Résultats de la recherche

Afficher 46 - 60 de 330 résultats
  1. … with the added burden of the Minister of Agriculture and Food's warning that there would be no additional … Speaker (Hon David Warner): Before continuing with routine proceedings, last Wednesday the member for Simcoe West, Mr … of the House. I have since had the opportunity to review Hansard for last Wednesday and for April 21, together with …
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  2. … the United States, depending on proximity, waiting times and degree of urgency. Under the old system, for those who … House leader and requested that I take a look at Hansard, which I have done. I can report back that there is … continue in committee of the whole House on Bill 143, with votes being held at the end of the day. Wednesday we have an …
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  3. … their own pace, secure in the knowledge that their babies and young children are being cared for in the adjoining day … The Premier commented very clearly, and I think Hansard would show it, on the merits of the case before the … of protection there in terms of any possibility of false votes or misinformation or what the situation may be. Section …
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  4. … Act to repeal the Superannuation Adjustment Benefits Act and to provide for the transfer of assets and liabilities of … Hon Mike Farnan (Minister of Transportation): I have read Hansard from this past Monday's debate and I'm very, very … Briefly on Community and Social Services, I read in the Hansard that the minister says he is in no way in agreement …
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  5. … many mines of northern Ontario for the treatment of gold and silver ores. By 1929, the accommodations had become … legislation, the Premier said, and I now quote from Hansard: "There's no threat to jobs in this legislation; … a five-month strike? Maybe during the course of these debates the socialist NDP members will have answers to some …
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  6. … regions. Two months have passed with no provincial action, and time has almost run out for this bill to be dealt with … she believes she heard. I will endeavour to take a look at Hansard and I will report back to the House. There are always … Progressive Conservative Party. That has been entered into debates on several occasions and the minister is well aware …
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  7. … of privilege. The Speaker, at that time, asked for time and will now be providing a ruling. Yesterday, the honourable … Most of us will have witnessed in the last round of these debates when the Liberals championed a rather different … can tell you there's a long history and we have extensive Hansard to show on all those fronts. But what's important to …
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  8. … there will be a consolidation of courthouses, provincial and general divisions, something I have worked very hard on … a very important social value, as I am sure many political debates have taken place at this very farmers' market. … the member has to make that might be recorded in Hansard as opposed to the throwing out of comments as he …
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  9. … There was a week of fun, festivity, celebration and events, all culminating in a very special evening dinner … I have checked very carefully my record in the House on Hansard and any reports outside the House and not once have I … that are conducted once a week, there are generally free votes, and there are other occasions when there are free …
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  10. … PROTECTION OF PRIVACY VANIER CENTRE FOR WOMEN MARTIN AND OLIVIA STREEF SPEAKER'S RULING STATEMENTS BY THE MINISTRY … The people up north don't have a TV to watch one of our debates. Can you believe that? They are missing all of that. … of decades. I can't believe this kind of thing is in Hansard and that this kind of comment would have been made …
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  11. … BOARD LANDSLIDE STANDING COMMITTEE ON REGULATIONS AND PRIVATE BILLS JUDICIAL INQUIRY HIGHWAY TRAFFIC AMENDMENT … question. If I could help you, Minister, Mr King said in Hansard: "As a matter of fact, the company that held the real … Act arose out of a consensus. I have some memory of the debates and discussions that went on during our deliberations …
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  12. … was an important opportunity for residents of North York, and in particular my constituents in Oriole riding, to review … and our precedents, let me refer members to the Hansard for April 19, 1977, where Speaker Rowe, responding to … government that even though he had a small plurality of votes in the last election, he would make policy decisions in …
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  13. … MEMBERS' PUBLIC BUSINESS COMPOSTING Mr Wilson (Kingston and The Islands) moved resolution 9: That, in the opinion of … we've had a wonderful display of various things and panel debates on environmental issues at Kingsbridge Park. All … to do a couple of things: to review very carefully the Hansard of today's question period and note in the …
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  14. … 1994 CITY OF TORONTO ACT, 1994 HERITAGE BAPTIST COLLEGE AND HERITAGE THEOLOGICAL SEMINARY ACT, 1994 NAMDHARI SANGAT … forward by our caucus I think were very helpful during the debates that went on. This is one of these issues where the … for Halton North the question I said, and I'm reading from Hansard: "Could you explain why you didn't include members of …
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  15. … LA LOI SUR LES MUNICIPALITÉS (EXONÉRATION D'IMPÔTS) ZENA AND LEON KOSSAR CONSERVATION AUTHORITIES BEREAN COMMUNITY … at large, those folks who may be viewing this morning's proceedings and those who are in the galleries, I did at … Premier, if he will cast his mind back and even pull out Hansard and read it, that when he made a statement that he …
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