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Afficher 9856 - 9870 de 10729 résultats
  1. … STANDING COMMITTEE ON FINANCE AND ECONOMIC AFFAIRS COMITÉ PERMANENT DES FINANCES ET DES … overall change in production between 2002 and 2009—again, making the point that the developed world has tended to be … totally questionable policy at best—railroaded into law in record time. Clearly, there was something to hide …
    Transcription du comité
  2. … Dr Bryne Purchase, deputy minister Mr Philip Howell, ADM and chief economist, office of economic policy Mr Terry … economic environment, our future prosperity depends on our making continuous and more strategic capital investments to … and rate increases in the province's major taxes. The new law will require the government to obtain the approval of …
    Transcription du comité
  3. … Report, Auditor General Ministry of Natural Resources and Forestry Ministry of the Environment, Conservation and Parks Ministry of Municipal Affairs and Housing Ministry … they felt that was necessary based on what was going on—so making more rounds the exception rather than the rule. But …
    Transcription du comité
  4. … COALITION EASTERN ONTARIO AGGREGATE PRODUCERS SOCIALLY AND ENVIRONMENTALLY RESPONSIBLE AGGREGATE ENVIRONMENTAL … the adoption of the report of the subcommittee to commence making any preliminary arrangements necessary to facilitate … of some of these sites, the Canadian Environmental Law Association gave us a study that shows that about 8,000 …
    Transcription du comité
  5. … 2014 / Mer 10 déc 2014 STANDING COMMITTEE ON REGULATIONS AND PRIVATE BILLS COMITÉ PERMANENT DES RÈGLEMENTS ET DES PROJETS DE LOI … My name is Russell Gibson. I’m a lawyer in Ottawa from the law firm Vincent Dagenais Gibson, and I’m counsel for Saint …
    Transcription du comité
  6. … 7 May 2024 Mardi 7 mai 2024 Strengthening Accountability and Student Supports Act, 2024 / Loi de 2024 pour renforcer … have difficulty understanding this: You’re making law that will hopefully last longer than your government. So … the Tories were here before, that you’ve rescinded more bills in six years than they did in 40. That would be a good …
    Journal des débats
  7. … OF NATURAL RESOURCES Consideration of section 3.06, fish and wildlife program. The Chair (Mr. Norman W. Sterling): … officers are continuing to ensure compliance with the law that regulates our natural resources, but with a stronger … Act federally in the US, and two separate ballast-water bills, one in the Senate and one in the House. In working …
    Transcription du comité
  8. … 2009 ANNUAL REPORT, AUDITOR GENERAL WORKPLACE SAFETY AND INSURANCE BOARD       The committee met at 1232 in … the lines here, you're not closed to the consideration of bills like Bill 119 covering other aspects of Ontario labour … be in the volatile stock market? What are you allowed by law to put into mutuals or volatile funds? Mr. Steve Mahoney: …
    Transcription du comité
  9. … ONTARIO TRAINING AND ADJUSTMENT BOARD ACT, 1993 / LOI DE 1993 SUR LE CONSEIL … you change this one section, you'd go a long way towards making OTAB a success in Ontario. The Chair: Thank you, sir. … there will be some kind of process, once Bill 96 becomes law, that will evolve whereby unorganized labour, on its own, …
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  10. … CASE OF ADY GANDOUR ORAL QUESTIONS STATUS OF GREYMAC AND SEAWAY CONFLICT OF INTEREST DEATHS AT HOSPITAL FOR SICK … out how totally wrong the Leader of the Opposition is in making those assumptions. The government has indicated that … to a municipal council its annual estimates as provided by law, shall prepare, adopt and submit each year to the school …
    Journal des débats
  11. … Jason Myers, chief economist Eric Owen, director, taxation and financial policy Ontario Good Roads Association Viktor A. … responsible is now starving our social programs. The first law of economics is: You can't have more than there is. We … this year's budget? Simply delay paying some of your bills. That trick was worth $600 million in the Treasurer's …
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  12. … OF AGRICULTURE AFTERNOON SITTING MINISTRY OF COLLEGES AND UNIVERSITIES MINISTRY OF EDUCATION ONTARIO SCHOOL BOARD … places like the University of Houston's system, where by law everybody who completes high school in the state must be … I think there is going to be, particularly as property tax bills come out and that commitment was made to them six …
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  13. … ONTARIO BUDGET RESOLUTION BUDGET STATEMENT INTRODUCTION OF BILLS ONTARIO LOAN ACT TOBACCO TAX AMENDMENT ACT INCOME TAX … of the founding of the University of Western Ontario, and those members of the House who are alumni of that … and other administrative measures to bring Ontario’s law even closer to that of the federal government. MINING TAX …
    Journal des débats
  14. … Metrolinx—public transit construction contract awarding and oversight. The Chair (Mr. Ernie Hardeman): I’ll call this … to be here and to give you feedback on the progress we’re making on our capital programs, as well as to address any … rating of their performance is unfair or outside of the law? It’s a big question. Mr. Phil Verster: What I like about …
    Transcription du comité
  15. … that the government relinquish its time in rotation and that that time be taken -- The Chair: We'll need a member … yielding 2%. In the Globe and Mail this morning, 30-day T-bills, which would be roughly comparable in terms of … a date for you, but as soon as possible. Mr Wildman: The law says it is to be tabled annually. Ms Beggs: That's right, …
    Transcription du comité