Richard William Scott


Location Dot IconOttawa

Dates of service

(by-election(STAT.)) (resigned)
(general election) (deemed resignation)


2nd Parliament

2nd Parliament

1st Parliament

2nd Parliament (December 7, 1871 – December 23, 1874 )

Member, Standing Committee on Railways

Member, Standing Committee on Printing

Member, Standing Committee on Privileges and Elections

Member, Standing Committee on Private Bills

Member, Standing Committee on Printing

Commissioner of Crown Lands

Member, Select Committee to inquire and report as to the best means of protecting the valuable timber of the province from the ravages of fire, or other causes of waste

Member, Standing Committee on Private Bills

Member, Standing Committee on Printing

Member, Standing Committee on Railways

Commissioner of Crown Lands


1st Parliament (December 27, 1867 – February 25, 1871 )

Member, Standing Committee on Printing

Member, Standing Committee on Railways

Member, Standing Committee on Private Bills

Member, Striking Committee to appoint members to standing committees

Member, Select Committee to inquire into and report upon the endowment and utility of Upper Canada College and its relationship to the educational system

Member, Select Committee on Printing

Member, Standing Committee on Printing

Member, Standing Committee on Printing

Member, Standing Committee on Private Bills

Member, Standing Committee on Railways

Member, Select Committee to consider Bill 89 (To Make provisions for the registration of marks or brands used in marking timber)

Member, Select Committee to consider and report as to the expediency of ammending the rules of the this House to provide for a larger interval of time b/w stages of public bills

Member, Select Committee to consider Bill 47 (Respecting the Partition of Real Estate in Ontario)

Member, Select Committee to consider Bill 46 (To Prevent the Setting of Fires at certain seasons of the year)

Member, Select Committee to consider Bill 14 (registration of births and deaths and marriages)

Member, Select Committee appointed to examine in to the working of the common and grammar school system of Ontario

Member, Standing Committee on Private Bills

Member, Standing Committee on Railways

Member, Select Committee to Revise the Standing Orders of this House Affecting Bills relating to Railways, Canals and Telegraphs

Member, Select Committee Re Petition of J.F. Wood and Others

Member, Special Committee to consider Bill 34, Respecting the Common Law Procedure Act

Member, Select Committee to consider Bill 30, An Act for the Encouragement of Agriculture, Horticulture, Arts and Manufactures

Member, Select Committee to consider Bill 17 (Respecting Division Courts)

Member, Select Committee to consider Bill 9 (Respecting Voluntary Conveyances)

Member, Select Committee to consider Bill 7 (Respecting Election of Members)

Member, Select Committee to consider Bill 14 (For the better Protection of Game in Ontario)

Member, Select Committee to consider Bill 16 (To Amend Chapter 35, Constitution Statute of Upper Canada)

Member, Select Committee to Frame Regulations for the Government of this House

Member, Standing Committee on Private Bills

Member, Standing Committee on Railways

Member, Standing Committee on Printing

Ontario Liberal Party