Letter: B
Bail hearings
Bail hearings - Indigenous communities
- access
- Wong-Tam, 3338
- access
Bail program
Bail program - offenders
Bail program reform
Bail reform
- and non-compliance with court orders
- Kerzner, 3671
- and non-compliance with court orders
Bail verification and supervision
Ban iGaming Advertising Act, 2023 (Bill 126)
- first reading
- Gélinas, 4870
- first reading
Basic Income Pilot
- review
- Hunter, 212
- review
Basic Income Pilot cancellation
- general remarks
- Fraser, 1094
- general remarks
Basic income programs
Beef industry
Behaviour-specialized units
- urban boundary expansion
- internal communications
- Shaw, 5272
- internal communications
- urban boundary expansion
Bereavement industry
Bernardo, Paul.
see Correctional services, inmate transfers, Bernardo, PaulBetter Enforcement of the Tobacco Tax Act, 2023 (Bill 106)
Better for Consumers, Better for Businesses Act, 2023 (Bill 142)
- first reading
- McCarthy, 5597
- committee process
- second reading, 5825–5855, 5857–5866, 5867–5876, 5949–5967, 5977, 6003
- Armstrong, 5844, 5849–5853
- Babikian, 5844
- Bouma, 5874
- Burch, 5954, 5962
- Coe, 5848, 5864
- Cuzzetto, 5872–5874
- Downey, 5871
- Fife, 5950, 5951–5955, 5965
- Gallagher Murphy, 5960
- Gates, 5857–5861, 5864
- Gélinas, 5955–5958, 5960
- Glover, 5870–5871, 5875, 5954, 5958–5961
- Gretzky, 5853, 5861
- Harden, 5852, 5874
- Harris, 5955, 5958, 5963, 5965
- Hogarth, 5848, 5864
- Jones, T., 5865
- Kanapathi, 5965
- Kernaghan, 5834, 5867–5871, 5873, 5963
- Leardi, 5845, 5852, 5853, 5860, 5865–5866, 5950–5951, 5957–5958, 5960, 5961, 5963
- Mamakwa, 5958
- McCarthy, 5825–5834, 5844, 5855, 5957, 5962
- McMahon, 5853–5855
- Pang, 5833, 5870, 5871–5875
- Pasma, 5870
- Rae, 5849, 5852, 5855, 5861
- Rakocevic, 5833, 5835–5845, 5848, 5849, 5860, 5864
- Riddell, 5845–5849, 5869–5870, 5953
- Sabawy, 5834, 5860–5861, 5861–5865
- Sattler, 5875–5876, 5949–5951, 5960
- Saunderson, 5848
- Shaw, 5845, 5848, 5855, 5865
- Smith, L., 5873–5874, 5954, 5965–5967
- Stevens, 5950, 5951, 5961–5963
- Taylor, 5848
- Vaugeois, 5957, 5963–5965
- West, 5834, 5844, 5977
- division (carried), 6003
- referred to Standing Committee on Justice Policy, 6003
- public consultation
- regulations
- statements by stakeholders
- Pasma, 6974
- third reading, 6937–6960, 6961–6977
- Armstrong, 6957
- Bourgouin, 6965
- Bresee, 6975–6976
- Coe, 6946, 6970, 6974
- Dixon, 6962
- Gates, 6970–6971, 6975
- Gretzky, 6958, 6975
- Harden, 6946–6947, 6961–6962
- Hogarth, 6946, 6947
- Hsu, 6976–6977
- Jones, T., 6969–6971
- Leardi, 6958
- McCarthy, 6937–6947, 6957, 6961, 6962, 6966, 6968, 6971
- Pasma, 6946, 6971–6976
- Rae, 6958–6960, 6961–6962
- Rakocevic, 6945, 6947– 6958, 6961, 6962
- Saunderson, 6957, 6975
- Schreiner, 6967–6968
- Shaw, 6968, 6976
- Taylor, 6968, 6970, 6971
- Wai, 6971
- Royal assent, 7069
- first reading
Better Municipal Governance Act, 2022 (Bill 39)
- first reading
- Clark, 1379
- committee process
- Bell, 2037
- committee response
- McMahon, 2084
- democracy
- Begum, 1499
- second reading, 1437–1447, 1468–1508, 1537–1547, 1569–1581, 1583–1586, 1619–1620
- Anand, 1488–1492
- Andrew, 1575, 1585
- Armstrong, 1445, 1538, 1541, 1543
- Babikian, 1445, 1500, 1504
- Begum, 1499, 1546
- Bell, 1537, 1538–1542, 1573
- Blais, 1481, 1486–1488
- Bouma, 1537–1538, 1541–1542, 1543, 1577–1578, 1579
- Burch, 1446–1447, 1469–1477
- Byers, 1488
- Clark, 1437–1440, 1445–1446
- Coe, 1575, 1585–1586
- Crawford, 1476
- Dixon, 1497
- Dowie, 1477
- Fedeli, 1543–1547, 1569–1570
- Fife, 1444–1445
- Flack, 1445–1446, 1477, 1491, 1503
- French, 1570–1573
- Gates, 1477, 1481, 1485, 1492–1497
- Glover, 1488, 1491, 1496, 1500, 1508, 1576–1579, 1584–1585
- Gretzky, 1578
- Harden, 1482–1486, 1572, 1578, 1581
- Holland, 1442–1444
- Jordan, 1485
- Kanapathi, 1497–1500
- Ke, 1541, 1572, 1584
- Kernaghan, 1480
- Khanjin, 1504–1508, 1537–1538, 1569
- Kusendova-Bashta, 1481–1482, 1488
- Leardi, 1499
- Mantha, 1576
- McGregor, 1573–1576
- Oosterhoff, 1485
- Pang, 1573, 1585
- Parsa, 1440–1442
- Pierre, 1495, 1508
- Quinn, 1491, 1500, 1503–1504
- Rakocevic, 1574–1575, 1580
- Rasheed, 1580
- Romano, 1537
- Sabawy, 1579–1581
- Sattler, 1476, 1491, 1503
- Schreiner, 1542–1543
- Skelly, 1585
- Smith, Dave, 1480–1481, 1486, 1492
- Smith, L., 1546, 1572, 1578
- Stevens, 1546, 1583–1585
- Stiles, 1446, 1492, 1496, 1499, 1504
- Thanigasalam, 1575–1576
- Tibollo, 1477–1482
- Vanthof, 1570
- Vaugeois, 1542
- Williams, 1496
- Wong-Tam, 1500–1504
- division (carried), 1619–1620
- referred to Standing Committee on Heritage, Infrastructure and Cultural Policy, 1619–1620
- general remarks
- Clark, 1965
- Indigenous consultation
- McGregor, 1576
- legislative process
- legislative timeline
- Gates, 1493
- municipal councils response
- municipal response
- public consultation
- public response
- statements by stakeholders
- third reading, 2049–2055, 2063–2101, 2103–2113, 2135–2139, 2169–2170
- Andrew, 2067–2075, 2092, 2096, 2099
- Armstrong, 2110, 2112
- Bailey, 2095
- Begum, 2136
- Bell, 2105, 2107–2110
- Bourgouin, 2077, 2109
- Burch, 2105, 2106–2107, 2109–2110
- Calandra, 2099–2101, 2103–2106
- Clark, 2049–2052, 2065–2066
- Coe, 2075–2078
- Flack, 2073–2074, 2084, 2087, 2093, 2095
- Fraser, 2074, 2135, 2137–2139
- French, 2135
- Gallagher Murphy, 2110
- Gates, 2109, 2111, 2112–2113, 2135–2137
- Gélinas, 2066, 2074, 2083, 2084, 2094–2095, 2099
- Gill, 2106
- Glover, 2078–2083, 2091, 2095
- Harris, 2104–2105, 2109, 2139
- Holland, 2055, 2063–2065, 2082
- Hsu, 2085
- Jones, T., 2082
- Jordan, 2074
- Khanjin, 2083
- Leardi, 2066, 2077, 2085–2088, 2092, 2135–2136, 2138
- Mamakwa, 2087, 2088
- Mantha, 2078, 2093, 2104
- Martin, 2112, 2136
- McMahon, 2083–2085
- Pang, 2077, 2091
- Parsa, 2052–2054, 2066–2067, 2088
- Piccini, 2105
- Pierre, 2110–2112
- Rakocevic, 2066, 2082, 2138
- Rasheed, 2093–2096
- Sattler, 2074, 2136
- Schreiner, 2092–2093
- Smith, L., 2066
- Thanigasalam, 2091, 2093, 2099
- Vanthof, 2065
- Wong-Tam, 2077, 2088–2092
- Yakabuski, 2109
- division (carried), 2169–2170
- Royal assent, 2170–2171
- first reading
Better Schools and Student Outcomes Act, 2023 (Bill 98)
- amendments
- first reading
- Lecce, 3552
- committee process
- committee submissions
- second reading, 3595–3605, 3651–3662, 3679–3702, 3703–3717, 3725–3735, 3752–3758, 3804–3805
- Armstrong, 3661, 3756
- Barnes, 3601–3604, 3686, 3695, 3701–3702
- Bouma, 3604
- Bresee, 3734–3735
- Byers, 3753
- Cho, S., 3694–3695
- Coe, 3757–3758
- Collard, 3725–3727, 3734
- Dowie, 3716
- Flack, 3697, 3705
- Fraser, 3710–3712
- French, 3706–3710, 3715
- Gallagher Murphy, 3661, 3680–3682, 3701, 3705
- Gates, 3731, 3733, 3754
- Gélinas, 3701, 3704, 3709, 3711, 3716, 3729–3732
- Ghamari, 3731, 3732–3735
- Gretzky, 3729, 3734
- Harden, 3605, 3682–3687, 3690–3691
- Harris, 3660, 3661–3662, 3679–3682, 3690, 3697–3698, 3708–3709, 3711
- Jama, 3731, 3735, 3756
- Jones, T., 3689–3691
- Jordan, 3729
- Karpoche, 3752–3754
- Kernaghan, 3604, 3660, 3694, 3702, 3715, 3754–3757
- Khanjin, 3727, 3757
- Leardi, 3754, 3757
- Lecce, 3595–3601, 3603–3605
- Mamakwa, 3716–3717
- Martin, 3681, 3687, 3691, 3698, 3701, 3705–3706, 3709, 3711–3712, 3712–3713, 3716
- McCarthy, 3731, 3733–3734
- Pang, 3695–3698, 3710
- Pasma, 3603, 3605, 3651–3661, 3681, 3690
- Pierre, 3713–3716
- Rae, 3756
- Romano, 3682, 3702
- Sandhu, 3715–3716
- Sattler, 3691–3695, 3698, 3709
- Shaw, 3682, 3691, 3728–3729
- Smith, David, 3732
- Smith, L., 3604, 3660, 3687–3691
- Stevens, 3695, 3697, 3705
- Surma, 3703–3706
- Taylor, 3687
- Tibollo, 3755
- Vaugeois, 3695, 3698–3702
- Wai, 3691, 3715
- Williams, 3727–3729
- Yakabuski, 3686
- division (carried), 3804–3805
- referred to Standing Committee on Social Policy, 3804–3805
- scope of
- stakeholder consultation
- statements by stakeholders
- third reading, 4878–4894, 4901–4912, 4933–4954, 4961–4964, 4982–4983
- Barnes, 4880–4881
- Bell, 4910–4912
- Burch, 4908, 4937, 4952
- Coe, 4881, 4887
- Collard, 4951–4952
- Dixon, 4881–4882
- Dowie, 4946, 4961–4962
- Fife, 4946, 4952
- Flack, 4886
- Gallagher Murphy, 4909, 4937
- Glover, 4936
- Holland, 4887
- Jones, T., 4882–4883, 4887
- Kernaghan, 4904, 4909, 4937–4941
- Khanjin, 4942, 4944–4947, 4950
- Kusendova-Bashta, 4883–4885
- Leardi, 4904, 4933–4934, 4936–4937, 4943
- Lecce, 4878–4880
- MacLeod, 4941, 4950–4951
- Martin, 4904, 4941, 4952
- McCarthy, 4885–4887, 4936, 4940, 4950
- Pasma, 4887–4894, 4901–4905
- Pierre, 4908
- Rae, 4905, 4907–4910
- Sattler, 4942, 4947–4951
- Saunderson, 4934–4937
- Schreiner, 4941–4943, 4946–4947
- Shaw, 4905, 4909
- Skelly, 4943–4944, 4946–4947
- Smith, L., 4887
- Stevens, 4940, 4947, 4950
- Vaugeois, 4887, 4936, 4941, 4950, 4952–4954
- Wai, 4905–4906, 4908–4909, 4947
- Yakabuski, 4962–4964
- division (carried), 4982–4983
- Royal assent, 4983
- bike lanes
- e-bikes
- safety
- Vision Zero
- Harden, 9713–9714
- Vision Zero
Bicycles - bike lanes
Bill C-233 An Act to amend the Criminal Code and the Judges Act (violence against an intimate partner)
Bills referred to committee
- Government bills
- Affordable Energy Act, 2024 (Bill 214), 10282
- Affordable Homes and Good Jobs Act, 2023 (Bill 134), 5304
- Agricultural Research Institute of Ontario Amendment Act, 2024 (Bill 155), 7126
- Better for Consumers, Better for Businesses Act, 2023 (Bill 142), 6003
- Better Municipal Governance Act, 2022 (Bill 39), 1619–1620
- Better Schools and Student Outcomes Act, 2023 (Bill 98), 3804–3805
- Building a Better Ontario Act (Budget Measures), 2024 (Bill 180), 8255–8256
- Building a Strong Ontario Act (Budget Measures), 2023 (Bill 85), 3259
- Building a Strong Ontario Together Act (Budget Measures), 2023 (Bill 146), 6181
- Building Infrastructure Safely Act, 2024 (Bill 153), 6671
- Building More Mines Act, 2023 (Bill 71), 2805–2806
- Convenient Care at Home Act, 2023 (Bill 135), 5659–5660
- Cutting Red Tape to Build More Homes Act, 2024 (Bill 185), 8487
- Enhancing Access to Justice Act, 2024 (Bill 157), 7051
- Enhancing Professional Care for Animals Act, 2024 (Bill 171), 7905
- Get It Done Act, 2024 (Bill 162), 7668–7669
- Greenbelt Statute Law Amendment Act, 2023 (Bill 136), 5985
- Hazel McCallion Act (Peel Dissolution), 2023 (Bill 112), 4576
- Homeowner Protection Act, 2024 (Bill 200), 9613
- Improving Real Estate Management Act, 2024 (Bill 151), 6445
- Keeping Energy Costs Down Act, 2024 (Bill 165), 7364–7365
- Legislative Assembly Amendment Act, 2022 (Bill 51), 1968–1969
- Less Red Tape, More Common Sense Act, 2023 (Bill 139), 5791
- Less Red Tape, Stronger Economy Act, 2023 (Bill 91), 3523
- Less Red Tape, Stronger Ontario Act, 2023 (Bill 46), 1877
- More Convenient Care Act, 2024 (Bill 231), 10953
- Planning Statute Law Amendment Act, 2023 (Bill 150), 6343
- Preventing Unethical Puppy Sales Act, 2024 (Bill 159), 8558
- Progress on the Plan to Build Act (Budget Measures), 2022 (Bill 36), 1462–1463
- Queen's Park Restoration Act, 2023 (Bill 75), 2842
- Reducing Gridlock, Saving You Time Act, 2024 (Bill 212), 10315
- Reducing Inefficiencies Act (Infrastructure Statute Law Amendments), 2023 (Bill 69), 2608
- Resource Management and Safety Act, 2024 (Bill 228), 10998–10999
- Safer Roads and Communities Act, 2024 (Bill 197), 10006
- Strengthening Accountability and Student Supports Act, 2024 (Bill 166), 7701
- Strengthening Cyber Security and Building Trust in the Public Sector Act, 2024 (Bill 194), 10006
- Strengthening Post-secondary Institutions and Students Act, 2022 (Bill 26), 1299
- Strengthening Safety and Modernizing Justice Act, 2023 (Bill 102), 4016–4017
- Strong Mayors, Building Homes Act, 2022 (Bill 3), 228–229
- Support for Seniors and Caregivers Act, 2024 (Bill 235), 11114
- Supporting Children's Futures Act, 2024 (Bill 188), 8724
- Transportation for the Future Act, 2023 (Bill 131), 5192
- Working for Workers Act, 2023 (Bill 79), 3260
- Working for Workers Five Act, 2024 (Bill 190), 9246
- Working for Workers Four Act, 2024 (Bill 149), 6591
- Your Health Act, 2023 (Bill 60), 2496–2497
- Private bills
- Allied Contractors (Kitchener) Limited Act, 2024 (Bill Pr32), 6723
- Eastern Children of Israel Congregation Act, 2024 (Bill Pr36), 6723
- 405456 Ontario Limited Act, 2022 (Bill Pr2), 768
- Ice Hockey Resources Ltd. Act, 2023 (Bill Pr23), 4595
- Superior Corporate Services Limited Act, 2023 (Bill Pr25), 4272
- Private members' public bills
- Change of Name Amendment Act, 2023 (Bill 138), 6041–6042
- Chinese Heritage Month Act, 2024 (Bill 183), 9148
- Croatian Heritage Day Act, 2024 (Bill 81), 3649
- Erin's Law (Child Sexual Abuse Prevention and Reporting), 2024 (Bill 123), 5311
- Fairness for Road Users Act (Contraventions Causing Death or Serious Bodily Harm), 2022 (Bill 15), 1593
- Fixing Long-Term Care Amendment Act (Till Death Do Us Part), 2022 (Bill 21), 1354
- Garrett's Legacy Act (Requirements for Movable Soccer Goals), 2024 (Bill 99), 4153
- Group of Seven Day Act, 2023 (Bill 78), 3484
- Group of Seven Day Act, 2024 (Bill 158), 7642
- Growing Agritourism Act, 2024 (Bill 186), 8902
- Harvest Season Road Safety Week Act, 2023 (Bill 143), 7089
- Heart Valve Disease Awareness Act, 2024 (Bill 66), 3538
- Honouring Our Veterans Act, 2023 (Bill 65), 2846
- Improving Dementia Care in Ontario Act, 2024 (Bill 121), 5255
- Injured Workers Day Act, 2024 (Bill 118), 9458
- Intimate Partner Violence Epidemic Act, 2024 (Bill 173), 8300
- Joshua's Law (Lifejackets for Life), 2023 (Bill 93), 3892
- Kids' Online Safety and Privacy Month Act, 2024 (Bill 133), 9665
- Maternal Mental Health Day Act, 2023 (Bill 33), 2226
- Ministry of Correctional Services Amendment Act (Parole), 2023 (Bill 96), 4051–4052
- Missing Persons Amendment Act, 2023 (Bill 74), 3147
- Murray Whetung Community Service Award Act, 2024 (Bill 31), 2528
- Orthodox Christian Week Act, 2024 (Bill 167), 7813
- Planning for Your Silver Years Awareness Week Act, 2024 (Bill 137), 5920
- Protecting Ontarians by Enhancing Gas Station Safety to Prevent Gas and Dash Act, 2023 (Bill 88), 3780
- Protection from Coerced Debts Incurred in relation to Human Trafficking Act, 2023 (Bill 41), 2358
- Provincial Parks and Conservation Reserves Amendment Act, 2024 (Bill 193), 9411
- Retiree Experience Awareness Day Act, 2024 (Bill 217), 10632
- Seniors Month Act, 2024 (Bill 70), 2970
- Skilled Trades Week Act, 2023 (Bill 117), 5198
- Supporting Ontario's Community, Rural and Agricultural Newspapers Act, 2023 (Bill 73), 3176
- Test Your Smoke Alarm Day Act, 2024 (Bill 177), 8513
- Ukrainian Heritage Month Act, 2024 (Bill 215), 10688
- Government bills
- window collisions
- Glover, 1256
- window collisions
Bird-Safe Windows Act, 2023 (Bill 145)
- first reading
- Glover, 5889–5890
- first reading
Black community
- appreciation of
- Williams, 2194
- Black History Month
- Black youth action plan
- Ford, M., 7420
- community organizations
- community organizations,
- Wong-Tam, 7421
- community organizations, by region
- Oakville
- Crawford, 7195
- Oakville
- education and awareness
- Emancipation Month
- Gallagher Murphy, 23
- history of
- Little Jamaica
- Wong-Tam, 7421
- notable members
- appreciation of
Black Maternal Health and Reproductive Justice Month Act, 2024 (Bill 209)
- first reading
- Hazell, 9594
- first reading
Black Mental Health Day Act, 2022 (Bill 32)
- first reading
- Karpoche, 1223–1224
- first reading
Black Youth Action Plan
Blind River Huron Shores Family Health Team
- government funding
- Jones, S., 3912
- government funding
Blood and blood products - donation and collection
Blood disorders
- education and awareness
- Thalassemia Awareness Day
- Cuzzetto, 8916
- Thalassemia Awareness Day
- education and awareness
Board of Internal Economy
- administrative authority
- administrative authority, expansion
- Sattler, 2019
- legislative precinct. see also Legislative Assembly
- Sattler, 2047
- scope of
- authority of
- composition of
see Also Life jacketsBongo Studios Inc. Act, 2024 (Bill Pr34)
Border security
Boulet, Logan.
see Organ and tissue donationBowmanville Hospital
Bradford bypass
Bradford Bypass
Brampton Civic Hospital
- emergency department
- capacity and overcrowding
- Stiles, 8921
- capacity and overcrowding
- emergency department
Brantford General Hospital
Breast cancer
- treatment services, wait-time. see Cancer - treatment services
- construction and expansion
- inter-provincial bridges, Ontario/Quebec
- Kettle Island corridor
- Blais, 2237
- Kettle Island corridor
- Little Current Swing Bridge replacement
- Sarkaria, 10230
- construction timelines
- Mantha, 10229–10230
- maintenance and repair
- Schreiner, 10157
- Argyle Street Bridge (Caledonia)
- Ginoogaming First Nation
British Home Children
- education and awareness
- British Home Child Day
- Wong-Tam, 9843
- British Home Child Day
- education and awareness
Broadband infrastructure
Broadband infrastructure development
- and agriculture industry
- funding
- Leardi, 31
- funding
- general remarks
- gigabyte symmetrical vs. 50/10
- Glover, 7171–7172
- government strategy
- northern and rural Ontario
- regional impact
- Leardi, 32
- regulatory reform
- rural Ontario
- Oosterhoff, 1832–1833
- through private sector
- in rural and remote areas
- French, 3460
- in rural and remote areas
- utility infrastructure data
- and agriculture industry
Broadband infrastructure development - funding
Broadband infrastructure development programs
- Improving Connectivity for Ontario (ICON)
- Surma, 4064
- Improving Connectivity for Ontario (ICON)
Broadband services
Broadband services - access to
Brock University
- Burlington campus, construction
- Pierre, 9917
- Burlington campus, construction
Budget 2022/2023
- children's health care integration
- Smith, Dave, 614–615
- climate change
- consultation
- Bowman, 617
- contingency and reserve funds
- cost of living
- decision making process
- education
- employment
- and equity
- Kernaghan, 609
- gender-based violence
- general remarks
- government strategy
- McCarthy, 1346
- health care
- Anand, 241
- Bell, 618
- Bethlenfalvy, 608, 1315
- Crawford, 79
- Cuzzetto, 2874
- Gates, 254–255
- Harris, 611
- Hunter, 211
- Jones, S., 1617
- Kernaghan, 191–192, 196
- Kusendova-Bashta, 238, 251–252
- Mantha, 620
- McCarthy, 201
- Pasma, 242
- Rickford, 213–214
- Sattler, 620
- Schreiner, 618–619
- Wong-Tam, 206–207
- health human resources
- Sarkaria, 2870
- resource allocation
- Fife, 1317
- statements by stakeholders
- McCarthy, 201
- home and community care
- housing
- Kernaghan, 197
- Indigenous affairs
- inflation
- Kernaghan, 609
- infrastructure
- legal aid
- Wong-Tam, 615–616
- long-term care
- Kernaghan, 196
- mental health and addictions
- Kusendova-Bashta, 251
- municipal affairs and housing
- Bell, 120
- northern and rural Ontario
- program allocation
- program spending
- Schreiner, 237–238
- skilled trades
- social assistance
- statements from stakeholders
- transportation
- tribunals
- Wong-Tam, 615
- children's health care integration
Budget 2023/2024
- accountability and transparency
- agriculture
- allocation by fiscal year
- 2022-2023
- Fife, 3102
- 2022-2023
- allocation of funds
- arts and culture
- autism services
- automotive
- broadband infrastructure development
- Rae, 3153
- business
- business - small- and medium-sized
- Smith, L., 4374
- businesses
- Bethlenfalvy, 4312
- carbon emissions
- Bowman, 3274
- child care
- Smith, L., 4375
- child protection system
- child welfare
- children and youth
- committee presentations
- community safety
- community services
- consumer protection
- contingency and reserve funds
- correctional services
- cost of living
- debt and deficit
- debt-to-GDP
- deficit
- developmental services
- housing
- Armstrong, 3274
- housing
- doctors
- education
- Andrew, 3288
- Begum, 3278, 4401, 4403
- Bell, 3179, 4376
- Bethlenfalvy, 4313
- Bowman, 3121
- Crawford, 4277
- Fife, 3239–3240
- Gallagher Murphy, 3205
- Ghamari, 3166
- Hunter, 3196–3197
- Kanapathi, 3154
- Karpoche, 3275
- Kernaghan, 3183, 4377, 4379
- Lecce, 3197, 3672
- Pang, 3361
- Rickford, 3182
- Shamji, 3275
- Smith, L., 4375, 4376
- Vaugeois, 4403
- pre-budget submissions
- Kernaghan, 3183–3184
- school boards
- Karpoche, 3280
- school safety
- Kernaghan, 3181
- statements by stakeholders
- West, 3117
- education, post-secondary
- Bowman, 3273
- electricity rates
- Smith, Dave, 3126
- emergency management
- Crawford, 3061
- employment
- employment services
- energy
- environment
- food security
- gender-based budgeting
- statements by stakeholders
- Sattler, 4431
- statements by stakeholders
- gender-based violence
- general remarks
- Begum, 4400
- Bouma, 3211–3212
- Bowman, 4404
- Byers, 3299
- Crawford, 4276
- Cuzzetto, 4351–4352
- Fife, 3070–3071, 3109, 4481–4482
- Glover, 7542
- Grewal, 4304
- Kanapathi, 3245, 4340–4341
- Kernaghan, 4377, 4378
- Martin, 4406
- McCarthy, 3243
- Oosterhoff, 3065
- Pang, 3359
- Pierre, 4378–4379
- Rakocevic, 3168–3169
- West, 3109
- geopolitical environment
- Sandhu, 4408
- health care
- Anand, 4414, 4415
- Andrew, 3288
- Bell, 3177–3178
- Bethlenfalvy, 3071, 4314
- Bowman, 4404
- Burch, 4373, 4400
- Byers, 3118, 4275, 4379
- Crawford, 3060, 3061
- Cuzzetto, 4349
- Gallagher Murphy, 3187
- Ghamari, 3165–3166, 4400
- Grewal, 4302
- Harris, 4351
- Jordan, 3277
- Kanapathi, 3154, 3274–3275, 4341
- Karpoche, 3279
- Khanjin, 3293
- Leardi, 3267
- Mantha, 4373
- McCarthy, 3265, 3267, 4340
- Pang, 4294
- Quinn, 3292
- Rickford, 3181
- Sabawy, 3283
- Sandhu, 4407
- Sattler, 4432
- Shamji, 3272–3273
- Shaw, 4294
- Triantafilopoulos, 3285–3286
- West, 3119
- health care workers
- hospitals, capital projects
- Coe, 3112
- independent health clinics
- Sattler, 3209
- infrastructure
- Coe, 4415
- neurocognitive conditions
- Fife, 4288
- northern Ontario
- pediatric
- Bethlenfalvy, 4312–4313
- statements by stakeholders
- Fife, 3105
- health care infrastructure
- Coe, 4415
- health care workers
- healthcare
- Bowman, 4404
- highway infrastructure
- highways
- Bowman, 4404
- home and community care
- housing
- Andrew, 3287
- Armstrong, 4361
- Begum, 4402
- Bell, 3178, 3180, 4371
- Bowman, 3120–3121, 3273, 4404
- Clark, 3252
- Fraser, 3163
- Harden, 4371
- Harris, 4350
- Karpoche, 3279
- Kernaghan, 3180, 4378
- McCarthy, 3267
- McMahon, 3366
- Rae, 4304
- Tangri, 3252
- Vaugeois, 3162
- affordable
- Karpoche, 3280
- construction starts
- McMahon, 3073
- statements by stakeholders
- Clark, 3142
- immigration
- independent health clinics
- Sattler, 3209
- Indigenous affairs
- Anand, 3167
- Indigenous communities
- Indigenous communities, on-reserve
- Begum, 4281
- Indigenous consultation
- Shamji, 3273
- Indigenous relations
- Mamakwa, 3131
- infrastructure
- infrastructure development
- long-term care
- manufacturing
- mental health and addictions
- mines and mining industry
- mining industry
- municipal affairs and housing
- municipal planning
- housing development
- statements by stakeholders
- Fife, 3106
- statements by stakeholders
- housing development
- municipalities
- natural resources and forestry
- Rickford, 3181
- northern Ontario
- palliative care
- police services
- pre-budget consultations
- program allocation
- statements by stakeholders
- Dowie, 3127–3128
- statements by stakeholders
- program spending
- public consultation
- public libraries
- Kernaghan, 4405
- public safety
- regional allocation
- rental housing
- residential schools
- rural Ontario
- Brady, 4320
- school facilities
- Smith, L., 4374–4375
- senior citizens
- skilled trades
- social assistance
- social assistance programs
- social assistance recipients
- Armstrong, 4362
- social services
- statements by stakeholders
- supportive housing
- Begum, 4401
- Bell, 3129
- Blais, 4411
- Clark, 3070, 3074, 3666
- Coe, 3113
- Crawford, 4278
- Cuzzetto, 4349
- Fife, 3241
- Flack, 4432
- Gallagher Murphy, 3662–3663, 4371
- Glover, 3185, 3298
- Harden, 4371
- Holland, 4346–4347
- Oosterhoff, 4292
- Rae, 3156, 4289, 4308
- Sabawy, 4302
- Sattler, 3185, 3209, 3210, 4431–4432
- Shaw, 3156, 4347
- Skelly, 4360
- Smith, L., 4374
- Taylor, 3185
- Williams, 3301
- allocation per region
- Fife, 4283
- Indigenous communities
- McCarthy, 3132
- statements by stakeholders
- unhoused persons
- tax credits
- transit
- transit development
- Pang, 4292
- transportation
- unhoused persons
- veterinarians
- veterinary services
- victim services
- French, 4410
- water protection
- Fife, 4288
- women
Budget 2024/2025
- allocation by region
- Windsor—Tecumseh
- Dowie, 8052–8053
- Windsor—Tecumseh
- allocation of funds
- Armstrong, 10163
- Bell, 10131
- Gates, 10131
- Karpoche, 10127–10129, 10131
- Mamakwa, 10129–10130
- Schreiner, 10158
- Wong-Tam, 10154
- arts and culture
- Vaugeois, 8000
- child care
- Karpoche, 8008, 10128–10129
- climate
- Schreiner, 10157
- cost of living
- court administration
- Wong-Tam, 8050
- debt and deficit
- Crawford, 10159
- Shaw, 10161–10162
- Wong-Tam, 10151
- debt-to-GDP
- developmental services
- education
- emergency services
- employment services
- Crawford, 10160
- energy
- factors affecting
- Crawford, 9077
- gender-based violence prevention
- Downey, 8058
- general remarks
- government strategy
- Crawford, 8054
- health care
- Bell, 10126
- Bethlenfalvy, 8002, 8003, 9582
- Crawford, 10159
- Dowie, 9091
- Fife, 9084, 9091
- French, 9187–9188
- Gates, 10143–10144
- Hamid, 10101
- Jones, S., 8429–8430
- Kusendova-Bashta, 8000–8001
- Martin, 9187
- Schreiner, 10156
- Shaw, 9161
- Wong-Tam, 10153
- Greater Hamilton Health Network
- hospitals, capital projects
- Smith, Dave, 10104
- northern and Indigenous Ontario
- Jones, S., 8055
- primary care
- Jones, S., 8063
- statements by stakeholders
- French, 9185
- health care workers
- highways and roads
- Rae, 9096
- home and community care
- hospitals
- housing
- housing development
- infrastructure
- justice sector
- life sciences
- long-term care
- Cho, S., 8707
- Hamid, 10101
- Mamakwa, 10129–10130
- manufacturing
- Crawford, 10160
- Hamid, 10100–10101
- mental health and addictions
- Mamakwa, 10130
- Schreiner, 10156–10157
- alternative destination clinics
- Fife, 9090
- Canadian Mental Health Association
- Kernaghan, 9586
- children and youth
- Karpoche, 10129
- mines and mining industry
- Crawford, 10160
- municipalities
- police services
- helicopters
- Crawford, 10160–10161
- helicopters
- post-secondary education
- Schreiner, 9189
- pre-budget consultations
- by region
- Toronto
- Fife, 9082
- Toronto
- by region
- program allocation
- Bethlenfalvy, 9074
- public safety
- revenue
- Crawford, 10162
- school facilities
- sexual violence and harassment
- Shaw, 9161
- social assistance programs
- Schreiner, 10157
- social services
- Armstrong, 10163
- stakeholder consultation
- Karpoche, 9192
- transportation
- unhoused persons
- wildfire management
- allocation by region
Budget speech 2023 (March 23, 2023),
3236–3244, 3264–3292, 3293–3303, 3359–3368, 3385–3388- presented
- Bethlenfalvy, 3047–3053
- responded to
- Andrew, 3286–3291, 3299
- Armstrong, 3267, 3274
- Begum, 3267, 3278
- Bell, 3285, 3290, 3295, 3364, 3367
- Bouma, 3367
- Bowman, 3273–3275
- Burch, 3367
- Byers, 3275, 3278, 3299
- Crawford, 3270, 3290
- Cuzzetto, 3286
- Dowie, 3282, 3290–3291
- Fedeli, 3386–3388
- Fife, 3236–3241
- Gates, 3267–3272, 3278
- Glover, 3285, 3296–3300
- Gretzky, 3271
- Harden, 3360, 3361–3365
- Jordan, 3271, 3276–3279
- Kanapathi, 3266, 3274–3275
- Karpoche, 3275, 3279–3282
- Kernaghan, 3360–3361
- Khanjin, 3293–3295
- Leardi, 3267, 3274, 3275–3276, 3278–3279, 3281, 3285
- McCarthy, 3243–3244, 3264–3267, 3299, 3365
- McMahon, 3365–3368
- Pang, 3289, 3359–3361, 3368
- Pasma, 3365
- Quinn, 3291–3292, 3294–3296
- Rakocevic, 3294, 3300
- Sabawy, 3282–3283, 3285
- Sattler, 3271–3272, 3279, 3282, 3286
- Saunderson, 3267, 3272, 3278
- Shamji, 3272–3275
- Skelly, 3360, 3364
- Smith, G., 3296
- Smith, L., 3282, 3294–3295, 3298–3299, 3367
- Tabuns, 3290, 3295
- Thompson, 3295, 3301–3302
- Triantafilopoulos, 3283–3286
- Vanthof, 3241–3243, 3266, 3281
- Wai, 3265–3266
- Williams, 3300–3301
- presented
Budget speech 2024 (March 26, 2024),
7981–7987, 8041–8050, 8068–8080, 8081–8105, 8331–8343, 8364- presented
- Bethlenfalvy, 7981–7987
- responded to
- Anand, 8073, 8090, 8094, 8104–8105, 8338
- Andrew, 8094–8095, 8103
- Babikian, 8339
- Bell, 8090–8091, 8099–8104
- Bowman, 8074–8077
- Bresee, 8080, 8084, 8095
- Byers, 8048–8050, 8068–8071, 8077, 8086, 8339, 8342
- Cho, S., 8077, 8086, 8099, 8331–8335
- Crawford, 8076, 8102
- Cuzzetto, 8087, 8096–8099
- Fife, 8041–8048, 8070, 8076, 8083
- Fraser, 8076
- Gates, 8335–8340
- Glover, 8090, 8099, 8334
- Gretzky, 8335, 8342
- Hazell, 8341–8342
- Jones, T., 8099
- Jordan, 8069–8070, 8083, 8103
- Karpoche, 8073, 8077, 8079, 8334, 8339
- Kernaghan, 8083–8084, 8091–8096
- Mamakwa, 8071–8074, 8080
- McMahon, 8342
- Pierre, 8104
- Pirie, 8077–8080
- Rakocevic, 8086, 8098, 8103
- Sattler, 8081–8084, 8340
- Schreiner, 8084–8087, 8091
- Shamji, 8335, 8340–8342
- Smith, David, 8072, 8098
- Smith, G., 8079
- Stevens, 8069
- Tabuns, 8087, 8098
- Tangri, 8087–8091, 8334
- Vaugeois, 8070, 8073, 8084
- Wai, 8070, 8335
- Williams, 8080, 8091
- Wong-Tam, 8095
- division (carried), 8364
- presented
Building a Better Ontario Act (Budget Measures), 2024 (Bill 180)
- first reading
- Bethlenfalvy, 7987
- second reading, 8127–8165, 8167–8178, 8202–8222, 8231–8240, 8255–8256
- Anand, 8132–8136, 8150, 8154, 8155, 8158, 8163, 8213, 8216, 8220, 8222
- Armstrong, 8151, 8207, 8216, 8218
- Bell, 8170
- Bethlenfalvy, 8127–8130
- Blais, 8204–8207
- Bourgouin, 8219
- Bowman, 8155–8159
- Brady, 8233–8234
- Burch, 8174
- Cho, R.S.J., 8159–8160
- Clancy, 8234, 8235–8236, 8238
- Coe, 8136, 8170
- Collard, 8207
- Crawford, 8130–8132, 8135–8137, 8145
- Cuzzetto, 8207
- Dixon, 8162
- Dowie, 8136, 8146, 8167, 8204
- Downey, 8171–8175
- Dunlop, 8212
- Fife, 8137–8146
- Fraser, 8158, 8162, 8205–8208, 8219
- French, 8135
- Gates, 8149, 8161
- Gélinas, 8203, 8212, 8213–8217, 8233, 8238
- Glover, 8175
- Gretzky, 8154
- Harden, 8150, 8158, 8231–8233, 8235
- Harris, 8236, 8238
- Jones, T., 8219
- Kernaghan, 8146, 8168, 8233
- Khanjin, 8203, 8208–8213
- Kusendova-Bashta, 8160–8163
- Leardi, 8150, 8157, 8232–8233, 8234, 8235, 8239–8240
- MacLeod, 8206, 8217–8220
- Mamakwa, 8174
- Mantha, 8236–8239
- McCarthy, 8147–8151
- Pang, 8168, 8175, 8215
- Pasma, 8175–8178, 8202–8204
- Rakocevic, 8206, 8212, 8220–8222
- Sattler, 8168, 8169
- Saunderson, 8135, 8145
- Schreiner, 8169–8171
- Shamji, 8159
- Shaw, 8234
- Smith, L., 8170–8171, 8174, 8211–8212, 8221–8222
- Stevens, 8136
- Taylor, 8154–8155, 8162, 8163–8165, 8167–8169, 8204, 8211, 8222
- West, 8136, 8145, 8203
- Wong-Tam, 8151–8155, 8159
- Yakabuski, 8237
- division (carried), 8255–8256
- referred to Standing Committee on Finance and Economic Affairs, 8255–8256
- third reading, 9072–9096, 9151–9161, 9180–9196, 9222–9223
- Anand, 9078–9082, 9096
- Bethlenfalvy, 9073–9075
- Bourgouin, 9096
- Byers, 9091–9092
- Crawford, 9075–9078, 9081–9082, 9183, 9190
- Dowie, 9091
- Fedeli, 9195–9196
- Fife, 9082–9092, 9095
- Flack, 9190
- French, 9184–9188
- Gates, 9081, 9095–9096
- Gélinas, 9184, 9190, 9193–9194
- Glover, 9183, 9188
- Harden, 9082, 9091
- Hogarth, 9081–9082
- Jones, T., 9096
- Kanapathi, 9081
- Karpoche, 9192–9195
- Kernaghan, 9159, 9187, 9194, 9195
- Kerzner, 9156–9160, 9183
- Kusendova-Bashta, 9181–9184
- Leardi, 9090, 9193, 9194
- Martin, 9187
- Mulroney, 9180–9181
- Oosterhoff, 9095
- Rae, 9092–9096
- Schreiner, 9188–9190
- Shaw, 9081, 9090–9091, 9159, 9160–9161
- Smith, David, 9188
- Smith, L., 9155–9156, 9187, 9194
- Stevens, 9182–9183
- Tabuns, 9155
- Vaugeois, 9190–9194
- Yakabuski, 9154, 9159
- division (carried), 9222–9223
- Royal assent, 9244
- first reading
Building a Strong Ontario Act (Budget Measures), 2023 (Bill 85)
- first reading
- Bethlenfalvy, 3053
- second reading, 3055–3064, 3101–3121, 3123–3133, 3150–3169, 3177–3187, 3204–3212, 3258–3259
- Anand, 3164–3168
- Armstrong, 3182
- Bailey, 3129
- Bell, 3129, 3177–3180, 3182
- Bethlenfalvy, 3055–3057
- Blais, 3161–3164
- Bouma, 3155, 3205, 3207, 3211–3212
- Bourgouin, 3166, 3167
- Bowman, 3120–3121, 3123–3125
- Burch, 3063, 3130, 3179
- Byers, 3057–3059, 3063–3064, 3109–3110, 3118, 3123–3124, 3132
- Coe, 3064, 3112–3115
- Crawford, 3059–3064, 3185–3186
- Cuzzetto, 3167
- Dowie, 3126–3129
- Fedeli, 3159
- Fife, 3062–3063, 3101–3110
- Fraser, 3124, 3161–3163
- Gallagher Murphy, 3182, 3185, 3186–3187, 3204–3206
- Gélinas, 3206–3209
- Ghamari, 3165–3168
- Glover, 3110, 3113
- Harden, 3110, 3114, 3119, 3125, 3132
- Harris, 3179, 3180, 3184
- Kanapathi, 3153–3155
- Kernaghan, 3124, 3180, 3181, 3183–3186, 3204, 3208
- Khanjin, 3182
- Leardi, 3109, 3114, 3115, 3179
- MacLeod, 3063, 3113–3114, 3179, 3183
- Mamakwa, 3130–3133, 3205, 3207, 3210
- Martin, 3206, 3208
- McCarthy, 3132, 3155
- McGregor, 3110–3112, 3114–3115, 3163
- Pang, 3151, 3168
- Pasma, 3128, 3132
- Pierre, 3205
- Rae, 3151–3153, 3155–3156, 3210
- Rakocevic, 3151, 3155, 3168–3169
- Rickford, 3180–3183
- Sabawy, 3110, 3119, 3120
- Sattler, 3185, 3209–3211
- Schreiner, 3150–3151
- Shaw, 3119, 3156, 3163
- Skelly, 3129
- Smith, Dave, 3125–3126, 3129–3130
- Smith, David, 3063
- Smith, L., 3124–3125, 3162, 3167
- Tabuns, 3063
- Taylor, 3185, 3205
- Thanigasalam, 3160, 3163
- Thompson, 3151
- Vaugeois, 3162, 3210–3211
- Wai, 3211
- West, 3109, 3114, 3115–3120, 3154–3155, 3160, 3163
- Yakabuski, 3208, 3210
- division (carried), 3258–3259
- referred to Standing Committee on Finance and Economic Affairs, 3259
- third reading, 4272–4299, 4301–4309, 4311–4321, 4339–4357, 4359–4362, 4369–4379, 4397–4415, 4417–4421, 4431–4435, 4450–4451
- Anand, 4413–4415
- Armstrong, 4293, 4299, 4308, 4341, 4359–4362, 4375
- Begum, 4281, 4400–4403, 4408, 4418
- Bell, 4371, 4376
- Bethlenfalvy, 4311–4315
- Blais, 4406, 4411–4413
- Bouma, 4317–4318, 4318–4319, 4320, 4341–4342
- Bourgouin, 4342, 4355
- Bowman, 4403–4406, 4408
- Brady, 4319–4321
- Bresee, 4355–4358
- Burch, 4315–4319, 4371, 4373, 4400, 4405, 4413
- Byers, 4272–4276, 4280–4281, 4379, 4402
- Coe, 4399–4400, 4410, 4415, 4419–4421
- Crawford, 4276–4280, 4289–4290, 4299, 4308, 4357
- Cuzzetto, 4348–4352
- Dowie, 4351, 4354
- Dunlop, 4280
- Fife, 4281–4290, 4399, 4406, 4410, 4415
- Flack, 4432
- French, 4280, 4402, 4408–4411, 4419, 4432–4433
- Gallagher Murphy, 4371, 4399, 4405
- Gates, 4294–4299
- Gélinas, 4314, 4411, 4417–4419, 4432
- Ghamari, 4397–4400
- Glover, 4318
- Gretzky, 4294, 4305–4309, 4433
- Grewal, 4302–4305
- Harden, 4369–4372, 4376
- Harris, 4348, 4350–4352, 4402, 4403, 4418
- Hogarth, 4280
- Holland, 4346–4347
- Jama, 4378
- Kanapathi, 4340–4342
- Kernaghan, 4280, 4289, 4313, 4377–4379, 4399, 4405, 4414–4415
- Khanjin, 4419
- Kusendova-Bashta, 4433–4435
- Leardi, 4370, 4371–4372, 4405, 4411
- Mantha, 4372–4374
- Martin, 4373–4374, 4376, 4406, 4412–4413, 4419
- McCarthy, 4314, 4318, 4320, 4339–4343, 4361–4362, 4378, 4433
- McGregor, 4342, 4361
- Oosterhoff, 4290–4294, 4297, 4298, 4309
- Pang, 4292–4294, 4314, 4413
- Pierre, 4378–4379
- Pirie, 4272
- Rae, 4281, 4289, 4294, 4304, 4305, 4308
- Rakocevic, 4348, 4352, 4356–4357
- Romano, 4290
- Sabawy, 4301–4302, 4304–4305
- Sandhu, 4406–4408
- Sattler, 4318, 4346, 4354, 4361, 4431–4433
- Saunderson, 4293, 4304
- Schreiner, 4347–4348, 4352
- Shaw, 4294, 4298, 4304–4305, 4343–4347, 4354, 4357, 4372, 4379
- Skelly, 4346, 4352, 4360
- Smith, L., 4313–4314, 4345, 4354, 4357, 4374–4377
- Taylor, 4303–4304
- Thanigasalam, 4355
- Vanthof, 4320
- Vaugeois, 4346, 4352–4355, 4361, 4403
- Wai, 4376, 4408, 4411
- West, 4290, 4298, 4304, 4309, 4342, 4351, 4357
- division (carried), 4450–4451
- Royal assent, 4459
- first reading
Building a Strong Ontario Together Act (Budget Measures), 2023 (Bill 146)
- first reading
- Bethlenfalvy, 6004
- second reading, 6017–6037, 6079–6099, 6101–6109, 6116–6139, 6181
- Anand, 6105–6108
- Armstrong, 6025–6026
- Bethlenfalvy, 6017–6020
- Bourgouin, 6125, 6136, 6139
- Bowman, 6086–6089
- Byers, 6022–6026, 6034
- Crawford, 6020–6022, 6025–6026, 6035–6036
- Cuzzetto, 6095–6099
- Dowie, 6098, 6105, 6125, 6135
- Fedeli, 6119–6121
- Fife, 6026–6036, 6080, 6133–6134
- French, 6081, 6085, 6094, 6101–6105, 6107, 6120–6121, 6130, 6136
- Gallagher Murphy, 6088, 6093, 6108, 6118, 6125, 6130
- Harden, 6034–6035
- Harris, 6087, 6092–6093, 6099, 6119, 6120, 6136
- Kanapathi, 6084, 6107
- Kernaghan, 6092, 6104, 6118, 6127, 6128–6131, 6138
- Leardi, 6085, 6088, 6093, 6094–6095, 6104, 6124, 6125–6128, 6131, 6133, 6134
- MacLeod, 6026
- Mamakwa, 6088, 6098–6099, 6133, 6134–6136, 6139
- Martin, 6128
- McCarthy, 6080, 6082–6085
- Pasma, 6089–6093, 6097, 6108
- Rae, 6127, 6130
- Sandhu, 6098, 6104
- Sattler, 6081, 6085, 6089, 6093, 6095, 6098, 6105, 6118, 6128
- Schreiner, 6093–6095
- Shamji, 6086, 6088–6089
- Shaw, 6035, 6081
- Smith, Dave, 6121
- Smith, L., 6025
- Stevens, 6084, 6088, 6107, 6108–6109, 6116–6119, 6124, 6131, 6135
- Taylor, 6026
- Thompson, 6118
- Vanthof, 6036–6037, 6079–6082
- West, 6025
- Wong-Tam, 6120, 6121–6125
- Yakabuski, 6131–6134
- division (carried), 6181
- referred to Standing Committee on Finance and Economic Affairs, 6181
- third reading, 6702–6723, 6723–6750, 6779–6780
- Anand, 6710–6711, 6726, 6733
- Armstrong, 6725, 6732, 6742–6746, 6749–6750
- Bethlenfalvy, 6702–6705
- Bouma, 6710, 6722, 6725, 6726, 6728–6729, 6732, 6735, 6738, 6739–6742
- Bourgouin, 6722
- Bowman, 6726–6730
- Byers, 6707–6711, 6719, 6746, 6750
- Crawford, 6705–6707, 6710–6711
- Cuzzetto, 6720
- Dowie, 6735, 6750
- Fife, 6711–6720
- Gélinas, 6711, 6729, 6735, 6739, 6745, 6746–6750
- Hsu, 6730, 6736–6739, 6745
- Jones, T., 6720–6722
- Karpoche, 6722–6723, 6724–6726, 6738, 6746
- Kerzner, 6720, 6739
- Kusendova-Bashta, 6729, 6730–6733
- Leardi, 6736, 6738
- Mamakwa, 6733–6736, 6749
- McGregor, 6742
- Rakocevic, 6710
- Shamji, 6729
- Shaw, 6719, 6726, 6729–6730, 6741
- Smith, L., 6741, 6746
- Taylor, 6742
- Vanthof, 6735
- West, 6709–6710, 6720
- division (carried), 6779–6780
- Royal assent, 6932
- first reading
Building Better Business Outcomes Act, 2023 (Bill 50)
Building Better Business Outcomes Act (Bill 50)
- general remarks
- Bowman, 2177
- general remarks
Building construction
Building Infrastructure Safely Act, 2023 (Bill 153)
Building Infrastructure Safely Act, 2024 (Bill 153)
- first reading
- McCarthy, 6447
- second reading, 6621–6671
- Armstrong, 6639, 6644–6648, 6651–6652, 6667
- Bailey, 6629, 6640–6644
- Blais, 6656
- Bourgouin, 6655, 6663–6665
- Bresee, 6660, 6667–6668, 6671
- Dowie, 6639, 6643
- French, 6630–6640
- Jordan, 6648
- Kernaghan, 6629
- Kerzner, 6657–6660
- Kusendova-Bashta, 6651, 6652, 6667, 6668
- Leardi, 6647
- Mamakwa, 6630, 6651, 6656, 6664, 6669–6671
- McCarthy, 6621–6625, 6629–6630, 6638–6639, 6640, 6643–6644, 6652, 6656, 6663
- Pang, 6630
- Pasma, 6643, 6652–6657, 6667
- Rae, 6655, 6670
- Riddell, 6648–6652
- Sabawy, 6647, 6665–6668
- Sandhu, 6628–6629
- Sarrazin, 6625–6628
- Shaw, 6660, 6664, 6670–6671
- Smith, L., 6651, 6656, 6659
- Taylor, 6639, 6644, 6648, 6651, 6668–6671
- Thompson, 6658–6660
- Vanthof, 6647, 6660
- Vaugeois, 6659
- West, 6629–6630
- referred to Standing Committee on Justice Policy, 6671
- third reading, 7127–7136, 7156–7175, 7215–7216
- Bresee, 7215–7216
- Dowie, 7168, 7172–7173
- Fife, 7216
- French, 7156–7166
- Gallagher Murphy, 7168, 7172
- Gates, 7135
- Glover, 7169–7173
- Harden, 7135
- Harris, 7136, 7166, 7173
- Kernaghan, 7165, 7172
- Leardi, 7169
- MacLeod, 7165
- Mantha, 7215–7216
- McCarthy, 7127–7136, 7165, 7173
- Riddell, 7166–7169
- Sabawy, 7173–7175
- Sattler, 7166
- Shaw, 7136
- Stevens, 7168
- Taylor, 7168
- Vaugeois, 7169, 7215
- West, 7173
- Yakabuski, 7135
- Royal assent, 7635
- first reading
Building More Homes by Ending Exclusionary Zoning Act, 2022 (Bill 44)
- first reading
- Schreiner, 1561
- first reading
Building More Homes on Major Streets and Transit Corridors Act, 2022 (Bill 45)
- first reading
- Schreiner, 1561–1562
- first reading
Building More Mines Act, 2023 (Bill 71)
- first reading
- Pirie, 2553–2554
- second reading, 2651–2659, 2675–2697, 2705–2714, 2737–2762, 2763–2770, 2805–2806
- Anand, 2747–2750
- Andrew, 2684, 2692, 2695
- Armstrong, 2689, 2694, 2708
- Bailey, 2688, 2696–2697
- Bell, 2708
- Bouma, 2659, 2694, 2708, 2744, 2746, 2747, 2750, 2754, 2758–2759, 2769
- Bresee, 2756, 2760–2762
- Burch, 2740
- Byers, 2689, 2692
- Cuzzetto, 2695–2696
- Dixon, 2754–2757
- Fife, 2659, 2749–2750, 2757, 2768–2770
- French, 2750–2754
- Gallagher Murphy, 2741, 2757
- Gates, 2753, 2756, 2759
- Gélinas, 2757–2759, 2762, 2765, 2767, 2768
- Glover, 2741–2746
- Harris, 2709, 2737–2741, 2753, 2767
- Hsu, 2692–2695
- Karpoche, 2741
- Ke, 2659
- Kernaghan, 2658, 2713–2714, 2750, 2759, 2762
- Khanjin, 2745
- Leardi, 2654–2659, 2684–2685, 2691, 2694, 2695, 2708, 2753–2754, 2761–2762, 2764, 2765
- McCarthy, 2683, 2685–2686, 2688–2689, 2692
- Pang, 2658
- Pierre, 2740
- Pirie, 2651–2654
- Rakocevic, 2691
- Rickford, 2765–2768
- Romano, 2767–2768
- Sattler, 2765
- Saunderson, 2762, 2770
- Schreiner, 2746–2747
- Scott, 2686–2688
- Shaw, 2683–2684, 2705–2709, 2740, 2744–2745
- Skelly, 2684, 2688
- Smith, L., 2712, 2741, 2749, 2756, 2759, 2762, 2765
- Stevens, 2764, 2770
- Vanthof, 2659, 2688, 2689–2692
- Vaugeois, 2688, 2694–2695, 2712, 2756, 2763–2765
- Wai, 2745
- West, 2675–2685, 2745, 2746–2747, 2749, 2754, 2761, 2770
- division (carried), 2805–2806
- referred to Standing Committee on the Interior, 2805–2806
- Indigenous communities response
- Indigenous communities' response
- third reading, 4074–4111, 4113–4122, 4140–4148, 4173–4174
- Armstrong, 4097, 4110, 4146–4147
- Bailey, 4118
- Bouma, 4114, 4140, 4141, 4146
- Burch, 4118
- Coe, 4082, 4105
- Dowie, 4097, 4106, 4111
- Fife, 4083
- Flack, 4115–4119, 4121
- Fraser, 4146–4147
- French, 4092
- Glover, 4119
- Harden, 4097, 4102, 4105–4106, 4110
- Hogarth, 4082
- Holland, 4118
- Jones, T., 4098
- Kernaghan, 4117–4118
- Kusendova-Bashta, 4148
- Leardi, 4078–4082, 4093, 4101, 4102, 4110, 4111, 4147
- Mamakwa, 4082, 4114, 4119–4122
- Mantha, 4113–4115
- McCarthy, 4093, 4098, 4106, 4110
- Oosterhoff, 4083, 4092, 4094–4098
- Pirie, 4074–4077, 4082–4083
- Sattler, 4121
- Schreiner, 4140–4141
- Shaw, 4098–4103, 4107
- Smith, Dave, 4103–4107
- Smith, L., 4121–4122
- Tabuns, 4121
- Taylor, 4145
- Vanthof, 4141
- West, 4083–4094, 4102, 4106, 4111
- Wong-Tam, 4093, 4098, 4107–4111
- division (carried), 4173–4174
- Royal assent, 4459
- first reading
Building Ontario For You Act (Budget Measures), 2024 (Bill 216)
- first reading
- Bethlenfalvy, 10050
- ministerial statement
- Bethlenfalvy, 10051–10053
- second reading, 10097–10107, 10124–10137, 10139–10163, 10202–10208, 10280–10281
- Allsopp, 10106, 10150, 10162
- Anand, 10147, 10204–10205, 10207
- Armstrong, 10146–10147, 10162–10163, 10202–10205
- Bell, 10105–10106, 10124–10127, 10131–10132
- Blais, 10205–10207
- Bourgouin, 10204
- Bowman, 10139–10142, 10151
- Bresee, 10204
- Crawford, 10157, 10158–10162
- Cuzzetto, 10106, 10141–10142
- Flack, 10132–10137
- Fraser, 10206–10207
- Gallagher Murphy, 10146, 10147–10151, 10161
- Gates, 10131, 10135, 10143–10147
- Glover, 10154, 10162
- Hamid, 10100–10102, 10106, 10132, 10155
- Harden, 10205
- Hogarth, 10135–10136
- Karpoche, 10127–10129, 10131, 10142
- Kernaghan, 10106
- Leardi, 10154
- Mamakwa, 10129–10132
- McGregor, 10131
- McMahon, 10107, 10142
- Piccini, 10097–10100, 10136, 10141
- Pierre, 10132, 10155
- Rakocevic, 10151, 10158, 10161
- Sattler, 10107
- Schreiner, 10155–10158
- Shaw, 10131–10132, 10141, 10146, 10154, 10161–10162, 10207
- Smith, Dave, 10102–10107, 10131, 10157–10158
- Smith, G., 10142
- Tabuns, 10150, 10157
- Vanthof, 10136–10137
- Wai, 10150
- West, 10147, 10155, 10204
- Wong-Tam, 10151–10155
- division (carried), 10280–10281
- legislative process, motions
- time allocation
- Clark, 10237
- time allocation
- time allocation motion, 10235–10245, 10276–10277
- presented
- Clark, 10235–10237
- responded to
- Vanthof, 10238–10245
- division (carried), 10276–10277
- presented
- third reading, 10281
- division (carried), 10281
- Royal assent, 10293
- first reading
Building Ontario Fund.
see also Ontario Infrastructure BankBuilding Universal and Inclusive Land Development in Ontario Act, 2024 (Bill 175)
- first reading
- Shamji, 7788
- first reading
- corporate governance, digital administration
- corporate governance, virtual proceedings
- credit card payments
- transaction fees
- Blais, 818
- transaction fees
- debt load
- due to COVID-19
- Begum, 3520
- due to COVID-19
- development support organizations
- chambers of commerce
- awards and recognition
- Hardeman, 3307
- awards and recognition
- chambers of commerce
- employees, access to housing
- facilitation of
- government funding
- statements by stakeholders
- Khanjin, 1425
- statements by stakeholders
- northern Ontario
- washroom facilities access
- Begum, 2974
Business - COVID-19
- permanent closures
- Nickle Belt
- Gélinas, 432
- Nickle Belt
- permanent closures
Business - COVID-19, financial assistance
Business environment
Business investment
Business - local
- by region
- Simcoe-Grey
- Saunderson, 3791–3792
- Simcoe-Grey
- by region
Business - Main Street Recovery Plan
Business - small- and medium-sized
- closures
- Andrew, 9317
- commercial tenants protections
- Andrew, 9316–9317
- community impact
- Wong-Tam, 10321
- corporate tax rate
- phase-out range
- Bethlenfalvy, 3056
- phase-out range
- debt load
- Digital Main Street Program
- economic impact
- Wong-Tam, 10320
- education and awareness
- general remarks
- government funding
- government strategy
- government supports
- by region
- regulations, cost of
- Gill, 3413
- regulatory environment
- small business enterprise centres (SBEC)
- Pinsonneault, 10950–10951
- Tangri, 10950–10951
- succession planning
- Anand, 11092–11093
- Fife, 11091–11092
- Kernaghan, 11089–11091
- Sarrazin, 11091
- Wong-Tam, 11093–11094
- support programs
- Tangri, 6521
- veteran-owned
- Stevens, 928
- women
- Williams, 7672–7673
- closures
Business - small-and medium-sized
- government strategy
- new and youth-led
- government supports
- Pierre, 10178–10179
- Tangri, 10178–10179
- government supports
- Ontario Business Registry
- taxation
- training programs
Business structures
- employee-owned
- Kernaghan, 193, 9806, 11089–11091
- West, 11093
- Wong-Tam, 11089–11091
- employee-owned
Business - taxation
- small and medium-sized
- economic impact
- government strategy
- reduction
- small business tax rate
- Anand, 1337–1338
- Bowman, 10139, 10140, 10141, 10142, 10319–10320
- Crawford, 1308
- statements by stakeholders
- Bowman, 10319, 10324–10325
- small business tax rate, phase out
- Rae, 1987
- small and medium-sized