Letter: W
Waste diversion
- techniques
- in other jurisdictions
- Harden, 116
- in other jurisdictions
- techniques
Waste diversion - recycling programs
Waste management
- collection trucks
- mandatory upgrades
- Harden, 2858
- operator compensation
- Harden, 2858
- protest (2021). see under Protests - public–blockades
- mandatory upgrades
- hazardous waste
- litter. see Litter
- collection trucks
Wastewater Surveillance Initiative
- general remarks
- Cuzzetto, 2791
- general remarks
Water protection.
see also specific body of waterWater protection - water quality
Water quality - drinking water
- Walkerton Clean Water Centre
- Piccini, 907
- Walkerton Clean Water Centre
Water - recreational
Watersheds and wetlands
- protection of
- Schreiner, 1961
- protection of
Weather events
- drought
- impact on agri-food industry
- Nicholls, 2880
- impact on agri-food industry
- drought
West Lincoln Memorial Hospital
- construction contract
- Oosterhoff, 2162
- construction contract
Wetlands and watersheds
- bluebelt proposal
- Barrett, 569
- conservation. see also Water protection
- Wetlands Conservation Partner Program
- Ducks Unlimited
- Khanjin, 69
- Ducks Unlimited
- Wetlands Conservation Partner Program
- development on
- bluebelt proposal
Wildlife protection
William Osler Health
William Osler Health System
Wind turbines
Wineries and wine industry
- community advocacy organisations
- Crawford, 2112
- and COVID-19
- working conditions
- Schreiner, 2178
- working conditions
- and COVID-19, impact of
- mental health
- Schreiner, 2177–2178
- mental health
- economic barriers task force
- McKenna, 2176
- equality of opportunity
- general remarks
- Blais, 2210–2211
- general remarks
- government strategy
- general remarks
- Andrew, 2177
- general remarks
- health and well-being
- general remarks
- Andrew, 2177
- general remarks
- Investing in Women's Futures Program
- McKenna, 2176
- in leadership roles
- McKenna, 2176
- menstrual products
- pay equity. see Pay equity - gender wage gap
- period poverty
- Persons Day
- Singh, G., 235
- public education campaigns
- socio-economic standards
- general remarks
- Collard, 2177
- general remarks
- in the workforce
- community advocacy organisations
Women in politics
Woodward Wastewater Treatment Plant (Hamilton)
- facility upgrades
- government funding
- Miller, P., 144
- government funding
- facility upgrades
Working for Workers Act, 2021 (Bill 27)
Working for Workers Act, 2021 (Bill 27)
- first reading
- McNaughton, 370
- second reading, 596–617, 645–664, 671–681, 726–748
- Anand, 600–605, 744
- Arthur, 604, 727–728, 738, 743–745
- Babikian, 616, 739
- Bailey, 604, 611, 662, 674–679, 728
- Barrett, 612
- Begum, 647, 730–734, 739–741, 744–745
- Blais, 649–651
- Coe, 678, 733, 745
- Fife, 646–647, 658, 662, 728–729, 733, 740–743
- Fraser, 647–650
- Gélinas, 611, 616, 742, 746–747
- Ghamari, 650, 673–674
- Gretzky, 663–664, 671–674, 678–679
- Harris, 730, 734, 741
- Hassan, 603, 650, 653, 658–659, 678
- Hogarth, 604, 615, 744–745
- Karahalios, 734–737
- Ke, 616
- Khanjin, 612–617, 678, 728–729
- MacLeod, 738
- Martin, 736–737, 739, 742
- McDonell, 659, 673
- McNaughton, 596–600
- Natyshak, 651
- Parsa, 727, 742
- Pettapiece, 654
- Rasheed, 653–654
- Roberts, 605, 646
- Sabawy, 611, 650–654, 674, 734
- Sattler, 605–612
- Schreiner, 729–730
- Singh, G., 604, 616, 747–748
- Skelly, 649, 659–663
- Stevens, 673, 677
- Tangri, 647
- Taylor, 611–612, 615, 654, 663, 679–680, 726–729
- Triantafilopoulos, 663
- Vanthof, 617, 645–648
- Wai, 657–658
- Walker, 658
- West, 650, 654–659, 662–663, 729–730, 734, 739
- Yarde, 674, 728, 736–740
- referred to Standing Committee on Social Policy, 748
- third reading, 1175–1184, 1203–1235, 1237–1241, 1266–1275, 1357
- Anand, 1179–1184, 1214, 1229, 1240
- Andrew, 1210–1211, 1214–1219, 1221
- Begum, 1226–1231, 1233–1234, 1240
- Coe, 1210, 1218, 1234, 1272
- Collard, 1219–1222
- Crawford, 1266–1269, 1274
- Cuzzetto, 1268, 1274–1275
- Gates, 1184, 1268–1275
- Harden, 1269, 1273
- Harris, 1184, 1210
- Hassan, 1237–1241
- Kernaghan, 1225, 1230, 1234–1235, 1240
- Kusendova, 1226, 1230–1235
- McNaughton, 1175–1179
- Miller, N., 1273
- Oosterhoff, 1269
- Pang, 1211, 1230
- Parsa, 1239–1240, 1268–1269
- Piccini, 1221–1226
- Rakocevic, 1268, 1273
- Roberts, 1214, 1225
- Sattler, 1203–1211
- Singh, G., 1184, 1218–1219, 1229
- Smith, D., 1221, 1224–1225, 1241
- Stevens, 1210, 1214–1215, 1218, 1220–1221
- Taylor, 1213, 1241
- Thanigasalam, 1211–1215, 1219
- Thompson, 1234
- Vanthof, 1225
- Walker, 1183, 1218
- West, 1183
- division (carried), 1357
- general remarks
- Royal assent, 1498
- first reading
Working for Workers Act, 2022 (Bill 88)
- first reading
- McNaughton, 1902
- second reading, 2321–2330, 2349–2387, 2389–2399, 2419–2440, 2464–2465
- Anand, 2322–2330, 2356–2357, 2361, 2368, 2383, 2428, 2433–2434
- Armstrong, 2372, 2380–2384, 2394, 2398
- Babikian, 2364, 2379, 2384
- Bailey, 2395, 2398, 2423–2426, 2431
- Barrett, 2376
- Bell, 2330, 2422, 2426–2429, 2434
- Berns-McGown, 2395, 2399
- Bouma, 2421, 2435, 2439–2440
- Bourgouin, 2356, 2426
- Burch, 2398
- Calandra, 2321–2322
- Coe, 2367, 2375, 2383
- Crawford, 2329, 2368–2372
- Cuzzetto, 2376–2380
- Fraser, 2366–2368
- Gates, 2361–2366
- Glover, 2329, 2428, 2431, 2435–2437
- Harden, 2422, 2425, 2429
- Mamakwa, 2361, 2389
- Mantha, 2365, 2371
- McDonell, 2360, 2390
- McKenna, 2356, 2372
- Miller, N., 2425–2426
- Monteith-Farrell, 2328–2329, 2425, 2434, 2437, 2439
- Morrison, 2391–2396
- Oosterhoff, 2380, 2384–2387, 2389–2391, 2423, 2437–2438
- Pang, 2434, 2439
- Parsa, 2398
- Pettapiece, 2329, 2366, 2380, 2390, 2399
- Rakocevic, 2357, 2361, 2365
- Sattler, 2330, 2350–2357, 2375, 2379, 2383–2384, 2431
- Scott, 2431, 2436
- Shaw, 2390
- Singh, S., 2367–2368, 2372–2376, 2379, 2383
- Skelly, 2394–2395, 2422, 2425–2426, 2428–2432
- Stiles, 2432–2435, 2439
- Tabuns, 2371, 2376, 2419–2423
- Taylor, 2360, 2384, 2391, 2437–2440
- Thanigasalam, 2396–2399
- Tibollo, 2357–2361
- Wai, 2357, 2365, 2371–2372, 2375–2376
- division (carried), 2464
- referred to Standing Committee on Social Policy, 2464–2465
- third reading, 2869–2878, 2896–2916, 2925–2934, 2949–2962, 3044–3045
- Armstrong, 2877
- Bailey, 2877, 2906, 2914
- Barrett, 2902
- Berns-McGown, 2903, 2905, 2909, 2914, 2929–2932
- Bouma, 2925–2929, 2931
- Bourgouin, 2903, 2905, 2910–2911, 2956
- Burch, 2902, 2906–2911, 2915, 2950, 2955, 2958
- Clark, 2878
- Coe, 2911, 2928–2929
- Fraser, 2955–2959
- Gates, 2914–2916
- Harden, 2931
- Hatfield, 2927–2928, 2932, 2951–2956, 2958
- Kanapathi, 2951–2952
- Kusendova, 2932–2934, 2949–2952
- Lecce, 2959–2962
- MacLeod, 2902–2903, 2914
- Mamakwa, 2928, 2932
- McNaughton, 2869–2878
- Oosterhoff, 2909, 2911, 2955
- Pang, 2905, 2910
- Parsa, 2905–2906, 2915
- Rakocevic, 2877
- Sabawy, 2903–2906
- Sattler, 2878, 2896–2903, 2929
- Schreiner, 2910–2912
- Skelly, 2957–2959
- Taylor, 2906, 2910
- Vanthof, 2959
- Wai, 2903, 2912–2915, 2950
- Walker, 2909–2910
- Yakabuski, 2928, 2931–2932, 2955, 2958
- division (carried), 3044–3045
- consultation
- legislative process
- Schedule 5
- Royal assent, 3126
- first reading
Workplace Safety and Insurance Board (WSIB)
- claim assessment process
- claim rate tracking
- employer rate suppression
- Sattler, 1207
- employer rate suppression
- claims
- claims assessment process
- compensation
- compensation claims
- deeming policy
- employer premiums
- general remarks
- West, 655
- governance structure
- government strategy
- injured workers
- occupational diseases
- partnership
- premiums
- general remarks
- Stevens, 1210
- general remarks
- presumptive coverage
- Sattler, 610
- presumptive coverage, essential workers
- mental health supports
- Taylor, 1213
- mental health supports
- reform
- Hassan, 1239
- reserve funds
- surplus funds
- temporary workers
- Begum, 745
- and temporary workers
- Fife, 740
- unfunded liability
- Worker eligibility
- Temporary workers
- Sattler, 606
- Temporary workers
- Workplace eligibility
- workplace fatalities
Workplace Safety and Insurance Board (WSIB) - COVID-19
- coverage
- Sattler, 611
- coverage
World War I
- Battle of Vimy Ridge
- Coe, 3030
- Battle of Vimy Ridge
World wars
- poppies
- history of
- MacLeod, 764
- history of
- poppies
World Wars I and II
- Remembrance Day. see under Veterans
WSIB Coverage for Workers in Residential Care Facilities and Group Homes Act, 2021 (Bill 16)
- first reading
- Fraser, 161
- first reading