Letter: O
Oak Ridges moraine.
see also Paris Galt moraine- Smith, D., 3553
Oak Ridges Moraine Conservation Act, 2001,
SO 2001, c 31
OC Transpo
- transit commission
- Blais, 11047–11048
- Ghamari, 11045–11048
- Hatfield, 11047
- transit commission
Occupational health and safety
- Fife, 13069
- awareness
- McKenna, 12983–12984
- cannabis and
- Chief Prevention Officer
- government funding
- Natyshak, 12986
- government funding
- employer safety incentives
- enforcement
- general remarks
- government funding
- government strategy
- historically
- Hassan, 14077
- Martin, 6485–6486, 13078
- McKenna, 6483
- Tibollo, 14074–14075
- injuries and fatalities
- Bell, 6487
- Cuzzetto, 4554
- Fife, 1966–1967
- Ford, 1988, 2041
- Fraser, 4548–4549
- Gates, 1922, 2025, 6009, 6659–6660, 6808–6809, 12160, 12995–12996
- Horwath, 1988, 2041, 4549, 13080
- Kernaghan, 2018–2019
- Martin, 6486
- Martow, 2026
- McKenna, 6483–6484, 6809, 13079
- McNaughton, 6660
- Natyshak, 6420, 11531, 11533
- Schreiner, 4548
- Scott, 1988, 4554
- Stevens, 12991–12992
- Taylor, 12987
- Vanthof, 12990–12991
- West, 7606
- and poverty
- Gates, 12156, 13925–13926
- Kernaghan, 12582
- West, 11440, 11443
- reporting of
- inspectors
- Internal Responsibility System (IRS)
- and temporary workers
- West, 2020
- and temporary workers
- joint health and safety committees
- online training programs
- government funding
- Anand, 8621
- government funding
- pre-start reviews
- racism and harassment
- regulations
- West, 4007
- reporting requirements
- Sarkaria, 12751–12752
- stakeholder consultation
- Supporting Ontario's Safe Employers
- Crawford, 12175
- training
- Natyshak, 12984–12985
- Scott, 5556
Occupational Safety and Health Day Act, 2021 (Bill 152)
- first reading
- McKenna, 6423–6424
- second reading, 6483–6488
- referred to Standing Committee on Social Policy, 6495
- third reading, 12983–12997
- Gates, 12995–12997
- McKenna, 12983–12984
- Natyshak, 12984–12987
- Stevens, 12991–12993
- Taylor, 12987–12989
- Vanthof, 12989–12991
- Yarde, 12993–12995
- Royal assent, 13041
- first reading
Occupational therapists
- role of
- Begum, 7414
- role of
Occupiers' liability
- slip-and-fall injuries. see Personal injury - slip-and-fall lawsuits
Occupiers' Liability Amendment Act, 2020 (Bill 118)
- first reading
- Miller, N., 5219
- second reading, 5610–5615
- referred to Standing Committee on Regulations and Private Bills, 5627
- third reading, 10985–10995, 11077, 11100
- Burch, 10992–10995
- Crawford, 10991–10992
- Fraser, 10991
- Martow, 10995
- Miller, N., 10985–10988
- West, 10988–10991
- division (carried), 11100
- Royal assent, 11212
- first reading
Office of French Language Services Commissioner
Office of the Children's Lawyer
Office of the Comptroller General
Office of the Environmental Commissioner.
see also Statements by stakeholders—re independent officers of the legislatureOffice of the French Language Services Commissioner of Ontario.
see also Statements by stakeholders-re independent officers of the legislatureOffice of the Independent Police Review Director (OIPRD)
Office of the Public Guardian and Trustee
Officers of the Legislature.
see also Auditor General; Chief Electoral Officer; Conflict of Interest Commissioner; Financial Accountability Officer; Information and Privacy Commissioner; Integrity Commissioner; Office of the Environmental Commissioner; Office of the French Language Services Commissioner; Provincial Advocate for Children and YouthOHIP+: Children and Youth Pharmacare Program
- coverage gaps
- formulary
- general remarks
- Sarkaria, 13
- second-payer model
Oil, Gas and Salt Resources Amendment Act (Anti-Fracking), 2019 (Bill 110)
- first reading
- Tabuns, 4815
- first reading
Olympic Floor Cleaning Inc. Act, 2019 (Bill Pr22)
1040062 Ontario Incorporated Act, 2020 (Bill Pr31)
1191650 Ontario Limited Act, 2019 (Bill Pr18)
1549408 Ontario Inc. Act, 2019 (Bill Pr19)
1825821 Ontario Ltd. Act, 2021 (Bill Pr45)
Ontario Autism Program (2016)
- eligibility criteria
- funding
- general remarks
- implementation committee report
- Fife, 3901
- public response to
Ontario Autism Program (2019).
see also Behaviour analysts- childhood budgets. see under Autism services - government funding
- eligibility criteria
- eligible services
- general remarks
- implementation timeline
- income testing
- intake process
- wait-lists
- Taylor, 6173
Ontario Autism Program (2020-2021)
Ontario Autism Program - interim
- regional services
- Fraser, 7663
- regional services
Ontario Building Code
Ontario Cannabis Store (OCS).
see Cannabis retail - Ontario Cannabis Store (OCS)Ontario Carbon Trust
Ontario Chamber of Commerce
- McNaughton, 1451
Ontario Child Benefit
Ontario Civilian Police Commission
Ontario Climate Crisis Strategy for the Public Sector Act, 2019 (Bill 165)
- first reading
- Tabuns, 6840
- first reading
Ontario College of Teachers (OCT)
Ontario College of Trades (OCT)
- and apprenticeship rates
- dissolution of
- general remarks
- mandate
- Gates, 13439
- membership fees
Ontario Community Infrastructure Fund (OCIF)
Ontario Day Act, 2021 (Bill 173)
- first reading
- Parsa, 7099
- second reading, 7260–7266
- referred to Standing Committee on Regulations and Private Bills, 7271
- third reading, 12722–12727, 12998–13018
- Gates, 13007–13010
- Harden, 12725–12727
- Kernaghan, 13000–13002
- MacLeod, 13002–13005
- Mantha, 12723–12725
- Parsa, 12722–12723
- Singh, G., 13013–13015
- Stevens, 13005–13007
- Taylor, 12998–13000
- West, 13010–13013
- Yarde, 13015–13018
- Royal assent, 13041
- first reading
Ontario Disability Support Program (ODSP)
- appeals
- Gretzky, 2885
- benefit rates
- West, 14030
- general remarks
- French, 8374, 12822
- Harden, 11293, 12889–12890, 13630–13631
- Hatfield, 13232
- Karpoche, 12675
- COVID-19
- and COVID-19 support benefits
- data collection
- data breach (2018)
- Gretzky, 13170
- data breach (2018)
- dental care
- Harden, 3514
- "disability" definition, changes to
- "disability," redefining of
- earnings exemption
- Dunlop, 10184–10185
- Fedeli, 4321
- Hassan, 7311
- eligibility
- financial benefit, changes in
- Lindo, 434
- fraud inspectors
- Gretzky, 10298
- general remarks
- Harden, 13631
- benefit rates, 12998–12999
- housing allowance
- Armstrong, 10159
- recipients
- Stiles, 106
- appeals
Ontario Drug Benefit Program (ODBP).
see also Assistive Devices ProgramOntario Electricity Rebate
Ontario Energy Board Act, 1998,
SO 1998, c 15, Schedule B
Ontario Energy Board (OEB)
- application administration
- appointment of Jenni Byrne
- Mantha, 4094
- consumer protection
- and government climate targets
- Tabuns, 10582–10583
- independence of
- intervenor protection
- Tabuns, 4698
- oversight of natural gas expansion
- oversight role
- Tabuns, 4699
- regulation-making authority
- regulatory scope
- Tabuns, 4053
Ontario Energy Board (OEB) - governance reform
- adjudication committee membership
- adjudicative vs. administrative functions
- CEO and board
- general remarks
- modernization review panel
Ontario Federation of Agriculture (OFA)
- Ghamari, 1813
Ontario Food Terminal
- economic impact
- general remarks
- Bailey, 9776
- manager, appointment of
- product expansion
Ontario Food Terminal Act,
RSO 1990, c O.15
- "agriculture product," definition of
- Kramp, 9766
- "agriculture product," definition of
Ontario Food Terminal Protection Act, 2019 (Bill 127)
- first reading
- Karpoche, 5565
- first reading
Ontario Gazette
Ontario Health
- agencies transferred under
- agency operations, start date
- funding agreements
- Martin, 4278–4279
- eligible entities. see also Ontario Health teams
- funding structure
- Martin, 4278
- general remarks
- implementation timeline
- leadership team
- ministerial directives
- Martin, 4278
- operational oversight
- Martin, 4278
- powers of integration, transfer and dissolution. see under Minister of Health and Long-Term Care
- role and responsibilities
- Martin, 4278
- transparency
Ontario Health Insurance Plan (OHIP).
see also Health care services—billing structure- billing accountability
- coverage cap
- temporary foreign workers
- Harden, 12883–12884
- temporary foreign workers
- coverage rates
- optometry services
- Fullerton, 8485–8486
- optometry services
- service coverage
- service coverage review
Ontario Health teams
- administration, size of
- Gélinas, 4292
- applications
- Elliott, 5593
- community engagement
- and COVID-19
- data collection. see under Health care - administration
- development timeline. see also Ontario Health—implementation timeline
- Triantafilopoulos, 3442
- digital health
- Triantafilopoulos, 4280
- and family doctors
- funding
- Bouma, 10764–10765
- funding source. see Health care system—funding source
- funding structure
- Triantafilopoulos, 4280
- general remarks
- geographic coverage
- Elliott, 4159
- Gélinas, 13167–13168, 13171
- geographic distribution
- governance
- appointment of supervisors
- Triantafilopoulos, 4280–4281
- appointment of supervisors
- Hamilton
- Skelly, 6390
- integrated care
- membership
- membership criteria
- Northumberland
- Piccini, 6837
- number of
- operational management
- performance measurement
- Triantafilopoulos, 4280–4281
- private service delivery
- Bisson, 6526
- revenue generation
- Karpoche, 3651
- role
- Calandra, 10719–10720
- Shaw, 10548
- role and responsibilities. see also Health care services - delivery—coordination of care
- sector designation
- Gélinas, 3449
- services
- services, comprehensiveness of
- and system navigation
- administration, size of
Ontario Heritage Trust
- mandate
- Tibollo, 3085
- mandate
Ontario history
Ontario Hockey League (OHL)
Ontario Human Rights Commission (OHRC)
- appointment process
- Arsenault, Randall, appointment of
- independence
- mandate
- Lindo, 7547
- reports
Ontario Hydro
Ontario Job Creation Investment Incentive.
see Business—capital cost depreciation rateOntario Labour Relations Board
Ontario Labour Relations Board (OLRB)
Ontario Land Tribunal (OLT).
see also Land expropriation- appeals
- eligibility
- judicial review
- French, 11481
- to minister
- Bailey, 11559
- Bell, 12262
- Bisson, 11473–11474
- Downey, 11425, 12124
- Glover, 11553–11554
- Sattler, 11501
- Singh, G., 11433–11434, 11469, 11501
- Tabuns, 12232
- Tangri, 12237
- right to appeal
- consolidation of tribunals
- environmental impact
- Bailey, 11561
- Park, 11501, 12254–12255
- Vanthof, 12243
- general remarks
- Andrew, 12254
- Bailey, 11558
- Bell, 11645–11646, 12261, 12263
- Bouma, 11505, 11643–11645
- Coe, 12244–12245
- Downey, 11425, 12123
- Fife, 11659
- French, 11481–11482
- Glover, 11507, 11553
- Karpoche, 12243
- McDonell, 11503, 11505–11506
- Monteith-Farrell, 11505
- Park, 12254, 12267
- Sattler, 11500–11501
- Schreiner, 11556
- Singh, G., 11469
- Stiles, 12265–12267
- Tangri, 12236–12237
- Vanthof, 12242
- impact on service delivery timeline
- Downey, 12125
- Fife, 11644–11645
- McDonell, 11505–11506
- Park, 12255
- Sandhu, 12267
- Singh, G., 11433
- Tangri, 12237
- Vanthof, 12241–12242
- stakeholder consultation
- Stiles, 12266
- stakeholder response
- Bouma, 11643–11644
- Coe, 12245
- environmental impact
- hearings
- decision reports
- French, 11481–11482
- motions to dismiss
- non-party participation
- right to hearing
- transcripts
- French, 11481–11482
- decision reports
- membership
- appointment process
- Downey, 12123–12124
- Ghamari, 11657
- Tangri, 12237
- Vanthof, 12241
- expertise
- appointment process
- appeals
Ontario Lottery and Gaming Corporation (OLG)
- chair appointment
- Fraser, 13322
- chair appointment
Ontario Medical Association (OMA)
Ontario Mortgage and Housing Corp. (OMHC)
Ontario Municipal Board (OMB).
see also Local Planning Appeal Tribunal (LPAT)Ontario Northland Transportation Commission (ONTC)
Ontario Ombudsman
- appointment, suspension, and termination
- Lindo, 2623
- investigative powers
- as oversight body
- for children and youth. see Provincial Advocate for Children and Youth—transfer of role
- for french language services. see Office of the French Language Services Commissioner—transfer of role
- scope
- reports
- In the Line of Duty (2012)
- Yarde, 3778
- In the Line of Duty (2012)
- appointment, suspension, and termination
Ontario Place
- board of directors
- dissolution of
- Shaw, 2916
- dissolution of
- board of directors
Ontario Place redevelopment
Ontario Police Memorial
- Barrett, 3402
Ontario Power Generation (OPG)
- agreement with NuScale Power
- Tabuns, 2230–2232
- executive compensation
- Harden, 4799
- as majority supplier. see Electricity generation—percentage supplied by OPG
- operations shutdown/start-up
- staff
- agreement with NuScale Power
Ontario Power Generation (OPG) - collective bargaining (2018).
see also Labour relations—collective bargaining- history of negotiations
- strike notice
- as bargaining tool
- effective date
- impact on electricity supply. see also Electricity transmission—blackouts/brownouts
- impact on public safety. see under Electricity transmission—blackouts/brownouts
- timeline to complete. see Ontario Power Generation (OPG)—operations shutdown/start-up
- strike, prohibition of. see also Strikes—as constitutional right
- general remarks
- impact on collective bargaining process
- mediation-arbitration process
- non-compliance, penalties
- Scott, 2949
- as response to strike notice
Ontario Professional Planners Institute (OPPI)
Ontario Proud
- donor relationships
- Rakocevic, 11812
- donor relationships
Ontario Provincial Command
- veteran support services. see also Veterans - support services
- benevolent fund
- Stevens, 10191–10192
- Operation: Leave the Streets Behind
- Stevens, 10191
- benevolent fund
- veteran support services. see also Veterans - support services
Ontario Provincial Police (OPP)
Ontario Provincial Police (OPP) - commissioner
- appointment of Ron Taverner
- Bisson, 2961–2962, 3391
- Fife, 3399
- Ford, 3520
- Sattler, 3207
- general remarks
- Jones, 5703
- investigation by Integrity Commissioner
- investigation by Ombudsman
- Vanthof, 2932
- position advertisement, qualifications
- process independence
- process independence, disclosure by Brad Blair
- report by Integrity Commissioner
- request for public inquiry
- request for review by justice committee
- and resignation of Steve Orsini
- Bisson, 3757–3758
- review by Standing Committee on Justice Policy
- Natyshak, 5756
- appointment process
- withdrawal of Ron Taverner
- appointment of Ron Taverner
Ontario Public Service
- anti-racism policies and programs
- oversight and accountability
- workplace culture review
- Downey, 8326–8327
Ontario Public Service (OPS)
Ontario Rebuilding and Recovery Act, 2020 (Bill 222)
- first reading
- Mulroney, 9913
- ministerial statement
- Mulroney, 9914–9915
- second reading, 10017–10026, 10115–10124
- Bell, 10024–10026, 10115–10124
- Gélinas, 10124
- Ghamari, 10024
- Kernaghan, 10123
- Monteith-Farrell, 10123
- Mulroney, 10017–10021, 10024
- Skelly, 10122
- Surma, 10021–10025, 10123–10124
- Thanigasalam, 10024
- division (carried), 10137–10138
- third reading, 11015–11033, 11042–11075, 11100
- Andrew, 11052–11056
- Baber, 11052, 11060, 11063–11065
- Bell, 11023–11033
- Blais, 11023, 11046–11049
- Bourgouin, 11059, 11067
- Calandra, 11072–11075
- Crawford, 11056
- Cuzzetto, 11022, 11051, 11055–11060
- Fraser, 11046
- Gates, 11031, 11060, 11064, 11067–11068
- Gélinas, 11022, 11052, 11055, 11068–11072
- Ghamari, 11045–11048
- Harden, 11023, 11033, 11042–11046, 11048, 11056, 11063
- Harris, 11064, 11068
- Hatfield, 11022, 11032, 11045–11047, 11051, 11059–11065
- Kanapathi, 11032, 11059
- Ke, 11023, 11071
- Khanjin, 11067–11068, 11072
- Martin, 11056, 11063, 11065–11068
- Mulroney, 11015–11018
- Rasheed, 11071
- Sattler, 11045, 11048–11049, 11071–11072
- Smith, D., 11060
- Surma, 11019–11023, 11031–11032
- Thanigasalam, 11049–11053
- West, 11032, 11064, 11071
- division (carried), 11100
- Royal assent, 11212
- first reading
Ontario Securities Commission (OSC)
Ontario Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals Act,
RSO 1990, c O.36
- constitutional challenge. see under Ontario Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals (OSCPA)—enforcement of animal protection legislation
- O Reg 59/09 re designation of inspectors. see under Ontario Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals (OSCPA)—enforcement of animal protection legislation
Ontario Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals Amendment Act (Interim Period), 2019 (Bill 117)
Ontario Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals (OSPCA)
- accountability and oversight
- enforcement of animal protection legislation
- chief inspector, designation of
- constitutional challenge
- general remarks
- geographic coverage
- government funding
- inspectors, designation of
- withdrawal from role
- enforcement powers
- funding
- Yarde, 6627
- general remarks
- public education
- staff
Ontario Special Investigations Unit Act, 2018,
SO 2018, c 3, Schedule 4.
see also Police services oversight; Safer Ontario Act, 2018, SO 2018, c 3Ontario Student Assistance Program (OSAP)
Ontario Tech University.
see University of Ontario Institute of Technology (UOIT)- government funding
- Coe, 12085
- government funding
Ontario Trillium Foundation
Ontario Trillium Fund
- grant recipients
- Kusendova, 3616–3617
- grant recipients
Ontario Water Resources Amendment Act, 2019 (Bill 128)
- first reading
- Dunlop, 5565–5566
- first reading
Ontario Works (OW)
- benefit rates
- COVID-19
- general remarks
- Lindo, 13636
- general remarks
- and COVID-19
- dental care
- Harden, 3514
- earnings exemption
- Dunlop, 10184–10185
- Fedeli, 4321
- shelter allowance
- Miller, P., 5180
Ontario's Fair Hydro Plan
- beneficiaries of
- Schreiner, 4098
- continuation of
- cost of
- financing for
- general remarks
- impact on electricity rates
- Bisson, 1867
- impact on future rates
- reflection on line-by-line review
- Mantha, 275
- repayment via ratepayer
- report by Auditor General
- beneficiaries of
Ontario's Fair Hydro Plan - refinancing
- cost of
- cost of, long-term
- general remarks
- Arthur, 4176–4178
- Bell, 4055
- Bisson, 4097, 4103, 4216
- Bouma, 4791
- Calandra, 3913–3914, 4185, 4683, 4696
- Coe, 4828
- Harris, 4221
- Hassan, 4201
- Kernaghan, 4058
- Mantha, 4094
- Martin, 4090
- Miller, P., 4091
- Monteith-Farrell, 4182
- Rasheed, 4056
- Sattler, 4209
- Shaw, 4185, 4248
- Tabuns, 3917, 4046–4048, 4054
- Triantafilopoulos, 4249
- West, 4208
- impact on electricity rates
- rebate
- on tax base
- transparency
Oombash, Nashie.
see also Cat Lake First Nation - state of emergencyOpioid addiction.
see also Consumption and treatment services; Mental health and addictions services; Pharmacists—distribution of opioids- community services
- Bisson, 10770–10771
- community supports
- Mantha, 13381–13382
- construction industry
- Taylor, 14059
- West, 13969–13970
- cost of
- Pang, 6441–6442
- during COVID-19
- deaths and hospitalizations due to
- general remarks
- government funding
- government strategy
- harm reduction
- Fraser, 6855
- harm reduction strategies
- high-dose injectable hydromorphone
- Karpoche, 6851–6852
- left untreated, cost
- Downey, 5778
- naloxone
- overdose prevention
- overdoses and fatalities
- and poverty
- Morrison, 5811
- prevalence
- provincial coordinator
- public education
- naloxone administration. see also Emergency first responders—administration of naloxone; Police officers—administration of naloxone
- overdose signs and symptoms
- Kusendova, 5186–5187
- as public health emergency
- regional impact, 6386
- task force
- Karpoche, 9121
- treatment
- treatment services
- West, 12404–12405
- northern Ontario
- Vanthof, 12095
- user demographics
- West, 5807
- community services
Opioid addiction - government strategy
- in British Columbia
- Fife, 6386
- federal funding
- general remarks
- Cuzzetto, 6866
- Elliott, 5463, 5596, 10565–10566
- Fee, 5210
- Harden, 5898–5899
- Kernaghan, 6455
- MacLeod, 1378
- Pang, 6414
- Park, 12091–12092
- Stiles, 6435
- Tibollo, 12091–12092
- task force
- in British Columbia
Opioid manufacturers/wholesalers
- class-action lawsuit against
- general remarks
- revenue allocation
- in United States
- Downey, 6853
- class-action lawsuit against
Opposition day motions
- Autism treatment, 3891–3906
- Cancer treatment, 2478–2494
- Climate change, 4986–5005
- presented
- Horwath, 4986–4988
- responded to
- Andrew, 4998
- Arthur, 4989–4990
- Bell, 5002–5003
- Berns-McGown, 5003
- Burch, 4994–4995
- Des Rosiers, 4995
- Dunlop, 4998–4999
- Fife, 5002
- Gates, 5002
- Gélinas, 5003
- Gill, 4995–4997
- Harden, 5000
- Hassan, 5002
- Hatfield, 4999–5000
- Horwath, 5003–5004
- Karpoche, 5001
- Khanjin, 4990–4992
- Mamakwa, 4997
- Monteith-Farrell, 5001
- Natyshak, 5000
- Nicholls, 4993–4994
- Pang, 4997–4998
- Phillips, 4988–4989
- Schreiner, 4992–4993
- Singh, S., 5000
- Tabuns, 4992
- Vanthof, 5001
- division (lost), 5004–5005
- presented
- College standards and accreditation, 10645–10662
- presented
- Lindo, 10645–10646
- responded to
- Andrew, 10646–10647
- Berns-McGown, 10651–10652
- Bouma, 10652–10654
- Fraser, 10658–10659
- Glover, 10656
- Gretzky, 10658
- Hassan, 10654
- Kernaghan, 10647
- Lindo, 10661–10662
- Morrison, 10659
- Pang, 10655–10656
- Park, 10656–10658
- Romano, 10648–10651
- Sattler, 10659–10660
- Schreiner, 10654–10655
- Stiles, 10660–10661
- Vanthof, 10661
- West, 10661
- Wynne, 10647–10648
- division (carried), 10662
- presented
- COVID-19 response, 12861–12875, 13091–13106
- presented
- Horwath, 12861–12864, 13091–13093
- responded to
- Andrew, 13101
- Armstrong, 12871–12872
- Begum, 13095–13096
- Fraser, 12869, 13095
- French, 12872–12873
- Gates, 13101–13102
- Gélinas, 13102
- Gretzky, 13103
- Harden, 12868–12869
- Hassan, 13093–13094
- Hatfield, 12869–12870
- Horwath, 12874–12875, 13105–13106
- Karpoche, 13094
- Kernaghan, 13100–13101
- Mantha, 12873
- McKenna, 12864–12866, 13097–13100
- Sattler, 12873–12874
- Schreiner, 12867–12868, 13096–13097
- Shaw, 12870–12871
- Singh, G., 13103–13104
- Singh, S., 12866–12867
- Stiles, 12870
- Taylor, 13104
- Vanthof, 13104–13105
- Yarde, 13093
- division (lost), 12875, 13106
- presented
- Education funding, 4567–4585
- French-language services, 2698–2714, 6187–6202
- Hospital funding, 1603–1619, 5852–5871
- presented
- responded to
- Barrett, 5857–5859
- Burch, 5870
- Fife, 5869
- French, 5862–5863
- Fullerton, 5855–5857
- Gélinas, 1616–1617
- Gill, 1614–1616
- Harden, 5869
- Hatfield, 5859
- Horwath, 1617–1618, 5870
- Karahalios, 5859–5860
- Kernaghan, 5867–5868
- Kusendova, 1609–1610
- Martin, 5864–5867
- Monteith-Farrell, 5867
- Sarkaria, 5863–5864
- Sattler, 5868
- Singh, G., 1613–1614, 5864
- Singh, S., 1607–1608, 5857
- Tangri, 1612–1613
- Triantafilopoulos, 1605–1607
- Walker, 5861–5862
- West, 5868–5869
- Yarde, 1611–1612, 5860–5861
- division (lost), 1618–1619, 5871
- Long-term care, 2151–2168, 7840–7871, 9796–9815, 11401–11419
- presented
- Horwath, 2151–2154, 7840–7844, 9796–9798, 11401–11404, 12300–12302
- responded to
- Andrew, 9805, 12304–12305
- Armstrong, 2163–2164, 7846–7847, 9811, 11416
- Begum, 2160, 7864–7865, 9811–9812
- Bell, 7866–7867
- Bouma, 2160–2163, 11405–11406
- Bourgouin, 12305
- Calandra, 7868–7870, 9798–9800
- Cho, S., 7848–7849, 9806–9807
- Coe, 2164–2166, 7855–7856
- Collard, 9801, 11406–11407
- Coteau, 7850–7851
- Crawford, 2157–2160, 12308–12310
- Fraser, 7857, 9803–9804, 11404–11405, 12305
- French, 2156–2157, 7853–7854, 9809–9810, 11411–11412, 12305–12306
- Fullerton, 7844–7846, 9812–9815
- Gates, 7856–7857, 9810, 11414–11415, 12307–12308
- Gélinas, 2166–2167, 7859–7860, 9803, 11416–11417, 12311
- Harden, 7865–7866, 9800–9801
- Hassan, 9807–9808, 11417, 12307
- Hatfield, 12313
- Hillier, 7847–7848
- Horwath, 2167–2168, 7870, 9815, 11418–11419, 12315–12316
- Hunter, 7860–7861, 11412
- Kanapathi, 12302–12304
- Khanjin, 7851–7853, 9805–9806
- Kramp, 9804–9805
- Lindo, 7861–7862, 9809
- Mamakwa, 7861
- Monteith-Farrell, 9808, 11417
- Park, 11407–11409
- Pettapiece, 11410–11411
- Piccini, 9801–9803, 11412–11414
- Rakocevic, 7862–7864, 12313
- Sattler, 7867–7868, 12314–12315
- Schreiner, 7854–7855, 11409–11410, 12306–12307
- Singh, S., 9808–9809, 11406
- Skelly, 11415–11416
- Stevens, 9806, 11417–11418, 12307
- Stiles, 9811, 11417
- Tabuns, 12314
- Taylor, 9810, 11418, 12315
- Triantafilopoulos, 2154–2156, 7857–7859, 12311–12313
- Vanthof, 7868
- West, 11409, 12314
- Yarde, 7849–7850, 12313–12314
- division (lost), 2168, 7870–7871, 9815, 11419, 12316
- presented
- Public health, 4769–4787
- presented
- Horwath, 4769–4771
- responded to
- Bouma, 4775–4777
- Burch, 4775
- Cho, S., 4777–4779
- Dunlop, 4779–4781
- Gélinas, 4777
- Gill, 4781–4782
- Gretzky, 4784–4785
- Hassan, 4786
- Horwath, 4786–4787
- Karpoche, 4773
- Kernaghan, 4785
- Lindo, 4779
- Monteith-Farrell, 4783
- Morrison, 4782–4783
- Shaw, 4785–4786
- Singh, G., 4784
- Thompson, 4771–4773
- Triantafilopoulos, 4773–4775
- West, 4781
- division (lost), 4787
- presented
- Public transit, 7561–7579
- Religious freedom, 6287–6303
- presented
- Horwath, 6287–6288
- responded to
- Andrew, 6299–6300
- Arthur, 6293
- Baber, 6292
- Begum, 6301
- Berns-McGown, 6299
- Calandra, 6302
- Gill, 6296–6297
- Gretzky, 6294–6295
- Hassan, 6296
- Horwath, 6303
- Lecce, 6293–6294
- Lindo, 6289–6290
- Martin, 6290–6291
- Martow, 6298–6299
- Morrison, 6300–6301
- Oosterhoff, 6302–6303
- Rasheed, 6295–6296
- Sarkaria, 6288–6289
- Singh, G., 6301
- Singh, S., 6291–6292
- Yarde, 6297–6298
- presented
- University and college funding, 1935–1954
- Workplace safety, 11862–11878
- presented
- Horwath, 11862–11864
- responded to
- Armstrong, 11875
- Arthur, 11873–11874
- Begum, 11872
- Berns-McGown, 11874
- Coteau, 11868
- Fraser, 11873
- Gélinas, 11877–11878
- Hassan, 11868–11869
- Hatfield, 11876
- Horwath, 11878
- Kernaghan, 11874
- Khanjin, 11869–11872
- Lindo, 11876
- Mantha, 11877
- McKenna, 11864–11868
- Morrison, 11875
- Rakocevic, 11876
- Sattler, 11875
- Schreiner, 11869
- Singh, G., 11877
- Singh, S., 11873
- Stevens, 11874–11875
- Taylor, 11877
- West, 11875–11876
- Yarde, 11873
- division (lost), 11878
- presented
Opposition parties
- critic positions
- Sattler, 7935–7936
- participation in legislative process
- role of
- support for government policy
- critic positions
- compensation
- Gélinas, 12368
- eye exam subsidization
- Bouma, 12775
- Burch, 13652–13653
- Hatfield, 12775
- general remarks
- Bouma, 4980
- compensation
Optometry and optometrists
Organ and tissue donation.
see also Trillium Gift of LifeOrganic agriculture
Organic products
Organic Products Act, 2018 (Bill 54)
Ornge air ambulance service
- cost of
- Bisson, 1340
- cost of
Ottawa Police Service
- appreciation
- Ghamari, 6126
- appreciation
Ottawa Public Health
- COVID-19 response
- Collard, 12901
- COVID-19 response
Overdose prevention sites.
see Consumption and treatment services