Résultats de la recherche

Afficher 10366 - 10380 de 10724 résultats
  1. … No. 88 No 88 Orders and Notices Paper Feuilleton et Avis Legislative Assembly of … Reports by Committees Rapports des comités Introduction of Bills Dépôt des projets de loi Motions Motions Statements by … octobre 2012. M67. Bill 67, An Act to amend the Children’s Law Reform Act with respect to the relationship between a …
    Feuilleton et Avis
  2. … No. 84 No 84 Orders and Notices Paper Feuilleton et Avis Legislative Assembly of … Reports by Committees Rapports des comités Introduction of Bills Dépôt des projets de loi Motions Motions Statements by … June 4, 2012. M67. Bill 67, An Act to amend the Children’s Law Reform Act with respect to the relationship between a …
    Feuilleton et Avis
  3. … No. 87 No 87 Orders and Notices Paper Feuilleton et Avis Legislative Assembly of … Reports by Committees Rapports des comités Introduction of Bills Dépôt des projets de loi Motions Motions Statements by … June 4, 2012. M67. Bill 67, An Act to amend the Children’s Law Reform Act with respect to the relationship between a …
    Feuilleton et Avis
  4. … No. 71 No 71 Orders and Notices Paper Feuilleton et Avis Legislative Assembly of … Reports by Committees Rapports des comités Introduction of Bills Dépôt des projets de loi Motions Motions Statements by … June 4, 2012. M67. Bill 67, An Act to amend the Children’s Law Reform Act with respect to the relationship between a …
    Feuilleton et Avis
  5. … No. 74 No 74 Orders and Notices Paper Feuilleton et Avis Legislative Assembly of … Reports by Committees Rapports des comités Introduction of Bills Dépôt des projets de loi Motions Motions Statements by … June 4, 2012. M67. Bill 67, An Act to amend the Children’s Law Reform Act with respect to the relationship between a …
    Feuilleton et Avis
  6. … No. 66 No 66 Orders and Notices Paper Feuilleton et Avis Legislative Assembly of … Reports by Committees Rapports des comités Introduction of Bills Dépôt des projets de loi Motions Motions Statements by … June 4, 2012. M67. Bill 67, An Act to amend the Children’s Law Reform Act with respect to the relationship between a …
    Feuilleton et Avis
  7. … No. 83 No 83 Orders and Notices Paper Feuilleton et Avis Legislative Assembly of … Reports by Committees Rapports des comités Introduction of Bills Dépôt des projets de loi Motions Motions Statements by … June 4, 2012. M67. Bill 67, An Act to amend the Children’s Law Reform Act with respect to the relationship between a …
    Feuilleton et Avis
  8. … select committee on the Ombudsman, based upon his second and third report. Since many of the recommendations contained … and to bona fide representatives and others. It will be making its recommendations known to this House through the … to have to deal with it. Mr. Roy: You could change the law. Hon. Mr. Drea: As I said, the difficulty and really the …
    Journal des débats
  9. … Jan 2020 / Mar 21 jan 2020 STANDING COMMITTEE ON FINANCE AND ECONOMIC AFFAIRS COMITÉ PERMANENT DES FINANCES ET DES … Having a better place to live ultimately leads to making better decisions and to sustaining that place, making … of the nursing school, the medical school and the law school? Dr. Moira McPherson: I’ll start, and then I’ll …
    Transcription du comité
  10. … 2022 Jeudi 17 novembre 2022 Estimates Ministry of Public and Business Service Delivery   The committee met at 0900 in committee room 2. Estimates Ministry of Public and Business Service Delivery The Chair (Mr. Lorne Coe): Good … on hand—and I must say that our team is doing a great job making sure that we have that PPE on hand. And my ministry …
    Transcription du comité
  11. … No. 51 No 51   Orders and Notices Paper Feuilleton et Avis Legislative Assembly of … Reports by Committees Rapports des comités Introduction of Bills Dépôt des projets de loi Motions Motions Statements by … 15 mai 2008). M33. Bill 33, An Act to amend the Children's Law Reform Act. Mr. Craitor. (Referred on April 24, 2008). …
    Feuilleton et Avis
  12. … (Renfrew North): I'm pleased to join the debate tonight, and I'd like to focus on those aspects of the throne speech … the neighbourhood of $10,000 or more per year. Our labour law changes have improved our competitive positions, as I … that it takes in and believes that you should pay your bills and not dump them on to future generations. What I …
    Journal des débats
  13. … him are Irwin Glasberg, who is his executive assistant, and Doug Cain, whom veterans of the standing committee on … paid." I made reference to that earlier. It is now the law. It is grounds for investigation of a case of … to a practising physician was not the best approach to making that kind of judgement. It is true that I could never …
    Journal des débats
  14. … No. 44 N o 44   Orders and Notices Paper Feuilleton et Avis Legislative Assembly of … Reports by Committees Rapports des comités Introduction of Bills Dépôt des projets de loi Motions Motions Statements by … SOCIALE M8. Bill 8, An Act to amend the Children's Law Reform Act. Mr. Craitor. (Referred on November 24, 2005). …
    Feuilleton et Avis
  15. … No. 43 N o 43   Orders and Notices Paper Feuilleton et Avis Legislative Assembly of … Reports by Committees Rapports des comités Introduction of Bills Dépôt des projets de loi Motions Motions Statements by … sociale M33. Bill 33, An Act to amend the Children's Law Reform Act. Mr. Craitor. (Referred on April 24, 2008). …
    Feuilleton et Avis