Letter: L
Labour policy
- McNaughton, SP6
Labour relations
Land use planning
- approval timelines
- brownfield development
- Fife, F447
- building inspectors
- service capacity
- Blais, F448
- service capacity
- building permits
- centralized standards development
- impact on development timelines
- Bouma, F453–F454
- impact on development timelines
- employment lands
- Wynne, F231
- ministerial discretion
- on municipal official plans
- timeline reviews
- Clark, M179
- timeline reviews
- on municipal official plans
- provincial role in
- Bouma, G18
- public perception of
- trends
- Clark, M179
- trends
- registered professional planners
- Skelly, M227
- residential zoning
- Schreiner, G21
- surety bonds
- transit-oriented development
- promotion of
- Blais, F148
- promotion of
- zoning policy
Land use planning - development charges
- exemptions
- long-term care, non-profit
- Fraser, F164
- long-term care, non-profit
- exemptions
Land use planning - environmental assessments
- completion timelines
- Tangri, G13
- consultation requirements
- and environmental protection
- process reform
- type determination
- completion timelines
Land use planning - environmental planning
- overall benefit permits. see under Endangered species–species-at-risk
Land use planning - ministerial zoning orders
- as affordable housing strategy
- environmental impact
- Hassan, M194
- municipal consultation
- Bailey, M193
- policy development
- Burch, M204
- use of
- Burch, M192
Land use planning - municipalities
- general remarks
- Bouma, F28
- municipal approvals
- application fees, refund of
- data standard. see Municipal planning - data standardization
- delegation of
- general remarks
- Arthur, F328
- "minor nature," definition of
- Glover, G58
- processing timelines
- Clark, M179
- site plan control, delegation of
- Streamline Development Approval Fund
- Clark, M180
- timelines
- Clark, M182
- municipal growth projections
- McDonell, F219
- municipal jurisdiction
- general remarks
- Clark, M179
- general remarks
- municipal official plans
- general remarks
- Clark, M179
- general remarks
- municipal role in
- Roberts, F147
- general remarks
Landlord and Tenant Board (LTB)
Laurentian University
- educational impact
- in northern Ontario
- Gélinas, P45
- in northern Ontario
- general remarks
- West, P45–P46
- insolvency proceedings
- Standing Committee on Public Accounts proceedings
- educational impact
Legal aid services
Legislative drafting
Legislative procedure
- time allocation motions
- Sattler, SP128–129
- time allocation motions
Legislative process
- general remarks
- omnibus bills
- Gates, SP262–SP263
- Stiles, G72
Libraries - public
- broadband infrastrcuture expansion
- Ghamari, F176
- as community hubs
- COVID-19
- operational adjustments
- Roberts, F173–F174
- operational adjustments
- government funding
- hours of operation
- in rural areas
- Ghamari, F138
- in rural areas
- interlibrary loan services
- Hunter, F118
- municipal partnerships
- on-reserve libraries
- Mamakwa, F174–F175
- Ontario Library Service
- creation of
- Thanigasalam, F193
- creation of
- technology loans and access
- virtual services
- broadband infrastrcuture expansion
Licence Appeal Tribunal
Life sciences industry
- commercialization of
- Bouma, F545–F546
- commercialization of
Light Rail Transit (LRT) - Eglinton East extension
- economic impact
- Hunter, F348
- economic impact
Literacy development
- dyslexia supports
- Arthur, F218
- dyslexia supports
Little Ray's Nature Centres
- general remarks
- Harden, F168–F169
- operating grants. see also Zoos and nature centres–animal rescue services
- general remarks
Long-term care
- culturally appropriate
- government strategy
- general remarks
- Martin, F105
- general remarks
- models of care
- in other jurisdictions
- quality of care
- general remarks
- Monteith-Farrell, F106
- general remarks
- reform
- resident profiles
- Residents' Bill of Rights
- role of social workers in
- spousal unification
- standards development
- strategic planning, sector
- Arthur, F481
- whistle-blower protection
Long-term care - accountability and oversight
Long-term care - administration
Long-term care - COVID-19
- commission
- report and recommendations
- government response to
- Fraser, F147
- government response to
- report and recommendations
- fatalities
- public vs. private homes
- Fife, F106
- public vs. private homes
- infection control
- operator liability
- Gates, SP244–SP245
- resident vaccinations
- staffing shortage
- impact on
- Hunter, F482
- impact on
- transmission rates
- Fife, F148
- commission
Long-term care - facilities
- air conditioning and cooling
- case mix index
- construction
- emergency preparedness
- Singh, S., M78
- for-profit vs. not-for-profit
- in Indigenous communities
- capacity and overcrowding
- Mamakwa, F257
- capacity and overcrowding
- leisure and activity plans
- medical directors
- on-site requirement
- Singh, S., M78
- on-site requirement
- pandemic plans and simulation exercises
- patient transfers
- Gélinas, M13
Long-term care - facilities, COVID-19, emergency orders
Long-term care - facilities by site
Long-term care - facility operators
Long-term care - government funding
Long-term care - public
Long-term care - sector capacity
- bed development and redevelopment
- facility construction
- development charges. see under Land use planning - development charges
- government funding. see under Long-term care - government funding
- on post-secondary campuses
- regional needs
- northern Ontario
- Mamakwa, F109
- northern Ontario
- staff requirements
Long-term care - staff
- compensation
- public sector increase cap. see Public sector compensation - increase cap
- and COVID-19
- compensation
- Hunter, F48
- compensation
- nurse practitioners
- recruitment and retention
- registered practical nurses
- role of
- McDonell, M103
- role of
- staffing mix
- Singh, S., M106
- training
- working conditions
- compensation
Long-term care - standards of care
Lunova Machinery Import and Export Ltd. Act, 2022 (Bill Pr68)
- Smith, D., T67–T69