Motion émanant du gouvernement

43e législature, 1re session

Motion proposée par Paul Calandra le et adoptée

That, notwithstanding Standing Order 7(a)(i), when the House adjourns on Thursday, April 25, 2024, it shall stand adjourned until Monday, May 6, 2024; and

That the House shall continue to meet in the Spring Meeting Period until Thursday, June 13, 2024; and

That the Standing Orders of the Legislative Assembly of Ontario be permanently amended as follows:

Standing Order 9(d) is amended by deleting the word "Prayers" and substituting "Introduction of Visitors during the Morning Routine"; and

Standing Order 110(g) be amended by adding at the end:

"and to be the committee provided for in subsection 7(1) and section 12 of the Queen's Park Restoration Secretariat Act, 2023 and subsection 108.3(1) and section 108.5 of the Legislative Assembly Act and, without limitation, to have the general mandate to inquire into and make recommendations respecting any project to restore the legislative building at Queen's Park including any relocation of legislative operations to a temporary location throughout the project."

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