Letter: O
Oak Ridges Moraine Conservation Plan
- land redesignation, reversal
- Rae, 7012
- land redesignation, reversal
Obstetricians and gynecologists
Occupational health and safety.
see also Occupational Health and Safety Act (OSHA)- asbestos strategy
- Cuzzetto, 9005
- awareness
- Romano, 3222
- education and awareness
- education and awareness, safety
- education and training
- enforcement
- general remarks
- government funding
- government strategy
- heat stress
- injured workers
- Taylor, 1768
- Vaugeois, 1768
- Injured Workers Day
- Barnes, 11121–11122
- Fraser, 11121
- West, 11120–11121
- injuries and facilities
- cause of
- Gallagher Murphy, 4389
- cause of
- injuries and fatalities
- naloxone kits
- temporary foreign workers
- Rae, 3217
- workplace inspections
- workplace inspectors
- workplace violations
- young workers
- Vaugeois, 3218–3219
- asbestos strategy
Occupational Health and Safety Act (OSHA)
- coverage
- private residences
- West, 8968–8969
- private residences
- coverage
Occupational health and safety committees
Offenders - Indigenous
Office of the Children's Lawyer
Oil and gas wells
- abandoned
- Auditor General: Management of Hazards and Emergencies in the Environment (2022)
- Wong-Tam, 2921–2922
- and carbon storage. see Carbon capture, utilization and storage (CCUS)
- dormant wells
- dormant wells, risk management
- gas leaks
- general remarks
- Shaw, 2637–2638
- inspections
- Kernaghan, 2643
Oil and natural gas wells
- dormant wells
- gas leaks
Oil, Gas and Salt Resources Amendment Act (Anti-Fracking), 2023 (Bill 130)
- first reading
- Tabuns, 4984
- first reading
Ojibway National Urban Park
1082472 Ontario Limited Act, 2024 (Bill Pr39)
1105954 Ontario Limited Act, 2023 (Bill Pr21)
1147946 Ontario Inc. Act, 2024 (Bill Pr47)
1204755 Ontario Limited Act, 2022 (Bill Pr3)
1376122 Ontario Ltd. Act, 2023 (Bill Pr27)
1485997 Ontario Limited Act, 2024 (Bill Pr51)
1748317 Ontario Inc. Act, 2023 (Bill Pr8)
1753461 Ontario Ltd. Act, 2023 (Bill Pr14)
1828469 Ontario Inc. Act, 2024 (Bill Pr45)
1976998 Ontario Inc. Act, 2024 (Bill Pr61)
- first reading
- Dixon, 11067
- first reading
1000067464 Ontario Inc. Act, 2023 (Bill Pr33)
1000151830 Ontario Inc. Act, 2024 (Bill Pr40)
Ontarians with Disabilities Act, 2001,
SO 2001, c 32
- language amendments
- Lecce, 3601
- language amendments
Ontario Autism Program (2016).
see also Autism servicesOntario Autism Program (OAP).
see also Autism services- access to
- Parsa, 8698
- AccessOAP
- consultation
- core services
- Taylor, 2941
- determination of needs assessment
- funding allocation
- Taylor, 7414
- funding allocation
- enrolment rate
- general remarks
- Quinn, 2941–2942
- government funding
- government strategy
- intake process
- needs based programming
- implementation of
- McCarthy, 1348
- implementation of
- programs and services
- service capacity
- service delivery
- statements by stakeholders
- Armstrong, 8516
- treatment wait-list
- Taylor, 2623
- wait-list
- access to
Ontario Bonds
- issue of
- Crawford, 9077
- issue of
Ontario Building Code
- design standards
- bird-friendly
- Glover, 1256
- bird-friendly
- electric vehicle charging stations
- new build homes. see Electric vehicles - charging stations
- enforcement
- general remarks
- Leardi, 9209
- government strategy
- McMahon, 8435
- harmonization with national construction code
- reform
- single-exit stairs
- design standards
Ontario Child Advocate.
see Also Children and youth in care- general remarks
- Vaugeois, 9447
- office, closure
- office, re-implementation
- general remarks
Ontario Civilian Police Commission
- authority of
- Hogarth, 3922
- authority of
Ontario Climate Change Adaptation and Resilience Act, 2024 (Bill 198)
- first reading
- Tabuns, 9224
- first reading
Ontario Community Infrastructure Fund (OCIF)
- general remarks
- Sandhu, 3837
- general remarks
Ontario Consumer Watchdog Act, 2023 (Bill 122)
Ontario Disability Support Program (ODSP)
- access, barriers
- additional benefits
- administration
- reform
- Kanapathi, 3015
- reform
- application process
- statements by stakeholders
- Taylor, 1092
- statements by stakeholders
- assessment process
- basic needs calculation
- Glover, 470
- benefit rates, increase
- Quinn, 5754
- combination, with other programs
- earning exemption
- Anand, 1338, 1339
- Bethlenfalvy, 1271, 1946
- Bouma, 1423
- Byers, 1953
- Crawford, 1950
- Fife, 1336, 1970
- Fullerton, 1435
- Gallagher Murphy, 1411, 1413, 1414
- Ghamari, 1363
- Hogarth, 2000
- Khanjin, 1426–1427
- Mantha, 1988
- McCarthy, 1347
- Oosterhoff, 1994
- Rae, 1993
- Sabawy, 1987
- Stevens, 534
- implementation timeline
- Mantha, 1414
- statements by stakeholders
- Fullerton, 1436
- earnings exemption, reform
- Fullerton, 1525
- eligibility
- general remarks
- Wai, 1525
- government strategy
- housing allowance
- housing allowance, board and lodge
- and housing costs
- recipients, medial eligibility reviews
- doctor shortage, impact on
- Collard, 4651
- doctor shortage, impact on
- reform
- veterans
Ontario Disability Support Program (ODSP) - benefit rates
- Begum, 2979
- Hunter, 212
- Mantha, 2007
- application process
- regulations
- Karpoche, 4618
- regulations
- and Canada Disability Benefit
- Stiles, 6607
- combined with CPP
- impact on
- Begum, 4006
- impact on
- combined with CPP, impact on
- Hsu, 2908
- and cost of living
- Andrew, 3290
- Bowman, 1346
- Crawford, 6026
- Dowie, 448
- Fife, 20, 1333
- French, 1421, 1999
- Gates, 254
- Glover, 2000, 2011, 3290
- Harden, 733
- Hunter, 62–63, 211
- Karpoche, 6724, 6725, 10127
- Kernaghan, 194, 199, 505, 1988, 4555
- Parsa, 4449
- Pasma, 246, 1426, 6090, 6091
- Rakocevic, 3294, 4348, 4356
- Sattler, 515
- Schreiner, 88, 89, 4348
- Shaw, 4346
- Stevens, 199, 533–534
- Tabuns, 49
- Taylor, 496, 6026
- Vaugeois, 156, 4346
- Wong-Tam, 4448, 4449
- vs. cost of living
- Vaugeois, 3017
- earning exemption
- Mantha, 1363–1364
- earnings exemption
- Fraser, 1093
- and food security
- Glover, 470
- general remarks
- and housing costs
- housing status
- Armstrong, 2932
- impact on health and wellness
- Pasma, 293
- income calculation
- Hsu, 394
- increase
- inflation
- previous increases and decreases
- Vaugeois, 235
- relationship status, recipients
- review of
- Tabuns, 1088
- review of, public response
- Tabuns, 1088
- statements by stakeholders
Ontario Disability Support Program (ODSP) - benefit rates, increase
Ontario Disability Support Program (ODSP) - benefit rates, increases
Ontario Disability Support Program (ODSP) recipients
Ontario Drug Benefit Program
- eligibility
- Gélinas, 5759
- medication not covered by
- medications, billing practices
- prescription coverage. see also Prescription drugs - funding
- vs. private coverage
- West, 6243
- eligibility
Ontario Energy Board
- Enbridge Gas climate change report
- Tabuns, 10029
- Enbridge Gas, natural gas rate application denial. see Enbridge Gas - natural gas rate application denial
- pilot and demonstration projects
- pipeline relocation and reconstruction
- leave to construct approvals
- Oosterhoff, 8390
- leave to construct approvals
- regulatory independence
- regulatory reform
- Resilience in the Electricity Distribution Sector and Related Policy Questions
- Tabuns, 10030
- restructuring
- Smith, T., 8848–8849
- role
- role of
- utility management, rate adjustments
- regulatory reform. see Utilities
- Enbridge Gas climate change report
Ontario Energy Board, Enbridge Gas
- natural gas rate application denial
- government response
- Fife, 7625–7626
- government response
- natural gas rate application denial
Ontario English Catholic Teachers Assoc. v His Majesty,
2022, ONSC 6658
Ontario English Catholic Teachers Association v. Ontario (Attorney General),
2024 ONCA 101
Ontario Forensic Pathology Service
- 2019 Auditor General's Annual Report
- Office of the Chief Coroner and Ontario Forensic Pathology Service
- Shaw, 7044
- Office of the Chief Coroner and Ontario Forensic Pathology Service
- 2019 Auditor General's Annual Report
Ontario Health
- physician locum programs
- recommendations, capacity rates
- role in home and community care
Ontario Health atHome.
see Also Home and community care - reform- accountability and transparency
- Leardi, 6557
- board of directors
- care coordinators, role of
- coordination with Ontario Health Teams
- creation of
- and French-language communities
- Shamji, 6537
- home and community care
- home and community care, contract procurement
- medical supplies, procurement contracts
- regional organizations, consolidation into
- Gallagher Murphy, 5619, 5634, 6548
- Gélinas, 6594–6595
- Jones, S., 5359
- Kerzner, 6543
- Leardi, 6554
- and community variability
- Shamji, 6533
- continuity of
- impact of
- impact on hospitals
- impact on northern Ontario
- impact on patient care
- liability protections
- Gates, 5381–5382
- and regional diversity
- Vanthof, 5636–5637
- service navigation
- service providers
- accountability and transparency
Ontario Health Insurance Plan (OHIP)
- billing structure
- coverage expansion
- COVID-19 drive-through clinics
- doctor reimbursement
- Hsu, 9171–9172
- doctor reimbursement
- general remarks
- Jones, S., 84
- health cards
- practitioner and facility over billing
- reimbursement
- Martin, 1650
- reimbursement
- prescription contraception
- prescription eligibility
- service coverage
- service eligibility
Ontario Health Teams
- and chronic diseases
- Martin, 379
- development and implementation supports
- Martin, 5378
- digital and virtual services
- and French-language providers
- Gélinas, 5374
- general remarks
- geographic coverage
- geographic distribution
- governance
- government funding
- home and community care. see also Home and community care - reform — transition to Ontario Health Teams; Ontario Health atHome
- integrated care
- Gallagher Murphy, 2620–2621
- membership
- eligibility criteria
- Gélinas, 6595
- eligibility criteria
- by region
- Simcoe–Grey
- Saunderson, 5635
- Simcoe–Grey
- regional variability
- Jordan, 6538
- service coordination
- services
- Gallagher Murphy, 2393
- and chronic diseases
Ontario Home Builder's Association
- government relationship with
- Burch, 1959
- government relationship with
Ontario Human Rights Commission
Ontario Hydro
Ontario Infrastructure Bank.
see also Building Ontario FundOntario Land Tribunal (OLT)
Ontario Land Tribunal (OLT) - hearings
Ontario Legislature Internship Programme (OLIP)
- general remarks
- Anand, 7193
- general remarks
Ontario Liberal Party
- leadership competition
- Hsu, 6909
- leadership competition
Ontario Lottery and Gaming Corporation (OLG)
Ontario Northland Transportation Commission (ONTC)
Ontario One Call.
see also LocatesOntario Place
- closure (2011)
- Glover, 6822
- environmental assessment
- lease of
- Glover, 2579
- lease of, international investment
- Bell, 3902
- lease of, redevelopment agreements
- Andrew, 3289
- Begum, 4401
- Blais, 4406
- Bowman, 4405
- Ford, D., 4005, 4006, 4059
- Glover, 3145
- Harris, 4401
- Hogarth, 3669
- Karpoche, 3145
- Lumsden, 4005, 4010
- Stiles, 3543, 3794
- Surma, 3145, 3543, 3669, 3794, 4058
- disclosure
- environmental assessment
- Glover, 3843
- parking garage, construction of
- Therme
- transparency and accountability
- maintenance and repairs
- history of
- Surma, 6786
- history of
- redevelopment
- redevelopment of
- visitor numbers
- closure (2011)
Ontario Place Corp.
Ontario Place Corporation
Ontario Place - lease of, redevelopment agreements
- accountability and transparency
- conflict of interest
- general remarks
- lease terms
- Surma, 6872
- parking garage, construction of
- procurement process
- property value
- Glover, 6820–6821
- Therme
- Triple Five
- Glover, 10826
Ontario Place - redevelopment.
see Also Auditor General of Ontario - reports-2024 Annual Report-Ontario Place redevelopment- Gates, 5383
- Sandhu, 5317, 5318, 5319
- Surma, 5358, 5520, 6359, 6687
- accountability and transparency
- alternative proposals
- Karpoche, 6802
- conflict of interest
- Andrew, 6868
- cost of
- economic impact
- Byers, 6810
- environmental assessment
- environmental impact
- general remarks
- government authority
- government strategy
- history of
- Surma, 5357–5358
- impact on tourism
- Lumsden, 6992
- lake infill
- legal challenges, Ontario Place for All
- legislation and policies
- liability protections
- ministerial authority
- ministerial zoning orders
- Ontario Heritage Act
- exemptions from
- statements by stakeholders
- French, 6934
- statements by stakeholders
- exemptions from
- Ontario Heritage Act, R.S.O. 1990, c. O.18
- exemptions from
- statements by stakeholders
- Karpoche, 6801
- statements by stakeholders
- exemptions from
- Ontario Science Centre relocation. see Ontario Science Centre
- public response
- Karpoche, 6796
- special adviser, reports
- Glover, 5319
- special adviser, role of
- Glover, 5318
- special advisor, reports
- French, 6936
- stakeholder consultations
- statements by stakeholders
- timelines
- transportation options
- wastewater and sewage infrastructure
- wellness facility and water park
- environmental impact
- Glover, 8695
- environmental impact
Ontario Police Arbitration Commission
- renaming of. see Community Safety and Policing Act, 2019, SO 2019, c 1, S1
Ontario Police College (OPC)
Ontario Power Generation (OPG)
Ontario Provincial Police (OPP)
- burnout and stress
- impact on retention
- Value-for-Money Audit: Ontario Provincial Police (Auditor General, 2021)
- Rakocevic, 3984
- Value-for-Money Audit: Ontario Provincial Police (Auditor General, 2021)
- impact on retention
- cost of, increase
- northern Ontario
- Mamakwa, 10229
- northern Ontario
- general remarks
- Kerzner, 10229
- Governance Advisory Council
- government funding
- Kerzner, 10273
- gun and gang violence
- cross-jurisdictional task force
- Kerzner, 551
- cross-jurisdictional task force
- in relation to provincial government
- strategic plans, components of
- language and terminology
- Begum, 3977
- language and terminology
- burnout and stress
Ontario Science Centre
- decision making process
- Clark, 10491–10492
- Stiles, 10491
- Don Mills and Eglinton site
- lease terms
- Andrew, 6915–6916
- lease terms
- general remarks
- Babikian, 6888
- maintenance
- maintenance and repair
- maintenance vs. relocation
- cost of
- French, 3907
- cost of
- relocation
- relocation, Ontario Place. see Also Ontario Place - redevelopment
- relocation process
- relocation, process
- timelines
- Stiles, 6992
- timelines
- satellite locations
- Harbourfront Centre and Sherway Gardens
- Surma, 9846
- Harbourfront Centre and Sherway Gardens
- decision making process
Ontario Securities Commission (OSC)
Ontario Sex Offender Registry
Ontario Student Assistance Program (OSAP)
Ontario Tech University
- Project Arrow. see Electric vehicles - manufacturing — academic-provincial partnerships
Ontario Trillium Foundation
- general remarks
- Bresee, 1829
- grant recipients
- grant streams
- Youth Opportunities Fund
- recipients
- Jordan, 437
- recipients
- Youth Opportunities Fund
- regional allocation
- Lumsden, 1829
- Resilient Communities Fund
- applications
- Lumsden, 1829–1830
- applications
- sports and recreation. see - Sports and recreation - funding
- general remarks
Ontario Works (OW)
Ontario-Quebec Electricity Trade Agreement.
see also Renewable energy — from Quebec- contract expiration
- Harden, 865–866
- contract expiration
Opioid addiction.
see also Mental health and addictions- cost-recovery litigation
- government participation
- Byers, 6024
- government participation
- fatalities by region
- Thunder Bay
- Vaugeois, 1873
- Thunder Bay
- fatalities, rate of
- Gretzky, 601
- general remarks
- West, 523
- government funding
- West, 526–527
- government response. see under Mental health and addictions services
- overdoses and fatalities
- overdoses and fatalities, by region
- treatment services
- aftercare
- Mantha, 526
- aftercare
- treatment services, by region
- Belleville
- government funding
- Gretzky, 7143–7144
- government funding
- Belleville
- cost-recovery litigation
Opioid addictions
- overdoses and fatalities, by region
- Toronto
- Bell, 9550
- Toronto
- overdoses and fatalities, by region
Opposition day motions
- Affordable housing, 8649–8669, 8671–8676, 10184–10202
- presented
- Stiles, 8649–8650, 10184–10185
- responded to
- Andrew, 10188
- Armstrong, 10190
- Bell, 8650–8652, 10185–10186
- Calandra, 8673–8675
- Cuzzetto, 8656–8657
- Fife, 8657–8658
- Flack, 8653–8655
- French, 8672, 10200
- Gates, 8655–8656
- Gélinas, 10187–10188
- Glover, 10186–10187
- Harden, 8667–8668, 10190–10191
- Jones, T., 8659–8660
- Karpoche, 10187
- Kernaghan, 8664, 10190
- Mamakwa, 10199–10200
- McGregor, 8661–8664
- Pasma, 8660–8661, 10186
- Rae, 8664–8667, 10191–10199
- Sattler, 10200–10201
- Stevens, 8668–8669
- Stiles, 10201
- Tabuns, 10188–10189
- Taylor, 8672–8673, 10189–10190
- Vanthof, 8675
- Vaugeois, 8652, 10189
- West, 10201
- Wong-Tam, 8671–8672, 10188
- division, 10201–10202
- division (lost), 8675–8676
- presented
- Climate change, 6281–6291
- Education funding, 3082–3100, 9058–9072
- presented
- responded to
- Andrew, 3092, 9066
- Bell, 3095–3096
- Bowman, 3092–3093
- Fife, 9069
- Fraser, 3093–3094
- Gates, 9070
- Glover, 3099–3100
- Harden, 3095, 9070–9071
- Kernaghan, 3093, 9065–9066
- Lecce, 3096–3099, 9060–9064
- McGregor, 3083–3086
- Oosterhoff, 3088–3092
- Pang, 9068
- Pasma, 3086–3088, 9064–9065
- Pierre, 9066–9067
- Sattler, 9068–9069
- Schreiner, 3088
- Stevens, 9069–9070
- Stiles, 3100, 9072
- Vanthof, 9069
- Vaugeois, 9071
- Wong-Tam, 3094–3095, 9067–9068
- division (lost), 3100, 9072
- GO Transit, 6070–6079
- Government accountability, 5225–5247, 5600–5606, 10615–10627
- presented
- Stiles, 5225–5229, 5600–5605, 10615–10617
- responded to
- Andrew, 10621–10622
- Calandra, 5232–5238
- Downey, 10626
- Fife, 5238–5240
- Flack, 5240–5243
- French, 10617–10618
- Gates, 10620–10621
- Gélinas, 5231–5232
- Glover, 10624–10625
- Harden, 10618–10619
- Kernaghan, 10620
- Mamakwa, 10622
- Pasma, 10619
- Rae, 5244–5247
- Shaw, 5243–5244, 10623–10624
- Stiles, 5247, 10625, 10626–10627
- Tabuns, 5229–5231
- Vanthof, 10625
- Vaugeois, 10622–10623
- division (lost), 5247, 5605–5606, 10627
- presented
- Government advertising, 7929–7947
- presented
- Stiles, 7929–7931
- responded to
- Andrew, 7945
- Bell, 7943
- Cuzzetto, 7931–7935
- Fife, 7935–7936
- French, 7943–7944
- Gates, 7944
- Gélinas, 7939
- Gretzky, 7942
- Harden, 7942–7943
- Hogarth, 7937–7939
- Karpoche, 7937
- Kernaghan, 7942
- Oosterhoff, 7939–7941
- Pasma, 7943
- Saunderson, 7936–7937
- Stevens, 7941–7942
- Stiles, 7946–7947
- Vanthof, 7945–7946
- Vaugeois, 7945
- West, 7944–7945
- division (lost), 7947
- presented
- Health care, 2385–2397, 7735–7750
- presented
- responded to
- Andrew, 2391–2392, 7742
- Bell, 7747
- Burch, 7748
- Fife, 2391
- French, 7747–7748
- Gallagher Murphy, 2392–2394, 7743–7747
- Gates, 2390–2391, 7743
- Gélinas, 2389–2390, 7737–7738
- Glover, 7749
- Gretzky, 2392
- Harden, 2394
- Karpoche, 7742–7743
- Kernaghan, 2395
- Mamakwa, 7741
- Martin, 2386–2389, 7738–7741
- Pasma, 2390, 7743
- Sattler, 2395–2396, 7749
- Shaw, 7749–7750
- Stevens, 7743–7744
- Stiles, 2396–2397, 7750
- Taylor, 2395
- Vanthof, 2396
- Vaugeois, 2394–2395, 7748
- West, 7748–7749
- division (lost), 2397, 7750
- Health care workers, 1381–1393
- Highway tolls, 7495–7513
- Housing, 1533–1536
- Mental health services, 2611–2627, 9933–9944
- presented
- responded to
- Andrew, 2624, 9936–9937
- Armstrong, 9935–9936
- Begum, 2626–2627
- Bowman, 2621–2622
- Burch, 2614–2615
- Fife, 2616, 9941–9942
- French, 2622
- Gallagher Murphy, 2618–2621
- Gates, 2613, 9940
- Glover, 2613–2614, 9935
- Gretzky, 2612–2613, 9934–9935
- Harden, 2625–2626, 9941
- Karpoche, 9937
- Kernaghan, 2625, 9937
- Leardi, 9937–9939
- MacLeod, 2616–2618
- McGregor, 2624–2625
- Pasma, 9939
- Sattler, 2613, 9940–9941
- Schreiner, 2615–2616
- Shaw, 2614
- Stevens, 2614, 9942
- Stiles, 2627, 9943
- Taylor, 2618, 9940
- Triantafilopoulos, 2622–2624
- Vanthof, 9942–9943
- Vaugeois, 2626, 9936
- West, 9942
- Wong-Tam, 2616, 9936
- division (lost), 2627, 9943–9944
- Municipal funding, 10345–10362
- presented
- Stiles, 10345–10347
- responded to
- Andrew, 10352–10353
- Burch, 10347–10348
- Fife, 10359
- Gélinas, 10360–10361
- Hamid, 10353–10356
- Kernaghan, 10360
- Pasma, 10348–10349
- Rae, 10356–10359
- Sattler, 10349
- Smith, Dave, 10349–10352
- Stevens, 10359–10360
- Taylor, 10361
- Vaugeois, 10360
- Wong-Tam, 10356
- division (lost), 10361–10362
- presented
- Ontario Place, 5355–5358
- Social assistance, 1086–1098
- Tenant protection, 3808–3827
- presented
- Stiles, 3808–3809
- responded to
- Bell, 3811–3812
- Clark, 3810–3811
- Collard, 3823–3824
- Fife, 3821–3822
- Fraser, 3809–3810
- Gates, 3818–3819
- Glover, 3824
- Gretzky, 3815
- Harden, 3813–3814
- Karpoche, 3824–3825
- Kernaghan, 3825–3826
- McGregor, 3816–3818
- Oosterhoff, 3819–3821
- Pasma, 3822–3823
- Rae, 3814–3815
- Rakocevic, 3825
- Sattler, 3821
- Schreiner, 3816
- Stevens, 3823
- Stiles, 3826
- Tangri, 3812–3813
- Taylor, 3824
- Wong-Tam, 3822
- division (lost), 3826–3827
- presented
- Affordable housing, 8649–8669, 8671–8676, 10184–10202
Opposition parties
Optometry and optometrists
Organ and tissue donation
Ornge air ambulance service
- general remarks
- Jones, S., 1318
- general remarks
Ornge ambulance services
Orthodox Christian community
Orthodox Christian Week Act, 2024 (Bill 167)
- first reading
- Rakocevic, 7240
- second reading, 7807–7813
- referred to Standing Committee on Social Policy, 7813
- third reading, 11129–11131
- Kusendova-Bashta, 11130
- Rakocevic, 11129–11130
- Sabawy, 11130
- first reading
- history of
- French, 7719
- history of
- attack in (March 6, 2024)
- MacLeod, 7827
- community safety plan, crisis response unit
- government funding
- Harden, 9220–9221
- government funding
- derecho 2022
- economic development
- Calandra, 2188
- municipal finances
- Orléans explosion
- Blais, 2793
- provincial regional office
- regional development
- tornado 2018
- Pasma, 2279–2280
- transit
- Pasma, 10349
- urban boundary expansion
- attack in (March 6, 2024)
Ottawa Light Rail Transit Public Inquiry
- report. see Light Rail Transit (LRT) - Ottawa
The Ottawa Hospital
Outdoor recreation
- Rideau Canal Skateway, seasonal closure
- climate change, impact on
- Harden, 2799
- climate change, impact on
- Rideau Canal Skateway, seasonal closure
Outpatient services
- ambulatory care centres
- Sattler, 2396
- ambulatory care centres