Résultats de la recherche

Afficher 871 - 876 de 876 résultats
  1. … an agreement was entered into by the city, the region and, most important, by the citizens that the Britannia site would exist for 12 years. Out of necessity and by mutual agreement, that period has been extended for … cabinet colleagues recognize that Ontario farmers will be making decisions for spring planting very soon. In order for …
    Journal des débats
  2. … after the notice was given, a public hearing has been held and the minister has considered all oral submissions made at … street is somehow consistent with the tone and tenor of bills -- I admit with only two years' experience my time … for a moment that the member for Mississauga West is not making a valid argument, but I don't believe the argument …
    Journal des débats
  3. … after the notice was given, a public hearing has been held and the minister has considered all oral submissions made at … is a legal issue which might arise after this passes into law or might not arise after this passes into law. What this … of authorities, starting with Erskine May, amendments to bills being put in committee are out of order if they are …
    Journal des débats
  4. … opposed, please say "nay." In my opinion, the nays have it and there shall be a deferred vote. We have an NDP motion … nays have it. Mrs Lyn McLeod (Fort William): Are you not making an assumption, Mr Chair, by pointing to each side in … to you, Chair: "The principles of Canadian parliamentary law are: To protect a minority and restrain the improvidence …
    Journal des débats
  5. … after the notice was given, a public hearing has been held and the minister has considered all oral submissions made at … regulation, "`ii. tell members of the public where and how to obtain, without charge, a copy of this act … clarify the square or parkway interpretation you've been making. I meant no offence and I hope you realize that. The …
    Journal des débats
  6. … of Metropolitan Toronto Act shall be preserved, and the character of each of those old municipalities … when in fact the bill would come into force. Sometimes bills set that out with a specific date, as we are proposing … electors of the municipalities: "`"Should Bill 103 become law?" "`2. The clerks of the area municipalities have held …
    Journal des débats