Résultats de la recherche

Afficher 10666 - 10680 de 10725 résultats
  1. … ONTARIO HYDRO TOWNSHIP OF BRUCE ERNST AND YOUNG CONTENTS Tuesday 4 November 1997 Ontario Hydro Mr … we have sufficient cash to pay the debt and to pay the bills, so there isn't a cash solvency issue. I'm not denying … with the requirements that have been laid down in law and regulation. We are auditors after all and not …
    Transcription du comité
  2. … Minister Decter of March 2. That will now be distributed and marked as exhibit 118. As a second order, I would like to … began, about the confidential information and about making sure the public is well aware of what takes place … private investigator, indeed one who was retained by a law firm that acted for Ms Martel, asking people what they …
    Transcription du comité
  3. … possible. Mr. Speaker, this is a very serious allegation, and since the assessment division of my ministry is … just a coincidence. Mr. Speaker: Motions. Introduction of bills. Mr. Singer: Mr. Speaker, as we are approaching … justifiable in later years, Hydro has operated almost as a law unto itself. I am not letting any secrets out when I say …
    Journal des débats
  4. … STANDING COMMITTEE ON FINANCE AND ECONOMIC AFFAIRS COMITÉ PERMANENT DES FINANCES ET DES … Ontario committed over $144 billion over 10 years to making historic infrastructure investments across the … Families want to stream video to their living rooms, pay bills with the click of a mouse and securely receive medical …
    Transcription du comité
  5. … 31 October 2017 Mardi 31 octobre 2017 Ministry of Health and Long-Term Care   The committee met at 0900 in room 151. … We began a long time ago, a year and a half or so, with making naloxone available free of charge through pharmacies, … assurance that the contractual relationship adheres to the law and provides the necessary protections and safeguards for …
    Transcription du comité
  6. … COMMUNITY LIVING ONTARIO HEALTH CARE ACCESS RESEARCH AND DEVELOPMENTAL DISABILITIES PROGRAM SURREY PLACE CENTRE, … and have worked through it quite successfully. There is a law firm, for instance, in London where they created a job … housemates and a caregiver. We have watched her thrive, making more and more decisions independently and enjoying her …
    Transcription du comité
  7. … 2008 Mardi 28 octobre 2008 MINISTRY OF AGRICULTURE, FOOD AND RURAL AFFAIRS MINISTRY OF FINANCE MINISTÈRE DES FINANCES … not actually influencing decisions in-year, potentially making market decisions for producers as a result of … correct? Mr. Peter Wallace: With elementary teachers, law officers, the crown and the Ontario Provincial Police …
    Transcription du comité
  8. … for the estimates of the Ministry of the Environment and Energy, although obviously we're in the portion of the … you table it. Hon Mr Stockwell: I'll table it. By just making a point, the equivalency is BAR or equivalent. You … with the resources of the OPP to move all the justice and law and security programs to the city of Orillia. So it is …
    Transcription du comité
  9. … STANDING COMMITTEE ON FINANCE AND ECONOMIC AFFAIRS COMITÉ PERMANENT DES FINANCES ET DES … has asked us to support that, and I gather that she is making that ask. We operate the autism program in the … which the province—we—are paying the heating and cooling bills. It makes no sense whatsoever not to invest in these …
    Transcription du comité
  10. … ZEBRA MUSSELS AND PURPLE LOOSESTRIFE JOE LEACH GERRY MACKIE JON STANLEY … mentioned in your discussion that the Europeans now are making changes to their infrastructure rather than using … do not know. Mr Ramsay: I take it it would be against the law to do that. Mr Janse: I would take it you would need some …
    Transcription du comité
  11. … 2012 SPECIAL REPORT, AUDITOR GENERAL: ORNGE AIR AMBULANCE AND RELATED SERVICES DR. CHRIS MAZZA The committee met at … identified. Ultimately, the taxpayer paid for this law firm to do the work, so these are documents that the … with your employees, with the public who are paying the bills, with the members of all parties of the Legislative …
    Transcription du comité
  12. … Chandler, assistant chief economist, ecomics, treasury and financial markets Nomura Research Institute, Nomura … Our policies should be directed toward job creation and making sure there is a good atmosphere for creating … we get involved in, for example, housing, where the rent bills drive the private sector out and the public sector …
    Transcription du comité
  13. … this evening. The select committee will be in order and the purpose of our meeting this evening to hear … particular thanks to you, Ms Fisher, for receiving us and making sure that the tour today was well executed. We … meet all the environmental standards that are laid out by law or that they have voluntarily agreed to with the Minister …
    Transcription du comité
  14. … I understand that Ken Harrigan cannot appear on the 24th, and he is our selection. The Acting Chair: The Royal Ontario … of the position. Apart from the fact that I practise law in Cornwall -- about 25% of my practice is criminal and … like he made earlier and comments like he's been making now. Mr Bradley: What do you think of that, Mr Chair? …
    Transcription du comité
  15. … 2008 Mardi 13 mai 2008 MINISTRY OF ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT AND TRADE       The committee met at 0906 in room 151. … other initiatives beyond the automotive sector where we're making some headway and that we're certainly supporting. Hon. … total number initially, which they're required to do by law—they don't come out with that actual number, so that the …
    Transcription du comité