Letter: H
Haggart Belting Canada Ltd. Act, 2019 (Bill Pr15)
Haitian Flag Day Act, 2021 (Bill 295)
- first reading
- Blais, 13666
- first reading
Halton District School Board (HDSB)
- operating budget
- Shaw, 5136
- operating budget
Hamilton City Council
- legislative process
- Taylor, 1218
- legislative process
Hamilton International Airport
- Skelly, 3032
Hamilton Public Health Services
- legislation governing
- Vanthof, 8139
- legislation governing
Harvey and Gurvir's Law (Providing Information about Down Syndrome to Expectant Parents, Regulated Health Professionals and the Public), 2021 (Bill 304)
- first reading
- Singh, S., 13997
- first reading
Harvey and Gurvir's Law (Provision of Information Respecting Down Syndrome), 2020 (Bill 225)
- first reading
- Singh, S., 10177–10178
- first reading
Hastings and Prince Edward District School Board (HPEDSB)
- government funding
- Horwath, 6827
- government funding
Hate and hate speech.
see also Discrimination; Racism- anti-Asian. see under Racism
- anti-discrimination
- Hassan, 10654
- Romano, 10648–10649
- Criminal Code of Canada: s.319, public incitement and wilful promotion of hatred
- Keegstra, R v [1990] 3 SCR 697
- Baber, 4146
- Keegstra, R v [1990] 3 SCR 697
- definition
- Glover, 8062
- expressions of
- vs. freedom of expression
- general remarks
- government denunciations of
- government response to
- Berns-McGown, 14135
- Singh, G., 14199–14201
- incidents of
- Tabuns, 8427
- increase in
- prosecution of
- Berns-McGown, 14134
- Sears, R v, 2019 ONCJ 104
- Baber, 4146
- societal response to
Hate crimes.
see also RacismHawke-Lea Holdings Ltd. Act, 2021 (Bill Pr42)
Hawkins Gignac Act (Carbon Monoxide Safety), 2013,
SO 2013, c 14
- Hardeman, 2096
Health and physical education curriculum.
see Curriculum - health and physical educationHealth and Safety at Work Day Act, 2019 (Bill 143)
- first reading
- McKenna, 6063–6064
- first reading
Health and Supportive Care Providers Oversight Authority
- code of ethics
- Elliott, 13137
- Martin, 13140–13141
- complaints investigations
- education and training standards
- general remarks
- Martin, 13245, 13857
- Park, 13181–13183
- Rasheed, 13246
- general remarks
- employer relations
- Gélinas, 13866
- financial management
- French Language Services Act, adherence to
- general remarks
- implementation timeline
- membership
- eligibility
- education and training
- Gélinas, 13865–13866
- grandfather clause
- Gélinas, 13865
- education and training
- fees
- identifying markers
- Elliott, 13136–13137
- Martin, 13140, 13857
- voluntary nature of
- eligibility
- offences
- sexual abuse
- Gélinas, 13867
- sexual abuse
- professions included under
- register of information
- registration process
- vs. regulatory college
- French, 13239–13240
- Gélinas, 13165–13167, 13170–13171, 13865
- Kusendova, 13224
- Martin, 13241, 13860
- Rasheed, 13247
- Sabawy, 13215
- Thanigasalam, 13240
- regulatory framework
- stakeholder consultation
- Elliott, 13137
- Gates, 13180
- Mantha, 13231
- Sabawy, 13216–13218
- stakeholder response
- Babikian, 13226
- Burch, 13222
- Crawford, 13222
- Gates, 13877–13881, 13888
- Hassan, 13887–13888
- Hatfield, 13217
- Karpoche, 13179, 13870
- Kusendova, 13226–13227
- Martin, 13140, 13142
- McKenna, 13227
- Pang, 13172–13174
- Park, 13183–13184
- Schreiner, 13877
- Thanigasalam, 13237, 13239
- whistleblower protection. see under Personal support workers (PSWs)
- code of ethics
Health and Supportive Care Providers Oversight Authority - governance structure
Health cards
Health care
- access to
- Piccini, 146
- and aging population
- Triantafilopoulos, 1606–1607
- alternative financing and procurement (AFP)
- Horwath, 1618
- communication technology
- Elliott, 1481
- community health services
- Singh, S., 5519
- equity
- Karpoche, 1596
- front-line workers
- consultation with
- Thompson, 93
- consultation with
- government strategy
- patient-centred model
- Elliott, 5999
- prevention model
- Piccini, 2483
- privatization
- reactivation care centres
- in Scarborough
- Hunter, 5603
- Scarborough Health Network
- Babikian, 9610–9611
- telemedicine. see Telemedicine
- access to
Health care - administration
- compensation
- costs
- Barrett, 5858
- data collection
- general remarks
- Gélinas, 13170
- race-based
- regional variation
- Gélinas, 13863
- use, retention, and disclosure
- Shaw, 13227–13228
- general remarks
- general remarks
- Kusendova, 1609–1610
- government funding
- Kramp, 3234
- growth in
- Crawford, 3812
- records
- use of deadnames
- Karpoche, 13180–13181
- use of deadnames
- reduction through attrition
- Kramp, 430
- supply management
- centralization of
- Cho, S., 7455
- centralization of
Health care by region
Health care costs
Health care funding
- accountability
- Triantafilopoulos, 1605–1606
- allocation. see also Government expenditures - budget allocation—health care
- Canada Health Transfer
- Charter of Relationship Principles Governing Health System Transformation
- front-line services
- front-line staff
- Burch, 12445–12446
- general remarks
- Arthur, 5303–5304
- Burch, 4474
- Cho, S., 4778, 10553
- Crawford, 2157
- Elliott, 4750, 5161, 5461–5462, 5999, 6120
- Fedeli, 5306–5307, 5358
- Fife, 4429, 5289
- Ford, 5785–5786
- Fullerton, 7712
- Gates, 4381, 5255, 6741
- Gill, 2585, 4782
- Gretzky, 7679
- Harris, 4611
- Khanjin, 10576
- Lecce, 2561, 4432, 5635
- Lindo, 4779
- Mantha, 3598–3599
- McDonell, 4646
- McKenna, 4355
- Morrison, 4640
- Phillips, 5963
- Rakocevic, 4413
- Rasheed, 4377
- Roberts, 4650
- Sabawy, 5912
- Sattler, 4374, 4392, 7453
- Schreiner, 3600, 5283
- Scott, 5359
- Shaw, 4347–4348, 6735
- Singh, G., 7657–7658
- Skelly, 4423, 5294
- Surma, 5149
- Tangri, 5155
- Thompson, 4772
- Triantafilopoulos, 4775
- Vanthof, 2089
- West, 4358–4359
- Yarde, 4369
- Health Infrastructure Renewal Fund
- Elliott, 11007
- impact on hospitals
- Horwath, 5160
- impact on mental health
- Singh, G., 6443
- jurisdiction over
- Elliott, 641
- northern Ontario
- Monteith-Farrell, 12498
- Northern Ontario Heritage Fund
- Roberts, 884
- in other jurisdictions
- Patient Ombudsman report
- Peel Public Health
- per person
- Hunter, 4363
- review by Financial Accountability Officer
- accountability
Health care - innovation and technology
- procurement
- Fife, 12961
- procurement
Health care - Northern Health Travel Grant
Health care - northern Ontario
Health care - pediatric
Health care policy
Health care - primary
- access to. see also Health care services—equity of access
- family health teams
- Khanjin, 4487
- in French
- Arthur, 10612
- low-back pain program
- Karpoche, 3248–3249
- nurse practitioners
- Gélinas, 12366–12367
- preventive care
- unattached patients
- general remarks
- Rasheed, 10613–10614
- in Kingston
- Arthur, 10611–10612, 10615–10616
- Kernaghan, 10614–10615
- northern Ontario
- Monteith-Farrell, 10615
- general remarks
- wait times, in office
- Kanapathi, 3698
Health care services
- appointment transportation. see also Health care - Northern Health Travel Grant
- Harden, 11293–11294
- billing structure. see also Ontario Health Insurance Plan (OHIP)
- equity of access
- insured services
- wait times
- appointment transportation. see also Health care - Northern Health Travel Grant
Health care services - delivery
- access points
- community-based model
- coordination of care
- in French
- Ontario Health teams. see Ontario Health teams
- private vs. public. see also Laboratory tests—private delivery model
- Armstrong, 3585–3586, 3588–3589, 3647, 3866–3867, 4414–4416, 4736–4737, 7961
- Bell, 3451–3452, 4417
- Bisson, 8020
- Coteau, 9313
- Elliott, 3021–3022, 3030, 3119, 3241, 3334, 3869–3870, 4159, 4226
- Fife, 4417, 7969–7970
- French, 4371
- Gates, 3129
- Gélinas, 3447, 4292
- Glover, 3656, 4442
- Gretzky, 3700, 9080
- Horwath, 2167, 3020, 3870, 4226
- Karpoche, 3648–3649, 3651
- Morrison, 3583
- Rakocevic, 4413
- Shaw, 3461, 3657
- Singh, G., 3451, 9943
- Singh, S., 3241
- Taylor, 3654–3655
- Vanthof, 3251, 4159, 9311–9312
- virtual services
Health care services - diagnostic imaging
- MRI wait times
- Gates, 10700, 13879, 13982–13983
- MRI wait times
Health care system
- budget allocation. see under Government expenditures - budget allocation
- funding source
- general remarks
- Andrew, 13873–13874
- Bailey, 4413
- Barrett, 3584–3585
- Begum, 4718
- Bisson, 3414, 3861
- Bouma, 2160–2161, 3442–3443, 3807–3808
- Coe, 3601–3602
- Crawford, 2159, 3812–3813, 4387
- Elliott, 2259, 3021, 3336, 3436, 4159, 4259, 4275
- Fee, 3651–3652
- Ford, 3020
- Fraser, 4422
- Gélinas, 2258, 4283–4284
- Gill, 4781–4782
- Horwath, 4770
- Karahalios, 3455
- Ke, 4441
- Kusendova, 3593––3594
- Miller, N., 4424
- Piccini, 3458
- Rasheed, 3575––3577
- Roberts, 3462
- Sandhu, 3511, 3513
- Sarkaria, 4282
- Shaw, 2548, 3459–3460
- Skelly, 3600, 4422–4423
- Smith, D., 4300
- Surma, 3701, 5148–5149
- Triantafilopoulos, 2156, 3441, 3648, 4279–4280, 4774
- Wai, 3810–3811
- West, 4359
- government strategy
- impact on foreign investment
- Glover, 3458
- "medicare," definition of
- Gélinas, 3450
- in other jurisdictions
- Shaw, 3460
- performance measurement
- rural and remote communities
- Piccini, 12828
- and systemic racism
Health care system - administrative centralization.
see also Ontario Health- agency integration
- Gélinas, 3447
- cost savings, use of
- Gélinas, 4284
- fiscal impact
- general remarks
- impact on community-based services
- impact on jobs
- Shaw, 3460
- impact on service quality
- Bisson, 3580–3581
- impact on staff working conditions
- Harden, 3596
- implementation timeline. see Ontario Health—implementation timeline
- ministerial authority over. see Ministry of Health and Long-Term Care—powers of integration
- in other provinces
- Gélinas, 3027
- regulatory exemption
- Gélinas, 3448
- agency integration
Health care system - COVID-19
- government funding. see also Hospital funding - COVID-19
- government strategy
- Sandhu, 10499
Health care system - reform
- centralized vs. localized model
- Fraser, 3252
- consultation process
- Andrew, 3814
- Armstrong, 3459, 3866, 4245–4246, 4412, 4414–4416
- Arthur, 4430, 4438
- Bell, 3451, 4417
- Berns-McGown, 4425–4426, 4431
- Bisson, 3390, 3393, 3749, 3816–3817, 3861––3862, 5232
- Calandra, 3596
- Dunlop, 4780
- Elliott, 3027, 3119, 3436, 4026
- Fife, 4417, 4430
- Ford, 3020
- Gélinas, 3027, 3447–3448, 3962, 4284–4286
- Harden, 3816
- Horwath, 3021, 3119, 4026, 4071–4072
- Hunter, 3459
- Jones, 3962
- Karahalios, 4297
- Karpoche, 3649, 4652, 13872
- Kernaghan, 4421
- Kusendova, 3595
- Lindo, 3812
- Mamakwa, 4439
- Mantha, 3809–3810
- Oosterhoff, 3865
- Pang, 4038–4039
- Schreiner, 3601
- Shaw, 3460, 3462–3464, 4248, 5137, 5142
- Singh, S., 3240
- Smith, T., 4071–4072
- Stevens, 3599
- Stiles, 4282
- Taylor, 4066
- Triantafilopoulos, 3440
- Vanthof, 3863–3864
- Wai, 3601
- digital and technological reforms. see also Medical records—digital access
- general remarks
- Andrew, 3814–3815
- Armstrong, 3030, 3587, 3589
- Bailey, 4413
- Barrett, 3585, 4259–4260
- Berns-McGown, 4431
- Bisson, 3582, 3749
- Bouma, 3590, 3808
- Bourgouin, 3597
- Burch, 4473
- Calandra, 4634, 9264, 14181
- Coe, 3602, 3648
- Crawford, 3812–3814
- Cuzzetto, 4296
- Dunlop, 4779
- Elliott, 3022, 3030, 3119, 3371, 3436–3437, 3477–3478, 4159, 4226, 4259–4260, 4275–4277, 5593, 9314
- Fedeli, 4320
- Fee, 3652–3653, 4283
- Fraser, 3464, 3508
- Gélinas, 3450, 3452, 4295
- Ghamari, 3599
- Gill, 4781
- Harden, 3595
- Harris, 5386–5387
- Hogarth, 3512
- Horwath, 3285–3286
- Kanapathi, 3695, 3698
- Karahalios, 3456
- Karpoche, 3648–3649
- Ke, 3654, 4441
- Kusendova, 3594, 4487, 5593
- Mantha, 3809, 4282–4283
- Martin, 3481, 3656, 4279, 13861
- McKenna, 3477, 3578, 4355
- Mitas, 8441–8442
- Oosterhoff, 3650, 3866
- Pang, 3583
- Parsa, 3509
- Phillips, 6136–6137
- Rasheed, 3576–3577, 6250
- Roberts, 4436–4437
- Sandhu, 3510–3511, 3513
- Sarkaria, 3863, 4282
- Schreiner, 3600–3601
- Shaw, 3460, 3462–3463, 3651, 4345
- Skelly, 3600, 4423
- Smith, D., 3697, 4299–4300, 4430
- Stevens, 3599
- Surma, 3701–3702
- Tangri, 3336, 4361
- Taylor, 3657
- Thanigasalam, 13236–13237
- Triantafilopoulos, 3440–3442, 3656, 4281–4282, 4773, 7336
- Wai, 3811, 4426
- implementation timeline
- Indigenous consultation
- mental health and addictions. see Mental health and addictions services - Roadmap to Wellness
- ministry documents, leak of. see Ministry of Health and Long-Term Care—health care system - reform—released documents
- in other provinces
- policy development
- transparency
- Stiles, 4282
- transparency
- stakeholder response
- transition funding
- transition period
- virtual care
- Elliott, 3339
- centralized vs. localized model
Health care workers
- appreciation
- Downey, 9891
- mental health and addictions
- general remarks
- Andrew, 13873–13874
- general remarks
- professional regulation
- Martin, 13242
- recruitment and retention
- general remarks
- Calandra, 14162
- general remarks
- supportive care workers
- violence against
- working conditions
- appreciation
Health care workers - COVID-19
- appreciation
- Skelly, 13759–13760
- burnout
- Gretzky, 13976
- cases
- Gates, 10753
- collective agreements
- Armstrong, 10107–10108
- Gates, 10753
- compensation
- doctors
- temporary certification
- Kramp, 9767
- temporary certification
- fatalities
- general remarks
- infection control
- international medical graduates
- isolation days
- general remarks
- Burch, 10680–10681, 13196
- Elliott, 10680–10681
- Gates, 12159
- Sattler, 11328, 12182
- unpaid. see under Employment - COVID-19
- general remarks
- medical students
- Lindo, 10479
- mental health and addictions
- recognition of
- Front-line and Essential Service Worker Week. see under Public education campaigns - community development
- recruitment and retention
- sick days. see under Employment - COVID-19
- staffing levels
- working conditions
- Gretzky, 14068
- WSIB access
- appreciation
Health clinics
Health clinics - after-hours
Health Insurance Amendment Act (Linguistic Identity and French Diacritics on Health Cards), 2021 (Bill 264)
- first reading
- Bourgouin, 12143
- first reading
Health insurance - private
- OHIP+ reform, transition process
- Elliott, 13
- OHIP+ reform, transition process
Health policy
Health Protection and Promotion Act,
RSO 1990, c H.7
Health Protection and Promotion Amendment Act (Temptation Be Gone), 2021 (Bill 263)
- first reading
- Gélinas, 12046–12047
- first reading
Health Quality Ontario.
see also Ontario Health—agencies transferred underHealth sciences
Health service organizations
- billing structure. see under Health care services
- coordination between. see Health care services - delivery—coordination of care
- general remarks
- integration of. see Health care system - administrative centralization
- number of
- patient choice of
- staff
- recruitment and retention
- Gélinas, 3445
- recruitment and retention
- transfer, integration, and dissolution orders
Health Shared Services Ontario.
see also Ontario Health—agencies transferred underHealthForceOntario.
see also Ontario Health—agencies transferred underHealthy Babies Healthy Children program
- hearing screenings
- Bell, 4542
- hearing screenings
Healthy Smiles Ontario
- Harden, 3514
Heart disease
- general remarks
- Cuzzetto, 3571
- general remarks
Hellenic Heritage Month Act, 2019 (Bill 77)
Helping Tenants and Small Businesses Act, 2020 (Bill 204)
- first reading
- Clark, 9117
- second reading, 9247–9256, 9275–9295, 9297–9306, 9361–9400
- Anand, 9284, 9383–9385
- Armstrong, 9288
- Babikian, 9297–9300, 9367–9368, 9392
- Barrett, 9384–9385
- Begum, 9384, 9396–9399
- Blais, 9295
- Bouma, 9379, 9384, 9386, 9392, 9395, 9398
- Burch, 9284, 9294, 9303, 9364–9368, 9380
- Calandra, 9370, 9382, 9399
- Clark, 9247–9249, 9255–9256
- Downey, 9255
- Fife, 9276–9285, 9367, 9374
- French, 9387
- Gates, 9299–9300, 9390, 9393–9396
- Gélinas, 9382, 9385, 9389, 9392, 9396, 9398
- Hassan, 9385–9391
- Hatfield, 9363, 9370–9371, 9373
- Hogarth, 9252–9254, 9363, 9369, 9373–9374, 9379, 9390, 9393
- Hunter, 9285, 9300, 9304–9306
- Karahalios, 9380–9382
- Karpoche, 9391–9393, 9395–9396
- Kernaghan, 9284, 9300–9305
- Kusendova, 9255, 9285
- Mantha, 9289, 9368, 9370, 9379
- McDonell, 9249–9252, 9289, 9293–9294, 9304, 9364, 9368, 9375, 9387–9388, 9395, 9399
- McKenna, 9299, 9371–9375, 9390
- Monteith-Farrell, 9364, 9379
- Morrison, 9254–9256, 9290–9295
- Nicholls, 9303, 9364, 9367, 9374, 9380–9381, 9385, 9387, 9396
- Oosterhoff, 9285–9290, 9370, 9389, 9398
- Pettapiece, 9300
- Rakocevic, 9369, 9374–9380
- Rasheed, 9361–9364
- Sattler, 9363–9364
- Schreiner, 9368–9371
- Stevens, 9300, 9304
- Stiles, 9293
- Wai, 9284, 9289–9290
- West, 9381, 9387, 9393, 9395
- Yarde, 9382, 9384, 9399
- time allocation motion, 9426–9438, 9462–9463
- third reading, 9470–9486
- Royal assent, 9530
- first reading
Heritage properties
- appeals under LPAT
- Burch, 5083
- conservation
- designation process
- Burch, 5083
- Dominion Foundry Heritage site
- sale of
- Blais, 11460
- Clark, 11390–11392
- Gill, 11454–11455, 11460
- Glover, 11507–11508
- Morrison, 11297, 11391, 11454, 11649, 11653
- sale of
- non-designated
- appeals under LPAT
High speed rail
- London
- Sattler, 5050
- London
Highway 407
Highway accidents/fatalities
Highway classification
- Trans-Canada highway
- Mantha, 6347
- Trans-Canada highway
Highway construction and expansion
- Bradford Bypass
- environmental impact
- Shaw, 13274
- environmental impact
- government funding
- grading and structure regulations
- Greater Toronto Area
- Kusendova, 6613
- Highway 3
- Highway 7
- Highway 69
- Highway 400-404 link
- Highway 401
- Gill, 4367
- Yonge interchange
- Cho, S., 10346–10347, 10633
- Mulroney, 10633
- Highway 401 widening
- Highway 413
- cost
- Blais, 12141–12142, 12191–12192
- Collard, 12659
- Schreiner, 9916, 13087
- economic impact
- Mulroney, 12194
- environmental assessment
- environmental impact
- general remarks
- and traffic congestion
- cost
- Highway 427
- hours of operation
- northern Ontario
- safety measures
- Yurek, 4620
- Skyway Bridge, twinning
- Miller, P., 5035
- Thorold tunnel closures
- utility relocation
- Bradford Bypass
Highway maintenance
Highway maintenance in winter.
see Road maintenance in winterHighway Memorials for Fallen Police Officers Amendment Act (In Memory of Officers Impacted by Traumatic Events), 2021 (Bill 292)
- first reading
- Gélinas, 13539
- first reading
Highway safety.
see also Road safety- and commercial trucks
- Singh, S., 6237
- Highway 11
- Highway 64
- Vanthof, 7193
- Highway 144 (Dowling)
- Gélinas, 366
- Highway 401 (London to Tilbury)
- northern Ontario
- off-ramps
- Gates, 13125
- Red Hill Valley Parkway (Hamilton)
- rumble strips
- Bourgouin, 10058–10059
- wildlife
- Vanthof, 13046–13047
- and commercial trucks
Highway tolls
- COVID-19 price mitigation
- freeze on
- Highway 407. see under Highway 407
- Highways 412 and 418
- Blais, 10488–10489
- Fife, 10489
- Fraser, 10490
- French, 2264, 4375, 9756–9757, 10485–10487, 10490
- Taylor, 10487–10488
- Thanigasalam, 10487
- West, 1673
- revenue generation. see under Government finances
Highway Traffic Amendment Act (Air Brake Endorsements), 2019 (Bill 142)
Highway Traffic Amendment Act (Electronic Logging Devices), 2020 (Bill 223)
- first reading
- Thanigasalam, 9975
- second reading, 10057–10062
- referred to Standing Committee on the Legislative Assembly, 10062
- first reading
Highway Traffic Amendment Act (Helmet Exemption for Sikh Motorcyclists), 2018 (Bill 41)
Highways - speed limits
- environmental impact
- increase, pilot
Home and community care
- delivery model
- private vs. public
- Andrew, 8456–8457
- Armstrong, 3588–3589, 7327–7329, 8436–8437
- Bisson, 7594, 7996–7997, 8020
- Fraser, 8452
- Gates, 7340, 7475–7476, 7593–7594
- Gélinas, 3444–3445, 8413, 8445–8446, 8461, 10621
- Harden, 7358, 8457–8460
- Horwath, 7207
- Kernaghan, 7469
- Martin, 8413, 8460–8461
- Nicholls, 7582
- Schreiner, 8461–8462
- Stevens, 7468–7469
- Stiles, 8445
- Tangri, 7472
- Taylor, 7473
- Triantafilopoulos, 7340
- West, 7472, 7476
- self-directed
- private vs. public
- eligibility criteria
- general remarks
- government funding
- government funding, accountability
- vs. hospitalization
- human resource plan
- in Indigenous communities
- interprovincial billing agreements
- legislative framework for. see also Home and community care reform, complaints and appeals process, by regulation
- northern Ontario
- Monteith-Farrell, 7416
- patient bill of rights, by regulation
- patient-staff continuity
- service availability
- staff compensation
- Gélinas, 12323
- staff levels
- standards of care
- delivery model
Home and community care - administration
- coordination of care
- general remarks
- Elliott, 9013
- general remarks
- coordination of care
Home and community care - clinics
Home and community care - COVID-19
Home and community care - reform
- accountability for
- care coordinators
- complaints,
- coordination and integration
- general remarks
- Armstrong, 8409, 8432–8433
- Calandra, 7580
- Coe, 7476–7477, 7579–7581
- Crawford, 7363–7364
- Elliott, 7167, 9013–9014
- Gates, 7473
- Gélinas, 7350, 8449
- Kanapathi, 7255
- Kusendova, 7583–7584, 8464
- Martin, 8408, 8449
- Mitas, 8443
- Oosterhoff, 7417–7418
- Park, 7347
- Sandhu, 8453
- Skelly, 7472
- Smith, D., 7467
- Stiles, 8468–8469
- Tangri, 7470–7472, 8474–8476
- Triantafilopoulos, 7337–7338
- Wai, 7355–7356
- Walker, 7588
- Ontario health teams
- Ontario Health teams
- patient assessments
- public consultation
- service agreements with indigenous organizations
- Mamakwa, 7582
- stakeholder response
- transition process
- Home and Community Care Support Services
- Elliott, 7167–7168
- Home and Community Care Support Services
- virtual care
Home and community care - staff
Home builders
- general remarks
- Khanjin, 5319
- general remarks
Home Care and Community Services Amendment Act (Dan's Law), 2019 (Bill 73)
- first reading
- Gretzky, 3187
- first reading
Home Construction Regulatory Authority (HCRA)
Home co-ownership agreements
- affordability of. see Affordable housing—in alternative housing models
- environmental impact
- Schreiner, 3364
- general remarks
- between LGBTQ+ community members
- Morrison, 3363
- recognition under Planning Act, 1990
- between senior citizens
- social impact
Home heating
Home insurance
- during COVID-19
- Rakocevic, 10321
- during COVID-19
Home ownership
- affordability of
- downpayments
- Smith, D., 4949
- mortgages
- transparency
- measures in British Columbia. see also Money laundering
- Tabuns, 4961
- in Ontario
- Tabuns, 4961
- measures in British Columbia. see also Money laundering
Home prices
Home renovation
Home safety
Home Warranties to Protect Families Act, 2019 (Bill 169)
- Coldest Night of the Year
- cost of
- data collection
- Des Rosiers, 2525
- demographics
- elimination
- Glover, 6179
- encampments
- Berns-McGown, 9457
- Glover, 12766
- Harris, 12766–12767
- environmental shelter
- availability of
- Glover, 11283
- availability of
- factors leading to
- fatalities by region
- Sioux Lookout
- Mamakwa, 12815
- Sioux Lookout
- fundraising events
- Parsa, 3347
- general remarks
- geographic distribution
- Berns-McGown, 5097
- government funding
- government strategy
- hidden homelessness
- housing development projects
- in Indigenous communities
- Mamakwa, 12284
- intersectionality of
- Berns-McGown, 11548
- prevalence
- respite centres
- Morrison, 6429
- risk projections
- Begum, 12075
- services
- government funding
- Martin, 12282–12283
- government funding
- shelters
- and social determinants of heath
- Singh, S., 11548
- support models
- supports by region. see under Housing
- and trauma
- Berns-McGown, 6430
- and youth
- Stiles, 2555
Homelessness - COVID-19
- diagnosis and treatment
- Elliott, 7660
- emergency housing supports
- Hassan, 8328–8329
- encampments
- financial supports
- through the Social Services Relief Fund. see under Municipal finances - COVID-19
- general remarks
- government funding
- rate of increase
- Collard, 12286–12287
- Glover, 8877, 12279
- Hunter, 11776–11777
- Morrison, 7978
- shelters
- diagnosis and treatment
Homelessness - youth
Horse racing industry
- general remarks
- Fedeli, 1234
- government funding
- harness racing
- representation by Woodbine Entertainment Group
- slots
- general remarks
see Palliative care facilitiesHospital administration
Hospital Energy Efficiency Program
Hospitality industry
Hospitality industry - COVID-19
- accommodations sector
- general remarks
- government funding
- government supports
- Blais, 10297–10298
- Cuzzetto, 12412
- Downey, 9896, 9899
- Elliott, 10293
- Gates, 10513–10514, 10697–10698, 10918–10919
- Glover, 12286
- Hillier, 10293
- Kramp, 9867
- MacLeod, 12412
- Phillips, 9848–9849
- Skelly, 11167
- infection control
- cost of
- Sattler, 10881–10882
- cost of
- insurance
- layoffs
- Harden, 12183
- Ontario Tourism and Travel Small Business Support Grant. see under Tourism industry - COVID-19
- regulatory reform
- Armstrong, 10606
Hospitality industry - COVID-19, restaurants
- alcohol retail expansion
- capacity limits
- Hatfield, 12246–12247
- Karahalios, 12092–12093
- economic impact
- Collard, 10944
- Sarkaria, 10927–10928
- Tangri, 10928–10929
- economic recovery
- tax credits
- Andrew, 13882
- tax credits
- food delivery commission fees. see under Food delivery industry
- general remarks
- hours of operation
- indoor dining
- insurance
- patio service
- service adjustments
- Sarkaria, 10928
Hospitality industry - restaurants
- Blind River District Health Centre
- Mantha, 3931
- closures
- West, 3918
- closures and mergers
- Joseph Brant (Burlington)
- integrated model
- McKenna, 6221
- integrated model
- patient transfers
- Peterborough Regional Health Centre
- Smith, D., 12692
- Scarborough Health Network
- opening of
- Mitas, 2778
- opening of
- urgent care centres. see Urgent care centres
- West Parry Sound Health Centre
- compliance rates
- Miller, N., 2862
- compliance rates
- Blind River District Health Centre
Hospitals - beds.
see also Alternate-level-of-care (ALC) beds- closures
- critical care
- funding
- Gill, 12424
- funding
- government funding
- general remarks
- regional allocation
- Peel Region
- Elliott, 10455–10456
- Peel Region
- surge capacity
- mental health beds
- new
- Rasheed, 4377
- occupied by long-term-care patients. see also Alternate-level-of-care (ALC) beds
- private operation
- Gélinas, 10802
- shortage
- unfunded
- Fife, 5869
Hospitals by site
Hospitals - capacity and overcrowding
- alternate-level-of-care patients
- capacity plans
- Elliott, 5909
- capacity standard
- contributing factors
- Elliott, 6655
- general remarks
- Barrett, 5857
- Bisson, 3861–3862
- Bouma, 3596
- Burch, 10622
- Elliott, 1121, 1429, 3870, 3873
- French, 7343
- Fullerton, 7712
- Gates, 463
- Gélinas, 1130, 3444, 3596
- Gretzky, 1483
- Horwath, 29, 5999–6000
- Kusendova, 117, 1609, 3595
- Martin, 4277
- Piccini, 152
- Roberts, 4436
- Sattler, 4392
- Shaw, 1519
- Stevens, 14197
- Tabuns, 953
- Tangri, 1612
- Vanthof, 2089
- Wai, 3811
- West, 4357–4359
- geographic variation
- Gélinas, 3449
- government funding
- Horwath, 5786
- government strategy
- hallway transfer protocol
- Sattler, 5868
- living conditions
- mental health beds
- Kernaghan, 13588
- mitigation
- Gélinas, 12366–12367
- stakeholder consultation
- Ford, 1113
- and system navigation
- wait times, acute care
- Kusendova, 229
Hospitals - capacity and overcrowding by region
- Brampton
- Hamilton
- London
- Kernaghan, 5867
- Niagara
- Gates, 5644–5645
- Niagara Falls
- Gates, 13878–13879
- Thunder Bay
- Monteith-Farrell, 5867
Hospitals - capacity and overcrowding by site
- Collingwood General and Marine Hospital
- Wilson, 3472
- Health Sciences North (Sudbury)
- Juravinski Hospital (Hamilton)
- Lakeridge Health (Durham)
- French, 5863
- London Health Sciences Centre
- Royal Victoria Regional Health Centre
- Khanjin, 4443
- St. Joseph's Health Centre (Toronto)
- Karpoche, 3549
- St. Joseph's Healthcare Hamilton
- St. Mary's General Hospital (Kitchener)
- Fife, 5869
- Stevenson Memorial Hospital (Alliston)
- Wilson, 3472
- Thunder Bay Regional Health Sciences Centre
- Windsor Regional Hospital
- Hatfield, 1481
- Collingwood General and Marine Hospital
Hospitals - construction
- cancellation of
- Triantafilopoulos, 1607
- construction timelines
- Piccini, 12620
- economic impact
- Gates, 13878–13879
- employment opportunities
- Gates, 12435–12436
- funded via Health Infrastructure Renewal Fund
- Skelly, 4422–4423
- general remarks
- Lecce, 4529
- via public-private partnerships
- cancellation of
Hospitals - construction by region
- Brampton
- Chatham-Kent
- Etobicoke
- Martin, 12432
- Mississauga
- Niagara
- Oosterhoff, 12820
- Niagara Falls
- Parry Sound–Muskoka
- Miller, N., 797
- Windsor
- Hatfield, 5859
- Natyshak, 12620–12621
- Piccini, 12620–12621
- Windsor-Essex
Hospitals - construction by site
- Bowmanville Hospital
- Park, 12370
- Cambridge Memorial Hospital
- Children's Hospital of Eastern Ontario
- Collingwood General and Marine Hospital
- Cortelucci Vaughan Hospital
- Parsa, 12362
- Credit Valley Hospital (Mississauga)
- Sabawy, 12217
- Etobicoke General Hospital
- Rasheed, 12380
- Hôtel-Dieu Grace Healthcare
- Gretzky, 12427
- Huntsville District Memorial Hospital
- Miller, N., 4424
- Joseph Brant Hospital (Burlington)
- expansion project
- Triantafilopoulos, 4281–4282
- expansion project
- Lakeridge Health Bowmanville Hospital
- Park, 2863–2864
- London Health Sciences
- Markdale Hospital
- Mississauga Hospital
- Niagara Health - St. Catharines Site
- Peel Memorial Centre
- Peterborough Regional Health Centre
- Gates, 3698
- Queensway Health Centre
- Hogarth, 12406
- South Muskoka Memorial Hospital (Bracebridge)
- Miller, N., 4424
- St. Mary's General Hospital
- Regional Cardiac Care Centre
- Fife, 4428–4429
- Regional Cardiac Care Centre
- Stevenson Memorial Hospital (Alliston)
- Trillium Health Partners
- Bethlenfalvy, 12198–12199
- Tangri, 12336
- West Lincoln Memorial Hospital (Grimsby)
- West Park Healthcare Centre (Toronto)
- William Osler Health System
- Bethlenfalvy, 12198
- Windsor Hôtel-Dieu
- Nicholls, 12506
- Windsor Regional Hospital
- Gretzky, 12427
- Bowmanville Hospital
Hospitals - COVID-19
- capacity and overcrowding
- Baber, 13803–13804
- Blais, 9658
- Burch, 13271–13272
- Elliott, 7660, 8746, 9007, 9214, 9614, 10457, 10558, 11004, 11345, 12086, 12408, 12464–12465, 12533, 12538, 12732, 12856, 12897–12898, 12972, 12975, 12980, 13135, 13271–13272
- Fife, 11003–11004, 12332
- Fraser, 12294
- Gélinas, 9214, 10380
- Hillier, 10457
- Horwath, 7609–7610, 7659–7660, 10558, 12086
- Hunter, 10384, 11008
- McDonell, 13635
- Pang, 8282
- Sattler, 12340, 13783
- Singh, G., 7712
- Singh, S., 9614
- capacity, intensive care
- Baber, 12346, 12356–12357, 12469, 12607–12608, 12904–12905, 13484, 13714, 13803–13804
- Bailey, 12923
- Calandra, 13662
- Collard, 12900
- Elliott, 12357, 12469, 12799–12800, 12904–12905, 13484, 13714
- Fraser, 12467, 12603, 12630, 12869
- Gates, 12975
- Gélinas, 12666
- Hogarth, 13625
- Horwath, 12407–12408, 12463–12464, 12731, 12796, 12848, 12862, 12897, 13092
- Karpoche, 12674
- Martin, 12607–12608
- McKenna, 12954
- Monteith-Farrell, 12500
- Morrison, 12643–12644, 12646
- Natyshak, 12613, 12615
- Oosterhoff, 12946
- Rakocevic, 12954, 13627
- Sattler, 12808, 13284–13285
- Shaw, 12776–12777, 12923
- Singh, S., 12799
- consultation
- Elliott, 10380
- data collection
- race-based data
- Gélinas, 13144
- race-based data
- family caregivers
- field hospitals
- Sabawy, 13217
- financial supports. see under COVID-19 - financial supports—by industry
- flu season strategy
- Elliott, 9007
- government funding
- Bethlenfalvy, 12321, 12784
- Bouma, 12543, 12547
- Calandra, 9264
- Elliott, 10380, 12408–12409, 12695, 13135, 13159
- Ford, 7750
- Fullerton, 7711
- Gates, 10703
- Gélinas, 9007
- Gill, 12424
- Harris, 12556
- Horwath, 7609, 7711
- Hunter, 10704
- Khanjin, 10576
- Kusendova, 10620
- Martin, 11089, 12294, 12431, 12433
- Monteith-Farrell, 10495
- Pang, 10807
- Park, 10499, 12373
- Parsa, 12365
- Phillips, 7762, 10362, 10436, 11146
- Rasheed, 12379
- Roberts, 10536
- Sattler, 12810
- Shaw, 10464–10465, 10546
- Skelly, 11166
- Tangri, 10619, 12336
- Taylor, 11180
- Thanigasalam, 13236
- Triantafilopoulos, 10474, 12511
- ICU costs
- Singh, S., 12867
- ICU patient demographics
- infection control
- Elliott, 10915–10916
- Rasheed, 10527
- Sattler, 10915
- liability insurance
- lockdown plans
- medical supplies
- personal protective equipment. see Personal protective equipment
- ventilators
- production
- Tangri, 7986
- production
- new beds
- Elliott, 12090
- operational funding
- Fife, 12574
- patient transfers
- Elliott, 13157
- Fraser, 13157
- French, 13299
- Hatfield, 12869
- Hunter, 12955–12956, 13157
- Sattler, 13284–13285
- Shaw, 13230, 13367
- PPE access
- staff
- temporary beds
- transitional care projects
- Phillips, 7762
- transmission and outbreaks
- Armstrong, 10859
- Elliott, 10859–10860
- triage protocol
- visitor restrictions
- Tangri, 8627
- capacity and overcrowding
Hospitals - COVID-19, medical procedures
- access to
- backlog
- Andrew, 13088
- Baber, 12045, 13803
- Bell, 13811
- Bethlenfalvy, 12219
- Burch, 13271
- Elliott, 8746, 12045, 12533–12534, 12980, 13271–13272, 13714, 14197
- Gélinas, 12366, 12533–12534
- Horwath, 12132–12133, 12219, 13413
- Karpoche, 12674
- Kernaghan, 12980–12981
- Mamakwa, 12813
- Martin, 12431
- Monteith-Farrell, 14162
- Sattler, 12810
- Shaw, 13793
- Stevens, 14196–14197
- Stiles, 12836, 13801–13802
- backlog, funding
- Elliott, 13763–13764
- cancer screenings
- Baber, 13803
- funding
- funding allocation
- Elliott, 14197
- pediatric
- postponed, fatalities
- Horwath, 13763–13764
- scheduling during
Hospitals - funding
- allocation
- Elliott, 6119
- base operational
- base operational funding
- capital grants
- community donations
- federal portion
- McKenna, 8052
- formula
- general remarks
- Health Infrastructure Renewal Fund (HIRF)
- and inflation
- maintenance and repair
- Elliott, 4453
- multi-site hospitals
- Martin, 6812
- review by Financial Accountability Officer
- Horwath, 5902
- rural
- Cho, S., 11630
- small and medium-sized
- transitional beds
- Piccini, 12826
- allocation
Hospitals - funding by region
- Alliston
- Wilson, 10376
- Brampton
- Cho, S., 12786
- Fife, 12377
- Horwath, 5854–5855
- Hunter, 11187, 12553
- Mitas, 10503
- Sabawy, 12378
- Sandhu, 10504, 12378
- Sarkaria, 5863
- Singh, G., 1614, 5864, 10375–10376, 12184, 12224, 12294, 12374–12376, 12378, 12425, 12433, 12553, 12563–12564, 12566
- Singh, S., 5857, 10455, 10501, 10503–10504, 10619
- Yarde, 7850, 10748, 11179, 11182, 11187, 12546, 12548–12549, 12554
- Brantford
- Bouma, 12546
- Collingwood
- Wilson, 10376
- Etobicoke
- Hogarth, 12433
- Haldimand–Norfolk
- Barrett, 5858
- Hamilton
- Elliott, 6125
- London
- Kernaghan, 5868
- Milton
- Gill, 12424
- Niagara
- Gates, 12435
- Ottawa
- Elliott, 9658
- Peel
- Elliott, 10676
- Scarborough
- Thunder Bay
- Monteith-Farrell, 5867
- Windsor and Essex
- Alliston
Hospitals - funding by site
- Bluewater Health
- Bowmanville Hospital
- Park, 11246
- Cambridge Memorial Hospital
- Karahalios, 5859
- Campbellford Memorial Hospital
- Chatham-Kent Health Alliance, Wallaceburg campus
- Children's Hospital of Eastern Ontario (CHEO)
- Roberts, 4651
- Credit Valley Hospital (Mississauga)
- Sabawy, 3296–3297
- Etobicoke General Hospital
- Martin, 5865
- Grand River Hospital (Kitchener)
- Elliott, 3334
- Health Sciences North (Sudbury)
- London Health Sciences Centre
- Northumberland Hills Hospital
- Sault Area Hospital
- via donations
- Romano, 1236
- via donations
- Scarborough Health Network
- Babikian, 10771–10772
- Begum, 2690
- Scarborough Rouge Hospital
- Begum, 1892–1893
- Timmins and District Hospital
- deficit
- Bisson, 34
- deficit
- Trillium Health Partners (Mississauga)
- Sabawy, 3296–3297
- Trillium Health Partners (Toronto/Mississauga)
- Martin, 5865
- West Lincoln Memorial Hospital (Grimsby)
- West Park Healthcare Centre (Toronto)
- William Osler Health System (Toronto/Brampton)
- Windsor Regional Hospital
Hospitals - private
Hospitals - services
- cleaning and janitorial
- privatization of
- Gates, 3701
- privatization of
- private sector
- out-of-hospital operating rooms
- Sattler, 3601
- out-of-hospital operating rooms
- transition services. see also Health care services—coordination of care
- wait times by region
- Mississauga—Lakeshore
- Cuzzetto, 3699
- Mississauga—Lakeshore
- West Lincoln Memorial Hospital
- cleaning and janitorial
Hospitals - staff
Hot Docs Act (Tax Relief), 2020 (Bill Pr20)
- first reading
- Cho, S., 6667
- second reading
- Cho, S., 11223–11224
- third reading
- Cho, S., 11224
- Royal assent, 11235
- first reading
Household appliances
- washing machines
- filters, micro-plastics
- Schreiner, 13575
- filters, micro-plastics
- washing machines
see also Affordable housing; Community housing; Rental housing- average cost over time
- and barrier-free access
- and BIPOC persons
- Berns-McGown, 5184
- Blais, 11549
- Hassan, 11545–11546
- Rakocevic, 11549
- commodification of
- Berns-McGown, 6261–6262
- and equity-seeking groups
- Singh, S., 6228
- general remarks
- government strategy
- as a human right
- independent housing commissioner, creation of
- Hassan, 11545
- irregularly occupied or vacant
- Glover, 4945
- National Housing Strategy (federal)
- precarious, legal aid
- Lindo, 434–435
- proximity to community services
- Hogarth, 4852
- rooming houses, illegal
- Singh, S., 13308
- supports by region
- variety in
Housing - COVID-19.
see also Rental housing - COVID-19- assistance through the Social Services Relief Fund. see under Municipal finances - COVID-19
- Canada-Ontario Housing Benefit
- Clark, 11308
- community housing
- Singh, S., 10502–10503
- emergency housing
- Clark, 10571
- general remarks
Housing developers
Housing development.
see also Housing Supply Action Plan- accessibility features
- Armstrong, 3365–3366
- approvals and permits, timelines. see also Land use planning—approval timelines
- available land
- builder record. see Tarion reform—Ontario Builder Directory
- building code requirements. see Ontario Building Code
- Chatham-Kent–Leamington
- Nicholls, 9498–9499
- completion timelines
- condominium projects. see Condominium development
- cost of
- economic impact
- employment, skilled tradespeople
- environmental protection
- French, 10287–10288
- general remarks
- inclusionary zoning
- inclusionary zoning, in other jurisdictions
- Morrison, 4954
- inclusionary zoning, ministerial zoning orders
- increased density by-law. see under Land use planning
- innovation in
- inspections
- during construction
- Walker, 4850
- during construction
- materials, wood
- Hogarth, 4852
- net-zero buildings
- Kanapathi, 4960
- proximity to community services
- regulatory environment
- site selection
- Fife, 11967
- site-specific zoning. see under Land use planning
- transit-oriented. see also Land use planning - Transit-Oriented Communities Program
- unit affordability
- Bell, 11647
- unit type
- Bell, 11647
- zoning decisions
- determining factors
- Morrison, 3364
- determining factors
- accessibility features
Housing development by region
- Greater Golden Horseshoe. see under Greater Golden Horseshoe
- northern Ontario
Housing development - development charges
- calculation of
- community benefits charge
- cost of
- Calandra, 5093
- cost recovery rate
- deferral for rental and non-profit
- education
- Wynne, 7306
- education development charges
- eligible services
- Fraser, 8494
- exemptions
- general remarks
- impact on housing affordability
- infrastructure and essential services
- inclusion of ambulance services
- Clark, 5529
- inclusion of ambulance services
- interest on frozen charges
- Clark, 4849
- for parkland and outdoor recreation
- project application
- long-term-care facilities
- Fraser, 8785
- long-term-care facilities
- statements by stakeholders
- transparency of
- Clark, 5529
Housing development - environmental regulations
- class environmental assessments. see Environmental assessments—class environmental assessments
- development on agricultural land
- Morrison, 4757
- development on wetlands
- endangered species
- designation process. see Endangered species—designation process
- excess soil management
- Phillips, 5531–5532
- fee-in-lieu
- ministerial authority to exempt. see Endangered species—protection of, temporary suspensions
Housing development - secondary suites
Housing is a Human Right Act, 2021 (Bill 252)
- first reading
- Hassan, 11396
- second reading, 11545–11551, 11578
- first reading
Housing market
Housing policy
- general remarks
- Berns-McGown, 11798–11799
- Karpoche, 8045, 11798
- as health policy
- Karpoche, 8919
- historically
- housing standards
- Karpoche, 8045
- National Housing Strategy
- general remarks
Housing supply
- Armstrong, 4854–4855
- Baber, 7131
- Barrett, 5233
- Bell, 4946
- Bisson, 5577
- Clark, 2313, 2351, 2513, 4854
- Coe, 2626
- Cuzzetto, 5045
- Fedeli, 2320
- French, 15, 12821
- Ghamari, 2604
- Gill, 2585
- Harris, 4956
- Karahalios, 6121
- Ke, 4954
- Lecce, 2559
- Martin, 2350
- McDonell, 5043
- Miller, N., 5242–5243
- Morrison, 7723
- Rasheed, 5044
- Sattler, 7151
- Singh, S., 6228
- Smith, D., 4949
- Surma, 2512
Housing Supply Action Plan.
see also Housing development- consultation process
- Bailey, 7232
- Barrett, 5234
- Burch, 5213–5214
- Clark, 3929, 4757, 4846, 5461, 5529, 5594, 6836
- Coe, 5237
- Crawford, 5239
- Des Rosiers, 5532–5533
- Dunlop, 5045
- Fife, 5240–5241
- Gill, 11280
- Harris, 4957
- Hogarth, 4851
- Horwath, 5307, 5461
- Karpoche, 5548
- McDonell, 5043, 10371
- Miller, N., 5244
- Morrison, 5535
- Schreiner, 5539
- Stiles, 5544
- Triantafilopoulos, 4853
- general remarks
- Anand, 4948–4949
- Armstrong, 4943–4944
- Arthur, 5542
- Barrett, 5233–5234
- Bell, 4947, 5044, 5545–5546
- Bisson, 5577
- Burch, 5045, 5084, 5087
- Calandra, 5092–5093
- Clark, 2680–2681, 4753, 4845–4846, 4849, 5528–5529, 5594, 6274–6275, 7550, 7722
- Coe, 5236–5237
- Crawford, 5238–5240
- Cuzzetto, 4950, 5045
- Dunlop, 5041–5042, 5045
- Ghamari, 4946
- Glover, 4945, 4959
- Harris, 4956–4958
- Hogarth, 4852–4853
- Karpoche, 5237–5238, 5547
- Kernaghan, 5090, 5094
- McDonell, 5042–5043
- McNaughton, 6172
- Miller, N., 5242, 5244–5245
- Morrison, 4953–4954, 4956, 5040, 5044, 5535–5536
- Oosterhoff, 5090
- Parsa, 4945–4946
- Phillips, 5529–5530
- Rakocevic, 5088
- Sandhu, 4955
- Schreiner, 5089, 5539
- Stiles, 4950–4951
- Surma, 2680–2681
- Tabuns, 4955, 4961
- Triantafilopoulos, 4853, 5064
- Wai, 5594
- Walker, 4850
- Indigenous consultation
- outcomes
- consultation process
Hubley, Jamie.
see also Bullying and cyberbullying- MacLeod, 4269
Hughes, Ken.
see also Alcohol retail - expansionHuman rights
Human Rights Code Amendment Act, 2018 (Bill 35)
- first reading
- Des Rosiers, 1237
- first reading
Human Rights Code Amendment Act (Genetic Characteristics), 2018 (Bill 40)
Human Rights Code,
RSO 1990, c H.19
- discrimination based on prohibited grounds. see under Discrimination
Human Rights Tribunal
Human trafficking
- awareness and prevention
- Park, 8974–8975
- barriers to exit
- Sattler, 13724
- and BIPOC communities
- Andrew, 11696–11699
- Singh, S., 11698
- child protection services intervention
- children and youth in care
- Rakocevic, 13347–13348
- during COVID-19
- Hogarth, 12209
- demographics
- Hogarth, 12209
- and financial exploitation
- Glover, 13341–13343
- Sattler, 13727
- general remarks
- hotel guest registries
- Fife, 11966
- Human Trafficking Lived Experience Roundtable
- Lalonde, 3133
- Indigenous communities
- investigation supports
- Jones, 7613
- labour trafficking
- legislative amendments
- penalties
- Crawford, 13330
- perpetrators
- police resources
- Fife, 3268
- police response to
- Coe, 301
- post-secondary students
- Piccini, 11699
- prevalence
- prevention
- Bisson, 11703
- Collard, 13739–13740
- Harris, 13736–13737
- Lindo, 13737
- prevention, youth
- prosecution of
- regional police programs
- Durham Regional Police Service
- Park, 9153–9154
- Durham Regional Police Service
- restraining orders
- vs. sex work
- Andrew, 11695–11698
- Collard, 13739–13740
- Kusendova, 13730, 13898
- Sattler, 13724–13726, 13730
- Vanthof, 13903
- sexual service advertisers
- Crawford, 13329
- Hogarth, 13731
- Jones, 11664–11665, 13694–13695
- short-term rentals
- and systemic racism
- Mamakwa, 13306
- Morrison, 13301–13302
- Shaw, 13345
- types of
- Andrew, 11672, 11696
- Gretzky, 12205–12206
- United States-Canada border
- victim demographics
- awareness and prevention
Human trafficking - awareness of
- educational resources
- general remarks
- identification and reporting
Human trafficking - factors affecting
- homelessness
- Glover, 11122
- housing
- Andrew, 11694–11695
- socio-economic conditions
- Andrew, 7042–7043, 11122–11123
- Bell, 13327
- Collard, 13738
- Cuzzetto, 13306
- French, 13333
- Glover, 13343
- Gretzky, 12206
- Hatfield, 13346
- Lindo, 13735
- McKenna, 13332
- Morrison, 12215, 13303, 13306, 13343
- Sattler, 13723–13726
- Shaw, 13331
- Singh, G., 13893–13895
- Singh, S., 13307–13309
- Taylor, 7043
- homelessness
Human trafficking - government strategy
- Civil Remedies Grant Program
- and community organizations
- Anand, 13338–13339
- Andrew, 11691–11692, 11699
- Berns-McGown, 11699
- Coe, 11121–11122
- Crawford, 13328
- French, 13333–13335
- Hunter, 7043
- Kusendova, 13900
- Martin, 11119–11120
- Rakocevic, 13348
- data collection
- Crawford, 13329–13330
- Jones, 11664
- funding
- funding allocations
- general remarks
- Anand, 13339
- Cho, S., 11391
- Dunlop, 6873, 7546, 7665, 11391, 11396–11397, 11667–11668, 13719
- Harris, 11844
- Hogarth, 6873, 13731, 13895
- Jones, 7042, 11397–11398, 11455, 11663–11664
- Khanjin, 8366
- Kramp, 7038
- Kusendova, 7613, 13331
- MacLeod, 473, 1729, 1884, 2941, 3565
- Martin, 1884, 7283
- McKenna, 3565
- Oosterhoff, 7546
- Park, 2941
- Rasheed, 6251, 7665
- Sandhu, 7720
- Schreiner, 1847
- Skelly, 11455–11456
- intersectional
- Sattler, 13722
- long-term
- long-term, review
- northern and rural Ontario
- West, 13903
- principles guiding
- French, 13733–13734
- Sattler, 13726
- stakeholder consultation
- Anand, 13338, 13341
- Bell, 13336
- Coe, 13335, 13899–13900
- Crawford, 13331
- Cuzzetto, 13307
- Dunlop, 6275, 6468–6469, 6473, 7041, 7547, 13697–13698, 13900
- French, 13337
- Hogarth, 13730, 13892
- Jones, 13703
- Khanjin, 13892
- Kusendova, 5763, 6275, 13337, 13900
- MacLeod, 5222
- McKenna, 13307
- Oosterhoff, 6463, 6468, 7546–7547
- Smith, T., 6369
- survivor-centred
- French, 13336
- Glover, 13737
- Kusendova, 13897–13898
- Lindo, 13729, 13734–13735
- MacLeod, 13701
- Morrison, 13336
- Sattler, 13729
Human trafficking - hotels
- definition of
- general remarks
- guest registries
- Anand, 13338
- Crawford, 13328
- Cuzzetto, 13304–13306
- Hogarth, 13731–13732
- Jones, 11665–11666, 13695
- Martin, 13343
- Park, 11701–11702
- Sattler, 13725
- guest registries, privacy
- Sattler, 13725
- short-term rentals
- Anand, 13340, 13346
- Andrew, 11672, 11692–11693, 11703, 13892
- Cuzzetto, 13340
- Fife, 11702
- French, 13334
- Ghamari, 13903
- Gill, 11672
- Glover, 13342–13343
- Harris, 13892, 13902
- Hatfield, 13347
- Hogarth, 13336
- Jones, 11672, 13695
- Khanjin, 13892–13893
- Kusendova, 13899
- McKenna, 13309
- Miller, N., 13729
- Morrison, 13302
- Park, 11701–11703
- Sabawy, 13306
- Sattler, 13725, 13729
- Singh, G., 13893–13896, 13899, 13903
- Singh, S., 13307
- Taylor, 13891
- Vanthof, 13892, 13902–13903
- West, 13896, 13900
Human trafficking - law enforcement
- inspectors
- intelligence gathering
- justice system
- partnership organizations
- French, 11398–11399
- police funding
- Kusendova, 12213
- police intervention alternatives
- French, 13737
- Glover, 13740
- Singh, G., 13893–13895
- police intervention powers
- Andrew, 13900
- Bell, 13324–13326
- Coe, 13703
- Collard, 13739–13740
- Hatfield, 13327
- Hogarth, 13327, 13739–13740
- Jones, 13693–13694
- Ke, 13345
- Khanjin, 13900–13901
- Kramp, 13729
- Kusendova, 12211, 13897
- Lindo, 13735, 13737–13738
- Sabawy, 12208, 13303
- Sattler, 13724–13725, 13729
- Singh, S., 13309
- Smith, D., 13738
- police services
- Andrew, 11691–11692, 11698
- Dunlop, 11667
- Jones, 11456, 11663–11664, 13703
- Morrison, 12214
- Nicholls, 11698
- Rasheed, 12213
- sensitivity training
- Gretzky, 12207
- Lindo, 13735–13736
- Morrison, 12215
Human trafficking - sex trafficking
Human trafficking - survivor services
- access to
- Singh, S., 13307
- culturally responsive
- debt forgiveness
- Andrew, 11693–11694, 11699
- Bell, 13325–13326, 13342
- Glover, 13342, 13729
- Sattler, 13727, 13729–13730
- Singh, G., 11703
- education and employment
- Gretzky, 12208
- general remarks
- government funding
- housing
- Indigenous services
- legal services
- life skills
- French, 13336–13337
- mental health and addictions
- Victim Quick Response Program. see Victim Quick Response Program
- victim support grant
- victim witness workers
- Downey, 11670
- virtual
- Crawford, 13329
- wraparound services
- access to
Humboldt, Saskatchewan accident
Hunting and angling
- animal welfare and. see also Wildlife protection
- anti-hunting activism
- Natyshak, 6822–6823
- baitfish industry
- Big Game Management Advisory Committee
- economic impact
- Fish and Wildlife Licensing Service (FAWLS)
- fishing licences
- general remarks
- government strategy
- licence fees, freeze
- moose hunting
- moose tag draws
- reporting requirements, enforcement
- Harris, 12765
- trapping industry
Huron University College Act, 2020 (Bill Pr28)
Hydro One
Hydro One leadership
- board compensation
- CEO compensation
- CEO exit package
- executive compensation
- recruitment and termination
Hydro One leadership - change in
Hydro One leadership - compensation reform
- approval and amendment authority
- consultation on
- disclosure requirements
- limited liability provision
- rates reflecting executive salaries
Hydro One privatization
- cost of
- Sattler, 318
- cost-benefit analysis
- Tabuns, 4699
- departure tax
- FAO review of
- Vanthof, 292
- general remarks
- government revenue
- impact on electricity rates. see Electricity rates - factors affecting—privatization
- independent valuation
- Baber, 4193
- cost of
Hydro One shares
see Water powerHydrogen technologies
- government strategy
- Yurek, 12415
- research and development
- Anand, 9527–9528
- Bouma, 9528
- Collard, 9528
- Khanjin, 10682
- McKenna, 11303–11304
- Mitas, 9529
- Oosterhoff, 9524–9525, 10681–10682
- Park, 9529–9530
- Schreiner, 9528–9529
- Tabuns, 9525
- Walker, 13776
- Yurek, 11303–11304
- government strategy