Résultats de la recherche

Afficher 10426 - 10440 de 10729 résultats
  1. … Mahoney, intended appointee as chair, Workplace Safety and Insurance Board. The Chair: Today our first and only … a certificate of achievement in ADR from the faculty of law at the University of Windsor, I came to realize during … the frustrations from my experience here of people just making assumptions, but we have to rely -- I'm not a doctor, …
    Transcription du comité
  2. … of the Ministry of Education. There are two hours and five minutes remaining. Before we resume consideration of … government address the school repair backlog. We’re barely making a dent. It has actually increased significantly under … go to work. Then for their children, it was the dream of law school or accounting or some profession, but some sort of …
    Transcription du comité
  3. … by deputations from two Conservative MPPs, Ted Arnott and John Yakabuski, and one NDP MPP, Peter Tabuns. Each of … or around him. 1330 Mr. Michael Prue: Because in common law no OPP officer can obstruct anyone unless they’re under … the calls were made. Do you still have your cellphone bills, in case it was the cellphone, and what time and date, …
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  4. … I would like to capsulize my views on the issues and the solutions. At this stage, the basic issues in the … of the Financial Post, headed, "Surprisingly, There is No Law Stating that Workers must Retire at Age 65." In this … of the select committee are identical to resolutions and bills the member for Hamilton East has been putting forward …
    Journal des débats
  5. … STANDING COMMITTEE ON FINANCE AND ECONOMIC AFFAIRS COMITÉ PERMANENT DES FINANCES ET DES … I should do it, whether I should pay the rent or pay the bills. Recently, the back-to-school and winter clothing … services in both official languages, as is required by law, and fund the gap. The French-language service issue is …
    Transcription du comité
  6. … 29 October 2013 Mardi 29 octobre 2013 MINISTRY OF HEALTH AND LONG-TERM CARE The committee met at 0902 in room 151. … are thankful that this life-saving bill is now passed into law. Finally, we’ve received the report from the Healthy Kids … I can only assume you would do it on an AFP model. I’m making that assumption. We’re getting these hospitals built …
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  7. … 5 October 2004 Mardi 5 octobre 2004 MINISTRY OF HEALTH AND LONG-TERM CARE The committee met at 0906 in room 151. … hospitals were directed to bury unpaid operating bills from two fiscal years in their working capital … you're not coming down like a ton of bricks as soon as a law is changed. Mr Baird: But I understand, from the Toronto …
    Transcription du comité
  8. … STANDING COMMITTEE ON FINANCE AND ECONOMIC AFFAIRS COMITÉ PERMANENT DES FINANCES ET DES … those hearings. The Chair: As you know, government bills take precedence. We could consider that at the … canadienne pour enfants') '"cohabiting spouse or common-law partner' means, in respect of an individual at any time, …
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  9. … TESTING STANDARDS MOTION STANDING COMMITTEE ON REGULATIONS AND OTHER STATUTORY INSTRUMENTS ORDERS OF THE DAY CONCURRENCE … situation? Hon. Mr. Elgie: The Leader of the Opposition is making assumptions, and I am not certain he has facts to … and by the representatives of the Canadian Environment Law Association who were present at that meeting. I raise …
    Journal des débats
  10. … STANDING COMMITTEE ON SOCIAL DEVELOPMENT INTRODUCTION OF BILLS STRATHROY MIDDLESEX GENERAL HOSPITAL ACT THE SISTERS OF … outlying communities do not have fluoride-treated water and the public health unit had evidence showing that young … was set out was reasonable and I am confident that we are making progress to implement. The funds are available, and it …
    Journal des débats
  11. … an agreement was entered into by the city, the region and, most important, by the citizens that the Britannia site would exist for 12 years. Out of necessity and by mutual agreement, that period has been extended for … cabinet colleagues recognize that Ontario farmers will be making decisions for spring planting very soon. In order for …
    Journal des débats
  12. … (Hamilton West / -Ouest ND) Mr John Gerretsen (Kingston and the Islands / Kingston et les îles L) Mr Howard Hampton … be completed. The review will focus on three areas: (1) making sure disinfection is appropriate and adequate, (2) … regulation that will put in place and give the force of law to many items that will protect the drinking water in our …
    Transcription du comité
  13. … the Treasury Board Secretariat for a total of seven hours and 30 minutes. I would like to take this opportunity to … people, people who pay their taxes, people who see their bills. How is that, in your estimation, good value for money? … properties. You can imagine that if you’re working in a law office or a real estate office, or if you’re a developer, …
    Transcription du comité
  14. … Mercredi 25 avril 2018 Access to Consumer Credit Reports and Elevator Availability Act, 2018 Loi de 2018 sur l’accès … by financial service businesses as part of their decision-making process. A score may change, as personal information … as account monitoring, debt collection, and government and law enforcement inquiries. Thank you. Mr. Jim McDonell: Thank …
    Transcription du comité
  15. … No. 79 No 79 Orders and Notices Paper Feuilleton et Avis Legislative Assembly of … Reports by Committees Rapports des comités Introduction of Bills Dépôt des projets de loi Motions Motions Statements by … June 4, 2012. M67. Bill 67, An Act to amend the Children’s Law Reform Act with respect to the relationship between a …
    Feuilleton et Avis