Résultats de la recherche

Afficher 9526 - 9540 de 10729 résultats
  1. … Indigenous housing Climate change Services for children and youth Hospital funding COVID-19 response Broadband access … that the right to housing is protected under international law, and indeed Canada has endorsed such rights guaranteeing … from the energy credit because we had paid our energy bills and other small, private businesses but held back on …
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  2. … ONTARIO TRAINING AND ADJUSTMENT BOARD ACT, 1993 / LOI DE 1993 SUR LE CONSEIL … Kirkby, the executive director of our chamber. We will be making an abbreviated presentation from the one that we have … ungodly practices or ideas to the administration of law, such as allowing wrong third-party involvement in the …
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  3. … products Small business COVID-19 immunization Seniors and accessibility Health care COVID-19 immunization Economic … Committee on the Legislative Assembly Introduction of Bills Highway Memorials for Fallen Police Officers Amendment … those nurses, it’s no, no, no and he has entrenched it in law in this building. Speaker, all we know so far is that the …
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  4. … COMMITTEE ON THE PROPOSED TRANSACTION OF THE TMX GROUP AND THE LONDON STOCK EXCHANGE GROUP COMITÉ SPÉCIAL SUR LA … six votes last November. If such a bill were to become law, Canada’s ability to enforce it against the mining … in regards to Kidd Creek that taught us plenty about making sure that we have a really strong system that is …
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  5. … Mr. Speaker, I figure the tunnel vision is so narrow and the minds are so closed on the other side of the House … committee. Should government take a role in the decision-making process prior to plant closures and should protection … I will be dealing with a few of them in private members' bills, some of which I introduced today while others will be …
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  6. … counsel Mr Jerry Richmond, research officer, Research and Information Services The committee met at 1533 in room … least once in each year." I have a feeling that in strict law maybe you would read that down-the bylaw-making power cannot require the chair to call more meetings …
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  7. … , projet de loi 164, M. Eves STANDING COMMITTEE ON FINANCE AND ECONOMIC AFFAIRS CHAIR / PRÉSIDENT MR GARRY J. GUZZO … draft a bill. This smacks of incompetence. Some of those bills already had 40 amendments. They can shove them, they … have had on the property tax system, and make them into law without any meaningful debate. We submit that this bill …
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  8. … of “corporation” in section 1 of the bill be struck out and the following substituted: “‘Corporation’ means the … the rights or obligations of the corporation or any by-law, resolution or appointment of the corporation except to … days to locate, right? But why are you changing it to making “all reasonable attempts”? What’s the logic behind it? …
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  9. … in the opinion of this House, the Ministry of Tourism and Recreation should move immediately to implement a … a rather belated agreement that we would do four private bills, 101 to 104. I do not think there is any problem with … representing the parties, during negotiation, yet the very law established by the government in labour negotiations is …
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  10. … STANDING COMMITTEE ON FINANCE AND ECONOMIC AFFAIRS COMITÉ PERMANENT DES FINANCES ET DES … I haven’t been able to find anybody at this point. I’m making do with a student; this is his second job and he comes … When I’m dealing with businesses, when I’m dealing with law firms, what I have been telling them is if you’re waiting …
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  11. … OF CHAIR SUBCOMMITTEE REPORT WORKERS' COMPENSATION AND OCCUPATIONAL HEALTH AND SAFETY AMENDMENT ACT, 1994 / LOI … Minister, transferred to the people who pay the bills for health and safety. 1500 I fully am committed to the … and return to work. These sections in effect codify in law practices now under way at the board and reflect …
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  12. … la taxe sur l'essence. Mr Mills: I am very pleased to rise and take part in the debate on Bill 86, the Gasoline Tax … she brought in her bill, address that very subject for making the same level of cost across the province? No, she … It is not analysing what the effects of these various tax bills are having on the economy of this province, on the …
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  13. … Reports by Committees Standing Committee on Regulations and Private Bills Standing Committee on Regulations and Private Bills … with diminished tenant protections and loopholes in the law have led to more people being forced out of their homes. …
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  14. … AMENDMENT ACT (CONCLUDED) NIAGARA ESCARPMENT PLANNING AND DEVELOPMENT AMENDMENT ACT (CONCLUDED) BUDGET DEBATE … university residence. A great deal of time was spent in making certain the right organization for the right people … the committee of the whole House begs to report two bills with amendments and asks for leave to sit again. Report …
    Journal des débats
  15. … to standing order 123, related to the state of emergency and the income crunch in Ontario agriculture. The Chair: I … they are going to be able to sell enough stuff to pay some bills. I would also make the comment that George Dmetriuc and … will have a damaging impact on farmers. As for the labour law reforms, the minimum wage commitment the government has …
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