Letter: L
Laboratory services
Labour Relations Amendment Act (Replacement Workers), 2022 (Bill 123)
- first reading
- Gélinas, 3375
- first reading
Lake Ontario
Lake Simcoe.
see also East Holland River- Big Bay Point Resort proposal
- legal proceedings
- Barrett, 101
- legal proceedings
- depth of
- fish populations. see under Wildlife protection
- general remarks
- Impact of Climate Change on Hydrology and Water Quality: Future Proofing Management Strategies in the Lake Simcoe Watershed (Crossman et al)
- Khanjin, 66
- Lake Simcoe Clean-Up Fund
- Khanjin, 63
- Lake Simcoe Protection Plan (2008)
- recreation
- shoreline erosion and restoration
- general remarks
- Khanjin, 69
- general remarks
- stormwater management
- water quality
- algae levels
- chloride levels
- conservation funding
- Wetlands Conservation Partner Program. see under Wetlands and watersheds
- general remarks
- industrial discharge
- Miller, P., 71
- local clean-up initiatives
- phosphorus levels
- wildlife
- Big Bay Point Resort proposal
Lake Simcoe Region Conservation Authority
Lakehead University
Land claims.
see Indigenous relations - land claimsLand use planning
- administration
- applications and permits
- data collection and management
- Clark, 2775–2776
- data collection and management
- applications and permits
- approval timelines
- approvals and permits
- timelines
- Burch, 2791
- timelines
- consultation process
- development applications
- reporting of
- Clark, 2775
- reporting of
- development charges
- as economic policy
- Bouma, 1645
- environmental assessment process. see Land use planning - environmental assessments
- and environmental protection
- environmental regulations
- for future growth
- general remarks
- high- vs. low-density development
- cost per person
- Burch, 118
- cost per person
- Indigenous consent and participation. see also specific projects
- industrial sites. see under Business investment
- infrastructure development
- land needs assessments
- value-for-money audit
- French, 99
- value-for-money audit
- mid-density development
- ministerial discretion
- Clark, 2777
- municipal approvals
- municipal consultation
- municipal official plans. see also Ontario Land Tribunal (OLT)
- transparency
- French, 100
- urban boundary, existing
- Hunter, 2804
- urban boundary expansion
- administration
Land use planning - development charges
Land use planning - environmental assessments
Land use planning - ministerial zoning orders
- conflicts of interest
- Burch, 2407
- consultation process
- Duffins Creek
- Burch, 2791
- environmental impact
- Sattler, 2295
- and environmental policy
- Collard, 1095–1096
- expansion of
- Burch, 2790
- general remarks
- municipal consultation
- municipal role in
- public response to
- Singh, G., 270
- by region
- Mississauga-Lakeshore
- Cuzzetto, 2824
- Mississauga-Lakeshore
- restrictions on
- greenbelt
- Cuzzetto, 2824
- greenbelt
- by site
- block 41 development (Vaughan)
- Century Manor (Hamilton)
- Shaw, 1931
- housing development (Dolime quarry). see Dolime quarry housing development
- industrial warehouse (Blair)
- supportive housing (Willowdale)
- veterans' village (Kingston Provincial Campus)
- use of
- conflicts of interest
Landlord and Tenant Board (LTB)
Landlord and Tenant Board (LTB) - hearings
- decisions
- enforcement
- Bell, 3290
- enforcement
- decisions
Laurentian University
- Auditor General's report (2022)
- board of governors
- document production
- jurisdiction over
- Calandra, 1703
- to Standing Committee on Public Accounts. see under Standing Committee on Public Accounts
- jurisdiction over
- economic impact
- Fife, 1793
- insolvency proceedings
- student transfer funding
- Dunlop, 3111
- demographics by age
- Downey, 488
- demographics by age
Lebanese community
- public education campaign
- Lebanese Heritage Month
- Fraser, 998
- Lebanese Heritage Month
- public education campaign
Legal aid services
Legislative buildings
- accessibility
- Cho, R.S.J., 2082
- Chamber
- presiding officers
- appointment of, 5
- Seven Grandfather Teachings carving (Nahdee). see also under Speaker's statements
- Berns-McGown, 1081
- presiding officers
- during COVID-19
- renovation project
- accessibility
Legislative pages
Legislative procedure
- accessibility
- Cho, R.S.J., 2082–2083
- background materials
- business, conduct of
- and members' right to participate
- Vanthof, 643
- and members' right to participate
- business, scheduling of
- committee reports
- dilatory measures
- historically
- MacLeod, 2184
- historically
- electronics
- general remarks
- legislative agenda
- Calandra, 1834
- members' statements
- ruled out of order
- Baber, 1029
- ruled out of order
- parliamentary calendar
- prorogation
- quorum bells
- length of
- Cho, R.S.J., 2083
- length of
- regulations
- tributes
- scheduling of
- Bailey, 2194
- scheduling of
- written questions
- response deadlines
- French, 95
- response deadlines
- accessibility
Legislative procedure - COVID-19
Legislative procedure - daily routine
Legislative procedure - debate
Legislative procedure - federal government
Legislative procedure - members
Legislative procedure - motions
Legislative procedure - order of business
Legislative procedure - orders of the day
Legislative procedure - private bills
Legislative procedure - private members' public business
- ballot items
- ballot order
- bills
- debate on
- general remarks
- scheduling
- voting
Legislative procedure - proceedings
Legislative procedure - question period
Legislative procedure - Standing Orders
- application period
- Sattler, 2002
- federal as model
- general remarks
- Andrew, 2198
- Bell, 2083–2084
- Bisson, 2185–2186
- Calandra, 1944, 1951, 2054, 2056
- Collard, 2155
- Cuzzetto, 2094–2095
- French, 2152
- Glover, 2099
- Hatfield, 2079–2080
- MacLeod, 2183, 2185
- McDonell, 2155–2156
- Morrison, 2092
- Parsa, 2079
- Rakocevic, 2095
- Sabawy, 2098
- Sattler, 2002
- Smith, T., 2189
- Taylor, 2158, 2181
- questions of privilege
- consideration of
- Baber, 20
- consideration of
- reform (2019)
- reform (2020)
- reform (2021)
- reform (2022)
- reform consultation
- reforms, historically
- application period
Legislative procedure - voting
Legislative process
- agenda/schedule
- during COVID-19
- general remarks
- government bills
- government oversight mechanisms
- take-note debates
- Calandra, 46
- take-note debates
- historically
- legislative agenda
- Andrew, 2197–2198
- Armstrong, 432
- Bell, 2084
- Bisson, 3009
- Calandra, 368, 632
- Collard, 3334
- Fife, 1065, 1365, 2975, 2979
- Fraser, 1822, 2053
- Gates, 1069
- Glover, 190–191
- Gretzky, 1075
- Hassan, 1102–1103
- Hatfield, 2080–2081
- Hunter, 3330
- Mamakwa, 1869
- Mantha, 492, 3334–3335
- Monteith-Farrell, 1317
- Morrison, 3333–3334
- Rakocevic, 107–108
- Sabawy, 1872
- Sattler, 400, 424
- Singh, G., 235–236, 271
- Singh, S., 1381
- Stiles, 41
- Taylor, 3334
- Vanthof, 2051–2052, 3331
- Yarde, 1879
- moments of silence
- omnibus bills
- private members' bills
- public consultation
- technical briefings
Legislative process - motions
- educational programs
- Ontario Legislature Internship Program (OLIP). see Ontario Legislature Internship Program (OLIP)
- educational programs
Legislature - staff
LG Energy Solutions
LGBTQ+ community
- public education campaigns
- Transgender Day of Visibility
- Kernaghan, 2767
- Transgender Day of Visibility
- public education campaigns
Liberal Party election platform (2021)
- electoral process reform
- Calandra, 240
- electoral process reform
Liberal Party of Canada
- election platform (2015)
- electoral reform
- Sattler, 421
- electoral reform
- election platform (2015)
Liberal Party of Ontario
Licence plates
- design visibility
- police scanning technology
- validation stickers
- annual renewal fees
- annual renewal fees exemption
- eligibility
- Fife, 1791
- general remarks
- Bisson, 1847–1849
- Bouma, 1982, 2967, 2969
- Cho, S., 1926
- Coe, 1852–1853, 3014
- Cuzzetto, 1807
- Fedeli, 1764
- Fraser, 1979
- French, 1802
- Ghamari, 1867
- Harris, 1972
- Kanapathi, 1821, 1845
- Mulroney, 1796–1797
- Parsa, 2943, 2963, 3125
- Roberts, 2031
- Sabawy, 1872
- Sattler, 1849, 2028
- Smith, D., 1825, 1845
- Tangri, 1763
- Taylor, 1988
- Thanigasalam, 1797, 1867
- Vanthof, 1976–1977
- Yakabuski, 2028, 2040, 3003–3004
- government revenue, impact on
- public response
- retroactive rebate
- retroactive rebate, administrative costs
- eligibility
- general remarks
- Fife, 1794
- physical sticker exemption
- Romano, 1836
- physical sticker exemptions
- Tangri, 1763
- role of
- Bisson, 1848
Life jackets
Life jackets - enforcement
Life sciences industry
Lifejackets for Life Act, 2022 (Bill 76)
Light Rail Transit (LRT) - Eglinton Crosstown
Light rail transit (LRT) - Hamilton
- general remarks
- Bouma, 849
- general remarks
Light rail transit (LRT) - Ottawa
- general remarks
- Calandra, 2171
- general remarks
Light Rail Transit (LRT) - Ottawa
Light Rail Transit (LRT) - Peel region
- development proposals
- Yarde, 3233
- development proposals
Literacy rates
- adult
- Miller, P., 1393
- adult
Living wage
- general remarks
- Shaw, 1312
- general remarks
Local Choice for Local Elections Act (Ranked Ballot By-Laws), 2021 (Bill 80)
- first reading
- Hunter, 1707–1708
- first reading
London Health Sciences Centre
- organ transplantation unit
- Sattler, 3077–3078
- organ transplantation unit
London, Ontario
Long-term care
- caregiver access
- culturally-appropriate
- general remarks
- Miller, P., 975
- government funding
- government strategy
- Long-Term Care Homefinder
- Rasheed, 1767
- in other jurisdictions
- palliative care
- policy development
- reform
- resident profiles
- residents
- residents, advocacy for
- by region
- Toronto
- Andrew, 2815
- Toronto
- by region
- Residents' Bill of Rights
- spousal unification. see also Long-Term Care Homes Amendment (Till Death Do Us Part) Act, 2022 (Bill 95)
- statements by stakeholders
- French, 2570
Long-term care - accountability and oversight
- civil liability
- facility inspections
- general remarks
- Singh, S., 1485–1486
- inspectors
- investigations
- hours of operation
- Phillips, 1456
- hours of operation
- stakeholder response
- statements by stakeholders
- supervisors, appointment of
- Phillips, 1456
- transparency
- Gélinas, 1549
- violations
- whistleblower protections
Long-term care - administration
- annual residents' survey
- Phillips, 1457
- emergency preparedness
- infection control
- Armstrong, 1496
- infection control
- integration of care
- licensing
- renewal contracts
- for-profit providers
- Fife, 1601
- for-profit providers
- written procedures
- Patient Ombudsman complaint process
- Kusendova, 1505
- Patient Ombudsman complaint process
- annual residents' survey
Long-term care - beds
Long-term care - beds, development and redevelopment
Long-Term Care Commission's Recommendations Reporting Act, 2021 (Bill 4)
- first reading
- Fraser, 34
- first reading
Long-term care - COVID-19
Long-term care - COVID-19 review commission
Long-term care facilities
Long-term care - facilities by site
Long-term care facilities - by site
- Fairvern Nursing Home
- Miller, N., 1279
- Fairvern Nursing Home
Long-term care - facilities by site
Long-term care facilities - by site
- Lakeland Long Term Care
- Miller, N., 1280
- Lakeland Long Term Care
Long-term care - facilities by site
Long-term care facilities - by site
Long-term care - facilities by site
- Schlegel Villages Inc.
- Shaw, 1975
- Schlegel Villages Inc.
Long-term care facilities - by site
- Sioux-Lookout Meno Ya Win Health Centre
- Mamakwa, 3317
- Sioux-Lookout Meno Ya Win Health Centre
Long-term care - facilities by site
- Woodbridge Vista Care Community
- Singh, S., 461–462
- Woodbridge Vista Care Community
Long-term care facilities - COVID-19
Long-term care facilities - COVID-19, fatalities
Long-term care facilities - operators
Long-term care - facility construction
Long-term care - funding
Long-term care - government funding
Long-Term Care Homes Amendment Act (Preference for Veterans), 2021 (Bill 73)
- first reading
- Stevens, 1654
- first reading
Long-Term Care Homes Amendment (Till Death Do Us Part) Act, 2022 (Bill 95)
see also Long-term care—spousal unification- first reading
- Fife, 2125
- first reading
Long-Term Care Homes Public Inquiry (Wettlaufer Inquiry)
- government response to
- Armstrong, 1495
- government response to
Long-term care - operators
- for-profit vs. not-for-profit
- Hunter, 3366
- for-profit vs. not-for-profit
Long-term care - public
- and COVID-19
- general remarks
- in other jurisdictions
- Gélinas, 1552
- relative market share
- revenue, use of
- shareholders
- staff compensation. see under Long-term care - staff—compensation
- staffing sources
- agencies
- Gélinas, 1124
- agencies
- statements by stakeholders
- Singh, S., 521–522
Long-term care - reform
- consultation. see also Providing More Care, Protecting Seniors, and Building More Beds Act, 2021 (Bill 37)–committee process
- consumer protection
- Gélinas, 749
- general remarks
- government strategy
- Parsa, 847
- implementation timeline
- Stevens, 1578–1579
- models of care
- statements by stakeholders
Long-term care - sector capacity
- bed development and redevelopment
- cultural and faith-based allocations
- general remarks
- public vs. private allocation
- regional allocations
- Bailey, 2194
- Calandra, 2216
- Coe, 174, 1123
- Cuzzetto, 1640–1641
- Fedeli, 2984–2985
- Ghamari, 574–575
- Harris, 1971
- Hogarth, 175
- Kusendova, 1504
- Martin, 2451
- Oosterhoff, 2452
- Pang, 1342, 2505
- Phillips, 27, 169, 360, 462, 521–522, 574–575, 1457–1458, 1461
- Piccini, 1489–1490
- Sabawy, 434, 2099
- Sandhu, 1462
- Sarkaria, 2763
- Triantafilopoulos, 1492
- general remarks
- interim supports
- priority access
- wait-lists
- bed development and redevelopment
Long-term care - sector capactiy
- bed development and redevelopment
- cultural and faith-based allocations
- Triantafilopoulos, 3319
- cultural and faith-based allocations
- bed development and redevelopment
Long-term care - service delivery
Long-term care - staff
- compensation
- employment models
- hiring restrictions
- mental health supports
- Phillips, 1454
- occupational mix
- recruitment and retention
- recuitment and retention
- training and development. see also under specific occupation
- cognitive and intellectual disabilities
- Singh, S., 1359
- palliative care. see under Long-term care–palliative care
- cognitive and intellectual disabilities
- working conditions
Long-term care - standards of care
- Stevens, 2717
- average hours of care
- care plans
- French, 2813
- culturally-appropriate care. see also Indigenous communities - health–elder care
- mental health and psychosocial care
- sexuality and gender-appropriate care
- Singh, S., 1359–1360
- statements by stakeholders
- French, 2813
- violent and sexual behaviours
- Singh, S., 1359–1360
- enforcement
- general remarks
- government funding
- Parsa, 1570
- hours of care
- hydration and nutrition
- hygiene and personal care
- Stevens, 1125
- language of care
- minimum hours of care
- quality care centres
- staff ratios
- and staffing levels
- Armstrong, 2994
- statements by stakeholders
- Armstrong, 1122
- wound care
- Rakocevic, 1469
Long-term-care facilities
Long-term-care facilities - by site
Long-term-care facilities - construction
Long-term-care facilities - COVID-19
Long-term-care facilities - operators
- transparency and accountability
- Coe, 217
- transparency and accountability
Lunova Machinery Import and Export Ltd. Act, 2022 (Bill Pr68)