Letter: G
- cost of. see Fuel prices
- fuel additives
Gender Affirming Health Care Advisory Commitee
Gender Affirming Health Care Advisory Committee
- creation of
- Morrison, 2091
- creation of
Gender Affirming Health Care Advisory Committee Act, 2021 (Bill 17)
Gender-based violence.
see also Intimate partner violence- fatalities
- general remarks
- government strategy. see also under Human trafficking - sex trafficking; Intimate partner violence
- Indigenous communities
- missing and murdered Indigenous women and girls. see also National Inquiry into Missing and Murdered Indigenous Women and Girls
- prevalence of
- prevention
- general remarks
- Andrew, 1530
- general remarks
- public education campaigns
- sexual assault
- sexual assault assessment
- support services
- community organizations. see under Intimate partner violence
- general remarks
- Andrew, 1200
- police relations
- Jones, 2676
General Motors (GM)
General Motors (GM) - Oshawa plant closure
- public education
- International Day of Commemoration and Dignity of the Victims of the Crime of Genocide and the Prevention of this Crime
- Kanapathi, 1641
- International Day of Commemoration and Dignity of the Victims of the Crime of Genocide and the Prevention of this Crime
- public education
- Russo-Georgian War (August 2008)
- Miller, P., 2011
- Russo-Georgian War (August 2008)
Getting Ontario Connected Act, 2022 (Bill 93)
- stakeholder response to
- Burch, 2444
- stakeholder response to
Getting Ontario Connected Act, 2022 (Bill 93)
- first reading
- Surma, 2124–2125
- second reading, 2253–2264, 2282–2306, 2311–2318, 2441–2451, 2482–2498
- Anand, 2296, 2317–2318, 2441–2443
- Andrew, 2305–2306
- Armstrong, 2484–2485, 2488, 2494
- Babikian, 2306, 2317
- Bailey, 2258–2262
- Begum, 2312
- Bell, 2492
- Bisson, 2312–2317
- Blais, 2297–2299
- Burch, 2443–2447, 2450
- Calandra, 2485
- Cho, S., 2494–2495
- Clark, 2299–2303
- Coe, 2312
- Cuzzetto, 2292
- Dunlop, 2446–2447, 2482, 2495–2498
- Gates, 2263, 2288, 2293, 2296–2297, 2299
- Glover, 2485, 2492–2497
- Harden, 2486–2489, 2494
- Harris, 2289–2294
- Hassan, 2306
- Hatfield, 2483–2486, 2488, 2497–2498
- Kanapathi, 2288
- Ke, 2296, 2302–2303
- Kernaghan, 2289, 2292
- Kramp, 2443, 2451
- Mamakwa, 2303–2306
- Mantha, 2302, 2316
- Martin, 2442, 2485
- Miller, N., 2447
- Pang, 2303
- Parsa, 2262, 2315, 2446, 2484, 2488, 2491, 2493
- Piccini, 2450, 2487, 2489–2492
- Rakocevic, 2446, 2450
- Romano, 2255–2257, 2263–2264
- Sabawy, 2263, 2289, 2311, 2447–2451, 2482–2483
- Sandhu, 2257–2258, 2297–2299, 2305, 2316
- Sattler, 2294–2297
- Skelly, 2494, 2497
- Smith, D., 2306–2309, 2311–2312
- Stevens, 2293, 2296
- Stiles, 2442, 2447
- Surma, 2253–2254, 2262–2263, 2288
- Taylor, 2490
- Thanigasalam, 2293
- Triantafilopoulos, 2497
- Vanthof, 2282–2289, 2311, 2442–2443, 2482, 2489, 2491
- West, 2262–2263
- Yarde, 2311–2312, 2316
- referred to Standing Committee on General Government, 2498
- third reading, 3093–3103, 3156–3176
- Bouma, 3164, 3176
- Downey, 3100, 3159
- French, 3158–3159, 3165–3169, 3175
- Gates, 3099–3101
- Gélinas, 3100, 3173–3176
- Ghamari, 3169
- Miller, N., 3173
- Parsa, 3175
- Pettapiece, 3101, 3168, 3172
- Sandhu, 3096–3099
- Smith, D., 3168
- Surma, 3093–3096, 3099–3101
- Vanthof, 3101–3103, 3156–3160
- Walker, 3160–3165
- West, 3163, 3169, 3172, 3175
- Yakabuski, 3100, 3158–3159, 3163–3164, 3169–3174
- Yarde, 3159, 3164, 3168, 3172
- general remarks
- Surma, 2769
- Royal assent, 3347
- first reading
GO Transit
- coach manufacturing contracts
- Alstom (Thunder Bay). see under Manufacturing - employment
- economic impact
- Mulroney, 1472
- North Bay
- Fedeli, 3111
- fares
- GO-VAXX buses. see COVID-19 - vaccination–mobile and pop-up clinics
- coach manufacturing contracts
GO Transit expansion
- government funding
- government strategy
GO Transit expansion by region
GO Transit - fares
- government strategy
- general remarks
- Cho, S., 2169–2170
- general remarks
- government strategy
GO Transit - infrastructure expansion
GO Transit - service expansion
Goverment services
- access to
- broadband requirements
- Sabawy, 2449
- broadband requirements
- access to
Government accountability and oversight
- conflict of interest
- Natyshak, 632
- Crown liability. see Crown liability
- general remarks
- Singh, G., 271
- conflict of interest
Government advertising
Government appointments.
see Appointments to agencies, boards, and commissionsGovernment bonds
- Green Bond program
- Khanjin, 470
- Green Bond program
Government contracts
- cancellation of
- general remarks
- Glover, 190
- general remarks
- cancellation of
Government debt
- general remarks
- Anand, 2441
- general remarks
Government debt - annual deficit
- amount
- Shaw, 1312
- amount
Government expenditures
- allocation policies
- allocation timeline
- Hunter, 2679
- annual estimates. see Expenditure estimates
- and COVID-19
- general remarks
- Shaw, 1311
- general remarks
- critical public services
- Shaw, 1291
- general remarks
- ministerial allocations
- ministerial operations
- phone lines
- French, 1800
- phone lines
- vs. other provinces
- planned vs. actual
- program spending
- strategy
- Karahalios, 3368
- transfer payments
Government finances
- contingency funds
- fall economic statement
- fall economic statement (2021)
- Mantha, 1315
- gross domestic product (GDP)
- reporting timelines
- revenue generation
- transparency and accountability
- budgets, presentation deadline
- budget 2022
- Blais, 1804, 1806, 1966
- Calandra, 2222
- Cuzzetto, 1816
- Fife, 1768, 1787–1789, 1794–1795, 1933–1934, 1939, 2973, 3135
- Fraser, 1822–1823, 1978
- French, 1801
- Gélinas, 1823
- Hunter, 2680, 2890–2891
- Kernaghan, 1844
- Sattler, 2027–2028
- Shaw, 1989
- Simard, 2222
- Smith, D., 1844
- Stevens, 1816
- Tangri, 1764, 1768
- Taylor, 1879, 1987, 1989
- Vanthof, 1976
- Yarde, 1879
- late delivery penalties
- budget 2022
- general remarks
- public accounts
- budgets, presentation deadline
Government finances - debt and deficit
Government notices of motion
- Extension of emergency orders, 1035–1069
- Legislative reform, 329–332, 1941–1951, 2224–2225
- Parliamentary broadcast and recording service, 1719–1720
- Report on Ontario's provincial emergency, 305–319, 2856–2868
- Retiring members of provincial Parliament, 3048–3059, 3061–3073
- Select Committee on Emergency Management Oversight, 6–15, 38–42
Government orders
- Extension of emergency orders, 1071–1081, 1100–1113
- Legislative reform, 2001–2007, 2224–2225
- presented
- Calandra, 2001–2002
- responded to
- Sattler, 2002–2007
- amendment, 2008–2009
- amendment to the amendment, 2009, 2051–2060, 2077–2102, 2149–2159, 2181–2200
- presented
- Mantha, 2009
- responded to
- Andrew, 2197–2199
- Bailey, 2194–2197
- Bell, 2083–2086
- Bisson, 2185–2188
- Calandra, 2054–2056
- Cho, R.S.J., 2082–2083
- Clark, 2009
- Collard, 2155
- Cuzzetto, 2092–2095
- Fraser, 2053–2054
- French, 2152–2155
- Glover, 2099–2102
- Harris, 2149–2152
- Hassan, 2191–2194
- Hatfield, 2079–2082
- MacLeod, 2182–2185
- McDonell, 2155–2158
- Miller, N., 2199–2200
- Morrison, 2089–2092
- Parsa, 2059–2060, 2077–2079
- Rakocevic, 2095–2098
- Sabawy, 2098–2099
- Sattler, 2056–2059
- Smith, T., 2188–2191
- Taylor, 2158–2159, 2181–2182
- Tibollo, 2086–2089
- Vanthof, 2051–2053
- presented
- division (carried), 2224–2225
- presented
- Select Committee on Emergency Management Oversight
Government procurement - supply chain management
Government record
- employment policy
- general remarks
- West, 657
- general remarks
- Liberal (2003-2018)
- child care policy
- children, community and social services
- autism
- Fullerton, 2845
- autism
- education policy
- emergency preparedness
- employment policy
- energy policy
- environmental policy
- fiscal policies
- Calandra, 238–239
- fiscal policy
- Bethlenfalvy, 3114
- general remarks
- health care policy
- health policy
- healthcare policy
- long-term care
- Gill, 1318
- long-term care
- housing policy
- immigration policy
- Sabawy, 652
- infrastructure policy
- land use planning
- Clark, 1354
- legislative process
- long-term care
- manufacturing industry
- Fedeli, 1731
- manufacturing policy
- electric vehicles
- Wynne, 2341
- electric vehicles
- social policy
- transportation and transit policy
- Sandhu, 2169
- Liberals (2003-2018)
- NDP (1990-1995)
- employment policy
- Tangri, 647
- energy policy
- general remarks
- Crawford, 2121
- general remarks
- environmental policy
- Environmental Bill of Rights
- Hatfield, 535–536
- Environmental Bill of Rights
- fiscal policy
- general remarks
- Calandra, 2043
- general remarks
- general remarks
- MacLeod, 738
- health care
- health policy
- long-term care
- Glover, 1493
- long-term care
- housing policy
- community housing
- Bisson, 1846
- community housing
- legislative process
- Calandra, 1946
- employment policy
- PC (1995-2003)
- PC (2018-present)
- cabinet members' salaries
- Shaw, 843
- consumer services
- auto insurance
- Bouma, 3085
- auto insurance
- cost of living
- economic policy
- education policy
- general remarks
- Blais, 3239
- general remarks
- employment policy
- employment standards
- Burch, 2908
- energy policy
- environmental policy
- equity programming, education
- Oosterhoff, 2046
- fiscal policy
- Calandra, 1728
- gender-based policy
- Wynne, 2117–2118
- general remarks
- Arthur, 744
- Baber, 1016, 1694–1695, 2628
- Berns-McGown, 1574
- Blais, 199, 2998–2999
- Calandra, 200, 1694–1695, 2411, 2849–2850, 3361
- Crawford, 3355
- Fife, 742
- Fraser, 1823, 1978–1979, 2999–3000
- Gates, 1286
- Gretzky, 664, 674, 1575
- Harden, 1286
- Harris, 2149
- Horwath, 832, 843
- Karahalios, 736
- Oosterhoff, 1299
- Parsa, 1575, 1823
- Piccini, 1382
- Rakocevic, 843
- Sabawy, 54–55
- Singh, G., 747
- Taylor, 728
- health and long-term care
- health care policy
- health policy
- housing policy
- infrastructure development
- Surma, 2767–2769
- infrastructure policy
- insurance rates
- justice policy
- road safety
- Thanigasalam, 1170
- road safety
- land use planning
- general remarks
- Clark, 1414–1415
- general remarks
- legal policy
- legal proceedings
- legislative process
- long-term care
- Horwath, 212
- social policy
- veterans
- MacLeod, 763
- veterans
- taxation policy
- transparency
- Bisson, 1276
- cabinet members' salaries
- employment policy
Government services
- delivery, speed of
- digital administration
- digital delivery
- accessibility of
- business services
- general remarks
- single-window access point
- Bouma, 1984
- Cho, S., 1927
- Coe, 1852, 1992
- Cuzzetto, 1808, 1816
- Fedeli, 1928–1929
- Ghamari, 1866
- Harris, 1768–1769, 1972, 1974–1975
- Parsa, 1856
- Rasheed, 1768, 3241–3242
- Roberts, 2032, 2035
- Sabawy, 1861, 1871–1872
- Smith, D., 1872
- Tangri, 1762–1763, 1769
- Triantafilopoulos, 3241
- Vanthof, 1977
- Walker, 1880
- document renewal notices
- general remarks
- implementation timeline
- COVID-19, impact of
- Bisson, 1847
- COVID-19, impact of
- navigation supports
- Monteith-Farrell, 1394
- online renewals
- identity documents. see under Identity documents
- digital identification. see Digital identification
- in-person delivery. see ServiceOntario
- Ontario Onwards Acceleration Fund
- Sarkaria, 822
- service standards
- ServiceOntario locations. see ServiceOntario
- user experience
- Smith, D., 1844
Government supply chain
- broader public sector
- domestic procurement
- accountability and transparency
- general remarks
- French, 1800–1801
- general remarks
- Building Ontario Business initiative (BOBI)
- centralized vs. regional models
- French, 1937
- general remarks
- in other jurisdictions
- vendor diversification
- accountability and transparency
- international procurement
- socio-environmental standards
- Romano, 2274
- socio-environmental standards
- Supply Ontario. see Supply Ontario
Government vehicle fleets
- domestric production
- Fedeli, 1931
- domestric production
Grand River
Grand River Conservation Authority
Great Lakes.
see also specific lake- agricultural impact
- conservation
- Canada-Ontario Agreement on Great Lakes Water Quality and Ecosystem Health
- consultation
- Parsa, 227
- government funding
- government strategy
- Wetlands Conservation Partner Program. see under Wetlands and Watersheds
- economic impact
- Martin, 104
- general remarks
- Parsa, 227
- Great Lakes-St. Lawrence Legislative Caucus
- pollution
Greek community
Green Button initiative.
see Energy consumption–
consumption dataGreen economy
Green Party of Ontario
Green Shirt Day Act, 2022 (Bill 112)
Green technology industry
Greenhouse gas emissions
Greenhouse gas emissions - reduction
Groundhog Day
- Wiarton Willie
- Walker, 1341–1342
- Wiarton Willie
Groves Memorial Community Hospital Act, 2022 (Bill Pr62)
Gun control
- federal jurisdiction
- Skelly, 1625
- government strategy
- gun manufacturers/wholesalers
- illegal guns
- federal jurisdiction
Gun violence
- causes of
- community-based programming
- exposure to
- as determinant of health
- Glover, 402
- as determinant of health
- fatalities
- general remarks
- government response
- Hunter, 3324
- government strategy
- government strategy, funding for
- gun and gang safety
- government funding
- Skelly, 1625
- government funding
- hospital services
- in response to
- Hunter, 3308
- in response to
- increase in
- prevalence of
- social determinants of
- Glover, 402
- victim supports
- victims of