Résultats de la recherche

Afficher 9331 - 9345 de 10729 résultats
  1. … FLOYD LAUGHREN AFTERNOON SITTING MINISTRY OF TREASURY AND ECONOMICS CONTENTS Thursday 20 June 1991 Cross-border … concerns about a piece of legislation, that is not the law of the land but a bill that had been introduced. Surely … bill market. I would note that most of those Treasury bills, which are short-term borrowing, have been converted, …
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  2. … LAKE MINERS HOUSING STARTS SPEECH BY MINISTER OF INDUSTRY AND TOURISM CRIME CONFERENCE IN TORONTO ASSISTANCE TO … it is very significant that as important a group of law enforcement people as that wishes to boycott it and that … Government Services. Mr. Speaker: Motions. Introduction of bills. ROYAL CANADIAN LEGION ACT Hon. Mr. Winkler moves first …
    Journal des débats
  3. … Association Adjournment STANDING COMMITTEE ON FINANCE AND ECONOMIC AFFAIRS Chair: Wiseman, Jim (Durham West NDP) … will make the 20,000. Mr Kwinter: That is the point I am making. Does it include the 10,000 or 15,000, or does it … that rule or guideline -- I am not even sure if it is law or not. I do not think it is because I know that some …
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  4. … of Education   The committee met at 0900 in room 151 and by video conference. Ministry of Long-Term Care The Chair … been done. The government has put in a process to expedite bills to get into the House to effect change during the … bill and expedite it through the process so it can become law, so we can have changes to long-term care that directly …
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  5. … salient issue in labour-management relations today, and that is the issue of part-time workers. Only one month … that are not paid by charitable organizations under the law. The minister yesterday told the House that nothing could … The minister should try to raise a family and meet her bills and her financial commitments on $6 or $7 an hour. It …
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  6. … STANDING COMMITTEE ON GOVERNMENT AGENCIES INTRODUCTION OF BILLS NURSES' BILL OF RIGHTS, 1998 DÉCLARATION DES DROITS DES … Miclash (Kenora): Last week the member for Timiskaming and myself spent an evening sponsored by the Rainy River … six drafts were not able to be forwarded on and become law. Again, a good amount of confusion, not only among the …
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  7. … LEARNING DISABLED REPORT STANDING COMMITTEE ON REGULATIONS AND OTHER STATUTORY INSTRUMENTS MOTION ADJOURNMENT OF … appeal to the Legislature to provide form and substance in law for the basic human right of parents in Ontario to choose … who had been assured by an all-party agreement that the bills concerning the Workers' Compensation Board would be …
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  8. … party: Nithy Ananth, intended appointee as member, Consent and Capacity Board. The Chair (Mrs. Cristina Martins): We … province of Ontario. When medically assisted dying becomes law in Canada, it seems reasonable that the Consent and … party says that selling Ontario Hydro will make the hydro bills go up. The Liberals say that it’s a good thing. The PCs …
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  9. … POLICE ASSOCIATION INC. ACT, 1994 TOWNSHIP OF EAST LUTHER AND THE VILLAGE OF GRAND VALLEY ACT, 1994 CITY OF WINDSOR ACT … Centre Inc. STANDING COMMITTEE ON REGULATIONS AND PRIVATE BILLS * Chair / Présidente: Haeck, Christel (St … to the committee to suggest that if this is put into the law it would become misleading. This is, always has been and
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  10. … POLICE ASSOCIATION INC. ACT, 1994 TOWNSHIP OF EAST LUTHER AND THE VILLAGE OF GRAND VALLEY ACT, 1994 CITY OF WINDSOR ACT … Centre Inc. STANDING COMMITTEE ON REGULATIONS AND PRIVATE BILLS * Chair / Présidente: Haeck, Christel (St … to the committee to suggest that if this is put into the law it would become misleading. This is, always has been and
    Transcription du comité
  11. … POLICE ASSOCIATION INC. ACT, 1994 TOWNSHIP OF EAST LUTHER AND THE VILLAGE OF GRAND VALLEY ACT, 1994 CITY OF WINDSOR ACT … Centre Inc. STANDING COMMITTEE ON REGULATIONS AND PRIVATE BILLS * Chair / Présidente: Haeck, Christel (St … to the committee to suggest that if this is put into the law it would become misleading. This is, always has been and
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  12. … POLICE ASSOCIATION INC. ACT, 1994 TOWNSHIP OF EAST LUTHER AND THE VILLAGE OF GRAND VALLEY ACT, 1994 CITY OF WINDSOR ACT … Centre Inc. STANDING COMMITTEE ON REGULATIONS AND PRIVATE BILLS * Chair / Présidente: Haeck, Christel (St … to the committee to suggest that if this is put into the law it would become misleading. This is, always has been and
    Transcription du comité
  13. … POLICE ASSOCIATION INC. ACT, 1994 TOWNSHIP OF EAST LUTHER AND THE VILLAGE OF GRAND VALLEY ACT, 1994 CITY OF WINDSOR ACT … Centre Inc. STANDING COMMITTEE ON REGULATIONS AND PRIVATE BILLS * Chair / Présidente: Haeck, Christel (St … to the committee to suggest that if this is put into the law it would become misleading. This is, always has been and
    Transcription du comité
  14. … Dec 1998 / Jeu 3 Déc 1998 1 ORDERS OF THE DAY TAX CREDITS AND REVENUE PROTECTION ACT, 1998 / LOI DE 1998 SUR LES … and revenue protection measures, another one of those bills that has a fine-sounding title but really has a whole … critical of the government for in effect enacting into law legislation that says all the fees that have been charged …
    Journal des débats
  15. … Report, Auditor General Ministry of Natural Resources and Forestry   The committee met at 1231 in room 151. The … means they can increase in number and spread rapidly, making their impacts more severe. The ministry has been … what we’re talking about here. Let’s talk biodiversity law, shall we? We know that we’re facing a depressing loss of …
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