Jours de l'opposition 1

43e législature, 1re session

Motion proposée par Marit Stiles le et rejetée au vote

Whereas the Auditor General and the Integrity Commissioner found that the Government's decision to remove lands from the Greenbelt gave preferential treatment to certain private interests; and

Whereas the reports of these independent officers call into question this Government's decision-making on other ongoing transactions, including Highway 413, urban boundary expansions, Ontario Place, healthcare privatization and stalled transit projects; and 

Whereas the witnesses who refused to cooperate with the Auditor General's investigation must be compelled to provide their evidence; and 

Whereas Members of this Government have previously advocated for the use of select committees to investigate misconduct, including the gas plant cancellations; 

Therefore the Legislative Assembly calls on the Government to appoint a Select Committee on Changes to the Greenbelt to ensure full transparency and accountability. 

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