Letter: G
Gas stations
- theft of gas
- Smith, D., F300
- theft of gas
Gender-based violence
Gender-based violence - COVID-19
General Electric (GE)
- occupational cancer
- compensation claims
- Gates, A32–A33
- compensation claims
- occupational cancer
general remarks
GO Transit
- GO-VAXX buses. see COVID-19 - vaccination-mobile and pop-up clinics
GO Transit GO-VAXX buses.
see COVID-19 - vaccination-
mobile and pop-up clinicsGO Transit - K-W service
Government debt - annual deficits
- general remarks
- Bethlenfalvy, F6
- general remarks
Government expenditures
Government finances
Government procurement - supply chain management
Government record
Government services
Government services - digital delivery
- general remarks
- Roberts, F279
- general remarks
Greater Kitchener Waterloo Chamber of Commerce
- membership
- Crawford, F400
- membership
- Greenbelt Council
- resignations
- Fife, F337
- resignations
- Greenbelt Council