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  1. … 8 jui 2024 STANDING COMMITTEE ON HERITAGE, INFRASTRUCTURE AND CULTURAL POLICY COMITÉ PERMANENT DU PATRIMOINE, DE … So how have you guys navigated all these changes in these bills that have been coming out, and the reversals? 1050 The … organization or corporation, much like a utility, under law, gives you much longer amortization, as you would know, …
    Transcription du comité
  2. … SUBCOMMITTEE REPORT MINISTRY OF ENVIRONMENT AND ENERGY CONTENTS Tuesday 30 September 1997 Subcommittee … Mr Robert Power: My name is Robert Power. I'm with the law firm of Outerbridge, Miller, Sefton, Willms and Shier, … is to represent government's interests in Hydro's decision-making and to ensure that Hydro's activities are consistent …
    Transcription du comité
  3. … ROBERT FRANKLIN SOCIETY OF ONTARIO HYDRO PROFESSIONAL AND ADMINISTRATIVE EMPLOYEES JAMES BULLOCK DAVID KERR … we didn't. The reason we didn't was that prior to Hydro making its decision with respect to this option, this plan to … opinion, so I don't know what that means -- by a certain law company that indicated that negative retained earnings …
    Transcription du comité
  4. … Jan 2024 / Mar 16 jan 2024 STANDING COMMITTEE ON FINANCE AND ECONOMIC AFFAIRS COMITÉ PERMANENT DES FINANCES ET DES … partners. In closing, I’d like to thank the committee for making time to hear from CMHA Lambton-Kent and other … and I am an alumnus of Western. I graduated from Western law school. One of the things I’ve learned is that there are …
    Transcription du comité
  5. … RESOURCES SUPPLEMENTARY ESTIMATES, MINISTRY OF TREASURY AND ECONOMICS The House resumed at 8 p.m. SUPPLEMENTARY … is 154.8 kilometres in length. It is north of Cochrane, and is about 30 miles inside the Ontario-Quebec border. The … has further implications for development and decision making in the province as a whole." The amount of money you …
    Journal des débats
  6. … Jan 2024 / Mar 30 jan 2024 STANDING COMMITTEE ON FINANCE AND ECONOMIC AFFAIRS COMITÉ PERMANENT DES FINANCES ET DES … in the communities in which they live and work. It’s about making sure that people have time to participate in … or convention direction, and our convention is our highest law of our land, so we do not have an official position in …
    Transcription du comité
  7. … ONTARIO HYDRO TOWNSHIP OF BRUCE ERNST AND YOUNG CONTENTS Tuesday 4 November 1997 Ontario Hydro Mr … we have sufficient cash to pay the debt and to pay the bills, so there isn't a cash solvency issue. I'm not denying … with the requirements that have been laid down in law and regulation. We are auditors after all and not …
    Transcription du comité
  8. … this evening. The select committee will be in order and the purpose of our meeting this evening to hear … particular thanks to you, Ms Fisher, for receiving us and making sure that the tour today was well executed. We … meet all the environmental standards that are laid out by law or that they have voluntarily agreed to with the Minister …
    Transcription du comité
  9. … part of the day. This is a private member's bill and it has been proposed to the Legislature by Jack Carroll, … you know, you have five minutes for presentation time, and we look forward to your report. Mr Jack Carroll … E85 is an ethyl 85 blend. A lot of car manufacturers are making vehicles to allow its use today. In conclusion, in …
    Transcription du comité
  10. … after the notice was given, a public hearing has been held and the minister has considered all oral submissions made at … is a legal issue which might arise after this passes into law or might not arise after this passes into law. What this … of authorities, starting with Erskine May, amendments to bills being put in committee are out of order if they are …
    Journal des débats
  11. … have a lot of fruit areas at various spots along Lake Erie and some at Lake Huron as well. One of the most famous … Affairs. If such is the case, what commitment is it making to assist Marathon and Manitouwadge in their task of … my three brothers drive Chryslers and my brother-in-law drives a General Motors car. I do not think the …
    Journal des débats
  12. … REPORTS The Acting Chair (Mr Frank Miclash): Ladies and gentlemen, I call the committee meeting to order. I … request of Don Scott from the subcommittee report, and move the subcommittee report as amended. The Acting … property does not have that experience. While everybody's making notes, sitting around, there are no friendly faces …
    Transcription du comité
  13. … opposed, please say "nay." In my opinion, the nays have it and there shall be a deferred vote. We have an NDP motion … nays have it. Mrs Lyn McLeod (Fort William): Are you not making an assumption, Mr Chair, by pointing to each side in … to you, Chair: "The principles of Canadian parliamentary law are: To protect a minority and restrain the improvidence …
    Journal des débats
  14. … We have completed almost an hour of in-camera meetings and briefings on the financial affairs of Ontario Hydro. We … whom we had asked to be present, is out of the province and will be returning about the noon hour. I have asked that … letter with us, so we have a copy of the request he was making. The reply we heard yesterday was to indicate that in …
    Transcription du comité
  15. … after the notice was given, a public hearing has been held and the minister has considered all oral submissions made at … regulation, "`ii. tell members of the public where and how to obtain, without charge, a copy of this act … clarify the square or parkway interpretation you've been making. I meant no offence and I hope you realize that. The …
    Journal des débats