Letter: D
Dairy Farmers of Ontario
Dairy industry
- cheesemaking
- cow milk
- regulation of. see Dairy Farmers of Ontario
- fluid milk products
- general remarks
- Oosterhoff, F1255
- goat milk
- number of farms
- Vanthof, P341
- processing
- Vanthof, P342
- quality indicators
- Vanthof, P341–P342
- regulation of. see Ministry of Agriculture, Food and Rural Affairs
- number of farms
- milking technology
- Smith, D., F3043
- in Quebec
- Singh, G., JP230
- supply management
- unregulated species
Darlington Nuclear Generating Station
Darvey Holdings Limited Act, 2021 (Bill Pr48)
Daylight saving time
- biannual time change
- economic impact
- elimination of
- coordination with neighbouring jurisdictions
- costs associated with
- impact on crime rates
- Roberts, M238
- in other jurisdictions
- promotion of
- public response
- historically
- impact on energy consumption
- Roberts, M237
- impact on health and safety
- impact on productivity
- Roberts, M238
- in other jurisdictions
- Roberts, M238
- permanent
- biannual time change
Deafblind services
- Intervenor Services Program
- Smith, T., E1013
- Intervenor Services Program
Death and dying.
see also Palliative care- bereavement services
- for children
- Kusendova, G907
- in palliative care. see under Palliative care
- for children
- bereavement services
Death investigation.
see under CoronersDeath Investigation Oversight Council
Defibrillator Registration and Public Access Act, 2020 (Bill 141)
- Babikian, SP457–SP458, SP485–SP486
- Fraser, SP449–SP450, SP452–SP453, SP459–SP460, SP463, SP465–SP466, SP471–SP472, SP476–SP477, SP480–SP481, SP487–SP488, SP490–SP491, SP493, SP499–SP500, SP502–SP503, SP505–SP506
- Gélinas, SP448–SP449, SP454–SP455, SP458–SP459, SP462, SP467–SP468, SP470–SP472, SP473, SP475–SP476, SP483, SP486–SP487, SP489–SP490, SP495–SP496, SP498–SP499, SP502, SP507–SP508
- Harris, SP451, SP463, SP478, SP482, SP485, SP497–SP498, SP506
- Hogarth, SP453, SP463–SP464, SP481–SP482, SP491–SP492, SP494–SP495, SP509
- Kernaghan, SP454, SP458, SP467, SP470, SP482–SP483, SP486, SP489, SP499, SP501, SP507
- Martin, SP450–SP451, SP453–SP454, SP457, SP464, SP466–SP467, SP469–SP470, SP472, SP477–SP478, SP482, SP486, SP491–SP492, SP494, SP498, SP503, SP506–SP507
- amendments
- Fee, SP512
- Fraser, SP511–SP512, SP514–SP517
- Gélinas, SP511–SP518
- Harris, SP515
- Hogarth, SP513, SP516
- Karahalios, SP513, SP517
- Martin, SP511–SP518
- Sandhu, SP514, SP517
- consultation process
- "designated premises"
- preamble
- Fraser, SP512, SP517
- Gélinas, SP511–SP512, SP517–SP518
- Martin, SP511–SP512, SP518
- regulatory authority under
- Fraser, SP516–SP517
- Sandhu, SP517
- scope and application
- Hogarth, SP513
Degree Granting Act,
RSO 1990, c D.5
- Piccini, G1049
Dementia and other neurocognitive conditions
Dental care
- community access points
- general remarks
- Healthy Smiles program
- Oosterhoff, F1278
- Stevens, F1277–F1278
- for senior citizens. see under Public health - programs
- via hospital and primary care
Dependent contractors.
see under Employment - contractDeputy ministers
Designated administrative authorities (DAAs)
Developmental services.
see also specific services- assessment and diagnostic
- Babikian, E1099
- crisis services. see under Mental health services - children and youth
- demand for
- early intervention
- Smith, T., E1099
- fly-in communities
- general remarks
- government funding
- reflection of local needs
- regulatory environment
- Smith, D., F1010
- sector capacity
- service delivery
- Special Services at Home Program
- workforce capacity
- Special Needs Workforce Survey
- Smith, T., E1135
- Special Needs Workforce Survey
- assessment and diagnostic
Developmental services - adult
- application supports
- Smith, T., E1011
- housing supports. see Congregate care centres; Supportive housing
- Smith, T., E1042–E1043
- application supports
Developmental services - COVID-19
Developmental services - government strategy
Developmental services - Passport Program
Developmental services - providers.
see also Children's treatment centresDevelopmental support workers (DSWs)
- compensation, COVID-19
- pandemic pay
- Harden, E1077
- Smith, T., E1010–E1011
- temporary wage enhancement program
- Smith, T., E1010–E1011, E1055, E1111
- pandemic pay
- recruitment and retention
- through social assistance programs
- Harden, E1077
- through social assistance programs
- compensation, COVID-19
- glucose monitoring
- continuous glucose monitors
- Gélinas, E528
- continuous glucose monitors
- glucose monitoring
Diagnostic imaging
Digital First for Health strategy.
see Health care system - digital reformsDisease transmission
- animal to human
- Barrett, G663
- COVID-19. see COVID-19 - transmission
- animal to human
Divisions (recorded vote)
- appointments to agencies/boards/commissions/etc.
- Agriculture, Food and Rural Affairs Appeal Tribunal, A479
- Criminal Injuries Compensation Board, A274
- Fire Safety Commission, A256
- Landlord and Tenant Board, A393–A394, A458
- Northern Ontario Heritage Fund Corp., A479–A480
- Ontario French-language Educational Com-munications Authority, A345
- Ontario Parole Board, A265, A405
- Retirement Homes Regulatory Authority, board of directors, A395
- Social Benefits Tribunal, A274, A327
- Social Benefits Tribunal, vice-chair, A405
- St. Clair College of Applied Arts and Technology, board of governors, A362
- bills referred to committee
- Accelerating Access to Justice Act, 2021 (Bill 245)
- Advancing Oversight and Planning in Ontario’s Health System Act, 2021 (Bill 283)
- amendments, SP1065–SP1066, SP1069, SP1072–SP1074, SP1076, SP1078–SP1082, SP1085–SP1086, SP1088–SP1089, SP1091–SP1092, SP1094–SP1095
- Better for People, Smarter for Business Act, 2019 (Bill 132)
- Better for People, Smarter for Business Act, 2020 (Bill 213)
- amendments, G1051–G1053, G1056–G1057, G1060, G1063–G1069
- Building Opportunities in the Skilled Trades Act, 2021 (Bill 288)
- amendments, F3393–F3394, F3396, F3398–F3399, F3401–F3402, F3406–F3407
- Building Transit Faster Act, 2020 (Bill 171)
- amendments, SP636, SP638, SP640–SP643, SP645–SP646, SP648, SP650–SP651, SP653–SP671
- Cannabis Statute Law Amendment Act, 2018 (Bill 36)
- Cap and Trade Cancellation Act, 2018 (Bill 4)
- Combating Human Trafficking Act, 2021 (Bill 251)
- amendments, JP811, JP818–JP819
- Comprehensive Ontario Police Services Act, 2019 (Bill 68)
- Connecting People to Home and Community Care Act, 2020 (Bill 175)
- Fixing the Hydro Mess Act, 2019 (Bill 87)
- Foundations for Promoting and Protecting Mental Health and Addictions Services Act, 2019 (Bill 116)
- amendments, SP433, SP435, SP438–SP439, SP443
- Getting Ontario Moving Act (Transportation Statute Law Amendment), 2019 (Bill 107)
- Green Energy Repeal Act, 2018 (Bill 34)
- amendments, SP155–SP160
- Main Streety Recovery Act, 2020 (Bill 215)
- amendments, F3008
- Making Ontario Open for Business Act, 2018 (Bill 87)
- More Homes, More Choice Act, 2019 (Bill 108)
- amendments, JP163–JP170, JP173–JP183, JP186–JP188
- Moving Ontarians More Safely Act, 2021 (Bill 282)
- amendments, G1279, G1281–G1284, G1287, G1290, G1294–G1295
- The People's Health Care Act, 2019 (Bill 74)
- amendments, SP330–SP336, SP338–SP370, SP372–SP383, SP385–SP387, SP390, SP393, SP397–SP398, SP400–SP408
- Plan to Build Ontario Together Act, 2019 (Bill 138)
- Protect, Support and Recover from COVID-19 Act (Budget Measures) 2020 (Bill 229)
- amendments, F3158–F3163, F3164, F3174–F3175, F3179–F3180, F3181–F3185, F3189, F3201
- Protecting a Sustainable Public Sector for Future Generations Act, 2019 (Bill 124)
- Protecting Tenants and Strengthening Community Housing Act, 2020 (Bill 184)
- amendments, SP849–SP857, SP859–SP865
- Protecting the People of Ontario Act (Budget Measures), 2021 (Bill 260)
- amendments, F3289–F3292, F3297
- Protecting What Matters Most Act (Budget Measures), 2019 (Bill 100)
- Rebuilding Consumer Confidence Act, 2020 (Bill 159)
- amendments, G794, G796–G800, G802–G804, G806–G809, G812–G813, G819–G820, G823, JP342, JP344–JP348, JP352–JP353
- Reserved Parking for Electric Vehicle Charging Act, 2019 (Bill 123)
- amendments, T43
- Restoring Ontario's Competitiveness Act, 2019 (Bill 66)
- Restoring Trust, Transparency and Accountability Act, 2018 (Bill 57)
- Safe and Supportive Classrooms Act, 2019 (Bill 48)
- amendments, SP209, SP211–SP218, SP228
- Security from Trespass and Protecting Food Safety (Bill 156)
- Smarter and Stronger Justice Act, 2020 (Bill 161)
- Soldiers’ Aid Commission Act, 2020 (Bill 202)
- amendments, SP904
- Supporting Boardband and Infrastructure Expansion Act, 2021 (Bill 257)
- amendments, G1180, G1182, G1185–G1187, G1192, G1194
- Supporting Recovery and Competitiveness Act, 2021 (Bill 276)
- amendments, G1394, G1399, G1404–G1409, G1412, G1418–G1420
- Trust in Real Estate Services Act, 2020 (Bill 145)
- amendments, G585
- Workplace Safety and Insurance Amednment Act, 2021 (Bill 238)
- amendments, G1115–G1116
- committee business
- estimates (2019-2020)
- motions
- audit of costs associated with persons crossing border at non-designated points of entry, P49
- audit of costs associated with renewable energy contracts cancellation, P269–P270
- broadcast of meetings, Standing Committee on Government Agencies, A417
- committee witnesses, FT144, FT293, FT295, FT321
- COVID-19 Preparedness and Management Special Report, request for Auditor General follow-up, P423
- in-camera meeting, re, JP603
- intended appointees, appearance by tele-/video conference, A198
- LCBO, review of management and operations, A214
- Poet Laureate of Ontario Act (In Memory of Gord Downie), 2018 (Bill 6), re, T9
- pre-budget consultations, 2019 itinerary for, F98–F99
- review of selection process: re heads of police agencies, JP100
- Select Committee on Emergency Management Oversight, mandate and meeting period, EM170
- televised legislative proceedings, guidelines for, M36
- witness presentations re: Combating Antisemitism Act, 2020 (Bill 168), JP613, JP616
- Supporting Ontario's Recovery and Municipal Elections Act, 2020 (Bill 218)
- amendments, JP674–JP675, JP677–JP684, JP686–JP689, JP691–JP693
- appointments to agencies/boards/commissions/etc.
- billing, virtual care
- compensation models
- and COVID-19
- delivery models
- disciplinary actions against. see under College of Physicians and Surgeons of Ontario (CPSO)
- government funding. see under Health care funding
- licensing
- provincial contract. see Ontario Medical Association
- recruitment and retention
- scope of practice
- in rural and remote areas
- Arthur, F1026
- in rural and remote areas
- training
- long-term care
- Fullerton, E344
- long-term care
see Firefighters, volunteering by professionals, protections forDriver licences
Driving - alcohol-/drug-impaired
Driving - distracted/careless
Driving instructors
- zero blood alcohol/drug presence requirement
- Mulroney, E157
- zero blood alcohol/drug presence requirement
Driving - stunt driving and street racing
- consultation
- Surma, G1203–G1204, G1209
- drag racing and organized events
- geographic trends
- incident rate
- injury and death due to
- Schreiner, G1208
- legislative terminology
- Novice Driver Escalating Sanctions Program
- Surma, G1203
- offender demographics
- public education
- speed thresholds. see also Speed limits
- uninsured drivers
- vehicle ownership
- French, G1247
- consultation
Driving - stunt driving and street racing, penalties
- aggravating factors
- Thanigasalam, G1245–G1246
- custodial sentence
- Surma, G1203
- enforcement
- fine determination
- general remarks
- judicial discretion
- Park, G1255
- licence suspensions
- post-conviction
- Mulroney, G1201–G1202
- Surma, G1203
- roadside
- post-conviction
- mandatory driver education course
- strict vs. absolute liability
- Park, G1254
- vehicle impoundment
- aggravating factors
Drug shortages
- EpiPens
- Surma, P85
- EpiPens
Duffins Creek development
- Clark, G1124–G1126
- French, G1126, G1134, G1136, G1149, G1187–G1188
- Glover, G1126
- Hunter, F3170
- Schreiner, G1124, G1126, G1138, G1144, G1153, G1160–G1161, G1163, G1173–G1174, G1189
- Shaw, F3088, F3125, F3172–F3173, F3187
- Smith, D., G1125
- Walker, G1145, G1154–G1155
Durham College of Arts and Technology
- community impact
- Pang, A410
- community impact
Durham Live development
Durham region