Letter: H
Hardeman, E. (PC, Oxford)
- Agriculture industry
- local food production, 193
- Broadband infrastructure development
- government strategy, 2637
- Business - COVID-19
- operational adjustments, 358
- Members' statements
- Question period
- Broadband infrastructure
- presented, 2637
- Broadband infrastructure
- Reports by committees
- Standing Committee on Finance and Economic Affairs, 2519
- Sporting events
- Tributes
- Tributes - Members of Provincial Parliament
- Parrott, Harry Craig (Oxford), 1346–1347
- Agriculture industry
Harden, J. (NDP, Ottawa Centre)
- Accessibility standards
- Anti-racism activities
- government strategy, 926–927
- Appointments to agencies, boards, and commissions
- appointment process
- appearance before committee, 2065
- appointment process
- Appreciation
- Cass, Geoff, 43
- Arts and culture - COVID-19
- live-performance sector, 43
- Assistive Devices Program (ADP)
- payment model
- reimbursement timeline, 477
- payment model
- Auto insurance - rates
- general remarks, 449
- Broadband infrastructure development
- Broadband services
- Broadband services - access to
- Build Ontario Act (Budget Measures), 2021 (Bill 43)
- Business - COVID-19
- Cannabis - retail
- store locations
- regional concentration, 1429
- store locations
- Child care - federal-provincial cost agreement
- Chippewas of Georgina Island First Nation
- sewer and water infrastructure development
- boil-water advisory, 114
- sewer and water infrastructure development
- Congregate care facilities
- caregiver access, 3025
- Correctional facilities
- Cost of living
- general remarks, 3018–3019
- COVID-19
- general remarks, 1509
- COVID-19 - essential service workers, compensation
- pandemic pay
- general remarks, 837
- pandemic pay
- COVID-19 - government response
- COVID-19 - testing
- rapid antigen tests
- supply, 45
- rapid antigen tests
- COVID-19 - transmission
- asymptomatic, 45
- Debates re answers to question period
- Protection for people with disabilities
- presented, 504–505
- Protection for people with disabilities
- Developmental disabilities, persons with
- housing arrangements
- general remarks, 1494–1495
- housing arrangements
- Diseases - rare
- Salla disease, 475
- Doctors
- internationally trained, 2567
- Education - COVID-19, in-school learning
- Employment standards
- Fewer Fees, Better Services Act, 2022 (Bill 84)
- French-language debates
- Affaires d'intérêt public émanant des députées et députés
- Services en français, 502–503
- Loi de 2021 visant à offrir davantage de soins, à protéger les personnes âgées et à ouvrir plus de lits, projet de loi 37
- troisième lecture, 1507
- Loi de 2021 visant à soutenir la population et les entreprises, projet de loi
- deuxième lecture, 486
- Loi de 2021 visant à soutenir la population et les entreprises, projet de loi 13
- deuxième lecture, 478
- Affaires d'intérêt public émanant des députées et députés
- Getting Ontario Connected Act, 2022 (Bill 93)
- Government notices of motion
- Government record
- PC (2018-present)
- general remarks, 1286
- PC (2018-present)
- Green Shirt Day Act, 2022 (Bill 112)
- second reading, 3023–3026
- Hate and hate speech
- government response to, 1729
- Hate and hate-related activities
- Health care services
- medical procedures, wait times
- impact on patient health, 1911
- medical procedures, wait times
- Home and community care
- Home and community care - administration
- Home and community care - government funding
- source programs
- number of, 478
- source programs
- Home and community care - pediatric
- complex care
- general remarks, 475–477
- complex care
- Home and community care - public vs. private delivery models
- Hospitals - capacity
- Hospitals - COVID-19, medical procedures
- backlog
- by region
- Ottawa, 1911
- by region
- backlog
- Housing - affordable
- Housing development
- construction starts, 1429
- Housing market
- affordability
- government strategy, 1318
- affordability
- Human rights
- discrimination, freedom from
- enforcement, 2946
- discrimination, freedom from
- Immigration policy
- Indigenous relations - land claims
- in other jurisdictions
- Wet'suwet'en Gidimt'en yintah, 1403–1404
- in other jurisdictions
- Indigenous relations - Truth and Reconciliation
- Indigenous-led development, 115
- International border crossings - protest restrictions
- penalties
- imprisonment and/or fines
- maximum rates
- corporations, 2548
- maximum rates
- imprisonment and/or fines
- penalties
- Keeping Ontario Open for Business Act, 2022 (Bill 100)
- Kitigan Zibi Anishinabeg First Nation
- notable figures
- Commanda, William, 114
- notable figures
- Land use planning
- Liberal Party of Ontario
- election platform (2022)
- long-term care, 1501
- election platform (2022)
- Licence plates
- validation stickers
- annual renewal fees exemption
- government revenue, impact on, 1973–1974
- annual renewal fees exemption
- validation stickers
- Light Rail Transit (LRT) - Ottawa
- Long-term care
- Long-term care - accountability and oversight
- Long-term care - COVID-19
- Long-term care facilities
- for-profit vs. not-for-profit, 1284
- Long-term care - facilities by site
- Carlingview Manor, 1508
- Long-term care - funding
- general remarks, 1508
- Long-term care - public vs. private
- Long-term care - sector capacity
- bed development and redevelopment
- public vs. private allocation, 1508
- bed development and redevelopment
- Long-term care - standards of care
- hours of care
- implementation timeline, 1507
- hours of care
- Long-term-care facilities
- for-profit vs. not-for-profit, 966
- Members' statements
- Members'/ministers' apologies
- to former members, 2546
- Members'/ministers' appreication
- Kormos, Peter (NDP)
- Welland, 3023
- Kormos, Peter (NDP)
- Members'/ministers' personal narrative, 114
- Members/ministers quoting
- songs
- Safe Here (Cardiff), 3023
- songs
- Members'/ministers' remarks
- withdrawn, 1003
- Municipal councillors
- harassment and abuse
- penalties, 2248–2249
- harassment and abuse
- Municipal planning by region
- Ottawa Centre, 2789–2880
- New Democratic Party (NDP)
- Nuclear waste management
- Nurses
- Ontario Disability Support Program (ODSP)
- benefit rates
- general remarks, 2502–2503
- benefit rates
- Ontario Disability Support Program (ODSP) - COVID-19
- Ontario Provincial Police (OPP)
- emergency response team
- heavy tow truck operators and equipment, 2550
- emergency response team
- Opioid addiction
- during COVID-19, 1283
- Opposition day motions
- Optometry and optometrists
- Organ and tissue donation
- Ottawa Hospital
- Ottawa, Ontario
- Palliative care - pediatric
- Personal support workers (PSWs)
- Persons with disabilities
- Pet adoption
- assessment process
- discrimination in, 2946
- assessment process
- Peter Kormos Memorial Act (Saving Organs to Save Lives), 2022 (Bill 107)
- Petitions
- Assistive devices, 36
- Celiac disease, 1970
- Climate change, 2855
- COVID-19 immunization, 1969
- Dog ownership, 1419, 1479
- Education funding, 1479–1480, 1906
- Front-line workers, 1969–1970
- Optometry services, 830, 963
- Post-stroke treatment, 1417–1418
- Social assistance, 3046–3047
- Tenant protection, 1202–1203
- Visits in correctional facilities, 3047
- Police service boards
- Ottawa Police Service Board
- governance transitions, 2065
- Ottawa Police Service Board
- Police services
- criminal and judicial matters checks
- processing fees
- vulnerable sector checks, 1436
- processing fees
- criminal and judicial matters checks
- Political advertising - third party
- community groups
- complaints against, 1003
- community groups
- Private members' public business
- Fairness for Ontario's Internationally Trained Workers Act, 2022 (Bill 98)
- second reading, 2566–2567
- Ministry of Community and Social Services Amendment Act (Social Assistance Research Commission), 2022 (Bill 92)
- second reading, 2502–2504
- Preventing Worker Misclassification Act, 2021 (Bill 28)
- second reading, 992–993
- Rent Stabilization Act, 2021 (Bill 23)
- second reading, 1245–1246
- Stopping Harassment and Abuse by Local Leaders Act, 2022 (Bill 10)
- second reading, 2248–2249
- Fairness for Ontario's Internationally Trained Workers Act, 2022 (Bill 98)
- Progressive Conservative (PC) Party
- fiscal policies, 1287
- Protest convoys
- Protest convoys - Ottawa
- Protests - public
- Providing More Care, Protecting Seniors, and Building More Beds Act, 2021 (Bill 37)
- Public sector compensation increase - cap on
- health care workers, 1911
- Question period
- Accessibility for persons with disabilities
- presented, 1471
- Discrimination
- presented, 2946
- Government accountability
- Government appointments
- presented, 2065
- Municipal planning
- presented, 1002–1003
- Protection for people with disabilities
- presented, 469
- Public transit
- presented, 84–85
- School safety
- presented, 369
- Accessibility for persons with disabilities
- Rental housing
- Retirement homes
- Retirement homes - COVID-19
- by site
- White Cliffe Terrace Retirement Residence, 1509
- by site
- Sewer and wastewater infrastructure
- sewage spills
- incidents of, 128
- sewage spills
- Sewer and wastewater infrastructure - York region
- Supporting People and Businesses Act, 2021 (Bill 13)
- Tax Relief at the Pumps Act, 2022 (Bill 111)
- Throne speech debate
- Toronto Transit Commission (TTC) expansion - Ontario Line
- development contract
- and Ottawa LRT, 899
- development contract
- Tourism industry - COVID-19
- layoffs
- by sector
- hotel and accomodations, 1286
- by sector
- layoffs
- Tributes
- Ukraine
- invasion of (February 2022)
- general remarks, 2060
- invasion of (February 2022)
- Unionization
- general remarks, 992
- Unions
- general remarks, 1284–1285
- Unions - certification
- card-based, 1284
- Waste diversion
- techniques
- in other jurisdictions, 116
- techniques
- Waste management
- Wetlands and watersheds
- development on, 115
- Working for Workers Act, 2021 (Bill 27)
- Working for Workers Act, 2022 (Bill 88)
- Workplace Safety and Insurance Board (WSIB)
- government strategy
- general remarks, 1269
- government strategy
- York Region Wastewater Act, 2021 (Bill 5)
Harris, M. (PC, Kitchener—Conestoga)
- Auto dealerships
- digital dealer program
- general remarks, 1973
- digital dealer program
- Broadband infrastructure development
- Broadband infrastructure development - government funding
- Broadband infrastructure development programs
- Southwestern Integrated Fibre Technology (SWIFT) project, 2290–2291
- Broadband services
- Budget 2022
- pre-budget consultations, 1972–1973
- Business
- Business - COVID-19
- insurance
- premium increases, 448
- insurance
- Business - COVID-19, financial assistance
- small and medium-sized, 449
- Child care - spaces
- Child protection system - Indigenous families
- general remarks, 1974
- Civil Remedies Grant Program
- recipient projects, 200
- Committee procedure - standing committees of the Legislature
- COVID-19 - economic recovery
- COVID-19 - government response
- general remarks, 286–287
- COVID-19 - vaccination
- general remarks, 313–314
- COVID-19 - vaccination passports and certificates
- verification app, 82
- Craft breweries
- sale locations
- farmer's markets, 358–359
- sale locations
- Crime
- government strategy, 201
- Education - COVID-19, in-school learning
- vaccination policies
- staff
- mandatory vaccination, 453–454
- staff
- vaccination policies
- Employment
- Expenditure estimates
- committee referred to
- general remarks, 2151
- committee referred to
- Farmer's markets
- alcohol sales
- craft beer, 358–359
- alcohol sales
- Farms and farmers
- farmer mental health
- support services
- In the Know program, 194
- support services
- farmer mental health
- Fewer Fees, Better Services Act, 2022 (Bill 84)
- Forest industry
- economic development, 486
- Getting Ontario Connected Act, 2022 (Bill 93)
- second reading, 2289–2294
- Government notices of motion
- Report on Ontario's provincial emergency
- responded to, 313–314
- Report on Ontario's provincial emergency
- Government orders
- Legislative reform
- amendment to the amendment
- responded to, 2149–2152
- amendment to the amendment
- Legislative reform
- Government record
- Government services
- Grand River
- Grand River Conservation Authority
- Great Lakes
- agricultural impact, 122
- Health care funding
- allocation by region
- Waterloo region, 1973
- allocation by region
- Home and community care
- regulatory environment
- general remarks, 478
- regulatory environment
- Homelessness
- Hunting and angling
- commercial fisheries programs
- Indigenous participation, 122
- commercial fisheries programs
- Infrastructure development
- Infrastructure development - funding
- Infrastructure development - Investing in Canada Infrastructure Program (ICIP)
- program streams
- recreation and culture
- regional allocations, 119
- recreation and culture
- program streams
- Investing in Canada Infrastructure Program
- generl remarks, 2291
- Kitchener Wastewater Treatment Plant
- Lake Simcoe
- recreation
- economic impact, 119
- recreation
- Land use planning
- for future growth, 120
- Legislative buildings
- renovation project
- oversight and coordination of, 2151
- renovation project
- Legislative procedure - COVID-19
- special procedures, termination of, 2149
- Legislative procedure - private bills
- reform, 2151
- Legislative procedure - private members' public business
- Legislative procedure - Standing Orders
- Licence plates
- Long-term care - COVID-19
- general remarks, 1975
- Long-term care - sector capacity
- bed development and redevelopment
- regional allocations, 1971
- bed development and redevelopment
- Mannheim Water Treatment Plant
- treatment capacity, 121
- Manufacturing industry
- Manufacturing industry - automotive sector
- investment agreements
- economic impact, 496
- investment agreements
- Members' statements
- Members'/ministers' record
- Harris, Mike (Kitchener–Conestoga ), 2150
- Mental health and addictions
- Mines and mining
- general remarks, 486
- New Democratic Party (NDP)
- Not-for-profit organizations
- government funding, 449
- Ontario Community Infrastructure Fund (OCIF)
- Ontario One Call
- Persons with disabilities
- accessibility for
- government strategy
- general remarks, 296
- government strategy
- accessibility for
- Police officers
- Police Services Amendment Act, 2022 (Bill 78)
- Population
- Private members' public business
- Protest convoys
- police response, 1886
- Public assets - surplus
- conversion
- general remarks, 1972
- conversion
- Public lands
- Question period
- Regulations - business
- School facilities - capital projects
- new school construction
- regional projects, 1971
- new school construction
- ServiceOntario
- in-person services, 1973
- Sewer and wastewater infrastructure
- water treatment facilities
- contaminant removal rate, 121
- water treatment facilities
- Sewer and wastewater infrastructure - York region
- Sewer and wastewater management
- government funding
- regional allocations, 119
- government funding
- Skilled trades
- government strategy, 287
- Standing Committee on Procedure and House Affairs
- areas of responsibility
- legislative affairs, 2151
- areas of responsibility
- Standing Committee on the Interior
- policy areas, 2151
- Strategic Priorities Infrastructure Fund
- funding streams
- general remarks, 2291
- funding streams
- Supporting People and Businesses Act, 2021 (Bill 13)
- Taxation
- government strategy, 1974
- Temporary employment agencies
- licensing
- general remarks, 730
- licensing
- Throne speech debate
- Transit
- operational funding
- gas tax top-up, 1972
- operational funding
- Transit development
- Veterans
- Remembrance Day, 570–571
- Water protection
- general remarks, 121
- Wildlife protection
- Working for Workers Act, 2021 (Bill 27)
- stakeholder remarks, 734
- Working for Workers Act, 2021 (Bill 27)
- York Region Wastewater Act, 2021 (Bill 5)
- Auto dealerships
Hassan, F. (NDP, York South—Weston)
- Autism services
- service capacity
- treatment wait-lists, 2680
- service capacity
- Auto insurance - rates
- Black community
- Black History Month, 1721
- Black Mental Health Day Act, 2022 (Bill 87)
- general remarks, 2193
- Broadband infrastructure development
- in Indigenous communities
- economic impact, 2306
- in Indigenous communities
- Build Ontario Act (Budget Measures), 2021 (Bill 43)
- Business - COVID-19
- essential businesses
- market advantage, 1103
- essential businesses
- Business - COVID-19, financial assistance
- Cannabis - retail
- Child care - federal-provincial cost agreement
- negotiation, 1605
- College of Traditional Chinese Medicine Practitioners and Acupuncturists of Ontario (CTCMPAO)
- Consumer protection
- Correctional facilities - youth detention centres
- educational programming, 1651–1652
- Cost of living
- general remarks, 2627
- COVID-19 - government response
- general remarks, 1101–1102
- COVID-19 - testing
- COVID-19 - transmission
- infection rates
- by region, 1101–1102
- infection rates
- COVID-19 - vaccination
- regional allocations, 1102
- Developmental services
- by program
- Special Services at Home (SSAH), 2680
- by program
- Economic development
- general remarks, 2612
- Education
- class sizes, 206
- Employment
- labour shortage, 678
- Employment - COVID-19
- sick days
- general remarks, 1117
- sick days
- Employment services
- Employment standards
- Employment standards - annual leave days
- Employment standards - minimum wage
- $15/hour
- implementation timeline, 650
- $15/hour
- Environmental Bill of Rights
- consultation requirements
- compliance with, 1103
- consultation requirements
- Fewer Fees, Better Services Act, 2022 (Bill 84)
- Flooding
- by region
- York South - Weston, 3321
- by region
- Fuel prices - taxation
- rate reduction
- general remarks, 2275
- rate reduction
- Getting Ontario Connected Act, 2022 (Bill 93)
- second reading, 2306
- Government orders
- Government record
- Gun control
- gun manufacturers/wholesalers
- class action lawsuit against, 1624
- gun manufacturers/wholesalers
- Gun violence
- Home ownership
- Homelessness
- housing supports
- general remarks, 2830
- housing supports
- Housing
- Housing - affordable
- Housing market
- impact of speculation, 2831–2833
- Housing policy
- general remarks, 2805
- Housing supply
- Immigrants
- employment, 1240
- Immigrants - access to professions and trades
- general remarks, 1240
- Immigration policy
- Indigenous communities - housing, 2833
- Islamophobia
- acts of, 2112
- Keeping Ontario Open for Business Act, 2022 (Bill 100)
- Laboratory services
- lab fees, 759
- Legislative procedure - orders of the day
- calling of
- notice, 2192
- calling of
- Legislative procedure - private members' public business
- Legislative procedure - Standing Orders
- reforms, historically, 2191
- Legislative process
- Light Rail Transit (LRT) - Eglinton Crosstown
- Long-term care - COVID-19
- general remarks, 1103
- Long-term care - staff
- Members' statements
- Members'/ministers' constituencies
- York South–Weston, 288
- Ministry of the Environment, Conservation and Parks
- communications with public, 288
- More Homes for Everyone Act, 2022 (Bill 109)
- language and terminology, 2832
- More Homes for Everyone Act, 2022 (Bill 109)
- Motions
- House sittings
- responded to, 3333
- House sittings
- New Democratic Party (NDP)
- Occupational health and safety
- training, 1239
- Ontario Autism Program (2021)
- general remarks, 2680
- Opposition day motions
- Optometry and optometrists
- Our London Family Act (Working Together to Combat Islamophobia and Hatred), 2022 (Bill 86)
- Pandemic and Emergency Preparedness Act, 2022 (Bill 106)
- second reading, 2692
- Petitions
- Private members' public business
- Ending Automobile Insurance Discrimination in the Greater Toronto Area Act, 2022 (Bill 103)
- second reading, 3086
- Ontario Consumer Watchdog Act, 2022 (Bill 77)
- second reading, 2203–2204
- Stay Home If You Are Sick Act, 2021 (Bill 8)
- second reading, 1117–1118
- Stopping Illegal Handgun Smuggling Act, 2021 (Bill 52)
- second reading, 1624
- Ending Automobile Insurance Discrimination in the Greater Toronto Area Act, 2022 (Bill 103)
- Providing More Care, Protecting Seniors, and Building More Beds Act, 2021 (Bill 37)
- second reading, 806
- Question period
- Affordable housing
- Autism treatment
- presented, 2680
- Cannabis regulation
- presented, 769–770
- Correctional services
- presented, 1651–1652
- Education funding
- presented, 206
- Employment standards
- presented, 3369
- Flooding
- presented, 3321–3322
- Optometry services
- presented, 258–259
- Public transit
- Small business
- Youth unemployment
- presented, 3114–3115
- Rent control
- general remarks, 2830–2831
- Rental housing
- Reopening Ontario (A Flexible Response to COVID-19) Act, 2020, SO 2020, c 17
- government authority under
- general remarks, 1102
- government authority under
- Skilled trades
- employment opportunities
- statements by stakeholders, 1239
- employment opportunities
- Small Business Support Grant
- Somalia
- fire in (April 1, 2022), 3177
- Tarion Warranty Corp.
- 2019 Special Report: Tarion Warranty Corp. (Auditor General of Ontario), 2832
- Transit
- Transit development
- Tributes
- Vandekemp, Harry, 1529
- Working for Workers Act, 2021 (Bill 27)
- general remarks, 1237
- Working for Workers Act, 2021 (Bill 27)
- Workplace Safety and Insurance Board (WSIB)
- Autism services
Hatfield, P. (NDP, Windsor—Tecumseh)
- Appreciation
- Kusmierczyk, Richard, 2010
- Broadband infrastructure
- technological change, 2485
- Broadband infrastructure development
- Broadband infrastructure development programs
- Southwestern Integrated Fibre Technology (SWIFT) project, 2483
- Broadband services
- cost of
- in rural Ontario, 2485
- cost of
- Build Ontario Act (Budget Measures), 2021 (Bill 43)
- Casinos and gaming sector
- Casinos and gaming sector - iGaming sector
- Child care - federal-provincial cost agreement
- Education - COVID-19
- general remarks, 537–538
- Education funding
- operational allocation
- special education, 537
- operational allocation
- Employment standards
- Employment standards - minimum wage
- Environmental Bill of Rights
- general remarks, 535–536
- Environmental policy
- regulatory environment
- public response to, 535–536
- regulatory environment
- Fuel prices
- mitigation strategies
- consumption reduction, 2986
- mitigation strategies
- Fuel prices - taxation
- Getting Ontario Connected Act, 2022 (Bill 93)
- Government notices of motion
- Government orders
- Government record
- Health care services
- medical procedures, wait times
- impact on patient health, 1911
- medical procedures, wait times
- Highway 413
- general remarks, 945
- Hospitals - funding by region
- Peel, 870
- Housing - affordable
- Housing - co-operative
- service agreement
- funding formula, 536
- service agreement
- Indigenous communities - water and sewer infrastructure
- boil-water advisories, 2081
- International border crossings
- Keeping Ontario Open for Business Act, 2022 (Bill 100)
- second reading, 2531
- Landlord and Tenant Board (LTB)
- general remarks, 538
- Legislative procedure
- electronics
- use of, 2079–2080
- electronics
- Legislative procedure - Standing Orders
- Legislative process
- legislative agenda, 2080–2081
- Members' statements
- Members'/ministers' correction of record, 2972, 2987
- Members'/ministers' farewell speeches, 3051–3053
- Members'/ministers' personal narrative, 177–179
- Members/ministers quoting
- Members'/ministers' record
- Hatfiield, Percy (Windsor—Tecumseh), 2081–2082
- Mines and mining
- Critical Minerals Strategy
- general remarks, 536
- Critical Minerals Strategy
- New Democratic Party (NDP)
- health care, funding for, 1911
- Ojibway National Urban Park
- proposal, 948
- Opposition day motions
- Health care funding
- responded to, 1911
- Health care funding
- Palliative care
- funding sources
- community-based fundraising, 537
- funding sources
- Petitions
- Poet Laureate of Ontario, 2081–2082
- Professional sports
- Canadian Baseball Hall of Fame
- Chatham All-Stars, 2333
- Canadian Baseball Hall of Fame
- Protest convoys
- Protest convoys - Ambassador Bridge
- Providing More Care, Protecting Seniors, and Building More Beds Act, 2021 (Bill 37)
- Public health
- restructuring
- general remarks, 553–554
- restructuring
- Question period
- Regulations
- general remarks, 535
- Stellantis
- Supporting People and Businesses Act, 2021 (Bill 13)
- Tax Relief at the Pumps Act, 2022 (Bill 111)
- Throne speech debate
- participation, 510
- Tributes
- Hatfield, Phoebe "Pearl," 177–179
- Tributes - Members of Provincial Parliament
- Veterinary services
- clinics and hospitals
- hours of operation, 541
- clinics and hospitals
- Working for Workers Act, 2022 (Bill 88)
- Appreciation
Hogarth, C. (PC, Etobicoke—Lakeshore)
- Agriculture industry
- government funding, 3187
- Animal welfare
- livestock transportation
- across international borders, 2618
- livestock transportation
- Appreciation
- Toronto Scottish Regiment, 359
- Business
- commercial deliveries
- washroom facility access
- general remarks, 1041
- washroom facility access
- commercial deliveries
- Canadian Agricultural Partnership
- provincial funding, 3187
- Cancer
- Civil forfeiture
- Community safety
- government strategy, 771
- COVID-19
- COVID-19 - emergency orders
- COVID-19 - government response
- in other jurisdictions
- general remarks, 1038–1039
- in other jurisdictions
- COVID-19 - provincial reopening
- COVID-19 - provincial states of emergency
- general remarks, 1039
- COVID-19 - public health protests
- COVID-19 - transmission
- COVID-19 - vaccination
- COVID-19 - vaccination passports and certificates
- Debates re answers to question period
- Driver's licences
- renewal
- restrictions
- unpaid fines, 2595
- restrictions
- renewal
- Education - COVID-19
- government response
- general remarks, 577
- government response
- Education - COVID-19, in-school learning
- testing
- general remarks, 576
- testing
- Emergency first responders
- appreciation, 1751
- Fewer Fees, Better Services Act, 2022 (Bill 84)
- second reading, 1795
- Firefighters and fire services
- Food security
- Government notices of motion
- Government orders
- Select Committee on Emergency Management Oversight
- amendment
- responded to, 174–177
- amendment
- Select Committee on Emergency Management Oversight
- Government services
- Health care system - COVID-19
- government funding, 388
- Home and community care
- Housing - affordable
- general remarks, 587
- International border crossings
- International border crossings - protest restrictions
- blockade participation
- police direction
- "police officer," definition of, 2594
- police direction
- as economic policy, 2592, 2594–2597, 2611, 2624
- penalties
- commercial or trailer permits
- plate suspension or cancellation, 2595
- commercial vehicle operator's registration (CVOR) certificates
- suspension or cancellation
- application to fleet, 2595
- suspension or cancellation
- general remarks, 2590, 2594
- imprisonment and/or fines
- obstructions, removal and storage
- general remarks, 2594–2595
- roadside suspensions
- driver's licences, 2595
- commercial or trailer permits
- police response
- transportation infrastructure
- blockade participation
- Keeping Ontario Open for Business Act, 2022 (Bill 100)
- Legislative procedure - COVID-19
- Long-term care - funding
- staffing, 175
- Long-term care - sector capacity
- bed development and redevelopment
- regional allocations, 175
- bed development and redevelopment
- Long-term-care facilities
- for-profit vs. not-for-profit, 715
- Medical isotopes
- uses, 669
- Members' statements
- Mines and mining
- general remarks, 1795
- Occupational health and safety
- Ontario Food Terminal
- economic impact, 3186
- Ontario Provincial Police (OPP)
- Opioid addiction
- during COVID-19
- hospitalisations and fatalities, 2017
- during COVID-19
- Opposition day motions
- Police services
- general remarks, 771
- Polish community
- Polish Heritage Month Act, 2021 (Bill 18)
- Private members' public business
- Protest convoys
- Protest convoys - Ambassador Bridge
- Providing More Care, Protecting Seniors, and Building More Beds Act, 2021 (Bill 37)
- second reading, 715
- Provincial Day of Service Act, 2022 (Bill 51)
- third reading, 1751–1752
- Public education campaigns, national/historical
- Question period
- Reopening Ontario (A Flexible Response to COVID-19) Act, 2020, SO 2020, c 17
- Reports by committees
- Select Committee on Emergency Management Oversight
- September 11, 2001 attacks
- Tibetan community
- general remarks, 2211
- Ukraine
- invasion of (February 2022)
- general remarks, 1890–1891
- invasion of (February 2022)
- Women
- Working for Workers Act, 2021 (Bill 27)
- statements by stakeholders, 744
- Working for Workers Act, 2021 (Bill 27)
- Agriculture industry
Horwath, A. (NDP, Hamilton Centre)
- Autism services
- service capacity
- treatment wait-lists, 150
- service capacity
- Auto insurance - rates
- during COVID-19, 234
- Brampton Civic Hospital
- Business - COVID-19, government response
- small- and medium-sized business
- government funding, 834
- small- and medium-sized business
- Business - COVID-19, infection control
- capacity limits
- variation in, 196–197
- capacity limits
- Chief Medical Officer of Health
- communications by, 3182
- Child care
- Child care - federal-provincial cost agreement
- Child care - staff
- Congregate care facilities
- nursing staff
- compensation, 196
- nursing staff
- Cost of living
- COVID-19
- variants of concern
- Omicron variant, 1252
- variants of concern
- COVID-19 - government response
- COVID-19 - prevention
- COVID-19 - public health protests
- COVID-19 - testing
- COVID-19 - transmission
- infection rates
- general remarks, 1252
- infection rates
- COVID-19 - vaccination
- COVID-19 - vaccination passports and certificates
- COVID-19 - vaccines
- Pfizer
- age-based approval, 249–250
- Pfizer
- Doctors
- Education - COVID-19
- Education - COVID-19, in-school learning
- Education funding
- general remarks, 22–23
- Electric vehicle infrastructure
- Electric vehicles
- Electricity rates
- increase in
- FAO report (2021), 1728
- increase in
- Employment - COVID-19
- Employment standards - annual leave days
- sick days
- paid, 1142
- sick days
- Employment standards - minimum wage
- Facedrive
- government grants
- conflicts of interest, 1404–1405
- government grants
- Financial Accountability Officer (FAO)
- reports
- Ministry of Health: Spending Plan Review (2021), 1909
- reports
- Food prices
- dairy, 628
- Fuel prices
- Government record
- Health care - federal strategies
- national pharmacare and dental care, 2453–2454
- Health care services
- Health care system
- Health care workers
- recruitment and retention
- government strategy, 2405
- and incentive strategies, 1909
- vaccination policies
- recruitment and retention
- Health care workers - COVID-19
- burnout, 1908
- Highway 407 ETR
- management contract
- traffic volume targets
- failure-to-meet penalties, 1253–1254
- traffic volume targets
- management contract
- Home and community care
- Home and community care - public vs. private delivery models
- Home and community care - staff
- shortage, 2130
- Hospitals - capacity
- Hospitals - COVID-19
- Hospitals - COVID-19, medical procedures
- Hospitals - funding
- Hospitals - services
- emergency care
- regional capacity, 2757–2758
- emergency care
- Hospitals - staff
- recruitment and retention
- statements by stakeholders, 2165
- recruitment and retention
- Housing
- Housing - affordable
- Housing market
- Housing policy
- general remarks, 2756–2757
- Long-term care - administration
- licensing
- renewal contracts
- for-profit providers, 403–404
- renewal contracts
- licensing
- Long-term care - COVID-19
- Long-term care - facilities by site
- Orchard Villa, 404
- Long-term care - funding
- COVID-19
- operational supports, 2336–2337
- COVID-19
- Long-term care - public vs. private
- Long-term care - sector capacity
- bed development and redevelopment
- public vs. private allocation, 403–404
- bed development and redevelopment
- Long-term care - staff
- working conditions
- statements by stakeholders, 149
- working conditions
- Long-term care - standards of care
- hours of care
- implementation timeline, 149
- hours of care
- Manufacturing - employment
- Alstom (Thunder Bay)
- procurement contracts, 1893
- Alstom (Thunder Bay)
- Manufacturing industry - automotive sector
- goverment strategy
- general remarks, 251
- goverment strategy
- Manufacturing industry - COVID-19
- Ontario Together Fund
- contracts
- conflicts of interest, 1404–1405
- contracts
- Ontario Together Fund
- Medical labratory services
- Members/ministers quoting
- Members'/ministers' remarks
- Mental health and addictions services - funding
- general remarks, 2454
- New Democratic Party (NDP)
- health care, funding for, 1909
- Nurses
- Nurses - COVID-19
- burnout and stress, 373–374
- OHIP+: Children and Youth Pharmacare Program
- model reform, 2454
- Ontario
- outmigration rate, 1189
- Opposition day motions
- Affordable housing
- Government policies
- Health care funding
- Home care
- Hospital funding
- Long-term care
- Northern health services
- Nurses
- presented, 373–374
- Optometry and optometrists
- OHIP-covered services
- reimbursement rate
- negotiations, 78–79
- reimbursement rate
- OHIP-covered services
- Peel Memorial Centre for Integrated Health and Wellness
- Personal support workers (PSWs)
- Petitions
- Private members' public business
- Protest convoys
- Public health
- restructuring
- number of units, 23–24
- restructuring
- Public sector compensation - increase cap
- Public sector compensation increase - cap on
- Question period
- Affordable housing
- Autism treatment
- presented, 150
- Automotive industry
- presented, 250–251
- Child care
- COVID-19 immunization
- COVID-19 response
- COVID-19 testing
- presented, 1643–1644
- Education funding
- presented, 2406–2407
- Electric vehicles
- presented, 2454–2456
- Employment standards
- Front-line workers
- presented, 2214–2215
- Government accountability
- Government fiscal policies
- presented, 23–24
- Government policies
- Government's record
- presented, 1727–1728
- Health care
- presented, 2453–2454
- Health care funding
- Health care workers
- Highway tolls
- presented, 1253–1254
- Home care
- Hospital funding
- presented, 1000–1001
- Hospital services
- Invasion of Ukraine
- presented, 1891–1892
- Long-term care
- Manufacturing jobs
- Minimum wage
- presented, 571–572
- Northern health services
- presented, 2757–2758
- Nurses
- presented, 1642–1643
- Optometry services
- presented, 78–79
- Personal support workers
- presented, 149
- Protection of privacy
- presented, 1141
- Public safety
- presented, 77–78
- Small business
- Veterans
- presented, 685–686
- Rental housing
- Restaurants - COVID-19
- Schools
- student immunization
- required vaccines
- COVID-19, 250
- required vaccines
- student immunization
- Small Business Support Grant
- Social assistance programs
- income calculation
- disability awards, 685–686
- income calculation
- Sporting events - COVID-19
- stadiums and arenas
- capacity limits, 197
- stadiums and arenas
- Stellantis
- Windsor Assembly Plant
- shift cancellation, 250–251
- Windsor Assembly Plant
- Stopping Anti-Public Health Harassment Act, 2021 (Bill 3)
- first reading, 33
- Toronto Transit Commission (TTC) expansion
- Toronto Transit Commission (TTC) expansion - Ontario Line
- transit vehicles
- Canadian content requirements, 1893
- transit vehicles
- Transit development
- transit vehicles
- Canadian content requirements, 1892–1893
- transit vehicles
- Transit vehicles
- content requirements, percentage, 1829
- Tributes
- COVID-19, victims of, 1829
- Ukraine
- Ukrainian community
- in Canada
- appreciaton for, 1828
- in Canada
- Veterans
- financing assistance
- disability awards
- classification as income, 685–686
- disability awards
- financing assistance
- William Osler Health
- Fallis, Dr. Brooks
- employment termination, 2632–2634
- Fallis, Dr. Brooks
- Women
- public education campaigns
- International Women's Day, 2165
- public education campaigns
- Autism services
Hunter, M. (LIB, Scarborough—Guildwood)
- Anti-Racism Directorate
- general remarks, 1670
- Auditor General of Ontario
- pre-election reports, 2891
- Black community
- Broadband infrastructure development
- last-mile connections
- costs, 528
- last-mile connections
- Build Ontario Act (Budget Measures), 2021 (Bill 43)
- Business
- Internet access
- regional availability, 528
- Internet access
- Business - COVID-19, financial assistance
- small and medium-sized, 312
- Child care
- Child care - federal-provincial cost agreement
- Climate change mitigation
- government strategy
- general remarks, 910
- government strategy
- Committee procedure - standing committees of the Legislature
- scheduling
- private members' public business, 3186
- scheduling
- Cost of living
- general remarks, 910
- COVID-19 - equity-seeking groups
- COVID-19 - government response
- new variants
- general remarks, 1700
- new variants
- COVID-19 - transmission
- infection rates
- modelling projections, 1700
- infection rates
- COVID-19 - vaccination
- Curriculum
- Black history, 1743
- École Polytechnique
- shooting (December 6, 1989), 1530–1531
- Education - COVID-19, in-school learning
- Education funding
- Electoral process
- Emancipation Month Act, 2021 (Bill 75)
- second reading, 1668–1670
- Employment - COVID-19
- Employment services
- Second Career program, 912
- Entrepreneurship
- government funding
- equity-seeking groups, 780
- government funding
- Environmental policy
- general remarks, 1027
- Financial Accountability Office (FAO)
- reports
- 2020-2021 Interprovincial Comparison, 3114
- reports
- Food security
- food banks
- usage rates, 1194
- food banks
- French-language debates
- Loi de 2021 visant à bâtir l'Ontario (mesures budgétaires), projet de loi 43
- deuxième lecture, 908
- Loi de 2021 visant à bâtir l'Ontario (mesures budgétaires), projet de loi 43
- Gender-based violence
- Government expenditures
- Government finances
- Government notices of motion
- Report on Ontario's provincial emergency
- responded to, 311–313
- Report on Ontario's provincial emergency
- Government record
- Gun violence
- Health care funding
- Health care workers
- vaccination policies
- mandatory COVID-19 vaccination, 325
- vaccination policies
- Highway 413
- environmental impact, 911
- Hospitals - capacity
- capital projects by region
- Scarborough, 887–888
- capital projects by region
- Hospitals - funding
- allocation by region
- Scarborough, 2072
- allocation by region
- Housing
- cost of, 2803–2804
- Housing - affordable
- government strategy, 2804
- Housing market
- Housing policy
- government strategy, 2803
- Housing supply
- general remarks, 2805
- Indigenous relations - Truth and Reconciliation
- National Day for Truth and Reconciliation
- as provincial holiday, 455
- National Day for Truth and Reconciliation
- Intimate partner violence
- prevalence of, 1531
- Islamophobia
- Land use planning
- Legislative process
- legislative agenda, 3330
- Liberal Party of Ontario
- Local Choice for Local Elections Act (Ranked Ballot By-Laws), 2021 (Bill 80)
- first reading, 1707–1708
- London, Ontario
- attack in (June 6, 2021), 3229
- Long-term care
- government strategy, 911
- Long-term care - operators
- for-profit vs. not-for-profit, 3366
- Members' statements
- Members/ministers quoting
- news media
- housing development, 2803
- news media
- Mental health and addictions services
- community services
- mental health calls, 3308
- community services
- Minimum wage
- general remarks, 912
- Ministerial statements
- More Homes for Everyone Act, 2022 (Bill 109)
- second reading, 2803–2806
- Motions
- House sittings
- responded to, 3329–3331
- House sittings
- Ontario Autism Program (2021)
- Ontario Disability Support Program (ODSP)
- benefit rates
- and cost of living, 770
- benefit rates
- Ontario Health Insurance Plan (OHIP)
- Ontario Works (OW)
- benefit rates
- and cost of living, 770
- benefit rates
- Our London Family Act (Working Together to Combat Islamophobia and Hatred), 2022 (Bill 86)
- discharge to committee, 2075–2076
- Personal support workers (PSWs)
- Petitions
- Police officers
- First Nations and Municipal
- Queen's commission, eligibility for, 3307
- First Nations and Municipal
- Police Services Amendment Act, 2022 (Bill 78)
- third reading, 3307–3309
- Private members' public business
- Question period
- Autism treatment
- presented, 2641–2642
- Broadband infrastructure
- presented, 528
- Child care
- Climate change
- presented, 1027
- Community safety
- COVID-19 immunization
- COVID-19 response
- Education funding
- presented, 1005–1006
- Employment standards
- presented, 1540–1541
- Fiscal accountability
- Gun violence
- Health care funding
- Hospital funding
- presented, 3323
- Long-term care
- presented, 3366–3367
- Municipal elections
- presented, 341–342
- Poverty
- presented, 1194
- School safety
- presented, 85–86
- Services for persons with disabilities
- presented, 770
- Small business
- presented, 528
- Autism treatment
- Racism
- Rent control
- government strategy, 2805
- Rental housing
- rent subsidies, 2804
- Safe and Healthy Communities Act (Addressing Gun Violence), 2022 (Bill 60)
- Scarborough
- arts and culture
- Clark Centre for the Arts, 194
- arts and culture
- Scarborough Health Network (SHN)
- government funding, 3323
- Senior citizens
- housing
- affordability of, 3233–3234
- housing
- Small Business Support Grant
- eligibility
- general remarks, 528
- eligibility
- Social assistance programs
- Throne speech debate
- participation, 455–457
- Tributes - Members of Provincial Parliament
- Stephenson, Bette (York Mills), 1580–1581
- Anti-Racism Directorate