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- … STANDING COMMITTEE ON FINANCE AND ECONOMIC AFFAIRS WEDNESDAY 26 JANUARY 1994 PRE-BUDGET … terms of creating jobs and just as important in terms of making sure we don't have to spend a heck of a lot more money … it's also precisely what we're seeing in Quebec under the law 37 arrangement. It's precisely what we're seeing in …
Transcription du comité - … SUPPLEMENTARY ESTIMATES, MINISTRY OF COMMUNITY AND SOCIAL SERVICES The House resumed at 8 p.m. House in … has to rob Peter to pay Paul, so to speak, to pay one's bills. There are many people in my own constituency, and even … but I will change the town. A kid who went against the law was put in jail, he went out on parole and was put in a …
Journal des débats - … Jun 2020 / Jeu 11 jun 2020 STANDING COMMITTEE ON FINANCE AND ECONOMIC AFFAIRS COMITÉ PERMANENT DES FINANCES ET DES … north. Most of Ontario’s roads serve multiple purposes, making them sound investments in the industrial commons. For … back to normal. If I can just survive 2020 and pay the bills— The Chair (Mr. Amarjot Sandhu): Forty seconds. Mr. …
Transcription du comité - (Amendé par le comité permanent Version)… 65. 10. La loi intitulée City of Ottawa Road Closing and Conveyance Validation Act, 1981 , qui constitue le … Operation outside municipality (1.1) If a by-law of a municipality relating to the operation of a land … to have resigned from the employment immediately before making the declaration of office referred to in subsection …
Projet de loi - (Original Version)… 65. 10. La loi intitulée City of Ottawa Road Closing and Conveyance Validation Act, 1981 , qui constitue le … subsection: Operation outside municipality (1.1) If a by-law of a municipality relating to the operation of a land … to have resigned from the employment immediately before making the declaration of office referred to in subsection …
Projet de loi - (Sanction royale Version)… 65. 10. La loi intitulée City of Ottawa Road Closing and Conveyance Validation Act, 1981 , qui constitue le … Operation outside municipality (1.1) If a by-law of a municipality relating to the operation of a land … to have resigned from the employment immediately before making the declaration of office referred to in subsection …
Projet de loi - (Amendé par le comité plénier Version)… 65. 10. La loi intitulée City of Ottawa Road Closing and Conveyance Validation Act, 1981 , qui constitue le … Operation outside municipality (1.1) If a by-law of a municipality relating to the operation of a land … to have resigned from the employment immediately before making the declaration of office referred to in subsection …
Projet de loi