of Fire development
- Indigenous consultation and consent, 8073
- Safer Streets, Stronger Communities Act, 2024 (Bill 223)
- legislative process, motions
- time allocation, 10597
- time allocation motion
- responded to, 10597–10598
- legislative process, motions
- School boards
- School boards - information sharing practices
- to parents
- requirements, 3699
- to parents
- School buses
- government funding, 9071, 10429–10430
- Schools - violence in
- general remarks, 9191
- Senior citizens
- Senior citizens - housing
- Sexual assault crisis centres
- Sexual violence and harassment
- Social assistance programs
- Social assistance programs - benefit rates
- St. Thomas - Central Elgin Boundary Adjustment Act, 2023 (Bill 63)
- Strengthening Accountability and Student Supports Act, 2024 (Bill 166)
- Strengthening Cyber Security and Building Trust in the Public Sector Act, 2024 (Bill 194)
- Strengthening Post-secondary Institutions and Students Act, 2022 (Bill 26)
- Strengthening Safety and Modernizing Justice Act, 2023 (Bill 102)
- third reading, 4874
- Strong Mayors, Building Homes Act, 2022 (Bill 3)
- Students - special needs
- accessibility, 4887
- Support for Seniors and Caregivers Act, 2024 (Bill 235)
- second reading, 11041–11045, 11050
- Supporting Children's Futures Act, 2024 (Bill 188)
- Supportive housing
- Supportive housing - funding
- general remarks, 8416
- Surveyors and surveying
- oversight and regulation, 10677
- Teachers
- Temporary foreign workers
- workplace violations
- barriers to reporting, 5069
- workplace violations
- Throne speech debate
- participation, 431
- Time allocation motions
- Cutting Red Tape, Building Ontario Act, 2024 (Bill 227)
- responded to, 10597–10598
- Safer Streets, Stronger Communities Act, 2024 (Bill 223)
- responded to, 10597–10598
- Cutting Red Tape, Building Ontario Act, 2024 (Bill 227)
- Toronto Metropolitan University
- name change from Ryerson University, 1229
- Toronto Transit Commission (TTC)
- accessibility, 3410–3411
- Toronto Transit Commission (TTC) expansion - Ontario Line
- transit vehicles
- content requirements, percentage, 1966
- transit vehicles
- Transit
- Transportation for the Future Act, 2023 (Bill 131)
- Tributes
- McMurtry, Roland "Roy" (former member for Eglinton), 8183
- Trucking industry
- Unhoused persons
- Veterans
- appreciation for, 5675
- Veterans - commemoration
- Remembrance Day and Remembrance Week
- events, 5676
- Remembrance Day and Remembrance Week
- Wildland fire management
- Wildland fires
- climate change, role in, 5069
- Working for Workers Act, 2023 (Bill 79)
- Working for Workers Five Act, 2024 (Bill 190)
- Working for Workers Four Act, 2024 (Bill 149)
- Working for Workers Six Act, 2024 (Bill 229)
- committee process, 10827–10828
- second reading, 10725, 10730–10735
- Workplace Safety and Insurance Board (WSIB)
- claims assessment process, 235
- compensation, 9470
- compensation claims, 2918, 3218
- cost-of-living allowance, 1666
- decisions, appeal process
- timeline, 4653–4654
- deeming policy, 1765–1766, 3004, 3220
- employer premiums, 1666
- general remarks, 9873
- history of, 235
- mandate, 4697–4698
- occupational diseases
- premiums
- impact on workers, 9011
- presumptive coverage, firefighters
- surplus funds
- employer return, 3472
- Workplace Safety and Insurance Board (WSIB) - claims
- Workplace Safety and Insurance Board (WSIB) - coverage
- residential care workers, 5088–5089
- Your Health Act, 2023 (Bill 60)
- Accessibility