Letter: R
see also Anti-racism; Hate and hate speech- anti-Asian
- anti-Asian racism
- Babikian, 13198, 13584–13585
- Cho, S., 12138–12139
- Coteau, 13274, 13474–13475, 13480
- Fife, 12330
- Glover, 8062
- Horwath, 12131
- Hunter, 13569
- Jones, 13480
- Karpoche, 12216–12217, 13568
- Ke, 9964, 12185, 13835
- Lecce, 13565–13566
- anti-Black racism
- anti-Indigenous racism
- Lindo, 5299
- Mamakwa, 3719, 3720–3721, 12900, 13797–13798
- anti-Semitism
- anti-Semitism, definition
- anti-Semitism, definition of
- vs. bullying
- in education system
- general remarks
- government denunciation of
- government response to
- Berns-McGown, 14135
- Singh, G., 14199–14201
- government strategy. see under Anti-racism
- impact on health
- Berns-McGown, 6023
- Islamophobia. see Islamophobia
- and misogyny
- Dunlop, 7218
- systemic
- Mamakwa, 12946
- systemic nature of
Radon gas
- testing for
- Blais, 11724
- testing for
Rail crossings
- public safety at
- Triantafilopoulos, 1280
- public safety at
Rail service
- Budd Car train
- Gélinas, 11070
- electrification
- GO Transit. see GO Transit
- Huron Central Railway
- government funding
- Mantha, 1185
- government funding
- northern Ontario
- Monteith-Farrell, 12499
- Ontario Northland passenger rail service
- Ontario Northlander passenger rail service
- Vanthof, 7195
- Polar Bear Express
- Bourgouin, 11193
- track usage
- Budd Car train
Rand Estate development project
- Gates, 2262
Rape crisis centres.
see Gender-based violence—survivor servicesRare diseases
- dysautonomia
- Romano, 2265
- patient supports for
- Lindo, 7359–7360
- spinal muscular atrophy. see also Prescription drugs - funding—Spinraza
- Stevens, 4039
- dysautonomia
Rea and Walter Act (Truss and Lightweight Construction Identification), 2018 (Bill 33)
Real estate agents
Real Estate and Business Brokers Act, 2002,
SO 2002, c 30, Sched. C
- review of. see Real estate industry—legislative and regulatory review
- title change
Real Estate Council of Ontario (RECO)
Real estate industry
- administrative penalties
- Thompson, 6221
- brokerages
- trust money
- hold length
- Thompson, 7226
- hold length
- trust money
- competing offers, disclosure
- Thompson, 6220
- consumer education
- consumer protection
- Martow, 6170–6171
- economic impact
- government strategy
- legislative and regulatory review
- legislative terminology
- regulatory reform
- Karahalios, 6220–6221
- Nicholls, 9508
- Thompson, 6129–6130, 6171, 9508
- consultation process
- and consumer protection
- as economic policy
- general remarks
- legislative process
- vs. legislative reform
- Bailey, 7232
- new home sales exemption
- stakeholder consultation
- Rakocevic, 6333–6341
- stakeholder response to
- Rakocevic, 7240
- stakeholder consultation
- administrative penalties
Real estate market
Real estate transactions
Realtors - professional regulation
Rebuilding Consumer Confidence Act, 2020 (Bill 159)
- first reading
- Thompson, 6667
- committee process
- consultation process
- second reading, 7514–7537, 7596–7605, 7645–7655, 7697–7707, 7905–7909
- Anand, 7524
- Andrew, 7536
- Armstrong, 7908
- Bailey, 7520–7524, 7651
- Begum, 7649–7650
- Burch, 7705
- Gates, 7697–7701
- Glover, 7535–7536
- Harden, 7535, 7598, 7645–7649, 7651, 7654–7655
- Hogarth, 7705
- Kanapathi, 7700
- Karahalios, 7701
- Kernaghan, 7700–7701, 7704–7705
- Kramp, 7602, 7649, 7655
- Kusendova, 7535
- MacLeod, 7648
- Mantha, 7597
- McDonell, 7598
- Miller, N., 7602
- Miller, P., 7701
- Monteith-Farrell, 7648, 7650
- Oosterhoff, 7651
- Rakocevic, 7523–7536
- Rasheed, 7536–7537, 7596–7598
- Roberts, 7652–7655
- Sabawy, 7536, 7705
- Sandhu, 7535, 7704
- Sattler, 7905–7908
- Schreiner, 7649–7652
- Singh, S., 7598–7603
- Skelly, 7597–7598, 7603–7605
- Tangri, 7523, 7701–7706
- Taylor, 7706–7707
- Thompson, 7514–7520, 7601
- Walker, 7524
- Yarde, 7601–7602
- division (carried), 7950–7951
- time allocation motion, 8073–8084, 8098–8107, 8122
- third reading, 8497–8527, 8529–8534, 8591–8613
- Anand, 8507, 8519
- Andrew, 8518–8519, 8522, 8594, 8596, 8603–8606
- Babikian, 8522, 8526
- Bailey, 8502–8507
- Bell, 8595, 8601
- Blais, 8529–8532
- Bouma, 8602
- Calandra, 8531–8532, 8609
- Coe, 8526, 8605, 8611–8613
- Fife, 8591–8597
- French, 8522–8523
- Ghamari, 8600–8601, 8610–8611
- Harris, 8594–8597
- Hassan, 8523–8527
- Hogarth, 8605–8606
- Ke, 8518
- Kernaghan, 8605, 8610
- Kusendova, 8507
- Mitas, 8601
- Monteith-Farrell, 8597, 8602
- Morrison, 8595, 8606–8611
- Oosterhoff, 8606
- Pang, 8506
- Rakocevic, 8506–8519, 8526, 8531–8532
- Sabawy, 8519–8523
- Schreiner, 8596–8598
- Singh, G., 8598–8602
- Singh, S., 8518
- Stevens, 8606, 8610
- Stiles, 8521–8522
- Tangri, 8525, 8610
- Taylor, 8611
- Thompson, 8497–8502
- Vanthof, 8601
- Wai, 8522, 8532–8534, 8595
- Yarde, 8519, 8525–8526
- division (carried), 8670
- Royal assent, 8689
- first reading
Recovery Activation Program.
see Business - COVID-19-government supports-Digital Main Street programRecovery Month Act, 2021 (Bill 250)
- first reading
- second reading, 12011–12016
- referred to Standing Committee on Regulations and Private Bills, 12016
- third reading, 13378–13390
- Anand, 13387–13389
- Hatfield, 13389–13390
- Ke, 13378–13380
- Mantha, 13380–13383
- Sattler, 13386–13387
- Tibollo, 13383–13386
- Royal assent, 13538–13539
Recycling programs
see also Immigration and refugee policyRefugees - resettlement
- cost of
- effect on other immigration services
- Sandhu, 634
- effect on social services
- Gill, 172
- funding for
- funding reimbursement
- housing
- impact on public services
- Smith, D., 1381
- impact on shelter occupancy rates
- wait times
- Thanigasalam, 811
Regional governments
Regional/district chairs.
see also Legislation-drafting re regulations; Municipal and regional governments- accountability of
- Calandra, 649
- authority of
- complaints against
- Calandra, 649
- election cancellation (2018)
- consultation. see Government downsizing—municipal level, consultation
- general remarks
- regions affected
- timing of
- election cost
- Calandra, 648
- election reform (2016)
- public awareness of
- Sabawy, 700
- selection method
- selection method by region. see specific regions
- accountability of
Registered practical nurses
- general remarks
- Rasheed, 4267
- general remarks
Registered Professional Planners Act, 2017 (Bill 122, 2017)
- Hogarth, 3359
Registered Professional Planners Act, 2019 (Bill 70)
Registered Professional Planners (RPPs)
- general remarks
- practice requirements
- regulation of
- title protection
Regreening Program
- Sudbury
- West, 6770–6771
- Sudbury
- compliance
- compliance costs
- duplication of
- enforcement model
- Parsa, 1956
- general remarks
- Scott, 4849
- guiding principles
- Anand, 14020
- Coe, 14006–14007
- Fedeli, 12914–12915
- Harris, 12764
- Kramp, 9868
- Sarkaria, 12745–12746, 14004
- Skelly, 9855
- Tangri, 10586–10588
- interprovincial harmonization
- vs. legislation. see under Legislation
- number of
- vs. other jurisdictions
- Kramp, 9765
- purpose of
- Vanthof, 8770
- "red tape," definition of
- "red tape," definitions of
- Hatfield, 2543
- review of
- Bisson, 3410
- role of
- and safety
Regulations - reduction
Regulations - reduction of
- and safety
- Coe, 14006
- and safety
Regulatory environment
- and employment
- Ford, 1427
- environmental compliance approval
- general remarks
- impact on business
- Wai, 3987–3988
- impact on business environment
- Anand, 3099
- Bouma, 3228, 3999–4000
- Coe, 3838
- Dunlop, 4005
- Ghamari, 3853
- Harris, 3980
- Ke, 3094–3095
- Khanjin, 3091, 3275–3276
- Kramp, 3234
- Lecce, 3225–3226
- McKenna, 4004
- Miller, N., 796–797
- Park, 3992
- Parsa, 3045–3046, 3789
- Rasheed, 1845
- Romano, 3103
- Sarkaria, 3098
- Scott, 3157
- Smith, T., 3792–3793
- Tangri, 3092, 3094
- impact on small business
- in other jurisdictions
- performance measurement
- Parsa, 1956
- permit applications
- processing timelines
- Vanthof, 8767–8768
- processing timelines
- scope
- West, 4006
- stakeholder consultation
- and employment
Regulatory reform
Rehabilitation centres
Religious freedom
Religious symbols - Quebec restrictions on
- as constitutional infringement
- as discrimination
- federal response
- Yarde, 6298
- general remarks
- government response
Remembrance Day.
see also Veterans—appreciation for- Bailey, 10345
- Blais, 10348–10349
- Downey, 1844, 2091
- Fedeli, 10347–10348
- Ford, 5999
- Fraser, 5998
- Harris, 1999–2000
- Hillier, 10076
- Hogarth, 10507
- Kramp, 5960
- McKenna, 6062
- Miller, N., 5762, 10344–10345
- Parsa, 10346
- Phillips, 10361
- Rakocevic, 10320
- Schreiner, 5998, 10349
- Smith, T., 2091
- Stevens, 1931, 5998–5999, 10348
- Wynne, 5848
Renal services
Renewable energy
- billing
- cost of
- general remarks
- Hatfield, 1748
- global investment
- Schreiner, 7502
- government strategy
- Piccini, 4251
- grid access
- impact on global adjustment fee
- rates
- Schreiner, 14026
- reliability
- Walker, 1829
- storage of
- storage of, via compressed air
- Bailey, 12921–12922
- Coe, 14006
- Sarkaria, 12745
- surplus. see Electricity supply - surplus
- technology-neutral
- Smith, D., 12749–12750
Renewable energy contracts.
see also Green Energy Act, 2009, S.O. 2009, c. 12, Sched. A- cost of
- Barrett, 1560
- Bisson, 1765, 1776, 4216
- Bouma, 4791
- Calandra, 2220, 2223, 5255
- Crawford, 1753
- Cuzzetto, 2301–2302
- Downey, 2273, 4692
- Dunlop, 1553
- Harris, 1782
- Hatfield, 1747
- Martin, 221, 2274
- McDonell, 1763–1764
- Miller, N., 2224
- Nicholls, 1770
- Pettapiece, 4198
- Rickford, 2854, 7615–7616
- Skelly, 2854
- Walker, 278, 1829
- Yakabuski, 1825–1827
- effect on electricity rates
- Pettapiece, 4365
- feed-in-tariff (FIT)
- financing for
- Calandra, 192
- fixed-term
- Des Rosiers, 2287
- general remarks
- Rickford, 7614
- impact on electricity rates
- private sector
- Mantha, 1746
- in private sector
- Vanthof, 220
- review of
- cost of
Renewable energy contracts - cancellation.
see also Government contractsRenewable energy industry
Renewable energy projects.
see specific types- on agricultural land
- Arthur, 2301
- approval requirements, issue/renewal of
- approvals process
- business environment
- Schreiner, 1761
- capital costs
- Harden, 1780
- co-operatives
- Harden, 1780–1781
- economic impact
- grid access
- Sattler, 12755
- impact on employment
- local ownership
- municipal consultation
- net metering
- Tabuns, 2229
- net metering, virtual
- in northern and rural Ontario
- in other jurisdictions
- by private sector
- Bisson, 55
- public interest, consideration of
- Sattler, 12755
- public response to
- Bailey, 2799
- on agricultural land
Renewable energy projects - siting
- on agricultural land
- Dunlop, 1553
- assessments
- Barrett, 1564
- municipal jurisdiction
- Bailey, 2407, 2799–2800
- Barrett, 1562
- Bisson, 1776–1777
- Bouma, 1542–1543
- Calandra, 1537–1538
- Des Rosiers, 1739, 1743, 1750
- Dunlop, 1552–1554, 1762
- Fee, 1568
- Gélinas, 1755–1756
- Hatfield, 1748
- Mantha, 2284, 4792
- McDonell, 1764, 4826
- Nicholls, 1542
- Piccini, 4251
- Rickford, 1535, 6409
- Sarkaria, 2279
- Sattler, 1568, 2803
- Tabuns, 1546, 2230
- Walker, 1828
- Yakabuski, 1826
- municipal jurisdiction, appeals
- on agricultural land
Rent control
Rent Control Act, 2019 (Bill 155)
- first reading
- Morrison, 6521
- first reading
Rental housing
- affordability
- Andrew, 3970, 4950, 4960, 7183, 7192, 8104, 13506
- Babikian, 2063
- Bell, 372–373, 2313, 2494–2495, 5095, 5545
- Berns-McGown, 1302
- Bisson, 5978
- Clark, 5528–5529, 7722
- Coteau, 2062–2063, 2065, 2450
- Dunlop, 5041
- Glover, 4959
- Harden, 13631
- Harris, 4946, 4958
- Hassan, 2593, 13509
- Hatfield, 13232
- Karpoche, 1557–1558, 8919
- Kernaghan, 5094
- Khanjin, 4854
- Miller, P., 5180
- Morrison, 2525, 3364, 4951, 5044, 6392, 7724, 8099–8100, 8634, 8733–8734, 10885, 12074, 13792
- Nicholls, 5040
- Rakocevic, 12075
- Schreiner, 6172, 13509
- Shaw, 2549
- Singh, G., 8642
- Stiles, 5542–5543
- Taylor, 9039
- general remarks
- Bell, 10369
- and housing supply
- Bell, 10370
- air conditioning
- Andrew, 8813
- building speculation
- Gélinas, 10374
- in condo units
- construction
- Clark, 9247
- consultation
- Clark, 6578–6579
- cost of
- development charges
- Clark, 5167
- economic impact
- Fraser, 13510
- eviction, bad faith
- general remarks
- increase notification requirements
- enforcement
- Hassan, 7550
- enforcement
- landlord buyout agreements
- landlord protections
- maintenance and repair
- overdue rent - repayment plans
- in Parkdale–High Park
- Karpoche, 3978–3979
- rent control
- rent freeze
- Gill, 11572
- rent geared to income
- Clark, 6228
- rent increases
- rent increases, above-guideline
- rent increases, guidelines
- Gill, 6393
- rent supports
- Canada-Ontario Housing Benefit
- Clark, 9256, 9473
- Ghamari, 13507–13508
- Gill, 11279–11280, 12073
- Canada-Ontario Housing Benefit
- resident staff
- compensation
- Bisson, 7996
- compensation
- superintendents, janitors and caretakers
- compensation
- Bisson, 10713–10714, 10717
- Gates, 10717
- Khanjin, 10715–10716
- McKenna, 10714–10715
- Sattler, 10715
- West, 10716–10717
- compensation
- supply
- tenant protections. see under Tenants
- tenant unions
- recognition of
- Karpoche, 13510
- recognition of
- trailer parks. see Trailer parks
- vacancy decontrol
- vacancy rates
- affordability
Rental housing - COVID-19.
see also Housing - COVID-19- above-guideline increases
- appeals to LTB
- Ghamari, 13509
- application of
- Ghamari, 13508–13509
- ban on
- general remarks
- Schreiner, 13509
- appeals to LTB
- evictions
- Begum, 10674–10675
- Bell, 11855
- Berns-McGown, 11363
- Clark, 10782
- Downey, 11855–11856
- Harden, 12917
- Hassan, 12509
- Karpoche, 10851
- Morrison, 10913–10914
- Sattler, 11382–11383
- Stevens, 10782
- cost of
- demographic trends
- Berns-McGown, 12071
- general remarks
- Andrew, 8103–8104, 8862–8863, 8865
- Bell, 11282–11283, 14138
- Berns-McGown, 8863, 11281, 11798, 12072, 13510–13511, 14133
- Blais, 8854
- Clark, 7902, 8649–8650, 8655
- Coteau, 14130
- Glover, 8861, 11283
- Harden, 11282
- Hassan, 10373, 13509
- Karpoche, 8013, 8046, 11283, 14122
- Khanjin, 8849
- Mantha, 7989
- McDonell, 8865
- Morrison, 7977, 8096, 8099–8100, 8548, 8655, 8737–8738, 11278, 11653, 12074, 13792
- Rakocevic, 8873
- Schreiner, 11282
- Schreiner l, 8866–8867
- Stiles, 11282, 12835–12836
- Tabuns, 11283
- Taylor, 8067
- for illegal activity
- Gill, 11280
- moratorium on
- Andrew, 8813
- Begum, 10889
- Bisson, 8075
- Ford, 7750
- Karpoche, 8919
- Morrison, 8633–8634
- Stiles, 8105, 8804
- application timeframe
- Berns-McGown, 12071
- Gill, 11280–11281, 12072–12073
- Morrison, 11278–11279
- general remarks
- Berns-McGown, 11281
- Hogarth, 13626
- Morrison, 11283–11284
- Stiles, 11282
- non-enforcement of
- in other jurisdictions
- Morrison, 11279
- evictions, moratorium
- Berns-McGown, 9457, 10374–10375, 11008, 11307–11308
- Calandra, 12141
- Clark, 11299–11300, 11302, 13847
- Downey, 13848
- Fife, 14010
- Horwath, 11299
- Hunter, 9556, 11687
- Jones, 13280
- Karpoche, 13847
- Morrison, 11136–11137, 11302
- Shaw, 10471
- Taylor, 11181
- general remarks
- government funding
- living conditions
- Taylor, 13483
- maintenance and repair
- Karpoche, 12676
- rent assistance programs
- statements by stakeholders
- Fife, 9222
- statements by stakeholders
- rent freeze
- rent increases
- Kernaghan, 8105
- rent subsidies
- rental assistance
- Andrew, 8865
- Begum, 8862, 8868
- Bell, 8792, 8795, 8849
- Berns-McGown, 8175, 8865
- Blais, 8858
- Bouma, 8865, 8877–8878
- Crawford, 8850
- Glover, 8877–8878
- Hassan, 8851–8852
- Hunter, 8855–8856
- Karpoche, 8046
- Kernaghan, 8050
- Morrison, 8548
- Pang, 9268
- Rakocevic, 8869–8870
- Schreiner, 8868
- Taylor, 8067
- West, 8914
- general remarks
- for landlords
- municipal rent and utility banks
- for small landlords
- Schreiner, 11282
- statements by stakeholders
- Rakocevic, 8870–8871
- for tenants
- statements by stakeholders. see under Statements by stakeholders
- Strong Communities Rent Supplement program
- Clark, 9694
- tenant arrears
- Sattler, 12112–12113
- tenant protections
- general remarks
- Andrew, 13506
- general remarks
- writs of possession
- non-enforcement of
- Gill, 11280–11281
- non-enforcement of
- above-guideline increases
Rental housing - development
- cost of
- Smith, D., 4949
- Development Charges Rebate Program
- general remarks
- Hunter, 2601
- impact of rent control
- inclusionary zoning. see under Housing development
- new build rates
- McDonell, 10372
- in other provinces
- Morrison, 4952
- purpose-built
- by site
- variety of units
- cost of
Rental housing - evictions
- Bell, 2313, 2494, 5095, 5545
- Berns-McGown, 5096
- Hogarth, 2495
- Morrison, 8415
- Stiles, 5543
- Tabuns, 4169
- building registry
- Bell, 10370
- due to renovation
- Clark, 8650–8651, 8656
- Crawford, 8849
- Fraser, 8856
- Gill, 8849
- Hassan, 8850–8851
- Hunter, 8856
- Martow, 8861
- McDonell, 8861
- Morrison, 8656, 8734, 8741
- Smith, D., 8872
- first right of refusal
- McDonell, 10371
- general remarks
- landlord record
- disclosure to LTB
- McDonell, 10371
- disclosure to LTB
- rate of
- redress period
- repair approval documentation
- McDonell, 10371
- tenant compensation
- McDonell, 10371
- tenant compensation and landlord penalties
- Clark, 9473
- due to renovations
- general remarks
- Andrew, 14130
- Bell, 10369–10370
- Berns-McGown, 10372
- Morrison, 10373
- geographic trends
- illegal evictions
- locking out of tenants
- Bell, 13600
- mediation and dispute resolution
- no-fault eviction
- no-fault evictions
- for personal use
- prevention
- right to LTB hearing
- Clark, 8329
- tenant compensation
- Bell, 10370
Rental housing - short-term
- Airbnb
- LPAT hearing
- Bell, 12261–12262
- regulation of
- Bell, 11646
- LPAT hearing
- taxation
- Fife, 11966
- Airbnb
Rental housing supply
Rental housing - tenant protections
- general remarks
- illegally collected rent, redress period
Reopening Ontario (A Flexible Response to COVID-19) Act, 2020 (Bill 195)
- first reading
- Jones, 8428
- and collective bargaining rights
- Bell, 13809
- Glover, 13807
- Mantha, 13812
- Sattler, 13781–13782
- consultation process
- second reading, 8674–8689, 8691–8729, 8899
- Babikian, 8687, 8694
- Bell, 8698, 8706–8710, 8714, 8723
- Bisson, 8680–8689, 8701
- Calandra, 8695, 8698, 8700, 8728
- Coe, 8717
- Cuzzetto, 8725–8726
- Fife, 8705–8706, 8710, 8713, 8717–8722
- Fraser, 8710–8711, 8713, 8717
- Ghamari, 8679, 8701, 8709, 8714–8718
- Harris, 8710, 8713
- Hassan, 8695–8699
- Hatfield, 8678–8679, 8727–8729
- Hillier, 8688, 8694–8695, 8699–8702
- Hogarth, 8676–8678, 8689, 8705, 8724
- Hunter, 8712–8714
- Jones, 8674–8676, 8678–8680
- Kernaghan, 8699, 8728
- Martin, 8688, 8691–8695
- Martow, 8702–8706
- McKenna, 8699
- Mitas, 8679
- Monteith-Farrell, 8694, 8701, 8709
- Natyshak, 8679, 8694, 8702, 8718, 8722, 8728
- Oosterhoff, 8718, 8721
- Piccini, 8724
- Rasheed, 8705, 8723, 8726–8728
- Roberts, 8679, 8701, 8721–8722
- Schreiner, 8722–8725
- Shaw, 8688–8689, 8698, 8710, 8721
- Skelly, 8722, 8727
- Stevens, 8724
- Taylor, 8724
- Triantafilopoulos, 8688
- Vanthof, 8704–8705
- Wai, 8709
- division (carried), 8899
- emergency orders enacted under. see COVID-19 - provincial state of emergency (March 2020)
- extension
- Baber, 13802
- Glover, 13806–13807
- Jones, 13780
- Karahalios, 13798–13799
- Sattler, 13781, 13786
- Shaw, 13793
- Singh, S., 13814–13816
- general remarks
- stakeholder response
- Glover, 13807
- sunset clause
- time allocation motion, 8830–8845, 8895
- third reading, 8900–8916
- Royal assent, 8933
- first reading
Reports by committees
- Select Committee on Emergency Management Oversight, 12196
- Select Committee on Financial Transparency
- Standing Committee on Emergency Management Oversight
- Standing Committee on Estimates, 2779, 5122, 6472–6473, 6521, 6879, 9219, 10569, 10642, 10864, 11856, 13041–13042
- Standing Committee on Finance and Economic Affairs, 2424, 2864–2865, 5074, 6724, 9358, 10784, 11139, 12742, 13850
- Standing Committee on General Government, 1799, 2424, 3718, 5274–5275, 5962, 6624, 7041, 8122–8123, 8386, 10864, 11101, 12097, 12418, 13423, 13614, 13849
- division (carried), 4628–4629
- Standing Committee on Government Agencies, 1188, 2213, 2424, 2642, 3035, 3249, 3432, 3617, 3832, 4040, 4237, 4407, 4628, 4815, 5074, 5274, 5520, 6128, 6368, 6583, 6788, 6935, 7166, 7379, 7619, 9423, 9622, 10040, 10458, 10686, 10958, 11212, 11259, 11461, 11688, 11922, 12143, 12358, 12610, 13041, 13277, 13486–13487, 13666, 13928
- Standing Committee on Justice Policy, 3717, 6583, 7313, 8267–8268, 9725, 10388–10389, 12418, 13614
- division (carried), 5520–5521
- Standing Committee on the Legislative Assembly, 1036, 2743, 4268, 4563, 5763, 8332, 10642, 11009–11010, 12097, 12543
- Standing Committee on Public Accounts
- Standing Committee on Regulations and Private Bills, 1799, 1845, 2692, 3299, 3571, 4268, 5520, 5962, 6180, 6423, 6839, 6935, 9463, 9725, 9850, 10300, 10389, 10784, 11101, 11309–11310, 11736, 11922, 12196, 12418, 12542–12543, 12859, 13322–13323, 13539
- Standing Committee on Social Policy, 1597, 2147–2148, 3432, 6788, 7217, 8123, 8386, 9975, 10919–10920, 11983, 12196, 13773
- division (carried), 4267–4268
Reports tabled
- 2019 Energy Conservation Progress Report, 3867
- Auditor General
- 2020 Annual Report of Environmental Value-for-Money Audits and the Operation of the Environmental Bill of Rights, 10495
- Annual Report 2018, 2860
- Annual Report 2019, 6620
- Annual Report 2020, 11128
- COVID-19 Preparedness and Management, 10768
- COVID-19 Preparedness and Management: Special Report on Management of Health-Related COVID-19 Expenditures, 13528
- COVID-19 Preparedness and Management: Special Report on Pandemic Readiness and Response in Long-Term Care, 13080
- Chief Electoral Officer
- Chief Electoral Officer of Ontario
- Annual Report 2018-19, 11235
- Environmental Commissioner
- 2018 Greenhouse Gas Progress Report, 1175
- Estimates 2019, 4920
- Estimates 2021, 12858
- Financial Accountability Office of Ontario
- Financial Accountability Officer
- 2021 Ministry of Health Spending Plan Review, 13409
- Economic and Budget Outlook: An Updated Assessment of the COVID-19 Pandemic, Fall 2020, 9711
- Economic and Budget Outlook, Fall 2018, 2923
- Economic and Budget Outlook, Fall 2019, 6707
- Expenditure Estimates 2019-2020: Ministry of Transportation, 6049
- Expenditure Estimates: A Review of Ontario's Proposed Spending Requirements for the 2018-19 Supply Bill, 3235
- Expenditure Monitor 2019-20, 6508
- Expenditure Monitor 2020-21: Q2, 11201
- Expenditure Monitor 2020-21: Q3, 12034
- Explaining the Decline in Ontario Insolvencies During the Pandemic, 13080
- Housing and Homelessness Programs in Ontario, 11768
- Ontario Health Sector: 2019 Updated Assessment of Ontario Health Spending, 3478
- Ontario’s Labour Market in 2020: COVID-19 Pandemic Causes Record Job Loss, 11332
- Provincial Infrastructure: A Review of the Province’s Infrastructure and an Assessment of the State of Repair, 10849
- Spring 2021 Economic and Budget Outlook: Assessing the 2021 Ontario Budget, 14089
- French Language Services Commissioner
- Annual Report 2019-20, 11235
- Integrity Commissioner
- re Honourable Peter Bethlenfalvy, President of the Treasury Board, 9849
- re The Honourable Doug Ford, Premier of Ontario, 3669, 4811
- review of cabinet ministers' and opposition leaders' expense claims as of December 2, 2019, 6620
- review of cabinet ministers' and opposition leaders' expense claims as of September 14, 2018, 1023
- review of expense claims April 1 2018 - March 31 2019, 5517
- members' expenditures 2020-21, 13984
- Ombudsman
- Oversight 911: Investigation into How the Ministry of Health Oversees Patient Complaints and Incident Reports about Ambulance Services, 13762
- Provincial Advocate for Children and Youth
- Supplementary estimates 2019-2020, 6836
Reserved Parking for Electric Vehicle Charging Act, 2019 (Bill 123)
Residential Complex Sales Representation Act, R.S.O. 1990, c. R.28
- repeal of
- Wai, 5933
- repeal of
Residential schools.
see also Downie, Gord—Secret Path (album)- cemetery maintenance
- Mamakwa, 14066
- day of mourning
- Morrison, 13841
- death records
- Mamakwa, 14066
- general remarks
- Bisson, 6911
- Bourgouin, 7513
- Mamakwa, 14131–14132
- human remains, discovery of. see also specific school
- human remains, search for
- general remarks
- government funding
- Mamakwa, 14158
- government response to
- Rickford, 14158–14159
- project leadership
- Mamakwa, 14158
- Kamloops Indian Residential School. see Kamloops Indian Residential School
- legacy of
- Mamakwa, 867
- Missing Children Project
- Karpoche, 13869–13870
- public awareness
- survivor supports
- Calandra, 13988–13989
- Mamakwa, 13988
- Morrison, 13988
- cemetery maintenance
Respecting Injured Workers Act (Workplace Safety and Insurance Amendment), 2019 (Bill 119)
- first reading
- Gates, 5219–5220
- first reading
Respecting Property Taxpayers Act, 2019 (Bill 86)
- first reading
- Calandra, 3673
- first reading
Respiratory therapy
- Nicholls, 12130–12131
Restaurant industry.
see Hospitality industry - restaurantsRestaurant industry - COVID-19
- patio service
- Downey, 9896–9897
- patio service
Restoring Ontario's Competitiveness Act, 2019 (Bill 66)
- first reading
- Smith, T., 2893
- second reading, 3039–3057, 3090–3107, 3155–3169, 3225–3235, 3275–3284, 3455, 3478
- Anand, 3099
- Andrew, 3091–3092, 3159, 3231
- Armstrong, 3283–3284
- Arthur, 3096–3098, 3100, 3103
- Bailey, 3048–3049, 3233
- Begum, 3095
- Bell, 3048, 3167–3168, 3228–3232
- Berns-McGown, 3048
- Bisson, 3155
- Bouma, 3228
- Burch, 3094, 3104–3107, 3156
- Calandra, 3155–3156
- Downey, 3090–3091
- Fife, 3049–3057, 3092
- Ghamari, 3231
- Glover, 3163
- Harris, 3231–3232
- Hogarth, 3225–3228
- Hunter, 3160, 3163–3168
- Kanapathi, 3277–3278
- Karahalios, 3104
- Karpoche, 3167
- Ke, 3094–3095, 3283
- Kernaghan, 3279–3280, 3282
- Khanjin, 3091, 3275–3276, 3278
- Kramp, 3100–3104, 3234
- Lecce, 3164, 3168–3169, 3225
- Mamakwa, 3280
- Mantha, 3099–3100, 3227
- Martin, 3095, 3280–3283
- Morrison, 3160
- Natyshak, 3099, 3277–3280, 3282–3283
- Parsa, 3045–3047, 3049
- Romano, 3103
- Sabawy, 3279
- Sandhu, 3167
- Sarkaria, 3098–3099, 3159–3160, 3280
- Sattler, 3233–3234
- Schreiner, 3232–3235
- Scott, 3157–3160
- Skelly, 3048, 3277
- Smith, D., 3156, 3163, 3227
- Smith, T., 3039–3042
- Stevens, 3227–3228
- Stiles, 3091, 3103–3104, 3156
- Tangri, 3092–3096, 3167, 3282
- Thompson, 3042–3044
- Vanthof, 3160–3164
- Yarde, 3234
- division (carried), 3478
- time allocation motion, 3407–3417, 3429
- third reading, 3786–3806, 3836–3856, 3976–4015, 4036–4037
- Armstrong, 3836
- Arthur, 3804–3806, 3837, 3840
- Baber, 3795, 4000–4001, 4007
- Bailey, 4009
- Barrett, 3979–3980, 3994
- Bell, 3837
- Berns-McGown, 3840, 3850
- Bisson, 3994–3995, 4002–4003, 4005
- Bouma, 3795–3796, 3840, 3983–3984, 3999–4002, 4013
- Burch, 3994, 4001
- Calandra, 3803, 3836, 3855–3856
- Coe, 3837–3841
- Crawford, 3998, 4015
- Dunlop, 4001, 4005–4006, 4008
- Fife, 3841–3849, 3851, 3984, 3991
- French, 3995–3998, 4000, 4009–4010, 4012–4013
- Gates, 3794–3795, 3997–3998, 4004, 4010
- Gélinas, 3795
- Ghamari, 3851–3854, 3856
- Gill, 3800–3802, 3804, 3988
- Harris, 3849–3850, 3980–3985
- Hassan, 3979
- Hatfield, 3980, 3990
- Karpoche, 3976–3980
- Kernaghan, 3855
- Kusendova, 4007
- Mamakwa, 3803
- Mantha, 3983
- McKenna, 3997, 4004
- Miller, P., 3854
- Monteith-Farrell, 3802–3803, 3988–3989, 3998, 4007, 4013
- Morrison, 3988
- Nicholls, 3984, 3995
- Oosterhoff, 3854–3855
- Pang, 3990–3991, 4010
- Park, 3799, 3991–3995, 4003–4004
- Parsa, 3789–3791
- Pettapiece, 3799, 3990
- Rakocevic, 3850–3851
- Rasheed, 3836–3837, 3979, 4012
- Sattler, 3799, 4004, 4008–4010
- Schreiner, 3989–3991
- Scott, 3786–3789
- Shaw, 3985–3987, 3989
- Skelly, 3803, 3850
- Smith, T., 3791–3794, 3796
- Tabuns, 3796–3800
- Taylor, 3799–3800
- Thanigasalam, 3840–3841
- Wai, 3987–3988
- West, 4006–4007, 4010–4014
- division (carried), 4036–4037
- amendments
- legislative timeline
- Fife, 3841
- public consultation
- public response
- Karpoche, 3976
- Royal assent, 4100
- Schedule 10, "open for business" by-law
- consultation process
- Fife, 3554
- consultation process
- Schedule 10, "open-for-business" by-law
- first reading
Restoring Trust, Transparency and Accountability Act, 2018 (Bill 57)
- first reading
- second reading, 2451–2458, 2547–2564, 2583–2617, 2714–2715
- Barrett, 2610
- Bell, 2559–2560, 2587–2589, 2591
- Bisson, 2590–2591
- Bouma, 2586, 2610–2611
- Burch, 2594
- Crawford, 2589–2590
- Cuzzetto, 2597–2598
- Dunlop, 2560
- Fedeli, 2451–2458
- Gates, 2607–2611
- Gélinas, 2606
- Ghamari, 2603–2605, 2607
- Gill, 2583–2587, 2601–2602
- Hassan, 2593
- Hatfield, 2586, 2595–2597, 2599
- Hogarth, 2560–2561
- Hunter, 2599–2601, 2603
- Karahalios, 2606
- Karpoche, 2556
- Lecce, 2557–2559, 2561
- Mamakwa, 2602
- Mantha, 2590
- Martow, 2556
- McKenna, 2593–2594
- Morrison, 2585
- Nicholls, 2585–2586, 2613
- Pang, 2602
- Pettapiece, 2590
- Rasheed, 2591–2595, 2606
- Roberts, 2594, 2613–2617
- Sattler, 2598–2599, 2610, 2612–2613
- Schreiner, 2611–2614
- Shaw, 2547–2556
- Singh, S., 2611
- Smith, D., 2555
- Stiles, 2555–2556
- Tabuns, 2561–2564
- Taylor, 2598
- Thanigasalam, 2598
- Vanthof, 2560
- West, 2602
- Yarde, 2605–2606, 2613
- division (carried), 2714–2715
- time allocation motion, 2619–2628, 2646–2650, 2688–2689
- third reading, 2913–2922
- Royal assent, 2922
Retirement Home Justice and Accountability Act, 2021 (Bill 296)
- first reading
- Shaw, 13717
- second reading, 13829–13834, 13849
- first reading
Retirement homes
- closures
- complaints process
- Cho, R.S.J., 6445
- and COVID-19
- delivery model
- for-profit
- Gélinas, 13831
- general remarks
- Shaw, 13229–13230
- government funding
- living conditions
- Armstrong, 11131
- vs. long-term-care facilities
- Fullerton, 8421
- ministry inquiry
- Harden, 6444
- in other jurisdictions
- Fraser, 13258
- regulation of
- alternate-level-of-care beds. see under Alternate-level-of-care (ALC) beds
- enforcement
- Shaw, 13637
- regulatory authority
- Cho, R.S.J., 6445
- regulatory enforcement
- Shaw, 11138
- regulatory review
- Smith, T., 11138
- resident safety
- residents
- health and safety
- Elliott, 8185
- health and safety
- trespass orders
Retirement homes - by site
Retirement homes - COVID-19
- Gates, 13833
- Shaw, 13829–13830
- Wai, 13831
- civil liability protection. see under Civil liability - COVID-19
- emergency funding
- Pang, 8282
- emergency orders
- evacuation orders
- fatalities
- Shaw, 13793
- infection control
- general remarks
- Downey, 10400–10401
- government funding
- PPE access
- general remarks
- outbreaks and fatalities
- staff pandemic pay
- staffing supports
- Downey, 9895
Retirement Homes Regulatory Authority (RHRA)
Rick Hansen Foundation Accessibility Certification Program.
see Building construction—accessibility ratingsRight to repair.
see Electronic products - right to repairRight to Timely Mental Health and Addiction Care for Children and Youth Act, 2019 (Bill 63)
Ring of Fire development
- delays in
- development progress
- economic impact
- general remarks
- Indigenous communities, consultation with
- Indigenous communities, partnerships with
- Indigenous consent
- Mamakwa, 9104–9105
- Indigenous consultation
- operating agreement
- road infrastructure
Road conditions
Road infrastructure
Road maintenance in winter
Road maintenance in winter - northern Ontario
- classification
- consultation
- Thanigasalam, 13055
- general remarks
- Bourgouin, 10059
- Mulroney, 6124–6125
- Vanthof, 9695–9696
- West, 6124–6125
- Yarde, 13130–13131
- government funding
- government strategy
- pilot project
- Mulroney, 13650
- procurement
- road closures
- Vanthof, 6360, 13027–13028
- and safety
- timelines
Road safety.
see also Cycling safety; Highway safety- automated speed enforcement
- Bell, 13683, 13688
- Blais, 13687–13688
- Skelly, 13756
- Yarde, 13128
- collision reporting
- consultation
- Dutch reach. see under Driver education
- enforcement
- Bell, 13685
- general remarks
- government strategy
- Grimsby diamond
- Oosterhoff, 6838–6839
- Highway 144 (Dowling)
- Gélinas, 581
- illegal left turns
- Gates, 5015
- infrastructure
- injury and death
- driver penalties
- Bell, 13683–13684, 13821
- driver penalties
- lanes, number of
- West, 13026
- left turns
- Andrew, 13127
- Gates, 13125–13127
- municipal jurisdiction
- northern Ontario
- Gélinas, 13026
- Ottawa
- Blais, 13687
- public consultation
- in school zones
- speed
- automated speed enforcement
- Bell, 5035
- penalties
- Crawford, 13108
- speed limits
- Blais, 13686–13687
- Crawford, 13108
- street racing
- Karahalios, 5013
- automated speed enforcement
- Steeles Avenue
- Calandra, 650
- traffic control systems
- Blais, 11380
- trucking sector
- Vision Zero
- and weather
- Nicholls, 13678–13679
- automated speed enforcement
Road safety - roadside workers
- automated traffic control
- general remarks
Road safety - speed limits.
see also Driving - stunt driving and street racingRoad safety - vulnerable road users
Road tolls
Robarts, John.
see also Parliamentary history- record as Premier of Ontario (1961-1971)
- Glover, 3458
- record as Premier of Ontario (1961-1971)
Robe Investments & Consulting Services Limited Act, 2021 (Bill Pr39)
Roncarelli v Duplessis,
[1959] SCR 121.
see under Crown liabilityRoss Memorial Hospital Act, 2020 (Bill Pr21)
- first reading
- Hogarth, 7257
- first reading
Rowan's Law (Concussion Safety), 2018,
SO 2018, c 1
Royal Canadian Legion.
see LegionsRoyal Canadian Legions
Rural Ontario
Rwandan genocide (1994)
- Babikian, 4929
Ryerson University
- Brampton campus
- cancellation
- economic impact
- funding allocation
- Horwath, 1935
- impact on commute times
- innovation centres/programs
- Brampton medical school
- law school
- Brampton campus