Letter: E
Early Childhood Educators (ECE)
Early childhood educators (ECEs)
Early Years and Child Care Worker Advisory Commission Act, 2022 (Bill 49)
- first reading
- Karpoche, 1719
- first reading
Eastern Children of Israel Congregation Act, 2024 (Bill Pr36)
Eastern Orthodox Christian Week Act, 2023 (Bill 161)
- first reading
- Rakocevic, 7072
- first reading
Eating disorders
École Polytechnique
École Polytechnique, shooting (December 6, 1989), commemoration
Economic conditions
Economic conditions - downturn
Economic conditions - recession
Economic development
- general remarks
- Flack, 2453
- government strategy
- health care system, impact of
- Kernaghan, 4377
- housing availability, role of
- Bouma, 5465
- investments in
- Fedeli, 1154
- job creation/loss
- municipal-provincial partnership
- Clark, 2288–2289
- by region
- regulatory policy
- McCarthy, 3487
- rural and northern Ontario
- support programs
- women
- Williams, 2731
- women
- women
- general remarks
Economic development - funding
Economic development - northern Ontario
- antisemitism
- government response
- Khanjin, 1316
- government response
- awards and events
- robotics
- Mantha, 4914
- robotics
- classroom distractions
- co-op programs
- special needs students. see Students - special needs
- course streaming
- impact of
- Dixon, 4881–4882
- impact of
- delivery model
- discretionary suspensions
- EQAO testing and results
- equity initiatives
- extracurricular activities
- general remarks
- Ke, 672
- government strategy
- grade retention, promotion, and acceleration
- international Baccalaureate (IB) program
- program fees
- Karpoche, 9193
- program fees
- learning supports
- LGBTQ2S+ students
- supports for
- Wong-Tam, 2605
- supports for
- literacy skills
- math scores
- in other jurisdictions
- McCarthy, 1106
- in other jurisdictions
- math skills
- online vs. in person schooling
- Rae, 1042
- privatization
- reports and recommendations
- skilled trades
- programs and equipment
- funding
- Saunderson, 5197
- funding
- programs and equipment
- staff. see Education workers; Teachers
- student support programs
- technological education
- Fife, 3005–3006
- antisemitism
Education Act,
R.S.O. 1990, c. E.2
- amendments to
- Quinn, 5306
- amendments to
Education centres
- children and youth
- Saugeen Valley Children's Safety Village
- Byers, 3497
- Saugeen Valley Children's Safety Village
- children and youth
Education - class sizes
Education - COVID-19
Education - COVID-19, in-school learning
- classroom supports
- Hunter, 210–211
- classroom supports
Education - French-language
Education funding
- allocation
- Harden, 3685
- Hunter, 2603
- Lecce, 676, 2603, 2665, 2907, 3250, 3433
- Martin, 1246, 3712–3713
- McGregor, 3084–3085
- Pang, 3698
- Stiles, 3082
- Vaugeois, 3700
- FAO report: Economic and Budget Outlook, Fall 2022
- Stiles, 1416
- FAO report: Ministry of Education: Spending Plan Review
- responsibility of, school boards
- statements by stakeholders
- allocation per student
- Glover, 731
- allocation vs. inflation
- anti-racism policies and programs
- Andrew, 2907
- budget 2022 (August)
- Lecce, 93
- class size, impact on
- Wong-Tam, 9067–9068
- contingency funds
- and COVID-19
- Martin, 1247
- digital resources
- math
- McCarthy, 1107
- math
- disbursement requirements
- Kusendova-Bashta, 4884–4885
- education workers, hiring of
- Lecce, 3603–3604
- education workers, number of
- equitable distribution
- Hunter, 811
- FAO report: Expenditure Monitor 2022-23: Q3
- Pasma, 2664–2665
- French-language
- Lecce, 4135
- funding formula
- Stiles, 9113
- funding models
- funding models, high schools
- e-learning courses
- Pasma, 3652
- e-learning courses
- funding streams
- general remarks
- Bell, 1112–1113
- Bowman, 3092
- Calandra, 440
- Fife, 1334, 8923
- Fraser, 3710–3711
- French, 6105
- Glover, 7697
- Harden, 3683
- Harris, 3681
- Hunter, 1245
- Karpoche, 3753, 9195
- Kernaghan, 196–197, 6129, 7879–7880, 8093
- Kerzner, 1115
- Khanjin, 4947
- Kusendova-Bashta, 4884
- Lecce, 736, 741, 791, 1558, 3073, 3595, 3609, 3610, 3611, 3739, 4766, 8923
- Oosterhoff, 3089
- Pang, 3697
- Pasma, 3072–3073, 6091, 6092, 6093, 8798
- Pierre, 3716
- Rae, 1044
- Sattler, 4949, 6093, 6095, 9068
- Schreiner, 6095
- Smith, L., 3690
- Stiles, 676, 1416, 3610, 3611, 3738, 3739, 8797
- Thanigasalam, 1101, 1102
- Vaugeois, 3699, 4941, 4950
- government strategy
- Grants for Student Needs (GSN)
- inflation
- and inflation
- learning supports
- access
- Stiles, 9059
- access
- math skills
- Rae, 4907
- math strategy
- mental health services
- non-government revenue
- fundraising
- Andrew, 1558
- fundraising
- operational allocation
- per student
- planned vs. actual
- program allocation
- program reductions
- programs
- Indigenous education
- Lecce, 4766
- Indigenous education
- projections
- review reports
- Financial Accountability Office (2022)
- Hunter, 1052
- Financial Accountability Office (2022)
- skilled trades
- Schreiner, 4946
- special education
- Harden, 3095
- staff
- Lecce, 3801
- staff, hiring of
- Lecce, 2665
- staffing levels, impact on
- statements by stakeholders
- Tabuns, 1235
- student outcomes
- students, impact on
- Stiles, 9058–9059
- support programs
- technological education
- Pasma, 3681
- violence prevention
- Pasma, 4905
- allocation
Education funding - special education
Education - in-school learning
Education - mental health
- government funding
- government strategy
- school and community supports
- services
- services and supports, access
- students
- students, access
Education - online learning
Education - parents.
see Also School boards - information sharing practicesEducation policy
Education programs
- Pathways to Education
- Martin, 867
- Pathways to Education
Education Quality and Accountability Office (EQAO)
- general remarks
- West, 1037
- general remarks
Education - secondary
Education - special education services.
see also Students - special needsEducation - sports and recreation
Education Statute Law Amendment Act (Fetal Alcohol Spectrum Disorder), 2023 (Bill 108)
- first reading
- Hsu, 4393–4394
- first reading
Education - student outcomes
- general remarks
- government strategy
- graduation rates
- at home supports
- barriers to access
- Stiles, 426–427
- tutoring support fund. see Education - COVID-19 — government funding
- barriers to access
- learning supports
- government funding
- statements by stakeholders
- French, 3423
- statements by stakeholders
- government funding
- performance metrics
- stakeholder response
- Khanjin, 4945–4946
Education support workers
- government funding
- Bell, 618
- government funding
Education system
Education workers.
see also Teachers; specific professionsEducation workers - collective bargaining
- back-to-work legislation
- Andrew, 1075
- Armstrong, 1110
- Barnes, 1056
- Brady, 1146
- Glover, 1218
- Gretzky, 1214
- Hunter, 1050, 1216
- Ke, 1056
- Lecce, 1029, 1218
- Tabuns, 997, 1072, 1149, 1211
- Taylor, 1077
- West, 998
- impact on labour rights
- legal challenges, cost of
- Kernaghan, 1141
- legislative procedure
- notwithstanding clause
- penalties, financial
- public response
- Fife, 1215
- response by unions
- statements by stakeholders
- use of
- Hsu, 1103
- compensation
- back-to-work legislation
Education workers - compensation
- annual rate, historically
- Bell, 1114
- average
- benefits and other compensation
- Lecce, 1217
- cost of living
- employment models
- general remarks
- impact on retention
- inflation
- rate of
- Gates, 1059
- statements by stakeholders
- wages and inflation
- Glover, 1217
- annual rate, historically
Education workers - labour disputes
Education workers - labour disputes, union contracts and negotiations
Education workers - role in schools.
see also specific professions- effect on students
- general remarks
- statements by stakeholders
Educational Assistants (EA)
- shortage
- Stiles, 9582
- shortage
Educational assistants (EAs)
- compensation
- and cost of living
- Stiles, 1416
- and cost of living
- role in schools
- shortage
- working conditions
- compensation
Egyptian community
816537 Ontario Inc. Act, 2023 (Bill Pr15)
Elder abuse
Election Finances Amendment Act (Quarterly Allowances), 2024 (Bill 220)
- first reading
- Downey, 10277
- second reading, 10293–10297
- Downey, 10293–10295
- Fraser, 10296–10297
- Schreiner, 10297
- Vanthof, 10295–10296
- time allocation motion, 10293
- presented
- Leardi, 10293
- presented
- third reading, 10297–10298
- Royal assent, 10385
- first reading
Election of Speaker,
- funding
- distribution to parties
- Fraser, 10296
- history of
- Schreiner, 10297
- large donors
- public
- Downey, 10293–10295
- Fraser, 10296–10297
- Schreiner, 10297
- Vanthof, 10295–10296
- distribution to parties
- general election (2022)
- Manitoba (2023)
- voter demographics
- impact on policy
- Vanthof, 10296
- impact on policy
- funding
Electoral process
- general remarks
- Gates, 1495
- general remarks
Electric vehicle infrastructure
Electric vehicles
Electric vehicles - batteries
- factories. see also by site
- minerals and mining for. see Mines and mining
Electric vehicles - batteries, manufacturing
Electric vehicles - batteries, manufacturing by site
Electric vehicles - bicycles
- regulation and enforcement
- Clancy, 9963
- regulation and enforcement
Electric vehicles - charging stations
- access
- infrastructure development
- locations
- in new build homes. see Also Ontario Building Code
- removal of
Electric vehicles - manufacturing
- academic-provincial partnerships
- Project Arrow
- Coe, 2238
- Project Arrow
- economic impact
- northern Ontario
- Flack, 2459
- northern Ontario
- energy requirements
- government strategy
- Smith, T., 1431–1432
- government strategy
- and the environment
- general remarks
- Fedeli, 873, 2360–2361
- Piccini, 10097–10098
- Smith, Dave, 6840, 10107
- government strategy
- international investment
- investment agreements
- investments
- electric vehicle market, impact on
- Honda Canada (Alliston)
- investments in
- job creation
- manufacturing agreements
- Ford Motor Company. see Ford Motor Company–Oakville Assembly Plant
- manufacturing strategy
- Project Arrow
- Sabawy, 4605
- by region
- St. Catherines
- Stevens, 2321
- St. Catherines
- renewable energy, use of
- academic-provincial partnerships
Electrical Safety Authority (ESA)
Electricity generation
Electricity policy
- government strategy
- Hsu, 3031
- government strategy
Electricity rates
Electricity rates - factors affecting
- delivery charges
- Mantha, 517
- delivery charges
Electricity rates - reduction
- government subsidies
- eligibility
- Schreiner, 9190
- eligibility
- government subsidies
Electricity supply
Electricity system
Electricity transmission
- Wataynikaneyap Transmission Project. see Wataynikaneyap Power Transmission Project
Emergency first responders.
see Emergency service providersEmergency management
- government funding
- government strategy
- McGregor, 2545–2546
- pandemic preparedness
- Provincial Emergency Management Strategy and Action Plan
Emergency Management Modernization Act, 2024 (Bill 238)
- first reading
- Jones, T., 10999–11000
- first reading
Emergency service providers
- dispatch services
- Niagara EMS
- Stevens, 9827
- Niagara EMS
- education and training
- families of, mental health supports
- bereavement services
- Gallagher Murphy, 8240
- bereavement services
- mental health supports
- occupational health and safety
- Harden, 4369
- post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD). see also by specific profession; Post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD)
- recognition
- recruitment and retention
- working conditions
- dispatch services
Emergency services
- barriers to
- compensation
- pay equity
- Kernaghan, 4378
- pay equity
- compensation vs. inflation
- public vs. private sector
- West, 1039
- public vs. private sector
- creation/loss
- gig workers
- government strategy
- Bethlenfalvy, 1270
- Ford, D., 2031
- McNaughton, 1826
- Community Jobs Initiative
- Bethlenfalvy, 72
- Crawford, 77
- Workplace Safety and Insurance Board (WSIB) relocation. see Workplace Safety and Insurance Board (WSIB) — relocation
- regionally
- labour shortage
- persons with disabilities. see Persons with disabilities–employment
- rate of
- Pang, 4292
- recruitment and retention
- Kernaghan, 192–193
- statistics
- Bowman, 11101
- Fife, 11091–11092
- support programs
- funding
- Quinn, 1090
- funding
- workers
- protections for
- Kernaghan, 2321–2322
- protections for
- worker-to-retiree ratio
- and immigration
- Anand, 1489
- and immigration
Employment - COVID-19
- essential workers
- fatalities
- Begum, 1699
- fatalities
- remote work environment. see also Employment standards — layoffs and terminations
- government strategy
- Romano, 3221
- government strategy
- sick days, paid
- sick days vs. self-isolation requirements
- provincial program
- Sattler, 1697
- provincial program
- essential workers
Employment policy
- government strategy
- McNaughton, 2545
- government strategy
Employment services
- delivery contract
- government funding
- government strategy
- locations, expansion of
- providers, responsibilities
- Ontario Works
- Kernaghan, 8578
- Ontario Works
- training and retraining
Employment services - target populations.
see also specific populationEmployment standards.
see also Construction industry — work sites- benefit programs
- McNaughton, 2494
- Canadian work experience
- compensation, tipping. see Restaurant industry — employee compensation
- critical illness leave
- Piccini, 8913
- disclosure
- education and awareness
- employee trial periods
- West, 6259
- employer transparency
- enforcement
- enforcement and prevention
- Piccini, 10117
- episodic illness leave
- fatalities on the job
- foreign employees. see Foreign employees
- general remarks
- gig workers
- government strategy
- harassment, definition
- hiring process
- Jones, T., 9015
- interviews
- investigations
- McNaughton, 4650
- job postings
- job-protected leave
- West, 8971–8972
- layoffs and terminations
- living wage
- Gretzky, 1310
- living wage vs. minimum wage
- and cost of living
- Gretzky, 1310
- and cost of living
- lost wage claims
- mandatory workplace signage
- NDAs, use of
- Piccini, 7187
- personal emergency leave
- West, 9840
- policy development
- McNaughton, 677
- portable benefits
- portable washrooms
- service industry
- sexual harassment and misconduct
- sick days
- sick days, number of
- sick notes
- washrooms
- benefit programs
Employment Standards Act, 2000,
SO, c 41
Employment standards - leaves
Employment standards - sick days
- access
- amount of
- doctor's notes
- Rakocevic, 1700
- economic impact
- eligibility
- Rakocevic, 1700
- general remarks
- impact on school-based transmission
- Sattler, 2005
- as infection control measure
- in other jurisdictions
- Sattler, 1716
- sick days, paid
Employment standards - wage theft
- general remarks
- gig workers
- government strategy
- Armstrong, 11107–11108
- Piccini, 10338
- West, 10338
- prevention
- protections
- truckers
- Vaugeois, 9873–9874
- and women
- Shaw, 9237
Enbridge gas
- workers
- contract vs. unionized
- Gates, 10179
- contract vs. unionized
- workers
Enbridge Gas
Enbridge gas - natural gas rate application denial
Enbridge Gas - natural gas rate application denial
End the Public Funding of Partisan Government Advertising Act, 2024 (Bill 176)
- first reading
- Vanthof, 7840
- first reading
Ending Automobile Insurance Discrimination in the Greater Toronto Area Act, 2022 (Bill 12)
- first reading
- Rakocevic, 449
- first reading
Energy conservation
Energy conservation programs
Energy generation
- biomass
- clean energy
- coal, phasing out
- Harden, 9102
- decarbonization
- Shaw, 9132
- general remarks
- government strategy
- hydrogen strategy
- Oosterhoff, 9980, 11164–11165
- Skelly, 11164
- funding
- Smith, T., 2250
- infrastructure
- requirement predictions
- revitalization, power station
- Sarnia-Lambton
- Bailey, 10874
- Sarnia-Lambton
- supply and demand
- Smith, T., 9134
Energy industry
Energy policy
- Clean Energy Credit (CEC) Registry
- clean energy initiatives
- Anand, 6149
- Clean Home Heating Initiative
- climate change
- preparation for
- Tabuns, 10030–10031
- preparation for
- exportation
- Lecce, 9977
- general remarks
- Smith, T., 7304
- government strategy
- history
- Tabuns, 10028
- impact on business environment
- Dixon, 1814
- infrastructure
- Integrated Energy Resource Plan
- investments in Ontario, impact on
- Oosterhoff, 9979
- politicization
- Tabuns, 10027
- utility management
- regulatory reform. see Utilities
Energy policy (federal)
Energy rates
- affordability
- commercial and industrial consumers
- conservation programs
- Energy Affordability Program
- eligibility criteria, income
- Smith, T., 3434
- eligibility criteria, income
- factors affecting
- government strategy
- mitigation programs
Energy supply
Energy transmission
Enhanced oil recovery
- environmental impact
- Schreiner, 2924
- via gas injection. see also Carbon capture, utilization and storage (CCUS)
- environmental impact
Enhancing Access to Justice Act, 2023 (Bill 157)
Enhancing Access to Justice Act, 2023
(Bill 157)
- committee process
- amendments, consideration of
- Taylor, 7566
- amendments, consideration of
- committee process
Enhancing Access to Justice Act, 2024 (Bill 157)
- first reading
- Downey, 6883
- second reading, 6897–6907, 6979–6988, 7027–7051
- Armstrong, 7031–7034, 7040, 7047
- Bouma, 7047–7048
- Collard, 6906
- Dixon, 7038–7040
- Downey, 6897–6901, 6906–6907, 6987
- Gélinas, 7033, 7036, 7039–7040, 7043, 7049–7050
- Glover, 6987
- Hogarth, 7036, 7037–7038, 7040–7041
- Kerzner, 6901–6904, 6906
- Leardi, 6907, 7033, 7034, 7037, 7043, 7044, 7045–7048
- Mamakwa, 7030, 7047
- McCarthy, 7028–7031
- McCrimmon, 7034–7037
- McGregor, 6986–6987
- McMahon, 6987, 7036, 7045
- Sabawy, 6906
- Sattler, 6987–6988, 7029–7030, 7041–7044, 7048
- Saunderson, 6904–6905, 7030, 7040
- Schreiner, 7044–7045
- Scott, 7027–7028, 7030
- Shaw, 7034, 7043–7044, 7044–7045
- Smith, L., 6988, 7030, 7036, 7040, 7043, 7045
- Taylor, 7031, 7036–7037, 7041, 7047
- Vaugeois, 6906
- Wong-Tam, 6905, 6979–6988
- referred to Standing Committee on Justice Policy, 7051
- third reading, 7469–7479, 7513–7523, 7525–7534, 7535–7545, 7562–7575
- Armstrong, 7531, 7569
- Bailey, 7535–7536, 7538–7539
- Bell, 7538, 7543
- Bouma, 7538–7539, 7543
- Burch, 7538
- Clancy, 7544
- Dixon, 7526
- Dowie, 7532, 7538
- Downey, 7469–7473, 7477–7478
- Fraser, 7478
- French, 7570–7575
- Gates, 7526
- Gélinas, 7566, 7574
- Ghamari, 7566–7568
- Glover, 7539–7544
- Harden, 7520–7521, 7528–7532, 7542, 7543
- Hogarth, 7477–7478, 7536–7539, 7542, 7544–7545
- Hsu, 7521, 7527
- Jones, T., 7527
- Kerzner, 7473–7478
- Leardi, 7520, 7525–7527
- MacLeod, 7565
- McCarthy, 7531
- McCrimmon, 7532–7534
- Oosterhoff, 7530–7531
- Pang, 7574
- Quinn, 7566
- Rakocevic, 7570, 7574–7575
- Sabawy, 7478
- Sattler, 7544
- Saunderson, 7521, 7522–7523, 7527–7528
- Schreiner, 7544–7545
- Shaw, 7521, 7532, 7565, 7570, 7573
- Skelly, 7570
- Smith, L., 7565, 7569, 7574
- Taylor, 7531–7532, 7539, 7545, 7563–7576
- Triantafilopoulos, 7568–7570
- Wong-Tam, 7477, 7478, 7513–7522, 7527–7528
- Royal assent, 7635
- first reading
Enhancing Professional Care for Animals Act, 2024 (Bill 171)
- first reading
- Thompson, 7670
- consultations
- second reading, 7815–7824, 7843–7862, 7895–7905
- Byers, 7904
- Crawford, 7898
- Fife, 7853
- Flack, 7849, 7850–7854, 7897–7898, 7899, 7903
- French, 7849, 7854–7859
- Gallagher Murphy, 7858
- Gates, 7822, 7898
- Gélinas, 7857, 7862
- Glover, 7858, 7861–7862, 7897
- Harris, 7854, 7861
- Hsu, 7904–7905
- Jones, T., 7820–7824, 7850, 7858
- Jordan, 7901–7904
- Kernaghan, 7861
- Kerzner, 7900–7901, 7903
- Leardi, 7850, 7857
- Mamakwa, 7823, 7895–7898
- Pierre, 7897
- Rae, 7862
- Riddell, 7823
- Sattler, 7849
- Schreiner, 7898–7900
- Scott, 7853
- Shaw, 7900, 7903
- Thompson, 7815–7820
- Vanthof, 7823, 7824, 7843–7850, 7903
- Vaugeois, 7854
- Yakabuski, 7823, 7849, 7859–7862
- referred to Standing Committee on the Interior, 7905
- third reading, 9197–9207, 9277–9292
- Bailey, 9290
- Bowman, 9283–9284
- Bresee, 9291
- Cho, S., 9206
- French, 9283
- Gates, 9290
- Harris, 9282, 9284–9285, 9287–9288
- Hogarth, 9285–9288
- Jordan, 9202–9203
- Kanapathi, 9288
- Kernaghan, 9283
- Kusendova-Bashta, 9288–9290
- Leardi, 9203–9205, 9283, 9287
- Pierre, 9206
- Sattler, 9205, 9206, 9287
- Schreiner, 9290–9292
- Shaw, 9290, 9291
- Smith, Dave, 9291
- Thompson, 9197–9202, 9205–9207
- Vanthof, 9277–9284
- West, 9287
- Williams, 9205
- Wong-Tam, 9288
- Royal assent, 9646
- first reading
Enhancing Public Transit Accessibility Act, 2023 (Bill 82)
Entrepreneurship - funding
Environmental Bill of Rights
Environmental policy
Environmental protection.
see also Wildlife protection- biodiversity, importance of
- general remarks
- government strategy
- Greenlands Conservation Partnership
- Napanee plain
Environmental Protection Amendment Act (Microfibre Filters for Washing Machines), 2023 (Bill 83)
- first reading
- Bell, 2912
- first reading
Erin's Law (Child Sexual Abuse Prevention and Reporting), 2023 (Bill 123)
Erin's Law (Child Sexual Abuse Prevention and Reporting), 2024 (Bill 123)
- first reading
- Quinn, 4869
- second reading, 5305–5311
- referred to Standing Committee on Social Policy, 5311
- third reading, 11124–11126
- Clancy, 11125–11126
- Dixon, 11124–11125
- Fife, 11125
- first reading
Etobicoke General Hospital
- emergency department, staff hiring of
- funding
- Kusendova-Bashta, 5645
- funding
- emergency department, staff hiring of
EV-Ready Homes Act (Electric Vehicle Charging), 2024 (Bill 199)
- first reading
- French, 9224
- first reading
Expenditure estimates
Extreme weather events
- relief funding
- by region
- Ottawa
- Blais, 4412–4413
- Ottawa
- by region
- relief funding