Résultats de la recherche

Afficher 166 - 180 de 330 résultats
  1. … with respect to that throughout the debate this afternoon, and I appreciate that. I wanted to take a moment to reflect … the vote on government order 47 be deferred until deferred votes on Thursday, November 26, 2020. Vote deferred. The … by the government members—and we see here from the Hansard the things they had to say, and certainly from my …
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  2. … 166, An Act to amend the Co-operative Corporations Act and the Landlord and Tenant Act with respect to Co-operatives … of the delay in getting this far we shouldn't have long debates, but there are certain things that I think must be at … good. Mr Elston: Mr Speaker, I want to have it recorded in Hansard that the Treasurer has said my speech has been good. …
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  3. … OF WORK PURCHASE OF SURPLUS POWER OCCUPATIONAL HEALTH AND SAFETY TRANSMISSION LINES NEPEAN CIVIC AND PERFORMING … now we have the government, with this bill Notices. [See Hansard for Monday, December 14] ORDERS OF THE DAY ONTARIO … and indeed many years. I have participated in a number of debates on this issue and obviously have just come out of an …
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  4. … GERMAN HERITAGE ABORTION ORDERS OF THE DAY APPRENTICESHIP AND CERTIFICATION ACT, 1998 / LOI DE 1998 SUR L'APPRENTISSAGE … cases, that they don't get caught up in lengthy court proceedings as the courts become more bogged down with cases. … the building. As I recall, it was by only one or two votes that we saved that beautiful building. I now come to my …
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  5. … race at the very back of the pack. He came from behind, and with the support of an excellent pit crew was able to … Square, Scott proclaimed that he is proud to be a Canadian and he hoped to be able to raise the awareness of other … of yesterday. During debate on Bill 121, on page 1002 of Hansard, I used the term "landlord" when I intended the word …
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  6. … OF MENINGITIS FUNDING OF SOCIAL SERVICE AGENCIES ALCOHOL AND DRUG ADDICTION ASSISTANCE TO GRAPE GROWERS TEACHERS … and European countries. A quick glance into our provincial debates over this subject indicates just that as well. In … However, I have noticed that a correction has been made to Hansard in this regard without the member having informed the …
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  7. … RURAL SCHOOLS HYDRO RATES ORDERS OF THE DAY FAIRNESS AND COMPETITIVENESS IN ONTARIO’S CONSTRUCTION INDUSTRY ACT, … pre-prorogation and post-prorogation.” We have had these debates going on in this House—these very simple, … payrolls. Not allowing artificial segmentation—and I hope Hansard gets that right—of payrolls is especially important …
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  8. … Bill 73, An Act to amend the Development Charges Act, 1997 and the Planning Act / Projet de loi 73, Loi modifiant la Loi … and municipalities will continue to have, very heated debates about whether the charges are up or down and what the … this month, I’ve answered 96 questions. All of that is in Hansard. It’s quite clear what my position has been. I’ve …
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  9. … of the province's second-largest industry, agriculture and food. I think it is fair to say there's widespread … immediately into some letters. I don't normally do this in debates -- read letters from constituents into the record -- … legislation will not create that result. I've gone through Hansard and I find the answers the minister has given to be …
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  10. … OTTAWA HOSPITAL FACILITIES SALE OF LIQUOR ON BUSES AND TRAINS WASTE DISPOSAL REPORTS STANDING PROCEDURAL AFFAIRS … are provincial policies to apply.” That is on page 1797 of Hansard, November 14, 1977. Mr. Foulds: Why are you attacking … the escarpment. Mr. Speaker, anyone who opposes this bill votes in favour of inadequate public hearings on the overall …
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  11. … over 2,000 employment positions in addition to 750 women and men who were to be laid off indefinitely as of March 1 … Party opposition with respect to only two second reading debates on two bills in 1989. Those bills were the following, … years. I can attest to the fact, because I've read my own Hansard, that a lot of bad speeches have been made in this …
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  12. … DE DÉCHETS DANS LE CANTON DE TINY PUBLIC TRANSPORTATION AND HIGHWAY IMPROVEMENT AMENDMENT ACT (NOISE REMEDIATION), … I recommend to the viewers and those listening or reading Hansard at some future date. This one is from the Globe and … of Ontario. It is extremely important, when a Legislature debates and proposes and considers acts governing accounting, …
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  13. … Statements Service clubs Essex Memorial Honour Wall Emile and Beth Therien Bruce Grey Music Hall of Fame Ontario … Dave Levac): Be seated, please. There being no deferred votes, this House stands recessed until 1 p.m. this … listening and those at home who will read this later in Hansard, is that with the ORPP no one is going to receive any …
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  14. … Mercredi 4 mai 2011 ORDERS OF THE DAY BUILDING FAMILIES AND SUPPORTING YOUTH TO BE SUCCESSFUL ACT, 2011 / LOI DE 2011 … some of the issues that have been brought up during the debates here: the issue on First Nations, about repatriation, … I wish I’d had a chance to have looked through some of his Hansard; I’m sure that would have reflected it as well. You …
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  15. … TRANSIT FISCAL ACCOUNTABILITY PUBLIC TRANSIT CHILDREN AND YOUTH SCHOOL EXTRACURRICULAR ACTIVITIES SENIORS’ HEALTH … not get the opportunity to listen to him should review the Hansard, because I think they will find it very, very useful … as proof points during fundraising campaigns and election debates. Bill 176 is the government striking an action pose. …
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