Letter: W
Walkerton E. coli outbreak (2000)
- water safety regulations
- Karpoche, 4620
- water safety regulations
Waste diversion - recycling programs
Waster diversion - recycling programs
- producer responsibilities
- regulations, reductions
- Oosterhoff, 8390–8391
- regulations, reductions
- producer responsibilities
Wataynikaneyap Power Transmission Project.
see also Indigenous communities — power grid, connection toWater protection
Water protection - water quality
Water quality - drinking water
Water - recreational
Waterfront Toronto development
- general remarks
- Sandhu, 6816
- general remarks
Waterloo, Region of
Waterpower Day Act, 2024 (Bill 182)
- first reading
- Mantha, 8012
- first reading
Watersheds and wetlands
Weather events
Welberne Holding Corp. Act, 2022 (Bill Pr7)
Wellington county
- urban boundary expansion
- internal communications
- Shaw, 5272
- internal communications
- urban boundary expansion
Western University
- sexual violence and harassment
- sexual violence and harassment, prevention
- institutional programs
- Sattler, 1912
- institutional programs
Wildland fire management
- aerial resources, availability of
- Bourgouin, 8922
- and air quality
- domestic and international partnerships
- fire ranger crews, number of
- Bourgouin, 7614
- general remarks
- Smith, G., 10634
- government funding
- government strategy
- Indigenous consultation and consent
- inter-provincial aid
- Smith, G., 9117
- municipal fire plans
- regulation and enforcement
- Smith, G., 10635
- aerial resources, availability of
Wildland fires
Wildland fires (Ontario and Quebec, June 2023)
Wildlife protection
Wilmot township
- agricultural land expropriation
- agricultural land, expropriation
- agricultural land, transition to industrial use
Winchester Design Build Inc. Act, 2024 (Bill Pr35)
Wine industry
Wineries and wine industry
- awards
- Leading Women, Leading Girls, Building Communities Recognition Program
- Fife, 2369
- Leading Women, Leading Girls, Building Communities Recognition Program
- on boards of directors
- Williams, 8425
- community support centres
- by region
- Durham
- Coe, 4255
- Durham
- by region
- community support programs
- by region
- Norfolk county
- Brady, 3245–3246
- Norfolk county
- by region
- COVID-19, impact of
- economic development
- education and awareness
- International Women's Day
- Women's History Month
- Andrew, 10001–10002
- Clancy, 10002
- Hazell, 10002
- Williams, 10000–10001
- employment programs and services
- program funding
- Williams, 5527
- program funding
- employment, support programs
- gender-based budgeting
- Stevens, 2594
- health care. see Health care
- Investing in Women's Futures program
- labour market participation
- Hunter, 2734
- in leadership roles
- Williams, 3375
- representation in society
- Hunter, 2733–2734
- in the workforce
- Cho, S., 9234–9235
- Gates, 9229
- Pierre, 5001, 9840
- Shamji, 9232
- Shaw, 4344–4345, 9229, 9232
- Triantafilopoulos, 10832
- Williams, 5001, 8424, 9235, 10832
- care economy
- Sattler, 9017–9018
- community events
- Women as Career Coaches mentorship
- Pierre, 3901
- Women as Career Coaches mentorship
- compensation
- Shaw, 9236
- FAO report: Women in Ontario’s Labour Market (2023)
- Williams, 5527
- government funding
- Williams, 224
- government strategy
- harassment
- Barnes, 8911
- awards
Women and girls
- community support programs
- funding
- Gallagher Murphy, 4643
- funding
- community support programs
Women in politics
Woodstock Moose Lodge No. 1141 (Holdings) Limited Act, 2023 (Bill Pr13)
Working Families Coalition (Canada) Inc. v. Ontario (Attorney General),
2023 ONCA 139
Working for Workers Act, 2023 (Bill 79)
- amendments, consideration of
- first reading
- McNaughton, 2863
- second reading, 2947–2956, 2973–3006, 3007–3012, 3019–3029, 3212–3225, 3235–3244, 3260
- Anand, 2950–2952, 2981, 2999, 3001
- Begum, 2973–2983
- Blais, 2999–3002
- Bouma, 2983–2987
- Bresee, 3026–3027
- Coe, 2986
- Crawford, 3023–3028
- Cuzzetto, 2991–2995
- Dowie, 3027
- Fife, 2994–2995, 3001, 3005–3006
- Fraser, 3225
- French, 2995–2999, 3005, 3026
- Gallagher Murphy, 2956, 2994, 2998, 3217, 3220
- Gates, 2955, 3019–3023, 3027, 3235
- Gélinas, 2990, 3007–3010, 3022, 3027, 3214, 3216, 3236
- Glover, 2985
- Harden, 2986
- Harris, 3213, 3214
- Jordan, 3022
- Kanapathi, 3023
- Karpoche, 2982
- Kernaghan, 2994, 2998, 3001, 3009, 3213, 3220
- Khanjin, 2955, 2986, 2990, 2991, 3010–3012
- Leardi, 2954, 2994, 3002–3006, 3214, 3217, 3223
- Mamakwa, 2990, 2998
- Martin, 2987, 3005, 3010, 3219
- McCarthy, 3235
- McNaughton, 2947–2950, 2954–2956
- Pasma, 2982
- Pierre, 2990, 3222
- Rae, 2982, 3214–3217
- Romano, 3220–3223
- Sandhu, 2995
- Sattler, 2954, 2991, 3010, 3028–3029, 3212–3214, 3217, 3220
- Saunderson, 3216
- Shaw, 2987–2991
- Smith, Dave, 3002, 3005
- Smith, David, 2953–2954
- Smith, L., 2998
- Tabuns, 2986
- Taylor, 3214, 3222
- Vaugeois, 2993, 3004, 3216, 3217–3220, 3223
- Wai, 2982–2983, 3225
- West, 3022, 3023, 3219, 3222, 3223–3225, 3235–3236
- Yakabuski, 3000–3001, 3009, 3219
- division (carried), 3260
- referred to Standing Committee on Finance and Economic Affairs, 3260
- scheduling and agendas
- Begum, 2974
- scope of
- third reading, 5010–5037, 5039–5047, 5068–5084
- Anand, 5015–5016, 5019
- Andrew, 5018
- Armstrong, 5029, 5039, 5043, 5072
- Bailey, 5076–5077
- Blais, 5040
- Coe, 5019, 5033
- Dowie, 5080, 5081
- Fraser, 5043
- Gallagher Murphy, 5029, 5043–5044
- Gates, 5035–5037, 5039–5040
- Harden, 5033, 5042–5043
- Hazell, 5040–5044
- Hogarth, 5044–5047
- Jama, 5071, 5081
- Jones, T., 5082–5084
- Kernaghan, 5018
- Leardi, 5030, 5039, 5042
- McGregor, 5030–5034
- McMahon, 5043
- Pasma, 5029, 5040
- Piccini, 5010–5015, 5018–5019
- Rae, 5039
- Rakocevic, 5080–5081
- Saunderson, 5028, 5034
- Schreiner, 5072–5074
- Shaw, 5034, 5047, 5072, 5077–5078, 5081–5082
- Skelly, 5071, 5073, 5074–5078
- Smith, David, 5016–5018
- Smith, L., 5073, 5077
- Smith, T., 5071–5072
- Stevens, 5034
- Taylor, 5073, 5076, 5078–5082
- Vaugeois, 5068–5072
- West, 5019–5030
- Yakabuski, 5018
- Royal assent, 5782
Working for Workers Five Act, 2024 (Bill 190)
- first reading
- Piccini, 8807
- second reading, 8905–8915, 8965–8976, 8994–9020, 9021–9033, 9227–9246
- Anand, 9238–9240
- Armstrong, 9234
- Barnes, 8911–8913
- Bell, 9021–9025
- Bourgouin, 8974
- Burch, 9003, 9012
- Byers, 8975
- Cho, S., 9234–9235
- Clancy, 9018, 9019–9020
- Crawford, 9018, 9029
- Cuzzetto, 9004–9008, 9029
- Dowie, 9004, 9011, 9020, 9024, 9028, 9229, 9231, 9238
- Fife, 9018–9019, 9024
- Flack, 9008, 9029–9030
- French, 8975
- Gates, 8914, 9227–9230, 9237, 9240, 9242, 9243
- Glover, 8996, 8997, 9029, 9231, 9240–9243
- Harden, 8997–9002, 9007, 9008
- Harris, 9245–9246
- Hsu, 9002–9004
- Jones, T., 9014–9015, 9023–9024, 9242
- Jordan, 8975–8976, 8994–8997, 9015, 9229, 9234, 9236–9237
- Kanapathi, 8996
- Karpoche, 9235, 9237–9238
- Kernaghan, 9008–9012, 9020
- Leardi, 8914, 9030–9033
- MacLeod, 9001–9002
- Oosterhoff, 8974
- Piccini, 8905–8911, 8913–8915
- Pierre, 8973–8974, 9228, 9240, 9244–9246
- Quinn, 9020, 9025
- Rae, 9242
- Rakocevic, 9025–9030, 9228
- Sabawy, 9012
- Sattler, 8913, 9015–9019, 9024–9025
- Shamji, 9230–9232
- Shaw, 8914, 9229, 9232, 9233, 9235–9238, 9243, 9245
- Smith, G., 8997, 9004
- Smith, L., 8914
- Stevens, 8974, 9002
- Tabuns, 9028
- Tangri, 9243
- Vaugeois, 9002, 9004, 9011
- Wai, 9012–9015
- West, 8915, 8965–8975
- Williams, 9007, 9232–9235, 9237
- Wong-Tam, 9014, 9015
- referred to Standing Committee on Finance and Economic Affairs, 9246
- regulations
- Wong-Tam, 9889–9890
- third reading, 9831–9841, 9858–9883, 9885–9900, 9907–9908
- Allsopp, 9869–9872
- Anand, 9839–9840, 9879–9883
- Barnes, 9835–9840
- Begum, 9888, 9891
- Bell, 9881, 9887, 9891, 9896
- Bourgouin, 9868–9869, 9876
- Bowman, 9879
- Clark, 9907–9908
- Cuzzetto, 9868, 9876, 9882
- Flack, 9895
- Fraser, 9876–9879, 9899
- Gallagher Murphy, 9878, 9892
- Harris, 9888, 9892, 9899
- Hogarth, 9875, 9882, 9891
- Jordan, 9875
- Karpoche, 9875
- Kernaghan, 9882, 9896–9900
- Leardi, 9868, 9869, 9887, 9895
- Mamakwa, 9868
- McGregor, 9887–9888, 9896
- Piccini, 9831–9835, 9839–9841
- Pierre, 9840, 9878
- Sattler, 9882–9883, 9885–9888, 9895, 9899
- Tabuns, 9892–9896
- Vaugeois, 9872–9876, 9878
- West, 9839, 9840, 9841, 9858–9869, 9878
- Wong-Tam, 9888–9892
- Royal assent, 9944
- first reading
Working for Workers Four Act, 2024 (Bill 149)
- first reading
- Piccini, 6013
- second reading, 6221–6227, 6255–6261, 6351–6354, 6421–6430, 6564–6591
- Anand, 6226–6227, 6257, 6586
- Begum, 6567–6572
- Bell, 6354, 6567, 6574, 6578–6579, 6579–6583, 6585, 6591
- Bourgouin, 6424
- Bresee, 6257, 6567, 6572, 6574
- Burch, 6354
- Byers, 6578, 6582–6583, 6589
- Crawford, 6564–6567
- Dowie, 6571, 6578
- Gallagher Murphy, 6425–6429
- Glover, 6566, 6571–6572, 6574–6575, 6587–6591
- Gretzky, 6429–6430
- Harden, 6428–6429
- Holland, 6354
- Jordan, 6575
- Kanapathi, 6566–6567, 6570
- Kernaghan, 6581–6582, 6587
- Kerzner, 6590
- Martin, 6428
- McCarthy, 6583–6587
- McMahon, 6572–6573, 6575, 6582, 6590
- Piccini, 6221–6226, 6256–6257
- Sattler, 6351–6354, 6427, 6428
- Shamji, 6573–6574
- Shaw, 6256, 6257, 6567, 6571, 6578, 6586–6587, 6590
- Smith, David, 6227, 6581
- Smith, L., 6353
- Tabuns, 6424
- Taylor, 6577, 6582
- Thanigasalam, 6256
- Vanthof, 6586
- Vaugeois, 6353
- Wai, 6574, 6582
- West, 6255–6256, 6257–6261
- Williams, 6575–6579
- Yakabuski, 6428
- referred to Standing Committee on Social Policy, 6591
- third reading, 7183–7192, 7344–7349, 7707–7717, 7751–7757, 7759–7774, 7775
- Anand, 7187–7189
- Armstrong, 7756
- Bell, 7717
- Bourgouin, 7766
- Clancy, 7762, 7763–7765
- Coe, 7716
- Dixon, 7712–7717
- Dowie, 7763
- Fraser, 7711, 7716, 7751–7754
- Gates, 7756, 7759–7763
- Glover, 7715
- Gretzky, 7754, 7767–7771
- Harden, 7753, 7757, 7763, 7771
- Hogarth, 7756, 7765–7767
- Leardi, 7711, 7762, 7764
- Lecce, 7770
- McCarthy, 7769–7770
- Oosterhoff, 7752–7753, 7754–7757
- Piccini, 7183–7187, 7191–7192, 7767
- Rae, 7712
- Sabawy, 7711–7712, 7714–7716
- Sattler, 7716–7717
- Saunderson, 7715, 7757, 7766
- Schreiner, 7764
- Shamji, 7192
- Shaw, 7753, 7762, 7764, 7766–7767, 7770
- Smith, David, 7189–7191
- Vaugeois, 7712
- Wai, 7191
- West, 7191, 7192, 7344–7349, 7707–7712, 7716
- Williams, 7771
- Royal assent, 7876
- first reading
Working for Workers Six Act, 2024 (Bill 229)
- first reading
- Piccini, 10657
- committee process
- Vaugeois, 10827–10828
- second reading, 10715–10744, 10745–10746, 10893–10908, 11070, 11113–11114
- Allsopp, 10738, 10742, 10751
- Anand, 10737–10740
- Andrew, 10735, 10739, 10747, 10907
- Bailey, 10904
- Barnes, 10720–10725
- Begum, 10734, 10742–10743, 10755–10756
- Bell, 10739, 10743, 10749–10753
- Bowman, 10899–10901
- Byers, 10734, 10743, 10748, 10752, 10897, 10900
- Coe, 10897, 10905
- Collard, 10898, 10900–10901
- Cuzzetto, 10725, 10735, 10743
- Fife, 10738, 10752
- Gallagher Murphy, 10752
- Gates, 10893–10897, 10900, 10901
- Harden, 10896, 10900, 10904
- Hogarth, 10739
- Jordan, 10907
- Karpoche, 10725
- Kernaghan, 10735, 10740–10744
- Leardi, 10724
- Mamakwa, 10905–10908
- Martin, 10900–10901
- McGregor, 10753–10756
- Piccini, 10716–10720, 10724–10725
- Sabawy, 10735–10739
- Shaw, 10897, 10905
- Smith, Dave, 10745–10749
- Smith, David, 10746–10748, 10900
- Smith, L., 10896
- Tabuns, 10748
- Thanigasalam, 10735
- Vanthof, 10904
- Vaugeois, 10725, 10730–10735
- Wai, 10739, 10747–10748
- West, 10724, 10725–10730, 10734–10735, 10751–10752
- Wong-Tam, 10748
- Yakabuski, 10901–10905
- division (carried), 11113–11114
- legislative process, motions
- time allocation motion, 11002–11010, 11066–11067
- presented
- Leardi, 11002–11005
- responded to
- Vanthof, 11005–11010
- division (carried), 11066–11067
- presented
- third reading, 11147–11156, 11172–11173
- Clancy, 11155–11156
- Fraser, 11154–11155
- Piccini, 11147–11150
- West, 11150–11154
- division (carried), 11172–11173
- first reading
Workplace safety
Workplace Safety and Insurance Act, 1997,
SO 1997, c 16, s A
Workplace Safety and Insurance Board (WSIB)
- claims allowed rate
- Kernaghan, 9009–9010
- claims assessment process
- Vaugeois, 235
- compensation
- Vaugeois, 9470
- compensation claims
- cost-of-living allowance
- Vaugeois, 1666
- coverage expansion
- decisions, appeal process
- timeline
- Vaugeois, 4653–4654
- timeline
- deeming
- deeming policy
- employer premiums
- Vaugeois, 1666
- general remarks
- government funding
- Taylor, 2923–2924
- government strategy
- headquarters in London, Ontario
- Surma, 8492
- history of
- Vaugeois, 235
- injuries
- compensation
- inflation
- Hsu, 6976–6977
- inflation
- compensation
- mandate
- modernization
- occupational diseases. see also Members'/ministers' public apologies, McIntyre Powder project
- operational requirements
- part-time workers, women
- premiums
- presumptive coverage, expansion of
- Kernaghan, 3001
- presumptive coverage, fire rangers. see Also Firefighters and fire services — fire rangers
- cancers, heart injuries & PTSD
- inclusion
- inclusions
- Bourgouin, 7303
- presumptive coverage, firefighters
- cancers
- Anand, 5019
- Begum, 2978
- Blais, 3001
- Bouma, 2983–2984, 2985, 2986
- Burch, 2894, 5388
- Coe, 5019
- Cuzzetto, 2993, 2994
- French, 2998
- Gallagher Murphy, 3217
- Gates, 3022, 3023, 7759, 10894, 10895
- Gélinas, 3008, 3010
- Harris, 3213, 3214
- Hogarth, 5046
- Jones, T., 5082–5083
- Kanapathi, 3023
- Karpoche, 6870
- Kerzner, 2893, 2894
- Mamakwa, 2990
- Martin, 3010
- McGregor, 5033
- McNaughton, 2604, 2950
- Piccini, 5014, 7303
- Rae, 3217
- Sattler, 3213, 3214
- Shaw, 2989, 2990, 3297
- Skelly, 5074, 5076
- Smith, David, 2954, 5017–5018
- Smith, L., 2998
- West, 5020
- Yakabuski, 10902
- statements by stakeholders
- esophageal cancer
- cancers
- presumptive coverage, miners
- presumptive coverage, police officers
- Piccini, 8906
- presumptive coverage, wildland fire inspectors
- cancers, heart injuries & PTSD
- Piccini, 8906
- cancers, heart injuries & PTSD
- presumptive coverage, wildland firefighters
- reform
- relocation. see also Employment creation — government strategy — Community Jobs Initiative
- surplus funds
- employer return
- Vaugeois, 3472
- employer return
- temporary foreign workers
- claims allowed rate
Workplace Safety and Insurance Board (WSIB) - benefits
Workplace Safety and Insurance Board (WSIB) - claims
Workplace Safety and Insurance Board (WSIB) - coverage
Workplace Safety and Insurance Board (WSIB) - COVID-19
World War I
World War II
WSIB Coverage for Workers in Residential Care Facilities and Group Homes Act, 2022 (Bill 54)
- first reading
- Fraser, 2131
- first reading
WSIB Coverage for Workers in Residential Care Facilities and Group Homes Act, 2023 (Bill 54)