Letter: C
Cabinet ministers
Campaign financing.
see Political fundraising - campaign financingCanadian Agricultural Partnership
Canadian Charter of Rights and Freedoms
Canadian Pacific Railroad
- education and awareness
- projection rates
- Singh, S., 2343
- quality of care
- Gélinas, 205
- screening and diagnosis
- administration
- Martin, 2343
- availability
- Elliott, 2276
- during COVID-19
- Baber, 1078–1079
- prostate-specific antigen (PSA) testing
- OHIP coverage. see under Ontario Health Insurance Plan (OHIP)–service eligibility
- administration
- by type
Cancer - pediatric
Cancer - treatment services
- administration
- Martin, 2343
- cancer care plan (2019-2023)
- Martin, 2343
- government funding
- Kusendova, 2723–2724
- regional availability
- take-home medications, coverage. see under Ontario Drug Benefit Program
- wait times. see also Hospitals - COVID-19–surgical procedures
- administration
Cannabis Licence Amendment Act, 2021 (Bill 29)
- first reading
- Stiles, 414
- first reading
Cannabis - retail
- delivery and pick-up
- licensed retailers
- recreational market share
- Tangri, 1334
- recreational market share
- regulatory framework
- Downey, 770
- store locations
- applications. see under Alcohol and Gaming Commission of Ontario (AGCO)
- general remarks
- Hassan, 769
- local business, impact on
- Fife, 1368–1369
- municipal role in
- proximity restrictions
- regional concentration
- statements by stakeholders
Cap-and-trade program
Carbon Budget Accountability Act, 2021 (Bill 32)
Carbon pricing
Carbon tax
- economic impact
- fuel prices, impact on
- general remarks
- government response to
Career colleges
- Khanjin, 427
- essential caregivers
- Singh, S., 2132
- essential caregivers
Carruthers Creek (Ajax)
Casinos and gaming sector
Casinos and gaming sector - iGaming sector
Centering Youth in Pandemic Recovery Act, 2022
- first reading
- Stiles, 2520
- first reading
Centering Youth in Pandemic Recovery Act, 2022 (Bill 113)
- first reading
- Stiles, 3117
- first reading
Centre for Addiction and Mental Health (CAMH)
- Substance Abuse Program for African Canadian and Caribbean Canadian Youth (SAPACCY)
- government funding
- Tibollo, 1290
- government funding
- Substance Abuse Program for African Canadian and Caribbean Canadian Youth (SAPACCY)
Change of Name Amendment Act, 2021 (Bill 39)
Charities and non-profit organizations
- digital productivity
- Wai, 556
- economic impact
- employees and volunteers
- government funding
- Burch, 1294
- Non-Profit Sector Appreciation Week
- registration process. see also Business–Ontario Business Registry
- revenue generation
- Khanjin, 425
- digital productivity
Charities and non-profit organizations - COVID-19
Chemical and petrochemical industry
Chief Medical Officer of Health
Child and youth services
- government strategy
- Gill, 1670
- government strategy
Child care
Child care - federal-provincial cost agreement
- application period
- contents
- financial impact, projected
- full-day kindergarten, impact of
- general remarks
- government funding
- negotiation
- Andrew, 1090
- Bell, 80, 879, 902, 951–952
- Burch, 463–464
- Calandra, 1090, 1148, 1730, 2168, 2462, 2517
- Collard, 836, 1148
- Fife, 779, 1599, 1605, 1938, 2990
- Ford, 2168
- Fraser, 1822, 1978, 1980–1981, 2517
- Glover, 835, 2029
- Harden, 1423, 1431
- Hassan, 1605
- Hatfield, 537
- Horwath, 818–819, 832, 844, 892–893, 999–1000, 1188, 1532–1533
- Hunter, 688, 780, 910, 2411
- Karpoche, 197–198, 1693–1694, 1730, 2168, 2221
- Kernaghan, 195
- Kusendova, 1431
- Lecce, 80, 197–198, 259, 464, 469, 688–689, 818–819, 892–893, 902, 951–952, 958–959, 999–1000, 1026, 1188–1189, 1259–1260, 1410–1411, 1532–1533, 1537, 1592–1593, 1694, 1900, 2118, 2635
- Morrison, 1259
- Oosterhoff, 1423
- Sattler, 608, 2029
- Schreiner, 838
- Shaw, 879
- Simard, 469, 1839
- Stevens, 1108
- Stiles, 817, 915, 920, 1964–1965
- Tabuns, 403, 1953, 2990
- Taylor, 1147–1148
- Triantafilopoulos, 2760–2761
- Wynne, 1025–1026, 1260, 1536–1537, 1899–1900, 2118
- Yakabuski, 915
- negotiation transparency
- Wynne, 2118
- in other provinces
- public vs. private delivery models
- retroactive compensation
- statements by stakeholders
Child care - providers
- EarlyON centres. see EarlyON centres
- public vs. private
- relative market share
- Lecce, 1259
- relative market share
Child care - spaces
- development
- allocation
- general remarks
- government funding
- implementation timeline
- Stiles, 1432
- sector capacity
- development
Child care - staff
- compensation
- recruitment and retention. see under Early Childhood Educators (ECEs)
- shortage
Child protection system
Child protection system - Indigenous families
- birth alerts
- consultation process
- customary care
- Family Well-Being Program
- Roberts, 2033
- general remarks
- Indigenous-led models
- prevention services
- residential schools, impact of
- staff training
- Mamakwa, 1868
Child welfare
Children and youth
- and COVID-19
- health and well-being
- Taylor, 2996
- health and well-being
- and COVID-19
Children and youth in care
Children's Hospital of Eastern Ontario (CHEO)
- rehabilitation services
- 1Door4Care. see under Developmental services
- rehabilitation services
Children's treatment centres.
see also Autism services; Developmental servicesChinese community
Chippewas of Georgina Island First Nation
- sewer and water infrastructure development
- boil-water advisory
- Harden, 114
- participation and consent. see imder Sewer amd wastewater infrastructure - York region
- boil-water advisory
- sewer and water infrastructure development
Christopher's Law (Sex Offender Registry), 2000,
SO 2000, c 1
Chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD)
- COPD Awareness Day
- Kanapathi, 949
- COPD Awareness Day
Cider and cideries
- Gates, 3103–3104
Civic engagement
Civil forfeiture
- cases
- rooming houses (Orillia)
- Nicholls, 3285
- rooming houses (Orillia)
- conditions of
- legislative reform
- seized money
- Civil Remedies Grant Program. see Civil Remedies Grant Program
- cases
Civil liability
Civil Remedies Grant Program
Clean Trains Now Act, 2022 (Bill 110)
- first reading
- Karpoche, 2767
- first reading
Climate change
- climate impact assessments
- cost projections
- extreme weather events due to
- general remarks
- UN Climate Change Conference (COP26)
Climate change mitigation
Climate Crisis Health Action Plan Act, 2022 (Bill 94)
- first reading
- Karpoche, 2125
- first reading
Coal-fired gas plants
- closure of
- Piccini, 1009
- closure of
College of Physicians and Surgeons of Ontario (CPSO)
- COVID-19 information directives
- Nicholls, 1898
- COVID-19 information directives
College of Traditional Chinese Medicine Practitioners and Acupuncturists of Ontario (CTCMPAO)
- board of directors
- certification exams
- dissolution of
- consultation
- general remarks
- patient safety, impact on
- professional entry, impact on
- Elliott, 2069
- public response to
- termination of investigations
- withdrawal of legislative schedule. see Working for Workers Act, 2022 (Bill 88)—Schedule 5
- practice barriers
Colleges and universities.
see also Post-secondary educationColleges and universities - capital projects
Colleges and universities - COVID-19
- government response
- infection control
- online vs. in-person learning
- vaccination policies
- vaccination rates
Commercial tenancies
- annual rent increases
- Sattler, 2671
- annual rent increases
Committee procedure - standing committees of the Legislature.
see also specific committees- business, consideration of
- chairs and vice-chairs
- legislative authority
- proceedings
- reform
- scheduling
Committee process - standing committees of the Legislature
Community centres
Community events
Community housing
- administration
- service coordination
- Clark, 1030
- service coordination
- advocacy campaigns
- One Percent Solution
- West, 1031
- One Percent Solution
- development
- Skelly, 542
- general remarks
- government funding
- government strategy
- McDonell, 2795
- living conditions
- maintenance and repair
- Fife, 1793
- Ontario Priorities Housing Initiative
- McDonell, 2795
- operational costs
- Armstrong, 1328
- wait-lists
- administration
Community housing by region
Community Housing Renewal Strategy
Community organizations
- French-language designation. see under French-language services
- by region
- Brantford–Brant
- Bouma, 2935
- Brantford–Brant
Community safety
- Crime Prevention Week. see under Police services
- government strategy
Community services
Condominium Authority Ontario (CAO)
Condominium Authority Tribunal
- jurisdiction
- Glover, 1442
- jurisdiction
Condominium development
- general remarks
- Glover, 1441
- pre-construction sale agreements
- consumer protection
- general remarks
- in other jurisdictions
- Glover, 1441
- price adjustment
- consumer protection
- penalties. see under Home Construction Regulatory Authority
- transparency
- Glover, 1441
- project cancellation
- general remarks
Condominium Management Regulatory Authority of Ontario (CMRAO)
- investigation rates
- Bell, 529
- investigation rates
- condominium authority
- public access to information
- Glover, 1442
- public access to information
- condominium guide
- construction development charges
- for education, school boards
- Glover, 1966
- for education, school boards
- consumer protection
- EV charging stations
- installation costs
- Glover, 470
- installation costs
- legislation
- oversight
- general remarks
- regulatory bodies
- Condominium Authority Ontairo (CAO). see Condominium Authority Ontario (CAO)
- Condominium Management Regulatory Authority of Ontario (CMRAO). see Condominium Management Regulatory Authority of Ontario (CMRAO)
- review of
- Bailey, 529
- statutory
- Bailey, 529
- ownership
- information sharing
- Glover, 1447
- information sharing
- transparency
- Glover, 1441
- condominium authority
Congregate care facilities
Congregate care facilities - COVID-19
Connected Communities Act, 2022 (Bill 104)
Connecting Care Amendment Act (Patient Bill of Rights), 2021 (Bill 15)
- first reading
- Fraser, 161
- first reading
Conservation areas
- Grand Rivier Watershed Network
- digital promotion
- Bouma, 2160
- digital promotion
- Grand Rivier Watershed Network
Conservation authorities
- government funding
- Piccini, 265
- government funding
Conservation Halton
- Kelso Conservation Area
- Piccini, 265–266
- Kelso Conservation Area
Conservation reserves
Constance Lake First Nation
- blastomycosis outbreak
- Bourgouin, 1402
- blastomycosis outbreak
Constituency offices
- staff appreciation
- Roberts, 1723
- staff appreciation
Construction industry
Consumer protection
- administration of
- government services
- Romano, 2205
- government services
- auto insurance. see under Automobile insurance rates
- Consumer Protection Act, 2002, SO 2002, c 30. see under Consumer Protection Act, 2002, SO 2002, c 30
- fraud prevention
- general remarks
- government strategy
- news media reports
- Rakocevic, 2201–2202
- price gouging
- real estate industry
- Romano. see under Real estate industry - regulatory reform
- regulation and enforcement
- senior citizens
- fraud. see under Senior citizens - fraud committed against
- Tarion Warranty Corp.
- administration of
Consumer Protection Act, 2002,
SO 2002, c 30
- businesses in violation of
- protections under
- Romano, 2204–2205
- reform
- public consultation
- Romano, 2206
- public consultation
- regulation and enforcement
- penalities and fines
- Romano, 2205
- penalities and fines
Consumer protection - reform
Consumption and treatment services
- funding. see under Mental health and addictions services - funding–by program
- general remarks
- sites
- sites by region
Cootes Paradise Water Accountability Act, 2021 (Bill 63)
- first reading
- Shaw, 1416
- first reading
Cornwall Police Service
- chief, appointment of
- Spowart, Shawna
- McDonell, 626
- Spowart, Shawna
- chief, appointment of
- privately-owned
- beneficial ownership information, collection and disclosure
- Bell, 576–577
- beneficial ownership information, collection and disclosure
- privately-owned
Correctional facilities
Correctional facilities - youth detention centres
Cost of living
- cost drivers
- supply chain shortages
- Schreiner, 3011
- supply chain shortages
- general remarks
- Begum, 1723
- Bethlenfalvy, 3149
- Bisson, 1137, 1140, 1276
- Blais, 1650, 2936
- Bouma, 2968, 3128–3129
- Bourgouin, 840
- Calandra, 628
- Crawford, 3130
- Fife, 1576, 1770, 2973–2974
- Gretzky, 1075, 1825, 1863
- Harden, 3018–3019
- Hassan, 2627
- Horwath, 833
- Hunter, 910
- Kanapathi, 2060
- Parsa, 3125
- Rakocevic, 843, 990
- Shaw, 842
- Singh, G., 2616
- Singh, S., 2937
- Tabuns, 2987–2988
- Vanthof, 3106–3107
- government strategy
- Bethlenfalvy, 2457, 3107, 3150
- Blais, 1967, 2936
- Bouma, 2677, 3129–3130, 3276
- Calandra, 1967
- Cho, S., 1927
- Coe, 2970, 3016
- Crawford, 3132, 3274
- Fedeli, 2983–2984
- Fife, 2978–2979, 3138, 3141
- Ford, 2014
- Fraser, 1822
- Horwath, 834, 2014
- Kanapathi, 1821, 2061
- Karpoche, 1844–1845
- Kernaghan, 3145
- Kusendova, 3036
- Miller, N., 3142–3143
- Monteith-Farrell, 3004
- Oosterhoff, 3179
- Parsa, 2962–2965, 3125
- Rasheed, 3152
- Roberts, 2034
- Sabawy, 2936
- Sattler, 2980–2981
- Scott, 3012, 3015–3016
- Singh, S., 2938
- Smith, D., 2990–2991
- Stevens, 3144–3145
- Tabuns, 2991
- Vanthof, 3155
- Yakabuski, 3133, 3145
- Yarde, 2273
- and minimum wage. see Employment standards - minimum wage—and cost of living
- by region
- statements by stakeholders
- French, 841
- cost drivers
Court administration
- essential workers. see also specific industry
- compensation
- wages
- Fraser, 648
- wages
- first responders. see Emergency services - COVID-19
- general remarks
- health care. see Health care workers
- mental health supports
- Taylor, 680
- post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD)
- Taylor, 727
- service industries
- compensation
- fatalities
- general remarks
- medical exemptions
- general remarks
- Rickford, 3364
- general remarks
- public response to
- Telehealth
- McNaughton, 598
- variants of concern
- essential workers. see also specific industry
COVID-19 - community impact
- by region
- Brampton
- Yarde, 2705–2706
- Brampton
- by region
COVID-19 - economic recovery
- general remarks
- government funding
- government strategy
- Northern Ontario Recovery Program
COVID-19 - emergency orders.
see also Reopening Ontario (A Flexible Response to COVID-19) Act, 2020, SO 2020, c 17- compliance with
- Bisson, 1042
- creation of
- extension
- gathering restrictions
- McDonell, 52
- general remarks
- legislative codification of
- alcohol delivery
- Crawford, 1055
- cannabis delivery and pick-up
- commercial deliveries
- digital services
- general remarks
- restaurant patio service
- alcohol delivery
- price gouging. see also under Consumer protection
- reporting requirements
- site-specific. see under specific site
- status of
- stay-at-home orders. see under COVID-19 - provincial states of emergency
- termination and non-renewal
- transparency and accountability. see under Select Committee on Emergency Management Oversight
- compliance with
COVID-19 - equity-seeking groups
COVID-19 - essential service workers, compensation
COVID-19 - government response
- decision-making
- funding
- general remarks
- Anand, 2107
- Arthur, 1058
- Baber, 248, 1023–1024, 1076–1079, 1261–1262, 1688, 1695
- Bisson, 1042, 1277
- Blais, 200, 1591
- Burch, 2908
- Calandra, 239, 1253, 1413, 1629, 3112, 3236, 3365
- Elliott, 1023–1024, 1261–1262, 3034
- Fife, 307–308, 1690–1691, 1788, 3137
- Fraser, 1256
- Gates, 1067
- Gill, 1315
- Gretzky, 1074–1075
- Harden, 45–46
- Harris, 286–287
- Hassan, 1101–1102
- Karahalios, 2106
- Mantha, 2866
- McDonell, 51–53, 542
- McKenna, 181
- McNaughton, 1965
- Miller, N., 1297
- Morrison, 1424–1425
- Nicholls, 2271
- Parsa, 186
- Pettapiece, 554–555
- Phillips, 169–171
- Sabawy, 54–55
- Sarkaria, 3197
- Schreiner, 1296
- Stevens, 1107
- Thanigasalam, 1212
- Wai, 56–57
- Yakabuski, 1111–1112
- Yarde, 1158
- government communications
- implementation timeline
- new variants
- in other jurisdictions
- oversight and review committees
- long-term care. see Long-term care - COVID-19 review commission
- in other jurisdictions
- Triantafilopoulos, 50
- select committee. see Select Committee on Emergency Management Oversight
- post-response evaluation
- public consultation
- public health measures. see also COVID-19 - emergency orders
- consultation
- general remarks
- local authority
- Fraser, 3110
- removal of
- statements by stakeholders
- Triantafilopoulos, 50
- variants of concern
- general remarks
- Miller, P., 1320
- general remarks
COVID-19 Memorial Day Act, 2021 (Bill 66)
- first reading
- Armstrong, 1477
- first reading
COVID-19 - prevention
- case and contact tracing
- Jones, 8
- general remarks
- international entry restrictions
- masking mandates, termination of
- consultation
- general remarks
- high-risk settings
- in other jurisdictions
- transmission rates, impact on
- Plexiglas
- ventilation
- case and contact tracing
COVID-19 - provincial reopening
- capacity restrictions, removal of
- framework consultation
- Elliott, 1534
- general remarks
- implementation timeline
- masking mandates, termination. see under COVID-19 - prevention
- public health measures
- Anand, 2108
COVID-19 - provincial states of emergency
COVID-19 - public health protests
- criminal offences, enfocement of
- general remarks
- protest convoys. see Protest convoys
- safe zones
COVID-19 - testing
- funding allocations
- Crawford, 1055
- government strategy
- international travellers
- pharmacy locations
- rapid antigen tests
- access locations
- cost to access
- distribution rates
- distribution strategy
- supply
- service capacity
- testing sites
- wastewater surveillance program
- funding allocations
COVID-19 - transmission
- asymptomatic
- Harden, 45
- in hospital settings
- Martin, 765
- infection rates
- mode of
- Baber, 1077
- post-infection immunity
- school-aged children
- seasonal variation
- Baber, 1076
- asymptomatic
COVID-19 - treatment
COVID-19 - vaccination
- alternatives to
- negative test results
- Karahalios, 87
- negative test results
- children under 12
- consent
- general remarks
- Miller, N., 1281
- government strategy
- in other jurisdictions
- Provincial Vaccine Confidence Line
- vaccine approval. see under COVID-19 - vaccines
- consent
- Nicholls, 632
- as economic policy
- Calandra, 900
- effectiveness
- general remarks
- impact on hospitalization rates
- impact on transmission. see under COVID-19 - transmission
- vs. post-infection immunity
- Elliott, 2577
- employer-led clinics
- Romano, 1859
- fourth dose
- approval
- Elliott, 2762
- approval
- general remarks
- government strategy
- medical exemptions
- mobile and pop-up clinics
- Operation Remote Immunity
- Elliott, 2016
- promotional compaigns
- regional allocations
- registration portal
- third dose
- vaccination policies
- vaccination rates
- children under 12
- general remarks
- Anand, 2107
- Arthur, 1060
- Bailey, 183
- Calandra, 48, 152, 1021, 1141, 1348, 1652, 1699, 2019
- Coe, 174
- Cuzzetto, 1051, 1282
- Elliott, 28–29, 84, 153, 250, 295, 363–364, 406, 463, 630, 690, 822, 896, 1018, 1256, 2762, 3106
- Ford, 79
- Fraser, 2711, 2762
- Ghamari, 83–84
- Hogarth, 11, 176, 1040
- Jones, 7, 467, 1036
- Lecce, 158
- Martin, 773
- McDonell, 52
- McKenna, 181
- McNaughton, 26, 30, 205, 258, 368–369, 525
- Miller, N., 1281, 1283
- Pang, 1105, 1577
- Parsa, 187, 1570
- Phillips, 153, 171
- Walker, 1080
- other jurisdictions
- Bisson, 1044
- youth
- vaccine hesitancy
- alternatives to
COVID-19 - vaccination by population
COVID-19 - vaccination passports and certificates
COVID-19 - vaccines
- developers
- revenue generation
- Nicholls, 3244
- revenue generation
- efficacy
- Pfizer
- safety
- developers
Craft breweries
- sale locations
- farmer's markets
- Harris, 358–359
- farmer's markets
- sale locations
Creating Safe Zones around Hospitals, Other Health Facilities, Schools and Child Care Centres Act, 2021 (Bill 2)
- first reading
- Fraser, 33
- first reading
Credit unions and caisse populaires
- government strategy
- Harris, 201
- proceeds of
- civil forfeiture. see Civil forfeiture
- government strategy
Crown liability
Cycling infrastructure
- bike lanes
- environmental assessment process
- Khanjin, 62
- environmental assessment process
- bike lanes
- independence day
- Triantafilopoulos, 148
- independence day
Cystic fibrosis
- lung transplantation
- Monteith-Farrell, 3029
- prescription drug coverage. see Ontario Drug Benefit Program
- lung transplantation