Résultats de la recherche

Afficher 106 - 120 de 330 résultats
  1. … SENIORS' HEALTH SERVICES STANDING COMMITTEE ON REGULATIONS AND PRIVATE BILLS STANDING COMMITTEE ON GOVERNMENT AGENCIES … Mr Harris: You use your own words and I use mine. Check Hansard for mine. Hon Mr Rae: Well, you've just used them. Mr … Some of those things, as we've said earlier in other debates and discussions -- and our Conservative caucus has …
    Journal des débats
  2. … on Government Agencies Introduction of Bills Domestic and Sexual Violence Protection Act, 2017 / Loi de 2017 sur la … in those communities. They would understand, when we have debates about infrastructure and talk about things like … you that we will make available for you a copy of the Hansard and a DVD for the family to share of these wonderful …
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  3. … ADVERTISING IRMA BURMAN MINISTER'S EXPENSES SARS FISH AND WILDLIFE MANAGEMENT BSE TIM HORTONS CAMP DAY VISITORS … Government House Leader): If you check the records from Hansard, I said the government didn't pay. I can understand … we're doing here is a pre-election gimmick to try to buy votes. I've had calls in my office. As a matter of fact, I've …
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  4. … province is in a deep recession. A 9% rate of unemployment and a major loss of permanent jobs have led to an increase in … the generations, from the early settlers to the demanding debates of today. The stubborn views of the Scots are … no reference to municipal staff. I share the comments from Hansard of the Premier when he was the Leader of the …
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  5. … from legally accountable professional social workers; and Whereas professional social workers work with people … Don't lose them. You're throwing it away. You're losing votes by the second. The Deputy Speaker: The member for … have done and the tremendous contribution of our clerk, Hansard, the research staff and all the recording staff. They …
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  6. … REFORM SHEENA'S PLACE EDUCATION REFORM TIM FARMILO AND CHRIS DRAGERT LEGISLATIVE PAGES REPORTS BY COMMITTEES … on the record. You stated that on February 24, 1997, in Hansard, page 7154. You went on to say that in that … deadline rather than this Thursday, so that the estimates debates can proceed in the estimates committee and not have …
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  7. … GREATER TORONTO AREA RAPID TRANSIT OCCUPATIONAL HEALTH AND SAFETY GREATER TORONTO AREA RAPID TRANSIT DISABLED … resolve the issue. DOCTORS’ FEES Mr Reville: I was reading Hansard this morning, as is my wont, and I was reading volume 2 of the debates from 1986 and 1987. I had got up to page 1796 at …
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  8. … Correction of record Visitors Member’s birthday Deferred Votes Time allocation Notice of dissatisfaction Sheridan … Anti-smoking initiatives for youth Cardiac care Fishing and hunting regulations Gasoline prices Highway improvement … I wish to correct my record. In my speech on February 28, Hansard, page 7418, I said that the NDP hadn’t supported …
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  9. … Rae. Now they know that Bob Rae, a captive of organized and powerful special interest groups, does little for the … in this province. I direct the minister to the November 2 Hansard in this House. It has come to my attention that York … can bequeath this property. I gave facts during the Bill 4 debates and the Bill 121 debates of the unfairness that's …
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  10. … VIOLENCE FAMILIALE RETIREMENT SAVINGS PLANS FOR EMPLOYEES AND SELF- EMPLOYED PERSONS ACT, 2010 / LOI DE 2010 SUR LES … I would respectfully request that you review the relevant Hansard and reconsider your ruling. The Speaker (Hon. Steve … irritant to me during the course of the auto insurance debates here at Queen’s Park in the period of the government …
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  11. … LABORATORY SERVICES SENIOR CITIZENS TRANSLATORS AND INTERPRETERS / TRADUCTEURS ET INTERPRÈTES EARTHQUAKE IN … NDP government does not seem to understand the importance and the role of the private sector in Ontario's economy. Only … to their profession." I read this petition into Hansard today on behalf of all the people who are concerned …
    Journal des débats
  12. … of Ontario," whereby lawyers help fund legal aid, and "directed the Attorney General to seek alternative … been no change in that. Mrs McLeod: I'll certainly read Hansard for clarification, but it seems to me as though the … It has always been the convention in this House on debates on taxation bills, and I would ask for your …
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  13. … to say so. All you've done so far is tell people to wait and wait and wait for an announcement. In May we waited … unacceptable to the government, because we have on record Hansard, which I will refer to, going back to November 5, … is not moving too quickly, I can say that having had many debates with members from his party in the past, we don't …
    Journal des débats
  14. … accountability COVID-19 immunization Economic reopening and recovery Veterans Land use planning Services for persons … It is important to come and listen to debates. The point he made about schedule 4 is really … The member from Scarborough Southwest can be quoted in Hansard: “These organizations do a fantastic job trying to …
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  15. … continued from volume A] ORDERS OF THE DAY INCOME TAX AND ONTARIO PENSIONERS PROPERTY TAX ASSISTANCE STATUTE LAW … will be in place by January 1. It reminds me of the MVA debates that we've had in this House when we reminded that … bill we have before us today. I read for a moment from the Hansard from the committee that was looking at this …
    Journal des débats