Letter: L
La Ferme Cantin Inc. Act, 2024 (Bill Pr59)
- first reading
- Bourgouin, 10121
- second reading
- Bourgouin, 11098–11099
- third reading
- Bourgouin, 11098–11099
- first reading
Laboratory services
Labour disputes
Labour force
Labour policy
Labour relations
- collective bargaining
- and government
- Smith, David, 6559–6560
- strikes/lockouts
- temporary agencies, use of. see also Nurses — temporary agencies
Lady Dunn Health Centre (LDHC), Wawa
- emergency services
- demand for
- Mantha, 1356–1357
- demand for
- emergency services
Lake Erie
- phosphorus level mitigation
- Lake Erie Agriculture Demonstrating Sustainability (LEADS)
- Bouma, 908
- Lake Erie Agriculture Demonstrating Sustainability (LEADS)
- phosphorus level mitigation
Lake Simcoe
Lakeridge Health
- environmental protection
- government funding
- Rae, 9094
- government funding
- environmental protection
Lakeside Village Property Owners’ Association Fenelon Township Inc. Act, 2024 (Bill Pr58)
Lambton Kent District School Board
- Indigenous education
- funding
- Mamakwa, 4766
- funding
- Indigenous education
Land use planning.
see also specific region or municipality- approval timelines
- ministerial responsibility
- Community Infrastructure and Housing Accelerator (CIHA)
- Parsa, 99
- Community Infrastructure and Housing Accelerator (CIHA)
- ministerial responsibility
- approvals and permits
- brownfield remediation. see also Housing - affordable, development of
- community relations
- Harden, 1635
- conflict of interest
- environmental protections
- environmental regulations
- government strategy
- intensification
- Bell, 7456
- municipal council decisions
- Dowie, 710
- municipal responsibilities
- municipal-provincial relationship
- northern Ontario
- Indigenous consultation. see Indigenous communities - Far North
- policy reversal
- impact of
- Shaw, 9526
- impact of
- provincial land and development facilitator
- Provincial Planning Statement (2023)
- provincial-federal collaboration
- Clark, 4655
- public consultation
- reform
- impact on municipal authority
- Glover, 972
- impact on municipal authority
- regulations
- Holland, 1916
- responsibilities, upper-tier municipalities
- review process
- rezoning applications
- agricultural land. see Agricultural land
- site plan controls, exemptions. see also Housing development - approvals and permits
- "social purposes"
- Surma, 10274
- street parking
- Dowie, 3760
- zoning
- approval timelines
Land use planning - by region
Land use planning - environmental assessments
- amendments to
- Downey, 2577
- consultation process
- economic impact
- Pasma, 2571–2572
- federal Impact Assessment Act. see Also Attorney General of Canada v. Attorney General of Alberta, 2023 SCC 23
- general remarks
- government strategy
- impact of
- West, 3881
- infrastructure projects
- public consultation
- reform
- regulatory reform
- section 16 orders
- amendments to
Land use planning - environmental assessments, class environment assessments
- 30-day review period
- 30-day review period, ministerial waiver
- Anand, 2573–2574
- Bell, 2576
- Bourgouin, 3879
- Bresee, 2571
- Crawford, 2562–2563
- French, 2503
- Glover, 2578
- Leardi, 2520–2521
- McMahon, 2566
- Pasma, 2557
- Piccini, 2536–2537, 3785, 3789, 3790
- Sattler, 2569
- Saunderson, 3844
- Stevens, 3790
- Surma, 3782
- Tabuns, 3858
- Thanigasalam, 2512, 2534–2535, 2579–2580, 3879–3880
- Vaugeois, 3887
- Yakabuski, 2478–2479, 2502, 2511
- committee process. see Reducing Inefficiencies Act (Infrastructure Statute Law Amendments), 2023 (Bill 69)–schedule one
- parameters
- regional projects
- Thanigasalam, 3881
- transparency
- Shaw, 2534
- 30-day review period, purpose of
Land use planning - indigenous interests
Land use planning - ministerial zoning orders
- accountability and transparency
- Stiles, 5603
- accountability and transparency
Land use planning - ministerial zoning orders (MZOs)
Land use planning - municipal official plans.
see also specific municipality or region- approvals
- employment zones
- and housing development
- Nanticoke industrial park. see Nanticoke industrial park–employment zone
- general remarks
- and land use protection
- by region
- review timeline
- Stiles, 762
- urban boundaries
- Sattler, 1917
- urban boundary expansion. see Also Greenbelt — boundary adjustments
- urban boundary expansion, process
- Premier's role in
- Stiles, 5879
- Premier's role in
- urban boundary expansion, reversal
- Armstrong, 6300
- Bouma, 6323
- Bowman, 6340
- Calandra, 5587, 5702, 5879–5880, 5935, 6300
- Flack, 6297, 6298
- Ford, D., 5881
- Gates, 6318
- Kusendova-Bashta, 6332
- Shaw, 6302, 6303, 6305, 6306, 7382, 7383, 7385, 7386
- Stiles, 5701
- accountability and transparency
- Blais, 5656
- accountability and transparency, Premier
- Fraser, 5684
- indemnification provisions
- municipal consultation
- urban boundary expansion, review
- Shamji, 4695
- zoning decisions
Land use planning - municipal plans
- urban boundary expansion, process
- Ontario Land Tribunal, role in
- Calandra, 8310–8311
- Ontario Land Tribunal, role in
- urban boundary expansion, process
Land use planning - provincial policy statement
- general remarks
- Coe, 8439
- minimum density requirements
- plazas
- redevelopment
- Calandra, 9460
- redevelopment
- settlement area boundaries, expansion. see Also Agricultural land - development on
- stakeholder consultation
- Rae, 9465
- general remarks
Land use planning - sensitive land use
- definition of
- Rae, 6296
- definition of
Landlord and Tenant Board (LTB)
- access
- adjudicators
- administrative reform
- AGI applications
- Pasma, 8661
- backlog
- Downey, 10705
- eviction applications, amount
- Karpoche, 2488
- general remarks
- governance and transparency
- government funding
- government strategy
- legal representation and resources
- Downey, 6438
- Ombudsman investigation and recommendations
- role of
- statements by stakeholders
- Bell, 4261
- wait-time
- Gretzky, 3815
Landlord and Tenant Board (LTB) - enforcement
Landlord and Tenant Board (LTB) - hearings
Landlord and Tenant Board (LTB) - hearings process
Law Society of Ontario
- compensation fund
- applications, time limit
- Armstrong, 7031
- applications, time limit
- compensation fund
Law Society Tribunal
- panels, number of members
- authority of chair
- Downey, 3476
- authority of chair
- panels, number of members
League Technique Inc. Act, 2023 (Bill Pr22)
Lebanese community
- education and awareness
- Lebanese Heritage Month
- Fraser, 6870
- Lebanese Heritage Month
- education and awareness
Legal Aid Ontario
Legal aid services
- access
- access to
- and access to justice
- Rakocevic, 7570
- eligibility requirements
- government funding
Legislative Assembly
- access
- Calandra, 2812
- architectural design
- Coe, 2825
- building code requirements
- compliance with
- Harris, 2815
- compliance with
- collections and exhibitions
- events
- coronation (2023)
- Ford, D., 4067
- coronation (2023)
- history of
- operational funding
- Harris, 1921
- Queen's Park
- anniversary of
- McCarthy, 3369
- anniversary of
- role in legislative process
- social significance
- virtual tours
- Sarrazin, 7915
- visitors experience
- access
Legislative Assembly Act, 2022 (Bill 51)
Legislative Assembly Amendment Act, 2022 (Bill 51)
- first reading
- Calandra, 1834
- second reading, 1920–1944, 1968–1969
- Begum, 1934–1935
- Byers, 1934
- Calandra, 1935–1939, 1942, 1944
- French, 1928–1929, 1930, 1938
- Harris, 1920–1925, 1929, 1934, 1935, 1938
- Khanjin, 1925–1930
- Leardi, 1929, 1939
- Mantha, 1940–1943
- McGregor, 1929, 1942–1943, 1943–1944
- Rakocevic, 1939, 1943, 1944
- Rickford, 1943
- Vanthof, 1930–1935
- West, 1939, 1942, 1944
- Wong-Tam, 1934
- division (carried), 1968
- referred to Standing Committee on Procedure and House Affairs, 1968–1969
- time allocation motion, 2015–2019, 2047–2049, 2128–2129
- third reading, 2135, 2168–2169
- division (carried), 2168–2169
- Royal assent, 2170–2171
- first reading
Legislative Assembly - facility
Legislative Assembly - facility rehabilitation
- accessibility standards
- architectural design
- Vanthof, 2823
- consultation process
- cultural diversity and representation
- Andrew, 2834
- energy-efficient technologies
- general remarks
- health and safety
- Smith, Dave, 4196
- ministry, creation of
- occupational health and safety
- West, 4209
- in other jurisdictions
- Calandra, 2813
- relocation process
- reports and recommendations
- restoration records
- safety and security
- technology
Legislative Assembly - facility rehabilitation, project planning process
Legislative buildings - Parliament Hill
Legislative drafting
Legislative pages
Legislative precinct
Legislative procedure
- accountability and transparency
- Harden, 1482
- agenda/schedule
- Vanthof, 3441
- general remarks
- legislative agenda
- members' role in
- parliamentary calendar
- petitions
- private members
- role of
- Smith, Dave, 613–615
- role of
- private members' bills
- private members' public bills
- private members' public business
- Calandra, 3250–3251
- public consultation
- public participation
- written questions
- accountability and transparency
Legislative procedure - bills
Legislative procedure - committees
Legislative procedure - debate
- order and decorum
- Schreiner, 1243
- order and decorum
Legislative procedure - federal government
- private members
- role of
- Smith, Dave, 613
- role of
- private members
Legislative procedure - motions
- committee procedure
- hours of House
- hours of House, extension
- time allocation
- use of
- Sattler, 2017
Legislative procedure - opposition days
Legislative procedure - order and decorum
Legislative procedure - reasoned amendments
Legislative procedure - Standing Orders.
see also Standing Orders- committee procedure
- conduct of business
- Sattler, 44
- consideration of bills, restrictions on. see Committee procedure
- matters out of order in debate - matters sub judice
- presiding officers, selection of
- Barnes, 276
- Calandra, 258, 273–274
- French, 268–269
- Hogarth, 317
- McCarthy, 258, 262
- Romano, 319–320
- Sattler, 275
- Vanthof, 256, 257
- deputy chairs
- Calandra, 258
- diversity and representation
- historically
- "on the advice of," interpretation of
- Vanthof, 256
- party representation
- from recognized opposition parties
- reform
- reform (2022)
- report-stage debate
- Sattler, 2017
- report-stage debate
- reforms
Legislative procedure - voting
- divisions
- Leardi, 6928–6929
- divisions
Legislative process - federal government
- oral questions
- Collard, 8108
- oral questions
Legislature - staff
Less Red Tape, More Common Sense Act, 2023 (Bill 139)
- first reading
- Gill, 5530–5531
- second reading, 5687–5696, 5739–5751, 5757–5767, 5788–5791
- Anand, 5764, 5791
- Armstrong, 5694
- Coe, 5763–5764
- Crawford, 5760
- Dowie, 5746, 5751, 5759–5760, 5790
- Fife, 5746
- French, 5746–5747, 5750, 5760–5761, 5764
- Gallagher Murphy, 5745–5746, 5750
- Gates, 5765–5767, 5788–5791
- Gélinas, 5757–5761
- Gill, 5687–5691, 5694–5696
- Glover, 5747–5751
- Harden, 5695
- Jordan, 5761–5765
- Kanapathi, 5695
- Karpoche, 5790
- Kernaghan, 5696, 5739–5747, 5759
- Mamakwa, 5751
- Martin, 5691–5695, 5747
- Sandhu, 5694, 5750
- Sattler, 5760, 5764
- Taylor, 5789–5790
- Vaugeois, 5791
- Wai, 5790
- West, 5763
- referred to Standing Committee on Justice Policy, 5791
- third reading, 6203–6221, 6240–6253, 6345–6351
- Anand, 6211
- Begum, 6220
- Bell, 6346–6350
- Blais, 6244, 6251
- Bouma, 6345, 6350
- Bowman, 6248–6252
- Burch, 6349
- Calandra, 6252–6253
- Crawford, 6248
- Dowie, 6210, 6219, 6246–6247
- Fraser, 6247, 6345–6346
- Gallagher Murphy, 6220
- Gates, 6210
- Gill, 6203–6211
- Harden, 6247
- Kanapathi, 6243
- Karpoche, 6210–6211
- Kernaghan, 6211–6221
- Kusendova-Bashta, 6244
- Leardi, 6220–6221, 6240–6244, 6250, 6349
- Oosterhoff, 6346, 6351
- Rakocevic, 6243–6244
- Sattler, 6211, 6244–6248, 6346
- Saunderson, 6251
- Shaw, 6220, 6247, 6250
- Smith, David, 6247
- Smith, L., 6251
- Vaugeois, 6350
- West, 6243, 6251
- Royal assent, 6932
- first reading
Less Red Tape, Stronger Economy Act, 2023 (Bill 91)
- first reading
- Gill, 3319
- second reading, 3413–3423, 3440–3465, 3467–3484, 3485–3496, 3513–3523
- Anand, 3489, 3520
- Andrew, 3492–3493
- Begum, 3513, 3517, 3520
- Bell, 3421
- Bouma, 3421–3422
- Bourgouin, 3488
- Burch, 3422, 3456, 3465, 3489
- Byers, 3492, 3519–3520, 3523
- Coe, 3452
- Cuzzetto, 3493
- Dowie, 3517–3520
- Downey, 3475–3476, 3478–3479
- Fife, 3461–3465, 3470, 3478, 3479, 3514, 3522
- Ford, M., 3523
- French, 3460, 3465, 3473, 3474, 3492
- Gallagher Murphy, 3460, 3464, 3470, 3478, 3514, 3516, 3522
- Ghamari, 3422, 3448–3453
- Gill, 3413–3416, 3422–3423
- Glover, 3453–3457
- Harden, 3448, 3452
- Harris, 3448, 3464
- Jama, 3490–3493, 3522
- Kanapathi, 3492, 3513
- Karpoche, 3523
- MacLeod, 3461
- Martin, 3451–3452, 3467–3471, 3522
- McCarthy, 3465, 3473, 3474, 3479, 3486–3490, 3492
- Oosterhoff, 3416–3422, 3447, 3470
- Pasma, 3451
- Pierre, 3457
- Quinn, 3493–3496, 3513–3514
- Sandhu, 3474, 3479
- Saunderson, 3476–3479, 3489
- Shaw, 3447, 3452, 3461, 3469, 3489, 3514–3517, 3519
- Smith, G., 3485–3486, 3488
- Smith, L., 3448, 3488, 3516, 3519
- Smith, T., 3455–3456, 3457–3461
- Stevens, 3456, 3460, 3474, 3516
- Vanthof, 3441–3448, 3470, 3492, 3513
- Vaugeois, 3464, 3471–3475
- Wong-Tam, 3519, 3520–3523
- referred to Standing Committee on Justice Policy, 3523
- legal services, impact on
- McCarthy, 3489
- as omnibus legislation
- public consultation
- Karpoche, 4632
- public consultation
- public consultation
- third reading, 4460–4469, 4553–4561, 4603–4632, 4657–4658
- Anand, 4612–4613, 4615–4616
- Bailey, 4615, 4629
- Bouma, 4560, 4606, 4625
- Bresee, 4612
- Coe, 4468, 4628
- Cuzzetto, 4613–4616
- Fraser, 4605–4606
- Gates, 4561, 4611, 4615, 4621, 4628
- Gélinas, 4605, 4610, 4612, 4615, 4619, 4621–4625, 4631–4632
- Gill, 4460–4463
- Glover, 4560
- Harden, 4610, 4619, 4624–4625, 4628
- Jama, 4468, 4609, 4616, 4629
- Karpoche, 4606, 4616–4620, 4632
- Kernaghan, 4467–4468, 4553–4561
- Khanjin, 4561
- McCarthy, 4615, 4619–4620, 4621, 4624, 4625–4629, 4631, 4632
- Oosterhoff, 4463–4469
- Pang, 4610, 4620–4621
- Sabawy, 4603–4606
- Saunderson, 4468
- Schreiner, 4610–4612
- Shaw, 4606–4610, 4624
- Smith, L., 4606, 4609–4610, 4616, 4618, 4621, 4624, 4629, 4632
- Vanthof, 4629–4632
- division (carried), 4657–4658
- Royal assent, 4983
- first reading
Less Red Tape, Stronger Ontario Act, 2023 (Bill 46)
- first reading
- Gill, 1620–1621
- second reading, 1722–1760, 1761–1770, 1790–1802, 1809–1819, 1839–1846, 1877
- Anand, 1752–1756
- Andrew, 1732, 1795, 1796, 1801, 1842
- Armstrong, 1767–1768, 1769–1770, 1790–1792, 1811, 1817
- Babikian, 1760, 1764, 1791, 1814
- Bailey, 1764
- Begum, 1740, 1795–1796, 1800
- Bouma, 1767
- Bourgouin, 1812–1815
- Coe, 1731, 1745, 1752
- Cuzzetto, 1792–1796
- Dixon, 1815–1817
- Fife, 1746–1750, 1756
- Flack, 1795, 1796
- Fraser, 1750–1752
- French, 1745, 1749, 1752, 1755
- Gallagher Murphy, 1812, 1817
- Gates, 1811–1812, 1813
- Gélinas, 1845
- Gill, 1722–1724, 1731–1732, 1811
- Glover, 1744–1745, 1750, 1759, 1843, 1845
- Gretzky, 1741, 1760, 1792
- Grewal, 1749
- Harden, 1740–1741, 1764, 1768–1769
- Harris, 1817, 1840, 1844
- Hogarth, 1731–1732, 1740, 1759
- Holland, 1768
- Jones, T., 1756
- Kanapathi, 1745, 1792, 1816
- Ke, 1768, 1800
- Kernaghan, 1732–1741, 1840
- Khanjin, 1845
- Kusendova-Bashta, 1800
- Leardi, 1796, 1841
- Mamakwa, 1840
- Mantha, 1814, 1816, 1843–1846
- Martin, 1813, 1839, 1841–1843
- Oosterhoff, 1724–1728, 1731–1732, 1749, 1751, 1791, 1842–1843
- Pang, 1761–1764
- Parsa, 1801–1802
- Piccini, 1756, 1760
- Quinn, 1794–1796
- Rakocevic, 1791, 1796–1801
- Sabawy, 1755
- Sandhu, 1840–1841
- Sattler, 1731, 1800, 1818–1819, 1839–1841
- Saunderson, 1741
- Smith, Dave, 1809–1812, 1814
- Smith, G., 1741–1746
- Smith, L., 1764, 1801
- Stevens, 1745–1746, 1749–1750, 1755, 1764
- Taylor, 1768
- Thanigasalam, 1762–1764
- Thompson, 1728–1730
- Vanthof, 1731
- Vaugeois, 1765–1769
- Wai, 1811
- West, 1810, 1814, 1817
- Wong-Tam, 1756–1760, 1763
- Yakabuski, 1846
- division (carried), 1877
- referred to Standing Committee on Finance and Economic Affairs, 1877
- Indigenous communities, impact on
- Indigenous consultation
- third reading, 2628–2637, 2639–2649, 2770–2772, 2887–2896, 2915–2934
- Armstrong, 2919, 2923, 2932
- Bailey, 2924–2925
- Bouma, 2894, 2923
- Bourgouin, 2887–2891
- Burch, 2894
- Coe, 2637, 2928, 2932, 2934
- Gates, 2636
- Gill, 2628–2630
- Gretzky, 2647
- Harden, 2647, 2918, 2924, 2929–2934
- Jones, T., 2648, 2917–2919
- Kernaghan, 2639–2648, 2890, 2933
- Kerzner, 2892–2894
- Mamakwa, 2890–2891, 2895–2896
- McCarthy, 2894, 2919, 2925–2929, 2933
- McGregor, 2771–2772
- Oosterhoff, 2630–2638, 2922
- Pang, 2918
- Rae, 2637, 2646
- Rakocevic, 2922–2923, 2927–2928
- Sattler, 2895
- Saunderson, 2647, 2891–2892, 2894–2895
- Schreiner, 2924–2925
- Scott, 2919, 2929
- Shaw, 2637–2638, 2933–2934
- Skelly, 2890
- Smith, L., 2889, 2915–2919, 2923, 2928
- Tabuns, 2894
- Taylor, 2923–2924
- Vanthof, 2648–2649
- Vaugeois, 2918, 2928
- Wong-Tam, 2637, 2919–2924, 2928
- Royal assent, 2991
- first reading
LGBTQ2S+ community
- community safety
- Wong-Tam, 5592
- community safety, grants
- community support
- French, 2896–2897
- discrimination against
- drag community, violence against
- education and awareness
- events by region
- Ottawa
- Harden, 338
- Ottawa
- Pride flags, flying of
- Pride Month
- Pride Toronto
- programs and initiatives
- funding
- Ford, M., 6271
- funding
- protections for
- Trans Day of Remembrance
- Bresee, 10433–10434
- Clancy, 10433
- Fraser, 10432–10433
- Wong-Tam, 10432
- community safety
Liability for Climate-Related Harms Act, 2023 (Bill 120)
- first reading
- Tabuns, 4713
- first reading
Libraries - public.
see Public libraries- government funding
- operating grants
- Gates, 9253
- operating grants
- government funding
Library and information professionals
- library technicians
- role in schools
- Pasma, 1033
- role in schools
- library technicians
Library services
- community organizations
- recommendations
- Karpoche, 2019–2020
- recommendations
- community organizations
Licence Appeal Tribunal.
see Also Tarion Warranty Corp.Licence Appeal Tribunal (LAT)
Licence plates
- redesign and replacement, cancellation
- validation stickers
Lieutenant Governor - Order of Ontario
Life jackets
Life jackets - enforcement
Life Leases Act, 2023 (Bill 125)
- first reading
- Khanjin, 4870
- first reading
Life Leases Act, 2023 (Bill 141)
- first reading
- Rae, 5531
- first reading
Life sciences industry
- foreign investments
- government funding
- government strategy
- investments in
- Fedeli, 5216, 6772, 10225–10226
- Hamid, 9796
- Hogarth, 10225–10226
- Leardi, 6772
- Sabawy, 5216
- job creation
- Fedeli, 9796–9797
- medical equipment
- production and supply. see Manufacturing industry - life sciences sector-production and supply
Life sciences industry - manufacturing
- production and supply
Light Rail Transit (LRT)
Light Rail Transit (LRT) - Eglinton Crosstown.
see Also Metrolinx — project delays- construction costs
- accountability and transparency
- Rakocevic, 9481
- accountability and transparency
- construction delays
- delays
- general remarks
- government communications
- government strategy
- Cho, S., 3905
- legal proceedings
- minister-community communications
- Andrew, 7660–7661
- opening date
- Andrew, 10314
- operational funding
- Harden, 3037
- procurement policies
- Karpoche, 5172
- public-private partnerships (P3s)
- station design
- Bresee, 8756
- transparency
- west extension
- construction costs
Light Rail Transit (LRT) - Finch West
- completion timeline
- Rakocevic, 4920
- construction, community impact
- Rakocevic, 4920–4921
- general remarks
- Mulroney, 4920
- opening date
- Rakocevic, 10313–10314
- completion timeline
Light Rail Transit (LRT) - Hazel McCallion/Hurontario Line
Light Rail Transit (LRT) - Ottawa
Line fences
Linguistic identity
Livestock care
- ultrasound pregnancy checks
- Thompson, 7819
- ultrasound pregnancy checks
see Also Lobbyists Registration Act, 1998, S.O. 1998, c. 27, Sched.- Elliott, Christine
- former reporting public officers
- health care sector. see also Independent health facilities–diagnostic and surgical procedures, expansion
Lobbyists Registration Act, 1998, S.O. 1998, c. 27
- review
- Wong-Tam, 10797
- review
Lobbyists Registration Act, 1998, S.O. 1998, c. 27, Sched.
Local Health Integration Networks
- consolidation into Ontario Health atHome. see Ontario Health atHome
see also Ontario One Call- backlog
- French, 7161
- backlogs
- and broadband
- construction costs, impact on
- dedicated locator model
- educating public
- fees for, consumer
- fees for, infrastructure owner
- and housing
- in Indigenous and northern communities
- in Indigneous and northern communities
- information, sharing of
- McCarthy, 7132
- jobs
- process
- safety
- and safety
- stakeholder statements
- French, 7158–7160
- statements by stakeholders
- French, 6632
- statistics
- French, 6632
- timelines
- types
- validity, period of
- McCarthy, 7132
- in winter
- McCarthy, 7130
- in the winter
- backlog
see also StrikesLondon Health Sciences Centre (LHSC)
- COVID-19 outbreaks
- Sattler, 3010
- departments
- closures due to staffing
- Kernaghan, 440
- closures due to staffing
- fertility clinic
- closure and service transition to Omega Fertility Clinic
- Kernaghan, 2377
- closure and service transition to Omega Fertility Clinic
- mental health and addictions services
- regional epilepsy program
- closure due to staffing
- Armstrong, 252
- closure due to staffing
- staff shortages, impact of
- COVID-19 outbreaks
London Health Sciences Centre (LHSC), Children's Hospital
- capacity and overcrowding
- surgical procedures, temporary cancellation
- Sattler, 1610
- surgical procedures, temporary cancellation
- capacity and overcrowding
London, Ontario
Long-term care
- and aging population
- Sabawy, 7068
- care environment
- caregiver access
- impact on patient health and wellness
- Fife, 1350
- impact on patient health and wellness
- Community Paramedicine for Long-Term Care Program. see also Paramedics and paramedic services
- French-language
- Kusendova-Bashta, 364
- government strategy
- municipal government, role of
- Harden, 4513
- Resident's Bill of Rights
- structural stressors
- and aging population
Long-term care - accountability and oversight
- advocate for older adults. see Senior citizens — advocate for older adults
- general remarks
- home experience survey
- Jordan, 334
- inspections
- inspectors
- resident safety
Long-term care - administration
- admissions process. see also Long-term care - beds
- licensing
Long-term care - beds
- hospital operated
- Calandra, 328
- infection control
- wait-list
- wait-list, by region
- hospital operated
Long-term care - beds, development and redevelopment
- for-profit homes
- Stiles, 411
- general remarks
- geographic allocation
- Calandra, 330–331
- government funding
- government strategy
- number
- by region
- Burlington
- Pierre, 375
- Durham
- Barnes, 386
- Etobicoke
- Hogarth, 418
- Glengarry–Prescott–Russell
- Sarrazin, 408
- Haldimand—Norfolk
- timelines
- Brady, 5705–5706
- timelines
- Kapuskasing
- Cho, S., 9552
- Kitchener-Conestoga
- Harris, 417
- Mississauga
- Mushkegowuk–James Bay
- development timelines
- Bourgouin, 5617
- development timelines
- Oxford
- Hardeman, 4469
- Perth—Wellington
- Rae, 5779
- Peterborough
- Smith, Dave, 4998
- Sault Ste. Marie
- Romano, 373–374
- Willowdale
- Cho, S., 202
- Burlington
- by site
- Dover Cliffs (Port Dover)
- timelines
- Brady, 5705
- timelines
- Dover Cliffs (Port Dover)
- for-profit homes
Long-term care - beds, development/redevelopmnet
Long-term care - by region
Long-term care corporations
Long-term care - COVID-19
- fatalities
- impact of
- liability protections
- military report
Long-term care facilities - by site
Long-term care facilities - construction
- accelerated build pilot program. see also Long-term care - facility by site
- capital projects
- Calandra, 331
- for-profit providers
- Gates, 4168–4169
- funding sources
- Stiles, 412
- general remarks
- government funding
- by region
- regional allocation
- Calandra, 4168–4169
- surplus provincial lands program
Long-term care - funding
- funding streams
- Cho, S., 5780
- general remarks
- government strategy
- Calandra, 1551
- Local Priorities Fund
- by region
- Mississauga–Lakeshore
- Cuzzetto, 3496
- Mississauga–Lakeshore
- by region
- operational costs
- Cho, S., 9551
- by site. see Long-term care - facility by site
- funding streams
Long-term care - operators
Long-term care - public
Long-term care - reform
Long-term care - residents
- care plans
- fatalities
- food and nutrition
- government funding
- Jordan, 334
- government funding
- geographic location
- impact on patient health
- Begum, 6551
- impact on patient health
- government response
- Jordan, 333
- government strategy
- living conditions
- Long-Term Care Homefinder
- quality of care
- Kusendova-Bashta, 10120
- Wai, 10119–10120
- resident transfers
- placement categories
- Gélinas, 359–360
- placement categories
- role of essential caregivers
- spousal separation and unification
Long-term care - sector capacity
Long-term care - services
- behavioural supports. see Also Behaviour-specialized units (BSUs)
- complex care
- diagnostic
- dialysis
- Calandra, 329
- expansion of
- respite
- service delivery
Long-term care - staff.
see also specific occupation- career growth
- funding
- Cho, S., 6915
- funding
- clinical education placements
- Jordan, 334
- collective bargaining
- Shaw, 8352
- collective bargaining, by site
- Elizabeth Centre (Val Caron)
- Gélinas, 9576
- Elizabeth Centre (Val Caron)
- compensation
- compensation, nurses
- arbitration decisions. see Public sector compensation - increase cap
- education and training
- funding. see also under specific occupation
- Jordan, 1351–1352
- funding. see also under specific occupation
- general remarks
- Jordan, 6538
- government funding
- government strategy
- Gallagher Murphy, 7143
- homemaking services
- Gélinas, 3027
- nurse practitioners
- recruitment and retention
- shortage
- staffing levels
- government strategy
- Riddell, 289
- government strategy
- temporary agencies, use of
- career growth
Long-term care - standards of care
- average hours of care
- for-profit vs. not-for-profit
- general remarks
- government funding
- government strategy
- impact on patient health
- Khanjin, 451
- reports
- People Caring for People Impacting the Quality of Life and Care of Residents of Long-Term Care Homes
- Harris, 415
- People Caring for People Impacting the Quality of Life and Care of Residents of Long-Term Care Homes
- staff shortages, impact of. see Long-term care - staff
- ward rooms
- Calandra, 578
Lower Fares, Better Service on the Union Pearson Express Act, 2024 (Bill 202)
- first reading
- Bell, 9380
- first reading
Low-income Individuals and Families (LIFT) Tax Credit
Luso Canadian Charitable Society Act (Tax Relief), 2024 (Bill Pr42)
Lydia's Law (Accountability and Transparency in the Handling of Sexual Assault Cases), 2024 (Bill 189)