36e législature, 2e session


No. 4

No 4


April 29, 1998

29 avril 1998



An asterisk (*) appearing after the title of a Bill indicates the recommendation of the Lieutenant Governor, pursuant to Standing Order 56, has been received.

Un astérisque (*) se trouvant à la fin du titre d'un projet de loi indique que la recommandation de la Lieutenante-gouverneure a été reçue, conformément à l'article 56 du Règlement


Third Readings

Troisièmes Lectures


Bill 146, An Act to protect Farming and Food Production. Hon. N. Villeneuve. REPRINTED.

Projet de loi 146, Loi protégeant l'agriculture et la production alimentaire. L'hon. N. Villeneuve. RÉIMPRIMÉ.


Bill 166, An Act to protect Persons from Liability in respect of Voluntary Emergency Medical or First Aid Services. Mr. S. Gilchrist.

Projet de loi 166, Loi visant à exonérer les personnes de la responsabilité concernant des services médicaux ou des premiers soins fournis bénévolement en cas d'urgence. M. S. Gilchrist.


Government Business

Affaires Émanant du Gouvernement


Resuming the Adjourned Debate on the Amendment to the Motion for an Address in Reply to the Speech of Her Honour the Lieutenant Governor at the Opening of the Session.

Suite du débat ajourné concernant l'amendement à la motion portant l'Adresse en réponse au discours prononcé par Son Honneur la lieutenante-gouverneure à l'ouverture de la session.


Committee of the Whole House:

Bill 108, An Act to deal with the prosecution of certain provincial offences, to reduce duplication and to streamline administration. Hon. C. Harnick. REPRINTED.

Projet de loi 108, Loi traitant des poursuites concernant certaines infractions provinciales, réduisant le double emploi et simplifiant l'administration. L'hon. C. Harnick. RÉIMPRIMÉ.


Second Reading Bill 1, An Act to perpetuate an Ancient Parliamentary Right. Hon. M. Harris. PRINTED.

Deuxième lecture Projet de loi 1, Loi visant à perpétuer un ancien droit parlementaire. L'hon. M. Harris. IMPRIMÉ.


Second Reading Bill 6, An Act to amend the Law with respect to Partnerships. Hon. D. Tsubouchi.

Deuxième lecture Projet de loi 6, Loi visant à modifier des lois en ce qui concerne les sociétés en nom collectif. L'hon. D. Tsubouchi.


Private Members' Business

Affaires Émanant des Députés


Second Reading Bill 2, An Act to amend the Medicine Act, 1991. Mr. M. Kwinter. PRINTED

Deuxième lecture Projet de loi 2, Loi modifiant la Loi de 1991 sur les médecins. M. M. Kwinter. IMPRIMÉ


Second Reading Bill 3, An Act to promote Full Financial Accountability of Labour Unions and Employees Associations to their Members. Mr. S. Gilchrist.

Deuxième lecture Projet de loi 3, Loi visant à promouvoir la responsabilité financière complète des syndicats et des associations d'employés envers leurs membres. M. S. Gilchrist.


Second Reading Bill 4, An Act to amend the Highway Traffic Act with respect to the drivers' licences of certain school pupils. Mr. W. Wettlaufer.

Deuxième lecture Projet de loi 4, Loi modifiant le Code de la route en ce qui concerne le permis de conduire de certains élèves. M. W. Wettlaufer.


Second Reading Bill 5, An Act to amend the Highway Traffic Act with respect to the suspension of drivers' licences. Mr. B. Grimmett

Deuxième lecture Projet le loi 5, Loi modifiant le Code de la route en ce qui concerne les suspensions de permis de conduire. M. B. Grimmett.


Second Reading Bill 7, An Act to amend the City of Toronto Act, 1997. Ms. F. Lankin.

Deuxième lecture Projet de loi 7, Loi modifiant la Loi de 1997 sur la cité de Toronto. Mme F. Lankin.


Second Reading Bill 8, An Act proclaiming Irish Heritage Day. Mr. J. O'Toole.

Deuxième lecture Projet de loi 8, Loi proclamant le Jour du patrimoine irlandais. M. J. O'Toole.




Government Notices of Motion

Avis de Motions du Gouvernement


3. Mr. Sterling - Resolution - That the membership of the Standing Committees for this session be as follows:

Standing Committee on Administration of Justice:

Mr. Boushy Mr. Crozier Mr. Kormos Mr. Martiniuk Mr. Ouellette Mr. Ramsay Mr. Rollins Mr. Stewart Mr. Wood (London South)

Standing Committee on General Government:

Mr. Colle Mr. Danford Mrs. Fisher Mr. Froese Mr. Gilchrist Mr. Lessard Mrs. Munro Mr. O'Toole Mr. Sergio

Standing Committee on Resources Development:

Mr. Chudleigh Mr. Conway Mr. Christopherson Mrs. Elliott Mr. Galt Mr. Hastings Mr. Hoy Mr. Maves Mr. Preston

Standing Committee on Social Development

Standing Committee on Estimates:

Mr. Bartolucci Mr. Bisson Mr. Cleary Mr. Doyle Mr. Kennedy Mr. Parker Mr. Pettit Mr. Wettlaufer Mr. Young

Standing Committee on Finance and Economic Affairs:

Mr. Arnott Mr. Baird Mr. Brown (Scarborough West) Mr. Guzzo Mr. Kwinter Mr. Phillips Mr. Rollins Mr. Silipo Mr. Wettlaufer

Standing Committee on Government Agencies:

Standing Committee on the Ombudsman:

Mr. Agostino Mr. Beaubien Mr. Ford Mrs. Johns Mr. McLean Mr. Pettit Mrs. Pupatello Mr. Vankoughnet Mr. Wood (Cochrane North)

Standing Committee on the Legislative Assembly:

Mr. Curling Mr. DeFaria Mr. Fox Mr. Hardeman Mrs. Johns Mr. McLean Mr. Morin Ms. Mushinski Mr. North Mr. Pouliot Mr. Tascona

Standing Committee on Public Accounts:

Mr. Beaubien Mr. Grandmaître Mr. Grimmett Mr. Lalonde Ms. Martel Mr. Patten Mr. Preston Mr. Tascona Mr. Young

Standing Committee on Regulations and Private Bills:

Mr. Barrett Mr. Boushy Mr. Caplan Mr. Hardeman Mr. Leadston Mr. Martin Mr. Ruprecht Mr. Shea Mr. Sheehan

4. Mr. Sterling - Resolution - That the following schedule for committee meetings be established for this session:

The Standing Committee on Administration of Justice may meet on:

Monday and Tuesday afternoons following Routine Proceedings

The Standing Committee on General Government may meet on:

Thursday mornings and Thursday afternoons following Routine Proceedings

The Standing Committee on Resources Development may meet on:

Monday and Wednesday afternoons following Routine Proceedings

The Standing Committee on Social Development may meet on:

Monday and Tuesday afternoons following Routine Proceedings

The Standing Committee on Estimates may meet on:

Tuesday and Wednesday afternoons following Routine Proceedings

The Standing Committee on Finance and Economic Affairs may meet on:

Thursday mornings and Thursday afternoons following Routine Proceedings

The Standing Committee on Government Agencies may meet on:

Wednesday mornings

The Standing Committee on the Ombudsman may meet on

Wednesday mornings

The Standing Committee on the Legislative Assembly may meet on:

Wednesday afternoons following Routine Proceedings

The Standing Committee on Public Accounts may meet on:

Thursday mornings

The Standing Committee on Regulations and Private Bills may meet on:

Wednesday mornings

That no standing or select committee may meet except in accordance with this schedule or as ordered by the House.


Private Members' Notices of Motion

Avis de Motions Émanant des Députés


Mr. Arnott - Resolution - That in the opinion of this House the provincial Government should expand the Healthy Babies, Healthy Children Program, so that children identified through the program who are at risk of social, emotional, physical or learning challenges, receive the necessary services to support their healthy growth and development. April 23, 1998.


Private Members' Business to be Debated

Affaires Émanant des Députés Devant Être Débattues

(Precedence in accordance with Standing Order 95(d).)

(Ordre de priorité conforme à l'article 95(d) du Règlement.)


Ballot Item Number 5 - To be debated April 30, 1998.

Second Reading Bill 4, An Act to amend the Highway Traffic Act with respect to the drivers' licences of certain school pupils. Mr. W. Wettlaufer.

Deuxième lecture Projet de loi 4, Loi modifiant le Code de la route en ce qui concerne le permis de conduire de certains élèves. M. W. Wettlaufer.

Ballot Item Number 6 - To be debated April 30, 1998.

Mr. Arnott - Resolution - That in the opinion of this House the provincial Government should expand the Healthy Babies, Healthy Children Program, so that children identified through the program who are at risk of social, emotional, physical or learning challenges, receive the necessary services to support their healthy growth and development.

Ballot Item Number 10 - To be debated May 14, 1998.

Second Reading Bill 5, An Act to amend the Highway Traffic Act with respect to the suspension of drivers' licences. Mr. B. Grimmett

Deuxième lecture Projet le loi 5, Loi modifiant le Code de la route en ce qui concerne les suspensions de permis de conduire. M. B. Grimmett.



Bills Referred to Committees

Projets de loi Déférés aux Comités

Standing Committee on Administration of Justice

Bill 145, An Act to provide protection against pedophiles by preventing them from working in direct contact with children. Mr. J. Brown (Scarborough West). (Referred December 4, 1997).

Projet de loi 145, Loi prévoyant la protection contre les pédophiles en empêchant ceux-ci de travailler en contact direct avec des enfants. M. J. Brown (Scarborough-Ouest). (Déféré le 4 décembre 1997).




(Questions are to appear on the day after they are received and on every subsequent day in that week and then subsequently only on each Monday until an Answer (other than an Interim Answer) is received. A question first appearing on a Thursday will appear on each day of the following week.)

(Les questions seront publiées le jour suivant leur réception et tous les jours de la semaine. Elles seront ensuite publiées tous les lundis jusqu'à ce qu'une réponse autre qu'une réponse provisoire soit reçue. Une question publiée le jeudi pour la première fois sera publiée tous les jours de la semaine suivante.)



Mr. Bartolucci - Enquiry of the Ministry - Would the Attorney General provide data, from June 5, 1995 to the date of the Ministry's response to this question, concerning: i) the total number of positions eliminated from the Ministry; ii) the number of Ministry positions eliminated from Ministry offices within the Sudbury Region; iii) the number of Ministry positions eliminated in Northern Ontario; iv) the number of Ministry positions transferred out of the Sudbury Region and the city to which these jobs were transferred. April 27, 1998.


Mr. Bartolucci - Enquiry of the Ministry - Would the Minister of Community and Social Services provide data, from June 5, 1995 to the date of the Ministry's response to this question, concerning: i) the total number of positions eliminated from the Ministry; ii) the number of Ministry positions eliminated from Ministry offices within the Sudbury Region; iii) the number of Ministry positions eliminated in Northern Ontario; iv) the number of Ministry positions transferred out of the Sudbury Region and the city to which these jobs were transferred. April 27, 1998.


Mr. Bartolucci - Enquiry of the Ministry - Would the Minister of Economic Development, Trade and Tourism provide data, from June 5, 1995 to the date of the Ministry's response to this question, concerning: i) the total number of positions eliminated from the Ministry; ii) the number of Ministry positions eliminated from Ministry offices within the Sudbury Region; iii) the number of Ministry positions eliminated in Northern Ontario; iv) the number of Ministry positions transferred out of the Sudbury Region and the city to which these jobs were transferred. April 27, 1998.


Mr. Bartolucci - Enquiry of the Ministry - Would the Minister of Education and Training provide data, from June 5, 1995 to the date of the Ministry's response to this question, concerning: i) the total number of positions eliminated from the Ministry; ii) the number of Ministry positions eliminated from Ministry offices within the Sudbury Region; iii) the number of Ministry positions eliminated in Northern Ontario; iv) the number of Ministry positions transferred out of the Sudbury Region and the city to which these jobs were transferred. April 27, 1998.


Mr. Bartolucci - Enquiry of the Ministry - Would the Minister of Environment and Energy provide data, from June 5, 1995 to the date of the Ministry's response to this question, concerning: i) the total number of positions eliminated from the Ministry; ii) the number of Ministry positions eliminated from Ministry offices within the Sudbury Region; iii) the number of Ministry positions eliminated in Northern Ontario; iv) the number of Ministry positions transferred out of the Sudbury Region and the city to which these jobs were transferred. April 27, 1998


Mr. Bartolucci - Enquiry of the Ministry - Would the Minister of Natural Resources provide data, from June 5, 1995 to the date of the Ministry's response to this question, concerning: i) the total number of positions eliminated from the Ministry; ii) the number of Ministry positions eliminated from Ministry offices within the Sudbury Region; iii) the number of Ministry positions eliminated in Northern Ontario; iv) the number of Ministry positions transferred out of the Sudbury Region and the city to which these jobs were transferred. April 27, 1998.


Mr. Bartolucci - Enquiry of the Ministry - Would the Minister of Northern Development and Mines provide data, from June 5, 1995 to the date of the Ministry's response to this question, concerning: i) the total number of positions eliminated from the Ministry; ii) the number of Ministry positions eliminated from Ministry offices within the Sudbury Region; iii) the number of Ministry positions eliminated in Northern Ontario; iv) the number of Ministry positions transferred out of the Sudbury Region and the city to which these jobs were transferred. April 27, 1998.


Mr. Bartolucci - Enquiry of the Ministry - Would the Minister of the Solicitor General and Corrections provide data, from June 5, 1995 to the date of the Ministry's response to this question, concerning: i) the total number of positions eliminated from the Ministry; ii) the number of Ministry positions eliminated from Ministry offices within the Sudbury Region; iii) the number of Ministry positions eliminated in Northern Ontario; iv) the number of Ministry positions transferred out of the Sudbury Region and the city to which these jobs were transferred. April 27, 1998.


Mr. Bartolucci - Enquiry of the Ministry - Would the Minister of Transportation provide data, from June 5, 1995 to the date of the Ministry's response to this question, concerning: i) the total number of positions eliminated from the Ministry; ii) the number of Ministry positions eliminated from Ministry offices within the Sudbury Region; iii) the number of Ministry positions eliminated in Northern Ontario; iv) the number of Ministry positions transferred out of the Sudbury Region and the city to which these jobs were transferred. April 27, 1998.


Mr. Bartolucci - Enquiry of the Ministry - Would the Minister of Transportation please provide information concerning the number of Environmental Assessments done on any given stretch of Highway 69 between Parry Sound and Sudbury. Please indicate when each EA began and when it was completed, or when each is expected to be completed. April 27, 1998.


Copyright © 1998
Office of the Legislative Assembly of Ontario
Toronto, Ontario, Canada.