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Afficher 2296 - 2310 de 10729 résultats
  1. … DE LA JUSTICE Wednesday 4 May 2005 Mercredi 4 mai 2005 LAW ENFORCEMENT AND FORFEITED PROPERTY MANAGEMENT STATUTE LAW AMENDMENT ACT, … going to solve it. To your second question, I don't write bills, but it might be a good idea to have a definition of …
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  2. … prostitution. The Chair (Ms Annamarie Castrilli): Ladies and gentlemen, we're reconvening to consider clause-by-clause … realities is that you never protect anybody if you have a law that is set up and is going to fail if it's challenged in … that were subsequently cancelled. There are at least two bills that have been referred to this committee. May I ask …
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  3. … Ramsay, fire chief Laurie McPherson, director, policy and research City of Scarborough Fire Department Thomas … the past five years we have educated tenants in housing law and issues, developed the province-wide tenant movement … opposition with a scare campaign by inserts in the water bills. As far as we've been able to find out, this was a …
    Transcription du comité
  4. … HIGHWAY TRAFFIC AMENDMENT ACT PUBLIC TRANSPORTATION AND HIGHWAY IMPROVEMENT AMENDMENT ACT PUBLIC TRANSPORTATION … prevention; and thirdly, a select committee on company law. The detailed terms of reference and the membership of … Riddell. Motion agreed to. Mr. Speaker: Introduction of bills. MUNICIPAL AMENDMENT ACT Hon. Mr. McKeough moved first …
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  5. … housing on land becoming available at York University and the Downsview airport. The minister continues to support … of Mr Justice Evans is to determine whether or not the law has been breached. This is a matter of ethics and morals … process and the fact that private members cannot move bills which clearly establish the expenditure of public …
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  6. … TRANSFER TAX ACT COMMUNITY RECREATION CENTRES ACT LANDLORD AND TENANT ACT NOTICE OF MOTION NO. 4 ESTIMATES, MINISTRY OF … in the various municipalities? Hon. Mr. White: The law is the law, and there is no provision now for deputy … operation, because this ministry was so slow in paying its bills on the sewage treatment plants that were being built? …
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  7. … the members would try to restrain themselves, Mr. Speaker, and keep this spontaneous demonstration down to at least a … considered the matter of referring private members’ public bills to committee. We recommend as follows: “That a new … and that they will come back into the House and become law. In effect, they don’t separate the difference between a …
    Journal des débats
  8. … OF THE PEACE OF ONTARIO ONTARIO COLLEGE OF SOCIAL WORKERS AND SOCIAL SERVICE WORKERS PROSECUTORS' ASSOCIATION OF … bill. A number of the amendments and comments that we are making are issues which we have raised with the government … have university degrees. A variety of them in fact have law degrees. So the composition of the justice of the peace …
    Transcription du comité
  9. … Members’ Statements Hispanic Heritage Month Thomas Doherty and Andy Kennedy German heritage Wilfrid Laurier University … accounts Private members’ public business Introduction of Bills Aggregate Resources and Mining Modernization Act, 2016 … et des mines Public Safety Related to Dogs Statute Law Amendment Act, 2016 / Loi de 2016 modifiant des lois en …
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  10. … Oct 2015 / Jeu 22 oct 2015 STANDING COMMITTEE ON FINANCE AND ECONOMIC AFFAIRS COMITÉ PERMANENT DES FINANCES ET DES … the adoption of the report of the subcommittee to commence making any preliminary arrangements necessary to facilitate … lawyer. I’m a partner at Gardiner Miller Arnold, a Toronto law firm that represents and advises several hundred …
    Transcription du comité
  11. … COVID-19 response COVID-19 response Introduction of Bills Christopher’s Law (Sex Offender Registry) Amendment Act, 2021 / Loi de 2021 … Red tape reduction 2021 Ontario budget Caregivers Fish and wildlife management School facilities Broadband …
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  12. … CHOICE OF HEALTH CARE AUTOMOBILE INSURANCE INTRODUCTION OF BILLS LABOUR RELATIONS AMENDMENT ACT, 1990 TOBACCO SALE REGULATION ACT, 1990 HEALTH PROTECTION AND PROMOTION AMENDMENT ACT, 1990 ONTARIO ENERGY BOARD … with specific rights, rights which have been entrenched in law, so as to ensure that the basic principles of due process …
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  13. … cité de Toronto. The Chair (Mr David Tilson): Ladies and gentlemen, this is the standing committee on general … seized with. This amendment is an attempt to put in the law what the government has been saying, that there will be … because I doubt the Legislature will deal with separate bills and amendments to an act on a one-by-one basis and
    Transcription du comité
  14. … BUSINESS NON-PROFIT HOUSING CO-OPERATIVES STATUTE LAW AMENDMENT ACT, 2013 LOI DE 2013 MODIFIANT DES LOIS EN CE … Bill 14, An Act to amend the Co-operative Corporations Act and the Residential Tenancies Act, 2006 in respect of … he was president, “It is much more important to kill bad bills than pass good ones.” The Chair (Mr. Garfield Dunlop): …
    Transcription du comité
  15. … SUPPLY ACT, 1994 / LOI DE CRÉDITS DE 1994 MUNICIPAL AND LIQUOR LICENSING STATUTE LAW AMENDMENT ACT, 1994 / LOI DE 1994 MODIFIANT DES LOIS EN … of a sudden going to start finding costs in their legal bills, because they're responsible for those disbursements …
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