Legislative business

The Legislative Assembly makes laws that affect Ontarians

MPPs present, debate, and vote on proposed laws (bills) in the House. In committees, they study bills, issues, or topics, and report back to the House. Together, the House and committees make up the work of the Legislature. Legislative business is where you can follow what’s happening.

There are currently no planned meetings of the House. A general election took place on February 27, 2025. For results of the election, visit Elections Ontario (external link).

What's on today?

In the House

Standing orders

The rules that govern House and committee proceedings

Status of business

The status of motions, petitions, responses to questions, and other business before the Legislature

Glossary of procedural terms

Common terms applicable in the procedural operation of the Legislative Assembly of Ontario

Latest business

Latest Hansard transcripts

See Hansard transcripts and other House documents from the current Parliament. 

Recent committee documents

Read committee documents from the current Parliament.

House Hansard

Find information in House debates. Explore by subject or speaker. 

Latest bills

Bills are ideas to make new laws or change existing laws.

Committee Hansard

Find information in committee transcripts. Explore by subject or speaker.