Letter: C
Calandra, Hon. P. (PC, Markham—Stouffville)
- Affordable Homes and Good Jobs Act, 2023 (Bill 134)
- Affordable housing
- Affordable housing - development of
- Agricultural land
- reforestation on
- federal policy, 5115–5116
- reforestation on
- Alternate-level-of-care (ALC) patients
- placement of, 288
- Alternate-level-of-care (ALC) patients - transfer to long-term care facilities
- Alternate-level-of-care (ALC) patients - transfer to long-term care facilities, non-preferred home
- An Act to reverse changes to the Greenbelt
- general remarks, 4993–4994
- Appointments to agencies, boards, and commissions
- appointment process, 2901
- Asylum seekers
- housing
- government funding, 6444
- housing
- Attorney General of Canada v. Attorney General of Alberta, 2023 SCC 23
- judgment, Supreme Court of Canada (SCC)
- government response, 5774
- judgment, Supreme Court of Canada (SCC)
- Auditor General of Ontario - reports
- Auto insurance - rates
- government strategy, 449
- Bail program reform
- Better Municipal Governance Act, 2022 (Bill 39)
- Board of Internal Economy
- Budgets
- federal (2024/2025), 8481
- Canada-Wide Early Learning and Child Care Agreement (CWELCC)
- child care operators
- application period, 161
- child care operators
- Cap-and-trade program
- cost of, 6194
- Carbon tax
- Child care
- government strategy, 2624
- Colleges and universities
- capital projects
- medical schools, 5222
- capital projects
- Committee procedure
- Committee process
- and public consultation, 4594
- Community housing
- government funding, 10497
- Community safety
- general remarks, 3374
- Cost of living
- COVID-19 - government response
- Cutting Red Tape to Build More Homes Act, 2024 (Bill 185)
- Debates re answers to question period
- Doctors
- shortage
- northern Ontario, 161–162
- shortage
- Duffins Rouge Agricultural Preserve
- Economic development
- Economic development - northern Ontario
- general remarks, 5058
- Education funding
- general remarks, 440
- Elections
- Electric vehicles
- government strategy, 8356
- Electric vehicles - batteries, manufacturing by site
- St. Thomas (Volkswagen Group and PowerCo SE)
- municipal-based incentives, 8486
- St. Thomas (Volkswagen Group and PowerCo SE)
- Electric vehicles - charging stations
- in new build homes, 8357
- Employment - COVID-19
- sick days, paid
- provincial program, 1716
- sick days, paid
- Employment standards
- government strategy, 3146
- Expenditure estimates
- general remarks, 5218
- Federal government
- Emergencies Act (RCS, 1985, c.22), use of
- public inquiry, 741
- Emergencies Act (RCS, 1985, c.22), use of
- Federal members'/ministers' conduct
- Rota, Anthony (Timiskaming–Cochrane)
- as Speaker, 5445
- Rota, Anthony (Timiskaming–Cochrane)
- Food prices
- infant formula
- supply chain, 3503
- infant formula
- Forest fire management
- emergency response coordination
- government strategy, 1961
- emergency response coordination
- French-language debates
- Government accountability and transparency
- Government advertising
- general remarks, 5158
- Government contracts
- Government expenditures
- allocation of, 6252
- Government notices of motion
- Government orders
- Government record (federal)
- Government record - Liberal (2003-2018)
- Government record - Liberals (2003-2018)
- Government record - NDP (1990-1995)
- Government record - PC (1995-2003)
- directives and policies, 8674
- Government record - PC (2018-present)
- Government services
- consulting contracts, 3500
- Greenbelt
- Greenbelt - boundary adjustments, process
- Greenbelt - development on
- Greenbelt Statute Law Amendment Act, 2023 (Bill 136)
- Greenbelt Statute Law Amendment Act, 2023 (Bill 136)
- Hamilton
- Hazel McCallion Act (Peel Dissolution), 2023 (Bill 112)
- time allocation motion
- responded to, 4593–4595
- time allocation motion
- Health care funding
- northern Ontario, 154
- Health care funding - by region
- northern Ontario, 677
- Health care services
- access, 330
- Health care system
- Health care workers - recruitment and retention
- general remarks, 2967
- Home and community care
- respite services
- expansion and reopening, 343
- respite services
- Home and community care - funding, 158–159
- general remarks, 158–159
- Home heating
- Home ownership
- Hospitals
- transfer of hospital patients
- regulations, 389
- transfer of hospital patients
- Housing
- Housing Affordability Task Force
- Housing developers
- Housing development
- building targets, municipalities
- progress, 7487–7488
- factors affecting, 9742–9743
- general remarks, 8301–8302
- government strategy, 8114–8115, 10332–10334, 10556, 10646–10648, 11056–11057
- northern Ontario, 8311
- building targets, municipalities
- Housing development - approvals and permits
- timelines
- municipalities, 4594
- timelines
- Housing development - by region
- Guelph, 5154
- Housing development - construction
- Housing development - government funding
- Housing development - infrastructure
- Housing development - major transit station areas
- parking minimums, removal of, 8302
- Housing development - municipal charges
- Housing development - provincial building targets
- Housing market
- interest rates, impact of, 10112
- Housing policy
- Housing supply
- Indigenous communities - Far North
- infrastructure development, 635
- Indigenous communities - health care
- provincial partnership, 816
- Indigenous communities - housing
- on-reserve
- federal-provincial partnership, 6682
- on-reserve
- Indigenous communities - water and sewage infrastructure
- boil-water advisories
- government funding, federal, 7884
- boil-water advisories
- Indigenous languages
- spoken in the House, 7959
- Indigenous relations - Truth and Reconciliation
- National Day for Truth and Reconciliation, 5146–5147
- Integrity Commissioner of Ontario - investigations
- Intimate partner violence
- Intimate Partner Violence Epidemic Act, 2024 (Bill 173)
- legislative process, 9428
- Intimate partner violence - victims
- affordable housing, access
- government strategy, 8310
- affordable housing, access
- Israel
- attacks on (October 7, 2023), 5443–5444
- Keeping Students in Class Repeal Act, 2022 (Bill 35)
- first reading, 1269
- Land use planning
- Land use planning - ministerial zoning orders (MZOs)
- Land use planning - municipal official plans
- Land use planning - municipal plans
- urban boundary expansion, process
- Ontario Land Tribunal, role in, 8310–8311
- urban boundary expansion, process
- Land use planning - provincial policy statement
- plazas
- redevelopment, 9460
- plazas
- Legislative Assembly
- Legislative Assembly Amendment Act, 2022 (Bill 51)
- Legislative Assembly - facility
- kaffiyeh, wearing of, 8739
- Legislative Assembly - facility rehabilitation
- Legislative Assembly - facility rehabilitation, project planning process
- Legislative precinct
- Legislative procedure
- Legislative procedure - motions
- time allocation, 4593
- Legislative procedure - order and decorum
- allegations against member, 2805
- Legislative procedure - reasoned amendments
- role of, 1938
- Legislative procedure - Standing Orders
- Legislature - staff
- Less Red Tape, More Common Sense Act, 2023 (Bill 139)
- third reading, 6252–6253
- LGBTQ2S+ community
- Light Rail Transit (LRT) - Eglinton Crosstown
- west extension, 2548
- Long-term care
- Long-term care - accountability and oversight
- Long-term care - administration
- licensing
- contract extensions
- review process, 819
- contract extensions
- licensing
- Long-term care - beds
- Long-term care - beds, development and redevelopment
- Long-term care - by region
- northern Ontario, 336
- Long-term care facilities - construction
- Long-term care - funding
- Long-term care - reform
- Long-term care - residents
- Long-term care - services
- Long-term care - staff
- Long-term care - standards of care
- Lydia's Law (Accountability and Transparency in the Handling of Sexual Assault Cases), 2024 (Bill 189)
- Members'/ministers' appreciation
- Fraser, John
- as interim leader, Ontario Liberal Party, 6882
- Fraser, John
- Members'/ministers' conduct
- Members'/ministers' correction of record, 8325
- Members'/ministers' privileges
- Members'/ministers' remarks
- Mining industry - Indigenous communities
- Indigenous consultation and consent, 4441–4442
- Mining industry - Indigenous consultation and consent
- and electric vehicle production, 8746
- Missing Persons Amendment Act, 2023 (Bill 74)
- legislative process, 4652–4653
- More Beds, Better Care Act, 2022 (Bill 7)
- Motions
- Municipal Accountability Act, 2024 (Bill 241)
- first reading, 11174
- Municipal by-laws
- passage
- prescribed number of councillors
- provincial priorities, 2103
- prescribed number of councillors
- passage
- Municipal governance - strong mayor system
- Toronto, 2105
- Municipal restructuring - Peel Region
- timelines, 7062
- Municipal restructuring - Peel Region, reversal
- Municipalities
- manufacturing and businesses
- municipal-based assistance, 8436
- manufacturing and businesses
- National Housing Strategy (federal)
- National Steel Car
- workplace inspections, 29
- New Democratic Party (NDP)
- housing policy, 10169–10170, 10223
- Niagara Region
- regional development, 5062
- Oil and gas wells
- gas leaks
- by region
- Chatham-Kent–Leamington, 287
- by region
- gas leaks
- Oil and natural gas wells
- gas leaks
- by region
- Chatham-Kent–Leamington, 287
- by region
- gas leaks
- Ontario Disability Support Program (ODSP) - benefit rates, increase
- general remarks, 6607
- Ontario Land Tribunal (OLT)
- Ontario Science Centre
- relocation, 3740
- Opposition day motions
- Ottawa
- Paramedics and paramedic services
- community paramedicine, 822
- Peel Transition Implementation Act, 2024 (Bill 240)
- first reading, 11174
- Plan to Build Act (Budget Measures), 2022 (Bill 2)
- Planning Statute Law Amendment Act, 2023 (Bill 150)
- Post-secondary education
- Private members' motions
- Private members' public business
- Progressive Conservative (PC) Party
- Protest convoys
- provincial state of emergency
- enactment of, timeline, 931–933
- provincial state of emergency
- Public Order Emergency Commission
- appearance before
- provincial participation
- Report of the Public Inquiry into the 2022 Public Order Emergency
- Queen's Park Restoration Act, 2023 (Bill 75)
- Queens university
- student housing, development of, 6675
- Question of privilege
- passage of legislation, presumption of
- responded to, 1069–1070
- passage of legislation, presumption of
- Question period
- Abortion images
- responded to, 3039–3040
- Affordable housing
- responded to, 2855, 2967, 5703–5704, 5772–5773, 5942, 6439, 6441, 6443–6444, 6614, 7061, 7097–7098, 7102–7103, 7357–7358, 7487–7488, 7887–7888, 7916–7917, 7922–7924, 7972–7973, 8057, 8114–8115, 8185–8186, 8359, 8643, 8740, 8796–8797, 8862, 8981–8983, 9989–9990, 10169–10170, 10223–10224, 10492–10494, 10497, 10499, 10555–10556, 10607–10608, 10646–10648, 10995–10996
- Anti-racism activities
- responded to, 2602–2603
- Autism treatment
- responded to, 2797
- Automobile insurance
- Bail reform
- responded to, 3379
- Child care
- responded to, 160–161
- Children and youth
- responded to, 5942
- City of Ottawa
- responded to, 8986
- Climate change
- responded to, 8646
- Community safety
- responded to, 9220–9221
- Consumer protection
- Cost of living
- COVID-19 response
- responded to, 1314
- Discrimination
- responded to, 4011–4012
- Domestic violence
- Electric vehicles
- responded to, 8355–8357
- Emergency preparedness
- responded to, 1960–1961
- Employment standards
- Environmental protection
- Explosions in Chatham-Kent–Leamington
- responded to, 287
- First Nations consultation
- responded to, 8746–8747
- Forest firefighting
- responded to, 9543–9544
- Government accountability
- responded to, 741, 1001, 1872–1873, 1959–1960, 2025–2026, 2157, 2182, 2244–2245, 2300–2301, 2439, 2445, 2852–2853, 2901–2902, 2960–2961, 3427–3428, 3542–3543, 3740, 4216–4218, 4257, 4325, 4440–4441, 4701, 4993–4994, 5053–5056, 5058, 5062, 5105–5108, 5110–5111, 5113, 5149–5150, 5152–5154, 5213–5215, 5271, 5273–5274, 5324, 5342–5345, 5347–5349, 5351–5352, 5401–5403, 5407–5408, 5456–5458, 5519–5520, 5523–5524, 5585–5587, 5589–5590, 5649–5650, 5652–5654, 5656–5657, 5701–5703, 5772, 5776, 5810–5813, 5879–5884, 5935–5937, 5992–5994, 6057–6059, 6061, 6170–6171, 6267, 6358–6359, 6512–6513, 6606–6607, 6611–6612, 6873, 6912–6913, 6994–6995, 7059–7060, 7097, 7197, 7229, 7298–7299, 7604–7606, 7658, 7781, 8524, 8642, 8697–8698, 8863, 8980–8981, 9118, 9258–9259, 9310, 9368–9370, 9542–9543, 9634–9635, 10114–10115, 10824–10825, 10888–10889
- Government advertising
- responded to, 5217–5218
- Government consultants
- responded to, 3499–3500
- Government policy
- responded to, 2128
- Government spending
- responded to, 8252–8253
- Government's agenda
- responded to, 228
- Government's record
- Health care
- Health care funding
- responded to, 2378–2379
- Health care workers
- Highway safety
- responded to, 6689
- Home care
- responded to, 158–159
- Homelessness
- responded to, 9925–9926, 10226, 11113, 11163–11164
- Hospital services
- responded to, 154
- Housing
- Indigenous affairs
- responded to, 4441–4442
- Indigenous health care
- responded to, 5775
- Labour dispute
- Labour disputes
- responded to, 5158
- Land use planning
- Legislative building
- responded to, 35
- Library services
- responded to, 2448
- Long-term care
- Mental health and addiction services
- Missing persons
- Municipal development
- Municipal finances
- Municipal funding
- responded to, 6771–6772
- Municipal planning
- Municipal restructuring
- Northern airports
- responded to, 635
- Northern health services
- Nurses
- responded to, 88
- Office of the Premier
- responded to, 9051
- OHIP coverage of COVID-19 immunization
- responded to, 9171–9172
- Premier's comments
- responded to, 1611
- Privatization of public services
- responded to, 440
- Protection for workers
- responded to, 3146
- Public Order Emergency Commission
- Public Order Emergency Commission report
- Public safety
- responded to, 3373–3374
- Public sector compensation
- responded to, 8190–8191
- Public transit
- Region of Peel
- responded to, 8921
- Respite care
- responded to, 343
- Retirement homes
- responded to, 8647–8648
- Road safety
- responded to, 6274
- Services for seniors and persons with disabilities
- responded to, 3249
- Sexual assault
- responded to, 1005–1006
- Sexual violence and harassment
- Shelter services
- Small business
- responded to, 5459–5460
- Social assistance
- Supportive housing
- responded to, 820
- Tenant protection
- Tobacco control
- responded to, 4480
- Township of Armstrong sewage lagoon
- responded to, 641
- Transportation infrastructure
- responded to, 8481–8482
- Water quality
- responded to, 7884
- Wearing of kaffiyehs
- responded to, 8739–8740
- Winter highway maintenance
- responded to, 6873
- Women's employment
- responded to, 2728–2729
- Women's issues
- responded to, 2724
- Workplace safety
- responded to, 29
- Abortion images
- Regulations
- reduction, 8301
- Rent control
- eligibility, 8803
- Rental housing
- Rental housing - development
- Rental housing - short-term
- government strategy, 6999
- Rental housing - tenant protections
- general remarks, 8982
- Retirement homes - by site
- Chartwell Heritage Glen Retirement, closure
- resident eviction and transition, 8116
- Chartwell Heritage Glen Retirement, closure
- Ring of Fire development
- Indigenous consultation and consent, 8747
- Rouge National Urban Park
- Safer Municipalities Act, 2024 (Bill 242)
- first reading, 11174
- Senior citizens
- health and well-being
- government strategy, 3249
- health and well-being
- Sergeant-at-Arms
- appointment, removal and suspension, 1936
- Sewage and wastewater infrastructure
- and housing development
- federal funding, 6674–6675
- and housing development
- Shelters and transitional housing
- by site
- Ark Aid Mission, 10497
- by site
- Speaker
- role, 1936
- Standing Orders
- reforms (2019), 7992–7994
- schedule, 7992–7993
- reforms (2020), 7994–7995
- reforms (2021), 7995
- reforms (2022), 7994
- reforms (2024)
- 24(a) Rising to speak in English, French, or an Indigenous language, 7959, 7996
- 36(b) Proceedings on adjournment, 7996
- 40(e) Ministerial statements - Official Opposition and independent Member(s) comments, 7996
- 42(b) Petitions - Member to summarize contents, 7997–7998, 8015
- 63(d) Estimates consideration - Time for consideration, 8015
- 85(a)(ii) Private Bills - Application requirements, 7998
- 109.1 Standing Committee on Procedure and House Affairs, 7997
- 109.1(a) Standing Committee on Procedure and House Affairs, 7997, 8016
- 115(e) Committees - Membership - Temporary substitution, 7997
- reforms (2019), 7992–7994
- Strong Mayors, Building Homes Act, 2022 (Bill 3)
- third reading, 756
- Supply Act, 2024 (Bill 174)
- first reading, 7732
- Time allocation motions
- Tobacco industry
- legal cases, settlement negotiations
- public health measures, 4480
- legal cases, settlement negotiations
- Toronto
- Toronto Transit Commission (TTC) expansion - Scarborough subway extension
- general remarks, 8524
- Transit
- Transit infrastructure development - by region
- Scarborough, 6396–6397
- Transit-oriented communities
- Unhoused persons
- Unhoused persons - support programs and services
- supportive housing
- funding, 2856
- supportive housing
- Wildland fire management
- government funding, 9543–9544
- York Region
- Your Health Act, 2023 (Bill 60)
Cho, Hon. R.S.J. (PC, Scarborough North)
- Accessibility
- education and awareness, 4482
- government strategy, 10551–10552
- support programs
- funding, 4482
- Accessibility for Ontarians with Disabilities Act, 2005, SO 2005, c 11
- compliance with, 4770
- Accessibility for persons with disabilities
- Accessibility standards
- Building a Better Ontario Act (Budget Measures), 2024 (Bill 180)
- second reading, 8159–8160
- Carbon tax
- impact of
- on senior citizens, 5887–5888
- impact of
- Convenient Care at Home Act, 2023 (Bill 135)
- second reading, 5363–5365
- Employment services
- training and retraining
- Skills Development Fund, 1221
- training and retraining
- Honouring Veterans Act, 2024 (Bill 218)
- second reading, 10214–10216
- Improving Real Estate Management Act, 2024 (Bill 151)
- second reading, 6412–6414
- Members'/ministers' privileges
- Ministerial statements
- Seniors' Month
- presented, 4713–4714
- Seniors' Month
- Ontario Health atHome
- creation of, 5363
- Persons with disabilities
- support services
- funding, 3436
- support services
- Persons with disabilities-employment
- hiring of
- education and awareness, 1220
- hiring of
- Private members' public business
- Retiree Experience Awareness Day Act, 2024 (Bill 217)
- second reading, 10630–10631
- Retiree Experience Awareness Day Act, 2024 (Bill 217)
- Public assets
- centralization, entities
- transferal to Ministry of Infrastructure, 6413–6414
- centralization, entities
- Question period
- Accessibility for persons with disabilities
- Accessibility for seniors and persons with disabilities
- Elder abuse
- responded to, 2670–2671
- National Disability Employment Awareness Month
- responded to, 1220–1221
- Retirement homes
- responded to, 10777
- Senior citizens
- Senior citizens' housing
- responded to, 9378–9379
- Seniors
- Seniors' housing
- responded to, 7726–7727
- Seniors' services
- Services for seniors and persons with disabilities
- responded to, 3748
- Taxation
- responded to, 5887–5888
- Retirement homes
- fee increases, 10777
- Retirement homes - by site
- Chartwell Heritage Glen Retirement, closure
- resident eviction and transition, 9378–9379
- Chartwell Heritage Glen Retirement, closure
- Retirement Homes Regulatory Authority
- retirement homes, closure, 9378
- Senior citizens
- active living centres, 5364, 5593
- aging at home, 5363, 5365
- appreciation of, 4713
- community accessibility
- community development
- community engagement
- funding, 5062
- community fundraising events, 5061
- community services
- community supports, services, and programs
- education and awareness
- Seniors' Month, 4713–4714
- Guaranteed Annual Income System
- expansion, 3145
- income support programs
- Guaranteed Annual Income System, 1619
- isolation
- veterans, 10215
- Ontario Seniors Care at Home Tax Credit, 5363
- quality of life, 10612
- Senior's Community Grant, 5364
- Senior's Community Grant recipients
- Markham Museum, 5326
- social isolation
- government strategy, 4714
- Strengthening Accountability and Student Supports Act, 2024 (Bill 166)
- third reading, 9102
- Support for Seniors and Caregivers Act, 2024 (Bill 235)
- second reading, 10933–10934
- Transit
- government funding, 4770
- Transit funding
- general remarks, 4770
- Tributes
- Onley, Hon. David, 2310
- Veterans
- support programs
- career support, 10215
- senior active living centres, 10215–10216
- support programs
- Accessibility
Cho, Hon. S. (PC, Willowdale)
- Alternate-level-of-care (ALC) patients - transfer to long-term care facilities
- Arts and culture industry
- government funding
- Toronto Caribbean Carnival, 9929
- Ontario Art Council, 10889–10890
- Ontario Creates, 10890
- government funding
- Behaviour-specialized units
- government funding, 7363
- Better Schools and Student Outcomes Act, 2023 (Bill 98)
- second reading, 3694–3695
- Bridges
- maintenance and repair
- Argyle Street Bridge (Caledonia)
- community consultations, 2123
- Argyle Street Bridge (Caledonia)
- maintenance and repair
- Budget 2024/2025
- long-term care, 8707
- Budget speech 2024 (March 26, 2024)
- Carbon tax - impact by industry
- Education funding
- allocation
- responsibility of, school boards, 3694–3695
- allocation
- Enhancing Professional Care for Animals Act, 2024 (Bill 171)
- third reading, 9206
- Film and television industry
- Get It Done Act, 2024 (Bill 162)
- GO Transit
- GO Transit - service expansion
- GO Transit - service expansion - by region
- Bowmanville, 2602
- GO Transit - stations
- Union redevelopment, 3139
- Government orders
- Attacks on Israel
- amendment to the amendment
- responded to, 5492–5494
- amendment to the amendment
- Attacks on Israel
- Government record - Liberal (2003-2018)
- social assistance policy, 1410
- Highway and roads - construction and expansion
- Highway 69 four-laning
- completion rates, 7428–7429
- Highway 69 four-laning
- Highways and roads
- government strategy, 2445
- Highways and roads - construction and expansion
- Highways and roads - infrastructure development
- Housing development - provincial building targets
- eligibility
- long-term care beds, 5817
- eligibility
- Housing supply
- municipal role, 186
- Indigenous communities - long-term care
- beds, development and redevelopment, 9308
- Light Rail Transit (LRT) - Eglinton Crosstown
- Long-term care
- government strategy, 8099
- Long-term care - accountability and oversight
- Long-term care - beds, development and redevelopment
- Long-term care - beds, development/redevelopmnet
- Long-term care facilities - construction
- government funding, 9552
- Long-term care - funding
- Long-term care - residents
- care plans
- culturally and linguistically appropriate care, 7836
- care plans
- Long-term care - services
- Long-term care - staff
- Long-term care - standards of care
- average hours of care
- government funding, 5350
- average hours of care
- Members'/ministers' conduct
- Jama, Sarah (Hamilton Centre), 5493–5494
- Members'/ministers' correction of record, 9844
- Members'/ministers' privileges
- wearing of paraphernalia, 1609
- Motions
- Committee membership (carried)
- presented, 8326
- Committee membership (carried)
- Municipal finances - COVID-19
- Safe Restart Agreement
- program allocation, 2165
- Safe Restart Agreement
- Personal support workers (PSWs)
- recruitment and retention
- funding incentives, 6915
- recruitment and retention
- Plan to Build Act (Budget Measures), 2022 (Bill 2)
- second reading, 202
- Presto fare payment system
- Progress on the Plan to Build Act (Budget Measures), 2022 (Bill 36)
- second reading, 1410
- Question period
- Affordable housing
- responded to, 5817
- Arts and cultural funding
- responded to, 9929, 10889–10890
- GO Transit
- Health care funding
- responded to, 6273
- Highway safety
- responded to, 1528
- Long-term care
- ᓄᒪᑫ ᑲᓇᐍᓂᒥᐍᐏᐣ/ Long-term care
- responded to, 9308
- Northern highway improvement
- responded to, 493–494
- Northern transportation
- Ontario film and television industry
- responded to, 10232
- Public transit
- Taxation
- Tourism
- responded to, 9803
- Transportation infrastructure
- Affordable housing
- Rail service
- Rental housing
- supply, 180
- School boards - information sharing practices
- to parents
- requirements, 3694
- to parents
- Strong Mayors, Building Homes Act, 2022 (Bill 3)
- Toronto Transit Commission (TTC) - expansion
- government strategy, 490
- Toronto Transit Commission (TTC) expansion - Ontario Line
- Tourism industry
- government funding, 9803
- Transit development
- government strategy, 2495
- Transit infrastructure development
- Transit systems
- Transit vehicles
- electrification of fleets, 2494
- Transportation infrastructure development
- northern Ontario, 2905
- Trucking industry
- road safety
- government strategy, 1528
- road safety
- Veterinarians and veterinary technicians
- barriers to becoming, 9206
- Women
- in the workforce, 9234–9235
- Working for Workers Five Act, 2024 (Bill 190)
- second reading, 9234–9235
Clancy, A. (GRN, Kitchener Centre)
- Affordable housing - access
- equity-seeking groups, 11140–11141
- general remarks, 7213
- Agricultural land - development on
- general remarks, 9561
- Apprenticeships
- training programs, secondary students, 9020
- Artificial Intelligence (AI)
- bias, 9758–9759
- Bicycles
- Black community
- Black History Month, 7422
- Building a Better Ontario Act (Budget Measures), 2024 (Bill 180)
- Carbon capture, utilization and storage (CCUS)
- Child care - staff
- recruitment and retention
- compensation, 10830
- recruitment and retention
- Child protection system
- Children and youth
- Children and youth in care
- demographics, 9438
- Children's aid societies (CASs)
- government funding, 9437–9438
- Climate change
- Colleges and universities
- government funding, 8681
- Community Safety and Policing Act, 2019, SO 2019, c 1, s1
- regulations
- public consultation and public notice, 7544
- regulations
- Consumption and treatment services
- and overdose prevention, 7827
- Consumption and treatment services - sites
- buffer zones and closures, 10789
- general remarks, 10451–10452
- Cutting Red Tape to Build More Homes Act, 2024 (Bill 185)
- third reading, 9561–9562
- Cybersecurity
- Debates re answers to question period
- Health care
- presented, 9568–9569
- Health care
- Dementia and other neurocognitive conditions
- provincial framework for, 11124
- Driving - impaired
- Education
- literacy skills, 9020
- Education workers
- Electric vehicles - bicycles
- regulation and enforcement, 9963
- Electric vehicles - charging stations
- in new build homes, 9618–9619
- Electric vehicles - manufacturing
- investments
- electric vehicle market, impact on, 9619
- investments
- Employment standards
- Enbridge Gas - natural gas rate application denial
- government response, 7304
- Enhancing Access to Justice Act, 2024 (Bill 157)
- third reading, 7544
- Erin's Law (Child Sexual Abuse Prevention and Reporting), 2024 (Bill 123)
- third reading, 11125–11126
- Fire rangers
- recruitment and retention, 9019
- Food prices
- price gouging, 9472
- Fuel prices
- price gouging, 8646
- Garrett's Legacy Act (Requirements for Movable Soccer Goals), 2024 (Bill 99)
- third reading, 9416–9417
- Get It Done Act, 2024 (Bill 162)
- Government orders
- New members of provincial Parliament
- responded to, 7212–7215
- New members of provincial Parliament
- Hate and hate-related activities
- prevalence, 8681
- Health care - gender-affirming
- Health care system
- climate change, impact on
- anesthetics, 9568–9569
- climate change, impact on
- Highways and roads - vulnerable users
- injuries and fatalities
- prevention, 9705
- injuries and fatalities
- History - Canada
- Persons Case, the
- Persons Day, 11135
- Persons Case, the
- Home and community care
- family caregivers
- support benefits, 9036
- family caregivers
- Home heating
- heat pumps, 7340
- Homeowner Protection Act, 2024 (Bill 200)
- second reading, 9610–9611
- Housing
- cost
- relocations due to, 8224
- cost
- Housing development
- stakeholder consultation, 9562
- Housing development - densification
- Human trafficking - sex trafficking
- prevalence of, 10957
- Improving Dementia Care in Ontario Act, 2024 (Bill 121)
- third reading, 11124
- Intimate partner violence
- Intimate partner violence - prevention
- education and awareness, 10957
- Keeping Energy Costs Down Act, 2024 (Bill 165)
- second reading, 7339–7340
- Keeping People Housed Act, 2024 (Bill 170)
- first reading, 7614–7615
- Land use planning
- approvals and permits
- timelines, 9562
- approvals and permits
- Land use planning - ministerial zoning orders (MZOs)
- use of, 7439
- Landlord and Tenant Board (LTB) - enforcement
- fines and penalties, 9997
- LGBTQ2S+ community
- Members' statements
- Members'/ministers' constituencies
- Kitchener Centre, 7214
- Members'/ministers' inaugural speeches, 7212–7215
- Mental health and addictions
- prevention, 9710
- Mental health and addictions - children and youth
- social media
- impact on behaviour, 9663
- social media
- Mental health and addictions services
- HART hubs, 10450
- Mental health and addictions services - children and youth
- access to, 8610
- Ministerial statements
- No Free Ride for Fossil Fuels Act, 2024 (Bill 219)
- first reading, 10181
- Notice of security interests (NOSIs)
- Occupational health and safety committees
- meeting locations, 9020
- Ontario Child Advocate
- office, closure, 9438
- Ontario Health Insurance Plan (OHIP)
- prescription eligibility
- Pemazyre, 9551
- prescription eligibility
- Ontario Sex Offender Registry
- name change provisions, 10451
- Persons Day Act, 2024 (Bill 211)
- third reading, 11135
- Petitions
- Population
- out-migration, 7786
- Post-secondary education
- Post-secondary education - mental health and addictions
- government funding, 8893
- Private members' public business
- Caregivers
- responded to, 9036
- Education issues
- responded to, 8457
- Electric vehicles
- responded to, 9618–9619
- Gender Affirming Health Care Advisory Committee Act, 2024 (Bill 42)
- second reading, 7464–7465
- Hate-related incidents
- responded to, 8681
- Keeping People Housed Act, 2024 (Bill 170)
- Kids' Online Safety and Privacy Month Act, 2024 (Bill 133)
- second reading, 9663–9664
- Rent Control for All Tenants Act, 2024 (Bill 48)
- second reading, 11140–11141
- Caregivers
- Question period
- Reducing Gridlock, Saving You Time Act, 2024 (Bill 212)
- Rental housing
- rent increases, 8223
- Rental housing - development
- rent control, impact, 11141
- Rental housing - evictions
- Rental housing - tenant protections
- Resource Management and Safety Act, 2024 (Bill 228)
- Safer Roads and Communities Act, 2024 (Bill 197)
- Safer Streets, Stronger Communities Act, 2024 (Bill 223)
- second reading, 10450–10452
- third reading, 10789–10790
- School boards - funding
- student nutrition programs, 10329
- Schools
- access to pornography in, 8457
- Schools - violence in
- prevalence, 9120
- Sexual violence and harassment - children and youth
- education and awareness
- Erin's Law, 11125–11126
- education and awareness
- Soccer goalposts - unanchored
- regulation
- enforcement, 9417
- regulation
- Sports and recreation - children and youth
- safety, 9416
- Sports and recreation - funding
- not-for-profit, 9416–9417
- Strengthening Accountability and Student Supports Act, 2024 (Bill 166)
- Strengthening Cyber Security and Building Trust in the Public Sector Act, 2024 (Bill 194)
- Support for Seniors and Caregivers Act, 2024 (Bill 235)
- second reading, 11044–11046
- Supporting Children's Futures Act, 2024 (Bill 188)
- Surgical procedures
- anaesthetic gas, use of
- desflurane, 9551
- anaesthetic gas, use of
- Transit
- fare system, integration
- One Fare program, 8235
- fare system, integration
- Transportation infrastructure
- government strategy, 9962–9963
- Tributes
- Nembhard, Nicholas, 7294–7295
- Unhoused persons
- by region
- Region of Waterloo, 7213
- by region
- Waterloo, Region of
- Wilmot township
- agricultural land expropriation, 8637
- Women
- education and awareness
- Women's History Month, 10002
- education and awareness
- Working for Workers Five Act, 2024 (Bill 190)
- second reading, 9018–9020
- Working for Workers Four Act, 2024 (Bill 149)
- third reading, 7762–7765
- Working for Workers Six Act, 2024 (Bill 229)
- third reading, 11155–11156
- Affordable housing - access
Clark, S. (PC, Leeds—Grenville—Thousand Islands and Rideau Lakes)
- Affordable Energy Act, 2024 (Bill 214)
- legislative process, motions
- time allocation, 10237
- time allocation motion
- presented, 10235–10237
- legislative process, motions
- Affordable housing
- Agricultural land - development on
- Agriculture industry - food processing
- Appreciation
- Russell, Tom, 6766
- Automotive industry - investments
- investment agreements, 2367
- Better Municipal Governance Act, 2022 (Bill 39)
- Bridges
- maintenance and repair
- Ginoogaming First Nation, 10336
- maintenance and repair
- Budget 2023/2024
- Building Ontario For You Act (Budget Measures), 2024 (Bill 216)
- legislative process, motions
- time allocation, 10237
- time allocation motion
- presented, 10235–10237
- legislative process, motions
- Business - small- and medium-sized
- education and awareness
- small business week, 9668
- education and awareness
- Carbon tax
- Conservation authorities
- collaboration with government, 1555
- Duffins Rouge Agricultural Preserve
- Economic development
- Education workers - labour disputes, union contracts and negotiations
- terms of, compensation, 1041
- Flood management
- government strategy, 4131
- Food banks
- donations
- Power Up 2, South Crosby Public School, 9365
- donations
- French-language debates
- GO Transit
- fares, free
- veterans, 10304
- fares, free
- Government record - Liberal (2003-2018)
- greenbelt, 1871
- Government record - Liberals (2003-2018)
- environment policy
- greenbelt, 1871
- environment policy
- Government record - PC (2018-present)
- Government-issued documents
- vulnerable persons, access
- mobile identification clinics, 7136
- vulnerable persons, access
- Greenbelt
- boundary adjustments, 1871
- Greenbelt - development on
- Hamilton
- Hazel McCallion Act (Peel Dissolution), 2023 (Bill 112)
- Helping Homebuyers, Protecting Tenants Act, 2023 (Bill 97)
- Home builders
- occupational health and safety
- education and awareness, 4063
- occupational health and safety
- Home ownership
- consumer protection, 4634–4635
- Housing Affordability Task Force
- Housing development
- building targets, municipalities, 857
- Housing development - approvals and permits
- Housing development - by region
- Kitchener-Waterloo, 4385
- Housing development - construction
- funding sources, 874
- general remarks, 2365, 3544
- government strategy, 669, 737, 855, 1453, 2486–2487, 2854, 3069, 3073, 4655, 4726–4727
- impact on municipalities, 3141
- inclusionary zoning, 97
- intergovernmental cooperation, 858
- maximum-height restrictions, ban on
- near transit stations, 3200
- policy development
- statements by stakeholders, 86
- and population growth projections, 1596
- project deferrals
- by region
- Waterloo, 2245
- by region
- provincial fees, freeze, 4635
- regionally, 2051
- starts, 1437, 1596, 2289, 3810, 4634
- Housing development - densification
- Housing development - government funding
- federal-provincial, 3316
- Housing development - municipal charges
- Housing development - provincial building targets
- Housing market
- Housing policy
- Housing supply
- Housing Supply Action Plan Implementation Team (HSAPIT)
- Housing supply - population growth projections
- Indigenous relations
- policy development, 1708
- Land use planning
- Land use planning - ministerial zoning orders (MZOs)
- economic development, 2290–2291
- Landlord and Tenant Board (LTB)
- Legislative procedure
- private members' bills, 10047–10048
- private members' public bills, 9928
- Legislative procedure - motions
- time allocation, 9946
- Manufacturing industry
- general remarks, 2365–2366
- Manufacturing industry - facility development
- Manufacturing industry - investments
- economic impact, 2366
- Members' statements
- Brockville General Hospital, 10165
- Events and businesses in Leeds–Grenville–Thousand Islands and Rideau Lakes, 10329–10330
- Handshakes and Pancakes breakfast event, 7966
- Hunter, Lois, 8976
- International Women's Day, 7597
- Leeds Grenville Economic Development Summit, 6263
- McWilliam, Whitney, 8353
- Mobile identification clinic in Leeds and Grenville, 7136
- Off-road vehicles, 10875
- Organ donation, 8110
- Russell, Tom, 6766
- Small Business Week, 9668
- Student fundraising, 9365
- Toniata Public School, 9578
- Members'/ministers' condolences
- Begum, Doly (Scarborough Southwest), 9845
- Members'/ministers' remarks
- Mental health and addictions services
- HART hubs, 10467–10468
- Ministerial statements
- Region of Peel
- presented, 4452–4453
- Region of Peel
- More Homes Built Faster Act, 2022 (Bill 23)
- Municipal by-laws
- Municipal elections
- Municipal finances
- revenues, 2126
- Municipal finances - COVID-19
- provincial transfers
- Ontario Social Services Relief Fund, 2289
- provincial transfers
- Municipal finances - reserve fund
- Municipal governance
- Municipal governance - regional chairs
- Municipal governance - strong mayor system
- Municipal governance - strong mayor system, administrative authority
- Municipal governance - strong mayor system - effect on housing development
- Municipal governance - structure
- Municipal infrastructure
- government funding, 104
- Municipal planning
- boundary adjustments
- St. Thomas-Central Elgin, 2288
- boundary adjustments
- Municipal restructuring - Peel Region
- Municipal-provincial relations
- general remarks, 2119
- National Housing Strategy (federal) - funding
- New Democratic Party (NDP)
- leadership race, 2119
- New home construction industry
- builder accountability
- fines and penalties, 857
- builder accountability
- Oil and gas wells
- gas leaks
- by region
- Chatham-Kent–Leamington, 287
- by region
- gas leaks
- Oil and natural gas wells
- gas leaks
- by region
- Chatham-Kent–Leamington, 287
- by region
- gas leaks
- Ontario Building Code
- Ontario Human Rights Commission
- air conditioning, statement on, 599
- Ontario Land Tribunal (OLT)
- role of, 863
- Ontario Science Centre
- decision making process, 10491–10492
- relocation process
- timelines, 10438–10439
- Opposition day motions
- Tenant protection
- responded to, 3810–3811
- Tenant protection
- Organ and tissue donation
- education and awareness
- Green Shirt Day, 8110
- education and awareness
- Ottawa
- urban boundary expansion
- ministerial amendments, 1557
- urban boundary expansion
- Petitions
- Economic development, 10056
- Pickering
- urban boundaries
- mayoral requests, 2066
- urban boundaries
- Population
- Private members' public business
- Question period
- Affordable housing
- Boating safety
- responded to, 9928
- Disaster relief
- Environmental protection
- responded to, 4655
- Explosions in Chatham-Kent–Leamington
- responded to, 287
- Fiscal and economic policy
- responded to, 3033
- Government accountability
- responded to, 1454, 1520–1521, 1775–1776, 1826, 1872, 2852–2853, 4701, 10438–10439, 10491–10492
- Government policies
- Homelessness
- Housing
- Indigenous affairs
- responded to, 1708–1709
- Indigenous relations and reconciliation
- responded to, 10703–10704
- Land use planning
- Making Ground River Bridge
- responded to, 10336
- Missing persons
- responded to, 10047–10048
- Municipal development
- Municipal finances
- Municipal funding
- responded to, 4220
- Municipal government
- Municipal planning
- Municipal restructuring
- Shelter services
- responded to, 3552
- Small business
- responded to, 4335
- Social assistance
- Social services
- responded to, 878
- Supportive housing
- responded to, 877
- Taxation
- Tenant protection
- Water quality
- responded to, 4385
- Reducing Gridlock, Saving You Time Act, 2024 (Bill 212)
- legislative process, motions
- time allocation, 10237
- time allocation motion
- presented, 10235–10237
- legislative process, motions
- Rental housing
- Rental housing - development
- Rental housing - evictions
- Rental housing - purpose-built
- redevelopment of
- tenant return, 4642
- redevelopment of
- Rental housing - tenant protections
- Rental supply
- general remarks, 3810
- Residential school system
- legacy of
- government strategy, 10704
- legacy of
- Residential schools
- burial sites, investigations
- government funding, 10704
- burial sites, investigations
- Safer Roads and Communities Act, 2024 (Bill 197)
- time allocation motion
- presented, 9944–9946
- time allocation motion
- Safer Streets, Stronger Communities Act, 2024 (Bill 223)
- second reading, 10467–10468
- Sports and recreation
- winter
- snowmobile trails
- annual pass, 10875
- snowmobile trails
- winter
- St. Thomas - Central Elgin Boundary Adjustment Act, 2023 (Bill 63)
- Strengthening Cyber Security and Building Trust in the Public Sector Act, 2024 (Bill 194)
- time allocation motion
- presented, 9944–9946
- time allocation motion
- Strong Mayors, Building Homes Act, 2022 (Bill 3)
- Support for Seniors and Caregivers Act, 2024 (Bill 235)
- second reading, 11038–11039
- Supportive housing - funding
- program allocation, 1005
- Taxation
- reduction
- as economic policy, 8643
- reduction
- Time allocation motions
- Affordable Energy Act, 2024 (Bill 214)
- presented, 10235–10237
- Building Ontario For You Act (Budget Measures), 2024 (Bill 216)
- presented, 10235–10237
- Reducing Gridlock, Saving You Time Act, 2024 (Bill 212)
- presented, 10235–10237
- Safer Roads and Communities Act, 2024 (Bill 197)
- presented, 9944–9946
- Strengthening Cyber Security and Building Trust in the Public Sector Act, 2024 (Bill 194)
- presented, 9944–9946
- Affordable Energy Act, 2024 (Bill 214)
- Tourism industry
- Transit-oriented communities
- Tributes
- Unhoused persons
- Unhoused persons - support programs and services
- Waterloo
- official plan
- ministerial amendments
- statements by stakeholders, 3545
- ministerial amendments
- official plan
- Waterloo, Region of
- official plan
- ministerial amendments
- statements by stakeholders, 3545
- ministerial amendments
- official plan
- Weather events
- government response
- relief funding, 289
- government response
- Working for Workers Five Act, 2024 (Bill 190)
- third reading, 9907–9908
- Affordable Energy Act, 2024 (Bill 214)
Coe, L. (PC, Whitby)
- Accessibility - services
- Affordable housing
- government strategy, 3577
- Agricultural land - development on
- general remarks, 3578
- Agri-food industry
- Alternate-level-of-care (ALC) patients - transfer to long-term care facilities
- Appreciation
- Arts and culture industry
- government funding, 11101
- Automobile thefts
- Better for Consumers, Better for Businesses Act, 2023 (Bill 142)
- Better Municipal Governance Act, 2022 (Bill 39)
- Better Schools and Student Outcomes Act, 2023 (Bill 98)
- Budget 2023/2024
- Building a Better Ontario Act (Budget Measures), 2024 (Bill 180)
- Building a Strong Ontario Act (Budget Measures), 2023 (Bill 85)
- Building More Mines Act, 2023 (Bill 71)
- Business environment
- role in attracting investments, 2366
- Business - small- and medium-sized
- government strategy, 6521
- Cadets
- Carbon capture, utilization and storage (CCUS)
- carbon storage, 10946
- Carbon tax
- Carbon tax - impact by industry
- trucking, 8318–8319
- Children and youth in care
- preventative measures, 8634
- Consumer protection
- vulnerable persons, 6946
- Consumer protection - home owners
- notice of security interests (NOSIs), disclosure of, 4958
- Convenient Care at Home Act, 2023 (Bill 135)
- Cost of living
- government strategy, 6395
- Cutting Red Tape to Build More Homes Act, 2024 (Bill 185)
- Cybersecurity
- children and youth, 9753
- Debates re answers to question period
- Durham College
- government funding, 993
- Education - student outcomes
- general remarks, 4887
- Education system
- government strategy, 4881
- Elder abuse
- financial, 4958
- Electric vehicles - manufacturing
- academic-provincial partnerships
- Project Arrow, 2238
- academic-provincial partnerships
- Electricity generation
- sector capacity, 1000
- Electricity supply
- demand
- government strategy, 9797–9798
- demand
- Emergency service providers
- recognition, 9828
- Employment
- Employment services - target populations
- social assistance recipients, 3035–3036
- Energy generation
- clean energy, 10946
- Energy rates
- mitigation programs, 3434
- Energy supply
- government strategy, 2250
- Energy transmission
- line to development
- leave to construct, reform, 9107
- line to development
- Family law
- professionals, continuing education
- intimate partner violence, 1851
- professionals, continuing education
- Fire Safety
- Get It Done Act, 2024 (Bill 162)
- third reading, 8879
- GO Transit - service expansion
- Bowmanville, 2602
- GO Transit - service expansion - by region
- GO Transit - stations
- Government orders
- Government record - Liberal (2003-2018)
- education policy, 3757
- Government record - PC (2018-present)
- Greenbelt
- Greenbelt Plan, review of
- process reform, 5805
- Greenbelt Plan, review of
- Greenbelt - development on
- housing
- land swap, 4428
- housing
- Greenbelt Statute Law Amendment Act, 2023 (Bill 136)
- second reading, 5805
- Greenhouse gas emissions - reduction
- Hazel McCallion Act (Peel Dissolution), 2023 (Bill 112)
- Health care funding
- annual rate, 1251
- Health care system
- health human resources
- funding, 1251
- health human resources
- Health care workers - recruitment and retention
- general remarks, 2399–2400
- Health facilities - by site
- Whitby Health Centre, 10219
- Helping Homebuyers, Protecting Tenants Act, 2023 (Bill 97)
- second reading, 3575–3579
- Highways and roads
- traffic congestion, 8879
- Highways and roads safety
- and commercial vehicles, 9328
- Home and community care - reform
- government funding, 5636
- Homes and community care
- by site
- Grandview Kids Jerry Coughland Building, 10372
- by site
- Honouring Our Veterans Act, 2023 (Bill 65)
- Honouring Veterans Act, 2024 (Bill 218)
- consultations, 10216
- second reading, 10216–10217
- Hospitals - capital projects
- Housing developers
- approvals and permits, timelines
- expiry of, 8415–8416
- approvals and permits, timelines
- Housing development
- natural gas installation
- costs, 9106
- natural gas installation
- Housing development - approvals and permits
- Housing development - construction
- Housing development - government funding
- Housing development - municipal charges
- development charges
- cost of, 5686
- development charges
- Housing policy
- public consultation, 2075–2076
- Housing supply
- Immigration policy
- foreign credentials
- recognition of, 5033
- foreign credentials
- Independent health facilities
- service delivery
- surgical backlog, 2399
- service delivery
- Indigenous relations - reconciliation
- government response, 7953
- Indigenous soldiers
- service during world wars, 7953
- Infrastructure development
- Intimate partner violence
- Intimate partner violence - victims
- Judicial education
- Keeping Energy Costs Down Act, 2024 (Bill 165)
- Keeping Students in Class Act, 2022 (Bill 28)
- Lakeridge Health
- Land use planning
- government strategy, 3576–3579
- Land use planning - environmental assessments
- general remarks, 2502
- Land use planning - provincial policy statement
- general remarks, 8439
- Legislative Assembly
- architectural design, 2825
- Legislative Assembly - facility rehabilitation
- Legislative Assembly - facility rehabilitation, project planning process
- Legislative procedure
- private members' public bills, 10026
- Less Red Tape, More Common Sense Act, 2023 (Bill 139)
- second reading, 5763–5764
- Less Red Tape, Stronger Economy Act, 2023 (Bill 91)
- Less Red Tape, Stronger Ontario Act, 2023 (Bill 46)
- Lieutenant Governor - Order of Ontario
- appointees, 1257–1258
- Life jackets
- use of, 10026
- Long-term care facilities - by site
- Village of Taunton Mills (Whitby), 3306
- Manufacturing industry
- decline and recovery, 7336
- Manufacturing industry - funding
- Ontario Made Manufacturing Investment Tax Credit, 3072
- Members' statements
- Abilities Centre Accessibility Awards, 8857
- Accessibility for persons with disabilities, 483
- Arts and cultural funding, 11101
- Broadband infrastructure, 149
- Canadian Cancer Survivor Network, 8696
- Children's treatment centre, 10372
- Community services, 3792
- Dementia care, 5212
- Durham College, 5769
- Elliott, Christine, 4761
- Flaherty, Jim, 8243
- Foran, Pat, 10299
- Government investments, 8419, 9111, 9541
- Health care, 9790
- Health care funding, 1515, 3424–3425
- Hospital funding, 9733–9734
- Info-Tech CIO Awards, 6264
- Intellectual Property Ontario, 5769
- Julien, Cordelia Clarke, 7225
- Long-term care, 3306
- Marshall, Joyce, 7718
- Melly's Workplace, 10599–10600
- Mental health services, 10488
- Ontario Closed Circuit Television Grant, 4988
- Ontario Trillium Foundation grants for Durham region, 7194
- Order of Ontario, 1257–1258
- Project Arrow, 2238
- The Refuge Youth Outreach Centre, 5583
- Research and innovation, 993
- Resilient Communities Fund, 83
- Schulich Builders scholarships, 3031
- Seniors' services, 10819
- Shop in Durham Week, 6766
- Shoreman, Mike, 386–387
- Supportive housing, 4122
- Volunteers, 8517
- Whitby Health Centre, 10219
- Whitby Warriors, 789
- WindReach Farm, 1954
- Women's Multicultural Resource and Counselling Centre of Durham Region, 4255
- Mental health and addictions services
- first responders, 10488
- Mental health and addictions services - funding
- general remarks, 3113
- Mining industry
- Mining industry - Critical Minerals Strategy
- More Beds, Better Care Act, 2022 (Bill 7)
- second reading, 386
- More Convenient Care Act, 2024 (Bill 231)
- More Homes Built Faster Act, 2022 (Bill 23)
- Mount Pleasant Group of Cemeteries Act, 2024 (Bill Pr55)
- first reading, 9746
- Municipal governance - regional chairs
- Municipal governance - strong mayor system
- government strategy, 2076
- Municipal governance - structure
- two-tier
- provincial assessment, facilitators, 2076
- two-tier
- Municipal restructuring - Peel Region
- Murray Whetung Community Service Award Act, 2024 (Bill 31)
- third reading, 7953–7954
- Natural gas
- use of
- as part of energy policy, 1001
- use of
- Nuclear generation facilities - small modular reactors (SMRs)
- government strategy, 1372
- Ontario One Call
- government strategy, 9928–9929
- Ontario Provincial Police (OPP)
- in relation to provincial government, 1130
- Ontario Trillium Foundation
- grant recipients
- by region
- Region of Durham, 7194
- by region
- grant recipients
- Petitions
- Pharmacists
- Pharmacists and pharmacies
- Planning Statute Law Amendment Act, 2023 (Bill 150)
- second reading, 6301
- Police officers - employment
- Police services
- Police services - community relations
- community partnerships, 4799
- Post-secondary education
- Post-secondary education - funding
- Post-secondary education - mental health and addictions
- Post-secondary education - sexual violence and harassment
- Preventing Unethical Puppy Sales Act, 2024 (Bill 159)
- third reading, 9538
- Private members' public business
- Community safety
- responded to, 10471
- Consumer protection
- responded to, 4958
- Domestic violence
- First responders
- responded to, 9828
- Health care
- responded to, 1251
- Honouring Our Veterans Act, 2023 (Bill 65)
- Murray Whetung Community Service Award Act, 2024 (Bill 31)
- second reading, 2527
- Planning for Your Silver Years Awareness Week Act, 2024 (Bill 137)
- second reading, 5918
- Police funding
- responded to, 4685
- Retiree Experience Awareness Day Act, 2024 (Bill 217)
- second reading, 10631
- Test Your Smoke Alarm Day Act, 2024 (Bill 177)
- second reading, 8511
- Community safety
- Progress on the Plan to Build Act (Budget Measures), 2022 (Bill 36)
- third reading, 1953
- Protest convoys
- Ottawa
- police response, coordination, 1130
- Ottawa
- Public health units - funding
- by region
- Durham, 3424–3425
- by region
- Public Order Emergency Commission
- Puppy mills
- enforcement and inspections, 9538
- Queen's Park Restoration Act, 2023 (Bill 75)
- second reading, 2824–2827
- Question period
- Economic development
- presented, 3071
- Electricity supply
- Employment supports
- presented, 3035–3036
- Energy rates
- presented, 3433–3434
- Environmental protection
- presented, 10946
- Green power generation
- presented, 1000–1001
- Infrastructure funding
- presented, 1868–1869
- Long-term care
- presented, 286–287
- Mineral exploration and production
- presented, 10335–10336
- Mining industry
- presented, 10994
- Nuclear energy
- Public safety
- presented, 10705–10706
- Public transit
- School safety
- presented, 10554
- Skilled trades
- presented, 7361–7362
- Small business
- presented, 6521
- Taxation
- Tenant protection
- presented, 3746–3747
- Underground locates
- presented, 9928–9929
- Economic development
- Reducing Gridlock, Saving You Time Act, 2024 (Bill 212)
- second reading, 10024
- Reducing Inefficiencies Act (Infrastructure Statute Law Amendments), 2023 (Bill 69)
- Regulations - business
- Renewable energy
- government strategy, 8922
- Rental housing
- tenant protections, 3747
- Reports by committees
- Standing Committee on Justice Policy, 2862–2863
- Resilient Communities Fund
- Retirees
- education and awareness
- Retiree Experience Awareness Day, 10631
- education and awareness
- Safer Roads and Communities Act, 2024 (Bill 197)
- second reading, 9328
- Safer Streets, Stronger Communities Act, 2024 (Bill 223)
- second reading, 10398
- School board trustees
- training and code of conduct, 3758
- School facilities - capital projects
- new school construction
- by region
- Durham, 9541
- by region
- new school construction
- Schools
- bullying and cyberbullying, 10554
- Senior citizens
- Skilled trades
- government strategy, 515
- Skilled trades - education and training
- scholarships
- Schulich Builders, 3031
- scholarships
- Sports teams
- regional
- Whitby, 789
- regional
- St. Thomas - Central Elgin Boundary Adjustment Act, 2023 (Bill 63)
- third reading, 2366
- Strengthening Accountability and Student Supports Act, 2024 (Bill 166)
- Strengthening Cyber Security and Building Trust in the Public Sector Act, 2024 (Bill 194)
- Strengthening Post-secondary Institutions and Students Act, 2022 (Bill 26)
- Strengthening Safety and Modernizing Justice Act, 2023 (Bill 102)
- Support for Seniors and Caregivers Act, 2024 (Bill 235)
- second reading, 11046–11050, 11078, 11081–11082, 11084–11085
- Supporting Children's Futures Act, 2024 (Bill 188)
- Supportive housing
- by region
- Durham, 4122
- by region
- Throne speech debate
- Transit
- Transit workers
- collective bargaining rights, 5171–5172
- Transportation for the Future Act, 2023 (Bill 131)
- Tributes
- Unhoused persons - support programs and services
- government funding
- by region
- Durham, 9111
- by region
- government funding
- Veterans - commemoration
- Volunteers
- awards
- June Callwood Outstanding Achievement Award for Voluntarism, 8517
- awards
- Women
- community support centres
- by region
- Durham, 4255
- by region
- community support centres
- Working for Workers Act, 2023 (Bill 79)
- Working for Workers Four Act, 2024 (Bill 149)
- third reading, 7716
- Working for Workers Six Act, 2024 (Bill 229)
- Workplace Safety and Insurance Board (WSIB)
- presumptive coverage, firefighters
- cancers, 5019
- presumptive coverage, firefighters
- Your Health Act, 2023 (Bill 60)
Collard, L. (LIB, Ottawa—Vanier)
- Access to Sexual Assault Evidence Kits and Provision of Sexual Assault Education Act, 2022 (Bill 20)
- first reading, 746–747
- Affordable Homes and Good Jobs Act, 2023 (Bill 134)
- second reading, 5295
- Allied Contractors (Kitchener) Limited Act, 2024 (Bill Pr32)
- first reading, 5783
- Alternate-level-of-care (ALC) patients - transfer to long-term care facilities
- impact on patient care, 637
- Appreciation
- Ottawa Riverkeeper, 4761
- Architectural technologists
- regulatory oversight, 6906
- Arts and culture industry
- government funding, 2964–2965
- francophone community, 10924–10925
- government funding, 2964–2965
- Arts and culture industry - government funding
- general remarks, 2964–2965
- Better Schools and Student Outcomes Act, 2023 (Bill 98)
- Building a Better Ontario Act (Budget Measures), 2024 (Bill 180)
- second reading, 8207
- Captive Wildlife Protection Act, 2024 (Bill 236)
- first reading, 10892
- Children and youth
- Community events - fundraising
- by region
- Ottawa–Vanier, 2114
- by region
- Community organizations
- government funding, 7227
- Consumption and treatment services
- wraparound services, 6063
- Consumption and treatment services - sites
- buffer zones and closures
- impact on clients, 10423
- buffer zones and closures
- Consumption and treatment services - sites by region
- Ottawa—Vanier
- site locations, 6063
- Ottawa—Vanier
- Correctional facilities
- Curriculum
- consultation process, 3726
- Disability Pride Month Act, 2023 (Bill 128)
- first reading, 4929
- Doctors - education and training
- internationally trained
- training programs, 10901
- internationally trained
- Doctors - family doctors
- administrative responsibilities, 3903
- Doctors - primary care
- Education funding
- mental health services, 4952
- Education funding - special education
- allocation, 4952
- Education policy
- ministerial authority, 3726
- Enhancing Access to Justice Act, 2024 (Bill 157)
- second reading, 6906
- Family law
- professionals, continuing education
- intimate partner violence, 1849
- professionals, continuing education
- Food banks - usage
- by region
- Ottawa, 8242
- by region
- Foreign Credentials Advisory Committee Act, 2022 (Bill 6)
- first reading, 36–37
- French-language debates
- Affaires d'intérêt public émanant des députées et députés
- Déclarations des députées et députés
- Déclarations ministérielles et réponses
- Services en français, 2043
- Dépôt des projets de loi
- Private members' public bills
- Loi de 2022 modifiant la Loi sur le poète officiel de l’Ontario (poète officiel de l’Ontario de langue française), projet de loi 22
- première lecture, 747
- Loi de 2022 modifiant la Loi sur le poète officiel de l’Ontario (poète officiel de l’Ontario de langue française), projet de loi 22
- Private members' public bills
- Loi de 2023 sur l’amélioration des écoles et du rendement des élèves, projet de loi 98
- Loi de 2023 sur le renforcement de la sécurité et la modernisation de la justice, projet de loi 102
- troisième lecture, 4814
- Loi de 2024 visant à renforcer la cybersécurité et la confiance dans le secteur public, projet de loi 194
- deuxième lecture, 9818–9819
- Période de questions
- Pétitions
- Agression sexuelle, 4931
- Gender-based violence
- femicide, 4815
- Government notices of motion
- Bail reform
- amendment
- responded to, 3342–3343
- amendment
- Bail reform
- Government orders
- Legislative reform
- amendment to the amendment
- responded to, 8107–8109
- amendment to the amendment
- Legislative reform
- Gun violence
- Health care - primary care
- site application assessments
- timelines, 7064
- site application assessments
- Highway 413
- Hospitals - staff
- French-language, 396
- Housing development - construction
- government strategy
- building target, 5295
- government strategy
- Human trafficking - prevention
- Human trafficking - sex trafficking
- Human trafficking - survivor services
- Project Recover, 6761
- Human trafficking - victims
- Intimate partner violence
- Intimate partner violence - victims
- Judicial appointments - Judicial Appointments Advisory Committee
- Kids' Online Safety and Privacy Month Act, 2024 (Bill 133)
- first reading, 5117
- Landlord and Tenant Board (LTB) - hearings
- hearings, delivery of, 1263
- Legions
- poppy campaigns, 5668–5669
- Legislation
- adaption and implementation
- timeline, 3313
- adaption and implementation
- Legislative procedure - motions
- committee procedure
- committee membership, 8326–8327
- committee procedure
- Legislative procedure - Standing Orders
- reforms, 8107
- Legislative process - federal government
- oral questions, 8108
- Licence Appeal Tribunal
- warranty disputes
- homeowners vs. Tarion Warranty Corp., 9639–9640
- warranty disputes
- Members' statements
- Members'/ministers' appreciation
- Fraser, John
- as interim leader, Ontario Liberal Party, 6882
- Fraser, John
- Members'/ministers' conduct
- Collard, Lucille (Ottawa-Vanier), 8017
- Members'/ministers' correction of record, 10952
- Mental health and addictions services
- HART hubs, 10423–10425
- mobile crisis intervention units, 1674
- Ministerial statements
- Human trafficking
- responded to, 2199
- Human trafficking
- More Homes Built Faster Act, 2022 (Bill 23)
- second reading, 959
- Motions
- Committee membership (carried)
- responded to, 8326–8327
- Committee membership (carried)
- Municipal councillors
- harassment and abuse
- removal process
- legislative reform, 4599
- removal process
- harassment and abuse
- Municipal elections
- general election (2022), 1205
- New Deal for Toronto Act, 2023 (Bill 154)
- second reading, 6813–6814
- Notwithstanding Clause Limitation Act, 2022 (Bill 37)
- first reading, 1324
- Nurse practitioner led clinics
- government funding, 10495–10496
- Nurse practitioner-led clinics
- Nurses - employment
- compensation
- impact on retention, 10948
- compensation
- Nurses - recruitment and retention
- regional shortages, 396
- Ontario Autism Program (OAP)
- wait-list, 4862
- Ontario Disability Support Program (ODSP)
- recipients, medial eligibility reviews
- doctor shortage, impact on, 4651
- recipients, medial eligibility reviews
- Ontario Place - lease of, redevelopment agreements
- accountability and transparency, 6813
- Ontario Sex Offender Registry
- name change provisions, 10424
- Opposition day motions
- Tenant protection
- responded to, 3823–3824
- Tenant protection
- Persons with disabilities
- employment, barriers to, 4651
- Petitions
- Plan to Build Act (Budget Measures), 2022 (Bill 2)
- second reading, 212
- Poet Laureate of Ontario Amendment Act (French-language Poet Laureate of Ontario), 2022 (Bill 22)
- first reading, 747
- Police officers - in schools
- general remarks, 4814
- Police services - community relations
- Police services oversight - disciplinary process
- Private members' public business
- Arts and cultural funding
- responded to, 10924–10925
- Domestic violence
- responded to, 1849
- Intimate Partner Violence Epidemic Act, 2024 (Bill 173)
- second reading, 8296
- Kids' Online Safety and Privacy Month Act, 2024 (Bill 133)
- Protection from Coerced Debts Incurred in relation to Human Trafficking Act, 2023 (Bill 41)
- Safe and Healthy Communities Act (Addressing Gun Violence), 2022 (Bill 9)
- second reading, 771
- Stopping Harassment and Abuse by Local Leaders Act, 2023 (Bill 5)
- second reading, 4599
- Arts and cultural funding
- Protection from Coerced Debts Incurred in relation to Human Trafficking Act, 2023 (Bill 41)
- Protection from Coerced Debts Incurred in Relation to Human Trafficking Act, 2023 (Bill 41)
- consultations, 6761
- Public Order Emergency Commission
- Report of the Public Inquiry into the 2022 Public Order Emergency
- provincial involvement, 2186–2187
- Report of the Public Inquiry into the 2022 Public Order Emergency
- Question period
- Arts and cultural funding
- presented, 2964–2965
- Assistance to persons with disabilities
- presented, 4651
- Autism treatment
- presented, 4862
- Consumer protection
- presented, 9639–9640
- Correctional services
- presented, 1674
- Health care
- presented, 5997, 7064, 10312, 10495–10496, 10947–10948
- Human trafficking
- presented, 2305
- Justice system
- presented, 7412–7413
- Land use planning
- presented, 5275–5276
- Landlord and Tenant Board
- presented, 1263–1264
- Long-term care
- presented, 637
- Mental health and addiction services
- presented, 6063
- Nurses
- presented, 396
- Police services
- presented, 3313
- Public Order Emergency Commission report
- presented, 2186–2187
- Services for seniors and persons with disabilities
- presented, 3743–3744
- Arts and cultural funding
- Rent control
- general remarks, 3823
- Rental housing
- rent increases
- statements by stakeholders, 3823
- rent increases
- Safer Streets, Stronger Communities Act, 2024 (Bill 223)
- second reading, 10423–10425
- School board trustees
- training and code of conduct, 3725
- School boards
- diversity and inclusion, 4952
- School boards - directors of education
- training and performance metrics, 3725
- School facilities - capital projects
- Senior citizens
- community services
- Meals on Wheels service, 3743–3744
- community services
- Speaker's statements
- Standing Orders
- Strengthening Cyber Security and Building Trust in the Public Sector Act, 2024 (Bill 194)
- second reading, 9814
- Strengthening Safety and Modernizing Justice Act, 2023 (Bill 102)
- third reading, 4813–4815
- Transportation for the Future Act, 2023 (Bill 131)
- third reading, 6479
- Tributes
- Veterans
- appreciation for, 5669
- Veterans - commemoration
- Remembrance Day and Remembrance Week, 5668
- Working for Workers Six Act, 2024 (Bill 229)
- second reading, 10898, 10900–10901
- Workplace Safety and Insurance Board (WSIB)
- presumptive coverage, wildland firefighters
- inclusion, 10898
- presumptive coverage, wildland firefighters
- Access to Sexual Assault Evidence Kits and Provision of Sexual Assault Education Act, 2022 (Bill 20)
Crawford, Hon. S. (PC, Oakville)
- Aerospace industry
- economic impact, 160
- Affordable housing
- Alcohol consumption
- social responsibility
- government funding, 9431
- social responsibility
- Alcohol retail
- taxation, reduction, 9076
- Alcohol retail - expansion
- Automobile thefts
- rate of, 8102
- Automotive industry
- government strategy, 427
- Automotive industry - manufacturing
- unions, role of, 3028
- Better Municipal Governance Act, 2022 (Bill 39)
- second reading, 1476
- Black community
- community organizations, by region
- Oakville, 7195
- community organizations, by region
- Budget 2022/2023
- Budget 2023/2024
- accountability and transparency, 4278–4279
- community safety, 3061
- cost of living, 4278
- education, 4277
- emergency management, 3061
- employment services, 3186
- general remarks, 4276
- health care, 3060–3061
- health care workers, 4277–4278
- health care workers, 4277–4278
- immigration, 4277
- mental health and addictions
- statements by stakeholders, 3062
- senior citizens, 3063, 4278
- skilled trades, 4277
- statements by stakeholders, 4289–4290
- supportive housing, 4278
- veterinarians, 4277–4278
- veterinary services, 3060
- Budget 2024/2025
- cost of living, 8054
- debt and deficit, 10159
- debt-to-GDP, 10159, 10162
- education
- post-secondary, 10159
- employment services, 10160
- energy, 10159
- factors affecting, 9077
- government strategy, 8054
- health care, 10159
- health care workers
- recruitment and retention, 10160
- housing
- development, 10160
- life sciences, 10160
- manufacturing, 10160
- mines and mining industry, 10160
- municipalities
- Ontario Municipal Partnership Fund, 10160
- police services
- helicopters, 10160–10161
- revenue, 10162
- transportation, 10159
- Budget speech 2023 (March 23, 2023)
- Budget speech 2024 (March 26, 2024)
- Building a Better Ontario Act (Budget Measures), 2024 (Bill 180)
- Building a Strong Ontario Act (Budget Measures), 2023 (Bill 85)
- Building a Strong Ontario Together Act (Budget Measures), 2023 (Bill 146)
- Building Ontario For You Act (Budget Measures), 2024 (Bill 216)
- second reading, 10157–10162
- Building Ontario Fund
- general remarks, 9076
- Business environment
- government strategy, 1951
- Business investment
- Regional Opportunity Investment Tax Credit, 77
- Business - small- and medium-sized
- government strategy, 9175
- Business - taxation
- small and medium-sized
- small business tax rate, 1308
- small and medium-sized
- Canada-Wide Early Learning and Child Care Agreement (CWELCC)
- child care operators
- application period, 442–443
- child care operators
- Carbon tax
- Chinese community
- heritage events, 83
- Community events - by region
- Oakville, 787
- Construction industry
- Cost of living
- Credit unions and caisses populaires, regulations
- general remarks, 6248
- Crime
- prevalence of, 9183
- Cutting Red Tape, Building Ontario Act, 2024 (Bill 227)
- second reading, 10515–10519
- Debates re answers to question period
- Ontario budget
- responded to, 8039–8040
- Ontario budget
- Doctors - recruitment and retention
- general remarks, 9080
- Drugs, generic - approvals
- regulations, 5760
- Economic conditions
- Economic conditions - downturn
- government strategy, 1951
- Education - COVID-19
- government funding
- catch-up payments, 1307
- government funding
- Electric vehicles
- Electric vehicles - charging stations
- locations, 2330
- Electric vehicles - manufacturing
- Employment
- Employment - COVID-19
- sick days, paid
- provincial program, 3026
- sick days, paid
- Employment services
- Employment services - target populations
- immigrants, 3060
- Employment standards
- Energy generation
- government strategy, 9119
- Energy supply
- government strategy, 10159
- Enhancing Professional Care for Animals Act, 2024 (Bill 171)
- second reading, 7898
- Fertility services
- Ontario Fertility Program, 10159–10160
- Film and television industry
- tax credits
- Ontario Computer Animation and Special Effects Tax Credit, 9076
- tax credits
- Financial services - Regulatory Authority of Ontario
- automobile insurance companies
- government strategy, 1950–1951
- automobile insurance companies
- Fuel prices - taxation
- Galleries and museums
- by site
- Oakville Museum, 929
- by site
- Get It Done Act, 2024 (Bill 162)
- GO Transit
- Oakville service, 1213
- Government debt and deficit
- Government finances
- Government orders
- Member's conduct
- amendment to the amendment
- responded to, 5556–5559
- amendment to the amendment
- Member's conduct
- Government record
- PC (2018-present)
- fiscal policy, 9249
- PC (2018-present)
- Government record - PC (2018-present)
- Hazel McCallion Act (Peel Dissolution), 2023 (Bill 112)
- Health care funding
- Canada Health Transfer (federal), 3061
- Health care workers - recruitment and retention
- Learn and Stay Grant, 10160
- Helping Homebuyers, Protecting Tenants Act, 2023 (Bill 97)
- second reading, 3771–3772
- Highway tolls
- removal of, 7432
- Highways and roads - construction and expansion
- Housing development
- Housing development - approvals and permits
- timelines
- impact on costs, 956
- timelines
- Housing development - construction
- Housing supply
- municipal role, 1476
- Housing supply - population growth projections
- general remarks, 948
- Immigrants - access to professions and trades
- Infrastructure Ontario (IO)
- real estate services
- management of, 2564
- real estate services
- Invest Ontario
- role of, 10161
- Keeping Students in Class Act, 2022 (Bill 28)
- second reading, 1040
- Land use planning - environmental assessments
- regulatory reform
- economic impact, 2563
- regulatory reform
- Land use planning - environmental assessments, class environment assessments
- 30-day review period, ministerial waiver, 2562–2563
- Landlord and Tenant Board (LTB)
- adjudicators
- hiring of, 3772
- adjudicators
- Less Red Tape, More Common Sense Act, 2023 (Bill 139)
- Low-income Individuals and Families (LIFT) Tax Credit
- expansion, 244
- Manufacturing industry
- decline and recovery, 3027
- Manufacturing industry - funding
- Members' statements
- Black History Month, 7195
- D-Day, 9421
- Employment standards, 3029–3030
- Events in Oakville, 4964
- Government's agenda, 6868
- Government's record, 2115
- HMCS Oakville, 929
- Holodomor, 1666, 6604
- Kerrfest and Kerrfest Kids, 787
- Mid-Autumn Moon Festival, 83
- Oakville Awards for Business Excellence, 4213
- Oakville Culture Days, 5313
- Persian community, 7879
- Remembrance Day, 5987
- Shifa Gala 2023, 6055
- Special Olympics, 3305–3306
- Taxation, 8052
- Vimy Ridge Day, 3498
- Mental health and addictions
- cost of, 4363
- Mental health and addictions - housing
- supportive, 4280
- Mental health and addictions services
- Mental health and addictions services - funding
- general remarks, 9082
- Mining industry
- More Homes Built Faster Act, 2022 (Bill 23)
- Municipal restructuring - Peel Region
- general remarks, 4747
- New Deal for Toronto Act, 2023 (Bill 154)
- second reading, 6789–6791
- Niagara region
- regional development, 9080
- Nuclear generation facilities - small modular reactors (SMRs)
- government strategy, 10159
- The Oakville Players Act, 2024 (Bill Pr50)
- first reading, 9647
- Occupational health and safety
- workplace violations
- fines, increase, 3024
- workplace violations
- Ontario Bonds
- issue of, 9077
- Ontario Disability Support Program (ODSP)
- earning exemption, 1950
- Ontario Disability Support Program (ODSP) - benefit rates
- Pension plans
- target benefit plans
- framework development, 9076
- target benefit plans
- Plan to Build Act (Budget Measures), 2022 (Bill 2)
- Police services
- helicopters, 10160–10161
- Post-secondary education
- Private members' public business
- Addiction services
- Building Better Business Outcomes Act, 2023 (Bill 50)
- second reading, 2469–2470
- Provincial Parks and Conservation Reserves Amendment Act, 2024 (Bill 193)
- second reading, 9408–9409
- Taxation Amendment Act (Promoting Leisure Activities for Youth), 2024 (Bill 178)
- second reading, 9248–9249
- Progress on the Plan to Build Act (Budget Measures), 2022 (Bill 36)
- Provincial parks
- urban, creation of
- by region
- Oakville, 9409
- by region
- urban, creation of
- Public assets
- Question period
- Beverage alcohol sales
- responded to, 9430–9431
- Child care
- presented, 442–443
- Cost of living
- Economic development
- presented, 160
- Fiscal and economic policy
- Government contract
- Government spending
- responded to, 9428–9429
- Mining industry
- responded to, 10174
- Ontario budget
- responded to, 8054–8055
- Public transit
- Taxation
- Tobacco control
- responded to, 3377–3378
- Beverage alcohol sales
- Reducing Inefficiencies Act (Infrastructure Statute Law Amendments), 2023 (Bill 69)
- Regulations - business
- Regulatory environment
- reform, 10515–10517
- Renewable energy
- from Quebec
- reliability of, 1309
- from Quebec
- Rental housing - development
- purpose-built
- harmonized sales tax, deferral, 3059–3060
- purpose-built
- Ring of Fire development
- Senior citizens
- income support programs
- Guaranteed Annual Income System, increase, 1310
- income support programs
- Skilled trades
- Skilled trades - education and training
- Skilled trades - education and training, facilities
- government funding
- Skills Development Fund, 3025
- government funding
- Skilled trades - employment
- labour shortage, 3026
- Sporting events
- Special Olympics
- qualifying events, 3305–3306
- Special Olympics
- St. Thomas - Central Elgin Boundary Adjustment Act, 2023 (Bill 63)
- second reading, 2330
- Strengthening Accountability and Student Supports Act, 2024 (Bill 166)
- second reading, 7652
- Strengthening Post-secondary Institutions and Students Act, 2022 (Bill 26)
- Strong Mayors, Building Homes Act, 2022 (Bill 3)
- second reading, 130
- Supportive housing - funding
- statements by stakeholders, 4278
- Taxation
- Temporary foreign workers
- passports and work permits, retention of
- fines and penalties, 3024
- passports and work permits, retention of
- Throne speech debate
- Tobacco industry
- illicit sales
- government response, 3377–3378
- illicit sales
- Toronto
- Transit
- Transit vehicles
- electrification of fleets, 2494
- Transportation for the Future Act, 2023 (Bill 131)
- second reading, 5174
- Transportation infrastructure
- government strategy, 1951–1952
- Ukrainian community
- Veterans
- Remembrance Day, 5987
- Veterinarians
- recruitment and retention
- support programs
- statements by stakeholders, 4278
- support programs
- recruitment and retention
- Veterinarians and veterinary technicians
- recruitment and retention
- support programs
- statements by stakeholders, 4278
- support programs
- recruitment and retention
- Working for Workers Act, 2023 (Bill 79)
- second reading, 3023–3028
- Working for Workers Five Act, 2024 (Bill 190)
- Working for Workers Four Act, 2024 (Bill 149)
- second reading, 6564–6567
- Workplace Safety and Insurance Board (WSIB)
- World War I
- Battle of Vimy Ridge, 3498
- World War II
- D-Day anniversary, 9421
- Your Health Act, 2023 (Bill 60)
- third reading, 4027
- Aerospace industry
Cuzzetto, R. (PC, Mississauga—Lakeshore)
- Affordable Energy Act, 2024 (Bill 214)
- second reading, 10058–10061
- Affordable Homes and Good Jobs Act, 2023 (Bill 134)
- second reading, 5209
- Affordable housing
- Alcohol retail
- Alternate-level-of-care (ALC) beds
- as backstop for long-term care beds, 363
- Alternate-level-of-care (ALC) patients
- Alternate-level-of-care (ALC) patients - transfer to long-term care facilities
- consent
- transfer to a non-preferred home, 365–366
- consent
- Alternate-level-of-care (ALC) patients - transfer to long-term care facilities, non-preferred home
- Antisemitism
- in post-secondary institutions, 5478
- Appreciation
- Giannone, Frank, 3065
- Apprenticeships
- Auto insurance - rates
- general remarks, 4352
- Automobile thefts
- Automotive industry - investments
- Better for Consumers, Better for Businesses Act, 2023 (Bill 142)
- second reading, 5872–5874
- Blood disorders
- education and awareness
- Thalassemia Awareness Day, 8916
- education and awareness
- Budget 2022/2023
- health care, 2874
- Budget 2023/2024
- Budget speech 2023 (March 23, 2023)
- responded to, 3286
- Budget speech 2024 (March 26, 2024)
- Building a Better Ontario Act (Budget Measures), 2024 (Bill 180)
- second reading, 8207
- Building a Strong Ontario Act (Budget Measures), 2023 (Bill 85)
- Building a Strong Ontario Together Act (Budget Measures), 2023 (Bill 146)
- Building More Mines Act, 2023 (Bill 71)
- second reading, 2695–2696
- Building Ontario For You Act (Budget Measures), 2024 (Bill 216)
- second reading, 10106, 10141–10142
- Cancer - lung
- Child protection system
- Children and youth in care
- foster and group homes
- inspections, 9451
- foster and group homes
- Construction industry
- Consumer protection
- credit reports, 5872–5874
- Critical Minerals Strategy
- Croatian community
- Croatian Heritage Day Act, 2023
- second reading, 3648
- Croatian Heritage Day Act, 2024 (Bill 81)
- third reading, 7876–7877
- Cutting Red Tape to Build More Homes Act, 2024 (Bill 185)
- second reading, 8438–8440
- Doctors
- recruitment and retention, 7621
- Douglas, Tommy
- general remarks, 2458
- Driver's licences
- fees, 8770
- Electric vehicles - manufacturing
- investments
- Honda Canada (Alliston), 8769
- investments
- Electricity supply
- and demand, 8945
- Emergency management
- Provincial Emergency Management Strategy and Action Plan
- emergency exercises, exemptions, 4614
- Provincial Emergency Management Strategy and Action Plan
- Employment standards
- Enbridge gas - natural gas rate application denial
- Energy generation
- clean energy
- government strategy, 10651
- clean energy
- Energy policy
- government strategy, 8345
- Energy rates
- affordability
- government strategy, 9923
- affordability
- Environmental protection
- general remarks, 9547
- Expenditure estimates
- procedure, 7618–7619
- Financial legislation
- concurrence in supply, 7618–7619
- Ford Motor Company
- Oakville Assembly Plant
- electric vehicle manufacturing, 3541
- Oakville Assembly Plant
- Fuel prices - taxation
- rate reduction, extension, 7622
- Gas stations
- theft of gas
- frequency of, 3779
- theft of gas
- Get It Done Act, 2024 (Bill 162)
- Government advertising
- Government contracts
- public procurement directives
- Ontario businesses, 4613–4614
- public procurement directives
- Government debt and deficit
- annual deficit, projection
- 2023-2024, 7620
- annual deficit, projection
- Government finances
- Government orders
- Government record
- PC (2018-present)
- senior citizens, 7795
- PC (2018-present)
- Government record - Liberal (2003-2018)
- Government record - NDP (1990-1995)
- housing policy, 8657
- Government record - PC (2018-present)
- Hazel McCallion Act (Peel Dissolution), 2023 (Bill 112)
- Health care - capital projects
- by region
- Mississauga–Lakeshore, 4349
- by region
- Health care - medical supplies
- procurement policies
- centralization, 4615
- procurement policies
- Heart disease
- education and awareness, 3533–3534, 3537
- Heart Valve Disease Awareness Day, 2237, 11117–11118
- Heart Valve Disease Awareness Act, 2023 (Bill 66)
- statements by stakeholders, 3533–3534
- Heart Valve Disease Awareness Act, 2024 (Bill 66)
- first reading, 2254
- third reading, 11117–11118
- Helping Homebuyers, Protecting Tenants Act, 2023 (Bill 97)
- third reading, 4680–4681
- Heritage properties
- protection, 8440
- Highway 413
- Highway tolls
- removal of, 8771
- Highways
- government strategy, 7621
- Highways and roads
- traffic congestion, 8772
- Highways and roads - construction and expansion
- government funding, 2875
- Home heating
- transition from natural gas to electric, 8947
- Hospitals - by site
- Trillium Health Partners
- public donations, 2661
- Trillium Health Partners
- Hospitals - capital projects
- government funding
- regional allocation, 2874
- government funding
- Hospitals - capital projects by site
- Mississauga Hospital, 1312
- Hospitals - construction
- government strategy, 7620
- Hospitals - construction by site
- Housing development
- Housing development - by region
- Housing development - construction
- Housing development - densification
- secondary units, 1646–1647
- Housing development - major transit station areas
- parking minimums, removal of, 8438–8439
- Housing development - municipal charges
- development charges, exemptions and discounts
- as development incentive, 10141–10142
- exemptions and discounts
- impact on affordability, 1647
- development charges, exemptions and discounts
- Housing supply
- Housing supply - population growth projections
- Hungarian community
- education and awareness
- Hungarian Heritage Month, 811
- education and awareness
- Immigrants - access to professions and trades
- Improving Real Estate Management Act, 2024 (Bill 151)
- second reading, 6391–6394
- Infrastructure development
- procurement strategy, 7621–7622
- Infrastructure development - Canada Infrastructure Bank
- general remarks, 6098
- Israel
- attacks on (October 7, 2023)
- Canadian victims, 5477
- attacks on (October 7, 2023)
- Israel-Hamas war
- impact on Palestinian territories, 5477
- Judy Hatt Consulting Inc. Act, 2024 (Bill Pr57)
- Keeping Energy Costs Down Act, 2024 (Bill 165)
- third reading, 8945–8948
- Land use planning
- Provincial Planning Statement (2023)
- public consultation, 4681
- Provincial Planning Statement (2023)
- Land use planning - environmental assessments
- infrastructure projects
- regulatory reform, 8769–8770
- infrastructure projects
- Less Red Tape, Stronger Economy Act, 2023 (Bill 91)
- Less Red Tape, Stronger Ontario Act, 2023 (Bill 46)
- second reading, 1792–1796
- Licence plates
- validation stickers
- auto-renewal, 8770
- validation stickers
- Long-term care
- government strategy, 8098–8099
- Long-term care - beds, development and redevelopment
- Long-term care - by region
- Mississauga, 363
- Long-term care facilities - construction
- Long-term care - funding
- Local Priorities Fund
- by region
- Mississauga–Lakeshore, 3496
- by region
- Local Priorities Fund
- Long-term care - reform
- government strategy, 363–364
- Long-term care - staff
- government funding, 363
- Long-term care - standards of care
- average hours of care
- government funding, 363
- average hours of care
- Luso Canadian Charitable Society Act (Tax Relief), 2024 (Bill Pr42)
- Members' statements
- Automotive industry, 3541
- Canadian national soccer team, 1773
- Christie, Gayle, 10300
- Community Leader Awards and Thanksgiving Dinner, 9844
- Community safety, 8517
- Events in Mississauga–Lakeshore, 7092
- Giannone, Frank, 3065
- Health care, 7546–7547
- Heart Valve Disease Awareness Day, 2237
- Hungarian Heritage Month, 811, 5878
- Islamic Heritage Month, 5698
- Long-term care, 3496, 4321, 10877–10878
- Ministry grants, 9364–9365
- Mississauga Hospital, 1312
- Music awards, 5050
- Ontario Trillium Foundation, 6684–6685
- Ontario Trillium Foundation grants, 7965
- Ontario Trillium Foundation Resilient Communities Fund, 4851
- Riding of Mississauga–Lakeshore, 216
- Taxation, 11156
- Thalassemia, 8916
- Trillium Health Partners Foundation, 2661
- Ukrainian Independence Day, 546
- Vincent, Katie, 6684–6685
- Members'/ministers' constituencies
- Mississauga–Lakeshore, 216
- Military personnel
- reservists
- job protected leave, 2993
- reservists
- Mining industry
- gold mining, 10173
- Mining industry - Critical Minerals Strategy
- More Beds, Better Care Act, 2022 (Bill 7)
- More Homes Built Faster Act, 2022 (Bill 23)
- third reading, 1645–1647
- Municipal infrastructure
- federal funding, 1647
- Municipal restructuring - Peel Region
- general remarks, 4507
- Municipal restructuring - Peel Region, reversal
- general remarks, 8439
- Natural gas
- use of
- as part of energy policy, 8948
- use of
- Nurses
- recruitment and retention, 7621
- The Oakville Players Act, 2024 (Bill Pr56)
- Occupational health and safety
- Ontario Trillium Foundation
- Opposition day motions
- Photo ID cards
- fees, 8770
- Plan to Build Act (Budget Measures), 2022 (Bill 2)
- second reading, 80
- Preventing Unethical Puppy Sales Act, 2024 (Bill 159)
- second reading, 8555
- Private members' motions
- Cancer screening
- responded to, 9627–9628
- Cancer screening
- Private members' public business
- Affordable Energy Act, 2024 (Bill 172)
- second reading, 8345–8346
- Affordable Home Heating Act, 2024 (Bill 213)
- second reading, 10979
- Croatian Heritage Day Act, 2024 (Bill 81)
- second reading, 3648
- Heart Valve Disease Awareness Act, 2024 (Bill 66)
- Highway construction
- responded to, 715–716
- Protecting Ontarians by Enhancing Gas Station Safety to Prevent Gas and Dash Act, 2023 (Bill 88)
- second reading, 3779
- Taxation
- Affordable Energy Act, 2024 (Bill 172)
- Public assets
- centralization, entities
- transferal to Ministry of Infrastructure, 6391–6392
- centralization, entities
- Puppy mills
- unethical breeding, 8555
- Question period
- Energy policies
- Housing
- Immigrants' skills
- presented, 1002–1003
- Infrastructure funding
- presented, 2903–2904
- International trade
- presented, 872–873
- Mining industry
- presented, 10173–10174
- Public safety
- Public transit
- presented, 7299–7300
- Taxation
- Rail service
- Ontario Northland passenger rail service
- passenger service
- to Northern Ontario, 2875
- passenger service
- Ontario Northland passenger rail service
- Regulatory environment
- reform, 1792–1793
- Renewable energy contracts
- cancellation of, 4615–4616
- Rent control
- exemptions, 112
- Rental housing
- Senior citizens
- Guaranteed Annual Income System
- expansion, 7622
- Guaranteed Annual Income System
- Skilled trades
- Skilled trades - education and training
- skills gap, 9005
- Skilled trades - education and training, facilities
- Skilled trades - employment
- labour shortage
- government strategy, 2992
- labour shortage
- Sports and recreation
- community events
- Canadian National soccer Team, 1773
- community events
- St. Thomas - Central Elgin Boundary Adjustment Act, 2023 (Bill 63)
- Strong Mayors, Building Homes Act, 2022 (Bill 3)
- Supply Act, 2023 (Bill 77)
- second reading, 2873–2876
- Supply Act, 2024 (Bill 174)
- second reading, 7792–7798
- Supporting Children's Futures Act, 2024 (Bill 188)
- Surgical procedures
- Temporary employment agencies
- registration of, 2995
- Temporary foreign workers
- passports and work permits, retention of
- fines and penalties, 2993
- passports and work permits, retention of
- Tourism industry - funding
- Experience Ontario
- recipients by region
- Mississauga–Lakeshore, 9364–9365
- recipients by region
- Experience Ontario
- Transit
- Transit infrastructure development
- government strategy, 7621
- Transit systems
- service expansion, 2875
- Transit-oriented communities
- by region
- Mississauga, 1647
- by region
- Transportation infrastructure development
- government strategy, 7796
- Tributes
- Ukrainian community
- Ukrainian Independence Day, 546
- Unhoused persons
- government funding
- Homelessness Prevention Program, 7622
- government funding
- Working for Workers Act, 2023 (Bill 79)
- second reading, 2991–2995
- Working for Workers Five Act, 2024 (Bill 190)
- Working for Workers Six Act, 2024 (Bill 229)
- Workplace Safety and Insurance Board (WSIB)
- Your Health Act, 2023 (Bill 60)
- Affordable Energy Act, 2024 (Bill 214)