Letter: M
Manufacturing industry
Manufacturing industry - funding
Manufacturing industry - tax credits
Medical assistance in dying (MAID)
- demographics
- Fife, F249
- demographics
Medical isotopes
Medical laboratory technicians
Members'/ministers' conduct
- Ghamari, Goldie (Carleton)
- Wong-Tam, JP719
- Mantha, Michael (Algoma–Manitoulin)
- removal from committee
- Burch, PH202
- removal from committee
- Mantha, Michael (Algoma—Manitoulin)
- removal from committee
- Dixon, JP1005
- Sattler, JP1005
- Wong-Tam, JP969–JP970, JP1005
- removal from committee
- travel, conflict of interest
- Wong-Tam, JP368–JP369
- Ghamari, Goldie (Carleton)
Members/ministers personal narrative
- Dunlop, SP93–SP94
Members/ministers quoting
- committee submissions
- letters
- news media
- reports
- For the Love of Learning (Report of The Royal Commission on Learning)
- Barnes, SP392
- For the Love of Learning (Report of The Royal Commission on Learning)
Members'/ministers' quoting
- Auditor General
- Real Estate Services (2017)
- Harden, HE406–HE407
- Real Estate Services (2017)
- Auditor General
Members/Ministers quoting
- letters
- Duffins Rouge Agricultural Preserve Act, 2005, SO 2005, c 30
- Burch, HE386
- Duffins Rouge Agricultural Preserve Act, 2005, SO 2005, c 30
- letters
Members'/ministers' remarks
- withdrawn
- Gates, SP179
- withdrawn
Members'/ministers' salaries
Members'/ministers' staff
Mental Health Addictions Centre of Excellence
- mandate and priorities
- Tibollo, SP555
- mandate and priorities
Mental health and addictions
- community programs
- Byers, F250–F251
- and criminal activity
- Collard, JP353–JP354
- Kerzner, JP353–JP354
- legislative reform
- Kernaghan, F393
- prevalence of
- statistics
- Jones, S., SP25
- statistics
- community programs
Mental health and addictions services.
see also Mental Health Addictions Centre of Excellence- access to
- Triantafilopoulos, F253–F254
- bilingual, by region
- eastern Ontario
- Harden, F1531
- eastern Ontario
- community support programs, peer support
- community-based
- funding
- Gretzky, F176
- funding
- community-based, funding
- Gretzky, F176
- community-based supports
- delivered through smart devices
- Kernaghan, F174–F175
- delivered through smart devices
- complex
- Pasma, F1527
- education and training, professionals
- Tibollo, SP27
- EmPATH model
- first resoonder training
- Kernaghan, F917
- general remarks
- government funding
- government funding, by region
- Brockville
- Hsu, F1391–F1392
- Brockville
- government strategy
- Quinn, SP25
- housing programs
- human resources strategies
- Hazell, F962
- mobile clinics
- Tibollo, SP20
- models of care
- models of care, implementation
- emPATH
- Bowman, F404
- emPATH
- access to
Mental health and addictions - services
- operational funding
- impact on staffing
- Gélinas, F221
- impact on staffing
- operational funding
Mental health and addictions services
Mental health and addictions - services
- staffing levels
- Gélinas, F221
- staffing levels
Mental health and addictions services
- staffing levels, factors affecting
- public sector compensation increase cap. see Public sector compensation - cap on–health care workers
- supportive housing
- Collard, F1528
- Kernaghan, F272
- government funding
- Dowie, F1215–F1216
- Leardi, F1217
- training and research
- Bowman, F258
- transition-aged youth. see Mental health and addictions services - Roadmap to Wellness — youth wellness hubs
- staffing levels, factors affecting
Mental health and addictions services - by region
- Sudbury
- Hazell, F1572
- Sudbury
Mental health and addictions services - children and youth
- access, by region
- Niagara
- Ottawa
- Harden, F1465–F1466
- access to
- impact on patient health
- Dowie, F357
- impact on patient health
- access to, impact on associated health care costs
- Wong-Tam, F1042
- access to, northern and rural Ontario
- Hazell, F1044
- culturally appropriate
- Hazell, F1798
- general remarks
- Fife, F1741
- government funding
- programming, types of
- Smith, Dave, F217
- regional variances
- Dowie, F357
- treatment programs, wait-list
- Bowman, F1041
- virtual services
- One Stop Talk
- Tibollo, SP555
- One Stop Talk
- wait times
- impact on patient health
- Pasma, F356
- impact on patient health
- wait-list
- Fife, F1800–F1801
- Kernaghan, F1804
- youth wellness hubs
- Hogarth, F1799
- access, by region
Mental health and addictions services - funding
- annual allocation
- Tibollo, SP27
- bed development
- Tibollo, SP26
- crime victims
- Clancy, JP948
- general remarks
- Wong-Tam, F1055
- by provider
- Canadian Mental Health Association (CMHA). see Canadian Mental Health Association (CMHA)
- by region
- Ottawa
- Harden, F1492–F1493
- Ottawa
- annual allocation
Mental health and addictions services - funding, children and youth
- allocation
- Tibollo, SP20
- community-based
- Dixon, F1332
- Hazell, F1327–F1328
- Smith, L., F1332
- allocation
Mental health and addictions services - providers
- Rural Ottawa Youth Mental Health Collective. see Rural Ottawa Youth Mental Health Collective
Mental health and addictions services - Roadmap to Wellness
- culturally appropriate services
- Tibollo, SP554–SP556
- government funding
- Tibollo, SP20, SP553–SP554
- allocation
- Tibollo, SP25
- youth wellness hubs
- transition-aged youth
- Tibollo, SP553–SP554
- transition-aged youth
- culturally appropriate services
Mental health and addictions services - staff
- construction delays, impact on small business
- Little Jamaica
- Andrew, HE703
- Little Jamaica
- consultant contracts
- Mulroney, HE556–HE557
- Boxfish Infrastructure Group
- use of
- Harden, HE557–HE558
- employees, classification of
- Harden, HE556
- executive compensation
- Harden, HE1271–HE1272
- performance of
- Harden, HE1270
- McMahon, HE700–HE701
- Sarkaria, HE1270
- Verster, Phil (CEO)
- construction delays, impact on small business
- compensation
- Gélinas, SP38
- compensation
Military personnel
Minden Hospital - Haliburton Highlands Health Services
- emergency department, closure
- Fife, F1756–F1757
- Hazell, F1754
- Kernaghan, F1752–F1753
- emergency department, closure
Mines and mining
- Indigenous consultation and consent
- Dixon, JP292
- Mamakwa, JP286–JP287
- Rickford, JP286–JP287, JP292
- Long Lake Mine
- Indigenous consultation and consent
Minimum wage
- increase
- impact on agri-food industry
- Smith, David, F529
- impact on agri-food industry
- increase
Mining industry
- carbon sequestration. see Carbon capture, utilization and storage (CCUS)
- digital administration system
- mining claims
- Pirie, IN615
- Shaw, IN614–IN615
- West, IN603
- mining claims
- economic impact
- Pirie, IN32, IN597–IN598, IN610
- Sabawy, IN609–IN610
- employee recruitment and retention
- enviromental protections
- Bresee, IN132
- environmental impact
- Crawford, IN600–IN601
- Leardi, IN98
- Shaw, IN600
- environmental protections
- Smith, Dave, IN150
- environmental remediation
- government expenditures
- West, IN607
- government expenditures
- government funding
- West, IN253
- government strategy
- Pirie, IN248–IN249, IN598–IN599, IN614
- Indigenous consultation and consent
- Indigenous economic development
- general remarks
- Pirie, IN44
- general remarks
- Indigenous employment in
- Bresee, IN117–IN118
- Pirie, IN87, IN94
- West, IN106
- Indigenous partnerships
- Pirie, F282
- infrastructure development
- investment incentives
- Dowie, F329
- mining company, junior
- definition of
- Leardi, IN104
- definition of
- occupational health and safety
- West, F770
- in other jurisdictions
- Newfoundland
- Anand, F1581
- Newfoundland
- permits
- ministerial authority
- Hsu, IN170
- Leardi, IN173–IN174
- Mamakwa, IN169
- Schreiner, IN170
- West, IN169, IN173–IN174, IN251
- ministerial authority
- project timelines
- acceleration
- Bowman, F280
- acceleration
- promotion of, in schools
- regulatory environment
- resource revenue sharing agreements
- amount
- Pirie, IN44
- amount
- Ring of Fire development. see Ring of Fire development
- royalty rates
- and Ring of Fire development
- Schreiner, IN44
- and Ring of Fire development
- sector competitiveness
- tailings and waste
- Bowman, F1580–F1581
- Gélinas, F1563
- uses
- Bowman, F1580
- venture capital access
- Crawford, F1578
- wealth distribution
- Bowman, F1619
Mining industry - critical mineral strategy
Mining industry - critical minerals
Mining industry - Critical Minerals Strategy
Mining industry - employment
Mining industry - Indigenous communities
- Indigenous consultation and consent
- Pirie, IN603, IN606–IN607, IN615
- Shaw, IN607, IN615
- West, IN603, IN606–IN607, IN616
- government expenditures
- Shaw, IN608
- Indigenous consultation and consent
Mining industry - Indigenous consultation and consent
- Bourgouin, IN164
- Bowman, F516
- Hsu, IN97, IN99, IN124, IN126–IN127, IN149, IN163–IN164, IN167, IN171
- Leardi, IN164
- Mamakwa, IN89–IN90, IN92–IN93, IN126, IN150–IN151, IN159, IN161–IN162, IN164–IN166, IN168, IN172
- Pirie, IN92–IN93, IN252
- Schreiner, IN42, IN114, IN163–IN165, IN167
- West, IN101, IN113, IN133–IN134, IN141, IN154, IN164, IN167–IN168, IN171, IN252
- economic development
- Mamakwa, IN109
- Schreiner, IN114–IN115
- impact benefits agreements
- West, IN156
- revenue sharing agreements
Mining sites - abandoned
Mining sites - closure plans
- facilities, re-purposing of
- financial assurance, phased
- Hsu, IN97, IN177, IN179–IN180
- Leardi, IN156
- Mamakwa, IN177
- Smith, Dave, IN101
- West, IN133, IN177–IN179
- general remarks
- material impact, definition of
- Gélinas, IN128
- planning process
- West, IN108
- technical review by qualified persons
Mining sites - closures
Mining sites - rehabilitation and remediation
Ministry of Agriculture, Food and Rural Affairs
- Grow Ontario Strategy
- Thompson, IN214–IN215
- New Liskeard SPUD Unit
- Grow Ontario Strategy
Ministry of Children, Community and Social Services
- estimates (2023-2024), SP597–SP624
- program allocation
- reflection in estimates
- Parsa, SP597
- reflection in estimates
- role and mandate
- Parsa, SP597–SP598
Ministry of Citizenship and Multiculturalism
- anti-racism initiatives
- anti-racism initiatives
- inter-ministerial cooperation
- Ford, M., HE688
- inter-ministerial cooperation
- inter-ministerial cooperation
- Babikian, HE687–HE688
- anti-racism initiatives
- Black youth action plan
- anti-racism initiatives
Ministry of Colleges and Universities
Ministry of Economic Development, Job Creation and Trade
Ministry of Education
- estimates (2023-2024), SP566–SP595
Ministry of Energy
- climate change policy
- Tabuns, IN14
- climate change policy
Ministry of Energy, Northern Development and Mines
Ministry of the Environment, Conservation and Parks
- climate change impact assessment
- public reporting of
- Piccini, IN196–IN197, IN199
- Schreiner, IN199
- Tabuns, IN196–IN197
- public reporting of
- corporate management division
- Piccini, IN192–IN193
- Emission Performance Standards Program
- environmental assessment and permissions division
- Piccini, IN193
- environmental sciences and standards division
- Piccini, IN194
- land and water division
- Piccini, IN191–IN192
- climate change impact assessment
Ministry of Finance
Ministry of Health
- annual funding
- Jones, S., SP537
- employment studies
- estimates (2023-2024), SP537–SP566
- funding allocation
- surgical procedures, wait-lists
- centralized management system
- Gélinas, SP350–SP351
- centralized management system
- annual funding
Ministry of Indigenous Affairs
Ministry of Infrastructure
- estimates (2023-2024), HE533–HE552
Ministry of Intergovernmental Affairs
- role of
- Calandra, F822
- role of
Ministry of Labour, Immigration and Skills Development
- procurement processes
- accountability and transparency
- Bowman, F771–F772
- accountability and transparency
- procurement processes
Ministry of Long-Term Care
- estimates (2023-2024), SP624–SP633
- funding allocation
- Gates, SP627
Ministry of Mines
- Ontario Junior Exploration Program
- Pirie, IN257–IN258
- Ontario Junior Exploration Program
Ministry of Municipal Affairs and Housing
- estimates (2023-2024), HE571–HE590
- information sharing and publication
- landlords and tenants, penalties. see Landlord and Tenant Board (LTB)–fines and penalties, publication of
- ministry funding allocation
Ministry of Natural Resources and Forestry
- ministerial responsibilities
- Smith, G., IN30–IN32
- ministerial responsibilities
Ministry of Public and Business Service Deliver
- estimates (2022-2023), JP45–JP54
Ministry of Public and Business Service Delivery
- mandate of
- Rasheed, JP365–JP366
- ministerial mandate
- mandate of
Ministry of Red Tape Reduction
Ministry of the Attorney General
- staff training
- french-language
- Kusendova-Bashta, JP20
- french-language
- staff training
Ministry of the Environment, Conservation and Parks
- estimates (2022-2023), IN46–IN61
- government funding
- allocation, programs and services
- Yakabuski, IN49
- allocation, programs and services
- mandate
- McCarthy, IN635–IN637
- ministerial responsibility
- Yakabuski, IN47
- ministry plan
- organizational structure
- divisions
- Yakabuski, IN48
- divisions
- reporting
- McCarthy, IN638–IN640
Ministry of Transportation
- commercial vehicle inspection program
- Anand, F1412
- Byers, F1411
- Clark, F1408–F1409
- commerical motor vehicle inspectors
- Clark, F1408, HE764, HE766, HE772–HE773, HE784–HE785, HE787, HE792
- estimates (2023-2024), HE552–HE570
- history of and mandate
- Mulroney, HE552
- program streams, funding allocation
- reflection in estimates
- French, HE565
- reflection in estimates
- transportation electrification program. see Transportation
- transportation safety services
- division transfer
- French, HE564
- Mulroney, HE564–HE565
- division transfer
- commercial vehicle inspection program
Missing and murdered Indigenous women and girls (MMIWG)
- general remarks
- Rickford, JP298
- general remarks
- saltwater port
- Dowie, F1539
- saltwater port
More Beds, Better Care Act, 2022 (Bill 7)
- application
- impact on Indigenous communities, JP35
- application
More Homes Built Faster Act, 2022 (Bill 23)
- Bell, HE76–HE77, HE79–HE80, HE85–HE86, HE88, HE93, HE95–HE96, HE102–HE103, HE105–HE106, HE112–HE113, HE125–HE126, HE130, HE144, HE160–HE161, HE169–HE170, HE178–HE179, HE187–HE188, HE204–HE205, HE213–HE214, HE217, HE223–HE224, HE233, HE244–HE245
- Blais, HE199–HE200
- Burch, HE116–HE117, HE123–HE124, HE132–HE133
- Byers, HE152–HE153
- Clark, HE73–HE82
- Coe, HE87
- Grewal, HE94–HE95, HE107, HE115, HE134, HE174, HE192, HE237–HE238, HE246–HE247
- Harden, HE142, HE150–HE151, HE153–HE154, HE163–HE164, HE172–HE173, HE181–HE182, HE190–HE191, HE199, HE206–HE208, HE216–HE217, HE226–HE227, HE235–HE236, HE241–HE242
- Holland, HE81, HE90, HE97–HE98, HE108, HE151–HE152, HE209, HE218–HE219
- Kusendova-Bashta, HE124, HE127–HE128
- Leardi, HE166
- McGregor, HE104–HE105, HE114–HE115, HE171, HE183–HE184, HE192, HE208, HE224–HE225, HE243–HE244
- McMahon, HE77–HE78, HE80–HE81, HE86–HE87, HE89, HE96–HE97, HE103–HE104, HE106–HE107, HE113–HE116, HE124–HE127, HE130, HE133, HE142, HE144–HE145, HE151, HE154, HE161–HE162, HE165, HE170, HE173, HE179–HE180, HE182–HE183, HE188–HE189, HE191, HE205, HE208, HE214–HE215, HE217–HE218, HE224, HE227, HE233–HE234, HE236, HE242–HE243, HE245–HE246
- Pang, HE78, HE143, HE162, HE166, HE180–HE181, HE234
- Sabawy, HE89, HE95, HE122–HE123, HE145–HE146, HE163, HE171–HE172, HE227–HE228, HE235, HE237
- Smith, L., HE78–HE79, HE87, HE107–HE108, HE116, HE135, HE154–HE155, HE175, HE205, HE215–HE216, HE225, HE238, HE247
- Thanigasalam, HE82, HE88, HE98, HE131–HE132, HE142–HE143, HE155, HE189–HE190, HE206, HE215, HE235
- McMahon, HE94
- impact on municipalities
- public consultation
- additional hearings re: More Homes Built Faster Act, 2022 (Bill 23)
- audit into fees being charged to patients accessing primary health care services in Ontario
- Auditor General as officer of the Legislature
- closed sessions
- committee meetings
- presented
- Fife, F882–F883
- presented
- committee meetings re: greenbelt land swap
- presented
- McMahon, HE691
- responded to
- Andrew, HE692–HE693
- Stevens, HE691–HE692
- presented
- committee members, appointment process of
- comprehensive study of intimate partner violence in Ontario
- estimates - assignment of ministries
- presented
- Jones, S., JP200–JP201
- Thanigasalam, HE64–HE66
- responded to
- time allocation
- presented
- Martin, SP477–SP478
- responded to
- Gates, SP478–SP479
- Gélinas, SP477
- Gretzky, SP477
- Shamji, SP478
- presented
- time allotment
- presented
- responded
- responded to
- Gates, SP433–SP434
- Gélinas, SP433–SP434
- Pasma, SP433
- presented
- Fixing Long-Term Care Amendment Act (Till Death Do Us Part), 2022 (Bill 21), legislative timelines
- presented
- Fife, SP1199–SP1200
- responded to
- Clancy, SP1200–SP1201
- Fife, SP1201
- Gélinas, SP1200–SP1202
- Kusendova-Bashta, SP1201
- presented
- Metrolinx, review on operations of
- Ontario Place Corp., study of and public hearings for
- pre-budget consultations
- extension
- Fife, F419
- extension
- Special Report on Changes to the Greenbelt, request for witnesses
- Standing Committee on Justice Policy, chair's conduct, matter of privilege
- McCarthy
- responded to, JP158–JP165
- Saunderson
- responded to, JP165
- presented
- Mamakwa, JP166
- McCarthy, JP166
- Vanthof, JP158, JP160–JP161, JP163, JP165–JP166
- McCarthy
- witness appearances
- representatives per organization, F672
- Your Health Act, 2023 (Bill 60)
- clause-by-clause, schedule
- Rae, SP327
- clause-by-clause, schedule
Municipal Act, 2001, SO 2001, c 25
Municipal by-laws
Municipal councillors
Municipal elections
Municipal finances
- budgets
- balanced
- Kernaghan, F1235
- balanced
- development charges reserve fund
- general remarks
- Holland, HE209
- general remarks
- external audit, provincial
- Clark, HE582–HE583
- infrastructure funding
- provincial transfers
- budgets
Municipal governance
- boundary reform
- consultation
- Bell, HE766
- consultation
- government strategy
- effect on housing development
- Burch, HE392–HE393
- effect on housing development
- history of, Toronto
- Smith, L., HE376
- municipal-provincial relations
- Barnes, F2004
- Bethlenfalvy, F1997, F2004
- Hamid, F1996–F1997
- provincial-municipal relations
- reform
- revenue tools
- Pasma, F1429
- review of
- McMahon, HE898–HE899
- boundary reform
Municipal governance - policy development
Municipal governance - regional chairs
- appointment of, ministerial authority
- applicable regions
- Clark, HE311
- applicable regions
- appointment of, ministerial authority
Municipal governance - strong mayor system
- accountability and oversight
- accountability and transparency
- Smith, L., HE368
- administrative authority
- council administration
- councillor representation
- Burch, HE324
- general remarks
- Burch, HE334
- impact on
- Burch, HE363, HE371–HE372
- role of councillors
- McMahon, HE317
- councillor representation
- council administration and authority
- Bell, HE18
- effect on housing development
- general remarks
- government strategy
- McGregor, HE381
- municipal consultation
- Bell, HE348
- municipal response
- in other jurisdictions
- Clark, HE314
- provincial priorities
- provincial priorities, criteria of
- public consultation
- regional application
- Bell, HE396
- regional application, expansion of
- Clark, HE314–HE315
- Toronto and Ottawa
- Clark, HE311
Municipal governance - strong mayor system, administrative authority
- general remarks
- Thanigasalam, HE350
- response to
- Burch, HE384–HE385
- scope of
- Burch, HE325
- general remarks
Municipal governments
- accountability
- Burch, HE756
- asset management planning (AMP)
- Holland, HE549
- Surma, HE549–HE550
- climate change mitigation, planning
- McMahon, HE749
- council administration
- general remarks
- McMahon, HE317
- general remarks
- legislative process
- general remarks
- Clark, HE317
- general remarks
- municipal structures, two tier
- municipal structures, two-tier
- Bowman, HE971
- autonomy
- Burch, HE745
- citizen satisfaction
- Burch, HE990–HE991
- conservation policy
- Burch, HE748
- economic development officers, employment
- Burch, HE757
- electoral representation
- evolution
- Burch, HE753–HE754
- Kusendova-Bashta, HE758–HE759
- McMahon, HE754
- operation
- Burch, HE1024–HE1025
- Coe, HE954
- Harris, HE1035
- McMahon, HE995
- Pang, HE750
- planing
- Burch, HE746
- regional governance review
- Burch, HE392
- service delivery
- utility commissions and boards
- Burch, HE1217
- accountability
Municipal infrastructure
Municipal infrastructure - by region
- Niagara
- topography, impact of
- Oosterhoff, HE875
- topography, impact of
- Niagara
Municipal Property Assessment Corporation (MPAC)
Municipal restructuring
- councillors, role
- Burch, HE1052–HE1053
- general remarks
- and home construction
- Burch, HE1211–HE1212
- public consultation
- Bowman, HE981
- rural Ontario
- Burch, HE1043
- Harris, HE1064–HE1065
- stakeholder consultation
- third-party arbitration
- Armstrong, HE980
- councillors, role
Municipal restructuring - Bradford West Gwillimbury
- general remarks
- Gallagher Murphy, HE1005
- general remarks
Municipal restructuring - Durham Region
- general remarks
- Burch, HE1021
- general remarks
Municipal restructuring - Halton Region
- amalgamation
- Triantafilopoulos, HE924
- amalgamation
Municipal restructuring - Hamilton
- general remarks
- Shaw, HE922–HE923
- general remarks
Municipal restructuring - Niagara Region
Municipal restructuring - Oxford County
Municipal restructuring - Peel Region
- cost of
- Fife, F742
- general remarks
- Bowman, F1013
- McMahon, HE956
- Rae, HE961–HE962
- Rakocevic, HE944–HE945, HE960
- impact on shared services
- Rakocevic, HE953
- property taxes, impact on
- Fife, F1012
- Sabawy, F1010–F1011
- public consultation
- McMahon, HE961
- reversal
- services, impact on
- Sabawy, F1011
- cost of
Municipal restructuring - Simcoe County
- general remarks
- Burch, HE1010, HE1229
- McMahon, HE1203
- Saunderson, HE1237–HE1238
- general remarks
Municipal restructuring - Town of the Blue Mountains
Municipal restructuring - York Region
Municipal services
Municipal services corporations
Municipalities - rural
- industrial development
- Rae, HE750
- industrial development
Murray Whetung Community Service Award Act, 2023 (Bill 31)
- Byers, IN291, IN299, IN311
- Dixon, IN288, IN304
- Flack, IN287, IN297–IN299, IN306, IN311, IN316–IN317, IN326–IN327
- Sarrazin, IN306
- Schreiner, IN286–IN287, IN289–IN290, IN295, IN298, IN303, IN305, IN310–IN313, IN316, IN318, IN323, IN325
- Scott, IN290–IN291, IN306
- Shaw, IN285–IN286, IN288–IN289, IN295, IN297, IN301–IN302, IN304–IN305, IN309–IN310, IN312, IN315–IN318, IN322–IN323, IN325, IN327
- Smith, Dave, IN283–IN291, IN296, IN304, IN306–IN307, IN313, IN317, IN319, IN324–IN325
- amendments
- Flack, IN328
- Schreiner, IN328–IN329
- Shaw, IN327–IN328
- Smith, Dave, IN328–IN330