Letter: N
National Housing Strategy (federal)
- provincial allocation
- Bell, HE1178–HE1179
- Calandra, HE1177, HE1179
- provincial allocation
The National Action Plan to End Gender-Based Violence
(Women and Gender Equality Canada (2002)
- general remarks
- Wong-Tam, JP956
- general remarks
Natural gas
Natural gas plants
Natural hazards
New home construction industry
- accessibility requirements. see also Ontario Building Code–accessibility requirements
- builder accountability
- penalties and fines
- Rasheed, JP43–JP44
- penalties and fines
- consumer protection
- Collard, F1539
- Harden, F1535
- McCarthy, JP417
- Pasma, F1538
- Rakocevic, JP417, JP476
- Saunderson, JP426–JP427, JP447–JP448
- administrative and regulatory authorities
- Rakocevic, JP427
- deposits
- enforcement
- Bell, HE287–HE288
- McGregor, HE287
- furnaces, use during construction
- new-home-buyer bill of rights
- Blais, JP425
- ombudsman, creation of
- Blais, JP426
- purchases, cooling off period
- consumer protections
- employment
- labour shortage
- Holland, HE457
- labour shortage
- freehold homes
Newcomers and refugees - resettlement
- housing, access to
- Burch, F1205
- housing, access to
Niagara Escarpment Commission
Niagara Escarpment Plan
Niagara Region
- chair, elected
- Burch, HE903
- regional government
- Oosterhoff, HE855–HE856
- and housing
- Coe, HE905
- representation
- chair, elected
- history of
- Gates, HE887
- history of
Non-profit organizations
Northern Ontario.
see also specific policy areasNorthern Ontario Heritage Fund
Not-for-profit organizations
Notice of security interests (NOSIs)
Nuclear energy
- small modular reactors
- energy, cost of
- Schreiner, IN243
- Smith, T., IN243–IN244
- government strategy
- energy, cost of
- small modular reactors
Nuclear energy industry
- government expenditures
- Lecce, IN581
- Shaw, IN580–IN581
- government strategy
- Smith, T., IN20
- government expenditures
Nuclear energy - small modular reactors (SMRs)
Nuclear generating facilities
Nuclear generation facilities - small modular reactors (SMRs)
Nuclear waste management
- deep geological repositories
- northern Ontario
- Vaugeois, F1629
- northern Ontario
- deep geological repositories
Nurse practitioner-led clinics
- general remarks
- government funding
- Harden, F1402
- integrated care
- Barnes, SP774–SP775
Nurse practitioners
- access to
- impact of
- Gélinas, F207
- impact of
- access to, by region
- Niagara-on-the-Lake
- Gates, SP556–SP557, SP792–SP793
- Niagara-on-the-Lake
- clinics. see Health facilities - health clinics
- employment
- funding
- Gélinas, F207
- funding
- recruitment and retention
- access to
see also Sexual assault assessment, nurse examiners- compensation
- retention bonus
- Jones, S., SP24
- impact on retention
- Shamji, SP24
- retention bonus
- employment programs
- government strategy
- Bowman, F345
- internationally trained
- registration process, timeline
- Anand, F56–F57
- registration process, timeline
- internationally trained, support programs
- Jones, S., SP168
- professional scope
- regulatory framework
- Gélinas, SP284–SP285
- Shamji, SP285
- regulatory framework
- professions, types of
- data collection and tracking
- Gélinas, SP30
- data collection and tracking
- recruitment and retention
- recruitment and retention initiatives
- Triantafilopoulos, F54
- shortage
- standards of care, guidelines
- Gélinas, SP286
- temporary agencies
- temporary agencies wage premiums
- tuition supports, funding
- Leardi, F1245
- vacancies
- Blais, F359
- violence against
- Kernaghan, F58
- working conditions
- compensation
Nurses - education and training
Nurses - recruitment and retention
Nurses - temporary agencies
- hiring of
- hiring of, cost
- impact of
- Gates, SP749
- northern and rural Ontario
- Bowman, F1707–F1708
- West, F1583
- wage premiums
- Gates, SP760–SP761
- Kernaghan, F902
- impact of
- Gates, SP750
- northern Ontario
- Gélinas, F234
Nurses - vacancies
- vacancy rate
- Shamji, SP560
- vacancy rate