Jours de l'opposition 3

43e législature, 1re session

Motion proposée par Marit Stiles le et rejetée au vote

Whereas the independent Financial Accountability Office found that the Government failed to allocate $600 million in COVID-19 response funds and underspent its education budget by $432 million in the 2022-2023 fiscal year; and 

Whereas the funding provided to school boards has been inadequate to cover pandemic-related expenses; and 

Whereas this has resulted in an estimated budget shortfall of at least $100 million for school boards across the province; and 

Whereas school boards are proposing hundreds of staff layoffs due to this budget shortfall; 

Therefore the Legislative Assembly calls on the Government to cover all pandemic-related expenditures for school boards, including the programs and infrastructure needed to support students following three years of learning disruption. 

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