Letter: N
Naloxone kits
Name changes
Nanticoke industrial park
National Hockey League
- Pride Tape, ban
- Gates, 5516
- Pride Tape, ban
National Housing Strategy (federal).
see Also Affordable housing - development of — federal government fundingNational Housing Strategy (federal) - funding
National Steel Car
Natural gas
Natural gas distributors
Natural gas expansion
Natural gas rates
Natural gas wells.
see Oil and natural gas wellsNeskantaga First Nation
Neskantage First Nation
New Deal for Toronto Act, 2023 (Bill 154)
- first reading
- Bethlenfalvy, 6617–6618
- committee process
- second reading, 6786–6822, 6857–6868, 6885–6890, 7014
- Anand, 6861
- Babikian, 6888
- Blais, 6861–6862, 6865, 6866–6868
- Bouma, 6818
- Byers, 6791–6793, 6802–6803, 6810, 6813, 6821, 6888
- Collard, 6813–6814
- Crawford, 6789–6791
- Dowie, 6822
- Fraser, 6861, 6866
- French, 6807–6811, 6817, 6822, 6865–6866
- Gallagher Murphy, 6803, 6804–6807
- Gates, 6860
- Gélinas, 6813, 6821, 6861
- Glover, 6803, 6807, 6818–6822, 6888
- Gretzky, 6889
- Harden, 6795, 6862–6866
- Harris, 6795, 6807, 6814, 6817
- Hogarth, 6857–6862
- Jordan, 6860, 6865
- Kanapathi, 6794
- Karpoche, 6793–6794, 6795–6804, 6806
- Kernaghan, 6807, 6818
- Kerzner, 6885–6889
- Martin, 6794, 6811, 6814
- McMahon, 6811–6814
- Pierre, 6806, 6811
- Sandhu, 6814–6818
- Sattler, 6811, 6818, 6866
- Surma, 6786–6789, 6794–6795
- Vaugeois, 6803, 6810, 6814
- Wong-Tam, 6794, 6888, 6889–6890
- Yakabuski, 6803–6804
- division (carried), 7014
- legislative process
- legislative timelines
- Stiles, 6911
- scope of
- statements by stakeholders
- Karpoche, 6801–6802
- time allocation motion, 6926, 7002–7003
- third reading, 7014–7015
- division (carried), 7014–7015
- Royal assent, 7069
- first reading
New Deal for Toronto Act, 2023
(Bill 154)
New Democratic Party (NDP)
- antisemitism
- McCarthy, 5447
- employee ownership strategy
- Kernaghan, 11089–11091, 11111
- environment and climate change policy
- Sattler, 2060
- general remarks
- Karpoche, 10764
- Green New Democratic Deal
- electric vehicle policy
- Sattler, 2330
- electric vehicle policy
- housing policy
- Andrew, 10188
- Armstrong, 10190
- Bell, 4671, 8651–8652, 10185–10186
- Calandra, 10169–10170, 10223
- Dowie, 947
- Fife, 923, 10333
- French, 10200
- Gates, 6317
- Gélinas, 10187
- Glover, 10186–10187
- Harden, 3813, 10190–10191
- Kernaghan, 4670, 4690, 4693, 10190
- Khanjin, 4693
- Leardi, 4671–4672, 4674
- Mamakwa, 10200
- Pasma, 10186
- Pierre, 4674
- Rakocevic, 6443
- Sattler, 956, 10200–10201
- Stiles, 8650, 10169–10170, 10184–10185, 10201, 10222–10223
- Tabuns, 10188–10189
- Taylor, 10189
- Vaugeois, 10189
- West, 10201
- Wong-Tam, 10188
- cost of
- funding
- leadership race
- Clark, 2119
- members'/ministers' integrity policy
- Shaw, 7009–7010
- police services policy
- Save Main Street plan
- Kernaghan, 1987
- seniors and long-term care policy
- Shaw, 4424–4425
- antisemitism
New home construction industry.
see also Home Construction Regulatory Authority (HCRA)- McCarthy, 10536
- builder accountability
- consumer protection
- Bell, 221, 2909
- Byers, 10536
- Dowie, 3762
- French, 1636
- Gretzky, 6958, 6975
- Kernaghan, 5870
- Leardi, 3762
- Pasma, 5870
- Rakocevic, 6954, 6958, 10526, 10537, 10538
- Rasheed, 2094, 3376
- Saunderson, 3376
- administrative and regulatory authorities
- agreement terminations, reporting
- McCarthy, 9599
- construction timelines
- Pasma, 9054
- deposits
- enforcement
- Bell, 891
- furnaces, use during construction
- Rakocevic, 6954
- government strategy
- illegally built and sold homes
- McCarthy, 9599–9600
- new home warranties
- Ontario Builder Directory
- Rakocevic, 982
- purchases, cooling off period
- purchases, legal advice on
- McCarthy, 5833
- remote inspections
- Armstrong, 5844
- statements by stakeholders
- Pasma, 6974
- used furnaces, installation of
- warranties
- regulatory reform
- Rasheed, 4640
- warranties
New Home Construction Regulatory Authority (HCRA)
Newmont Porcupine (Timmins)
- water treatment plant
- development and construction
- Pirie, 1615
- development and construction
- water treatment plant
News media
- National Ethnic Press and Media Council of Canada
- Babikian, 629–630
- National Ethnic Press and Media Council of Canada
- community publications
- legal notices, publication of
- "newspaper," definition of
Nextblock Inc. Act, 2022 (Bill Pr6)
Niagara Escarpment
Niagara Escarpment Commission
Niagara Health
- expenditures
- nursing agencies, use of
- Gates, 8694
- nursing agencies, use of
- government funding
- Jones, S., 3038
- health human resources
- vacancy rate
- Stevens, 1962
- vacancy rate
- mental health unit
- closure
- Stevens, 534
- closure
- nurse shortage
- Stevens, 533
- sexual violence and harassment services
- government funding
- Stevens, 1293
- government funding
- urgent care centers
- Jones, S., 11170
- urgent care centres
- service reductions
- Burch, 9430
- service reductions
- Welland site
- expenditures
Niagara Parks Commission
Niagara region
Niagara Region
9-1-1 Everywhere in Ontario Act, 2023 (Bill 107)
- first reading
- Gélinas, 4267
- first reading
911 services.
see also Coroner's inquests — Humeniuk, Kritz, Bertrand and Missen Inquest933834 Ontario Limited Act, 2023 (Bill Pr9)
Nishnawbe Aski Nation
No Free Ride for Fossil Fuels Act, 2024 (Bill 219)
- first reading
- Clancy, 10181
- first reading
No More Highways in the Greenbelt Act, 2023 (Bill 110)
- first reading
- Schreiner, 4394
- first reading
No More Pits or Quarries in the Greenbelt Act, 2023 (Bill 111)
- first reading
- Schreiner, 4394
- first reading
No Time to Waste Act (Plan for Climate Action and Jobs), 2022 (Bill 14)
Non-profit organizations
- government funding
- Vaugeois, 5986
- government funding
Norfolk Haldimand Community Hospice
- operational funding
- Brady, 2717
- operational funding
North York General Hospital
- community outreach funding
- Ke, 217
- community outreach funding
Northern Energy Advantage Program
- general remarks
- Rickford, 223
- general remarks
Northern Health Travel Grant Advisory Committee Act, 2024 (Bill 13)
Northern Ontario.
see also specific policy areas- economic development. see Economic development - northern Ontario
Northern Ontario Heritage Fund Corp.
Northern Ontario School of Medicine
Northern Ontario - tourism promotion
- rail tours
- Agawa Canyon Tour Train
- Romano, 732
- Agawa Canyon Tour Train
- rail tours
Notice of security interests (NOSIs).
see also Consumer protection - homeowners- consumer protection
- Clancy, 9610–9611
- Fife, 9609–9610
- Harris, 9604–9605
- Karpoche, 9609
- Kernaghan, 9615–9616
- McCarthy, 7838, 8990, 9598–9599, 9614–9615
- Rakocevic, 8857–8858, 8989, 9605
- Riddell, 9603–9604
- Shamji, 9612
- Smith, L., 7837
- notification of
- Rakocevic, 8990
- stakeholder consultation
- McCarthy, 9598
- stakeholder involvement
- Dixon, 9602
- statements by stakeholders
- Rakocevic, 9606–9609
- impact of
- organized crime, connection to
- consumer protection
Notre-Dame Hospital
- doctors, shortage
- Bourgouin, 1459
- doctors, shortage
Notwithstanding Clause Limitation Act, 2022 (Bill 37)
- first reading
- Collard, 1324
- first reading
Nova Scotia
- mass shooting (April 2020)
- mass casualty commission, report and recommendations
- Sattler, 3950
- Wong-Tam, 4794
- police officer training. see also Police officers–education and training
- mass casualty commission, report and recommendations
- mass shooting (April 2020)
Nuclear energy
- inter-provincial agreements, extension
- small modular reactors
- Ontario-Saskatchewan partnership
- Smith, T., 6441
- Ontario-Saskatchewan partnership
Nuclear energy industry
Nuclear generation facilities
Nuclear generation facilities - small modular reactors (SMRs)
Nuclear waste management
- deep geological repositories
- locations for
- Gélinas, 5437–5438
- locations for
- deep geological repositories
Nurse practitioner led clinics
Nurse practitioner-led clinics
- cap
- expansion, by region
- Kingsville
- Leardi, 7349
- Kingsville
- funding
- funding, by region
- general remarks
- impact on health care system
- integration into health care system
- Shamji, 9901
- private vs. public
- government funding
- Gélinas, 7142–7143
- government funding
- private vs. public
- Shamji, 9901
- site application assessments
- as substitute for primary care clinics
Nurse practitioners
- access, by region
- clinics. see Nurse practitioner led clinics
- compensation
- employment
- access to
- Gélinas, 10225
- access to
- general remarks
- Gélinas, 1256
- in long-term care. see Long-term care - staff
- and primary care
- recruitment and retention
- Kernaghan, 6218–6219
- role
- safety
- Kernaghan, 6218
- scope of practice
- scope of practice, expansion
- and compensation
- Vaugeois, 8867
- and compensation
- accreditation
- internationally trained, amount of
- Barnes, 1129
- internationally trained, amount of
- BEGIN initiative: Bridging Educational Grant in Nursing
- Dunlop, 552
- compensation
- definition of, regulation
- Shamji, 2408
- degree programs
- education and recruitment support program
- Learn and Stay grant
- Tangri, 1983–1984
- Learn and Stay grant
- education and training
- Learn and Stay grant
- Dunlop, 2429
- Learn and Stay grant
- enrolment rates
- Jones, S., 595
- enrolment rates, funding
- funding
- general remarks
- government strategy
- increase cap
- arbitration decisions. see Public sector compensation - increase cap
- internationally trained
- internationally trained, support programs
- number of
- Martin, 1649
- nurse-patient ratio
- oversight. see College of Nurses of Ontario
- patient-to-nurse ratio
- professional organizations
- recommendations
- Fife, 2848–2849
- recommendations
- programs
- Dunlop, 2376
- programs, rural Ontario
- see also by institution
- Byers, 4275
- recruitment and retention
- recruitment and retention initiatives
- in schools. see under Schools - public health nurses
- shortage
- shortage, impact of
- Vaugeois, 2803
- temporary agency wage premiums
- Gates, 150
- tuition supports, funding
- upskilling
- funding
- Jones, S., 549
- funding
- working conditions
- accreditation
Nurses - education and training
Nurses - employment
- compensation
- contract renewals
- lay offs
- working conditions
Nurses - recruitment and retention
- compensation, impact of
- Fife, 9091
- factors affecting
- Kernaghan, 4558–4559
- general remarks
- government initiatives
- Stiles, 2301
- government strategy
- internationally trained
- recruitment initiatives
- Jones, S., 440
- recruitment initiatives
- non-practicing
- Begum, 1125
- patient-to-nurse ratio, impact
- Andrew, 9566–9567
- programs, funding
- Barnes, 1124
- by region
- Scott, 819
- regional shortages
- Collard, 396
- registered nurses
- Fife, 2880
- statements by stakeholders
- French, 9185
- compensation, impact of
Nurses - temporary agencies
- accountability and oversight
- general remarks
- hiring of
- hiring practices
- northern Ontario
- salaries
- Vanthof, 6080
- wage premiums. see also Long-term care - staff
Nurses - vacancies
- by region
- Kitchener/Waterloo
- Fife, 1975
- Kitchener/Waterloo
- by region