Motion émanant du gouvernement 19

43e législature, 1re session

Motion proposée par Paul Calandra le et adoptée au vote

That this House expresses its disapproval of, and dissociates itself from, continued disreputable conduct by the Member for Hamilton Centre, most specifically her use of social media to make antisemitic and discriminatory statements related to the existence of the State of Israel and its defence against Hamas terrorists; and

That this House demands the Member desist from further conduct that is inappropriate and unbecoming of a Member of the Legislative Assembly of Ontario; and

That the Speaker is authorized to not recognize the Member for Hamilton Centre in the House until the Member retracts and deletes her statements on social media and makes an apology in her place in the House.

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Amendement proposé par Trevor Jones le et adoptée au vote le

That the motion be amended by deleting the words "defence against Hamas terrorists" and replacing them with "defensive action in the face of reprehensible violence by Hamas".

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Sous-amendement proposé par Todd McCarthy le et adoptée au vote le

That the amendment be amended by adding the words "the terrorist organization" before "Hamas".

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