Letter: R
- domestic animals
- Yakabuski, E437
- exposure rates
- Natyshak, A189
- human cases
- livestock
- Harris, E438
- and migration of animals
- Natyshak, A189
- municipal program support
- Natyshak, A188
- ONRAB vaccine
- Bouma, A190
- outbreak management
- general remarks
- Harris, E437
- general remarks
- prevalence
- Yakabuski, E438
- prevention programs
- research support
- Cuzzetto, A189
- treatment administration
- Natyshak, A189
- domestic animals
Rabies Advisory Committee
- anti-Asian racism
- Yarde, JP805
- anti-Asian racism
Racism and discrimination
Radio broadcasters
- advertising revenue sources
- Martin, F2620
- audience
- and COVID-19
- local impact
- podcasting
- impact of
- Oosterhoff, F2508–F2509
- Schreiner, F2507–F2508
- impact of
- advertising revenue sources
Rail service
- crossings, maintenance fees
- responsibility for
- Skelly, F311
- responsibility for
- funding
- high-speed passenger service
- Huron Central Railway
- in northern Ontario. see also Ontario Northland Transportation Commission (ONTC)
- providers
- taxation
- Downey, F311
- taxation
- track usage
- right of way access
- Downey, F581
- scheduling conflicts. see also GO Transit—K-W service
- right of way access
- crossings, maintenance fees
Real Estate Council of Ontario (RECO)
Real estate industry
Real estate market
Real estate transactions
- education and professional development
- legislative terminology
- professional regulation
- self-incorporation
- specialist designations
- Sabawy, G571
Rebuilding Consumer Confidence Act, 2020 (Bill 159)
- Anand, JP289–JP290, JP294–JP295, JP303–JP304
- Bailey, G726–G727, G733, G742, G749, G762, G769, G773, G781, JP250–JP251, JP260, JP266, JP269–JP270, JP276–JP277, JP280, JP284, JP294, JP298, JP303, JP313–JP314, JP318, JP321, JP324, JP327
- Bouma, JP261, JP277, JP285, JP288–JP289, JP297, JP304, JP307, JP314–JP315, JP326
- Coe, JP250, JP267, JP275–JP276, JP284–JP285, JP295, JP297, JP314, JP332
- Ghamari, JP307–JP309, JP315, JP317–JP318, JP327, JP332, JP335
- Glover, G734, G750–G751, G761–G762, G772
- Harden, JP309
- Harris, G726, G733, G736, G745, G752, G784–G785, G790
- Hatfield, JP291–JP293, JP298–JP299, JP301–JP302, JP304
- Kramp, G729–G730, G742–G743, G753, G766, G781–G782, G787
- Kusendova, JP256–JP257, JP260, JP266, JP269–JP270, JP278–JP279, JP289, JP295, JP298, JP323–JP324, JP332–JP333, JP335
- Natyshak, JP288, JP291
- Pettapiece, G746, G763
- Rakocevic, G725–G726, G728–G729, G734–G737, G741–G742, G744–G745, G753–G754, G758–G759, G762, G767–G770, G772–G773, G779–G780, G784, G789–G791, JP251–JP252, JP254–JP255, JP261–JP262, JP264–JP266, JP271–JP272, JP274, JP280–JP281, JP283, JP290, JP293, JP299–JP300, JP302, JP304, JP308–JP310, JP312–JP313, JP318–JP319, JP322–JP323, JP327–JP328, JP330–JP331, JP336–JP337
- Sabawy, G750, G759, G785–G788
- Schreiner, G727–G728, G735, G743–G744, G751–G752, G760–G761, G768–G769, G773–G774, G782–G783, G789–G790
- Singh, G., JP274, JP299, JP319, JP322, JP328, JP331
- Singh, S., JP252–JP253, JP255–JP256, JP262–JP263, JP265–JP266, JP272, JP275, JP284, JP312–JP313, JP319–JP322, JP324, JP329
- Stevens, G783
- Tangri, G733–G734, G736, JP251, JP257, JP261
- Wai, G749, G767
- Yarde, JP280–JP281
- amendments
- Bailey, G796, G807, G810, JP339–JP350, JP353
- Gill, JP344, JP346–JP347
- Glover, G801, G805–G806, G809, G815–G816
- Harris, G793, G795–G800, G801–G806, G811–G812, G814, G816–G821, G823, JP344, JP346, JP350–JP352
- Hogarth, G816–G818
- Kramp, G801, G810–G814, G820
- Rakocevic, G793–G794, G796–G809, G811–G813, G815, G817–G823, JP339–JP340, JP342–JP353
- Sabawy, G809, G814–G815
- Schreiner, G794, G796–G798, G800–G802, G804–G809, G811–G813, G819–G820
- Singh, G., JP353
- Singh, S., JP339
- Smith, D., JP351–JP353
- Stevens, G801
- Wai, G816
- general remarks
- regulatory authority
- scheduling and agenda, JP247–JP248
Recovery and Renewal: Ontario's Vision for Social Assistance Transformation.
see Social assistance programs - reformRedeemer College
- climate refugees
- Arthur, F749
- climate refugees
Refugees - resettlement
Regional Innovation Centres (RICs)
- northern Ontario
- Bisson, F363
- northern Ontario
Regional Opportunities Investment Tax Credit.
see Business environment—
regional investment incentivesRegional Tourism Organizations (RTOs)
- Hamilton Halton Brant Regional Tourism Association
- government funding
- Miller, P., F1585–F1586
- government funding
- Hamilton Halton Brant Regional Tourism Association
Registered Nurses' Association of Ontario
- professional liability insurance
- program administration funding
- Gélinas, E602
- program administration funding
- professional liability insurance
Regulation 274.
see Teachers, hiring criteriaRegulations
- amendment process
- drafting process
- federal duplication
- interprovincial harmonization
- number of
- principle-based vs. prescriptive. see under Legislative drafting
- "red tape" vs. necessary
- Shaw, F274
- role of
Regulations - reduction
- and business environment
- Crawford, G1376
- Sabawy, G1348–G1349
- as COVID-recovery strategy
- general remarks
- government strategy
- impact on safety
- Skelly, G1032
- and safety
- stakeholder consultation
- Wai, G952
- and business environment
Regulatory environment.
see also specific industries- general remarks
- government strategy
- Kusendova, G182–G183
- impact on business environment
- in other jurisdictions
- Harris, G507
- reform of
- Downey, F478
- and small business
- Bisson, G1377–G1378
- stability of
- West, F34
Religious symbols
- Quebec restrictions on
- Natyshak, A177
- Quebec restrictions on
Renewable energy
- capital investment, private
- Schreiner, F2565
- cost of
- Glover, G1315, G1393
- Schreiner, G1310, G1313, G1392–G1393
- cost to generate
- economic impact
- Schreiner, G1393
- environmental impact of
- Harden, SP114
- government funding
- Calandra, SP111–SP112
- grid access
- regulatory environment
- Schreiner, F2564–F2565
- reliability
- Harris, G1310–G1311
- scalability of
- Harden, SP126
- storage of
- capital investment, private
Renewable energy contracts
- contracted rates
- Arthur, F1227
- cost of
- Calandra, SP99–SP100
- Fraser, P267
- Ghamari, P267
- Sabawy, SP106
- feed-in-tariff (FIT) rates
- Calandra, SP135–SP136
- Harden, SP138
- impact on electricity rates
- Phillips, F3018
- public response to
- Schreiner, F2564
- solar power purchase agreements
- contracted rates
Renewable energy contracts - cancellation
Renewable energy industry
Renewable energy projects
Rent control
- exemptions
- general remarks
Rental housing
- affordability of
- annual increase rate
- Smith, D., F2133
- Canada Ontario Housing Benefit
- Clark, F2005
- Canada-Ontario Housing Benefit
- Karahalios, SP792–SP793
- Martin, SP733
- construction, regulation
- cost of
- existing supply
- maintenance of
- Fife, F2426
- maintenance of
- general remarks
- Martin, SP801–SP802
- impact of real estate market
- Morrison, F2040
- landlord-tenant disputes
- role of community legal clinics
- Shaw, F668
- role of community legal clinics
- maintenance and repair
- Ontario Development Charges Rebate Program, cancellation
- overdue rent, repayment plans
- regulation of, public education on
- rent control
- rent increases, above-guideline
- supply
- Babikian, SP706
- Hogarth, SP697, SP752, SP766–SP767
- McDonell, SP812–SP813
- Piccini, F2043
- Schreiner, F2127
- tenant human rights protection
- tenant protections
- Babikian, SP791
- Berns-McGown, SP723–SP724
- Burch, SP760
- Gill, SP732
- Martin, SP751
- Morrison, SP690, SP733, SP750
- and corporate landlords
- Morrison, SP744–SP745, SP799, SP817, SP820, SP858–SP859, SP864
- Tabuns, SP741, SP859
- illegally collected rent, redress period
- for vulnerable populations
- Burch, SP742–SP743
- Morrison, SP698, SP770
- vulnerable tenants
- Toronto rent bank
- Morrison, F2136
- trailer parks
Rental housing - COVID-19
- and CERB
- Morrison, F2427
- eviction moratorium, termination of
- evictions
- general remarks
- Singh, S., F2035
- rent arrears
- rent freeze
- general remarks
- Hunter, F2033
- general remarks
- rent increases
- rent repayment agreements
- rent subsidies
- rental assistance
- eligibility criteria
- Hunter, F2136
- general remarks
- Hunter, F2005, F2304
- Morrison, F1877, F2039, F2124, F2136, F2426–F2427
- Schreiner, F2126–F2127
- through the Social Services Relief Fund
- Clark, F2005
- eligibility criteria
- and CERB
Rental housing - development
- vs. condo development. see Housing development—condominium construction
- development charges deferral
- general remarks
- Piccini, F2043
- impact on property taxes
- Morrison, JP131–JP132, JP136–JP137
- impact on supply
- general remarks
- purpose-built
- construction timelines
- Smith, D., F1176
- general remarks
- McDonell, JP147
- Smith, D., F2132–F2133
- impact of rent control
- municipal incentives
- Babikian, JP135
- private sector investment in
- return on investment
- Arthur, F389
- via building conversion
- construction timelines
- unit minimums
- Piccini, F2080
Rental housing - evictions
- bad faith
- during COVID-19. see under Rental housing - COVID-19
- due to renovation
- first right of refusal
- McDonell, SP794
- Tabuns, SP807–SP808
- general remarks
- LTB notification
- Clark, F2007
- penalties
- Clark, F2007
- proof of renovation
- Blais, SP851–SP852
- Gill, SP852
- tenant compensation
- Clark, F2007
- tenant compensation and landlord penalties
- Gill, SP816, SP833, SP849–SP851
- Karahalios, SP811
- McDonell, SP794, SP846
- Morrison, SP793, SP811–SP812, SP826, SP849–SP851
- Tabuns, SP849–SP850
- first right of refusal
- pre-hearing mediation
- and racism
- Morrison, SP707
Reports referred to committee
- 2017 Annual Report: Ministry of Children, Community and Social Services (Auditor General of Ontario)
- 2017 Annual Report: Ministry of Government and Consumer Services; Infrastructure Ontario (Auditor General of Ontario)
- 2017 Annual Report: Ministry of Health and Long-Term Care, Cancer Care Ontario (Auditor General of Ontario)
- 2017 Annual Report: Ministry of Health and Long-Term Care; Cancer Care Ontario (Auditor General of Ontario)
- 2017 Annual Report: Ministry of Health and Long-Term Care, Public Health Ontario (Auditor General of Ontario)
- Barrett, P134–P135, P137–P139
- Gélinas, P57–P59, P62–P65, P67–P69, P117–P119, P122–P123, P125–P126, P129, P131–P132, P136–P137
- Ghamari, P60–P62, P65–P66
- Miller, N., P52–P55, P120–P121, P127, P139–P140
- Morrison, P56–P57, P122
- Parsa, P59–P60, P123–P124, P132, P134
- Skelly, P122
- Surma, P55, P128–P129
- Wai, P66
- 2017 Annual Report: Ministry of Infrastructure (Auditor General of Ontario)
- 2018 Annual Report: Ministry of Children, Community and Social Services (Auditor General of Ontario)
- 2018 Annual Report: Ministry of Energy, Ontario Power Generation (Auditor General of Ontario)
- 2018 Annual Report: Ministry of Infrastructure, Waterfront Toronto (Auditor General of Ontario)
- 2018 Annual Report: Ministry of Transportation, Metrolinx, Infrastructure Ontario (Auditor General of Ontario)
- 2018 Annual Report: Ministry of Transportation, Metrolinx—GO station selection (Auditor General of Ontario)
- 2018 Annual Report: Treasury Board Secretariat (Auditor General of Ontario)
- 2018 Annual Report: Treasury Board Secretariat, Ministry of Finance, Ontario Financing Authority, Independent Electricity System Operator (Auditor General of Ontario)
- 2019 Annual Report: Ministry of Agriculture, Food and Rural Affairs (Auditor General of Ontario)
- 2019 Annual Report: Ministry of Children, Community and Social Services, Ontario Disability Support Program (Auditor General of Ontario)
- 2019 Annual Report: Ministry of Environment, Conservation and Parks: Climate Change: Ontario's Plan to Reduce Greenhouse Gas Emissions (Auditor General of Ontario)
- 2019 Annual Report: Ministry of Health, Ontario Health, Ontario Hospital Association (Auditor General of Ontario)
- 2019 Annual Report: Ministry of the Solicitor General, Office of the Chief Coroner and Ontario Forensice Pathology Service (Auditor General of Ontario)
- 2019 Special Report: Tarion Warranty Corp. (Auditor General of Ontario)
- 2020 Annual Report: Ministry of Health, Ontario Health (Auditor General of Ontario)
- 2020 Annual Report: Ministry of Health, Ontario Health, Canadian Blood Services (Auditor General of Ontario)
- 2020 Annual Report: Public Accounts of Ontario (Auditor General of Ontario)
- 2020 Annual Report: Retirement Homes Regulatory Authority (Auditor General of Ontario)
- 2020 Special Report: COVID-19 Preparedness and Management (Auditor General of Ontario)
- Anand, P442–P443, P446, P481–P482
- Barrett, P436, P474–P476
- Bell, P438–P440, P447, P478–P480, P483–P484
- Blais, P437, P444, P447, P476–P477, P483, P486
- Crawford, P435, P484–P485
- Cuzzetto, P441, P480
- Gélinas, P432–P434, P444–P446, P470–P473, P477
- Hogarth, P436–P437, P473–P474
- Kramp, P446–P447
- Parsa, P443, P485
- The Fair Hydro Plan: Concerns About Fiscal Transparency, Accountability and Value for Money (Auditor General of Ontario, 2017)
Reserved Parking for Electric Vehicle Charging Act, 2019 (Bill 123)
Residential school system
- compensation adjudication process
- Bisson, A462
- human remains, recovery of
- government funding
- Mamakwa, E1231, E1236
- Rickford, E1231–E1232, E1234, E1239
- government strategy
- McKenna, E1239
- Rickford, E1239–E1241
- Indigenous consultation
- Mamakwa, E1236–E1237
- Rickford, E1237
- inter-provincial coordination
- Rickford, E1239–E1240
- oversight of
- general remarks
- Rickford, E1240
- Indigenous leadership of
- Rickford, E1234, E1236–E1237
- technical specialists
- Rickford, E1234
- general remarks
- post-recovery process
- Rickford, E1240–E1241
- by site. see specific site
- site commemoration
- Rickford, E1241
- site identification
- Mamakwa, E1232
- Rickford, E1233–E1234
- government funding
- records and information
- disclosure
- Rickford, E1233–E1234, E1240
- transfer
- Rickford, E1237
- disclosure
- student fatalities
- Rickford, E1233
- survivor support services
- terminology
- Rickford, E1231–E1232
- compensation adjudication process
Resource Productivity and Recovery Authority (RPRA)
- administration and governance
- mandate reform
- Anand, JP303–JP304
- oversight mechanisms
- Rakocevic, G820
Resource Productivity and Recovery Registry
Resource Recovery and Circular Economy Act, 2016, SO 2016, c 12, Sched. 1
- reform
- Anand, JP303–JP304
- Bailey, G733
- Harris, G733
- Pettapiece, G763
- reform
Respiratory disease
Restaurant industry.
see also Hospitality industryRestaurant industry - COVID-19
- alcohol retail
- business model adjustments
- Fife, F2548
- closure rate
- Coteau, F2385
- economic impact
- general remarks
- impact of remote office work
- indoor dining
- Calandra, F2361
- infection control
- Miller, N., F1647
- live performance events
- Lindo, F2611–F2612
- occupancy restrictions
- Miller, N., F1640–F1641
- patio service
- physical distancing
- Lindo, F1648
- promotion of
- Smith, D., F2386
- quick-service restaurants
- Hogarth, F2547
- staff mental health
- Burch, F2362
- staff recruitment
- McDonell, F2625–F2626
- third-party delivery fees
- and COVID-19
- impact of
- Baber, F2892–F2893
- safety measures
- Skelly, F2890
- impact of
- and COVID-19
Restoring Ontario's Competitiveness Act, 2019 (Bill 66)
- Arthur, G164–G165, G167, G179–G180, G192–G193, G203
- Fife, G160–G161, G165–G167, G170–G171, G173, G176–G177, G180, G184–G187, G191, G193, G197–G198, G203–G206
- Hoggarth, G175, G183, G189, G200–G201
- Kanapathi, G176, G189, G194
- Kramp, G163, G167, G170, G176, G187–G188, G194, G203
- Kusendova, G162, G164, G182–G183, G188, G197
- Parsa, G162–G164, G167–G170, G180, G195–G196, G201
- Rasheed, G161, G164, G168
- Schreiner, G171, G178, G190–G191
- Skelly, G161, G168, G174, G176, G181, G191, G193–G194, G196–G197, G202–G203, G206–G207
- Tabuns, G172, G177, G179–G180, G186, G189–G190, G199–G200
- amendments
- Arthur, G210–G213, G223, G225, G227, G229, G231–G232
- Fife, G209–G210, G212–G220, G222–G224, G226–G230, G232–G233
- Hoggarth, G211
- Kanapathi, G221
- Kramp, G224–G225
- Kusendova, G226
- Parsa, G230–G231, G233
- Schreiner, G209–G211, G214, G216, G218–G220, G223, G225–G229, G231–G232
- Skelly, G232–G233
- Tabuns, G212–G215, G217–G218, G221, G223, G225, G228, G231
- general remarks
- Mulroney, E165
- Schedule 2, Pawnbrokers Act
- Schedule 10, "open for business" bylaw
- withdrawal of
- Fife, F563
- withdrawal of
Restoring Trust, Transparency and Accountability Act, 2018 (Bill 57)
- Arthur, F105, F116, F119–F120, F122, F124–F126, F129–F131, F134, F136, F141–F142, F150–F151
- Bourgouin, F111–F112, F139–F140
- Downey, F103, F117, F119, F124, F128–F129, F131–F132, F136–F137
- Fife, F145
- Glover, F102, F110
- Mamakwa, F121–F122, F145
- Moridi, F126
- Morrison, F136, F141–F143
- Piccini, F109, F114, F117, F124, F132–F134, F144–F145, F148, F150
- Roberts, F103–F105, F112–F113, F122–F123, F127, F137–F139
- Shaw, F102–F103, F105–F107, F110, F134–F136, F142, F145, F147–F148, F151
- Skelly, F103, F107–F109, F117–F119, F142–F144
- Smith, D., F108, F115, F124–F125, F129, F133, F143, F149–F150
- amendments
Retail industry
- consumer protection
- and COVID-19. see Business - COVID-19
- general remarks
- Skelly, G448
- home construction materials
- warranties
- Hatfield, JP301–JP302
- warranties
- regulatory environment
- Skelly, G448–G449
- waste management
- producer responsibility model. see under Waste management
Retail markets and festivals
Retirement homes.
see also Long-term care- alternate-level-of-care beds
- complaints process
- general remarks
- Fullerton, E55
- inspections
- proactive vs. reactive
- Singh, S., P495
- proactive vs. reactive
- licences
- revocation
- Singh, S., P505
- revocation
- ministerial authority over
- public vs. private
- Gates, A392
- regulation
- regulatory compliance
- enforcement
- Singh, S., P505
- enforcement
- resident fees
- residents health and safety
- Gélinas, A294–A295
- subsidized beds
- regulatory oversight of
- Cuzzetto, P497
- regulatory oversight of
- third-party operation
- Gates, A393
Retirement homes - by site
- White Cliffe (Courtice)
- Cuzzetto, P497
- White Cliffe (Courtice)
Retirement homes - COVID-19
Retirement Homes Regulatory Authority (RHRA)
- 2020 Auditor General annual report
- response to
- Wai, P492
- response to
- board of directors
- complaints process
- conflicts of interest
- Gélinas, P501
- financial management
- general remarks
- Gates, A392–A393
- ministerial oversight
- reporting schedule
- Wai, P493
- reporting schedule
- public awareness
- Anand, P503
- public register
- transparency
- Anand, P502–P503
- transparency
- resident network
- Gélinas, P497
- risk officer annual reports
- response timelines
- Blais, P502
- response timelines
- 2020 Auditor General annual report
Retirement homes - residents
Retirement homes - staff
Rev. Tommy Beardy Memorial Wee Che He Wayo-Gamik Family Treatment Centre
- facility
- Mamakwa, F302
- facility
Rideshare industry
- mandatory training
Ring of Fire
- court orders
- Fife, G548
- development
- Monteith-Farrell, E1144
- indigenous community engagement
- Indigenous participation
- ministry responsible for
- Yakabuski, E401
- partnership agreements
- with Indigenous communities
- Skelly, F1067
- with Indigenous communities
- revenue generation
- impact on Indigenous communities
- Skelly, F1067
- impact on Indigenous communities
- revenue sharing agreements
- negotiation timeline
- Yakabuski, E430
- negotiation timeline
- scientific research
- government funding
- Monteith-Farrell, E401
- government funding
- court orders
Road safety
- alcohol-/drug-impaired driving. see Driving - alcohol-/drug-impaired
- and automated speed enforcement
- Bell, G320
- consultation
- Schreiner, G1208
- cyclist offenders
- Sabawy, G1239–F1230
- data collection
- Mulroney, G1207–G1208
- Schreiner, G1208
- e-bikes. see Cycling - e-bikes
- fatality rate
- Mulroney, E158
- general remarks
- Bell, G1269
- Mulroney, E167, G1205
- Schreiner, G1270
- Surma, G1202–G1203
- Thanigasalam, G1271, G1297–G1298
- government strategy
- Mulroney, E157–E158
- illegal passing of streetcars
- performance metrics
- Triantafilopoulos, E208
- public education. see also under Driving - stunt driving and street racing
- school zones
- tow operators and road workers
- traffic offences. see also specific offence
- vehicle safety inspections
- Mulroney, E158
Road safety - roadside workers
Road safety - vulnerable road users
- dooring. see Bicycle safety - dooring
- general remarks
- injury and death
- data collection
- Schreiner, G1238
- driver conviction rates
- French, G1228
- driver penalties
- community service
- Sabawy, G1236
- general remarks
- French, G1207, G1218, G1228, G1230–G1231, G1286–G1291
- Glover, G1237
- Mulroney, G1207
- Park, G1289–G1290
- Schreiner, G1205, G1222, G1288–G1289
- Thanigasalam, G1286, G1288
- judicial discretion
- French, G1230–G1231, G1235
- Park, G1255
- re-education training
- strict vs. absolute liability
- Park, G1254
- community service
- family supports
- Sabawy, G1230
- offence classification
- Schreiner, G1238
- data collection
- and road infrastructure. see also Transportation infrastructure—cycling infrastructure
- Sandhu, G1229
- Vision Zero campaigns
- forest access roads. see Forest access roads
Robe Investments & Consulting Services Limited Act, 2021 (Bill Pr39)
- Fife, T157
Robotic surgical procedures
- general remarks
- McDonell, P88
- general remarks
Royal Canadian Legions
Rural and northern Ontario
- out-migration
- prevention of
- Cho, S., F3280
- prevention of
- out-migration
Ryerson University