Letter: T
Tamil community
- Thai Pongal
- Kanapathi, 2541
- Thai Pongal
Tamil genocide
- commemoration
- Babikian, 9253
- commemoration
Tarion Warranty Corp.
see Also Licence Appeal TribunalTax credits
- general remarks
- government strategy
- and housing
- Glover, 5748
- for public services
- reduction
- Blais, 10322–10323
- Fraser, 10372
- economic impact
- Fedeli, 7555
- as economic policy
- lower- and middle-income households
- and refunds
- Hamid, 10102
- revenue source
- Shaw, 4343–4344
- social assistance recipients
- West, 525
- tax credits
- taxpayer rebates
Taxation Amendment Act (Promoting Leisure Activities for Youth), 2024 (Bill 178)
Taxation - federal
- and cost of living
- Jordan, 6044
- and cost of living
Taykwa Tagamou Nation
- mining projects
- partnership agreements
- Pirie, 3380
- partnership agreements
- mining projects
- accountability
- Leardi, 3757
- certificate of registration requirements
- sexual abuse prevention programs
- Leardi, 4904
- sexual abuse prevention programs
- certification pathways
- government strategy
- Jones, T., 3689–3690
- government strategy
- certification timelines, requirements
- Lecce, 3600
- collective bargaining
- Criminal Code offenses, conviction of
- disciplinary process
- Lecce, 3600–3601
- disciplinary process
- education and training
- hiring of
- merit-based
- Lecce, 9119
- merit-based
- hiring of, assessment
- recruitment and retention
- shortage. see also Schools — non-certified instructors, use of
- short-term absences
- special education
- Vaugeois, 7104
- teachers for visually impaired students (TVI)
- Andrew, 9066
- training
- sexual violence and harassment prevention
- Fife, 5309
- sexual violence and harassment prevention
- working conditions
- impact on retention
- Pasma, 3801
- impact on retention
- accountability
Teachers - additional qualifications
- government funding
- math
- Barnes, 1054
- math
- government funding
Teachers - education and training
- two-year program
- impact on French-language education system
- Pasma, 4889–4890
- impact on French-language education system
- two-year program
Teachers - French-language.
see also Education - French-languageTechnical Standards and Safety Authority (TSSA)
- strike mandate. see under Strikes
Telecommunications services
- affordability
- Rakocevic, 4764
- affordability
Temporary employment agencies
- registration of
- Cuzzetto, 2995
- registration of
Temporary foreign workers
- agricultural industry. see Agricultural industry - temporary foreign workers
- exploitation
- health care. see also Health care services — access to
- education and awareness
- Jones, T., 8420
- education and awareness
- international students. see Post-secondary education — international students
- occupational health and safety. see Occupational health and safety
- passports and work permits, retaining of
- fines and penalties
- Leardi, 5039
- fines and penalties
- passports and work permits, retention of
- social assistance programs
- access
- Begum, 2980
- access
- working conditions
- Begum, 2975
- workplace inspections, unannounced
- Begum, 2976
- workplace violations
Temporary Nursing Agency Licensing and Regulation Act, 2023 (Bill 67)
10 Paid Sick Days for Ontario Workers Act, 2023 (Bill 104)
- first reading
- Fraser, 4017
- first reading
Test Your Smoke Alarm Day Act, 2024 (Bill 177)
Thames Valley District School Board
The Abiezer Pentecostal Church (Toronto) Act, 2024 (Bill Pr54)
The Hospital for Sick Children (Sickkids)
The Noble House Corporation Act, 2023 (Bill Pr19)
The Oakville Players Act, 2024 (Bill Pr50)
- first reading
- Crawford, 9647
- first reading
The Oakville Players Act, 2024 (Bill Pr56)
The Six Brewing Company Inc. Act, 2024 (Bill Pr38)
- types of
- automotive theft. see Automotive theft
- types of
Thessalon site - North Shore Health Network (NSHN)
Think Twice Before You Choose Natural Gas Act (Ontario Energy Board Amendment), 2022 (Bill 29)
- arts and culture
- Heintzman House
- Smith, L., 1770
- Heintzman House
- arts and culture
Throne speech,
3–8Throne speech debate
- participation, 11–21, 46–56, 57–69, 425–435, 461–482, 501–531, 533–539, 559
- Anand, 59–60, 427, 431, 435, 465, 479–480, 512–513, 516
- Andrew, 61, 63
- Armstrong, 55
- Barnes, 16–19, 61
- Begum, 51–53, 468, 479, 507
- Bowman, 465–468
- Byers, 428–432, 471–472, 535
- Coe, 512, 515
- Crawford, 427, 475
- Dixon, 467, 526–531
- Dowie, 461–465, 505, 525
- Downey, 55
- Fife, 19–21, 46–48
- Flack, 476–480, 521, 530
- Ford, M., 474
- Fraser, 60, 63–64, 506–508
- French, 526
- Gallagher Murphy, 53–56
- Gates, 67, 427, 434
- Gélinas, 426, 431–432, 432–435
- Glover, 468–472, 474
- Gretzky, 64, 504, 515
- Grewal, 508–513
- Harden, 60
- Harris, 67
- Hogarth, 512
- Hsu, 62–64
- Hunter, 62–64, 464, 472
- Jordan, 507
- Kanapathi, 431, 471
- Kernaghan, 501–505, 512
- Kerzner, 521
- Khanjin, 65, 426, 434, 468, 504, 517
- Leardi, 64–67, 464
- Mantha, 65, 464, 475, 505, 508, 511, 517, 526, 530
- Martin, 60
- McCarthy, 11–16, 531
- McMahon, 61–63, 468, 479
- Oosterhoff, 504–505, 526, 536
- Pasma, 57–61, 67
- Rakocevic, 465, 480–482
- Romano, 536
- Sattler, 471, 478, 513–516
- Saunderson, 508
- Schreiner, 516–518
- Shamji, 472–476, 508
- Smith, G., 536–539
- Smith, L., 464, 479, 518–522
- Smith, T., 64
- Stevens, 521, 533–536
- Stiles, 56, 67–69, 425–428, 467, 472
- Tabuns, 48–51
- Taylor, 536
- Thompson, 478
- Vaugeois, 431
- West, 520–521, 522–527, 531
- Wong-Tam, 522, 525, 530, 535
- Yakabuski, 56, 63
- division (carried), 559
- participation, 11–21, 46–56, 57–69, 425–435, 461–482, 501–531, 533–539, 559
Thunder Bay Police Service
- human rights in
- Karpoche, 7294
- human rights in
Time allocation motions
- Affordable Energy Act, 2024 (Bill 214), 10235–10245, 10276–10277
- presented
- Clark, 10235–10237
- responded to
- Vanthof, 10238–10245
- division (carried), 10276–10277
- presented
- Building Ontario For You Act (Budget Measures), 2024 (Bill 216), 10235–10245, 10276–10277
- presented
- Clark, 10235–10237
- responded to
- Vanthof, 10238–10245
- division (carried), 10276–10277
- presented
- Cutting Red Tape, Building Ontario Act, 2024 (Bill 227), 10591–10599, 10661, 10711–10712
- presented
- Jones, T., 10591
- responded to
- Bell, 10591–10593
- Glover, 10593–10594
- Kernaghan, 10598–10599, 10661
- Mamakwa, 10594–10595
- Tabuns, 10595–10596
- Taylor, 10596–10597
- Vaugeois, 10597–10598
- division (carried), 10711–10712
- presented
- Election Finances Amendment Act (Quarterly Allowances), 2024 (Bill 220), 10293
- presented
- Leardi, 10293
- presented
- Greenbelt Statute Law Amendment Act, 2023 (Bill 136), 6926, 7002–7003
- Hazel McCallion Act (Peel Dissolution), 2023 (Bill 112), 4580–4595, 4656
- Keeping Students in Class Act, 2022 (Bill 28), 1135–1144, 1164–1165, 1221–1222
- Legislative Assembly Amendment Act, 2022 (Bill 51), 2015–2019, 2047–2049, 2128–2129
- More Beds, Better Care Act, 2022 (Bill 7), 450–455, 497
- New Deal for Toronto Act, 2023 (Bill 154), 6926, 7002–7003
- Plan to Build Act (Budget Measures), 2022 (Bill 2), 450–455, 497
- Planning Statute Law Amendment Act, 2023 (Bill 150), 6926, 7002–7003
- Reducing Gridlock, Saving You Time Act, 2024 (Bill 212), 10235–10245, 10276–10277
- presented
- Clark, 10235–10237
- responded to
- Vanthof, 10238–10245
- division (carried), 10276–10277
- presented
- Safer Roads and Communities Act, 2024 (Bill 197), 9944–9951, 9999–10000
- presented
- Clark, 9944–9946
- responded to
- Vanthof, 9946–9951
- division (carried), 9999–10000
- presented
- Safer Streets, Stronger Communities Act, 2024 (Bill 223), 10591–10599, 10661, 10711–10712
- presented
- Jones, T., 10591
- responded to
- Bell, 10591–10593
- Glover, 10593–10594
- Kernaghan, 10598–10599, 10661
- Mamakwa, 10594–10595
- Tabuns, 10595–10596
- Taylor, 10596–10597
- Vaugeois, 10597–10598
- division (carried), 10711–10712
- presented
- Strengthening Cyber Security and Building Trust in the Public Sector Act, 2024 (Bill 194), 9944–9951, 9999–10000
- presented
- Clark, 9944–9946
- responded to
- Vanthof, 9946–9951
- division (carried), 9999–10000
- presented
- Working for Workers Six Act, 2024 (Bill 229), 11002–11010, 11066–11067
- presented
- Leardi, 11002–11005
- responded to
- Vanthof, 11005–11010
- division (carried), 11066–11067
- presented
- Affordable Energy Act, 2024 (Bill 214), 10235–10245, 10276–10277
Tobacco industry
- amalgamation (1998)
- budget process
- Wong-Tam, 205
- capital project funding (budget 2022)
- climate change mitigation
- economic impact
- housing policy
- housing program
- intergovernmental collaboration, funding
- Wong-Tam, 965–966
- intergovernmental collaboration, funding
- manufacturing and businesses
- municipal-based assistance
- Bell, 8369
- municipal-based assistance
- municipal finances
- municipal services
- Karpoche, 3030
- official plan
- population
- diversity and representation
- Wong-Tam, 751
- diversity and representation
- population growth predictions
- public assets
- real estate services, centralization
- Anand, 2573
- real estate services, centralization
- public transportation
- regional development
- tourism
- waterfront development. see Waterfront Toronto development
Toronto City Council
Toronto (City) v. Ontario (Attorney General),
2021 SCC 34
Toronto Community Crisis Service
- program, delivery model
- Wong-Tam, 4788
- program, delivery model
Toronto District School Board
Toronto District School Board (TDSB)
Toronto Metropolitan University
- Brampton medical school
- history of
- Dunlop, 1171
- law school
- renaming of
- Scott, 1295
- renaming of
- name change from Ryerson University. see also Ryerson, Egerton
- and reconciliation
- reconciliation, name change
- Mamakwa, 1904
- reform
- senate expansion
Toronto Pearson Airport
- Pearson LIFT project
- Anand, 9419
- Pearson LIFT project
Toronto Police Services
Toronto Transit Commission (TTC)
- accessibility. see also Transit — accessibility
- bus routes
- service capacity
- Begum
- 3255
- Begum
- service capacity
- fare system, integration. see Transit–fare system, integration
- fares, electronic payment
- general remarks
- government funding
- municipal funding allocation
- Harden, 6863
- operational funding
- Mulroney, 3429
- para-transit services
- Wheel Trans
- door-to-door service
- Jama, 4770
- door-to-door service
- Wheel Trans
- safety
- staffing levels
- Harden, 3429
Toronto Transit Commission (TTC) - expansion
Toronto Transit Commission (TTC) expansion - Ontario Line
- construction impact
- community engagement
- Mulroney, 3256–3257
- community engagement
- construction impact, noise levels
- schools
- Tabuns, 3256–3257
- schools
- cost of
- development contracts, by section
- Cho, S., 1559
- economic impact
- Smith, David, 1559
- general remarks
- government funding
- Smith, David, 1559
- government strategy
- and housing development. see Also Transit-oriented communities
- municipal subcommittee, creation of
- Toronto
- Wong-Tam, 2380
- Toronto
- operational management
- information sharing
- Wong-Tam, 2381
- information sharing
- as priority
- Bresee, 8755
- public-private partnerships (P3s)
- and transit oriented communities. see Transit-oriented communities
- transit vehicles
- content requirements, percentage
- Vaugeois, 1966
- content requirements, percentage
- construction impact
Toronto Transit Commission (TTC) expansion - Scarborough subway extension
Toronto Transit Commission (TTC) expansion - Yonge North extension
Toronto Transit Commission (TTC) - services
Toronto Transit Commission (TTC) - subway
Tourism - agritourism
- education and awareness
- Rae, 11133
- Vanthof, 11133–11134
- education and awareness
Tourism industry
- agri-tourism
- domestic tourism
- tax credits
- Scott, 2022
- tax credits
- economic impact
- economic recovery
- northern Ontario
- Holland, 2496
- northern Ontario
- ecotourism
- general remarks
- government funding
- Cho, S., 9803
- government strategy
- government-industry partnerships
- in Indigenous communities, funding
- Indigenous Tourism Ontario
- Lumsden, 1217
- Indigenous Tourism Ontario
- in Indigenous communities, promotion of
- Lumsden, 1217
- northern Ontario
- regulations
- reduction
- Oosterhoff, 8392
- reduction
- service delivery
Tourism industry - COVID-19
- economic recovery
- staycation tax credit
- Lumsden, 1526
- staycation tax credit
- economic recovery
Tourism industry - funding
Tourism - Northern Ontario
- rail tours
- Agawa Canyon Tour Train
- Romano, 732
- Agawa Canyon Tour Train
- rail tours
Trade with United States
Transfer Payment Ontario
- accessibility
- Begum, 3408–3409, 3412
- Byers, 5167
- Fife, 5167, 6485
- Harden, 3411–3412
- Jama, 5164, 5165, 5166, 5167
- Jordan, 5166
- Sattler, 6469
- Vaugeois, 5166
- Wai, 3409–3410, 6485
- Go Transit. see Go Transit — accessibility
- Toronto Transit Commission (TTC). see Toronto Transit Commission (TTC) — accessibility
- affordability
- fare system, affordability
- fare system, integration. see Also Presto fare payment system
- government funding
- Calandra, 6271–6272
- Cho, R.S.J., 4770
- Fife, 6035
- Ford, D., 6913
- Harden, 6034, 6035
- municipalities
- Andrew, 11178– 11179
- Bell, 11179
- Harden, 11176–11178
- Mulroney, 3036
- Sattler, 11181
- Schreiner, 11179–11180
- government strategy
- Hamilton LRT
- northern and rural Ontario
- Peel region
- affordability pilot program
- Thanigasalam, 5098
- affordability pilot program
- prioritization
- regional development
- Schreiner, 4348
- regional integration
- accessibility
Transit - by region
Transit development
Transit employees
Transit funding
Transit funding by region
Transit infrastructure development
- cost of
- public vs. public-private partnerships
- Glover, 3299
- public vs. public-private partnerships
- and emission reductions
- Sarkaria, 6439
- general remarks
- government funding
- government strategy
- impact of
- Byers, 8400
- infrastructure expansion
- procurement policies
- community benefits agreements
- Kernaghan, 193
- community benefits agreements
- project timelines
- Hazell, 7100
- public-private partnerships (P3s)
- use of, in other jurisdictions
- Stiles, 4475
- use of, in other jurisdictions
- safety
- Pasma, 6655
- cost of
Transit infrastructure development - by region
Transit infrastructure development - public-private partnerships (P3)
- cost of
- Stiles, 4384
- cost of
Transit - regional
- Toronto. see Toronto Transit Commission (TTC)
Transit systems
- fare payment system. see also Presto fare payment system
- government funding
- regional allocation, municipalities
- Cho, S., 2165
- regional allocation, municipalities
- government strategy
- Babikian, 2165
- operational funding
- Harden, 3429
- service expansion
Transit vehicles
- electrification of fleets. see also GO Transit–electrification
Transit workers
- collective bargaining rights
- working conditions
Transit-oriented communities
- affordable housing, development of
- Schreiner, 8400
- benefits of
- Khanjin, 960–961
- developer contributions
- Wong-Tam, 6459
- development of
- economic impact
- Clark, 1438–1439
- expansion
- general remarks
- government strategy
- Sandhu, 7869
- gridlock, impact on
- Pang, 9789–9790
- housing development
- housing development, densification
- and housing supply
- Babikian, 5706
- major transit station areas (MTSAs)
- McMahon, 8784
- by region
- by transit line
- Ontario Line
- community consultation
- Shamji, 8421
- community consultation
- Ontario Line
- affordable housing, development of
Transit-oriented communities - by site
- Thorncliffe Park
- community consultation
- Bowman, 7138
- community consultation
- Thorncliffe Park
Transparent and Accountable Health Care Act, 2023 (Bill 92)
- first reading
- Gélinas, 3319
- first reading
Transportation for the Future Act, 2023 (Bill 131)
- first reading
- Surma, 5004
- second reading, 5093–5142, 5122–5142, 5161–5198
- Anand, 5171, 5175–5179
- Babikian, 5183–5185
- Begum, 5183, 5184, 5185–5189
- Bresee, 5167, 5175
- Byers, 5167, 5184, 5189, 5192
- Coe, 5168–5172
- Crawford, 5174
- Dowie, 5132–5136, 5178, 5182, 5188
- Fife, 5131, 5136, 5140, 5141, 5167, 5170, 5175, 5178
- Fraser, 5140–5142
- French, 5136–5140
- Gallagher Murphy, 5136, 5140
- Glover, 5132, 5135
- Grewal, 5187–5188, 5191
- Harden, 5100, 5122–5132, 5140
- Harris, 5101, 5131–5132, 5139, 5141
- Jama, 5164–5168, 5174
- Jordan, 5164, 5166, 5181
- Kanapathi, 5135
- Karpoche, 5172–5175
- Kernaghan, 5102, 5163, 5174, 5182, 5192
- Kerzner, 5164, 5171, 5191
- Rakocevic, 5182, 5184–5185, 5188–5189, 5189–5192
- Sandhu, 5163, 5168, 5178, 5182–5183
- Sattler, 5139, 5167, 5178
- Stevens, 5164, 5171, 5178
- Surma, 5093–5096, 5101–5102, 5142
- Tabuns, 5101, 5191
- Thanigasalam, 5096–5100
- Vaugeois, 5164, 5166, 5171
- Wai, 5161–5164
- West, 5135
- Wong-Tam, 5179–5183, 5188
- Yakabuski, 5101
- referred to Standing Committee on Heritage, Infrastructure and Cultural Policy, 5192
- third reading, 6450–6498, 6522–6523
- Begum, 6480–6484, 6489
- Coe, 6496, 6497
- Collard, 6479
- Dowie, 6459, 6472, 6490, 6492–6493, 6496
- Fife, 6473–6477, 6478–6479, 6483, 6485, 6489, 6496–6497
- French, 6472, 6475–6476, 6490–6494, 6496
- Gallagher Murphy, 6458, 6476, 6478, 6489, 6493
- Gélinas, 6468, 6469
- Glover, 6476, 6483
- Harden, 6458, 6459–6469
- Hazell, 6477–6479
- Kanapathi, 6469–6472
- Kernaghan, 6471, 6479, 6485–6490
- Leardi, 6468, 6475, 6482, 6483, 6494
- Martin, 6472, 6479, 6483–6484, 6488
- McMahon, 6477–6480
- Pierre, 6476, 6485
- Sandhu, 6469, 6497–6498
- Sattler, 6469, 6472, 6493, 6494–6497
- Stevens, 6493
- Surma, 6450–6455, 6458–6459
- Thanigasalam, 6455–6459
- Wai, 6484–6485
- Wong-Tam, 6459
- division (carried), 6522–6523
- Royal assent, 6932
- first reading
Transportation - funding
Transportation infrastructure
Transportation infrastructure development
- general remarks
- Babikian, 10226–10227
- Bresee, 10226–10227
- Mulroney, 9181
- government funding
- Sandhu, 3837
- government strategy
- northern Ontario
- regional funding allocation
- Mantha, 1919
- general remarks
Transportation policy
Transportation systems
- government strategy
- Barnes, 2189
- government strategy
Treaty 9 First Nations
- legal challenges
- Bourgouin, 3906
- legal challenges
Tribunals - Licence Appeal Tribunal
- Adams, Barry
- Fraser, 1257
- Alexander, Lincoln (former Lieutenant Governor)
- Williams, 7419
- Allison, Shane
- Vanthof, 2145
- Arthur, Glenn
- Yakabuski, 7295
- Augustine, Jean
- Hazell, 7422
- Banting, Frederick
- Bark, Chad
- Saunderson, 8636–8637
- Birch, Margaret (former member for Scarborough East)
- Boon, Arthur
- Rae, 3135
- Boyd, Marion (London Centre)
- Brandt, Andrew S. (former member of Sarnia)
- Brawn, Rod
- Kernaghan, 9108–9109
- Broadbent, Ed
- Brown, Jim (former member for Scarborough West)
- Brown, Michael
- Hogarth, 4894–4995
- Brummell, John
- Ghamari, 3663
- Callahan, Robert V. (former member for Brampton and Brampton South)
- Caplan, David (former member for Don Valley East)
- Castledine, Barbara Helen
- Wong-Tam, 2436
- Chatzis, Harry
- Bouma, 6356
- Christie, Gayle
- Cuzzetto, 10300
- Church, Geoffrey Paul
- Fraser, 7915
- Cohon, George
- Smith, L., 6765
- Connell, Craig
- Vanthof, 7546
- Covant, Benji, 10429
- Davis, William Grenville (former member for Brampton)
- Dickson, Joe (former member for Ajax–Pickering)
- Douglas, Tommy
- Gates, 2368–2369
- Elizabeth II (queen)
- Fallon, Reese
- McMahon, 995
- Fisher, Aaron
- Dixon, 1667
- Flaherty, Jim (former member for Whitby—Ajax)
- Coe, 8243
- Foster, Deborah
- Khanjin, 927
- Fox, Gary (former member for Prince Edward—Lennox-South—Hastings)
- Godfrey, Charles Morris (former member for Durham West)
- Green, Evelyn
- Andrew, 671
- Hansen, Ronald (former member for Lincoln)
- Hasan, Iqbal
- Begum, 3540
- Hassan, Omar
- Kernaghan, 3972
- Hayward, Bob
- Hardeman, 7226–7227
- Henderson, Jim (former member for Etobicoke–Humber)
- Holland, Ruth Ann
- Holland, 671
- Huget, Robert "Bob" (former member for Sarnia)
- Hunter, Lois
- Clark, 8976
- Jenkins, Ferguson (Fergie)
- Jones, T., 2369
- Jewison, Norman
- McMahon, 7404–7405
- Kautz, Gerrie
- Ghamari, 589
- Kingsley, Mélisa
- West, 994
- Kitchikeesic, Lynda (Indigenous activist)
- Kolyn, Albert (former member of Lakeshore)
- Kramp, Daryl
- Kramp, Daryl (former member for Hastings—Lennox and Addington)
- Laing, Ian
- Gallagher Murphy, 7055
- Lei, Victor
- Vanthof, 3134
- MacDonald, Keith (Prince Edward–Lennox)
- Mackay, George Leslie
- Macphail, Agnes
- Byers, 2153
- Makarchuk, Mitro (former member for Brantford)
- Maker, Norman
- Smith, Dave, 9470
- McCallion, Hazel
- McClelland, Carman (former member for Brampton North)
- McKeough, William Darcy (former member of Chatham-Kent)
- McMurtry, Roland "Roy" (former member for Eglinton)
- McWilliam, Whitney
- Clark, 8353
- Migizi, Gidigaa (Doug Williams)
- Smith, Dave, 387–388
- Miller, Gordon Irvin (former member for Norfolk)
- Moote, Melinda
- Shaw, 3133
- Morin, Don
- Gélinas, 8695
- Morris-Miller, Rebecca
- Taylor, 1547
- Mueller, Eric
- Wai, 4382
- Mulroney, Brian
- Mulroney, Brian (former Prime Minister of Canada)
- Munro, Julia (former member for York—Simcoe)
- Munro, Lily Oddie (former member for Hamilton Centre)
- Murdoch, Bill (Bruce–Grey–Owen Sound)
- Murphy, David
- Quinn, 1447
- Neary, Mary Ann
- McMahon, 9632–9633
- Nembhard, Nicholas
- Clancy, 7294–7295
- O’Malley, Gerard
- Yakabuski, 7826
- Onley, Hon. David
- Onley, Hon. David C. (former Lieutenant Governor)
- Owen, Bruce (former member for Simcoe Centre)
- Palfreyman, Eli
- Dixon, 787–788
- Pare, Hannah
- Dowie, 9207
- Patten, Richard (former member for Ottawa Centre)
- Philip, Ed Thomas (former member for Etobicoke)
- Pierzchala, Grzegrz "Greg"
- Khanjin, 2177
- police constables
- Russell, Morgan and Northrup, Devon
- Khanjin, 811
- Russell, Morgan and Northrup, Devon
- Pollock, James (former member for Hastings-Peterborough)
- Pope, Alan William (former member for Cochrane South)
- Racicot, Bishop Garfield
- Holland, 7547
- Rahman, Sharif
- Byers, 6509
- Ray, Michael Charles (former member for Windsor—Walkerville)
- Reed, Julian Alexander Arnott (former member for Halton–Burlington)
- Riddell, John Keith (former member of Huron)
- Roberts, Marietta L.D. (former member for Elgin)
- Robinson, Jaye
- Bowman, 9365
- Roternberg, David (former member for Wilson Heights)
- Ruparell, Deepak
- Anand, 672
- Saini, Kartik
- Andrew, 1954
- Sardelis, Voula
- Harden, 8110–8111
- Saxton, Gerry
- Stevens, 2115
- Shirt, Pauline
- Singleton, Gord
- Gates, 8140–8241
- Solcz, Michael G.
- Dowie, 11052
- Sopha, Dave
- Riddell, 8242–8243
- South, Laurence George (former member for Frontenac–Addington)
- Stewart, David
- Rae, 4645
- Sullivan, Barbara (former member for Halton Centre)
- Taylor, James A. (former member for Prince Edward, Lennox)
- Tourangeau, Steven
- Trainer, Marie
- Brady, 10299–10300
- Trehub, Sandra
- Wong-Tam, 2436
- Wake, Colleen
- Armstrong, 9577
- Whetung, Murray
- White, Drummond (former member for Durham Centre)
- Wiseman, Douglas Jack (former member for Lanark–Renfrew)
- Adams, Barry
Tributes - moments of silence
- Afzaal family, 9634
- Andy Haydon, 10180
- Club Q (Colorado) shooting, victims, 1550
- Côté, Ethel
- Bourgouin, 9668
- D-Day anniversary, 9644–9645
- death of pipe repair worker
- Toronto(Nov 6 2024), 10304
- earthquake victims in Syria and Türkiye, 2179
- Elizabeth II (queen), 802, 808
- Gratton, Denis, 10988
- Holocaust Remembrance Day, 8795
- intimate partner violence, victims, 10548
- Iran, deaths in, 868
- Lai, Cynthia, 823
- Lalonde, Gisèle, 84
- Mulroney, Brian, 7482
- Munro, Alice, 9210
- Murray Sinclair, 10169
- No. 2 Construction Battalion, 10314
- Pierzchala, Grzegorz "Greg," 2179
- police constables
- Hong, Andrew and Gillespie, Travis, 803
- Remembrance Day, 1209, 5989–5991, 10301
- Robinson, Jaye, 9257
- Trans Day of Remembrance, 1667, 6264
- victims of intimate partner violence, 10548
- victims of mass killing
- Ottawa (March 6, 2024), 7657–7658
- victims of mass stabbing
- Saskatchewan (September 3, 2022), 674
Trucking industry
Trucks - commercial
Truth and Reconciliation Commission of Canada
Truth and Reconciliation Commission (TRC)
Turn Down the Heat Act (Extreme Heat Awareness), 2024 (Bill 205)
- first reading
- McMahon, 9484
- first reading
2038778 Ontario Ltd. Act, 2024 (Bill Pr44)
2103890 Ontario Limited Act, 2023 (Bill Pr11)
2253697 Ontario Inc. Act, 2023 (Bill Pr18)