Résultats de la recherche

Afficher 16 - 30 de 3557 résultats
  1. … ADVOCACY ACT, 1992, AND COMPANION LEGISLATION / LOI DE 1992 SUR L'INTERVENTION ET … In particular, we took issue with the thrust of the bills in ignoring supportive families and care givers as key … passed advance directive legislation, the Manitoba Law Reform Commission has asked if it can adapt this Centre …
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  2. … Mills, Gordon (Durham East NDP) Poirier, Jean (Prescott and Russell L) Sorbara, Gregory S. (York Centre L) Wilson, … me to try to summarize -- Mr Sorbara: In other words, the law that we have now, Bill 1 as you refer to it, what is its … accused, I felt, unfairly, incurred huge, expensive legal bills to do things that really did not have to be done. And
    Transcription du comité
  3. … ADVOCACY ACT, 1992, AND COMPANION LEGISLATION / LOI DE 1992 SUR L'INTERVENTION ET … and the way psychiatric care is handled under the bills. The Advocacy Act permits access to records under a … and continues to believe, that relying on the common law is a good starting point. In any case, the OMA is pleased …
    Transcription du comité
  4. … 2012 / Mer 28 mar 2012 STANDING COMMITTEE ON REGULATIONS AND PRIVATE BILLS COMITÉ PERMANENT DES RÈGLEMENTS ET DES PROJETS DE LOI … the registrar of regulations—regulations are typically law, just as statutes are, but they’re made by cabinet, a …
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  5. … ADVOCACY ACT, 1991, AND COMPANION LEGISLATION / LOI DE 1991 SUR L'INTERVENTION ET … care but cannot vote? I think this is something that the law should take a look at. The process of appointment of an … affected in the way you perceive that the current bill or bills, as they go forward, will cause you more problems than …
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  6. … CANADIAN AUTO WORKERS -- CANADA ALLIANCE OF MANUFACTURERS AND EXPORTERS CANADA, ONTARIO DIVISION JUDY FUDGE … flexibility; help the workplace parties comply with the law by making it easier to understand and apply; and ensure …
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  7. … SUBCOMMITTEE REPORT COURTS OF JUSTICE STATUTE LAW AMENDMENT ACT, 1993 / LOI DE 1993 MODIFIANT DES LOIS EN … into the record. "Your subcommittee met on May 19, 1994, and recommends that: "1. Pursuant to standing order 108, the … many submissions to you in the past on a great variety of bills. Today I am happy to tell you that the bar association …
    Transcription du comité
  8. … CHILD AND FAMILY SUPPORT STATUTE LAW AMENDMENT ACT, 1990 / LOI DE 1990 MODIFIANT LES LOIS … to start with, in a lot of cases, credit card bills, for example, mortgage payments, whatever. They … payments, for example. Mr Elston: Will you save money by making all payments to the SCOE office? Ms Vickers: Yes, from …
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  9. … CHAMBER OF COMMERCE METRO TORONTO CHINESE AND SOUTHEAST ASIAN LEGAL CLINIC BOARD OF TRADE OF … and of course an improvement in the language of the act, making it more user-friendly. From the Whitby Chamber of … 0920 Mr Christopherson: They exist, and that's why the law is there to protect people from them. If they put it at …
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  10. … ADVOCACY, CONSENT AND SUBSTITUTE DECISIONS STATUTE LAW AMENDMENT ACT, 1995 / LOI DE 1995 MODIFIANT DES LOIS EN … to this standing committee in 1992 with the original Bills 74, 108, 109 and 110, the advocacy, consent and
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  11. … that some of the government members were tired and that this was one of the reasons for not proceeding. It … are simply inadequate. These are extremely important bills. They're extremely important pieces of legislation. … time agreed with the principle of the codification of the law with respect to consent to treatment to ensure uniformity …
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  12. … ADVOCACY, CONSENT AND SUBSTITUTE DECISIONS STATUTE LAW AMENDMENT ACT, 1995 / LOI DE 1995 MODIFIANT DES LOIS EN … to the providers. Dr Warrack: As you may know from other bills, we have a little concern about privacy. Mrs Caplan: …
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  13. … ADVERTISING EDUCATION FUNDING HEALTH CARE INTRODUCTION OF BILLS RED TAPE REDUCTION ACT, 1998 (NO. 2) / LOI DE 1998 … O 2) MOTIONS COMMITTEE SITTINGS DEFERRED VOTES TAX CREDITS AND REVENUE PROTECTION ACT, 1998 / LOI DE 1998 SUR LES … across the province who are concerned that this federal law directs precious police time and effort away from …
    Journal des débats
  14. … Labour Ms Katherine Hewson, assistant director, employment and labour policy branch, Ministry of Labour Clerk Pro Tem / … That was why she didn't bring in amendments to other bills but rather a completely new bill, and I won't read the … begin debating and voting on them and enacting them into law. Mr Bart Maves (Niagara Falls): To speak to this, in my …
    Transcription du comité
  15. … ADVOCACY, CONSENT AND SUBSTITUTE DECISIONS STATUTE LAW AMENDMENT ACT, 1995 / LOI DE 1995 MODIFIANT DES LOIS EN … 19. This bill is a much-needed corrective to the troika of bills that it's supplanting. It bears the hallmarks of more …
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