Motion émanant du gouvernement 13

43e législature, 1re session

Motion proposée par Michael Kerzner le et adoptée au vote

That an Address be presented to the Speakers of the Federal Parliament in the following words:

"This House calls on the federal government to immediately reform the Criminal Code of Canada to address the dangers facing our communities and implement meaningful bail reform to prevent violent and repeat offenders from being released back into our communities.''
And that the said Address be engrossed.

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Sous-amendement proposé par Paul Calandra le et adoptée au vote le

That the amendment be amended by deleting "more appropriately evaluate and mitigate risk, ensuring that court resources are focused on protecting vulnerable groups" and replacing it with "protect all Canadians" and by adding "And that the said Address be engrossed." at the end. 

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Amendement proposé par Kristyn Wong-Tam le le

That the motion be amended as follows:
Delete everything after "implement" and replace with the following:
"meaningful bail reform to more appropriately evaluate and mitigate risk, ensuring that court resources are focused on protecting vulnerable groups from violent repeat offenders."

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