Letter: W
- living wage
- minimum wage. see Minimum wage
Waste diversion
Waste management
- cement kilns
- Arthur, F410
- diversion rates
- Piccini, F912
- government strategy
- Parsa, P365
- hazardous waste disposal
- landfill development
- Glover, G985
- litter
- natural gas conversion
- Schreiner, G986
- plastics. see also Indigenous communities—potable water—use of bottled water
- producer responsibility model
- Hunter, F2203
- product packaging
- regulation of
- French, F2204
- textile industry
- recycling and donation
- Skelly, G482
- recycling and donation
- waste production rate
- Glover, G985
- cement kilns
Waste management - producer responsibility model
Wataynikaneyap Transmission Project.
see under Electricity transmissionWater extraction
- Aberfoyle Springs
- ownership
- Skelly, G1016
- ownership
- for commercial bottled water
- general remarks
- Skelly, G1016
- permits
- effectiveness re habitat and species protection
- Fife, G517–G518
- Indigenous participation
- Sattler, G1046–G1047, G1063
- Schreiner, G1017, G1063
- Shaw, G1162
- municipal approval
- Sarkaria, G930
- Schreiner, G1016–G1017, G1062–G1064
- renewal process
- Schreiner, G1020, G1063–G1064
- volume restrictions
- Skelly, G1016
- water power generation industry
- for water-power industries
- effectiveness re habitat and species protection
- Aberfoyle Springs
Water power generation
Water protection
- aggregate sites. see under Aggregate sites
- baitfish regulation
- community advocacy groups
- Skelly, G1015
- drinking-water system operators
- economic impact
- filtration plants
- Miller, P., T185
- general remarks
- government funding
- government jurisdiction
- impact on tourism
- Stiles, F705
- methylmercury regulation
- Khanjin, G517
- microfibre removal
- micro-plastics
- West, T193
- plastics regulation
- jurisdiction
- Bouma, T194–T195
- jurisdiction
- public education
- Ke, T196
- remediation projects
- Miller, P., T194
- sewage/chemical dumping and overflow. see under Sewage and wastewater management
- supplu
- Lake Erie-Kitchener pipeline
- Barrett, F3082
- Lake Erie-Kitchener pipeline
- supply
Water protection - polystyrene foam
- encapsulation process
- environmental impact
- expanded vs. extruded
- Miller, N., T193
- impact on boats
- Miller, P., T205
- mandatory encapsulation
- application
- consultation process
- cost
- enforcement
- general remarks
- in other jurisdictions
- Miller, N., T183
- progress reporting
- retrofitting and repair
- stakeholder response
- public education
- removal
Water quality
Water treatment plants
Waterfront Toronto.
see also Toronto waterfront redevelopmentWaterfront Toronto development
Watersheds and wetlands
- aggregate sites on
- conservation
- Burch, JP122
- designation of
- development on
- Burch, G1168
- Schreiner, G1153
- general remarks
- Burch, JP141
- French, G1187–G1188
- Gates, E428, E435, E441–E442
- Hunter, F3125–F3126, F3169–F3170, F3177
- McDonell, JP142
- Monteith-Farrell, E419–E420, E451–E452
- Shaw, F3060–F3061, F3129
- Yakabuski, E414, E451
- impact on insurance rates
- remediation costs
- erosion damage
- flood management
- inflow and outflow levels
- International Joint Commission
- loss of
- management of. see Conservation authorities
- ministerial oversight
- Monteith-Farrell, E451
- protection of
- reallocation of
- rehabilitation
- government funding
- Schreiner, G1189
- government funding
Webequie First Nation
Wemax Real Estate Inc. Act, 2021 (Bill Pr47)
West Lincoln Memorial Hospital
- community impact
- Skelly, E918
- redevelopment project
- funding. see under Hospital funding
- implementation timeline
- community impact
Whittrick N D T Services Ltd. Act, 2021 (Bill Pr50)
Wildfire management
- Aviation Forest Fires and Emergency Services
- flooding response assistance
- Yakabuski, E425
- flooding response assistance
- community evacuations
- general remarks
- Yakabuski, E421
- general remarks
- community partnerships
- Yakabuski, E403–E404
- crews
- general remarks
- government assets
- water bombers
- Yakabuski, E421
- water bombers
- mutual aid agreements
- operational funding
- annual base funding
- Monteith-Farrell, E406
- Yakabuski, E404, SP634–SP635
- suppression and protection
- Yakabuski, E406
- annual base funding
- Aviation Forest Fires and Emergency Services
Wildfire management - COVID-19
Wildlife facilities and zoos
- COVID-19
- animal welfare
- Skelly, F1501
- animal welfare
- COVID-19
Wildlife management.
see also Hunting and angling- Big Game Management Advisory Committee (BGMAC)
- double-breasted cormorant hunt. see under Hunting and angling
- general remarks
- Yakabuski, E406
- policy development
- scientific research
- Monteith-Farrell, E400
- scientific research
- population management
- public awareness and education
- Earth Rangers program
- Bouma, F3089
- Earth Rangers program
Wildlife protection.
see also Endangered species- caribou
- chronic wasting disease
- fish populations
- Black Sturgeon River dam
- Monteith-Farrell, E446–E447
- Black Sturgeon River dam
- Indigenous partnership
- Harris, G542
- invasive species. see also Forests—pest management; Invasive Species Centre
- legislation governing. see Crown Forest Sustainability Act, 1994, S.O. 1994, c. 25; Endangered Species Act, 2007, S.O. 2007, c. 6
- and power generation
- Schreiner, G471
- rabies. see Rabies
- digital signatures
- digital witnessing. see under Estates administration
- electronic wills
- holographic wills
- Skelly, M314
- online will kits
- Skelly, M314–M315
- public education
- Oosterhoff, M352
- revocation on marriage
- storage
- undue influence and fraud protection
- validation by courts
Wind energy
Wind turbine siting
- community input
- community input, Stormont County
- McDonell, SP144–SP145
Wind turbines
Windsor, City of
- revenue generation
- from casino
- Smith, D., F2060–F2061
- from casino
- revenue generation
Windsor-Essex Regional Hospital
- stage 2 planning grant
- Ghamari, F3241
- stage 2 planning grant
Wine industry
- digital infrastructure, development of
- Burch, F2170
- domestic market share
- Ontario vs. other jurisdictions
- Gates, F1246
- Ontario vs. other jurisdictions
- economic impact
- economic importance of
- Stevens, F1556
- general remarks
- Gates, F1252–F1253
- LCBO agreements
- dedicated shelf space
- Gates, F1246
- dedicated shelf space
- in Niagara
- Skelly, F706
- profit margins
- Oosterhoff, F1269
- sale at farmer's markets
- unsold inventory storage
- Cho, S., F1246
- unsold inventory storage
- supply backlog, strategies for
- Gates, F2854
- support programs
- transportation infrastructure
- Skelly, F2853–F2854
- VQA vs ICB
- digital infrastructure, development of
Wine industry - COVID-19
Wine industry - taxation
- grape source
- grown vs. purchased
- Smith, D., F1268–F1269
- grown vs. purchased
- labour shortages
- due to COVID-19
- Hunter, F1691
- due to COVID-19
- on-site sale
- Gates, F1268
- grape source
Winter Roads Program
- general remarks
- Rickford, E1220
- general remarks
Wireless services
- differential policy impacts on
- Shaw, F953
- economic development
- Andrew, E1115–E1116
- Dunlop, E1115–E1116, E1136–E1137
- McKenna, E1136
- labour market participation
- differential policy impacts on
Woodex Inc. Act, 2021 (Bill Pr49)
Workers' rights
Workplace Safety and Insurance Amendment Act, 2021 (Bill 238)
- Bailey, G1081
- Bourgouin, G1099–G1100, G1106
- Crawford, G1083–G1084, G1089–G1090, G1108–G1109
- Gates, G1077–G1080, G1082–G1083, G1086–G1088, G1090–G1091, G1096–G1097, G1103–G1104, G1106–G1107
- Glover, G1106
- McKenna, G1079, G1090, G1095, G1098, G1108
- McNaughton, G1075–G1084
- Sabawy, G1084, G1086–G1087, G1104–G1105
- Sandhu, G1095–G1096
- Schreiner, G1078–G1081, G1088–G1089, G1091, G1094–G1095, G1097–G1098, G1104, G1107
- Wai, G1082, G1087, G1096, G1099
- amendments
- Bourgouin, G1114
- Coteau, G1118
- Gates, G1112–G1117
- Glover, G1113, G1115
- Schreiner, G1113–G1117
- as economic policy
- Crawford, G1089
- general remarks
Workplace Safety and Insurance Board (WSIB)
- benefit rate framework
- experience rating
- Gates, G1083
- experience rating
- benefit rates
- Gates, G1111–G1113, SP968
- Schreiner, G1113
- claims
- compensation vs. right to sue
- coverage exemptions
- deeming policy
- Gates, F3356
- employer premiums
- employer premiums, reduction in
- Natyshak, A116
- finances
- general remarks
- independence of
- Gates, G1087
- McKenna, G1090
- Schreiner, G1088–G1089
- information management
- lost-time claims
- young workers
- McKenna, SP964
- young workers
- maximum insurable earnings
- Office of the Worker Adviser
- Tangri, F3326–F3327
- operational review
- oversight of
- role of ministry
- McNaughton, G1077
- role of ministry
- return-to-work assessment
- revenue generation models
- Piccini, F1073
- Supporting Ontario's Safe Employers program
- unfunded liability
- McNaughton, G1083
- Shaw, F276, F1073–F1074
- worker claims
- occupational cancer
- Gates, G1082–G1083
- occupational cancer
- worker relations
- Shaw, F1073
- benefit rate framework
Workplace Safety and Insurance Board (WSIB) - COVID-19
- claims due to COVID-19
- approval rates
- assessment process
- Schreiner, G1091
- by industry
- construction
- Crawford, G1089–G1090
- construction
- presumptive coverage
- Gates, G1080, G1090–G1091, G1107, G1111–G1113
- Glover, G1106, G1113
- McKenna, G1095
- employer premiums
- general remarks
- McKenna, G1079
- impact on consumer costs
- McKenna, G1108
- rate freeze
- McNaughton, G1076, G1078–G1079
- general remarks
- maximum insurable earnings
- for employer premiums
- Crawford, G1083, G1089, G1108
- McNaughton, G1076–G1078, G1082–G1083
- Sabawy, G1087
- Schreiner, G1097
- for worker benefits
- McNaughton, G1076–G1077, G1082
- Wai, G1082
- for employer premiums
- presumptive coverage
- essential service workers, mental health care
- Begum, 12518
- Cuzzetto, 12517–12518
- Gates, 12519
- Stevens, 12518–12519
- Taylor, 12515–12516, 12519–12520
- essential service workers, mental health care
- claims due to COVID-19