Résultats de la recherche

Afficher 3556 - 3557 de 3557 résultats
  1. … of Metropolitan Toronto Act shall be preserved, and the character of each of those old municipalities … when in fact the bill would come into force. Sometimes bills set that out with a specific date, as we are proposing … electors of the municipalities: "`"Should Bill 103 become law?" "`2. The clerks of the area municipalities have held …
    Journal des débats
  2. … STANDING COMMITTEE ON FINANCE AND ECONOMIC AFFAIRS WEDNESDAY 26 JANUARY 1994 PRE-BUDGET … terms of creating jobs and just as important in terms of making sure we don't have to spend a heck of a lot more money … it's also precisely what we're seeing in Quebec under the law 37 arrangement. It's precisely what we're seeing in …
    Transcription du comité