Letter: B
Bail and bail hearings
Baku Massacre (1990).
see under ArmeniaBangladesh genocide (1971)
Bangladeshi community
- International Mother Language Day monument
- Berns-McGown, 2538
- International Mother Language Day monument
Basic Income Pilot.
see also Social assistance programsBasic Income Pilot cancellation
Basic income programs
Batchewana First Nation
- economic development
- Rickford, 4232
- economic development
Battle of the Hatpins Day Act, 2021 (Bill 258)
- first reading
- Bourgouin, 11856
- first reading
Bearskin Lake First Nation
Beck, Adam.
see also Electricity system; HydroelectricityBeer
Beer Store, The
Beer Store, The - master framework agreement
Beer Store, The - master framework agreement cancellation
Bees Act,
RSO 1990, c B.6
Behaviour analysts.
see also Applied behaviour analysis; Ontario Autism Program- client populations
- education and training
- regulation of
- general remarks
- implementation process
- Martin, 13858
- regulatory body. see College of Psychologists and Behaviour Analysts of Ontario
- stakeholder consultation
- role and responsibilities
- title protection
- Sabawy, 13216
Bells of Peace initiative
- Stevens, 2087
Better for People, Smarter for Business Act, 2019 (Bill 132)
- first reading
- Sarkaria, 5647
- second reading, 5820–5833, 5871–5889, 5917–5936, 6034–6035
- Andrew, 5828, 5924, 5930, 5933–5934
- Armstrong, 5930–5934
- Arthur, 5917–5918, 5921
- Bell, 5918–5920, 5925
- Bouma, 5829
- Calandra, 5874–5875, 5923–5925
- Coe, 5875, 5935
- Fife, 5876–5883, 5885
- Gates, 5884
- Gill, 5924
- Glover, 5828–5829
- Hassan, 5832
- Hogarth, 5828
- Karahalios, 5871–5876
- Khanjin, 5889
- Mamakwa, 5875, 5889
- Mantha, 5922, 5929
- Martin, 5925
- Martow, 5885–5889
- McKenna, 5888
- Mitas, 5929
- Morrison, 5920–5921, 5934
- Parsa, 5921–5922
- Rakocevic, 5925–5930
- Sabawy, 5934
- Sarkaria, 5820–5823, 5829, 5832, 5883–5884
- Sattler, 5874, 5884–5885
- Schreiner, 5921, 5923
- Singh, G., 5920, 5923
- Skelly, 5823–5825, 5832, 5884, 5920
- Tabuns, 5832–5833
- Tangri, 5825–5828, 5920
- Thompson, 5922
- Vanthof, 5829–5833
- Wai, 5933
- Yarde, 5888
- division (carried), 6034–6035
- time allocation motion, 5969–5984, 6010
- third reading, 6688–6706, 6746–6765, 6767–6772
- Arthur, 6746–6752
- Barrett, 6769–6771
- Fife, 6691–6696
- Fraser, 6769
- French, 6764–6765, 6767–6769
- Kanapathi, 6762–6764
- Kusendova, 6757–6759
- Pang, 6771–6772
- Sarkaria, 6688–6691
- Sattler, 6698–6702
- Schreiner, 6702–6704
- Singh, G., 6755–6757
- Skelly, 6696–6698
- Smith, D., 6752–6755
- Tangri, 6704–6706
- West, 6759–6762
- division (carried), 6784
- Royal assent, 6784–6785
- first reading
Better for People, Smarter for Business Act, 2020 (Bill 213)
- first reading
- Sarkaria, 9623
- second reading, 9671–9681, 9827–9836, 9853–9870, 10586–10610, 10623–10628, 10663–10666, 10686
- Anand, 10626
- Andrew, 9680–9681
- Armstrong, 10603–10607
- Arthur, 9857, 9861, 9869–9870
- Babikian, 10599, 10603, 10623–10624, 10627–10628
- Bell, 10597–10600
- Berns-McGown, 10589, 10593
- Bisson, 9835
- Burch, 9679, 10626
- Calandra, 9680–9681
- Cho, S., 9674–9676
- Coe, 9857, 9861, 10590, 10596, 10602, 10607, 10623
- Collard, 9862–9865
- Crawford, 9869
- Cuzzetto, 9836
- Fife, 9827–9836
- Fraser, 10664–10665
- Gates, 9680
- Ghamari, 9835, 9862, 9865
- Glover, 9836, 10595–10596, 10598–10599, 10602, 10607
- Hassan, 9836
- Hatfield, 10590, 10594
- Hunter, 10594–10596
- Kanapathi, 9856
- Karahalios, 10624–10627
- Kernaghan, 10590–10595
- Khanjin, 10595–10596, 10598, 10600, 10603
- Kramp, 9865–9870
- McKenna, 10606
- Mitas, 9676–9679, 10589, 10594
- Monteith-Farrell, 10624
- Morrison, 10623, 10627, 10665
- Nicholls, 10626, 10663–10665
- Oosterhoff, 10590, 10593–10594, 10599–10601
- Rakocevic, 10600, 10603
- Sarkaria, 9671–9674, 9679–9681
- Sattler, 10608–10610, 10623–10624
- Schreiner, 10596, 10600–10601
- Shaw, 9857, 9862, 9870
- Simard, 9864
- Singh, S., 9861–9862, 9865, 10589, 10601–10603
- Skelly, 9835, 9853–9857, 9861, 9864
- Smith, D., 9865, 9869–9870
- Stiles, 9857–9862, 10599, 10606–10607
- Tangri, 10586–10590, 10627, 10665
- Taylor, 9856, 10594, 10623, 10627–10628, 10664
- Wai, 10607
- division (carried), 10686
- public consultation
- time allocation motion, 10667–10672, 10690–10694, 10783–10784
- presented
- Khanjin, 10667–10668
- responded to
- Andrew, 10693–10694
- Bisson, 10690–10691
- Collard, 10669–10670
- Fife, 10692–10693
- Hunter, 10691–10692
- Morrison, 10670–10671
- Sattler, 10668–10669
- Schreiner, 10671–10672
- Taylor, 10672
- division (carried), 10783–10784
- presented
- third reading, 11105–11118, 11139
- Armstrong, 11118
- Fife, 11107–11109
- Fraser, 11109
- Glover, 11117–11118
- Kernaghan, 11112–11113
- Sattler, 11114–11116
- Schreiner, 11113–11114
- Skelly, 11109–11112
- Tangri, 11105–11107
- Wynne, 11116–11117
- division (carried), 11139
- Royal assent, 11212
- first reading
Better Local Government Act, 2018 (Bill 5)
- first reading
- second reading, 604–619, 648–658, 688–722, 820–821
- Anand, 717
- Andrew, 612
- Armstrong, 689
- Baber, 706–710
- Babikian, 715–718
- Begum, 700
- Bell, 611–612
- Bisson, 689, 721
- Bouma, 689
- Burch, 690–692
- Calandra, 648–652, 655
- Cho, R.S.J., 714–715
- Clark, 604–608, 612–613
- Coteau, 701–706
- Downey, 717
- Fife, 704–705, 710–712, 714
- Fraser, 708–709
- Ghamari, 656
- Harden, 696–699, 701, 713–714
- Hassan, 708, 717
- Hogarth, 610–611
- Horwath, 613–615
- Kanapathi, 696
- Karahalios, 709
- Khanjin, 712–713
- Lindo, 695, 716–720, 722
- MacLeod, 721
- Martin, 700, 713
- McDonell, 608–610
- Oosterhoff, 695
- Park, 705
- Piccini, 690, 692–696, 720–721
- Rakocevic, 651, 656
- Rasheed, 657–658, 690
- Sabawy, 700
- Sattler, 651, 655
- Singh, G., 700–701, 705, 709, 721–722
- Smith, D., 612
- Stevens, 695–696
- Stiles, 652–656
- Tabuns, 615–619
- Thanigasalam, 612, 651–652
- Wai, 651
- Yakabuski, 704
- Yarde, 713
- division (carried), 820–821
- time allocation motion, 723–729, 740–741, 767–768, 788–789, 813–815
- third reading, 821–830
- drafting of
- Horwath, 1025
- Royal assent, 831
Bicycle safety.
see Cycling safetyBig Brothers Big Sisters
Big Trout Lake First Nation.
see Kitchenuhmaykoosib Inninuwug First NationBill 21,
An Act Respecting the Laicity of the State
see Religious symbols - Quebec restrictions onBills referred to committee
- Private members' public bills
- Accessible Parking and Towing Industry Review Committee Act, 2018 (Bill 39), 1916
- Algoma University Amendment Act, 2019 (Bill 79), 3737
- Alternate Land Use and Services Program for Agricultural Land Act, 2018 (Bill 28), 1305
- Broadband is an Essential Service Act, 2020 (Bill 226), 10898
- Brunt and Kendall Act (Ensuring Safe Firefighter and Trainee Rescue Training), 2018 (Bill 10), 2126
- Caregiver Recognition Act, 2018 (Bill 59), 2913
- Change of Name Amendment Act, 2020 (Bill 206), 9338
- Christopher's Law (Sex Offender Registry) Amendment Act, 2021 (Bill 281), 13409
- Closing Oversight Loopholes for Home Care Clinics Act, 2019 (Bill 102), 4745
- Combating Antisemitism Act, 2020 (Bill 168), 7271
- Combatting Litter for the Environment and Nature Act, 2019 (Bill 130), 5819
- Compassionate Care Act, 2020 (Bill 3), 400
- Convenience Store Week Act, 2021 (Bill 262), 12171
- COPD Awareness Day Act, 2021 (Bill 157), 6687
- Cutting Red Tape for Motor Vehicle Dealers Act, 2018 (Bill 50), 2546–2547
- Day of Remembrance and Action on Islamophobia Act, 2019 (Bill 83), 4155
- Defibrillator Registration and Public Access Act, 2020 (Bill 141), 6248–6249
- Ditch the Switch Act, 2020 (Bill 174), 7743
- Eating Disorders Awareness Week Act, 2020 (Bill 61), 2913
- Education Statute Law Amendment Act (Fetal Alcohol Spectrum Disorder), 2020 (Bill 172), 10273
- Egyptian Heritage Month Act, 2019 (Bill 106), 5627
- Employment Standards Amendment Act (Sick Notes), 2020 (Bill 200), 9877
- End the Public Funding of Partisan Government Advertising Act, 2019 (Bill 101), 4943
- Ending Discrimination in Automobile Insurance Act, 2018 (Bill 42), 3737–3738
- Ensuring Transparency and Integrity in Political Party Elections Act, 2019 (Bill 150), 6900–6901
- Exalting Our Veterans Act, 2020 (Bill 221), 10316
- Fairness for Residential Superintendents, Janitors and Caretakers Act, 2020 (Bill 210), 10718
- Fairness in Petroleum Products Pricing Act, 2018 (Bill 7), 912
- Filipino Heritage Month Act, 2021 (Bill 217), 12277
- Food Day Canada in Ontario (in Honour of Anita Stewart) Act, 2021 (Bill 163), 7057
- Food Literacy for Students Act, 2020 (Bill 216), 9823
- Fostering Privacy Fairness Act, 2021 (Bill 237), 12834
- Franco-Ontarian Emblem Amendment Act, 2020 (Bill 182), 7742–7743
- Freeing Highways 412 and 418 Act (Toll Highway Amendments), 2020 (Bill 43), 10519
- Front-line and Essential Service Worker Week Act, 2021 (Bill 230), 11041
- Garrett's Legacy Act (Requirements for Movable Soccer Goals), 2018 (Bill 11), 604
- Genocide Awareness, Commemoration, Prevention and Education Month Act, 2019 (Bill 97), 4943
- Golden Girls Act, 2019 (Bill 69), 3368
- Great Lakes Protection Amendment Act, 2020 (Bill 166), 7514
- Hellenic Heritage Month Act, 2019 (Bill 77), 3954
- Highway Traffic Amendment Act (Air Brake Endorsements), 2019 (Bill 142), 6248
- Highway Traffic Amendment Act (Electronic Logging Devices), 2020 (Bill 223), 10062
- Highway Traffic Amendment Act (Helmet Exemption for Sikh Motorcyclists), 2018 (Bill 41), 1711
- Human Rights Code Amendment Act (Genetic Characteristics), 2018 (Bill 40), 1711
- Inherent Right to Safe Drinking Water Act, 2021 (Bill 286), 13422–13423
- Keeping Polystyrene Out of Ontario's Lakes and Rivers Act, 2021 (Bill 228), 11496
- Keeping Students Safe on School Buses Act (Highway Traffic Amendment), 2018 (Bill 56), 2764
- Life Settlements and Loans Act, 2020 (Bill 219), 10153
- Long-Term Care Homes Amendment Act (Preference for Veterans), 2018 (Bill 51), 2340
- Long-Term Care Homes Amendment (Till Death Do Us Part) Act, 2019 (Bill 153), 6900
- Lupus Awareness Day Act, 2021 (Bill 112), 6033
- Magna Carta Day Act (In Memory of Julia Munro, MPP), 2020 (Bill 201), 9143
- Mandatory Police Training Act, 2019 (Bill 105), 5198
- Ministry of Community and Social Services Amendment Act (Social Assistance Research Commission), 2019 (Bill 60), 5197
- More Than a Visitor Act (Caregiving in Congregate Care Settings), 2020 (Bill 203), 9338
- Nancy Rose Act (Paediatric Hospice Palliative Care Strategy), 2019 (Bill 114), 5390
- Nikola Tesla Day Act, 2021 (Bill 293), 14042
- 9-1-1 Everywhere in Ontario Act, 2019 (Bill 75), 4943
- Noah and Gregory's Law (Transition to Adult Developmental Services and Supports), 2019 (Bill 64), 3154–3155
- Non-Profit Sector Appreciation Week Act, 2021 (Bill 285), 13354
- Northern Health Travel Grant Advisory Committee Act, 2019 (Bill 144), 6688
- Occupational Safety and Health Day Act, 2021 (Bill 152), 6495
- Occupiers' Liability Amendment Act, 2020 (Bill 118), 5627
- Ontario Day Act, 2021 (Bill 173), 7271
- Organic Products Act, 2018 (Bill 54), 2764
- Paris Galt Moraine Conservation Act, 2019 (Bill 71), 3556
- Persian Heritage Month Act, 2021 (Bill 271), 12722
- Planning Amendment Act, 2019 (Bill 88), 5390
- Poet Laureate of Ontario Act (In Memory of Gord Downie), 2019 (Bill 6), 1108
- Prohibiting Hate-Promoting Demonstrations at Queen's Park Act, 2019 (Bill 84), 4155
- Protecting Ontarians by Enhancing Gas Station Safety to Prevent Gas and Dash Act, 2020 (Bill 231), 10544
- Protecting Our Pets Act, 2019 (Bill 65), 3555–3556
- Protecting Vulnerable Persons in Supportive Living Accommodation Act, 2020 (Bill 164), 10161
- PTSD Awareness Day Act, 2018 (Bill 9), 603–604
- Public Accountability and Lobbyist Transparency Act, 2020 (Bill 162), 7057
- Public Safety Related to Dogs Statute Law Amendment Act, 2019 (Bill 147), 6249
- Rea and Walter Act (Truss and Lightweight Construction Identification), 2018 (Bill 33), 1515
- Recovery Month Act, 2021 (Bill 250), 12016
- Registered Professional Planners Act, 2019 (Bill 70), 3368
- Reserved Parking for Electric Vehicle Charging Act, 2019 (Bill 123), 6495
- Right to Timely Mental Health and Addiction Care for Children and Youth Act, 2019 (Bill 63), 3154
- Safeguarding our Information Act, 2018 (Bill 55), 2763
- Safer School Buses Act, 2021 (Bill 246), 11760
- Scottish Heritage Day Act, 2021 (Bill 208), 9536–9537
- Senior Volunteer Appreciation Week Act, 2021 (Bill 270), 12685
- Seniors' Advocate Act, 2020 (Bill 196), 9725
- Sickle Cell Disease Awareness Day and Thalassemia Awareness Day Act, 2021 (Bill 255), 11710
- Sikh Genocide Awareness Week Act, 2020 (Bill 177), 7742
- Stop Cyberbullying in Ontario Day Act, 2019 (Bill 154), 6687
- Supporting Ontario's Community, Rural and Agricultural Newspapers Act, 2019 (Bill 78), 3954
- Tamil Genocide Education Week Act, 2021 (Bill 104), 5198
- Tax Fairness for Real Estate Professionals Act, 2018 (Bill 38), 1711
- Teach the Reach Act, 2019 (Bill 89), 4523
- Terrorist Activities Sanctions Act, 2018 (Bill 46), 2340–2341
- Time Amendment Act, 2020 (Bill 214), 9670
- Time to Care Act (Long-Term Care Homes Amendment, Minimum Standard of Daily Care), 2020 (Bill 13), 10137
- Trespass to Property Amendment Act (Protecting Consumers from Package Piracy), 2021 (Bill 243), 11324
- United Nations Declaration on the Rights of Indigenous Peoples Act, 2019 (Bill 76), 3737
- Private members' public bills
see also Language educationBiogas
Biomass electricity generation
Black community
Black Mental Health Day Act, 2020 (Bill 178)
- first reading
- Karpoche, 7313
- first reading
Black Youth Action Plan
Blair, Brad.
see also Ontario Provincial Police (OPP)Blind and partially-sighted persons
- Project Spotlight
- Wai, 6621
- Project Spotlight
Blood disorders
- medical training and resources
- Khanjin, 13824–13825
- sickle cell disease. see Sickle cell disease
- thalassemia
- prevalence
- Khanjin, 13824
- public awareness. see under Public education campaigns - health
- prevalence
- treatment access
- Khanjin, 13824–13825
- medical training and resources
Blood donation
Board of Internal Economy
- parliamentary privilege
- Calandra, 6915–6916
- parliamentary privilege
Boating, recreational
Bombardier Inc.
- illegal
- Hogarth, 8631–8632
- illegal
Border crossings
- Gordie Howe International Bridge
- Indigenous art project
- Hatfield, 9307
- Indigenous art project
- Gordie Howe International Bridge
Boulet, Logan.
see also Organ and tissue donationBracci-Selvey, Devan.
see also Bullying and cyberbullyingBreast cancer
Bridge infrastructure
Bringing Choice and Fairness to the People Act (Beverage Alcohol Retail Sales), 2019 (Bill 115)
- first reading
- Fedeli, 5218
- second reading, 5393–5449, 5527–5528
- Armstrong, 5435
- Babikian, 5443
- Bell, 5411, 5425, 5430–5431, 5434
- Des Rosiers, 5422–5425
- Downey, 5396–5402
- Fedeli, 5393–5396
- Ford, 5420, 5439
- Fraser, 5401
- Gates, 5416
- Ghamari, 5439–5440
- Glover, 5424–5425, 5431–5433, 5435–5436
- Gretzky, 5417–5422
- Harris, 5414–5417, 5425
- Hassan, 5420, 5447–5448
- Hogarth, 5427–5428, 5430
- Karahalios, 5420–5421
- Kramp, 5433
- Lecce, 5445–5449
- Mantha, 5421, 5434, 5443–5444, 5448
- Martow, 5412–5413
- McDonell, 5448
- Miller, N., 5429
- Morrison, 5411–5412, 5429, 5444
- Natyshak, 5428–5429, 5433, 5439–5445
- Pang, 5433–5434
- Parsa, 5401, 5425–5427, 5435
- Sabawy, 5448
- Sandhu, 5436
- Schreiner, 5434–5436
- Shaw, 5402–5412
- Skelly, 5416, 5429
- Smith, D., 5415–5416, 5424, 5436–5440
- Stiles, 5401
- Surma, 5411, 5444
- Tabuns, 5400–5401, 5415, 5440
- division (carried), 5560–5561
- time allocation motion, 5477–5493, 5515
- third reading, 5570–5577
- Royal assent, 5601
- first reading
British Home Children
- memorial plaque
- Morrison, 1438
- memorial plaque
Broadband infrastructure
Broadband infrastructure development.
see also Infrastructure - telecommunications- acceleration
- Crawford, 12482
- Ghamari, 11999, 12007
- Pang, 12495–12496
- Scott, 11783–11784, 11897, 12470, 12497, 12696
- Smith, D., 11837
- cost of
- Scott, 9014
- as economic policy
- Lecce, 2506
- Smith, D., 11836–11837
- and economic recovery
- general remarks
- geographic allocation
- Vanthof, 10892
- government strategy
- consultation process
- McNaughton, 294
- general remarks
- Bailey, 11561
- Collard, 10897
- Cuzzetto, 9114
- Fife, 11881
- Ford, 9212
- Harris, 11850
- Hatfield, 11793
- Lecce, 2334
- Mamakwa, 2333
- McNaughton, 2333
- Monteith-Farrell, 10894
- Pettapiece, 11773
- Piccini, 12696
- Scott, 7948, 11773, 11850, 12697
- Simard, 294
- Smith, D., 11836
- Thompson, 4228
- Vanthof, 2331, 10892
- Walker, 11900
- Wilson, 7947
- implementation timeline
- progress reporting
- regional development models
- Vanthof, 10893
- consultation process
- in Indigenous communities
- last-mile connections
- Vanthof, 11944
- legislative terminology
- Bailey, 11993
- Bourgouin, 12477–12478
- Crawford, 12483
- French, 11926–11927
- Schreiner, 12479
- Shaw, 11992–11993
- Vanthof, 12488
- Matawa broadband project
- Smith, D., 7510
- northern and rural Ontario
- Bailey, 11993
- Barrett, 11916
- Bourgouin, 12477–12478
- Coe, 10476, 10703
- Crawford, 12483
- Fedeli, 2320
- French, 11926–11928, 11935–11936
- Gélinas, 10338, 11944
- Ghamari, 10340
- Gill, 12029
- Harris, 11992, 11995, 12023, 12029
- Khanjin, 11994, 11998
- Lecce, 1453
- Mantha, 9459, 12761
- Martin, 11067
- McDonell, 11905–11906
- Miller, N., 10338
- Monteith-Farrell, 10894
- Mulroney, 10020
- Nicholls, 11935
- Phillips, 10438
- Piccini, 11176–11177, 11936–11937
- Schreiner, 11995, 12479
- Shaw, 11992–11993
- Skelly, 11167, 11995
- Smith, D., 11939–11940
- Stiles, 12485
- Thanigasalam, 11050
- Triantafilopoulos, 10476
- Vanthof, 9258, 10892–10893, 12488
- Yakabuski, 12026, 12029
- in other provinces
- Vanthof, 2331
- private sector development
- stakeholder response
- Barrett, 11916
- Crawford, 12482–12484
- French, 11926–11928
- underground infrastructure
- use of electricity infrastructure
- use of municipal rights-of-way
- French, 11926
- McDonell, 11904–11905
- Scott, 11897, 11899, 11907
- Skelly, 11996
- Walker, 11900–11901
- acceleration
Broadband infrastructure development - government funding
- federal
- provincial
- Anand, 12448
- Bethlenfalvy, 12201
- Bouma, 12544
- Cho, S., 11155
- Coe, 10794, 12446
- Crawford, 12295, 12481
- Cuzzetto, 12486
- Gill, 12295, 12403, 12422–12423, 12425
- Harris, 11173, 12555
- Hunter, 10461, 10703
- Kramp, 11169
- Martin, 10310
- McNaughton, 5366–5367
- Mulroney, 11017
- Nicholls, 12470
- Park, 12374
- Pettapiece, 11949
- Phillips, 10367, 11148
- Roberts, 10538, 10706
- Sarkaria, 14003
- Scott, 9459–9460, 12470, 12496–12497, 12602
- Skelly, 11168–11169, 11995, 12602
- Wai, 12493
Broadband infrastructure development programs
- Eastern Ontario Regional Network (EORN)
- Gill, 12459
- McDonell, 11904
- Pettapiece, 11948
- Piccini, 11937–11938, 11940
- Roberts, 10895
- Scott, 11898, 11906
- Smith, D., 11939–11940
- Improving Connectivity for Ontario (ICON)
- Southwestern Integrated Fibre Technology (SWIFT) project
- Up to Speed program. see also Broadband infrastructure development–government strategy
- Eastern Ontario Regional Network (EORN)
Broadband is an Essential Service Act, 2020 (Bill 226)
- first reading
- Vanthof, 10239–10240
- second reading, 10892–10898
- referred to Standing Committee on General Government, 10898
- first reading
Broadband services
- billing
- Connected for Success
- Ghamari, 12006–12007
- and COVID-19
- economic impact
- as essential service
- Blais, 11946
- Collard, 10897
- Gates, 12000, 12003
- Lindo, 12031
- Mantha, 2335
- Monteith-Farrell, 10894
- Pang, 10893–10894
- Piccini, 5366
- Roberts, 10895
- Schreiner, 10894–10895, 11837–11838, 11994
- Simard, 2336
- Singh, S., 10896–10897
- Stiles, 10895
- Vanthof, 2331–2332, 10892–10893, 11784, 11941
- general remarks
- in northern and rural Ontario
- Crawford, 12481–12482
- Gates, 12000
- Gélinas, 10329–10330, 11070, 12368–12369
- Ghamari, 12006–12007
- Harris, 12027
- Hillier, 5912
- Khanjin, 11997, 12101–12102
- Mantha, 9459, 12373–12374
- Pettapiece, 11948
- Sattler, 12103
- Shaw, 11990
- Taylor, 11993–11994
- Wai, 10532
- Ontera, sale of
- regulation
- service quality
- statements by stakeholders
Broadband services - access to
- in agriculture
- economic impact
- general remarks
- Bailey, 5366–5367
- Bisson, 8936
- Gélinas, 11835–11836
- Ghamari, 12004–12005
- Mantha, 11833–11834
- McDonell, 11903–11904
- Schreiner, 10894
- Scott, 11898–11900
- Singh, S., 10896–10897
- Stiles, 10895
- Vanthof, 10897
- Walker, 11902
- health care services
- Crawford, 12484
- Indigenous communities
- low-income households
- northern and rural Ontario
- in public libraries
- Scott, 11898
- in schools
- Crawford, 12484
- Gates, 12000–12001
- Piccini, 11938–11939
- Sabawy, 12494
- Vanthof, 2332
- service equity
- Mamakwa, 2333–2334
- Schreiner, 10460
- Scott, 11899–11900
- Walker, 11901–11902
Broader public sector.
see also MUSH sector- construction employer, definition
- legislative history
- Scott, 3787–3788
- legislative history
- hiring freeze
- as non-construction employers
- salary increase cap
- construction employer, definition
Brownwood Holdings Limited Act, 2018 (Bill Pr3)
Brunt and Kendall Act (Ensuring Safe Firefighter and Trainee Rescue Training), 2018 (Bill 10)
see Alcohol retail - buck-a-beerBudget 2017
Budget 2018
- deficit
- Anand, 3080
- Bethlenfalvy, 3739
- Bisson, 1199–1201
- Cho, S., 3746
- Coe, 1204
- Fedeli, 1116, 1165–1167, 2319, 2345, 2452–2453, 3080, 3740
- Fife, 1251
- Ford, 1112
- Fraser, 2321–2322, 2884
- Ghamari, 1210
- Gill, 2583
- Harris, 1209
- Hogarth, 2560
- Horwath, 1112, 1952
- Rasheed, 2592
- Romano, 1248
- Sattler, 1223–1224
- Shaw, 1206
- Smith, D., 1265
- Taylor, 1216
- Walker, 1253
- deficit
Budget 2019
- accuracy of
- Hillier, 5510
- children, community and social services
- community safety and correctional services
- consultation
- debt and deficit
- economic development
- education
- Bailey, 4604
- Burch, 4474
- Coe, 4579
- Crawford, 4388
- Cuzzetto, 4593–4594
- Fedeli, 4462, 5132
- Fee, 4479, 5144
- French, 4370–4371
- Gates, 4381
- Ghamari, 5251
- Harris, 4612, 5286
- Hunter, 5157
- Karahalios, 4653
- Lecce, 4528
- Martin, 4477
- McDonell, 5284
- McKenna, 4353–4354
- Morrison, 4638–4639
- Pang, 4599–4600
- Rasheed, 4376, 4577
- Roberts, 4651
- Sarkaria, 4470
- Shaw, 4588–4589
- Skelly, 5293
- Smith, D., 5291
- Stiles, 4542
- Thompson, 4570–4571
- education, post-secondary
- Shaw, 4530
- environment, conservation and parks
- french-language services
- Shaw, 4350
- general remarks
- Andrew, 5144
- Arthur, 5297–5298, 5301, 5304
- Bailey, 4604–4605
- Barrett, 4598, 4601
- Bell, 4538–4539, 4645, 5291
- Berns-McGown, 5296
- Bethlenfalvy, 3738
- Bouma, 3566, 5295
- Burch, 4472–4473, 5133
- Calandra, 4475, 4634
- Cho, S., 4331, 4357
- Crawford, 4390
- Cuzzetto, 7445
- Fedeli, 4319, 4330, 5114, 5126–5127, 5311, 5510–5511
- Fife, 5289–5290
- Ford, 4859
- Fraser, 4373, 5248–5249
- French, 4373
- Gates, 4600–4601
- Ghamari, 4457
- Gill, 4367, 5114
- Harris, 4611, 5285–5286
- Hassan, 4668
- Hatfield, 4356
- Hunter, 4340, 4362, 4366, 5156
- Karahalios, 5143
- Lecce, 4333, 4527, 5134
- Mantha, 4470
- Martin, 4447, 4480, 5121
- McDonell, 5284
- McKenna, 4353
- Miller, N., 5282
- Morrison, 4361, 4638, 4640, 4642
- Oosterhoff, 4645, 4647
- Pang, 4599
- Parsa, 5151, 5311
- Rasheed, 4375–4377
- Roberts, 4651
- Sabawy, 4374, 4542
- Sarkaria, 5302
- Sattler, 4390
- Schreiner, 4385, 4595, 5281
- Shaw, 4345, 4352–4353, 4585––4586, 4595, 5135–5136, 5141, 5144
- Smith, D., 4536
- Stevens, 4384
- Stiles, 5143
- Thanigasalam, 4637
- West, 4358, 4362, 4596, 5156
- government and consumer services
- health and long-term care
- Bailey, 4604
- Burch, 4474
- Crawford, 4387–4388
- Cuzzetto, 4530
- Dunlop, 4779–4780
- Fedeli, 4320–4321, 4462, 5132
- Fee, 4479
- Fife, 4427–4428, 5295–5296
- Gates, 4381
- Ghamari, 5251
- Gill, 4367, 4782
- Harris, 4611, 5286
- Hunter, 4363, 5156–5157
- Jones, 4658
- Karpoche, 4543
- Ke, 5154
- Lecce, 4529
- Martin, 4477
- McDonell, 4646, 5284
- McKenna, 4353–4355
- Miller, N., 4425
- Rasheed, 4377
- Roberts, 4650–4651
- Sarkaria, 4470
- Schreiner, 4595
- Shaw, 4347–4348
- Skelly, 4386, 5254
- Smith, D., 5291
- Thanigasalam, 5282
- Thompson, 4772
- West, 4359–4360
- Yarde, 4369
- implementation strategy
- Stiles, 7447
- Indigenous affairs
- infrastructure
- legal aid services
- ministerial budgets
- municipal affairs and housing
- Smith, D., 4538
- natural resources and forestry
- Gélinas, 5249
- release date
- Fedeli, 3560
- statements by stakeholders
- Rasheed, 4377
- taxation
- transportation
- accuracy of
Budget 2020
- and BIPOC communities
- Lindo, 10480
- Shaw, 10480
- Singh, S., 10504–10505
- children
- consultation
- contingency and reserve funds
- and COVID-19
- debate re
- Sattler, 10578
- debt and deficit
- Bouma, 10535
- Karahalios, 10533–10534
- Phillips, 7764, 10362
- Rasheed, 10526–10527
- Sabawy, 10534
- education
- general remarks
- health care
- Indigenous communities
- long-term care
- mental health
- Schreiner, 10791
- social assistance
- Taylor, 11181
- and BIPOC communities
Budget 2021
- accessibility
- anti-racism
- Bethlenfalvy, 12203
- Fife, 12329–12330
- autism services
- Armstrong, 12470–12471
- Begum, 12560
- bill vs. motion
- Calandra, 12453
- Vanthof, 12451–12453
- broadband services
- business
- children
- community and social services
- consultation process
- and COVID-19
- Andrew, 12215
- Babikian, 12221
- Bethlenfalvy, 12198, 12221, 12320
- Burch, 12444
- Cho, S., 12316–12317, 12789
- Coe, 12844–12845
- Dunlop, 12838
- Fife, 12325, 12372–12373
- Gates, 12510
- Gretzky, 12461
- Hassan, 12507–12508
- Horwath, 12218–12219
- Martin, 12430
- Nicholls, 12504
- Park, 12373
- Piccini, 12826
- Rasheed, 12379
- Schreiner, 12502, 12824–12825
- Stiles, 12837
- Tangri, 12335
- debt and deficit
- Bethlenfalvy, 12204, 12322, 12785
- Cho, S., 12296, 12319, 12841–12842, 14161–14162
- Coe, 12845
- Karahalios, 12296, 12839–12840, 14161
- Oosterhoff, 12812
- Sattler, 12812
- economic recovery
- education
- Anand, 12448
- Begum, 12560
- Bethlenfalvy, 12201, 12220
- Burch, 12444–12445
- Cho, S., 12501, 12787, 12812
- Collard, 12659
- Coteau, 12912, 12945–12946
- Fife, 12326–12327, 12400
- French, 12420, 12813, 12824
- Gill, 12404
- Gretzky, 12427
- Hassan, 12508
- Horwath, 12220, 12349, 13918
- Hunter, 12090, 12343
- Kernaghan, 12297
- Lecce, 12220, 12224, 12297, 12349, 12413
- Mantha, 12912
- Monteith-Farrell, 12500–12501
- Sattler, 12342, 12810, 12812
- Schreiner, 12502
- Simard, 12413
- Skelly, 12945
- Stiles, 12448, 12824, 12837
- Tangri, 12337
- Triantafilopoulos, 12512
- Yarde, 12549
- education, post-secondary
- Piccini, 12816, 12823–12824, 12828
- employment
- Bethlenfalvy, 12201–12202
- environment
- Begum, 12561
- Collard, 12222–12223
- Fife, 12401
- Hunter, 12225, 12343
- and equity
- general remarks
- Bethlenfalvy, 12322
- Burch, 12841, 13222
- Calandra, 12428–12430, 12912–12913
- Cho, S., 12812–12813, 12842
- Coe, 12843
- Fedeli, 12888
- French, 12453, 12820, 12822–12823
- Karahalios, 12790, 12841–12842
- Kusendova, 12423
- Mamakwa, 12814
- Mantha, 12911
- Sattler, 12809
- Schreiner, 12824–12826
- Stiles, 12835
- health care
- Babikian, 12222
- Bailey, 12842
- Begum, 12229, 12560
- Bethlenfalvy, 12199, 12219, 12784
- Bouma, 12543
- Cho, S., 12323, 12785–12786, 12791
- Elliott, 12222, 12224, 12229, 12411
- Ford, 12348
- Fraser, 12817–12818
- Gélinas, 12366–12367, 12370
- Gill, 12424
- Harris, 12553
- Horwath, 12219
- Hunter, 12344, 12552
- Khanjin, 12446
- Martin, 12294, 12431, 12546
- Natyshak, 12620
- Nicholls, 12369
- Oosterhoff, 12791
- Park, 12370, 12373
- Parsa, 12362
- Piccini, 12826
- Rasheed, 12380
- Sabawy, 12378
- Sattler, 12810
- Singh, G., 12224, 12293–12294, 12374–12376
- Stiles, 12836
- Tangri, 12336
- Triantafilopoulos, 12511
- home and community care
- housing
- Hassan, 12509
- Hunter, 12552–12553
- Sattler, 12341
- Indigenous affairs
- Harden, 12815
- and inflation
- infrastructure
- Coe, 12510
- long-term care
- Bethlenfalvy, 12199, 12321, 12784
- Bouma, 12543
- Cho, S., 12323, 12785
- Elliott, 13135–13136
- Fraser, 12818
- Fullerton, 12226
- Gill, 12424
- Hassan, 12508–12509
- Hogarth, 12443
- Horwath, 12219
- Hunter, 12344
- Kusendova, 12443
- Martin, 12432, 12434
- Nicholls, 12504
- Parsa, 12363, 12365
- Piccini, 12826–12827
- Rasheed, 12380
- Sattler, 12809
- Schreiner, 12502, 12825
- Stiles, 12836
- Tangri, 12336, 12365
- Triantafilopoulos, 12512
- mental health and addictions
- municipalities
- Oosterhoff, 13688
- northern and rural Ontario
- Fedeli, 12888–12889
- Monteith-Farrell, 12498, 12502
- Singh, G., 12502
- Skelly, 12911
- opposition vote re
- public safety
- road safety
- social assistance
- stakeholder response
- Bouma, 12545
- Fife, 12325–12327
- Ford, 12348
- Sattler, 12809
- statements by stakeholders
- Bouma, 12545
- Fife, 12396–12397
- Piccini, 12823
- Sattler, 12809
- taxation and tax credits
- Coe, 12843–12844
- Miller, N., 12845
- tourism
- Bethlenfalvy, 12202
- transportation
- Monteith-Farrell, 12499
- women
- Bethlenfalvy, 12202
- Fife, 12396–12397
- Hunter, 12552
- Sattler, 12341
- Stevens, 12369
- youth
- Hunter, 12552
Budget deficits
Budget speech 2019 (April 11, 2019)
- presented
- Fedeli, 4318–4324
- responded to
- Anand, 4361
- Andrew, 4388–4389
- Armstrong, 4377–4378
- Baber, 4378–4379
- Bailey, 4369
- Bell, 4645–4646
- Bouma, 4364–4365, 4636
- Burch, 4636–4637
- Calandra, 4374, 4383–4384, 4389–4390, 4633–4637
- Cho, S., 4356–4357
- Crawford, 4356, 4387–4388, 4390
- Cuzzetto, 4369
- Fife, 4355–4356, 4361–4362, 4642, 4647
- Fraser, 4373
- French, 4370–4375, 4646
- Gates, 4365–4366, 4379–4382
- Gill, 4366–4368, 4370
- Harden, 4384–4385
- Harris, 4384, 4641–4642
- Hassan, 4365
- Hatfield, 4356
- Hunter, 4362–4364, 4366
- Lindo, 4389
- MacLeod, 4389, 4641
- Martow, 4378
- McDonell, 4646
- McKenna, 4353–4355, 4357
- Morrison, 4361, 4637–4640, 4642
- Oosterhoff, 4642–4645, 4647
- Pettapiece, 4365
- Rakocevic, 4641
- Rasheed, 4375–4377, 4379
- Sabawy, 4374
- Sattler, 4369, 4374, 4390–4392
- Schreiner, 4383, 4385
- Shaw, 4344–4353
- Singh, G., 4636
- Skelly, 4385–4387
- Stevens, 4384
- Tangri, 4361
- Thanigasalam, 4637
- West, 4357–4362
- Yarde, 4368–4369, 4378
- division (carried), 4666–4667
- presented
Budget speech 2020 (November 5, 2020)
- presented
- Phillips, 10360–10368
- responded to
- Anand, 10790, 10795, 10802
- Andrew, 10704–10705, 10709
- Armstrong, 10802–10803
- Babikian, 10763, 10767, 10792, 10800–10802
- Barrett, 10792–10795, 10799
- Begum, 10700–10701, 10707–10708
- Bisson, 10696
- Bouma, 10696, 10701, 10708, 10712, 10764–10768, 10789–10791
- Burch, 10795, 10801
- Calandra, 10808–10810
- Cho, S., 10553–10554, 10694–10697, 10700, 10798
- Coe, 10701, 10703, 10708, 10794
- Collard, 10704
- Fife, 10709–10712, 10790, 10794, 10799, 10805–10806
- Fraser, 10761–10764
- Gates, 10697–10704, 10708, 10791, 10798, 10802
- Gélinas, 10802, 10804–10806
- Gretzky, 10795–10800
- Hassan, 10696–10697, 10789, 10806
- Hatfield, 10767
- Hogarth, 10801–10802
- Hunter, 10697, 10702–10705
- Khanjin, 10805–10806
- Kusendova, 10762, 10767
- McDonell, 10763, 10799
- Monteith-Farrell, 10763, 10767–10768
- Morrison, 10762–10763
- Oosterhoff, 10768
- Pang, 10806–10808
- Roberts, 10697, 10704–10709
- Schreiner, 10790–10792
- Shaw, 10545–10553
- Stevens, 10766–10767
- Stiles, 10768–10770, 10789–10790
- West, 10701, 10712, 10795
- division (carried), 10863
- presented
Budget speech 2021 (March 24, 2021)
- presented
- Bethlenfalvy, 12197–12204
- responded to
- Armstrong, 12506
- Begum, 12510, 12545–12546, 12559–12563
- Bouma, 12543–12547
- Burch, 12424, 12428–12429
- Calandra, 12428–12430, 12546–12547, 12553–12554, 12566
- Cho, S., 12501, 12503
- Coe, 12506, 12510
- Fife, 12395–12403, 12558
- Gates, 12429, 12510–12511
- Gill, 12403–12404, 12424–12426
- Glover, 12501, 12507
- Gretzky, 12426–12430
- Harris, 12553–12559, 12562
- Hassan, 12506–12511, 12550, 12553–12554, 12557, 12563
- Hunter, 12551–12554
- Kanapathi, 12425
- Kernaghan, 12566–12567
- Khanjin, 12502
- Martin, 12425, 12546, 12549–12551, 12561
- McDonell, 12550
- Miller, N., 12557
- Monteith-Farrell, 12498–12502
- Nicholls, 12502–12507
- Oosterhoff, 12558, 12563
- Parsa, 12511
- Rakocevic, 12503
- Sandhu, 12507
- Schreiner, 12502–12503
- Singh, G., 12425, 12502, 12550–12551, 12553, 12562–12567
- Stevens, 12501
- Tangri, 12510
- Taylor, 12547
- Triantafilopoulos, 12511–12513
- Yarde, 12546–12551, 12554, 12558, 12562
- division (carried), 12430, 12610
- presented
Building Code.
see Ontario Building CodeBuilding Code Conservation Advisory Council
- dissolution of
- Andrew, 5924
- dissolution of
Building construction
Building construction, truss and lightweight (TLC)
Building Opportunities in the Skilled Trades Act, 2021 (Bill 288)
- first reading
- McNaughton, 13368
- second reading, 13428–13473, 13487–13505, 13515–13525, 13540–13544
- Bailey, 13436, 13455, 13492, 13497, 13500, 13517, 13520–13523, 13543
- Begum, 13469–13470, 13473, 13491–13492, 13501–13505
- Berns-McGown, 13491, 13497, 13518–13520
- Bouma, 13446, 13455
- Bourgouin, 13522–13523, 13540–13541
- Coe, 13446, 13456, 13487, 13501, 13540
- Dunlop, 13456–13460
- Fife, 13436, 13447, 13451, 13460–13465, 13516
- Gates, 13437–13447, 13455, 13459
- Ghamari, 13491
- Gretzky, 13520, 13523, 13541–13544
- Harris, 13469, 13473, 13488–13492, 13520, 13544
- Hassan, 13465, 13470–13473, 13487–13488, 13496, 13500, 13504, 13519, 13522
- Kernaghan, 13446, 13452–13456
- Khanjin, 13447–13452, 13505
- Kramp, 13452
- McKenna, 13433–13436, 13447, 13460, 13464, 13469, 13472, 13488, 13492, 13496, 13501, 13503, 13516–13517, 13519, 13523, 13541
- McNaughton, 13428–13433, 13436–13437
- Miller, N., 13451, 13459, 13522
- Natyshak, 13447, 13452, 13464, 13469, 13540, 13543
- Nicholls, 13496
- Pettapiece, 13465
- Piccini, 13504
- Singh, G., 13492
- Skelly, 13437, 13452, 13459, 13464–13470
- Smith, D., 13497–13501
- Stevens, 13451, 13456, 13460, 13468, 13517, 13540–13541
- Taylor, 13465, 13487, 13517, 13541, 13544
- West, 13436, 13488, 13492–13497, 13500–13501, 13504
- Yakabuski, 13515–13519
- third reading, 13943–13951, 13953–13973
- Begum, 13967
- Fife, 13950, 13964–13968
- Gates, 13953–13964
- Hogarth, 13950
- Kernaghan, 13950, 13963, 13971–13972
- Khanjin, 13950–13951, 13962–13963, 13968, 13972
- Martin, 13967, 13971
- McKenna, 13947–13949, 13963, 13966
- McNaughton, 13944–13947, 13949–13951
- Stevens, 13949, 13963–13964, 13968, 13972
- West, 13962, 13967–13973
- division (carried), 13995
- Royal assent, 14080
- first reading
Building Transit Faster Act, 2020 (Bill 171)
- amendments
- first reading
- Mulroney, 6936
- ministerial statement
- Mulroney, 6936–6939
- second reading, 7102–7141, 7143–7152, 7172–7203, 7355
- Anand, 7185
- Andrew, 7179–7183, 7189, 7191–7192
- Armstrong, 7146–7147
- Arthur, 7149–7150
- Baber, 7129–7132, 7137
- Bailey, 7178
- Barrett, 7192
- Begum, 7133–7137
- Bell, 7110–7119, 7173–7174, 7178–7179
- Berns-McGown, 7185
- Bouma, 7121–7122, 7137–7141
- Bourgouin, 7194
- Calandra, 7179, 7355
- Coe, 7117, 7131, 7135, 7202–7203
- Crawford, 7146, 7174
- Cuzzetto, 7198, 7200
- Fife, 7110, 7174, 7177, 7182, 7184, 7188
- French, 7123–7127, 7135–7136
- Gates, 7126–7127, 7136
- Ghamari, 7173, 7185, 7191
- Glover, 7199–7202
- Hassan, 7140
- Hogarth, 7189–7192
- Karahalios, 7150, 7188
- Kernaghan, 7200–7202
- Khanjin, 7110–7111, 7128
- MacLeod, 7202
- Mantha, 7118
- Martow, 7110, 7122, 7127, 7140
- McDonell, 7174, 7178, 7188
- McKenna, 7122–7123, 7129
- Miller, N., 7182
- Miller, P., 7183, 7185, 7188, 7191
- Morrison, 7121–7122, 7132
- Mulroney, 7102–7107, 7110–7111
- Nicholls, 7126, 7136, 7140
- Oosterhoff, 7195–7199
- Park, 7132
- Parsa, 7118–7119, 7128
- Pettapiece, 7111
- Piccini, 7201
- Rakocevic, 7186–7190
- Rasheed, 7183–7186
- Roberts, 7197–7198
- Sattler, 7128–7129, 7146, 7150–7152, 7172–7175, 7195
- Schreiner, 7127–7129
- Shaw, 7118–7119, 7195, 7197–7199
- Skelly, 7118, 7147, 7150–7151, 7175–7179, 7190–7191
- Surma, 7107–7110
- Tabuns, 7143–7147
- Tangri, 7183
- Taylor, 7178
- Thanigasalam, 7119–7123
- Thompson, 7146
- Triantafilopoulos, 7136
- Vanthof, 7193–7196
- Wai, 7147–7151
- Walker, 7126, 7182, 7187, 7195
- West, 7140
- Yarde, 7131
- Yurek, 7194, 7201
- division (carried), 7378–7379
- general remarks
- scope
- third reading, 8165–8175, 8190–8227, 8396–8403
- Anand, 8397
- Arthur, 8205, 8209
- Babikian, 8400
- Bell, 8173–8175, 8190–8199, 8202, 8211, 8401
- Berns-McGown, 8199, 8206, 8213–8216, 8219–8220, 8223, 8397
- Bisson, 8216, 8224
- Blais, 8206–8209
- Bourgouin, 8202
- Calandra, 8224–8227, 8396–8398
- Cho, S., 8173, 8197
- Coe, 8206, 8212
- Crawford, 8205, 8211–8212, 8222–8223
- Cuzzetto, 8198, 8215–8216, 8223
- French, 8397
- Ghamari, 8201, 8207–8209, 8213, 8216–8220
- Glover, 8204–8206, 8215, 8219, 8223
- Hassan, 8398–8402
- Hatfield, 8202–8206, 8208
- Ke, 8223, 8402
- Kernaghan, 8198, 8212, 8216, 8220–8224
- Khanjin, 8219, 8402–8403
- Kramp, 8401
- Kusendova, 8398
- Martow, 8206, 8209–8213
- Mulroney, 8165–8170, 8172–8173
- Nicholls, 8202
- Parsa, 8173, 8220
- Smith, D., 8198–8199, 8219
- Stiles, 8396, 8401
- Surma, 8170–8173
- Thanigasalam, 8199–8202
- West, 8172, 8198, 8201, 8208, 8212, 8219
- division (carried), 8403, 8428
- Royal assent, 8508
Bullying and cyberbullying
- awareness and prevention
- consultation
- Lecce, 6512
- during COVID-19
- Stiles, 10392
- cyberbullying
- vs. freedom of expression
- general remarks
- government strategy
- LGBTQ+ students
- and mental health
- Martin, 6673
- non-consensual distribution of images
- prevalence of
- school response
- support services
- types of
- Smith, D., 8970–8972
- in the workplace
see also Entrepreneurship- accessibility. see also Persons with disabilities—and employment
- boards of directors
- residency requirements
- Fife, 9829
- Skelly, 11111–11112
- residency requirements
- capital cost depreciation rate
- commercial rent. see Commercial tenancies
- co-operative
- corporate properties, forfeited
- corporations, multinational
- Piccini, 12025
- development support organizations
- digital market
- emissions reduction technologies
- Skelly, 9855
- foreign investment. see Foreign investment
- franchises
- Smith, T., 4032
- government services
- human resources
- insurance rates
- Jobs and Prosperity Fund
- Gretzky, 450
- monopolies
- Downey, 5572–5573
- "open-for-business" bylaw
- statements by stakeholders
- Fife, 3843
- statements by stakeholders
- operating costs
- Calandra, 1540
- regulatory environment
- Parsa, 7450–7451
- shareholder resolutions
- snow removal. see Snow removal industry
- stakeholder consultation
- Ghamari, 3852–3853
- statements by stakeholders
- Glover, 12925
- supply chain
- support programs
Business - COVID-19
- community advocacy
- Sattler, 9772
- consultation
- debt load
- delivery model adjustments
- digital market
- Durham Economic Task Force
- Coe, 14007–14008
- economic impact
- Anand, 10795
- Andrew, 14160
- Armstrong, 10604
- Barrett, 10795
- Begum, 9778, 10888–10889
- Bell, 10144, 13810–13811
- Burch, 13623
- Coe, 10091
- Fife, 9222, 9750
- Glover, 10504, 12925
- Hunter, 9223
- Kanapathi, 10092, 10996
- Karahalios, 10381
- Kernaghan, 10095, 10593–10594
- Khanjin, 11439
- Monteith-Farrell, 10071
- Morrison, 10883
- Pang, 10871
- Pettapiece, 12650
- Sarkaria, 9221
- Shaw, 10469, 10552–10553, 10876
- Smith, D., 10104
- Stiles, 13799–13800
- Thanigasalam, 14152
- Vanthof, 12453
- West, 11173
- essential goods
- supply
- Tangri, 7986
- supply
- financial advice
- Coe, 14005
- general remarks
- impact on BIPOC communities
- Andrew, 10704–10705
- Hunter, 10705
- Singh, S., 10602
- licences and permits
- expiry dates
- Kramp, 9766
- expiry dates
- price gouging
- Bisson, 8580–8581
- Hassan, 10318
- Rakocevic, 10639–10640, 13788
- Roberts, 8615
- Thompson, 10639–10640
- regional impact variation
- Taylor, 10073–10074
- regulatory reform
- reopening, first wave
- restaurants. see Hospitality industry - COVID-19
- stakeholder consultations
- supply chain management
- Ghamari, 10320
- Gill, 9780–9781, 12403
- Khanjin, 7933
- Rakocevic, 10321–10322
- community advocacy
Business - COVID-19, essential businesses
- capacity
- Karahalios, 11099
- classification criteria
- delivery of supply
- inspections
- McNaughton, 11238
- market advantage
- Andrew, 10693–10694
- Begum, 10888
- Bisson, 10696
- Blais, 11046
- Elliott, 10681, 10781
- Fife, 10677, 10693, 10712, 10912
- Glover, 10908
- Gretzky, 12024
- Hunter, 10702
- Karahalios, 10626, 10681, 11970
- Karpoche, 10952
- Morrison, 10884–10885
- Rakocevic, 11535, 14145
- Sattler, 12811
- Schreiner, 11468, 12503
- Shaw, 10876–10878, 13793
- Simard, 10781
- West, 10712
- Yarde, 10746–10747
- non-essential goods, sale of
- Fife, 10960, 11967–11968
- Jones, 12699–12700
- Karahalios, 12699–12700
- Kernaghan, 10095
- Morrison, 10884
- Schreiner, 10916
- supplier premiums
- Fife, 9750–9751
- capacity
Business - COVID-19, financial assistance
- access to
- administration of funds
- Horwath, 20191
- eligibility
- for fixed costs
- general remarks
- Andrew, 9680–9681
- Babikian, 10802
- Bell, 7835, 9689–9690, 10599
- Berns-McGown, 9778
- Cho, S., 7767–7768, 9218, 9351, 9353, 9501, 9570, 9653, 9674, 9689–9690, 9970–9971, 10291, 11392
- Clark, 7901, 8096, 8231
- Collard, 9865
- Cuzzetto, 11989
- Fedeli, 11099, 14191–14192
- Fife, 8943, 9417, 9573, 9686, 9783, 9830–9831, 10382–10383, 11099
- Ford, 9500–9501
- Glover, 9649
- Hassan, 9352, 10783
- Horwath, 7780, 9613, 12863
- Hunter, 9570–9571, 9761
- Kernaghan, 9661, 10096
- Lindo, 8825–8826
- Mitas, 9676
- Natyshak, 11343–11344
- Phillips, 7835, 8825, 8943, 9062, 9783, 9790, 11147
- Sarkaria, 9265–9266, 9613, 9653, 9671, 9680–9681, 10867–10868
- Sattler, 9351, 10623
- Schreiner, 7771, 10916, 11331
- Shaw, 10469, 10877, 10879
- Skelly, 9856–9857
- Stevens, 10875
- Stiles, 10324, 10607
- Triantafilopoulos, 9614
- payroll support
- Morrison, 10887
- Sattler, 10886–10887
- personal protective equipment (PPE). see under Business - COVID-19, infection control
- small and medium-sized
- Small Business Support Grant. see Small Business Support Grant
- statements by stakeholders
- Rakocevic, 9376–9378
Business - COVID-19, government response
- advertising
- Hunter, 10596
- BIPOC communities
- Fife, 9831
- consultation
- francophone businesses
- Cuzzetto, 11191
- general remarks
- Armstrong, 10606
- Arthur, 9857, 9861
- Babikian, 10801
- Bailey, 9774
- Begum, 9345, 9772, 10888–10890
- Bell, 10146
- Berns-McGown, 10879
- Bethlenfalvy, 11960
- Bouma, 9419, 10500, 10505
- Burch, 9775
- Cho, S., 9353, 9777, 10634, 11779, 14155–14156
- Coe, 10091, 10094
- Collard, 10881
- Crawford, 8065, 9752, 10097, 10933
- Cuzzetto, 10930
- Downey, 9899
- Fedeli, 10065–10066
- Fife, 8943, 9112, 9742–9744, 9748–9749, 9752, 9828, 9836, 11154, 11173–11174, 11967, 12573
- Gill, 8027
- Glover, 9836
- Gretzky, 10100–10101
- Harden, 9083–9084
- Harris, 10933
- Hassan, 9836
- Hogarth, 10802
- Horwath, 10559
- Hunter, 9761–9764, 10595, 11187
- Kanapathi, 10072
- Kernaghan, 10095, 10595
- Khanjin, 9763
- Mamakwa, 12813
- Mantha, 10143
- Miller, N., 10142–10143
- Monteith-Farrell, 10069–10070, 10072, 10874
- Morrison, 11818–11819
- Pang, 10872
- Parsa, 11165, 11186
- Pettapiece, 9265–9266
- Phillips, 9112, 10916, 10918–10919
- Piccini, 9062
- Roberts, 9458
- Sarkaria, 9214, 9571, 9686, 10783, 14156, 14160, 14196
- Sattler, 9772, 12113, 13785
- Schreiner, 9222–9223
- Shaw, 9870, 11164–11165
- Singh, G., 9943, 9947, 9950
- Singh, S., 9207, 10601–10603
- Skelly, 10143
- Smith, D., 10105
- Stiles, 9154, 9861, 12837
- Tabuns, 10143–10144
- Tangri, 10627, 10869–10870, 10929
- Taylor, 10664
- West, 9759–9760, 11186–11187
- hotline
- Phillips, 11147
- Indigenous businesses
- Northern Ontario Recovery Program
- promotion campaigns
- rent assistance. see Commercial tenancies - COVID-19
- response timeline
- Kernaghan, 10096–10097
- Shaw, 9741
- sector-specific
- Blais, 9790
- small and medium-sized
- Armstrong, 9288
- Burch, 11541, 12139–12140
- Cho, S., 11390, 11732, 12503, 13482, 13711
- Fife, 11389–11390
- Ghamari, 11732
- Glover, 12938–12939
- Gretzky, 13077
- Hatfield, 12776
- Hogarth, 12190–12191
- Karpoche, 11373
- Kernaghan, 12582
- Natyshak, 11533
- Oosterhoff, 12939
- Rakocevic, 12503
- Sarkaria, 12140, 12191
- Shaw, 12776
- Singh, G., 12566, 14015
- Singh, S., 11769, 13312
- Stevens, 11460–11461
- Stiles, 11533, 11540–11541, 13711
- Taylor, 8067–8068
- West, 7983, 11445
- stakeholder response
- target sectors
- Kanapathi, 10068
- taxation
- general remarks
- property tax
- Regional Opportunities Investment Tax Credit
- enhancement
- Anand, 12448
- Bouma, 12544
- Cho, S., 12317–12318
- Nicholls, 12505
- enhancement
- tax deferrals
- tax reform
- utilities. see under Utilities - COVID-19
- advertising
Business - COVID-19, infection control
- compliance
- contactless payment
- Sarkaria, 9113
- cost of
- Collard, 10882
- Sattler, 9771, 10881–10882
- Schreiner, 8236–8237
- general remarks
- indoor capacity restrictions
- Hatfield, 12246–12247
- personal protective equipment (PPE)
- funding. see also Business - main street recovery plan
- screening procedures
- Khanjin, 8588
Business - COVID-19, insurance
- ability to obtain
- Bisson, 10048–10050
- Fife, 9281
- Hunter, 8484, 9983–9984
- Rakocevic, 13788
- business interruption
- Fife, 9198, 9749
- Schreiner, 10072–10073, 10671
- eligibility
- Bisson, 10690
- general remarks
- policy renewals
- rate increases
- Bisson, 10049–10050
- Burch, 9380
- Fife, 9222, 9280, 9418, 9434, 9749, 9829
- Gates, 9680, 9755, 9763, 10004–10006, 10094, 10096, 10099, 10101, 10103, 10698, 11887
- Gretzky, 11542
- Hatfield, 12763
- Hunter, 9762
- Karpoche, 10952–10953
- Mantha, 12762–12763
- Morrison, 13356
- Natyshak, 12452
- Phillips, 9843–9844
- Rakocevic, 9380, 10321, 13788
- Sattler, 9769–9770, 10067
- Shaw, 10471, 10878–10879
- Singh, S., 9901, 10502, 10589
- Stevens, 12703
- Stiles, 11542
- Tabuns, 10143
- Tangri, 10589
- Vanthof, 12452
- Wilson, 9843
- rates during closure
- Gates, 9760
- ability to obtain
Business - Digital Main Street program
- application process
- Shaw, 10878
- broadband requirements
- e-commerce development grant
- general remarks
- program funding
- support teams
- application process
Business environment.
see also Government contracts; Regulatory environment- competitiveness
- economic impact
- Ford, 5903
- general remarks
- government strategy
- impact of electricity rate reduction
- Martow, 276–277
- impact of United States tax reform
- Premier's Advisory Council on Competitiveness
- Phillips, 5964
- regulatory framework
- offsetting requirements
- Skelly, 12747
- offsetting requirements
- statements by stakeholders
- Khanjin, 3276
Business investment.
see also Foreign investmentBusiness - main street recovery plan
- consultation process
- Digital Main Street squads. see under Business - Digital Main Street program
- general remarks
- Bailey, 9773, 9775
- Barrett, 10869
- Begum, 9767–9768
- Berns-McGown, 9740–9741
- Calandra, 9719
- Coe, 10932, 14007
- Crawford, 9752–9753, 9755
- Cuzzetto, 9741
- Fedeli, 10068
- Fife, 9746–9748
- Ghamari, 9776
- Harris, 9719, 9736, 9738
- Hunter, 9768
- Kanapathi, 10092–10093
- Khanjin, 9750–9751
- Kramp, 9768
- Martin, 10146
- Skelly, 9733–9736
- Tangri, 10870, 10929–10930
- West, 9759–9760
- personal protective equipment (PPE) grant
- application process
- Collard, 10882
- eligibility criteria
- general remarks
- Babikian, 10887–10888
- Bailey, 9773–9774, 11094
- Begum, 10890
- Bell, 10146–10147
- Bouma, 10382
- Coe, 14005
- Crawford, 9753
- Cuzzetto, 10098–10099, 10932
- Fedeli, 10066
- Fife, 9747, 11962
- Harris, 9737, 12577
- Hunter, 9761
- Ke, 9740
- Kernaghan, 10096
- Monteith-Farrell, 10069
- Morrison, 10887–10888
- Pang, 10807
- Phillips, 10365
- Rasheed, 10873
- Roberts, 10887
- Sarkaria, 10382, 10868, 10874–10875, 11464–11465
- Sattler, 9771, 10881–10882
- Schreiner, 10073
- Shaw, 10876–10877
- Skelly, 9734–9735, 9742, 10912
- Smith, D., 10096
- Tangri, 10930, 11094
- application process
- and regulation reduction. see Regulations - reduction—as COVID-recovery strategy
- Small Business Recovery Network
- small business recovery webpage
- Crawford, 9755
- Cuzzetto, 10098–10099
- Fedeli, 10066
- Ke, 9740
- Skelly, 9735
Business - small and medium-sized
- community impact
- economic impact
- and employment standards
- Schreiner, 2437
- general remarks
- government loan programs
- Andrew, 7656
- government strategy
- Gill, 2464
- legal services, access to
- Collard, 10902
- market competition
- West, 9758
- ownership diversity
- Small Business Strategy
- digital government services. see Government service—digital delivery
- export expansion
- general remarks
- talent recruitment. see under Employment
- support organizations
- regional investment centres
- Fedeli, 10067
- small business enterprise centres
- Coe, 10933
- Cuzzetto, 10098
- Fedeli, 10066–10067
- regional investment centres
Business - taxation
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